Rodney Local Board





Minutes of a meeting of the Rodney Local Board held in the Council Chamber, Orewa Service Centre, 50 Centreway Road, Orewa on Thursday, 21 March 2019 at 2.00pm.





Beth Houlbrooke


Deputy Chairperson

Phelan Pirrie



Brent Bailey



Tessa Berger



Cameron Brewer



Louise Johnston



Allison Roe, MBE



Colin Smith



Brenda Steele









Rodney Local Board

21 March 2019




1          Welcome


The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed those in attendance. The Chairperson then asked for a minutes’ silence in reflection and respect for the tragic events that occurred in the city of Christchurch on Friday, 15 March 2019.



2          Apologies


There were no apologies.



3          Declaration of Interest


Deputy Chairperson Phelan Pirrie declared an interest item 8.1 – North-West Business Improvement District deputation.



4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number RD/2019/13

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson P Pirrie, seconded by Member B Bailey:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 21 February 2019 as a true and correct record.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.



6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.



7          Petitions



Leigh bus petition


Tony and Jenny Enderby presented the petition and tabled supporting documentation. Copies have been placed on the official minutes and the supporting information is availaable on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number RD/2019/14

MOVED by Chairperson B Houlbrooke, seconded by Member B Steele:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      thank Mr and Mrs Enderby for their attendance

b)      receive the petition in relation to a bus service between Warkworth and Leigh

c)      request that the petition be forwarded to Auckland Transport for their attention and action.




a     21 March 2019 - Rodney Local Board, Item 7.1 - Petition relating to a bus service between Warkworth and Leigh.



8          Deputations



North-West Business Improvement District deputation


Note: Deputy Chairperson P Pirrie had declared an interest and left the meeting for this item at 2.00pm.


Tony Forlong was in attendance for this item.


Resolution number RD/2019/15

MOVED by Member B Bailey, seconded by Member A Roe:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      Thank Mr Forlong from the North-West Business Improvement District for his presentation.




a     21 March 2019 - Rodney Local Board, Item 8.1 - North West Business Improvement District - presentation.



Deputy Chairpeson P Pirrie returned to the meeting at 2.20pm.




Mens Shed Warkworth deputation


Barry Thompson was in attendance for this item.


Resolution number RD/2019/16

MOVED by Member T Berger, seconded by Member A Roe:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      thank Mr Thompson for his presentation.




9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.



10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.





Proposed kauri dieback mitigation in local parks in the Rodney Local Board area


Lisa Tolich – Biosecurity Team Manager - Kauri Dieback and Grant Jennings – Programme Principal, Kauri Die-Back Programme were in attendance for this item.


Resolution number RD/2019/17

MOVED by Chairperson B Houlbrooke, seconded by Member B Bailey:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      endorse the following high level kauri protection measures for local parks and reserves:

i)          undertake detailed investigations to determine appropriate mitigation measures (such as track upgrades, track re-alignment, track re-routing, or other physical works), and consider temporary closure until mitigation works are completed to protect symptom free high value kauri ecosystems in the following Category A parks:

A)        Brick Bay Drive, Sandspit

B)        Brick Bay Drive - Puriri Place Reserve, Sandspit

C)        Currys Bush Reserve, Wellsford

D)        Kowhai Park, Warkworth

E)        Leigh Harbour Cove Walkway

F)        Martins Bay Holiday Park Recreation Reserve (a part of which includes the Martins Bay Holiday Park)

G)       McElroy Reserve, Mahurangi West

H)        Omeru Scenic Reserve, Makarau

ii)        undertake detailed investigations to determine appropriate mitigation measures (such as track upgrades, track re-alignment, track re-routing, or other physical works), and consider temporary closure until mitigation works are completed to prevent potentially infected kauri ecosystems in the following Category A parks from becoming a source of infection:

A)        Matheson Bay Reserve

B)        Parry Kauri Park, Warkworth

C)        Duck Creek, Warkworth (noting that this is an identified priority route in the Puhoi to Parkiri Greenways Plan, and there is a live proposal to undertake detailed feasibility into a new trail connection.

iii)       discourage public access through barrier planting and signage in the following Category B parks:

A)     Kiwitahi Road, Paehoka

iv)       discourage public access through barrier planting and signage in the following Category C park:

A)     Whangateau Domain Recreation Reserve (bush area only)

v)        install hygiene station(s) at strategic locations in the following Category C parks:

A)        Buckleton Beach Reserve

B)        Sesquicentennial Walkway, Warkworth

vi)       note that Kauri dieback may be discovered in parks and reserves at any time, such as the reserve behind Mahurangi College in Warkworth, where  Kauri dieback was discovered recently, and additional sites may need to be closed or investigations undertaken to protect Kauri in the future

vii)       note that funding for the works in our high value Kauri ecosystems will come from the Natural Environment Targeted Rate

viii)      note that the remaining Category C and Category D parks are considered to be low value kauri ecosystems with low value recreational use, thus making them a lower priority for mitigation investment at this stage

ix)         request that biosecurity staff work with council’s parks, sport and recreation and community facilities departments to ensure that any mitigation measure proposed that impacts on Rodney’s greenways connections is well understood and is communicated to local communities, especially those who are undertaking work to develop or maintain our greenways

x)          request that biosecurity staff work closely with local iwi on their proposed mitigation on local parks and reserves in Rodney particularly Makarau Bridge Reserve which is managed by iwi

b)      note that a detailed kauri dieback mitigation programme with costs and timelines will be developed and submitted to a local board business meeting in mid-2019 for approval.





Allocation of funding to Citizens Advice Bureaux


Resolution number RD/2019/18

MOVED by Member B Steele, seconded by Member C Smith:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)         provide the following feedback on the new model for allocating funding to Citizens Advice Bureaux (based on 90 per cent population and 10 per cent deprivation) and on increasing the baseline grant to Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated by $200,000 in 2019-2021 (refer to Attachment A to the agenda report):.

i)          do not support any changes to the funding model at this time, as the quality of data available from Citizens Advice Bureaux on their usage and local demand is not sufficient or consistent between bureaux to enable the local board to provide informed feedback

ii)         note that it is not clear from the information provided what the impact of the proposed new funding model will be on the provision of services by individual bureaux and whether this is the best outcome for our communities

iii)       recommend that the Governing Body continue the status quo level of funding for Citizens Advice Bureaux, and defer a decision on any future funding model until the Auckland Citizens Advice Bureaux Incorporated can provide reliable and consistent data on the usage of bureaux across the region that can clearly illustrate what the impact of any funding allocation model will be on individual bureaux

iv)       note that the Rodney Local Board is not resourced to support the two bureaux in its local board area (Helensville and Wellsford), both of which stand to have their funding cut under the proposed model (unless there is a regional top up in funding).




2019 Local Government New Zealand Conference and Annual General Meeting


Resolution number RD/2019/19

MOVED by Member B Bailey, seconded by Chairperson B Houlbrooke:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      nominate elected member Houlbrooke to attend the Local Government New Zealand 2019 Conference and Annual General Meeting in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, from Sunday 7 July to Tuesday 9 July 2019.

b)      confirm that conference attendance, including travel and accommodation, will be paid for in accordance with the current Auckland Council Elected Member Expense Policy.

c)      note that any members who wish to attend the Annual General Meeting must provide their names to the Kura Kāwana programme team by Friday 12 April 2019 to ensure that they are registered with Local Government New Zealand

d)      nominate member Steele to attend Te Maruata meeting on 6 July and the Local Government New Zealand 2019 Conference and Annual General Meeting in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington, from Sunday 7 July to Tuesday 9 July 2019 subject to approval and availability of individual local board member development funding





Addition to the 2019 Rodney Local Board Business Meeting Schedule


Resolution number RD/2019/20

MOVED by Member B Steele, seconded by Member T Berger:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approve the meeting date of Thursday, 6 June 2019 at 8.30am be added to the 2019 Rodney Local Board meeting schedule to adopt the local board agreement 2019/2020 and the fees and charges schedule.





New road names in the C and R Property Development subdivision at 217 Matua Road, Huapai


Resolution number RD/2019/21

MOVED by Member B Steele, seconded by Member T Berger:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approve:

i)       the name McIndoe Road for a new public road;

ii)      the name Cutfield Lane for a jointly owned access lot; and,

iii)     the extensions of Lewis Younie Road, Madden Avenue and Lockyer Road

for the C and R Property Development subdivision at 217 Matua Road, Huapai, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 and as referenced in Attachment A and B to the agenda report

b)        thank the applicant for investigating the names on the war memorial site so they have local relevance





New road names in the Adams Development Limited subdivision at 335 Taupaki Road, Taupaki


Resolution number RD/2019/22

MOVED by Member T Berger, seconded by Chairperson B Houlbrooke:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approve the new road names EJ Osborne Lane and Livery Lane, for the Adams Development Limited subdivision at 335 Taupaki Road, Taupaki, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 and as referenced in Attachment A and B to the agenda report.





New road names in the No 82 Limited subdivision at 82 Falls Road, Warkworth


Resolution number RD/2019/23

MOVED by Member B Steele, seconded by Member C Smith:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      approve the two new road names Champers Way and Alfred Peter Crescent, and the name Hikuwai Lane for a jointly owned access lot, for the No 82 Limited subdivision at 82 Falls Road, Warkworth, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 and as referenced in Attachment A and B to the agenda report.





Rodney Local Board Chairperson's report


Resolution number RD/2019/24

MOVED by Chairperson B Houlbrooke, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Pirrie:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      note the chairperson’s report for March 2019.





Rodney Local Board workshop records


Resolution number RD/2019/25

MOVED by Member B Steele, seconded by Chairperson B Houlbrooke:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      note the workshop records for 7 March 2019.






Governance forward work calendar


Resolution number RD/2019/26

MOVED by Member B Steele, seconded by Member T Berger:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      note the governance forward work calendar as at March 2019.





Deputations and public forum update


Resolution number RD/2019/27

MOVED by Chairperson B Houlbrooke, seconded by Member T Berger:  

That the Rodney Local Board:

a)      note the deputation and public forum update for 21 February 2019.





Rodney Ward Councillor update


There was no one in attendance for this item.



23        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   




3.15pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









