Te Rōpū Kaitohutohu Take Hunga Hauā / Disability Advisory Panel






Minutes of a meeting of the Disability Advisory Panel held in the Council Chamber, Auckland Town Hall, Ground Floor , 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Monday, 18 March 2019 at 10.10am.





Mary Schnackenberg, CNZM


Deputy Chairperson

Dan Buckingham

From 10.29am, Item 5


Colleen Brown, MNZM, JP



Jade Farrar



Kramer Hoeflich

Until 11.53am, Item 8


Rachel Peterson



Ursula Thynne

From 10.30am, Item 5




Liaison Councillor

Cr Josephine Bartley

From 11.48am, Item 8

Until 1.02pm, Item 12

Chief Liaison Councillor

Cr Dr Cathy Casey

Until 1.02pm, Item 12






Gemma Stewart





Disability Advisory Panel

18 March 2019




Note:   the Disability Advisory Panel members observed a minute of silence out of respect for all those affected in New Zealand and around the world by the shooting tragedy in Christchurch.




1          Apologies


The Disability Advisory Panel:

a)         accepted the apology from Deputy Chairperson D Buckingham and Member U Thynne for late arrival, and Member K Hoeflich for early departure.





2          Declaration of Interest


Member R Peterson declared a potential conflict of interest regarding Item 7 - Disability Advisory Panel community forums, if discussions included YES Disability.




3          Confirmation of Minutes


The Disability Advisory Panel:

a)         confirmed the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 4 October 2018, as a true and correct record.






4          Additional Items 


The meeting agreed to discuss a forthcoming meeting on Universal Design at Item 12 – Consideration of Additional Items.






Liaison councillor's update


Note:   The chair deferred the item to be considered later in the meeting, as Cr J Bartley was not present.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      note the update from the liaison councillor, Josephine Bartley.






Customer services at Auckland Council


A PowerPoint presentation was provided. A copy has been attached to the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.

Deputy Chairperson D Buckingham joined the meeting at 10.29am.

Member U Thynne joined the meeting at 10.30am.


The Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      received the presentation from Nigel King, General Manager, Customer Services.




a     18 March 2019 - Disability Advisory Panel, Item 5 - Customer services at Auckland Council - PowerPoint presentation





Consultation on Increasing Aucklanders’ Participation in Sport: Investment Plan 2019-2039


The Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      received the presentation on the draft Increasing Aucklanders’ Participation in Sport: Investment Plan 2019-2039.






Disability Advisory Panel community forums


The Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      noted the discussion on future community forums. 






Safety of disabled pedestrians


The Chair invited Chris Orr, Blind Foundation to address the panel on the issue of safety of disabled pedestrians.

Cr J Bartley joined the meeting at 11.48am.

Member K Hoeflich retired from the meeting at 11.53am.


The Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      acknowledged that Auckland Council and Auckland Transport are exploring alternative modes of transport to move individuals quickly across short distances in Auckland, such as e-scooters.

b)      acknowledged that Auckland Transport is taking steps to reduce speeds of vehicular traffic to improve safety for everyone on the roads.

c)      recommended that Auckland Council and Auckland Transport will continue to work to maintain high standards of safety for all pedestrians on footpaths and road crossings, in particular those who have access needs and who may not see or hear e-scooters moving about or left lying down on footpaths.

d)      recommended that Auckland Council consult with its demographic advisory panels and the wider Auckland disability community prior to making further decisions about e-scooters.





The meeting adjourned at 11.53am and reconvened at 12.15pm.

The Chairperson accorded precedence to Item 10 – Panel members’ update, at this time.





Panel members' update


The Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      noted the panel members’ updates.


Panel members noted updates on:

·         A recent report titled Tomorrow’s Schools Taskforce Report is out for consultation.

·         The benefits of living in a fully accessible home.

·         Attending accessible events at Auckland Arts Festival.

·         Potential funding issues for disability support services from Ministry of Health.

·         Show Your Ability Day event - suggestion for panel to have a booth at this event next year, or at a similar event.

·         Chair met informally with Wellington Council Disability Advisory Panel members.





2019 evaluation of Auckland Council's Demographic Advisory Panels


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Disability Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the presentation from Research and Evaluation Unit staff on the upcoming evaluation of the 2016-2019 demographic advisory panels.






Note:   Item 4 - Liaison councillor's update, did not take place.











12        Consideration of Additional Items


At 1.02pm staff left the room as the panel discussed Item 12 – Consideration of Additional Items.


The panel discussed a forthcoming meeting on Universal Design.




At 1.20pm staff were readmitted.




1.20 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









