Ngā Hui a te Poari Kaitohutohu mō te Pokapū o Te Tāone Nui o Tāmaki Makaurau /

Auckland City Centre Advisory Board





Minutes of a meeting of the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board held in the Board Room, Ground Floor, Auckland Town Hall, 305 Queen Street on Wednesday, 22 May 2019 at 4.05pm.





Ms Viv Beck

Business Improvement District

Deputy Chair

Mr Andrew Gaukrodger
(from 4.06pm)

Corporate sector


Ms Noelene Buckland

City Centre Residents Group


Ms Pippa Coom
(until 5.26pm)

Waitematā Local Board, Auckland Council


Mr Terry Cornelius, JP

Retail sector


Mr George Crawford

Property Council of NZ


Cr Chris Darby

Auckland Council (Mayor’s alternate)


Mr Mark Kingsford

(from 4.06pm)

Corporate sector


Cr Mike Lee
(until 5.13pm)

Liaison Councillor, Auckland Council


Mr James Mooney

Urban design/institute of architects


Mr Nigel Murphy

Tertiary Education (University of Auckland & Auckland University of Technology)


Mr Adam Parkinson
(until 5.09pm)

City Centre Residents Group


Mr Patrick Reynolds

Transport representative


Mr Michael Richardson

Business Improvement District





Mr Ngarimu Blair

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei


Mr Greg Cohen



Mr Ben Corban

Arts and Cultural Sector


Mayor Hon Phil Goff, CNZM, JP

Auckland Council


Ms Amy Malcolm

Tertiary Education (University of Auckland & Auckland University of Technology)





Mr Richard Northey
(until 4.49pm)

Waitematā Local Board, Auckland Council


Auckland City Centre Advisory Board

22 May 2019



1           Apologies


Resolution number CEN/2019/19

MOVED by Chairperson V Beck, seconded by Mr A Parkinson:  

That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)          accept the apologies from Mr G Cohen, Mayor P Goff and Ms A Malcolm for absence.




2           Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



3           Confirmation of Minutes


Deputy Chairperson A Gaukrodger entered the meeting at 4.06 pm.

Mr M Kingsford entered the meeting at 4.06 pm.


Resolution number CEN/2019/20

MOVED by Mr N Murphy, seconded by Ms N Buckland:  

That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)          confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 17 April 2019 as a true and correct record.




4           Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.




Auckland City Centre Advisory Board City Centre Master Plan (CCMP) Feedback


Note:    changes to clause a) were incorporated and new clauses b), c) and d) were added              with the agreement of the meeting.


Resolution number CEN/2019/21

MOVED by Chairperson V Beck, seconded by Mr  Mooney:  

That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)          endorse its feedback on the City Centre Masterplan (CCMP) refresh and the Waterfront Plan included in Attachment A of the agenda report, and reiterates the importance of the City Centre Masterplan and Waterfront Plan being integrated into one document that includes the area occupied by Ports of Auckland. This will ensure the achievement of a holistic, integrated plan that will guide investment and progress toward achieving the CCMP vision and reiterates the importance of inclusiveness and getting buy-in from the people of Auckland.

b)         request the public consultation process and programme timeline for the City Centre MasterPlan refresh be provided to the board.

c)          delegate authority to the Chairperson to represent the board’s views at relevant council meetings.






Update on the city centre public amenity project


A PowerPoint presentation was provided at the meeting. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Mr Richard Northey left the meeting at 4.49pm.
Mr A Parkinson left the meeting at 5.09 pm.
Mr P Reynolds left the meeting at 5.11 pm.


Note:    clauses b) and c) were added with the agreement of the meeting.


Resolution number CEN/2019/22

MOVED by Ms N Buckland, seconded by Mr M Richardson:  

That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)          receive an update on the city centre public amenity project

b)         encourage urgent action to provide additional public amenities once the gap-analysis is completed.

c)          request information on the status and maintenance arrangements of closed toilets and toilets in relation to bonus area resource consents.




a     22 May 2019 Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: Item 6 - Update on the city centre public amenity project, presentation





Update on the transfer of town centre cleaning and maintenance from Auckland Transport and Waste Solutions to Community Facilities


A PowerPoint presentation was circulated with the meeting agenda.


Cr M Lee left the meeting at 5.13 pm.
Mr P Reynolds returned to the meeting at 5.13 pm.
Ms P Coom left the meeting at 5.26 pm.


Note:    clause a) was changed with the agreement of the meeting.


Resolution number CEN/2019/23

MOVED by Chairperson V Beck, seconded by Mr N Murphy:  

That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)       receive the update on the transfer of city centre cleaning and maintenance from Auckland Transport and Waste Solutions to Community Facilities and endorse the outcomes approach to cleaning and maintenance in the city centre.

b)       provide any additional feedback on the service standards and priority areas and services before the new service transition begins on 1 July 2019.







Summary of Auckland City Centre Advisory Board information updates, memos and briefings - 22 May 2019


Resolution number CEN/2019/24

MOVED by Ms N Buckland, seconded by Mr T Cornelius:  

That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board:

a)       receive the summary of the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board information report – 22 May 2019.





9           Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   





5.29 pm                                                   The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









