Rodney Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Rodney Local Board held in the Council Chamber, Orewa Service Centre, 50 Centreway Road, Orewa on Thursday, 16 May 2019 at 2.00pm.
Chairperson |
Beth Houlbrooke |
Deputy Chairperson |
Phelan Pirrie |
Members |
Brent Bailey |
Tessa Berger |
Cameron Brewer |
Louise Johnston |
Allison Roe, MBE |
Colin Smith |
Brenda Steele |
Councillor |
Greg Sayers |
Rodney Local Board 16 May 2019 |
The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed those in attendance.
Deputy Chairperson P Pirrie declared an interest in Item 13 – Business Improvement District Programme Compliance Report to the Rodney Local Board for FY 2017-2018.
Resolution number RD/2019/43 MOVED by Chairperson B Houlbrooke, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Pirrie: That the Rodney Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday 18 April 2019, as a true and correct record. |
There were no leaves of absence.
There were no acknowledgements.
There were no petitions.
8.1 |
Mr Jon Tate and Ms Tina Earl were in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number RD/2019/44 MOVED by Chairperson B Houlbrooke, seconded by Member A Roe: That the Rodney Local Board: a) thank Mr Tate and Ms Earl for their verbal presentation. |
8.2 |
Mr Brian Sutton from the Wilks Road Landowners Group was in attendance for this item. |
A PowerPoint presentation was given. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minute attachment. |
Resolution number RD/2019/45 MOVED by Member B Steele, seconded by Member L Johnston: That the Rodney Local Board: a) thank Mr Sutton on behalf of the Wilks Road Landowners Group for his presentation. |
a 16 May 2019 - Rodney Local Board, Item 8.2 - Silverdale West - Dairy Flat Structure Plan - presentation |
There was no public forum.
There was no extraordinary business.
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Rodney Local Parks Management Plan – scope and approval for intention to prepare the plan |
Ms Shyrel Burt – Service and Asset Planning Specialist was in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number RD/2019/46 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson P Pirrie, seconded by Member B Bailey: That the Rodney Local Board: a) endorse the scope and engagement approach for the development of the Rodney (omnibus) Local Parks Management Plan b) approve public notification of its intention to prepare a combined (omnibus) Local Parks Management Plan for all local parks and reserves in the Rodney Local Board area and invite written suggestions on the proposed plan c) note that the Rodney Local Board Parks and Recreation Committee will guide the development of the management plan. |
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Panuku Development Auckland Local Board six-monthly update 1 October 2018 - 31 March 2019 |
Mr Carlos Rahman – Senior Engagement Advisor was in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number RD/2019/47 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson P Pirrie, seconded by Member C Smith That the Rodney Local Board: a) receive the Panuku Development Auckland Local Board update for 1 October 2018 to 31 March 2019
b) request a future update on the following specific items:
i) farming income received from Green Road, Dairy Flat
ii) income expected from the harvest and future plans for the Ti Point forest in Leigh. |
Deputy Chairperson P Pirrie declared an interest and left the meeting at 2.57pm.
13 |
Business Improvement District Programme Compliance Report to Rodney Local Board for FY 2017-2018 |
Resolution number RD/2019/48 MOVED by Member C Brewer, seconded by Member B Bailey: That the Rodney Local Board: a) recommends the Governing Body strike the targeted rate for inclusion in the Annual Budget 2019-2020 for the following Business Improvement District programme: i) $180,000 for North West Country Incorporated. |
Deputy Chairperson P Pirrie returned to the meeting at 3.03pm.
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Endorsement of urgent repairs and remediation of drainage districts assets |
Mr Andrew Chin – Auckland Waters Portfolio Manager was in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number RD/2019/49 MOVED by Member B Steele, seconded by Member C Smith: That the Rodney Local Board: a) endorse Healthy Waters to implement the recommendations to remediate the state of assets in the Te Arai, Okahukura (Tapora), and Glorit drainage districts in the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 financial years including: i) undertaking the urgent repairs identified in the asset investigation reports ii) commencing six-monthly spraying and weeding of drains iii) preparing, and implementing, a plan for the mechanical clearing of drains over a five-year period. b) note that this investment and work is a one-off regional undertaking and that staff will work with the local board, landowners and mana whenua, to more accurately plan and scope the cost of maintaining the Te Arai, Okahukura (Tapora), and Glorit drainage districts to an appropriate standard going forward |
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Resolution number RD/2019/50 MOVED by Member B Bailey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Pirrie: That the Rodney Local Board: a) do not endorse the draft submission on the Remuneration Authority’s proposed policy on childcare allowances, and provide the following feedback to the Remuneration Authority: i) The elected members fee is an honorarium, not a salary, and elected members are expected to meet their own costs while serving on a local board
ii) The elected member honorarium does not include provision for any leave entitlements or other benefits, save for mileage travel expenses which are universally claimable in the course of business, so singling out childcare allowances is arbitrary and not in keeping with an honorarium
iii) Standing for local government is a community service, not a career path, and all elected members incur hardship of one sort or another; a better focus would be amending the current policies which negatively impact elected members in rural areas who travel vast distances but have a capped sum on the amount of mileage that can be claimed annually
iv) if the Remuneration Authority considers that additional benefits should be payable to elected members to encourage more people to stand for election they would be better off increasing the honorarium for all, not allowances for some
v) There are other methods available to elected members who wish to recover childcare costs, including tax deductions or other mechanisms through IRD which will not unfairly burden the Auckland ratepayer like the Remuneration Authority proposal will. |
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Approval of the Rodney Local Board Achievements Report 26 October 2016 - 30 April 2019 |
Resolution number RD/2019/51 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson P Pirrie, seconded by Member B Bailey: That the Rodney Local Board: a) approve the Rodney Local Board Achievements Report 26 October 2016 – 30 April 2019 for publication as included in Attachment A to this agenda report dated 16 May 2019 b) delegate to the Chairperson the authority to make any minor typographical amendments or corrections to the Achievements Report prior to publication, as required. CARRIED |
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Auckland Council's Quarterly Performance Report: Rodney Local Board for quarter three 2018/2019 |
Mr Mark Purdie – Lead Financial Advisor and Mr Ben Moimoi – Local Board Advisor were in attendance for this item. |
Resolution number RD/2019/52 MOVED by Member B Steele, seconded by Deputy Chairperson P Pirrie: That the Rodney Local Board: a) receive the performance report for the financial quarter ending 31 March 2019. |
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Resolution number RD/2019/53 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson P Pirrie, seconded by Member C Smith: That the Rodney Local Board: a) note the chairperson’s report for May 2019. |
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Resolution number RD/2019/54 MOVED by Member B Bailey, seconded by Member C Brewer: That the Rodney Local Board: a) note the workshop records for 2 May 2019. |
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Resolution number RD/2019/55 MOVED by Member B Steele, seconded by Member B Bailey: That the Rodney Local Board: a) note the governance forward work calendar as at May 2019. |
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Resolution number RD/2019/56 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson P Pirrie, seconded by Member T Berger: That the Rodney Local Board: a) note the deputation and public forum update for 18 April 2019. |
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Councillor Greg Sayers was in attendance for this item. |
Documents were tabled in support of this item. Copies have been placed on the official minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments. |
Resolution number RD/2019/57 MOVED by Chairperson B Houlbrooke, seconded by Member C Smith: That the Rodney Local Board: a) thank Cr Sayers for his update on the activities of the Governing Body. |
a 16 May 2019 - Rodney Local Board, Item 22 - Rodney Ward Councillor update - report |
23 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
The meeting was adjourned at 3.40pm and reconvened at 4.10pm.
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Resolution number RD/2019/58 MOVED by Member B Steele, seconded by Member L Johnston: That the Rodney Local Board: a) receive the Waste Bylaw Statement of Proposal report from the 11 April 2019 Regulatory Committee meeting as approved by the Governing Body on 2 May 2019 b) delegate to the Chairperson of the Rodney Local Board authority to provide formal feedback from the local board on the proposed new Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw 2019 and amendments to the Trading and Events in Public Places Bylaw 2015 c) note that formal local board feedback on this proposal is required by 16 June 2019 d) urgently request that staff make themselves available for a workshop with the Rodney Local Board on this proposal particularly as it relates to clean and managed fills e) request that the Chairperson of the Regulatory Committee allow the Rodney Local Board Chairperson to be a full member of the hearings panel under clause c) of REG/2019/21 due to specific importance of this issue in Rodney. |
4.25pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.