Komiti Taiao ā-Hapori Hoki /

Environment and Community Committee






Minutes of a meeting of the Environment and Community Committee held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Tuesday, 12 February 2019 at 9.36am.





Cr Penny Hulse


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Alf Filipaina



Cr Josephine Bartley

From 9.44am, Item 5.1


IMSB Member Renata Blair

Until 11.51am, Item 10


IMSB Member James Brown



Cr Dr Cathy Casey



Deputy Mayor Cr Bill Cashmore



Cr Ross Clow

From 11.02am, Item 9


Cr Fa’anana Efeso Collins



Cr Linda Cooper, JP



Cr Chris Darby

From 12.22pm, Item 12


Cr Hon Christine Fletcher, QSO



Mayor Hon Phil Goff, CNZM, JP

From 10.03am, Item 5.1


Cr Richard Hills



Cr Mike Lee

From 10.03am, Item 5.1


Cr Daniel Newman, JP



Cr Greg Sayers



Cr Desley Simpson, JP



Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM



Cr Sir John Walker, KNZM, CBE



Cr Wayne Walker



Cr John Watson

From 9.52am, Item 5.1


Cr Paul Young






Angela Fulljames, Chair

Franklin Local Board


Andrew Baker, Deputy Chair

Franklin Local Board







Environment and Community Committee

12 February 2019




1          Apologies

Resolution number ENV/2019/1

MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Filipaina:  

That the Environment and Community Committee:

a)         accept the apologies from Cr C Darby, Cr J Bartley and J Watson for lateness and Mayor P Goff and Cr E Collins for early departure.


Note:   A subsequent apology for early departure was received from IMSB Member R Blair.



2          Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.



3          Confirmation of Minutes

Resolution number ENV/2019/2

MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Filipaina:  

That the Environment and Community Committee:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 4 December 2018, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record.




4          Petitions

There were no petitions.



5          Public Input


Public Input : Study by Ngai Tai ki Tamaki and NIWA re sediment discharging effects form Wairoa river into the Tamaki straight


Dr Andrew Swales, Coastal and Estuarine Physical Processes Scientist from NIWA and Laurie Beamish from Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki were in attendance and gave a presentation.

A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Cr J Bartley entered the meeting at 9.44 am

Cr J Watson entered the meeting at 9.52 am.

Mayor P Goff entered the meeting at 10.02 am.

Cr M Lee entered the meeting at 10.03 am.


Resolution number ENV/2019/3

MOVED by Cr C Fletcher, seconded by Deputy Mayor BC Cashmore:  

That the Environment and Community Committee:

a)      receive the presentation regarding the six year study of sediment discharging effects from Wairoa river into the Tamaki straight and thank the representatives from Ngai Tai ki Tamaki and NIWA for their attendance.




a     12 February 2019, Environment and Community Committee:  Item 5.1 - Public Input : Study by Ngai Tai ki Tamaki and NIWA re sediment discharging effects form Wairoa river into the Tamaki straight, Presentation




6          Local Board Input


There was no local board input.



7          Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.





Waikumete Cemetery: initial public engagement on potential development zones


A PowerPoint presentation was given.  A letter of support from the Waitakere Ranges Local Board and the Proposed public engagement plan for the Feasibility Study were also tabled.

Copies have been attached to the official minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments.


Cr G Sayers left the meeting at 10.30 am.

IMSB Member J Brown left the meeting at 10.30 am.

Cr G Sayers returned to the meeting at 10.40 am.


Resolution number ENV/2019/4

MOVED by Cr L Cooper, seconded by Cr E Collins:  

That the Environment and Community Committee:

a)      approve the proposed public engagement plan to inform the Waikumete Cemetery Feasibility Study

b)      approve the inclusion of the potential development Zones 1 and 2 in the public consultation documentation

c)      approve the exclusion of the potential development Zone 3, 4 and 5 from the public consultation documentation

d)      approve the inclusion of the information about different burial types in the public consultation documentation.




a     12 February 2019, Environment and Community Committee: Item 8 - Waikumete Cemetery: initial public engagement on potential development zones, Presentation

b     12 February 2019, Environment and Community Committee: Item 8 - Waikumete Cemetery: initial public engagement on potential development zones, Waitakere Ranges Local Board letter supporting the recommended approach.

c    12 February 2019, Environment and Community Committee: Item 8 - Waikumete Cemetery: proposed Public engagement plan for the Feasibility Study







Natural environment targeted rate update - Quarter two 2018/2019


A PowerPoint presentation was given.

A copy has been attached to the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachment.


IMSB Member J Brown returned to the meeting at 10.46am.

Cr R Clow entered the meeting at 11.02 am.


Resolution number ENV/2019/5

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Filipaina, seconded by Mayor P Goff:  

That the Environment and Community Committee:

a)      note the progress update provided on the natural environment targeted rate work programmes for quarter two 2018/2019.




a     12 February 2019, Environment and Community Committee: Item 9 - Natural environment targeted rate update - Quarter two 2018/2019





Water quality targeted rate update - Quarter two 2018/2019


A PowerPoint presentation was given.

A copy has been attached to the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachment.


Resolution number ENV/2019/6

MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Filipaina:  

That the Environment and Community Committee:

a)      note the update on the water quality targeted rate work programmes for quarter two 2018/2019.




a     12 February 2019, Environment and Community Committee: Item 10 - Water quality targeted rate update - Quarter two 2018/2019



IMSB Member R Blair left the meeting at 11.51am.



The meeting adjourned at 11.51am and reconverned at 11.59am.


Cr R Hills, Cr W Walker and Cr P Young were not present when the meeting reconvened.





Submission on New Zealand's possible assession to IMO Treaty MARPOL Annex VI: Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships


A PowerPoint presentation was given.

A copy has been attached to the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachment.


Cr W Walker returned to the meeting at 12.03pm.

Cr R Hills returned to the meeting at 12.03pm.

Cr P Young returned to the meeting at 12.03pm.


Resolution number ENV/2019/7

MOVED by Cr W Walker, seconded by Chairperson P Hulse:  

That the Environment and Community Committee:

a)         endorse the Auckland Council submission to the Ministry of Transport in support of New Zealand’s accession to MARPOL Annex VI: Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships contained in Attachment A of the agenda report.




a     12 February 2019, Environment and Community Committee: Item 11 - Submission on new Zealand's possible assession to IMO Treaty MARPOL Annex VI:  Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships




Retrospective approval for Submission on Child and Youth Wellbeing and Strategy and Proposed Outcomes Framework


Cr C Darby entered the meeting at 12.22 pm.


Resolution number ENV/2019/8

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Filipaina, seconded by Cr C Casey:  

That the Environment and Community Committee:

a)      retrospectively approve the council’s submission on the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy – Proposed Outcomes Framework.





Approval of a discussion document for informal public consultation on inter-regional marine pest pathway management


A PowerPoint presentation was given.

A copy has been attached to the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachment.


Resolution number ENV/2019/9

MOVED by Cr D Simpson, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Filipaina:  

That the Environment and Community Committee:

a)      approve the discussion document for informal consultation on inter-regional marine pest pathway management.

b)      note that the analysis of feedback received through the consultation process and recommended next steps will be presented to the Environment and Community Committee in July 2019.




a     12 February 2019, Environment and Community Committee: Item 13 - Approval of a discussion document for information public consultation on inter-reginal marine pest pathway management




Auckland Council’s submission on the proposed National Disaster Resilience Strategy: Rautaki Manawaroa Aituā ā-Motu


Resolution number ENV/2019/10

MOVED by Cr S Stewart, seconded by Cr D Simpson:  

That the Environment and Community Committee:

a)      retrospectively approve the Council’s submission on the proposed National Disaster Resilience Strategy.





Summary of Environment and Community Committee Information - updates, memos and briefings - 12 February 2019


Resolution number ENV/2019/11

MOVED by Chairperson P Hulse, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Filipaina:  

That the Environment and Community Committee:

a)      receive the summary of the Environment and Community Committee information report – 12 February 2019.




16        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.





12.49 pm                                            The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









