Howick Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Howick Local Board held in the Howick Local Board Meeting Room, Pakuranga Library Complex, 7 Aylesbury Street, Pakuranga on Monday, 18 March 2019 at 6.05pm.
Chairperson |
David Collings |
Deputy Chairperson |
Katrina Bungard |
Members |
Jim Donald, JP |
John Spiller |
Mike Turinsky |
Adele White |
Peter Young, JP |
Members |
Garry Boles |
for absence |
Bob Wichman |
for absence |
Councillors |
Sharon Stewart |
Paul Young |
Howick Local Board 18 March 2019 |
The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed those present.
Resolution number HW/2019/18 MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Member J Donald: That the Howick Local Board:
a) accept the apologies from Member B Wichman for absence and Member G Boles for absence. |
Resolution number HW/2019/19 MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Deputy Chairperson K Bungard: That the Howick Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 18 February 2019, as a true and correct record. |
There were no leaves of absence.
The Howick Local Board acknowledged the people who have been affected by the events in Christchurch on Friday 15 March 2019. The Chairperson read the national anthem followed by a minutes silence.
Item - 7 Petitions - has been moved to another part of the document.
8.1 |
Resolution number HW/2019/20 MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Member M Turinsky: That the Howick Local Board: a) receive the deputation from the residents of Tarnica Park and thank them for their presentation. |
a 18 March Howick Local Board, Item 8.1: Deputation - Anti-Social Behaviour at Tarnica Park, Howick |
Petition – Residents of Tarnica Park – Anti-Social Behaviour at Tarnica Park, Howick |
Tarnica Park residents were in attendance to address the meeting and to present a petition regarding lighting at Tarnica Park. |
Resolution number HW/2019/21 MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Member A White: That the Howick Local Board: a) thank the residents of Tarnica Park for their presentation regarding anti-social behaviour at Tarnica Park and receive the associated petition. |
a 18 March Howick Local Board, Item 7.1 Petitions - Residents of Tarnica Park Petition |
9 Public Forum
9.1 |
Public Forum - Nick Pattison, Involvement and Engagement of School Aged Students in the Howick Local Board's 2017 Plan |
Resolution number HW/2019/22 MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Member M Turinsky: That the Howick Local Board: a) receive the presentation and thank Nick Pattison, Mervlyn Prakash, Preyesi Arora and Aiden Davy for their attendance. |
9.2 |
Public Forum - Karen Gibson, Pedestrian Safety Concerns for Te Uho o te Nikau Primary School |
Resolution number HW/2019/23 MOVED by Member P Young, seconded by Member M Turinsky: That the Howick Local Board: a) receive the presentation and thank Karen Gibson for her attendance.
9.3 |
Public Forum – Janet Dickson, Stockade Hill |
Resolution number HW/2019/24 MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Member J Donald: That the Howick Local Board: a) receive the presentation and thank Janet Dickson for her attendance.
There was no extraordinary business.
11 |
Resolution number HW/2019/25 MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Member J Donald: That the Howick Local Board: a) note the Chairperson’s verbal update and written report. |
a 18 March Howick Local Board, Item 11: Chairpersons Report |
12 |
Resolution number HW/2019/26 MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Deputy Chairperson K Bungard: That the Howick Local Board: a) note the verbal reports from Councillor Sharon Stewart and Councillor Paul Young. |
Member P Young left the meeting at 7:18pm.
Member P Young returned to the meeting at 7:26pm.
13 |
Auckland Transport March 2019 update to the Howick Local Board |
Resolution number HW/2019/27 MOVED by Member J Donald, seconded by Member A White: That the Howick Local Board: a) receive the Auckland Transport March 2019 update to the Howick Local Board report. |
14 |
Resolution number HW/2019/28 MOVED by Member A White, seconded by Member J Donald: That the Howick
Local Board: a) note that at the workshop on 19 February 2019, Auckland Council’s project delivery team offered to lead the development of options and planning for a project to raise the footpath opposite numbers 15-19 of ‘The Parade’ (at Buckland’s Beach) in order to improve pedestrian amenity and to help prevent inundation during storms. b) request that Auckland Transport allocate $1,000,000 of the Howick Local Board’s Transport Capital Fund to construction of the Howick Village Centre Plan, holding this money ‘ring-fenced’ in reserve until the delivery is ready to start. c) request Auckland Transport report back on the guidelines for the use of the new Regional Road Safety Fund and to confirm if this fund could be used to build either a new bridge or a temporary pedestrian bridge on Flatbush School Road for Te Uho o te Nikau Primary School. d) request Auckland Transport hold $1,000,000 of the Howick Local Board’s Transport Capital Fund ‘ring-fenced’ in reserve until confirmation has been received if the Regional Road Safety Fund may be used to build either a new bridge or a temporary pedestrian bridge on Flatbush School Road for Te Uho o te Nikau Primary School. e) note that Auckland Council’s project delivery team will lead further in investigation into delivery of the Howick Walking and Cycling Plan. |
15 |
Resolution number HW/2019/29 MOVED by Chairperson D Collings, seconded by Deputy Chairperson K Bungard: That the Howick Local Board: a) support the preferred jointly developed model (2019) to fund Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaus (ACAB) (based on 90 per cent population and 10 per cent deprivation/accessibility). b) support the request for increasing the baseline grant of $200,000 per annum to become a permanent addition to the overall funding from Council in order to make the changes within the preferred model and maintain current funding levels. c) suggest the accessibility aspect of the funding criteria includes the provision of services to culturally and linguistically diverse populations. d) support the jointly developed model (2019) for ACAB, which proposes to fund ACAB’s at a bureau level instead of the current cluster level funding. e) suggest population funding accounts for users who attend services across local board boundaries. f) request improved reporting and access to consistent data on the service at both a regional and sub-regional level. g) request the funding allocation calculation is completed bi-annually to take into account population changes in local board areas. h) request ACAB canvass service provision for Howick and Ormiston in future years. |
16 |
Proposed kauri dieback mitigation in local parks in the Howick Local Board area |
Resolution number HW/2019/30 MOVED by Member J Spiller, seconded by Member A White: That the Howick Local Board: a) endorse the following high level kauri protection measures for local parks and reserves: ii) note that Category C park Howick Domain and Category D park Boyd Reserve are considered to be low value kauri ecosystems, thus making them a lower priority for mitigation investment at this stage. b) note that a detailed kauri dieback mitigation programme with costs and timelines will be developed and submitted to a local board business meeting in mid-2019 for approval.
17 |
2019 Local Government New Zealand Conference and Annual General Meeting |
Resolution number HW/2019/31 MOVED by Member J Donald, seconded by Deputy Chairperson K Bungard: That the Howick Local Board: a) nominate Chair D Collings to attend the Local Government New Zealand 2019 Conference and Annual General Meeting in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, from Sunday 7 July to Tuesday 9 July 2019. b) confirm that conference attendance, including travel and accommodation, will be paid for in accordance with the current Auckland Council Elected Member Expense Policy. c) note that any members who wish to attend the AGM must provide their names to the Kura Kāwana programme team by Friday 12 April 2019 to ensure that they are registered with Local Government New Zealand. d) support members J Spiller, M Turinsky, A White and P Young attend the conference using the individual elected member development fund. |
18 |
Proposal to grant a new lease to Glen House Society Incorporated |
Resolution number HW/2019/32 MOVED by Member A White, seconded by Chairperson D Collings: That the Howick Local Board: a) defer this report until guidance has been received on maximising the use of the building. |
19 |
Reclassification of the reserve status over a portion of Lloyd Elsmore Park, 2R Bells Road, Howick and proposal to grant new community leases |
Member M Turinsky declared an interest in item 19 with respect to his involvement with the tenants at the Depot and took no part in the discussion or voting on the matter. |
Resolution number HW/2019/33 MOVED by Member J Donald, seconded by Member A White: That the Howick Local Board: a) endorse the reclassification of that parcel of land known as Part Allotment 11 Section 3 Small Farms near Howick of Lloyd Elsmore Park from local purpose (depot) reserve to local purpose (community use) reserve in terms of Section 24 (1) of the Reserves Act 1977. b) approve the public notification of Auckland Council’s intention to grant new leases to Revill’s Boxing Gym Trust Board and The Lions Club of Howick Charitable Trust. c) delegate to the Howick Local Board Chair to appoint, if required, a panel to consider submissions or objections received following the public notification of the intention to consider granting leases, and for the panel to make a decision in that regard. d) subject to reclassification of the land and public notification, grant a new community lease to Revill’s Boxing Gym Trust Board for part of the building, approximately 65m2 (more or less) (Attachment A) at 2R Bells Road, Lloyd Elsmore Park, Pakuranga subject to the following terms and conditions: i) term – five years with one right of renewal of five years ii) commencement date – 18 March 2019 iii) rent - $1.00 per annum (plus GST) if requested iv) delegate authority to the Chair and Deputy Chair to approve the Community Outcomes Plan to be attached to the lease as a schedule v) other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012. e) subject to reclassification of the land and public notification, grant a new community lease to The Lions Club of Howick Charitable Trust for the storage room, approximately 15m2 (more or less) at the building (Attachment A) 2R Bells Road, Lloyd Elsmore Park, Pakuranga subject to the following terms and conditions: i) term – five years with one right of renewal for five years ii) commencement date – 18 March 2019 iii) rent - $1.00 per annum (plus GST) if requested iv) delegate authority to the Chair and Deputy Chair to approve the Community Outcomes Plan to be attached to the lease as a schedule v) other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.
Member P Young left the meeting at 8.14pm
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Resolution number HW/2019/34 MOVED by Member A White, seconded by Member J Donald: That the Howick Local Board: a) Adopt the Howick Grants Programme 2019/2020
Member J Spiller left the meeting at 8.15pm..
21 |
Resolution number HW/2019/35 MOVED by Member A White, seconded by Chairperson D Collings: That the Howick Local Board: a) receive ATEED’s six monthly update to 31 December 2018.
22 |
Resolution number HW/2019/36 MOVED by Member A White, seconded by Member J Donald: That the Howick Local Board: a) note the Howick Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar.
23 |
Resolution number HW/2019/37 MOVED by Member A White, seconded by Member J Donald: That the Howick Local Board: a) note the workshop records for workshops held on 12, 14, 19, 21, 26 and 28 February 2019.
Member P Young returned to the meeting at 8.17pm.
Member J Spiller returned to the meeting at 8.17pm.
24 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
8.17 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.