Kaipātiki Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Kaipātiki Local Board held in the Kaipātiki Local Board Office, 90 Bentley Avenue, Glenfield on Wednesday, 20 March 2019 at 4.06pm.





John Gillon


Deputy Chairperson

Danielle Grant



Ann Hartley, JP



Kay McIntyre, QSM



Anne-Elise Smithson



Adrian Tyler



Lindsay Waugh







Paula Gillon






Kaipātiki Local Board

20 March 2019




1          Welcome



2          Apologies


Resolution number KT/2019/24

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member K McIntyre:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         accept the apology from Member Paula Gillon for absence.  




3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number KT/2019/25

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Grant:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 20 February 2019, as a true and correct record.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.



6          Acknowledgements



Christchurch tragedy


At the request of the Chairperson, the meeting observed a moment of silence out of respect for the victims, family and friends impacted by the Christchurch mosque shootings, which occurred on Friday 15 March 2019.



Resolution number KT/2019/26

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Smithson:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         express its deepest sympathies and condolences to the victims, families, friends and people of Christchurch following the mosque shootings on Friday 15 March 2019.

b)        acknowledge and thank the emergency services for their prompt and ongoing response.





Birth of Member Paula Gillon's child


Resolution number KT/2019/27

MOVED by Member L Waugh, seconded by Member A Hartley:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         acknowledge and congratulate Member Paula Gillon on the birth of her baby.




7          Petitions


There were no petitions.



8          Deputations


There were no deputations.



9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.



10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.



Secretarial note: Item 11 was taken after item 16.



Precedence of Business

Resolution number KT/2019/28

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member K McIntyre:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         agree that Item 16: Allocation of funding to Citizens Advice Bureaux be accorded precedence at this time.





Allocation of funding to Citizens Advice Bureaux


Resolution number KT/2019/29

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Hartley:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)    provide the following feedback on the new model for allocating funding to Citizens Advice Bureaux:



i)     endorse the funding allocation model based on 90 per cent population and 10 per cent deprivation, subject to the Citizens Advice Bureaux in Kaipatiki (Birkenhead, Glenfield and Northcote) not receiving a decrease to their current funding allocation.

ii)    endorse an increase of $200,000 to the baseline grant to Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated in 2019 – 2021, so that no bureau is financially worse off under the new funding allocation model.

iii)   request council advocate to central government to provide greater financial support to Citizens Advice Bureaux in Auckland, noting the significant service and support Citizens Advice Bureaux provide the community on central government matters.

iv)   acknowledge the hard work and dedication of Kaipatiki (Birkenhead, Glenfield and Northcote) Citizens Advice Bureaux volunteers and the important work that they do in the community.





Memorial plaque application for Onepoto Domain to commemorate Clive Baker


Resolution number KT/2019/30

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Hartley:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      decline the memorial seat application to install an additional plaque commemorating Clive Baker onto an existing seat at Onepoto Domain that commemorates Nan, Ron and Michael Styant, as it does not meet the Generic Protocols of the “Plaques and Memorials on Parks Interim Guidelines 2011”.





Auckland Transport Monthly Update


MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Tyler: 

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         note the Auckland Transport Monthly Update Kaipātiki Local Board March 2019.

b)         support Auckland Transport’s on-going investigation into a clearway solution to the significant peak-hour congestion problem on Onewa Road (eastbound).

c)         reiterate the request (resolution KT/2018/23) for data to better understand the reasons, destinations and circumstances of single-occupancy commuters who choose to travel by personal vehicle in the general traffic lane on Onewa Road during peak hours.

d)         request a report from Auckland Transport on the viability, design options and cost options of implementing a cyclelane or shared pedestrian/cyclepath on the northern side of Onewa Road, without impacting the eastbound transit lane.


Member L Waugh moved an amendment to the original recommendation by replacement of d) with the following.

Resolution number KT/2019/31

MOVED by Member L Waugh, seconded by Member K McIntyre:   

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

d)         request Auckland Transport introduce road markings and appropriate signage to more clearly designate the shared walking and cycling capacity of the northern footpath of Onewa Road.



The Chairperson put the substantive motion.

Resolution number KT/2019/32

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Tyler: 

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         note the Auckland Transport Monthly Update Kaipātiki Local Board March 2019.

b)        support Auckland Transport’s on-going investigation into a clearway solution to the significant peak-hour congestion problem on Onewa Road (eastbound).

c)         reiterate the request (resolution KT/2018/23) for data to better understand the reasons, destinations and circumstances of single-occupancy commuters who choose to travel by personal vehicle in the general traffic lane on Onewa Road during peak hours.

d)        request Auckland Transport introduce road markings and appropriate signage to more clearly designate the shared walking and cycling capacity of the northern footpath of Onewa Road.



Secretarial note: Under Standing Order 1.9.7 Member L Waugh requested her vote against resolution c) be recorded.




New community lease to The North Shore Playcentre Association Incorporated at 37 Totaravale Drive, Sunnynook


Resolution number KT/2019/33

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Grant:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      grant a new community lease to North Shore Playcentre Association at R 37 Totaravale Drive, Totara Vale, described as Part Lot 109 DP 58805 and shown outlined in red on Attachment A of the agenda report on the following terms and conditions:

i)     term - ten (10) years commencing 1 March 2019,  with one right of renewal for ten (10) years with final expiry on 28 February 2029.

ii)    rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum, if demanded.

iii)   the North Shore Playcentre Association Incorporated - Totaravale Community Outcomes Plan (refer Attachment B to the agenda report) be attached to the lease.

b)        approve the community outcomes plan (refer Attachment B of the agenda report) that will become a schedule to the lease.

c)         note that all other terms and conditions will be in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Guidelines July 2012.




New community lease to Glenfield Tennis Club Incorporated at Elliott Reserve, Elliott Avenue, Bayview.


Resolution number KT/2019/34

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Hartley:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      grant a new community lease to Glenfield Tennis Club Incorporated at R 34 Elliott Avenue, Bayview, described as Part Lot 1 DP 92391 and Part Lot 38 DP 46696 and shown outlined in red on Attachment A of the agenda report on the following terms and conditions:

i)     term –  ten (10) years commencing 1 May 2019, with one right of renewal for ten (10) years with final expiry on 30 April 2029.

ii)    rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum, if demanded.

iii)   the Glenfield Tennis Club Incorporated Community Outcomes Plan (refer Attachment B to the agenda report) be attached to the lease.

b)        approve the community outcomes plan (refer Attachment B of the agenda report) that will become a schedule to the lease.

c)         note that as part of the community outcomes plan, Glenfield Tennis Club Incorporated will fund and provide an online booking system that will provide pay-to-play for casual games, including some free-to-play court time.

d)      approve all other terms and conditions be in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines July 2012.




Member K McIntyre left the meeting at 4.42pm



Australia and New Zealand Army Corps Service representatives 2019


Resolution number KT/2019/35

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Grant:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      nominate the following roles at the forthcoming Australia and New Zealand Army Corps Day (ANZAC) services:

i)       Birkenhead ANZAC Day Service: Chairperson John Gillon as Master of Ceremonies; Members Ann Hartley and Adrian Tyler as wreath layers.

ii)      Northcote ANZAC Day Service: Member Anne-Elise Smithson as Master of Ceremonies; Member Kay McIntyre as wreath layer.

iii)     Glenfield ANZAC Day Service: Deputy Chairperson Danielle Grant to deliver the welcome and read out the ANZAC Day Dedication; Member Paula Gillon as wreath layer.

b)      delegate the Chairperson to appoint a replacement board member in the event that any member is unavailable to take their position at the Australia and New Zealand Army Corps Day (ANZAC) services as outlined in resolution a) above.




Member K McIntyre returned to the meeting at 4.45pm


Secretarial note: Item 16 was taken after item 10



2019 Local Government New Zealand Conference and Annual General Meeting


Resolution number KT/2019/36

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Smithson:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)       nominate Deputy Chairperson Danielle Grant to attend the Local Government New Zealand 2019 Conference and Annual General Meeting in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, from Sunday 7 July to Tuesday 9 July 2019.

b)      nominate Member Ann Hartley to attend the Local Government New Zealand 2019 Conference and Annual General Meeting in Te-Whanganui-a-Tara-Wellington, from Sunday 7 July to Tuesday 9 July 2019, noting that all costs associated with member attendance must be covered through the individual elected member development budget allowance (IDB) for Member Ann Hartley provided at the start of the 2016-2019 electoral term.

c)     confirm that Local Government New Zealand 2019 Conference and Annual General Meeting attendance, including travel and accommodation, will be paid for in accordance with the current Auckland Council Elected Member Expense Policy.

d)     note that any members who wish to attend the Local Government New Zealand 2019 Conference and Annual General Meeting must provide their names to the Kura Kāwana programme team by Friday 12 April 2019 to ensure that they are registered with Local Government New Zealand.





Kaipātiki Local Board Chairperson's Report


MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Hartley: 

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         approve the reallocation of $25,000 currently allocated to a shade sail in the "Birkenhead War Memorial Park – renew skate park including access from the park to pool – stage 2" activity line (resolution KT/2017/16) to the "Kaipātiki - Install shade sails" activity line.

b)         allocate $40,000 from the "Kaipātiki - Install shade sails" activity line to install full-coverage shade sails at the Shepherds Park playground in the 2018/2019 financial year.

c)         delegate authority to the Chairperson, in consultation with the Deputy Chairperson, to approve the option, size, colour and location of the shade sails at the Shepherds Park playground.

d)         request a report on the process of formally renaming the southern section of Kauri Road, Birkenhead, due to on-going issues with mail, couriers and visitors getting lost due to confusion with the non-connected northern section of Kauri Road.

e)         approve the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and Senior Local Board Advisor as representatives of the steering group for the 2019 renewal of the partnering agreement between the Kaipātiki Local Board and Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust, noting that:

i)       the Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust will also be nominating members for the steering group; and

ii)      all decisions regarding the 2019 renewal of the partnering agreement between the Kaipātiki Local Board and Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust will be taken by the local board at its business meetings.




Member L Waugh moved an amendment to the original recommendation by replacement of  e) with the following.

MOVED by Member K McIntyre, seconded by Member L Waugh:   

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

e)          approve the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Member Lindsay Waugh and Senior Local Board Advisor as representatives of the steering group for the 2019 renewal of the partnering agreement between the Kaipātiki Local Board and Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust, noting that:

i)        the Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust will also be nominating members for the steering group; and

ii)       all decisions regarding the 2019 renewal of the partnering agreement between the Kaipātiki Local Board and Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust will be taken by the local board at its business meetings.

The amendment was put to the vote by a show of hands and declared LOST by 4 votes to 3.





The Chairperson put the substantive motion.

Resolution number KT/2019/37

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Hartley:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         approve the reallocation of $25,000 currently allocated to a shade sail in the "Birkenhead War Memorial Park – renew skate park including access from the park to pool – stage 2" activity line (resolution KT/2017/16) to the "Kaipātiki - Install shade sails" activity line.

b)        allocate $40,000 from the "Kaipātiki - Install shade sails" activity line to install full-coverage shade sails at the Shepherds Park playground in the 2018/2019 financial year.

c)         delegate authority to the Chairperson, in consultation with the Deputy Chairperson, to approve the option, size, colour and location of the shade sails at the Shepherds Park playground.

d)        request a report on the process of formally renaming the southern section of Kauri Road, Birkenhead, due to on-going issues with mail, couriers and visitors getting lost due to confusion with the non-connected northern section of Kauri Road.

e)         approve the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and Senior Local Board Advisor as representatives of the steering group for the 2019 renewal of the partnering agreement between the Kaipātiki Local Board and Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust, noting that:

i)       the Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust will also be nominating members for the steering group; and,




ii)      all decisions regarding the 2019 renewal of the partnering agreement between the Kaipātiki Local Board and Kaipātiki Community Facilities Trust will be taken by the local board at its business meetings.



Secretarial note: Under Standing Order 1.9.7 Member L Waugh requested that her abstention from voting on resolution a) be recorded.  




Members' Reports


This item was not considered as no information was presented.




Governing Body and Independent Maori Statutory Board Members' Update


 This item was not considered as no information was presented.




Workshop Records - Kaipātiki Local Board - February 2019


Resolution number KT/2019/38

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Smithson:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      note the record for the Kaipātiki Local Board workshop held on Wednesday 13 February and Wednesday 27 February 2019.





Governance Forward Work Calendar


Resolution number KT/2019/39

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Grant:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      note the Kaipātiki Local Board April - May 2019 governance forward work calendar and March – April 2019 workshop forward work plan.




23        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   





24        Procedural motion to exclude the public

Resolution number KT/2019/40

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member K McIntyre:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)      exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting for the following reasons:.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:

C1       Endorsement of the Northcote Town Centre Benchmark Masterplan

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable)

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

s7(2)(b)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would disclose a trade secret.

In particular, the report contains sensitive commercial information

s7(2)(h) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

In particular, the report contains sensitive commercial information

s7(2)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).

In particular, the report contains sensitive commercial information


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.



The text of these resolutions is made available to the public who are present at the meeting and form part of the minutes of the meeting.



5.09pm            The public was excluded.


Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.



Re-admitting the public

Resolution number KT/2019/42

MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Grant:  

That the Kaipātiki Local Board:

a)         reopen the meeting to public.




6.02pm            The public was re-admitted.




It was resolved while the public was excluded:




Endorsement of the Northcote Town Centre Benchmark Masterplan


Resolution number KT/2019/41

a)            confirm that there be no restatement of this confidential report, attachments or resolutions until Panuku has served notices of desire under Section 18 of the Public Works Act 1981.





6.02pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









