Upper Harbour Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Upper Harbour Local Board held in the Upper Harbour Local Board Office, 30 Kell Drive, Albany on Thursday, 16 May 2019 at 9.32am





Margaret Miles, QSM, JP


Deputy Chairperson

Lisa Whyte



Uzra Casuri Balouch, JP



Nicholas Mayne



Brian Neeson, JP






Member John McLean




Upper Harbour Local Board

16 May 2019




1          Welcome


The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed those present.


2          Apologies


Resolution number UH/2019/41

MOVED by Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Whyte:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)         accept the apology from Member J McLean for absence.



3          Declaration of Interest


Member N Mayne declared an interest in Item C1 Community centre management: Headquarters and Sunderland Lounge, Hobsonville Point. However, Member Mayne does not view this as a conflict of interest and will participate in voting.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number UH/2019/42

MOVED by Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Member N Mayne:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 18 April 2019, as true and correct, subject to the following change to item 15, resolution number UH/2019/35, clause a) as follows:

a)      agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in round two of the Upper Harbour Quick Response Grants 2018/2019 listed in the following table:   

Application ID


Main focus

Requesting funding for

Amount requested

Amount granted


The Upside Downs Education Trust


Towards operational and speech and language therapy service costs for two children with Down Syndrome



Not a high priority at this time


Bays Youth Community Trust


Towards the marketing costs to promote Bays Youth Community Trust between May and October 2019




The Parenting Place Charitable Trust


Towards coordinators and coaching costs to assist with running the four to seven-year olds’ movement and sports skills development programme between May 2019 and August 2019

Towards costs of 55 presentations for participating students at four local high schools




ATC 30 Squadron Support Committee


Towards travel costs for the weekend activities between August 2019 and January 2020




The Urban Eco-living Charitable Trust


Towards costs of engaging qualified teachers to deliver the Tread Lightly Caravan programme to Upper Harbour Primary School




Windsor Park Community and Multisport Hub Incorporated

Sport and recreation

Towards the salary of a project manager at Windsor Park Community and Multisport Hub




Salle Jean Louis Incorporated

Sport and recreation

Towards the venue hire and fencing equipment to maintain operation of the fencing club




East Coast Bays and Districts Cricket Club Incorporated

Sport and recreation

Towards the club treasurer's wages between May and September 2019




North Harbour Hockey Association

Sport and recreation

Towards costs of 55 presentations for participating students at four local high schools

Towards coordinators and coaching costs to assist with running the four to seven-year olds’ movement and sports skills development programme between May 2019 and August 2019












5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements



Bereavement: Raymond Edwin (Ray) MORRIS


Resolution number UH/2019/43

MOVED by Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Whyte:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)        acknowledge the recent passing of Raymond (Ray) Morris and recognise his many years of service to local government, including Takapuna City Council and North Shore City Council.



7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.


9          Public Forum



Hobsonville Community Trust


Gavin Gunston, Community Coordinator, and Gordon Summerville, Chairperson, of the Hobsonville Community Trust, were in attendance to address Item C1: Community centre management: Headquarters and Sunderland Lounge, Hobsonville Point.

A PowerPoint presentation and a summary document were provided. Copies have been placed on the official minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number UH/2019/44

MOVED by Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Whyte:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)        receive the public forum item from Gavin Gunston and Gordon Summerville and thank them for their attendance and presentation.




a     16 May 2019 Upper Harbour Local Board: Item 9.1 - Hobsonville Community Trust presentation

b     16 May 2019 Upper Harbour Local Board: Item 9.1 - Hobsonville Community Trust summary document




Hobsonville Point Residents Society


Professor Errol Haarhoff, Chairperson, and Lindsey Dawson, Committee Member, from the Hobsonville Point Residents Society, were in attendance to address Item C1: Community centre management: Headquarters and Sunderland Lounge, Hobsonville Point.

A PowerPoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number UH/2019/45

MOVED by Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Whyte:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)        receive the public forum item from Professor Errol Haarhoff and Lindsey Dawson and thank them for their attendance and presentation.




a     16 May 2019 Upper Harbour Local Board: Item 9.2 - Hobsonville Point Residents Society presentation




10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.



Minutes of the Upper Harbour Local Board meeting held Thursday, 18 April 2019


That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

Note:       that the open unconfirmed minutes of the Upper Harbour Local Board meeting held on Thursday, 18 April 2019, are attached at item 11 of the agenda for the information of the board only and were confirmed under item 4 of the agenda, subject to the correction noted in item 4.




New community lease to Waitākere City Racquets Sports Trust and new sub-lease to West Harbour Tennis Club Incorporated at Picasso Reserve, 31a Picasso Drive, West Harbour


The Community Lease Specialist, Community Facilities, was in attendance to support the item.


Resolution number UH/2019/46

MOVED by Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Member U Casuri Balouch:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      grant a new community lease to Waitākere City Racquets Sports Trust for 10,132.8m² (more or less) on part of Picasso Reserve, 31a Picasso Drive, West Harbour, described as Lot 5 DP 1656558, part Lot 114 DP128337 and part Lot 301 DP 128372, (refer to Attachment A to the agenda report), subject to the following terms and conditions:

i.        term: 10 years commencing 16 May 2019, with one 10-year right of renewal

ii.       rent: $1 plus GST per annum if requested

iii.      public access to the two tennis courts marked as public courts on the site plan (refer to Attachment A to the agenda report) are kept available for use by the general public at all reasonable times at a charge that is considered reasonable by the lessor

iv.      the Waitākere City Racquets Sports Trust Community Outcomes Plan as approved be attached to the community lease document (refer to Attachment B to the agenda report)

v.       that all other terms and conditions are in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977 and the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines July 2012.

b)      grant approval for the Waitākere City Racquets Sports Trust to enter into a sub‑lease with West Harbour Tennis Club Incorporated to occupy and manage the tennis facility, being 10,132.8m²  (more or less) on part of Picasso Reserve, 31a Picasso Drive, West Harbour, described as Lot 5 DP 1656558, part Lot 114 DP128337 and part Lot 301 DP 128372, (refer to Attachment C to the agenda report) on the following terms and conditions:

i.        the sub-lease shall be for a term concurrent with the head lease, less one day, with or without a right of renewal.

c)      note an error in paragraph 17 of the report, which refers to seven courts being owned by the club when in fact, this should be nine.





Upper Harbour Local Parks Management Plan: Scope, engagement approach and approval for intention to prepare the plan


The Service and Asset Planner and the Planning Specialist from Service Strategy and Integration, were in attendance to support the item.


Resolution number UH/2019/47

MOVED by Member B Neeson, seconded by Member N Mayne:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      endorse the scope and engagement approach for the development of the Upper Harbour (omnibus) Local Parks Management Plan.

b)      approve public notification of its intention to prepare a combined (omnibus) Local Parks Management Plan for all local parks and reserves in the Upper Harbour Local Board area and invite written suggestions on the proposed plan.





Upper Harbour local parks land classification programme


The Service and Asset Planner and the Planning Specialist, from Service Strategy and Integration, were in attendance to support the item.


Resolution number UH/2019/48

MOVED by Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Whyte:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      confirm eight parcels of land will continue to be held under the Local Government Act 2002 as described in Attachment B to the agenda report, dated 16 May 2019.

b)      approve 14 parcels of land to be declared a reserve and classified according to their primary purpose, pursuant to section 14(1) of the Reserves Act 1977 as proposed in Attachment C to the agenda report, dated 16 May 2019.

c)      approve the proposed classification of 488 parcels of reserve land pursuant to sections 16(1) and 16(2A) of the Reserves Act 1977 as described in Attachment D to the agenda report, dated 16 May 2019.

d)      approve public notification of proposals to classify three parcels of reserve land pursuant to section 16(4) of the Reserves Act 1977 as described in Attachment E to the agenda report, dated 16 May 2019.

e)      approve public notification of the proposals to reclassify 17 parcels of reserve land pursuant to section 24(2)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977 described in Attachment F to the agenda report, dated 16 May 2019, noting that:

          i.      since publication of the business meeting agenda and this report, further investigation undertaken by staff indicate that the land parcel associated with Meadowood Reserve (Lot 360 DP 132246) was surveyed to form two separate parts: one part is currently classified correctly as recreation reserve and the other part is classified correctly as local purpose (community buildings) reserve; therefore, this parcel can be removed from consideration for reclassification and deleted from the list.

f)       approve a hearing panel, consisting of all local board members in preparation for any requests to speak to objections or submissions on the proposed classifications that have been publicly notified under clause d) and e) above, noting that the role of the hearings panel will be to hear submissions and make recommendations to the local board on classification decisions.





Business Improvement District Programme compliance report to the Upper Harbour Local Board for the 2019/2020 financial year


The Business Improvement District Programme Specialist was in attendance to support the item.


Resolution number UH/2019/49

MOVED by Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Member B Neeson:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      recommend to the Governing Body to strike the targeted rate for inclusion in the Annual Budget 2019/2020 for the following Business Improvement District programme:

·      $690,621 for Business North Harbour Incorporated.





2018/2019 Upper Harbour Local Grants round two applications


The Grants Advisor, Commercial and Finance, was in attendance to support the item.

Member B Neeson left the meeting at 10.58am

Member B Neeson returned to the meeting at 11.01am


Resolution number UH/2019/50

MOVED by Member B Neeson, seconded by Member U Casuri Balouch:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in 2018/2019 Upper Harbour Local Grants round two listed in the following table:   

Application ID


Main focus

Requesting funding for

Amount requested

Amount allocated


Whanau Marama Parenting Limited


Towards facilitator salary and travel expenses for two parenting courses at Albany library in term three 2019



Not a high priority at this time


Bays Youth Community Trust


Towards the annual travel costs to run the Bays Youth programmes from May to October 2019



Not a high priority at this time


The Scout Association of New Zealand - Camp Maynard


Towards the cost of purchasing new dining trestle tables and chairs at Camp Maynard




Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust


Towards the venue costs and staff wages to maintain operation of Hobsonville Pipis Playgroup



Not a high priority at this time


Asthma New Zealand Incorporated


Towards the wages of two asthma nurse educators



Not a high priority at this time


Kids Safe with Dogs


Towards administrator, instructors' wages and printing costs for the period 22 July 2019 to 20 December 2019



Not a high priority at this time


Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust


Towards the salary costs for the Youthline helpline for calls in the Upper Harbour area



Not a high priority at this time


Armenian Society of New Zealand


Towards purchase of the society's sound system




East Coast Bays' and Districts Cricket Club Incorporated

Sport and recreation

Towards purchase of an electronic scoreboard




Windsor Park Community and Multisport Hub Incorporated

Sport and recreation

Towards the costs of supply and installation of netting at Windsor Community and Multisport Hub









b)      agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in round two of the 2018/2019 Upper Harbour Multi-board applications, listed in the following table:

Application ID


Main focus

Requesting funding for

Amount requested

Amount allocated


The Operating Theatre Trust

Arts and culture

Towards two productions, ‘We're going on a Bear Hunt’ and ‘The Little Yellow Digger’ including hosting volunteers, rehearsal room, venue and ticketing costs, costume and set materials held at The Pumphouse Theatre



Not a high priority at this time


North Shore Centres of Mutual Aid Incorporated


Towards operational costs for the eight centres from 1 July to 31 December 2019




StarJam Charitable Trust


Towards costs for StarJam Auckland: music performances for young people with a disability from 3 June 2019 to 3 February 2020



Not a high priority at this time


Tuileapa Youth Mentoring Service


Towards a contribution for salaries of mentors operating services for Pacific and Māori youth



Not a high priority at this time


Children's Autism Foundation


Towards the outreach service delivery for children with autism from 1 June 2019 to 1 May 2020




Neighbour-hood Support North Shore


Towards wages for a manager and operating expenses to maintain and grow neighbourhood support groups on the North Shore




PHAB Association (Auckland) Incorporated


Towards wages and administration costs for the ‘PHAB diversity for all’ project from 3 June 2019 to 20 December 2019




Hearts and Minds NZ Incorporated


Towards updating and printing the Support Services Directory 2019 to 2021 for the North Shore, Waitākere and Rodney areas



Not a high priority at this time


Project Litefoot Trust


Towards a contribution for the overall costs of the project, including salaries, materials installed at the club, administration costs, travel costs, and promotion for Project Litefoot




Environmental Education for Resource Sustainability Trust



Towards the purchase and delivery of 7433 native trees and to replace 825 classroom recycling bins in schools and preschools participating in the Paper4trees programme across Auckland



Not a high priority at this time


The Auckland King Tides Initiative

The Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand Inc


Towards the ‘King Tides’ project including costs for signage, gauges, website, data system and public launch



Subject to the necessary consents being granted


Harbour Sport Trust


Towards costs to run the Mud Rush event in 2019, including toilets, changing rooms, stage, sound system, fencing, ambulance, printing costs, bins, generators and heaters, water truck, and photographer



Funded through an alternative line item


The Kids for Kids Charitable Trust


Towards venue hire and production costs of the ‘Kids for Kids’ event in Takapuna




Gymnastics Community Trust

Sport and recreation

Towards the school co-ordinator wages and new equipment for the gymnastic classes from 30 September 2019 to 30 March 2020












Note:   The meeting adjourned at 11:43am and reconvened at 11:49am.



Auckland Transport monthly report - May 2019


The Elected Member Relationship Manager, Auckland Transport, was in attendance via Skype to support the item.


Resolution number UH/2019/51

MOVED by Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Member N Mayne:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      receive the monthly update report from Auckland Transport for May 2019.





Road name approval: Six new roads at 165 Clark Road, Hobsonville


Resolution number UH/2019/52

MOVED by Member N Mayne, seconded by Member B Neeson:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      approve the name ‘Joshua Carder Drive’ for the extension of one new public road (Road 1) in 165 Clark Road, Hobsonville (refer Attachment A to the agenda report).

b)      approve the following names for the six new roads and commonly owned access lots (COALs) at 165 Clark Road, Hobsonville (stage 1) (refer to Attachment A to the agenda report):

i.        public road 8: Tahingamanu Road

ii.       public road 13: Sager Midgley Road

iii.      public road 14: Hato Road

iv.      public road 15: La Bella Road

v.       COAL 3: Matarua Way

vi.      COAL 5: Rivulet Way





Remuneration Authority - policy on child care allowances


MOVED by Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Member N Mayne: 

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      endorse the draft Auckland Council submission on the Remuneration Authority’s proposed policy on childcare allowances, particularly on the basis that the proposed policy may increase diversity of representation which the local board sees as an advantage.

b)      express concerns around potential financial implications and tax consequences arising from the proposed policy, and seek further information as to how compliance with the policy will be audited.

A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Member N Mayne

Chairperson M Miles


Member U Casuri Balouch

Member B Neeson

Deputy Chairperson L Whyte


The motion was declared lost by 2 votes to 3.




Resolution number UH/2019/53

MOVED by Member U Casuri Balouch, seconded by Member B Neeson:   

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)         receive the draft Auckland Council submission and report on the Remuneration Authority’s proposed policy on childcare allowances.





Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Upper Harbour Local Board for quarter three 2018/2019


The Advisor, Local Board Services, was in attendance to support the item.


Resolution number UH/2019/54

MOVED by Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Whyte:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      receive the performance report for the financial quarter ending 31 March 2019.





Governance forward work calendar - June 2019 to May 2020


Resolution number UH/2019/55

MOVED by Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Member N Mayne:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      receive the Upper Harbour Local Board governance forward work calendar for the period June 2019 to May 2020, as set out in Attachment A to this agenda report.





Record of the Upper Harbour Local Board workshops held on Thursday 11 April and 2 May 2019


Resolution number UH/2019/56

MOVED by Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Member N Mayne:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      receive the record of the Upper Harbour Local Board workshops held on Thursday 11 April and 2 May 2019 (refer to Attachments A and B to the agenda report).





Board members' reports - May 2019


There were no board members’ reports at this time.



24        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   





25        Procedural motion to exclude the public

Resolution number UH/2019/57

MOVED by Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Member B Neeson:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:


C1       Community centre management: Headquarters and Sunderland Lounge, Hobsonville Point

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable)

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

s7(2)(b)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would disclose a trade secret.

In particular, the report contains financial and business planning information specifically relating to the expression of interest that could be seen as a trade secret and if made public, would enable these groups or others in the future, to provide similar information.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.


The text of these resolutions is made available to the public who are present at the meeting and form part of the minutes of the meeting.




12.30pm          The public was excluded.


Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and will be restated in the open minutes.


1.19pm            The public was re-admitted.





It was resolved while the public was excluded:




Community centre management: Headquarters and Sunderland Lounge, Hobsonville Point


Resolution number UH/2019/58

MOVED by Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Member B Neeson:  

That the Upper Harbour Local Board:

a)      approve Hobsonville Community Trust as the service provider for community centre management of the Headquarters building and the Sunderland Lounge, Hobsonville Point.

b)      approve the Community Centre Management Contract for Service, for a term of three years from 1 July 2019 for $164,000 per annum, annually adjusted for inflation, noting that the contract for service will be funded through the local board’s asset-based services operational budget.

c)      thank the Hobsonville Point Residents Society for their submission.

d)      thank the Hobsonville Community Trust for their submission and signal to the group that the board expects them to work closely with the Hobsonville Point Residents Society, and any other groups established in the area.


e)      confirm that only the resolutions are to be restated in the open section of the minutes and that the reports and attachments remain confidential.

A division was called for, voting on which was as follows:


Member N Mayne

Chairperson M Miles

Member B Neeson

Deputy Chairperson L Whyte



Member U Casuri Balouch


The motion was declared carried by 4 votes to 0.




1.22pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









