Waiheke Transport Forum
Minutes of a meeting of the Waiheke Transport Forum held in the Waiheke Local Board Office, 10 Belgium Street, Ostend, Waiheke on Thursday, 6 December 2018 at 5:08PM.
Presiding Member |
Cath Handley |
Until 6.32pm |
Members |
Shirin Brown |
Michael Cox |
Grant Crawford |
Melanie Dale |
Martin Felton |
Chris Howard |
Andrew Ison |
Tony King Turner |
Linda Simpson |
Waiheke Transport Forum 06 December 2018 |
Presiding Member Cath Handley opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present. Member Shirin Brown led the meeting with a karakia.
There were no declarations of interest.
As this was the inaugural meeting of the Waiheke Transport Forum, there were no minutes to confirm.
There were no deputations.
There was no public input.
There was no extraordinary business.
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The first meeting of the Waiheke Transport Forum - meeting procedures, dates, and accessibility appointment |
Note: The recommendation was dealt with in parts. |
MOVED by Member M Cox, seconded by Member A Ison: That the Waiheke Transport Forum: a) approve the recommended dates for Waiheke Transport Forum meetings in 2019 of: 14 February, 2 May, 1 August, 7 November to be held at the Waiheke Local Board Office commencing at 5pm. |
Resolution number WAI/2018/1 MOVED by Member T King Turner, seconded by Member M Felton, an amendment by way of replacement: That the Waiheke Transport Forum: a) approve the recommended meeting dates be the first Thursday of every second month, other than during school holidays, commencing 14 February, subject to maximum availability of members. |
Resolution number WAI/2018/2 MOVED by Member L Simpson, seconded by Member A Ison: That the Waiheke Transport Forum: b) recommend to the Waiheke Local Board the appointment of an accessibility representative to the Waiheke Transport Forum. |
Note: clause c) was added to the original recommendation. |
Resolution number WAI/2018/3 MOVED by Member S Brown, seconded by Member G Crawford: That the Waiheke Transport Forum: c) recommend to the Waiheke Local Board that the agenda and the minutes of the Waiheke Transport Forum are circulated to the Piritahi Marae Committee with an open invitation to attend the meetings and address any items on the agenda. |
Note: Presiding Member C Handley vacated the chair at 6.32pm and left the meeting.
Member S Brown assumed the Chair at 6.32pm.
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Resolution number WAI/2018/4 MOVED by Member L Simpson, seconded by Member A Cox: That the Waiheke Transport Forum: a) recommend to the Waiheke Local Board that it endorse the proposed road-marking of an eastbound cycle lane on Belgium Street, Ostend, as recommended by Auckland Transport. |
9 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
Member S Brown closed the meeting with a karakia.
6.54 pm The Presiding Member thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.