Waiheke Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Waiheke Local Board held in the Local Board Office, 10 Belgium Street, Ostend, Waiheke on Thursday, 13 December 2018 at 5.15pm.
Chairperson |
Cath Handley |
Deputy Chairperson |
Paul Walden |
Members |
Shirin Brown |
John Meeuwsen |
Member |
Bob Upchurch |
Waiheke Local Board 13 December 2018 |
Chairperson Cath Handley opened the meeting, welcomed everyone present and led the meeting with a karakia.
Resolution number WHK/2018/240 MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member J Meeuwsen: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) accept the apology from Member B Upchurch for absence. |
Chairperson C Handley declared an interest in Item 12 - Waiheke Quick Response Round Two 2018/2019 and Waiheke Ecological Restoration Grant 2018/2019 grant allocations as she is a member of The Artworks Theatre and the Waiheke Community Art Gallery.
Member S Brown declared an interest in Item 12 - Waiheke Quick Response Round Two 2018/2019 and Waiheke Ecological Restoration Grant 2018/2019 grant allocations she is a member of The Artworks Theatre.
Resolution number WHK/2018/241 MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member J Meeuwsen: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 22 November 2018, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
There were no leaves of absence.
There were no acknowledgements.
There were no petitions.
There were no deputations.
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Doug Wilson and Darleen Tana were in attendance to seek support from the board for Electric Island Waiheke. |
Resolution number WHK/2018/242 MOVED by Member J Meeuwsen, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Walden: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) thank Doug Wilson and Darleen Tana for their attendance and presentation. b) agree in principle to endorse Electric Island Waiheke and request Electric Island Waiheke to draft a letter requesting support for consideration at the 31 January 2019 business meeting. |
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Ryan Downtown was in attendance to request the board’s support for sealing the first 250 metres of Man of War Road. |
Resolution number WHK/2018/243 MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member J Meeuwsen: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) thank Ryan Downtown for his attendance and presentation. |
9.4 |
A document was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments. |
Roger Bryant was in attendance to speak to the board about the downtown ferry terminal resource consent. |
Resolution number WHK/2018/244 MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Walden: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) thank Roger Bryant for his attendance and presentation. |
a 13 December 2018, Waiheke Local Board, Item 9.4 - Downtown ferry terminal, Roger Bryant |
9.5 |
A presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments. |
Chris Clews and Sue Plimmer were in attendance to speak to the board about Rakino Hall. |
Resolution number WHK/2018/245 MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Walden: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) thank Chris Clews and Sue Plimmer for their attendance and presentation. |
a 13 December 2018, Waiheke Local Board, Item 9.5 - Rakino Hall, Chris Clews and Sue Plimmer, presentation |
Note: Member J Meeuwsen vacated his position as a board member to present at public forum at 6.01pm.
9.6 |
A photo was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments. |
John Meeuwsen was in attendance to speak to the board about the Community Shed. |
Resolution number WHK/2018/246 MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member S Brown: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) thank John Meeuwsen for his attendance and presentation. b) agree in principle to support land owner approval for the Community Shed container to be located at the Ostend Sports Park. |
a 13 December 2018, Waiheke Local Board, Item 9.6 - Community Shed, John Meeuwsen, photo |
Note: Member J Meeuwsen assumed his position as a board member at 6.06pm.
9.7 |
Simon Pope was in attendance to speak to the board about the Oneroa Sunday Market. |
Resolution number WHK/2018/247 MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Walden: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) thank Simon Pope for his attendance and presentation. |
There was no extraordinary business.
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Waiheke Quick Response Round Two 2018/2019 and Waiheke Ecological Restoration Grant 2018/2019 grant allocations |
Chairperson C Handley declared an interest in applications QR1918-203 and QR1918-214. Member S Brown declared an interest in application QR1918-214. |
Resolution number WHK/2018/248 MOVED by Member J Meeuwsen, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Walden: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in Quick Response Round Two 2018/2019, as outlined in table one: Table one: Waiheke Quick Response Round Two 2018/2019 applications
b) agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application deferred from Waiheke Local Grant Round One 2018/2019, as outlined in table two: Table Two: Waiheke Local Grant Round One 2018/2019 deferred applications:
c) agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in Waiheke Ecological Restoration Grant 2018/2019, as outlined in table three below: Table three: Waiheke Ecological Restoration Grant 2018/2019 applications:
d) reallocate the remaining Waiheke Ecological Grant balance to the Community Grants budget for reallocation during future grant rounds. |
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MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member J Meeuwsen: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) agree to allocate $290,000 in renewals funding to lift and shift Rakino Hall as per Option 1 in the Tonkin and Taylor Rakino Hall coastal hazard issues and options assessment final report dated November 2018, subject to the following: i) the proposal being considered alongside other renewals priorities in the 2019/20 work programme ii) the proposal being consulted on through the 2019/20 Waiheke Local Board Agreement process and sufficient support being received for this proposal iii) on project completion Rakino Hall is either transferred to the Rakino Ratepayers Association at no cost or managed in a manner agreed between the local board and the association iv) associated land lease and reserve classification processes which include iwi consultation, being completed.
Resolution number WHK/2018/249 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson P Walden, seconded by Member S Brown, an amendment removing original clause a) ii): That the Waiheke Local Board: a) agree to allocate $290,000 in renewals funding to lift and shift Rakino Hall as per Option 1 in the Tonkin and Taylor Rakino Hall coastal hazard issues and options assessment final report dated November 2018, subject to the following: i) the proposal being considered alongside other renewals priorities in the 2019/20 work programme ii) on project completion Rakino Hall is either transferred to the Rakino Ratepayers Association at no cost or managed in a manner agreed between the local board and the association iii) associated land lease and reserve classification processes which include iwi consultation, being completed. |
The substantive motion was put. |
Resolution number WHK/2018/250 MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member J Meeuwsen: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) agree to allocate $290,000 in renewals funding to lift and shift Rakino Hall as per Option 1 in the Tonkin and Taylor Rakino Hall coastal hazard issues and options assessment final report dated November 2018, subject to the following: i) the proposal being considered alongside other renewals priorities in the 2019/20 work programme ii) on project completion Rakino Hall is either transferred to the Rakino Ratepayers Association at no cost or managed in a manner agreed between the local board and the association iii) associated land lease and reserve classification processes which include iwi consultation, being completed. |
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Documents were provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments. |
Resolution number WHK/2018/251 MOVED by Member J Meeuwsen, seconded by Chairperson C Handley: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) approve amendments to parcels marked in yellow in the tabled Attachment E and G to be changed to the classification of scenic reserve 19(1)(b) with the exception of the parcels approved by the Chairperson. b) confirm five parcels of land will continue to be held under the Local Government Act 2002 as described in Attachment B of the agenda report (dated 13 December 2018) will continue to be held under the Local Government Act 2002. c) approve public notification of the intention to declare and classify 14 parcels of land pursuant to section 14(2) of the Reserves Act 1977 as described in Attachment C and D of the agenda report (dated 13 December 2018). d) approve seeking feedback in writing on the proposed classification of 93 parcels of reserve land under section 16(2A) of the Reserves Act 1977 as described in the tabled Attachment E of the agenda report (dated 13 December 2018) while noting that public notification is not a statutory requirement under the Reserves Act. e) approve public notification of proposals to classify 15 parcels of reserve land pursuant to section 16(4) of the Reserves Act 1977 as described in Attachment F of the agenda report (dated 13 December 2018). f) approve public notification of the proposals to reclassify 14 parcels of reserve land pursuant to section 24(2)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977 as described in the tabled Attachment G of the agenda report (dated 13 December 2018). g) approve a hearing panel, consisting of a minimum of three local board members in preparation for any requests to speak to objections or submissions on the proposed classifications that have been publicly notified under clause e) above. The role of the hearings panel will be to hear submissions and make recommendations to the local board on classification decisions. |
a 13 December 2018, Waiheke Local Board, Item 14 - Waiheke local parks land classification programme, Attachment E b 13 December 2018, Waiheke Local Board, Item 14 - Waiheke local parks land classification programme, Attachment G |
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Auckland Transport Waiheke Local Board update - December 2018 |
Resolution number WHK/2018/252 MOVED by Member J Meeuwsen, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Walden: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) receive the Auckland Transport Waiheke Local Board update - December 2018. b) note that in paragraph two of the Auckland Transport Waiheke Local Board update - December 2018 report, June 2018 should read June 2019.
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A document was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments. |
Resolution number WHK/2018/253 MOVED by Member J Meeuwsen, seconded by Member S Brown: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) provide the attached feedback on the Regional Public Transport Plan focus areas of: i) Expanding and enhancing rapid and frequent networks ii) Improving customer access to public transport iii) Improving Māori responsiveness iv) Harnessing emerging technologies b) provide the attached additional feedback on local specific interests.
a 13 December 2018, Waiheke Local Board, Item 16 - Proposed Regional Public Transport Plan |
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Resolution number WHK/2018/254 MOVED by Member J Meeuwsen, seconded by Member S Brown: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) agree, subject to approval by the Governing Body, to hold the following Have Your Say events in the local board area during the Annual Budget 2019/2020 consultation period: i) Round table Have Your Say event, Wednesday 6 March, 6pm, Local Board Office, 10 Belgium Street, Ostend. ii) Round table Have Your Say event, Saturday 9 March, 10am, Local Board Office, 10 Belgium Street, Ostend b) delegate to the following elected members and staff the power and responsibility to hear from the public through “spoken (or New Zealand sign language) interaction” in relation to the local board agreement at the council’s public engagement events during the consultation period for the Annual Budget 2019/2020 i) local board members and chairperson ii) General Manager Local Board Services, Local Board Relationship Manager, Local Board Senior Advisor, Local Board Advisor, Local Board Engagement Advisor iii) any additional staff approved by the General Manager Local Board Services or the Chief Financial Officer c) adopt Attachment A: local content for consultation and Attachment B: local supporting information for consultation, following the addition of Rakino Hall and ferry strategy wording as approved by the chairperson d) delegate authority to the local board chairperson to approve any final changes required following review by the council’s legal team of the consultation content of the Annual Budget 2019/2020 prior to publication, including online consultation content. |
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Panuku Development Auckland Local Board six-monthly update 1 May - 31 October 2018 |
Resolution number WHK/2018/255 MOVED by Member S Brown, seconded by Member J Meeuwsen: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) receive the Panuku Development Auckland Local Board update for 1 May to 31 October 2018. b) request Panuku Development Auckland demonstrate consultation with both Ngati Paoa Iwi Trust and Ngati Paoa Trust Board, as well as consulting directly with the Waiheke Local Board with respect to the Hoporata Quarry lease prior to formalising any extension of the lease. |
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A document was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments. |
Resolution number WHK/2018/256 MOVED by Member S Brown, seconded by Member J Meeuwsen: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) note the report from Chairperson Cath Handley. b) note the tabled feedback on Auckland Transport ferry basin changes notified consent application and attach it to the minutes. |
a 13 December 2018, Waiheke Local Board, Item 19 - Chairperson's report, Waiheke Local Board feedback on Auckland Transport ferry basin changes notified consent application |
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Resolution number WHK/2018/257 MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Member J Meeuwsen: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) note the record of proceedings of the Waiheke Local Board workshops held on 15 November, 22 November and 29 November 2018. |
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Resolution number WHK/2018/258 MOVED by Chairperson C Handley, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Walden: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) note the Governance Forward Work Programme.
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Resolution number WHK/2018/259 MOVED by Member J Meeuwsen, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Walden: That the Waiheke Local Board: a) note the lists of resource consents lodged related to Waiheke Island from 3 to 9 November, 10 to 16 November, 19 to 25 November and 26 to 30 November 2018.
23 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
Member Shirin Brown closed the meeting with the following karakia.
Waiho i te toipoto kaua i te toiroa
Let us keep close together, not far apart
7.50 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.