I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Monday, 20 May 2019 5.30pm Takapuna Seniors Citizens Hall 5 The Strand Takapuna |
Te Rōpū Kaitohutohu Take Āhua Iwi Kē / Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel
Chairperson |
Sunil Kaushal |
Deputy Chairperson |
Jade Tang-Taylor |
Members |
Bill Guan |
Naoe Hashimoto |
Anita Keestra |
Ljubica Mamula-Seadon |
Jessica Phuang |
Dave Tomu |
Liaison Councillor |
Cr Alf Filipaina |
Chief Liaison Councillor |
Dr Cathy Casey |
(Quorum 5 members)
Suad Allie Governance Advisor
16 May 2019
Contact Telephone: (09) 977 6953 Email: Suad.Allie@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
(Excerpt – full terms of reference available as a separate document)
The terms of reference set out the purpose, role and protocols of the Panel.
Panel members abide by the Code of Conduct for members of Auckland Council advisory
As one of council’s engagement mechanisms with diverse communities, the demographic
advisory panels provide advice to the governing body and council staff within the remit of the
Auckland Plan on the following areas:
· Auckland Council’s regional policies, plans and strategies
· Regional and strategic matters including those that Council-Controlled Organisations deal with any matter of particular interest or concern to diverse communities.
The panel’s advice will contribute to improving the outcomes of diverse communities and
social cohesion as set out in the Auckland Plan. The panel will advise through their agreed
strategic agenda and detailed work programme.
Strategic agenda and work programme
The panel must develop a work programme and set a strategic agenda for the term. The
agendas should be focused and integrated across the panels for collaborative input into
shared agendas, particularly on the Auckland Plan, the Long-term Plan and annual plans.
The panel should advise on council’s organisational strategies relevant to diverse
The governing body and council staff should work with the panel for the development of their
strategic agendas and work programme. An appropriate committee will approve the panel’s
work programme and any subsequent major changes to it.
The panel must not make formal submissions to Auckland Council on council strategies,
policies and plans, for example, the annual plan.
In its advisory role to the council, the panel may have input to submissions made by the
council to external organisations but do not make independent submissions, except as
agreed with the council.
This does not prevent individual members being party to submissions outside their role as
panel members.
The form and functioning of the panels may be reviewed prior to or after, the end of the
panel’s term in September 2019.
Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel 20 May 2019 |
1 Apologies 5
2 Declaration of Interest 5
3 Confirmation of Minutes 5
4 Extraordinary Business 5
5 Presentation on the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel's achievements to date 7
6 Diversity and Inclusion - Voter Participation 9
7 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
At the close of the agenda apologies from Jade Tang-Taylor and Jessica Phuang had been received.
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 19 November 2018, as a true and correct record.
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel 20 May 2019 |
Presentation on the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel's achievements to date
File No.: CP2019/08005
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To provide a presentation on the panels priorities and achievements.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. Sunil Kaushil, Chair of the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel will provide a brief presentation on the panel priorities and achievements to date.
Recommendation/s That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) receive the presentation.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Suad Allie - Governance Advisor |
Authoriser |
Cecilia Tse - Head of Risk |
Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel 20 May 2019 |
Diversity and Inclusion - Voter Participation
File No.: CP2019/08006
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To provide the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panels with an update on the Elections 2019 programme of work.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. Nominations are open from 19 July to 16 August and voting is from 20 September to 12 October. The key messages for the election campaign are: STAND, ENROL, VOTE!
3. Information is already available on the council’s website (voteauckland.co.nz) including posters encouraging people to think about standing in the local elections and the candidate handbook.
4. The Electoral Commission’s enrolment campaign is also getting underway and, once voting starts in September, we will be teaming up with them to offer “one stop shops” where people can enroll and vote on the spot.
Online voting update
5. In December 2018, it was agreed that the proposed trial of online voting as part of the 2019 elections would not proceed.
6. Auckland Council, along with other members of the working group, remains focused on ensuring the legislative and regulatory changes required to enable online voting to occur as soon as possible, and on securing the necessary funding to deliver an online solution.
7. The nine councils will continue to work collaboratively so that the sector is able to deliver online voting for the 2022 local elections.
Communications and engagement approach
8. The primary objective of the elections campaign community engagement approach is to increase participation from communities less likely to stand or vote in Auckland’s local body election. The strategic focus of the campaign is to ensure that:
· candidates reflect the diverse communities of Auckland;
· increased voter turnout and reduced barriers to participation;
· an excellent, user-centric experience for candidates and voters; and
· increased knowledge of what council does and democracy.
9. It will build on the 2016’s Show Your Love campaign using real Aucklanders to be the ‘stars’ of the campaign and making it personal – giving candidates and voters the reason to vote with the issues that matter to them. Reaching voters both demographically and geographically.
10. The principles of the engagement approach are outlined in the table below:
• Auckland Council Significance and Engagement policy (2014) |
• Implications for Elections 2019 engagement |
• Open, transparent, democratically accountable |
• Free, fair and effective election • Ensure access to information for all • Listen, consider community feedback |
• Consider the views of all communities |
• Work in partnership with community organisations and leaders to encourage greater community ownership and participation |
• Take account of diversity of the community and interests of future as well as current communities |
• Reach out to those less likely to participate* • Meet community needs in respect of language, accessibility and cultural expectations • Civic education – investing in building community capacity to enable future participation |
• Provide opportunities for Māori to contribute to decision-making processes |
• Building on existing ongoing Māori partnerships • Supporting Māori community’s own desire to increase civic participation |
• Prudent stewardship |
• Effective planning and budget management |
11. To implement this, there are a number of strands of work:
· Internal networks to increase the reach of the elections campaign
12. Partnerships and co-design - formal partnerships have now been established with the Chinese New Settlers Services Trust, Waycom and New Zealand Asian Leaders. Voluntary based partnerships are being explored with Auckland Regional Migrant Services, Deaf Radio, Committee for Auckland and others
· Community outreach at events and festivals, and one-stop shops where people can register and vote at the same time
· Student engagement through tertiary and further education providers
· Māori engagement including a focus on south Auckland and rangatahi
· Civic education – Youth Voting programme and using schools as community hubs in low voting areas
· Assisted voting to increase independence in the voting process by providing support in the physical act of voting to those who have a print disability and providing information in alternative formats
· Ballot boxes in council libraries and service centres
· Translations – particularly during voting phase with key website information in Te Reo, Samoan, simplified Chinese, video content in NZSL and partners providing language support at one stop shop events
· Media advertising through a range of channels – this will include reaching Māori, Pacific and Asian audiences and different age groups
· Vote Friday campaign within Auckland Council to provide support and encouragement for staff to vote.
Role of the panels
13. Advisory panels could:
· Host community forums to encourage the community to stand for election
· Support the community outreach programme eg at events and festivals
· Promote key messages and activities through social media and networks
· Are there other ways the panel would like to support the elections 2019 programme?
Recommendation/s That the Ethnic Peoples Advisory Panel: a) receive the presentation.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Candidate booklet |
13 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Suad Allie - Governance Advisor |
Authoriser |
Cecilia Tse - Head of Risk |