Te Rōpū Kaitohutohu Take Kaumātua /
Seniors Advisory Panel






Minutes of a meeting of the Seniors Advisory Panel held in the Boardroom, Ground Floor, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Monday, 18 March 2019 at 10.30am.





Janet Clews, CNZM,QSO, JP


Deputy Chairman

David Wong Hop, MNZM, JP



Judy Blakey, MNZM



Roger Fowler, QSM



Joan Lardner-Rivlin, MNZM, QSM

Until 12.53pm, Item 11


Mihi Te Huia



Mere Tunks, QSM







Sonny Niha



Chief Liaison Councillor

Cr Dr Cathy Casey


Liaison Councillor

Daniel Newman, JP






Seniors Advisory Panel

18 March 2019








The Chairman opened the meeting and acknowledged the recent tragic events in Christchurch.


Member Mere Tunks gave a karakia.




1          Apologies


Resolution number SEN/2019/1

MOVED by Member J Lardner-Rivlin, seconded by Member M Tunks:  

That the Seniors Advisory Panel:

a)         accept an apology from Cr D Newman for absence.





2          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


There were no declarations of interest.




3          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number SEN/2019/2

MOVED by Member J Blakey, seconded by Member M Te Huia:  

That the Seniors Advisory Panel:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 15 October 2018, as a true and correct record.





4          Additional Items 


There were no additional items.








Resolution number SEN/2019/3

MOVED by Chairman J Clews, seconded by Member J Blakey:  

That the Seniors Advisory Panel:

a)         agree that the meeting stand adjourned in order to celebrate the recent New Year’s honour awarded to Member Joan Lardner-Rivlin as a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit.





The meeting adjourned at 10.34am and reconvened at 10.44am.





Public Input – Asoka Basnayake and Nilima Venkat


Asoka Basnayake and Nilima Venkat addressed the panel in regard to issues that ethnic seniors are currently facing in Auckland, including providing support for migrants (accessibility, cultural differences, elder abuse, language), particularly as the DHB has reduced funding for support and there has been reduced funding from the Government.


Resolution number SEN/2019/4

MOVED by Member M Te Huia, seconded by Deputy Chairman D Wong Hop:  

That the Seniors Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the item of public input presented at the meeting and thank Asoka Basnayake and Nilima Venkat for their attendance.

b)      refer the concerns raised by the presenters to council for consideration and response back to the panel to see what the Council can do to progress the funding cuts from the DHB that address social isolation and loneliness.







Councillors' Update - Seniors Advisory Panel, 18 March 2019




This item did not proceed









Auckland Council - Māori Library Services


Judith Waaka, Pouarataki Ruataki Moari updated the panel on Māori Library Services and gave a PowerPoint presentation.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number SEN/2019/5

MOVED by Member R Fowler, seconded by Member J Blakey:  

That the Seniors Advisory Panel:

a)      receive and thank Judith Waaka for her presentation regarding Māori Library Services at Auckland Council.




a     18 March 2019, Seniors Advisory Panel, Item 7 - Auckland Council - Māori Library Services - Presentation





Consultation on increasing Aucklander's participation in sport investment plan


Ruth Woodward, Policy Manager – Pukeko and Nancy Chu, Principal Policy Analyst from Community and Social Policy updated the panel on the consultation for the council’s sport investment plan.  A PowerPoint presentation was given.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number SEN/2019/6

MOVED by Member M Tunks, seconded by Member J Blakey:  

That the Seniors Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the Auckland Council draft plan for sport investment - Increasing Aucklanders’ Participation in Sport: Investment Plan 2019-2039 and thank Community and Social Policy staff for the additional opportunity for feedback.

b)      provide feedback on the draft plan as follows:

·         imagery within the document should include cycling and watersports to reflect Auckland’s community

·         the document should include age-friendly initiatives, imagery of older people and linked to the positive ageing strategy

c)      thank Member Judy Blakey for providing in-depth feedback on the sport investment plan.




a     18 March 2019, Seniors Advisory Panel - Item 8, Consultation on increasing Aucklander's participation in sport investment plan - Presentation









Auckland Emergency Management - current items of work


David Murphy, Readiness Manager and Wayne Brown, Principal Advisor – Recovery from Auckland Emergency Management updated the panel on the current items of work within the Auckland Emergency Management team.  A PowerPoint presentation was given.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.

During the presentation, the following feedback was suggested as items which should be included in the planning framework:

·         effects on the Māori community and rural areas

·         older adults and people who are disabled

·         effects of terrorist attacks (needs to stay as a living document and reflect all disasters).

·         effects on gated communities (retirement villages, etc)

·         continue working with vulnerable groups to assist with their business continuity plans.


Resolution number SEN/2019/7

MOVED by Member M Tunks, seconded by Member M Te Huia:  

That the Seniors Advisory Panel:

a)       receive and thank Auckland Emergency Management staff for the information presented on current work in progress.




a     18 March 2019, Seniors Advisory Panel - Item 9, Auckland Emergency Management - current items of work - Presentation  





Our Water Future: A Discussion Document


Andrew Chin, Readiness Manager and Wayne Brown, Principal Advisor – Recovery from Auckland Emergency Management updated the panel on the current items of work within the Auckland Emergency Management team.  A PowerPoint presentation was given.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number SEN/2019/8

MOVED by Chairman J Clews, seconded by Deputy Chairman D Wong Hop:  

That the Seniors Advisory Panel:

a)       receive and thank Auckland Emergency Management staff on the consultation process on Our Water Future: A Discussion Document.

b)       provide feedback on the Our Water Future: A Discussion Document.




a     18 March 2019, Seniors Advisory Panel - Item 10, Our Water Future: A Discussion Document - Presentation







Age Friendly City - Update


Rebecca Kruse, Principal Policy Advisor and Cleo Matthews, Policy Analyst from the Community and Social Policy team gave a PowerPoint presentation.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.

Member Joan Lardner-Rivlin retired from the meeting at 12.53pm.



Resolution number SEN/2019/9

MOVED by Member R Fowler, seconded by Deputy Chairman D Wong Hop:  

That the Seniors Advisory Panel:

a)      receive and thank Rebecca Kruse for her presentation regarding the age-friendly city initiative.




a     18 March 2019, Seniors Advisory Panel - Item 11, Age-Friendly City - Update - Presentation  





Seniors Advisory Panel - Members' Update



Chairman Janet Clews advised:


·         She attended an afternoon tea with seniors hosted by the Whau Local Board which was well attended.

·         It is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on 15 June 2019 relating to elder abuse.  Cecily undertook to see if Auckland Council would be marking the day.


Member Judy Blakey will be attending a meeting at St Luke’s Church where she will be speaking about community wellbeing and the role of seniors in the community.


Member Mere Tunks advised the panel of a play which will be held at the Corban Arts Centre on Saturday, 23 March 2019 which is completely in Te Reo Māori about Chief Panuku.


Resolution number SEN/2019/10

MOVED by Chairman J Clews, seconded by Deputy Chairman D Wong Hop:  

That the Seniors Advisory Panel:

a)      receive the update about upcoming events and issues impacting senior communities.








Seniors Advisory Panel - Work Programme Update, 18 March 2019


Resolution number SEN/2019/11

MOVED by Member J Blakey, seconded by Member M Tunks:  

That the Seniors Advisory Panel:

a)      receive an update on the work programme from Cecily Dower, Deputy Lead Officer.






Chair's Report - Seniors Advisory Panel, 18 March 2019


Chairman Janet Clews advised:

·         Chairs and Deputy Chairs have been invited to an integrated Chairs/Deputy Chairs meeting.

·         Notification of a pan-panel workshop on 30 April 2019 will be sent in the near future.

·         Access Alliance is holding a workshop on Disability legislation on Friday, 22 March 2019 at the Blind Foundation.  Any member free to attend may do so as a Seniors Advisory Panel representative.



Resolution number SEN/2019/12

MOVED by Chairman J Clews, seconded by Deputy Chairman D Wong Hop:  

That the Seniors Advisory Panel:

a)      note the update from the Chair.





15        Consideration of Additional Items


There was no consideration of additional items.   



Member Mihi Te Huia closed the meeting with a karakia.



1.19pm                                               The Chairman thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.







