I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Thursday, 23 May 2019


Waitākere Ranges Local Board Office
39 Glenmall Place
Glen Eden


Waitākere Ranges Local Board










Greg Presland


Deputy Chairperson

Saffron Toms



Sandra Coney, QSO



Neil Henderson



Steve Tollestrup



Ken Turner



(Quorum 3 members)




Brenda  Railey

Democracy Advisor - Waitakere Ranges


15 May 2019


Contact Telephone: +64 21 820 781

Email: brenda.railey@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz





Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                                                          5

6          Acknowledgements                                                                                                       5

7          Petitions                                                                                                                          5

8          Deputations                                                                                                                    5

8.1     Deputation - Glen Eden Free Community Pataka project, Heather Tanquay 5

8.2     Deputation - Feral chickens in Titirangi Village, Tanya Wilkinson                6

8.3     Deputation - The Re-Creators and upcycling, Ger Tew                                  6

8.4     Deputation - Te Henga (Bethels Beach) local issues, Janet Cole and Jenny Macdonald                                                                                                             7

9          Public Forum                                                                                                                  7

10        Extraordinary Business                                                                                                7

11        Waitākere Ward Councillor Update                                                                             9

12        Renewal and variation of community lease to The Waiatarua Ratepayers & Residents Association Incorporated, 911 West Coast Road, Waiatarua                                11

13        Approve the public notification of the intention to classify Titirangi War Memorial Reserve, 500 South Titirangi Road, Titirangi under the Reserves Act 1977        19

14        Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two 2018/2019 grant allocations          29

15        Auckland Transport's update for May 2019                                                           201

16        Business Improvement District Programme Compliance Report to Waitakere Ranges Local Board for FY 2017-2018                                                                                  205

17        Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Waitākere Ranges Local Board for quarter three 2018/2019                                                                                             215

18        Remuneration Authority - policy on child care allowances                                 255

19        Panuku Development Auckland Local Board Six Monthly Update 1 October 2018 to 31 March 2019                                                                                                                 269

20        Proposed Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw and Amendments to the Trading and Events in Public Place                                                                                       275

21        Local board input to Waikumete Cemetery Expansion Report                            277

22        Chair's report - Greg Presland                                                                                 281

23        Confirmation of Workshop Records                                                                       289

24        Governance Forward Work Programme                                                                 297  

25        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome



2          Apologies

At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest

Members were reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.

            Specifically members are asked to identify any new interests they have not previously disclosed, an interest that might be considered as a conflict of interest with a matter on the agenda.

The following are declared interests of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

Board Member


Sandra Coney

-   Waitemata District Health Board – Elected Member

-   Women’s Health Action Trust – Patron

-   New Zealand Society of Genealogists – Member

-   New Zealand Military Defence Society – Member

-   Cartwright Collective – Member

-   Titirangi RSA – Member

-   Portage Trust – Member

-   West Auckland Trust Services - Director

Neil Henderson

-   Portage Trust – Elected Member

-   West Auckland Trust Services (WATS) Board – Trustee/Director

-   Kaipatiki Project - Employee

Greg Presland

-   Lopdell House Development Trust – Trustee

-   Whau Coastal Walkway Environmental Trust – Trustee

-   Combined Youth Services Trust – Trustee

-   Glen Eden Bid – Member

-   Titirangi Ratepayers and Residents Association - Member

-   Waitakere Ranges Protection Society - Member

-   Titirangi RSA - Member

-   Maungakiekie Golf Club - Member

Steve Tollestrup

-   Waitakere Licensing Trust – Elected Member

-   Waitakere Task force on Family Violence – Appointee

-   Piha RSA - Member

Saffron Toms


Ken Turner


Member appointments

Board members are appointed to the following bodies. In these appointments the board members represent Auckland Council:



Sandra Coney

-   Friends of Arataki Incorporated – Trustee

Neil Henderson

-   Friends of Arataki Incorporated – Trustee

-   Rural Advisory Panel - Member

Steve Tollestrup

-   Glen Eden Business Improvement District - Member

-   Aircraft Noise Consultative Committee Group - Member

-   Local Government New Zealand Zone One Committee - Member

Greg Presland

-   Glen Eden Business Improvement District (alternate)

Saffron Toms

-   Ark in the Park

-   Manukau Harbour Forum - Chair


4          Confirmation of Minutes

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 18 April 2019, as true and correct.



5          Leave of Absence

At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements

At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions

At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations

Standing Order 7.7 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


8.1       Deputation - Glen Eden Free Community Pataka project, Heather Tanquay

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To receive a deputation from Heather Tanquay on behalf of Glen Eden Resident's Association.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Heather Tanquay will provide an update on the Glen Eden Residents Association on their current Glen Eden Free Community Pataka project.  There are currently four Pataka operating and one bathroom community cupboard.

Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      receive the presentation on the Glen Eden Free Community Pataka project and thank Heather Tanquay, from the Glen Eden Residents Association, for her attendance.




8.2       Deputation - Feral chickens in Titirangi Village, Tanya Wilkinson

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To receive a deputation from Tanya Wilkinson a local resident of Titirangi.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Tanya Wilkinson, local Titirangi resident, attended to address the meeting of her concerns relating to the feral chickens in Titirangi Village.

3.       A more recent issue coming to light is the huge increase in the rat population in the village as a direct result of the chicken feed that is put out every day.  The problems are escalating and there is a lot of damage happening to the local flora and fauna.

4.       A letter and photographs of the damage being caused will be provided.

Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      receive the presentation on feral chickens in Titirangi Village and thank Tanya Wilkinson for her attendance.


8.3       Deputation - The Re-Creators and upcycling, Ger Tew

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To receive a deputation from Ger Tew, founder of The Re-Creators.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Ger Tew will provide a presentation on The Re-Creators, a diverse and talented collective of upcycling artists promoting creativity, mindful making and sustainability. It offers various upcycling workshops for children, adults and corporates, as well as an online store.  All of its prices incorporate the true cost of labour and materials.

3.       The Re-Creators mission is to move consumers away from new products towards upcycled goods, either through purchasing from the group online or by making their own with the skills they have developed from the groups workshops.

Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      receive the presentation on The Re-Creators upcycling work and thank Ger Tew, founder, for her attendance.


8.4       Deputation - Te Henga (Bethels Beach) local issues, Janet Cole and Jenny Macdonald

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To receive a deputation from Janet Cole and Jenny Macdonald from Te Henga.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Janet Cole and Jenny Macdonald will discuss local concerns and issues from the Te Henga local community.

Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      receive the presentation providing an update on Te Henga local issues and thank Janet Cole and Jenny Macdonald, for their attendance.


9          Public Forum

A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.


10        Extraordinary Business

Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”

Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ward Councillor Update


File No.: CP2019/02856



Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       To enable the Waitākere Ward Councillors to verbally update the Board.


Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      thank Waitākere Ward Councillors Linda Cooper and Penny Hulse for their update.




Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments

There are no attachments for this report.      

Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Brenda  Railey - Democracy Advisor - Waitakere Ranges


Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Renewal and variation of community lease to The Waiatarua Ratepayers & Residents Association Incorporated, 911 West Coast Road, Waiatarua

File No.: CP2019/05847




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To grant a renewal and variation of community lease to The Waiatarua Ratepayers & Residents Association Incorporated for Waiatarua Hall located on Waiatarua Reserve, 911 West Coast Road, Waiatarua.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Waiatarua Ratepayers & Residents Association Incorporated (the association) holds a community lease with Auckland Council for the council-owned Waiatarua Hall located on Waiatarua Reserve, 911 West Coast Road, Waiatarua.  The lease is for a term of five years commencing 1 June 2014.  The lease contains one five-year right of renewal for the period 1 June 2019 until final expiry on 31 May 2024.

3.       The association has applied for a renewal of lease to continue managing the hall for public hire and the community library which is operated out of the basement.

4.       In 2014, the association agreed to have a Smokefree Policy clause added to their lease agreement.  This clause was approved by the Waitākere Ranges Local Board in conjunction with the granting of the lease however, the clause was omitted from the deed of lease.  A variation to the renewal of lease is required to have the Smokefree Policy clause included. The association has agreed in writing to the variation.

5.       This report recommends granting a renewal and variation of community lease to The Waiatarua Ratepayers & Residents Association Incorporated for a term of five years commencing 1 June 2019.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      grant a renewal of community lease to The Waiatarua Ratepayers & Residents Association Incorporated for Waiatarua Hall, Waiatarua Reserve, 911 West Coast Road, Waiatarua for a term of five years commencing 1 June 2019

b)      grant a variation of the renewal of community lease to:

i)        include the Smokefree Policy clause as approved by the Waitākere Ranges Local Board on 12 June 2014, Resolution WTK/2014/65 (Attachment A)

c)      approve all other terms and conditions as contained in the existing deed of community lease dated 23 December 2015.




6.       This report considers the renewal of community lease to The Waiatarua Ratepayers & Residents Association Incorporated for Waiatarua Hall located on Waiatarua Reserve, 911 West Coast Road, Waiatarua.

7.       The Waitākere Ranges Local Board, is the allocated authority relating to local, recreation, sport and community facilities, including community leasing matters.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

The land

8.       Waiatarua Reserve is described as Lot 3 on Deposited Plan 5119 and contained in NA15B/28.  Lot 3 is held in fee simple by Auckland council as a classified local purpose (community buildings) reserve and is subject to the Reserves Act 1977.

The lease

9.       The Waiatarua Ratepayers & Residents Association Incorporated has a community lease with Auckland Council for the council-owned Waiatarua Hall located on Waiatarua Reserve, 911 West Coast Road, Waiatarua (Attachment B – Aerial photograph). The lease is for a term of five years commencing 1 June 2014 and contains one five-year right of renewal.

10.     When granting the lease to the association in 2014 the Waitākere Ranges Local Board also approved the inclusion of a Smokefree Policy clause.  This was omitted from the deed of lease. A variation to the renewal of lease is required to have this clause included.  The association has agreed in writing to the variation.

The association

11.     The Waiatarua Ratepayers & Residents Association Incorporated has submitted an application in support of its right of renewal of community lease.

12.     The association manages the council-owned hall as a venue for hire along with a community library space in the basement.

13.     The association meets the criteria required for a renewal of lease as follows:

i)     it is a registered incorporated society

ii)    it has complied with the terms of the current lease

iii)    it has a history of delivering its services to the local community

iv)   the community hall is managed appropriately as evidenced by the extent of its use

v)    the association has provided a copy of its financial accounts which indicate that its funds are sufficient to meets its liabilities.

14.     A site visit was undertaken on 27 February 2019.  The hall and library space are well managed and maintained. 

15.     Although the Smokefree Policy clause was omitted from the deed of lease, the association has promoted the hall and reserve as smokefree.  This is evident with ‘smokefree at all times’ signage displayed on the inside and outside of the hall.

16.     The association’s annual reports on the community outcomes plan that is appended to the deed of lease show that it is meeting the agreed targets.

17.     The lease provides for a right of renewal of five years commencing 1 June 2019 with final expiry 31 May 2024.  With the inclusion of the Smokefree Policy clause a variation to the renewal of lease is required.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

18.     Staff have obtained input from colleagues in Parks, Sports and Recreation, Community Development, Libraries and Information, and Operational Management and Maintenance. No concerns were raised regarding the renewal of lease to the association.

19.     The proposed renewal of lease has no identified impacts on other parts of the council group. The views of council-controlled organisations were not required for the preparation of this report’s advice.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

20.     The Waitākere Ranges Local Board is the allocated authority to approve the granting of a renewal of community lease.

21.     This item is on the Community Facilities Work Programme for 2018/2019 and the local board expressed their support for the renewal of lease at a workshop held on 21 February 2019.

22.     The recommendations within this report support the Waitākere Ranges Local Board 2017 Plan outcome of ‘local communities feel good about where they live’.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

23.     Auckland Council is committed to meeting its responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and its broader legal obligations to Māori. The council recognises these responsibilities are distinct from the Crown’s Treaty obligations and fall within a local government Tāmaki Makaurau context. These commitments are articulated in the council’s key strategic planning documents the Auckland Plan, the Long-term Plan 2015-2025, the Unitary Plan and Local Board Plans.

24.     There are no changes in use or operational activities being conducted on the land.

25.     Additionally, the objective of community leases is to ensure community facilities are well maintained and accessible to all members of the community, including Māori.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

26.     There is no direct cost to Auckland Council in granting this renewal of community lease.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

27.     The provision for a renewal of community lease is provided for in the deed of lease granted to the association. As such, where a group meets the criteria stipulated in the lease agreement, council has a contractual obligation to effect the renewal.

28.     Furthermore, should the renewal of community lease not be granted, the association’s ability to provide its services to the community will be compromised which in turn will have a negative impact on local board outcomes.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

29.     Subject to the local board granting a renewal and variation of the community lease, council staff will work with key representatives of The Waiatarua Ratepayers & Residents Association Incorporated to finalise the deed of renewal of community lease.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Waitākere Ranges Local Board resolution WTK/2014/65 dated 12 June 2014



Aerial photograph - The Waiatarua Ratepayers & Residents Association Incorporated, Waiatarua Reserve, 911 West Coast Road, Waiatarua



Ngā kaihaina



Donna Cooper - Community Lease Advisor


Rod Sheridan - General Manager Community Facilities

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Approve the public notification of the intention to classify Titirangi War Memorial Reserve, 500 South Titirangi Road, Titirangi under the Reserves Act 1977

File No.: CP2019/07166




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To approve the public notification of Auckland Council’s intention to classify Titirangi War Memorial Reserve, 500 South Titirangi Road, Titirangi under section 16 (1) of the Reserves Act 1977 as follows:

·    local purpose (community purposes and historic war memorial site) reserve

·    recreation reserve

·    scenic reserve subject to the provisions of section 19 (1) (b) of the Reserves Act.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Titirangi War Memorial Reserve is held by the Crown through the Department of Conservation as an unclassified reserve for a site for a community centre and vested in Auckland Council (council) in trust for that purpose.  The reserve is subject to the Reserves Act 1977.

3.       Classification of the reserve is a legal requirement under the Reserves Act 1977 and will enable the council to grant leases under that Act to the various groups that occupy the reserve.

4.       The Department of Conservation (DoC) announced in March 2019 that it proposes revoking the majority of administering bodies delegations under the Reserves Act 1977.  DoC has given all administering bodies time to prepare submissions before making a decision.  During this time administering bodies may continue to progress matters as the delegations remain in place until a final decision has been made.

5.       The reserve has local purpose activities that include the Titirangi War Memorial Hall and war memorial monument, as well as regenerating bush with Kauri and a recreation area.  The three reserve classifications recommended are: local purpose (community purposes and historic war memorial site) reserve, recreation reserve and scenic reserve.

6.       The temporary closure of the bush tracks at Titirangi War Memorial Reserve was endorsed by the Waitākere Ranges Local Board at its business meeting of 18 April 2019 to help prevent the spread of Kauri Dieback Disease.

7.       This report recommends the public notification of Auckland Council’s intention to classify Titirangi War Memorial Reserve.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      approve the public notification of Auckland Council’s intention to classify Titirangi War Memorial Reserve described as Part Lot 17 on Deposited Plan 6678 under section 16 (4) of the Reserves Act as proposed in the site plan (Attachment A)

b)      delegate to the Waitākere Ranges Local Board Chair to appoint a panel to consider submissions or objections received following the public notification of the intention to classify Titirangi War Memorial Reserve, and for the panel to make a decision.

c)      request that council staff report back to the local board following public notification for a decision on the classification of Part Lot 17 on Deposited Plan 6678 from recreation reserve to local purpose (community purposes and historic war memorial site) reserve, recreation reserve and scenic reserve.




8.       This report considers land classification matters impacting on community leasing issues with respect to Titirangi War Memorial Reserve.

9.       Local boards hold delegated authority under section 16(1) of the Reserves Act to approve classifications, subject to all statutory processes having been satisfied.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

Titirangi War Memorial Reserve

10.     Titirangi War Memorial Reserve is described as Part Lot 17 on Deposited Plan 6678, contained in NA194/95 (Cancelled) and comprising 1.8438 hectares.  Part Lot 17 is held by the Crown through the Department of Conservation as an unclassified reserve for a site for a community centre under the Reserves Act 1977 and vested in Auckland Council in trust, for that purpose.

11.     The reserve was established in 1961 after the land became surplus to the requirements of the Department of Education.  The Crown declared the land to be set apart as a reserve for a site for a community centre, and vested the reserve in the Waitematā County Council, in trust, for that purpose.

12.     Since 1961 the reserve has become a busy and popular “people place” occupied by numerous community groups operating activities of a predominately community nature, although there is one recreational activity namely a bowling club.  The balance of the reserve is covered in attractive regenerating bush that includes Kauri.

Reserves Act 1977

13.     The Reserves Act came into force on 1 April 1978 and required all reserves to be classified for their primary purposes.  In 1978 the Department of Lands and Survey, a parent department of Department of Conservation and creator of the Reserves Act, recommended to the Waitematā County Council that the reserve be classified as a local purpose reserve.  For reasons unknown, classification action at that time was not completed. 

14.     This reserve has remained unclassified for over forty years and urgently requires classification.  Classification will enable the council to grant leases under the Reserves Act to secure occupation of the various community groups that have served the Titirangi community for many years.  At present, the leases have to be “rolled over” each year to these groups as the council cannot grant long term leases due to the unclassified state of the reserve.  

Community leases on the reserve

15.     Located on the reserve are the following community groups who have either a current lease or expired lease with Auckland Council that is holding over on a month by month basis:

a)   The Auckland Playcentres Association Incorporated – Titirangi Playcentre

b)   Titirangi Potters Incorporated

c)   The Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust – Titirangi Plunket

d)   Titirangi Returned Services Association Incorporated

e)   Titirangi RSA Bowling Club Incorporated

f)    Titirangi Community House Society Incorporated

16.     In order for the council to grant long term leases to secure the current activities that occupy this reserve, the following reserve classifications and reasons for those classifications are as follows:

a)   Local purpose (community purposes and historic war memorial site) reserve

i)    This classification and sub-classification of “community purposes”, recognises the predominating local community presence of the Titirangi War Memorial Hall, the Titirangi Playcentre, Plunket, Potters, RSA, Community House and the Village Market.  A local purpose classification will enable the council to grant leases to all these operators under section 61 (2A) of the Reserves Act.  Section 61 deals with the granting of leases over local purpose reserves.  

ii)   The sub-classification of “historic war memorial site” recognises the additional historic significance of the war memorial. Council staff are aware of the board’s concerns over the need for recognition of the historic nature of the war memorial.  The war memorial is already protected by a heritage and character overlay under the Auckland Unitary Plan as a Category B historic place. The management planning team can develop policies that would protect both the war memorial and the War Memorial Hall.  Section 23 of the Reserves Act deals with the classification of local purpose reserves and sets out the protective provisions for these reserves.  Section 23 includes protection of any historic features sited within any local purpose reserve.

b)   Recreation reserve

i)   This classification recognises the presence of the RSA bowling green which is a recreational activity.  Activities within recreation reserves are leased by the council under section 54 (1) of the Act.  Recreation leases cannot be granted under section 61 (2A) being local purpose.

c)   Scenic Reserve subject to the provisions of Section 19 (1) (b) of the Reserves Act

i)    This classification recognises the presence of the regenerating bush and kauri in the ricker growth stage (between 30 and 50 years) within the eastern portion of the reserve, a significant conservation value that warrants particular protection under the Reserves Act.   Scenic reserves classified subject to section 19 (1) (b) of the Reserves Act allow for suitable areas within such reserves for development of picnic facilities and tracks, and where both indigenous and exotic flora can be introduced.

17.     Prior to proceeding with the classification, the council is required under section 4 of the Conservation Act 1987 to engage with local iwi and under section 16 (4) of the Reserves Act is required to publicly notify the proposed classification.

18.     Engagement with iwi has been undertaken as outlined in paragraphs 20 to 22 below.

19.     In March 2019, the Department of Conservation announced that it is proposing to revoke the majority of administering bodies delegations under the Reserves Act 1977.  DoC has given all administering bodies time to prepare submissions before making a decision.  During this time administering bodies may continue to progress matters as the delegations remain in place during the submission and decision process.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

20.     Staff from council’s Parks, Sports and Recreation team support the proposed classification of the land at Titirangi War Memorial Reserve to reflect the activities being undertaken on the reserve.

21.     The proposed classification has no identified impact on other parts of the council group.  The views of council-controlled organisations were not required for the preparation of this reports advice.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

22.     Council staff sought input at a local board workshop on 2 November 2017 and 14 June 2018 regarding the classification of Titirangi War Memorial Reserve. 

23.     The Waitākere Ranges Local Board is the delegated authority under section 16 (4) of the Reserves Act to approve the public notification of the proposed classification of Titirangi War Memorial Reserve.

24.     At its business meeting of 18 April 2019, the Waitākere Ranges Local Board endorsed the temporary closure of the bush tracks at Titirangi War Memorial Reserve under resolution WTK/2019/46 to help prevent the spread of Kauri Dieback Disease (Attachment B).

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

25.     Engagement was undertaken from July 2018 through to August 2018 with the eight iwi groups identified as having an interest in land in the Waitākere Ranges Local Board area about the intention to classify the reserve and the granting of new community leases.

26.     Engagement involved:

a)   a presentation at the North West Mana Whenua Forum held at Orewa on 4 July 2018

b)   email contact containing detailed information on the reserve, the activities undertaken by groups who hold community leases and invited iwi representatives to hui and for a kaitiaki site visit to comment on any spiritual, cultural or environmental impact with respect to the proposal

27.     Responses were received from two iwi groups with no objections to the classifications proposed.

28.     One of the responses received was from Kaitiaki representatives of Te Kawerau a Maki regarding the protection of the Kauri trees on the reserve.  At a hui held on 9 November 2018 the representatives requested that council either install disinfectant spray at the entrance to the bush tracks on the reserve or close the tracks.  The latter was their preferred option.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

29.     The costs associated with public notification regarding council’s intention to classify Titirangi War Memorial Reserve is approximately $750.00. That cost will be borne by the Community Facilities Department. Should there be a hearing process, this may incur additional costs.

30.     The cost of the survey to create the three classification parcels is estimated at $13,000.00 plus GST and will be borne by the Community Facilities Department.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

31.     Should the Waitākere Ranges Local Board resolve not to approve public notification about the proposed classification this decision:

a)   would (subject to the satisfactory completion of all statutory processes which will mean that the land status legally supports the lessee’s activities) prevent council staff from recommending new community lessees.

b)   may increase Auckland Council’s maintenance requirements in terms of maintaining the improvements on the reserve including those owned by the existing lessees.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

32.     Subject to local board approval, council staff will place an advertisement in regard to the proposed classification of Titirangi War Memorial Reserve in the relevant newspaper, on council’s website and advise all lease holders on the reserve.

33.     Council staff will subsequently report back to the local board for a decision on the public notification process or recommend that the local board resolve to classify the reserve from unclassified reserve for a site for a community centre to local purpose (community purposes and historic war memorial site) reserve, recreation reserve and scenic reserve.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Site Plan for proposed classification of Titirangi War Memorial Reserve, 500 South Titirangi Road, Titirangi



Waitakere Ranges Local Board Resolution WTK/2019/46 dated 18 April 2019



Ngā kaihaina



Donna Cooper - Community Lease Advisor


Rod Sheridan - General Manager Community Facilities

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019




Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two 2018/2019 grant allocations

File No.: CP2019/06301




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To fund, part-fund or decline applications received for Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two 2018/2019.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       This report presents applications received in Waitākere Ranges Local Board Local Grants, Round Two 2018/2019 (refer to Attachment A and B).

3.       The Waitākere Ranges Local Board adopted the Waitākere Ranges Local Grants Programme 2018/2019 on 26th April 2018 (refer to Attachment C). The document sets application guidelines for contestable community grants submitted to the local board.

4.       The Waitākere Ranges Local Board has set a total community grants budget of $75,000.00 for the 2018/2019 financial year. A total of $52,017 has been allocated in one local grant round and two quick response rounds. This leaves a total of $22,983 to be allocated for 2018/2019.

5.       Twenty-one applications were received for Waitākere Ranges Local Board Local Grants Round Two 2018/2019, requesting a total of $103,809. Thirteen multi-board applications were received, requesting a total of $37,667.34



Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      fund, part-fund or decline applications received for Waitākere Ranges Local Board Local Grants Round Two, listed in table one and table two below.

Table One: 2018/2019 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two

Application ID


Main focus

Requesting funding for

Amount requested



Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery Incorporated

Arts and culture

Towards artist fees, travel and material costs for "Names held in our mouths" workshops.




EBS Collective Limited

Arts and culture

Towards directors fees for the “Lunar State” project for Te Pou Rangitahi Festival in October 2019..




Good Story Limited

Arts and culture

Towards editing and indexing of "The Forest of Tiriwa" archive




Kate Parker

under the umbrella of Tungsten Works Limited

Arts and Culture

Towards design fee, laser cutting, printing and assembly of "Kowhai and The Giants"




VisionWest Community Trust


Towards a coffee machine for the hospitality programme.




Titirangi Baptist Church


Towards wages for youth workers.




Kids Safe with Dogs Charitable Trust


Towards print material and wages for instructors and administrators.




Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust


Towards an eight month contribution for wages and venue costs for the Titirangi playgroup.




Waitakere City Workers' Educational Association Incorporated


Towards the Housing Call to Action monthly meeting room hire, administrative support and development and printing of the 2019 Guide to Homelessness and Housing Resources in West Auckland Directory.




Jade Tang-Taylor

under the umbrella of Glen Eden Community House Incorporated


Towards the "Welcome Home" Project




Raukatauri Music Therapy Trust


Towards venue hire of the Titirangi Community House.




Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust


Towards training, supporting and supervising the volunteer counsellors.




Nicole Otte


Towards venue hire for home schooling.




Dance Therapy NZ

Community, Sport and recreation

Towards dance therapist and assistant, supervision, administration and equipment costs.




Sport Waitakere Trust

Community, Sport and recreation

Towards project and coordinator costs of the “Collaborative Marketplace” project.




Oratia District Ratepayers & Residents Association Incorporated


Towards the purchase of materials for the construction of the tunnel traps.




Tracey Parsons


Towards fencing of the Bethells Road site.




NZ Bird Rescue Charitable Trust


A purpose-built sea bird enclosure for the rehabilitation of sea bird species.




Tread Lightly Charitable Trust


Towards the Tread Lightly “Drain Game” at Swanson School.




Piha Surf Life Saving Club Incorporated

Sport and recreation

Towards first aid training for lifeguards at Piha Surf Life Saving Club.




Te Kura o Hoani Waititi Marae

Sport and recreation

Towards a subsidy for students to participate in the "Hillary Outdoor Adventure Programme"










Table Two: 2018/2019 Waitākere Ranges Multi-board Grants, Round Two

Application ID


Main focus

Requesting funding for

Amount requested



Sisters United Trust

Arts and culture

Towards venue hire, facilitator costs, resources and catering for “Sisters United Girls Conference” on 2 August 2019 in Auckland.




Tuileapa Youth Mentoring Service


Towards a contribution for salaries of mentors operating services for Pacific and Maori youth




Fix Up, Look Sharp


Towards operational costs for the "supporting men access jobs" programme from 8 June 2019 to 6 June 2020.




Zeal Education Trust


Towards West Auckland Street Youth Work and Community Activations Project, including project manager wages, activity costs, van hire and resources from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020.




Waitakere Adult Literacy Incorporated


Towards the "Whanau Links" programme including tutor fees and venue hire from  22 July to 29 November 2019.




Children's Autism Foundation


Towards extending the outreach service delivery for children with autism and their families, in south and west Auckland.




PHAB Association (Auckland) Incorporated


Towards project coordination and activity costs including, external facilitators, support staff and administration costs for the "Diversity for all" project from 3 June to 20 December 2019.




Hearts & Minds NZ Incorporated


Towards updating and printing the Support Services Directory 2019 to 2021 for the North Shore, Waitakere and Rodney areas.




The Kids for Kids Charitable Trust


Towards venue hire and production costs of the "Kids for Kids" event in Takapuna.




Interacting Theatre Trust


Towards the "InterACT Festival 2019" for people with disabilities, including St Johns, portaloos, entertainment and venue hire from 23 October to 25 October 2019.




Auckland Basketball Services Limited

Sport and recreation

Towards the “West Auckland Junior Development Programme” including venue hire and administrator fees from 4 June to 17 December 2019.




New Zealand Muslin Association

New Zealand Islamic Organisation

Sport and recreation

Towards transport to fitness classes and instructor fees for older people.




Te Kura O Hoani Waititi Marae

Sport and recreation

Towards costs of Te Wikihakinakina 2019









6.       The local board allocates grants to groups and organisations delivering projects, activities and services that benefit Aucklanders and contribute to the vision of being a world class city.


7.       The Auckland Council Community Grants Policy supports each local board to adopt a grants programme. Waitākere Ranges Local Board adopted their grants programme for 2018/2019 on 26th April 2018 and will operate three quick response and two local grants rounds for this financial year. 

8.       The local board grants programme sets out:

·        local board priorities;

·        lower priorities for funding;

·        exclusions;

·        grant types, the number of grant rounds and when these will open and close; and

·        any additional accountability requirements.


9.       The community grant programmes have been extensively advertised through the council grants webpage, local board webpages, local board e-newsletters, Facebook pages, council publications, radio, and community networks.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

10.     The aim of the local board grant programme is to deliver projects and activities which align with the outcomes identified in the local board plan. All applications have been assessed utilising the Community Grants Policy and the local board grant programme criteria. The eligibility of each application is identified in the report recommendations.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

11.     Based on the main focus of an application, a subject matter expert from the relevant department, will provide input and advice. The main focus of an application is identified as arts, community, events, sport and recreation, environment or heritage.

12.     The grants programme has no identified impacts on council-controlled organisations and therefore their views are not required.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

13.     Local boards are responsible for the decision-making and allocation of local board community grants.  The Waitākere Ranges Local Board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these grant applications against the local board priorities identified in the local board grant programme.

14.     The board is requested to note that section 50 of the Community Grants Policy states “We will also provide feedback to unsuccessful grant applicants about why they have been declined, so they will know what they can do to increase their chances of success next time”.

15.     A summary of each application received through Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two is provided (refer to Attachment A and B).

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

14.     The local board grants programme aims to respond to the council’s commitment to improving Māori wellbeing by providing grants to individuals and groups who deliver positive outcomes for Māori. Auckland Council’s Māori Responsiveness Unit has provided input and support towards the development of the community grant processes. Three organisations applying in this round identified themselves to be a Māori organisation, and sixteen organisations applying in this round have indicated that their project targets Māori or Māori outcomes.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

15.     The allocation of grants to community groups or individuals is within the adopted Long-term Plan 2018-2028 and local board agreements.

16.     The Waitākere Ranges Local Board has set a total community grants budget of $75,000.00 for the 2018/2019 financial year. A total of $52,017 has been allocated in one local grant round and two quick response rounds. This leaves a total of $22,983 to be allocated for 2018/2019.

17.     Twenty-one applications were received for Waitākere Ranges Local Board Local Grants Round Two 2018/2019, requesting a total of $103,809, and thirteen multi-board applications were received, requesting a total of $37,667.34

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

18.     The allocation of grants occurs within the guidelines and criteria of the Community Grants Policy and the local board grants programme. The assessment process has identified a low risk associated with funding the applications in this round.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

19.     Following the Waitākere Ranges Local Board allocating funding for round two local grants, Commercial and Finance staff will notify the applicants of the local board’s decision.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Waitākere Ranges Local Grants Round Two 2018/2019, grant applications



Waitākere Ranges Local Grants Round Two 2018/2019 multiboard grant applications



Waitākere Ranges Local Board Grants Programme 2018/2019


Ngā kaihaina



Robert Walsh - Grants Advisor


Marion Davies - Grant Operations Manager

Shane King - Head of Operations Support

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019





























































































Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



































































Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019






Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Auckland Transport's update for May 2019

File No.: CP2019/07664




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To provide an update to the Waitākere Ranges Local Board (the Board) on transport matters in their area

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       This report updates the Board on the safe speed bylaw, land stability issues, the enhanced seal programme and the traffic impacts of the Wolverton Road culvert upgrade and other current issues


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      receive Auckland Transport’s update for May 2019.

b)      nominate two representatives to provide feedback on Auckland Transport’s seal extension policy currently under review.




3.       This report addresses transport related matters in the Local Board area.

4.       Auckland Transport (AT) is responsible for all of Auckland’s transport services, excluding state highways and reports on a monthly basis to local boards, as set out in the Local Board Engagement Plan. This monthly reporting commitment acknowledges the important role local boards play within and on behalf of their local communities.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

5.       AT is currently fast-tracking implementation of a speed management plan for Auckland and Public consultation has closed on the speed bylaw. Auckland Transport received 11,007 submissions on its proposal to reduce speeds on some 700km of high-risk roads around the region.

6.       The hearings are now complete and a report will go to the AT Board in June or July for its consideration. The Board will adopt the bylaw based on the feedback and analysis. Implementation will be from August onwards.

Seal Extension Guideline Review

7.       AT is about to review its criteria for determining priorities for seal extensions. As advised verbally at the last Board meeting, it has now been decided to convene a workshop with two representatives from the relevant local boards.

8.       AT seeks two nominees from the Waitākere Ranges Local Board to provide a Waitākere Ranges perspective to the review of the seal extension policy.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

9.       The other issues reported are confined to Auckland Transport and do not impact on other parts of the Council group

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

Land Stability issues

10.     AT has recently been made aware of several land stability issues in the board aboard. Below is an update on three sites:

a)    Victory Road - Good progress has been made with the investigation and design of Victory Rd slip and we will endeavour to get this done before end of June. A small wall will be built at the toe of the slip next to Warner Park road to prevent more movement until large wall works commence. Adjacent to 121 Victory Road the design and tender documents for this slip are complete and AT will start as soon as we get the price and award the contract. For the works adjacent 123 Victory Road AT is working with Council and the property owner to progress this.

b)    Scenic Drive - A drainage crew has cleaned up the loose material on the road. Noting the requirement to manage the risk of Kauri dieback on this site, an investigation is underway to determine size and actions that need to be taken. This is nearly complete.

c)    Huia Road - The slips work at 800 Huia Road and 1280 Huia Road are commencing the week of 13 May and is due for completion by mid-late June 2019.

Wolverton Culvert Upgrade

11.     Auckland Transport will soon begin a critical project to replace two culverts on Wolverton Street, West Auckland, from 28 May. The work is now considered critical if we are to reduce the risk of infrastructure failure, such as in March 2017 in New Lynn.

12.     The matter is reported to the Board as many Waitākere Ranges residents are likely impacted. Members should have already received a briefing note. Listed below are next steps and communications channels being used.

13.     In summary:

a)    The work will be in two phases. The first investigation phase will cause significant disruption to the road network around the New Lynn area for 3-5 weeks


b)    The initial investigation works requires Wolverton Street to reduce from a dual carriage way to a single lane in each direction


c)    After the initial works are complete, a tidal flow traffic system will operate, which will reduce congestion


d)    Wolverton Street has traffic volumes of approx. 32,000 vehicles per day


e)    The modelling suggests that drivers will experience increased travel times of between 12-30 minutes during peak periods.

14.     We anticipate the congestion will be significant at the beginning of the works and as such, AT will soon begin a communications campaign to inform residents in West Auckland about the culvert works and what it will mean for them. The goal of the communication is to reduce the number of vehicles in the Wolverton Street area during peak travel periods. The communications will include:

a)    Adverts in the Western Leader and Central Leader


b)    Radio adverts on a combination of Auckland radio stations, including Breeze, Edge, HummFM, Magic, Mai FM, More FM, Newstalk ZB, The Sound and bFM


c)    A letter, with detailed information, will be sent to over 3000 households located close to the works area


d)    27,000 flyers sent to letter boxes across West Auckland


e)    Adverts in Chinese and Indian media


f)     Facebook updates and adverts on AT’s pages


g)    Provide information to community pages on Facebook


h)    Approx. 2-15 VMS boards located on busy West Auckland roads


i)     AT have also briefed local businesses and the local board. We are working with businesses to try and reduce the impact to their business.

15.     There will be some inconvenience to West Auckland residents however this is essential work and the AT project team has given considerable effort developing a methodology that will create the least amount of disruption over the shortest time period. We believe it is not possible to further reduce the level of disruption and congestion associated with the project.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

16.     For all projects consideration of impacts and opportunities for engagement will be carried out on an individual project basis.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

17.     The proposed decision of receiving this report has no financial implications.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

18.     The proposed decision of receiving this report has no risks. AT has risk management strategies in place for the transport projects undertaken in the local board area.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

19.     AT provides the Waitākere Ranges Local Board with the opportunity to comment on the transport projects being delivered in the local board area.


Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.    

Ngā kaihaina



Bruce Thomas – Elected Members Relationship Manager (Western Boards)


Jonathan Anyon – Manager Elected Member Relationship Unit, Auckland Transport

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Business Improvement District Programme Compliance Report to Waitakere Ranges Local Board for FY 2017-2018

File No.: CP2019/06936




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.   To seek the Waitākere Ranges Local Board’s recommendation to the Governing Body to strike the BID (Business Improvement District) targeted rates for the Glen Eden Village Business Association for the 2019-2020 financial year.  

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Auckland Council’s Business Improvement District (BID) programme supports business associations by collecting a targeted rate from commercial properties within a defined geographic area.  The funds from the targeted rate are then provided by way of a grant to the relevant BID.

3.       The BIDs are incorporated societies that are independent of council.  For the council to be confident that the funds provided to the BIDs are being used appropriately, council requires the BIDs to comply with the Business Improvement District (BID) Policy (2016) (Hōtaka ā-Rohe Whakapiki Pakihi), known as the BID Policy. 

4.       The BID Policy was developed to encourage improved governance of BID committees and staff to improve financial management, programme delivery and transparency to their members. 

5.       This report indicates that the Glen Eden Village Business Association is in compliance with the BID Policy. Information presented in this report is based on documents submitted by the business associations to council’s BID programme team. 

6.       The BID has met the requirements of the BID Policy and staff advice is for the Waitākere Ranges Local Board support a recommendation to the Governing Body to strike the targeted rates sought by the BID.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      recommend the Governing Body strike the targeted rate for inclusion in the Annual Budget 2019-2020 for the following Business Improvement District (BID) programme:

i)     $91,920 Glen Eden Village Business Association





7.       The council adopted the Business Improvement District (BID) Policy (Hōtaka ā-Rohe Whakapiki Pakihi) in 2016.  This Policy outlines the principles behind the council’s BID programme; creates the process for establishing, expanding, and disestablishing BIDs; prescribes operating standards and guidelines; and sets accountability requirements.  Attachment A provides an overview of key elements of the BID programme.

8.       BID targeted rates are applied to all commercially-rated properties within a designated area around a town centre or commercial precinct. Those funds are transferred to the business association operating the BID programme.

9.       There are currently 48 BID programmes throughout Auckland which represent more than 25,000 businesses and a combined $17.7 million in targeted rates investment.  Refer to Attachment B for current and proposed targeted rates budgets for all BIDs.

10.     Under the Auckland Council shared governance arrangements, local boards are allocated several decision-making responsibilities in relation to BIDs. One of these is to annually recommend BID targeted rates to the Governing Body.  The local board should recommend the striking of the targeted rate if it is satisfied that the BID is substantially complying with the BID Policy.

11.     Recommendations arising from this report are put into effect with the Governing Body’s approval of the Annual Budget 2019-2020 and striking of the targeted rate.

12.     This report is a requirement of the BID Policy (2016) and requests the local board endorse the BID targeted rate identified.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

13.     The council’s BID programme team monitors compliance with the BID Policy on an ongoing basis and provides governance advice to BID-operating business associations as needed or requested.

14.     As BID programmes are operated by private independent societies, their programmes and services are provided according to their members’ stated priorities.  In recognition of their independent corporate status, the policy does not prescribe standards for programme effectiveness.  Staff, therefore, cannot base recommendations on these factors, but only on the policy’s express requirements.

Compliance with the BID Policy

15.     The BID policy is the means for council to ensure accountability for BID targeted rate funding and to encourage good governance. This is achieved by requiring regular reporting by BID-operating business associations specifically by providing to council the following documents, and staying in touch with their local board(s) at least once a year:

·   Current Strategic Plan – evidence of achievable medium- to long-term opportunities.

·   Audited Accounts – assurance that the BID-operating business association is managing its members’ BID targeted rate funds responsibly.

·   Annual Report on the year just completed – evidence that programmes are addressing priority issues that benefit BID targeted ratepayers.

·   Business Plan for the coming year – detailed one-year programme, based on the Strategic Plan, to be achieved and resourced.

·   Indicative Budget for the following year – Auckland Council’s Annual Budget requires targeted rates to be identified a year in advance to inform the Annual Budget process which sets all rates.

·   Board Charter – establishes guidelines for effective board governance and positive relationships between the association and its members.

·   Annual Accountability Agreement – certification that these requirements have been met.

·   Programme Agreement – a good faith agreement between each BID-operating business association and council that sets basic parameters of the council-business association relationship.

16.     The BID Policy (2016) requires each business association to ratify the BID grant amount/targeted rate and budget for the following financial year. Glen Eden Village Business Association presented for members’ approval, their 2019-2020 BID grant amount/targeted rate and budget at their 2018 AGM. The approval at the AGM by way of a resolution accepting the 2019-2020 BID grant/amount enables the Waitākere Ranges Local Board to recommend to the Governing Body the striking of BID targeted rates for 2019-2020.

17.     The Glen Eden Village Business Association complies with the BID Policy and, therefore, it is recommended that the Waitākere Ranges Local Board recommends to the Governing Body the striking of the targeted rate relevant to this business association. 

18.     The recommendation of this report is supported by evidence of compliance with the BID Policy by the Glen Eden Village Business Association. Refer to Attachment C for details.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

19.    The proposed decision does not impact other parts of the council group.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

20.     Recommending that the Governing Body strikes the targeted rates for the Glen Eden Village Business Association means that this BID programme will continue to be funded from targeted rates on commercial properties in their district and provide services in accordance with their members’ priorities as stated in their strategic plan, and support business growth.

21.     Staff does not comment on the effectiveness of individual BID programmes as that is a matter for the members to assess.

22.     The Waitākere Ranges Local Board approved a similar recommendation for these BID programmes last year (resolution number WTK/2018/29) as did the 17 other local boards that have BID programmes operating in their areas.

23.     Several local boards provide additional funding to local business associations, however, accountability for that funding is set by funding agreements between the local board and the business association.  Those requirements are apart from the requirements of the BID Policy and are not covered in this report.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

24.     BIDs work for the benefits of all members, including Māori businesses.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

25.     There are no financial implications for the local board. Targeted rates for BID-operating business associations are raised directly from commercial ratepayers in the district and used by the business association for improvements within that district.  The council’s financial role is only to collect the BID targeted rates and pass them directly to the business association on a quarterly basis.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

26.     There are reputational risks to the council if ratepayer funds are misused, but this is rare.  Otherwise, there are no direct financial risks to the local board or council that could result from this recommendation to approve the BID targeted rates.

27.     The requirements of the BID Policy are intended to help minimise the potential for BIDs to misuse funds, by requiring each BID to plan for the intended use of funds, report on its activities to its members, and to have its accounts audited. 

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

28.     If the board endorses this report, it will recommend to the Governing Body that the BID targeted rates be struck as part of its approval of the Annual Budget 2019-2020.


Ngā tāpirihanga






BID programme key elements



BID programme funding



Glen Eden BID Compliance Summary 2017-2018



Ngā kaihaina



Steven Branca - BID Partnership Advisor  


Alastair Cameron - Manager - CCO Governance & External Partnerships

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019




Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Waitākere Ranges Local Board for quarter three 2018/2019

File No.: CP2019/07843




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To provide the Waitākere Ranges Local Board with an integrated quarterly performance report for quarter three, 1 January – 31 March 2019.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       This report includes financial performance, progress against work programmes, key challenges the board should be aware of and any risks to delivery against the 2018/2019 work programme. This is a retrospective report intended to provide a transparent overview and reflect the progress of how the Waitākere Ranges Local Board work programme is tracking at the end of quarter three 2018/2019.

3.       The work programme is produced annually and aligns with the Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan outcomes.

4.       The key activity updates from this quarter are:

a)      Project 1384: Kauri Karnival. The event was delivered on Sunday, 31 March 2019 at Parrs Park. Approximately 1,000 people attended the free family day, which included performances, connecting with animals and learning about nature. Healthy Families food offering principles were applied to stalls, with educational stands also involved.

b)      Project 1018: Increase diverse participation – Waitākere Ranges. One aspect of this programme is ‘Glen Eden Beats and Eats’. This activation programme where people could have a meal outside the Glen Eden Library and listen to performances by local musicians grew in attendance from 25-30 people in its first week to 50-55 in its fourth week, with positive feedback from audience and artists. Two nights were cancelled due to bad weather.

c)      Project 1019: The Local Board adopted Waitākere Ki Tua: West Local Board’s Maori Responsiveness Plan, on 28 March, 2019.

5.       All operating departments, with agreed work programmes, have provided a quarterly update against their work programme delivery. Most activities are reported with a status of green (on track), amber (some risk or issues, which are being managed) or grey (cancelled, deferred or merged). The following activities are reported with a status of red (behind delivery, significant risk:

a)      Project 615: Glen Eden Investment Attraction. To date, an agreed project to deliver the outcomes sought has not been identified.

b)      Project 719 Kauri Dieback Community Coordinator - Waitākere Ranges. RAG status of red. This position was evaluated earlier in the financial year and its function will not be delivered in its previous form. Available budget for the year was $48,000, which staff recommend reallocating to an alternative use.

c)      Project 739: Community weed bins - Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act: RAG status of red because there have been several overweight charges and illegal dumps in this quarter which add extra costs to the contract. Additionally, there have been slightly higher than average bin deliveries which may result in the budget running over the allocated contract value. This will be discussed with the contractor and some bins may need to be withdrawn in the next quarter.

6.       The financial performance report compared to budget 2018/2019 is attached. There are some points for the local board to note.

7.       Waitākere Ranges Local Board capital investment for the period was $5.1million and net operational cost of service was $7.3million. Capital expenditure is 2% below budget due mainly to renewals projects at various stages of completion.

8.       Operating expenditure is under budget by (3%) due mainly to delays in scoping of LDI (Locally Driven Initiatives) projects. Operating revenue is over budget by 3% due to higher usage of community hire facilities and unbudgeted sales revenue from Libraries.

Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      receive the performance report for the financial quarter ending 31 March 2019.




9.       The Waitākere Ranges Local Board has an approved 2018/2019 work programme for the following operating departments:

·        Arts, Community and Events

·        Parks, Sport and Recreation

·        Libraries and Information

·        Community Facilities: Build Maintain Renew

·        Community Leases

·        Infrastructure and Environmental Services

·        Local Economic Development

·        Plans and Places.

10.     Work programmes are produced annually, to meet the Waitākere Ranges Local Board outcomes identified in the three-year Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan. The local board plan outcomes are:

·        People actively protect the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area.

·        Our unique natural habitats are protected and enhanced.

·        Local communities feel good about where they live.

·        People experience local arts and culture, and recognise our heritage.

·        Our urban centres are enjoyable places to be and

·        Our community spaces, parks, sports and recreation facilities meet local needs and are easy to get to.


11.     The graph below shows how the work programme activities meet Local Board Plan outcomes. Activities that are not part of the approved work programme but contribute towards the local board outcomes, such as advocacy by the local board, are not captured in this graph.

Graph 1: work programme activities by outcome

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

Local Board Work Programme Snapshot

12.     The work programme activities have two statuses; RAG status which measures the performance of the activity (amber and red show issues and risks); and activity status which shows the stage the activity. These two statuses create a snapshot of the progress of the work programmes.

13.     The graph below identifies work programme activity by RAG status (red, amber, green and grey). It shows the percentage of work programme activities that are on track (green), in progress but with issues that are being managed (amber), and activities that have significant issues (red) and activities that have been cancelled/deferred/merged (grey).

Graph 2: Waitākere Ranges Work Programme by RAG status



14.     The graph below shows the activity status of activities in each department’s work programmes. The number of activity lines differ by department as approved in the local board work programmes. 

Graph 3: work programme activity by activity status and department

Key activity updates from quarter three

15.     The key activity updates from this quarter are:

a)      Project 1384: Kauri Karnival. The event was delivered on Sunday, 31 March 2019 at Parrs Park. Approximately 1,000 people attended the free family day, which included performances, connecting with animals and learning about nature. Healthy Families food offering principles were applied to stalls, with educational stands also involved.

b)      Project 1018: Increase diverse participation – Waitākere Ranges. One aspect of this programme is ‘Glen Eden Beats and Eats’. This activation programme where people could have a meal outside the Glen Eden Library and listen to performances by local musicians grew in attendance from 25-30 people in its first week to 50-55 in its fourth week, with positive feedback from audience and artists. Two nights were cancelled due to bad weather.

c)      Local Board adopted Waitākere Ki Tua: West Local Board’s Maori Responsiveness Plan, on 28 March, 2019.

Activities with significant issues

16.     The following work programme activities have been identified by operating departments as behind delivery, significant risk:

a)      Project 615: Glen Eden Investment Attraction. To date, an agreed project to deliver the outcomes sought has not been identified.

b)      Project 719 Kauri Dieback Community Coordinator - Waitākere Ranges. This project will not be delivered this year. This position was evaluated earlier in the financial year and its function will not be delivered in its previous form. Available budget for the year was $48,000, which is recommended for reallocated to an alternative use.

c)      Project 739: Community weed bins - Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act:  RAG status is red because there have been several overweight charges and illegal dumps in this quarter which add extra costs to the contract. Additionally, there have been slightly higher than average bin deliveries which may result in the budget running over the allocated contract value.

Activities on hold

17.     The following work programme activities have been identified by operating departments as on hold.

a)      Project 267: Operational Grant - Shadbolt House. Fund establishment and set-up costs of a writers' centre at Shadbolt House (35 Arapito Road). This action requires further decisions by the local board on how to fund building restoration work. Progression of the Shadbolt House project was included in local board agreement consultation material.


b)      Project 268: Operational Grant - Glen Eden Playhouse, to respond to the establishment needs of asset-based service provision. Previous grant acquittal requirements have not been met and the funding agreement is on hold at the local board's discretion. The local board has met with the Trust to discuss moving forward and the possibility of reinstating a council representative on the Trust's board.


c)      Project 1749: Harold Moody Park to Savoy Road Cycleway Bridge, develop connection. Staff have identified this project as on hold pending a strategic assessment from another department – Community Services, Parks, Sports and Recreation (see 454). This categorisation is administrative in that it reflects that one department (Community Facilities Investigation and Design) is waiting for a necessary step for a single project to be completed by another. Progression of this work remains subject to landowner agreement from a party external to council. 


d)      Project 1767: Waitakere Ranges - renew community facility and park signage 2018/2019. The project is awaiting confirmation of content of dual language signage, at which point concept design will proceed.


e)      1776: West Coast Gallery - renew facility.  Project placed on hold until a condition data assessment is complete and a decision on the future of the facility is confirmed.


f)       Project 3096 Mahoe Walk - renew walkways and path. This project is carried over from the 2017/2018 programme (previous ID 2473). While kauri dieback issues are resolved the project is on hold and is being pushed out to the next financial year.

Changes to the local board work programme

Cancelled activities

18.     The following activities have been identified by operating departments as cancelled.

·        Project 1755: Laingholm Reserve - renew court. This project is being bundled into workstream Sharepoint ID 1739. The work will be completed under the referenced workstream.

·        Project 2955: Parrs Park Table Tennis - renew carpark. This project is canceled until a table tennis club extension is completed. No further action is required.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

19.     When developing the work programmes council group impacts and views are presented to the boards. As this is an information only report there are no further impacts identified.

20.     The proposed decision [or activity] has no identified impacts on other parts of the council group. The views of council-controlled organisations were not required for the preparation of this report’s advice.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

21.     This report informs the Waitākere Ranges Local Board of the performance for the quarter ending 31 March 2019.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

22.     The following projects contain a specific approach to progressing Māori responsiveness.

a)      Project 198: Hoani Waititi Marae funding is a three-year term agreement with Hoani Waititi Marae Trust towards operation and maintenance associated costs, enabling the marae to be open and available for public use for 2018/2019. It commenced on 1 July 2018 and will terminate on 30 June 2021.

b)      Project 1014: Build capacity –Youth Fund.  Funds youth providers including Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hoani Waititi Marae, to facilitate placemaking, place activation or environmental projects that are led and delivered by young people. This project will be scoped with the marae and other youth providers in quarters 2 and 3.

c)      Project 1018: Increase diverse participation – Waitākere Ranges. This activity contributes funding to community-led place making activities that celebrate local identities that reside in the area. This may include Māori.

d)      Project 1019: ori responsiveness, Waitākere Ranges is an activity which supports partnering with mana whenua and mataawaka organisations on collaborative projects that respond to Māori aspirations. It includes funding to support engagement with mana whenua and mataawaka groups and capacity building (supporting leadership development and strategic planning). Work is progressing towards addressing priorities identified in the Toi Tu Waitākere Report, and on a Māori responsiveness plan for the western local boards. Waitākere Ranges local board adopted Waitākere Ki Tua: West Local Board’s Maori Responsiveness Plan, on 28 March 2019.

e)      Project 588: ori naming of parks and reserves, will identify opportunities for park and facility naming/renaming and engaging with mana whenua to develop Māori names and enhance Aucklands Māori identity and heritage.

f)       Project 1196: Libraries celebrate Te ao ori with events and programmes including regionally coordinated and promoted programmes: Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Matariki and ori Language Week. Their actions include engaging with iwi and Māori organisations.  They also work to champion and embed te reo Māori. Both local libraries have created a Kōrero space to enable people to practice their Te Reo Māori. This quarter, Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori included Matariki displays and activities including a bilingual story time and taonga crafts. Titirangi library hosted the Titirangi Kapa Haka group and Huia Hamon with over 140 people attending the events.

23.     The local board formally agreed on 28 September 2017 to pursue a relationship agreement with Te Kawerau a Maki in 2018, as a commitment to an open and positive relationship. This is an active project which is expected to progress over the course of this year.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

24.     This report is for information only and therefore there are no financial implications associated with this report.

25.     The following opportunities to carry forward budget from the 2019-2020 financial year have been identified. These are existing projects which staff anticipate will be included in the work programme for the 2019-2020 financial year. Carry-forwards will be approved by the governing body at a later date.

a)      Project558: ori naming of parks and reserves. This project will identify opportunities for park and facility naming/renaming and engaging with mana whenua to develop Māori names and enhance Aucklands Māori identity and heritage. $2,150 was spent in the current financial year. Suggested carry forward to support continued action in the 2019-2020 financial year is $12,850.

b)      Project 740: Coastal and Marine Project. Due to savings with contractor costs, the budget required to deliver this project in 2019-2020 was revised from $30,000 to $12,600. Estimated cost for work on this project in the 2019-2020 financial year. Of the remaining $17,400 suggested carry forward to support continued action in the 2019-2020 financial year is $15,000, which is the estimated cost for the work.

c)      Project 1019 Māori Responsiveness – Waitākere Ranges. A youth engagement and Māori landscape design project with Te Kura o Hoani Waititi Marae, which was expected to be delivered in quarter four, has been postponed to the following quarter at the request of the kura. Suggested carry forward to support continued action in the 2019-2020 financial year is $11,500.

26.     Over the course of quarter four of the 2019-2020 financial year, any likely underspends will be confirmed.  Those budgets may be reallocated via the local grants process, or to progress discretionary initiatives that align with objectives in the local board plan.

 Financial Performance

27.     Operating expenditure is $230,000 under budget mainly due to delays in scoping of a few locally driven initiatives projects. Operating revenue is over budget by $11,000 due to unbudgeted sales of printing/copying services at Glen Eden/Titirangi libraries and higher usage at Titirangi War Memorial Hall and Ceramco Hall. Capital expenditure is below budget by $111,000 mainly due to renewals projects at various stages of completion.

28.     The Waitākere Ranges local board Financial performance report is in Attachment C.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

29.     While the risk of non-delivery of the entire work programme is rare, the likelihood for risk relating to individual activities does vary. Capital projects for instance, are susceptible to more risk as on-time and on-budget delivery is dependent on weather conditions, approvals (e.g. building consents) and is susceptible to market conditions.

30.     Information about any significant risks and how they are being managed and/or mitigated is addressed in the ‘Activities with significant issues’ section.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

31.     The local board will receive the next performance update for quarter four following the end of the financial year (June 2019).


Ngā tāpirihanga






Work Programme 2018-2019 Q3 Report



Operating performance financial summary, 31 March 2019



Ngā kaihaina



Raewyn Curran - Senior Local Board Advisor - Waitakere Rnge


Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019







Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Remuneration Authority - policy on child care allowances

File No.: CP2019/07497




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To provide feedback on the Remuneration Authority’s proposed policy on child care allowances.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Remuneration Authority has previously received submissions from members in other councils stating that if childcare were a claimable expense, then serving in local government might be a more realistic option for parents who are currently deterred from considering the role because of the costs of childcare. Some jurisdictions in other countries provide such allowances.

3.       The authority has distributed its proposed policy in order to get feedback from councils and individual elected members.  The proposed policy is in Attachment A. The authority has asked for feedback by 31 May 2019 and intends to include the provision in its determination that comes into force on 1 July 2019.

4.       At present, the authority determines allowances for vehicle mileage, travel time and communications. Each individual council considers its approach to the expenses and allowances and writes its own policies within the upper limits set by the authority.  If the authority determines that childcare allowances are permissible the council could include, within the framework established by the authority, specific rules in the council’s expenses policy.

5.       A draft submission on the proposed policy has been prepared and is attached as Attachment B. Elected members can provide individual comments to the Remuneration Authority if they wish, by 31 May 2019.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      endorse the draft submission on the Remuneration Authority’s proposed policy on childcare allowances.





6.       LGNZ has formed a Young Elected Members (YEM) committee with members representing LGNZ Zones. These are elected members who are under the age of 40 years.  The YEM network has raised the matter of childcare costs with the Remuneration Authority.  They cite examples such as a member of a smaller council who is 24 years of age and on a salary of $18,707.  Another, struggling to pay for childcare on her councillor’s salary of $20,634 opted instead to bring her child to meetings[1]

7.       The group makes the point that other costs of attending to council duties can be claimed, such as mileage and communications, but not the cost of childcare.  The group is broadly interested in developing the ability of younger elected members. 

8.       The Remuneration Authority has researched childcare allowances and is now inviting feedback on its draft policy, which includes the eligibility and payment conditions which will be included in the authority’s formal determination.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

9.       The Remuneration Authority has recognised the need to address childcare costs if those with families are not to be deterred from standing for local government office.

10.     Salaries paid to Auckland local board members and governing body members are generally higher than in smaller council districts in New Zealand, where it is likely elected members particularly struggle to meet childcare costs from their salaries.  Nevertheless, the provision of the allowance may encourage greater diversity in those standing for election in Auckland.

11.     The cost to the council and the ratepayer is reasonable in terms of the total budget for elected members’ remuneration but is a significant help for the member who has to arrange childcare.  The policy places a cap of $6,000 per annum for any member.  LGNZ statistics show that approximately 6 per cent of elected members are 40 years of age or below[2].  On that basis, the cost to Auckland Council, if 6 per cent of members (10 members) claimed the allowance, would be $60,000.

12.     The Remuneration Authority indicates it is in discussion with the Inland Revenue Department about how the allowance will be treated for tax purposes (as income or as an expense reimbursement).  It is possible it will be taxed at source (that is by the council) prior to payment.

13.     Payment of the allowance under the proposed conditions requires evidence of the expense incurred.  This is supported.

14.     The allowance cannot be paid to family members. This is supported.

15.     The proposed conditions state that a local authority may pay the childcare allowance as a contribution towards expenses incurred by the member for childcare provided while the member is engaged on local authority business.  This wording may be too wide.  Consider a member who has regularly arranged childcare, irrespective of undertaking council duties, deciding to spend two hours preparing for the next council meeting while the children happen to be in childcare. The member would be “engaged on local authority business” and could claim the childcare cost of those two hours.

16.     Staff researched conditions around payment by other councils in other jurisdictions.  One council simply paid the full cost of child care.  Another specified the meetings and events that could be claimed. Staff believe the intent of the provision is to make a contribution toward the cost of child care where that is necessary in order for the member to undertake council duties, such as attend meetings.  The wording should indicate more clearly that the payment is for childcare costs that are necessary in order for the member to undertake council duties and are not simply childcare costs that are incurred at the same time the member is undertaking council duties and would have been incurred anyway, if the member was not attending to council duties.

17.     Other conditions are:

i)    the child is under 14 years

ii)    payment cannot be greater than $15 per hour and cannot be greater than the actual expense

iii)    childcare cannot be for more than 8 hours in any 24 hour period.

These are supported.

18.     Staff recommend that the council supports the proposed policy with the comment, outlined above, that the purpose should more clearly reflect that the expense is a necessary expense in order for the member to attend to duties.

19.     Staff also note that the council itself will decide its own provisions to include in its expenses policy, within the framework set by the authority.

20.     Members can provide individual comments to the Remuneration Authority if they wish, by 31 May 2019.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

21.     The Remuneration Authority’s policy applies only to elected members and does not impact the group.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

22.     The policy affects all elected members, including local board members.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

23.     The Remuneration Authority’s policy may assist those in the Māori community who are potential candidates for election but are deterred by the costs of childcare.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

24.     There will be financial implications.  As noted in the body of the report, the additional cost is likely to be less than $60,000 and will impact the cost centre for elected members’ remuneration.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

25.     There is a small risk of the provision being abused (false claims submitted).  The requirement for evidence of the amount paid will mitigate this risk.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

26.     This report is being presented to local boards for their feedback.  It is also being circulated to Governing Body members for their feedback.  The draft submission will be amended if there is a clear majority position in favour of an amendment.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Childcare Allowance Proposed Draft Policy Paper



Remuneration Authority draft policy - child care allowances - submission



Ngā kaihaina



Warwick McNaughton - Principal Advisor - Democracy Services


Jonathan Anyon – Manager Elected Member Relationship Unit, Auckland Transport

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019










Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Panuku Development Auckland Local Board Six Monthly Update 1 October 2018 to 31 March 2019

File No.: CP2019/07658




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To update the Waitākere Ranges Local Board on Panuku Development Auckland (Panuku) activities within the local board area and the region for the six months from 1 October 2018 to 31 March 2019.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Panuku is charged with balancing financial and non-financial outcomes in order to create and manage sustainable and resilient places where people want to live, work, invest, learn and visit. The activities of Panuku cover four broad areas: 

·     redevelopment of urban locations, leveraging off council owned land assets, mostly within existing suburbs

·     review of, and where appropriate, redevelopment of council non-service property

·     management of council property assets including commercial, residential, and marina infrastructure

·     other property related services such as redevelopment incorporating a service delivery function, strategic property advice, acquisitions and disposals.

3.       Panuku currently manages 36 commercial and residential interests in the Waitākere Local Board area.

4.       One property is currently under review as part of our rationalisation process.

5.       One property was purchased and one property was sold in the Waitākere Ranges Local Board area during the last six months.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      receive the Panuku Development Auckland Local Board update for 1 October 2018 to 31 March 2019




6.       Panuku helps to rejuvenate parts of Auckland, from small projects that refresh a site or building, to major transformations of town centres or neighbourhoods.

7.       The Auckland Plan is the roadmap to deliver on Auckland’s vision to be a world class city, Panuku will play a significant role in achieving the Homes and Places and Belonging and Participation outcomes.

8.       Panuku is leading urban redevelopment in Manukau, Onehunga, Wynyard Quarter, Waterfront, Northcote, Avondale, Takapuna, Henderson, Papatoetoe, Ormiston and Flat Bush, Panmure, Pukekohe, City Centre and redevelopment of the Haumaru Portfolio.

9.       Panuku manages around $2 billion of council’s non-service property portfolio, which is continuously reviewed to find smart ways to generate income for the region, grow the portfolio, or release land or property that can be better used by others.

10.     As at 30 December 2018, the property portfolio comprises 1636 properties, containing 1062 leases. The current portfolio includes vacant land, industrial buildings, warehouses, retail shops, cafes, offices, medical centres, and a large portfolio of residential rental homes.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

Properties managed in the Waitākere Local Board Area

11.     Panuku currently manages 22 commercial and 14 residential interests within the local board area.

Portfolio strategy


12.     Optimisation is a self-funding development approach targeting sub-optimal service assets approved in 2015. The process involves an agreement between Community Facilities, Panuku and local boards and is led by Panuku. It is designed to equal or enhance levels of service to the local community in a reconfigured form while delivering on strategic outcomes such as housing or urban regeneration with no impact on existing rate assumptions.

13.     Using optimisation, underperforming assets will have increased utility and efficiency, lower maintenance and operating costs, as well as improved service delivery benefiting from co-location of other complimentary services or commercial activities. Optimisation will free up a range of undercapitalised development opportunities such as air space, full sites, or part sites.

14.     Local boards are allocated decision making for the disposal of local service property and reinvestment of sale proceeds in accordance with the service property optimisation approach.

Portfolio review and rationalisation


15.     Panuku is required to undertake ongoing rationalisation of the council’s non-service assets. This includes identifying properties from within the council’s portfolio that may be suitable for potential sale and development if appropriate. Panuku has a focus on achieving housing and urban regeneration outcomes.

16.     Identifying potential sale properties contributes to the Auckland Plan focus of accommodating the significant growth projected for the region over the coming decades, by providing the council with an efficient use of capital and prioritisation of funds to achieve its activities and projects.


17.     Panuku works closely with Auckland Council and Auckland Transport to identify potential surplus properties to help achieve disposal targets.



18.     Target for July 2018 to June 2019:




Portfolio review

$30 million disposal ‘recommendations’

$8.6 million as at 31 March 2019



19.     Once identified as no longer delivering the council service use for which it was acquired, a property is taken through a multi-stage rationalisation process. The agreed process includes engagement with council departments and CCOs, the local board and mana whenua. This is followed by Panuku board approval, engagement with the local ward councillors, the Independent Māori Statutory Board and finally, a Governing Body decision.

Under review

20.     Properties currently under review in the Waitākere Ranges Local Board area are listed below. The list includes any properties that may have recently been approved for sale or development and sale by the Governing Body.



300 West Coast Road, Glen Eden

Approximately 5,500m2 of the former Glen Eden Borough Council works depot is being retained for open space network purposes. The remainder of the site is subject to a Panuku led rationalisation process.

300 West Coast Road is a closed land fill and a medium risk contaminated site.

The internal consultation commenced in December 2015 and was deferred while alternate public work uses were investigated.

A revised open space assessment of the entire site was undertaken in July 2018 and provides an updated recommendation to enable the Waitākere Ranges Greenways/Pathways route to the Glen Eden town centre.

The approximately 4,900m2 balance of the site is not required for a public work and will be subject to offer back obligations to the former owner in accordance with section 40 of the Public Works Act 1981. 

The Waitākere Ranges Local Board resolved at its 28 March 2019 business meeting to support the retention of the entire property for open space and future growth purposes, and due to its strategic location and proximity to the Glen Eden town centre.

Panuku will present 300 West Coast Road to the 18 June 2019 Finance and Performance Committee for a final decision on the future of the site.

Acquisitions and disposals

21.     Panuku manages the acquisition and disposal of property on behalf of Auckland Council. Panuku purchases property for development, roads, infrastructure projects and other services. These properties may be sold with or without contractual requirements for development.


22.     Panuku does not decide which properties to buy in a local board area. Instead, it is asked to negotiate the terms and conditions of a purchase on behalf of the council.

23.     Panuku purchased 11 properties for open space across Auckland in the 2018-19 financial year at a cost of $35.3 million and bought one property for stormwater use at a value of $188,000.

24.     One property was purchased in the Waitākere Ranges Local Board area during the reporting period

25.     All land acquisition committee resolutions contain a confidentiality clause due to the commercially sensitive nature of ongoing transactions, and thus cannot be reported on while in process. 


26.     In the current financial year to the end of March, the Panuku disposals team has entered into thirteen sale and purchase agreements, with an estimated value of $35.6 million of unconditional net sales proceeds. 

27.     As part of the Northern Corridor Improvements, Auckland Council has agreed to transfer various parcels of land to NZTA to facilitate the works. The compensation amount totals $6.5 million, of which $1.554 million is advance compensation for required land at Rook Reserve with the final compensation amount still to be agreed.

28.     Panuku 2018/19 disposals target is $24 million for the year. The disposals target is agreed with the council and is reviewed on an annual basis. 

29.     The one property sold in Waitākere Ranges Local Board area in this period is 9 Matana Road.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

30.     Any local or sub-regional impacts related to local activities are considered on a project by project basis.

31.     Panuku requests that all feedback and/or queries relating to a property in the local board area be directed in the first instance to localboard@developmentauckland.co.nz.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

32.     Panuku work collaboratively with mana whenua on a range of projects including potential property disposals, development sites in the area and commercial opportunities. Engagement can be on specific individual properties and projects at an operational level with kaitiaki representatives, or with the Panuku Mana Whenua Governance Forum who have a broader mandate.

33.     Panuku will continue to partner with Māori on opportunities which enhance Māori social and economic wellbeing.          

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

34.     There are no financial implications associated with this report.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

35.     There are no risks associated with receiving this report.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

36.     The next six-monthly update is scheduled for November 2019.

Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.    

Ngā kaihaina



Sa Va'aelua - Engagement Coordinator


Lisa Gooding - Senior Engagement Advisor

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Proposed Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw and Amendments to the Trading and Events in Public Place

File No.: CP2019/07680




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To receive a resolution from the Regulatory Committee and note the opportunity to contribute to the consultation on the proposed Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw and amendments to the Trading and Events in Public Place.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       At its meeting on 11 April 2019, the Regulatory Committee resolved as follows:

Resolution number REG/2019/21

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson BC Cashmore, seconded by IMSB Chair D Taipari: 

That the Regulatory Committee:

a)      note that this committee completed the review of the Solid Waste Bylaw 2012 in March 2019 and:

i)       determined a bylaw is still the most appropriate way to address some waste issues, but not others

ii)       gave directions to prepare a new bylaw about waste

b)      recommend the Governing Body adopt the statement of proposal in Attachment A of the agenda report for public consultation, and confirm that the proposed new Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw 2019 and amendments to the Trading and Events in Public Places Bylaw 2015:

i)       are the most appropriate form of bylaw

ii)       do not give rise to any implications and are not inconsistent with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990

iii)      are not inconsistent with the Waste Plan

c)      appoint Cr L Cooper, Cr P Hulse Cr W Walker and Independent Māori Statutory Board Member Glenn Wilcox to attend ‘Have Your Say’ events, to deliberate and make recommendations to the Governing Body on public feedback to the statement of proposal in Attachment A of the agenda report

d)      delegate authority to the Regulatory Committee chairperson to make replacement appointments to the panel if a member of the panel is unavailable

e)      delegate authority through the Chief Executive to a manager responsible for bylaws to appoint staff to receive public feedback at ‘Have Your Say’ events

f)       delegate authority through the Chief Executive to a manager responsible for bylaws to make any amendments to the statement of proposal in Attachment A to correct errors, omissions or to reflect decisions made by the Regulatory Committee or the Governing Body

g)      request through the Chief Executive that the manager responsible for local board services include this report and attachments on the waste bylaw statement of proposal on the agenda of all local boards for their information


3.       The following is the link to the Regulatory Committee meeting on 11 April 2019 – Item 10 Waste Bylaw Statement of Proposal, page 135 http://infocouncil.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/Open/2019/04/REG_20190411_AGN_6989_AT.PDF.

4.       Full Regulatory Committee agendas are available through http://infocouncil.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/



Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      receive the 11 April 2019 Regulatory Committee resolution on the proposed Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw and amendments to the Trading and Events in Public Place.

b)      consider whether to provide views on the proposed Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw and amendments to the Trading and Events in Public Place.

c)      note that public consultation on the proposal is scheduled from 10 May to 16 June 2019. A panel will consider any feedback, deliberate and make recommendations to the Governing Body. A final decision on any new bylaw and bylaw amendments will be made on 22 August 2019.


Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.     

Ngā kaihaina



Suad Allie - Governance Advisor


Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Local board input to Waikumete Cemetery Expansion Report

File No.: CP2019/07952




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To seek retrospective approval for a submission on the Waikumete Cemetery expansion project.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Waikumete Cemetery is one of three large cemeteries operated by Auckland Council. There is currently little remaining lawn burial capacity at Waikumete, and no remaining areas within the cemetery that allow for easy development of additional burial plots.

3.       Council is investigating the opportunities for the development of additional burial capacity within Waikumete Cemetery. The first phase of this work has been to undertake an initial assessment of potential zones for development.

4.       Consultation on the proposal was carried out in March / April of this year. The Waitakere Ranges Local Board provided informal feedback on the proposal at a workshop. The attached submission was lodged on behalf of the local board.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      retrospectively approval for feedback on the Waikumete Cemetery Expansion Assessment Report (Attachment A).


Ngā tāpirihanga






Feedback on the Waikumete Cemetery Expansion Report



Ngā kaihaina



Brett Lane - Local Board Advisor


Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019




Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Chair's report - Greg Presland


File No.: CP2019/07902




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       To update the Waitākere Ranges Local Board members on projects, activities and issues.

Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary

2.       Board members are responsible for leading policy development in their areas of interest, proposing and developing project concepts, overseeing agreed projects within budgets, being active advocates, accessing and providing information and advice.


Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      receive the Chair’s report for May 2019

b)      declare a climate emergency for the Waitākere Ranges Local Board area

c)      urge Auckland Council to declare a climate emergency for the Auckland region.


Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments





Chair Greg Presland's May 2019 report



Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Brenda  Railey - Democracy Advisor - Waitakere Ranges


Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019








Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Confirmation of Workshop Records


File No.: CP2019/07006




Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report

1.       To present records of workshops held in April 2019 by the Waitākere Ranges Local Board.

Whakarāpopototanga matua / Executive summary

2.       Briefings provided at the workshop held are as follows:

          4 April 2019:

Understanding local rates and their implications (GFR Initiative)

Local board agreement

Briefing on AT Community Safety Fund

Comms Update

          14 April 2019:

LBA Workshop 3

For Discussion – underspends

Glen Eden HUB

Waitakere Ranges Regional Park Draft Track Plan consultation results

18 April 2019:

Piha Flooding options

Election Year Policies (deferred to 16 May 19)

CAPEX (incl. AT Capex capital fund)

AT Piha road maintenance update



Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      receive the workshop records for 4, 11 and 18 April 2019.



Ngā tāpirihanga / Attachments





Workshop records for 4, 11 and 18 April 2019



Ngā kaihaina / Signatories


Brenda  Railey - Democracy Advisor - Waitakere Ranges


Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019








Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019



Governance Forward Work Programme

File No.: CP2019/07225




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To present the Waitākere Ranges Local Board with its updated governance forward work programme calendar (the calendar).

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The calendar is updated monthly, reported to business meetings and distributed to council staff (Attachment A).

3.       The calendar is part of Auckland Council’s quality advice programme and aims to support local boards’ governance role by:

·    ensuring advice on meeting agendas is driven by local board priorities

·    clarifying what advice is expected and when

·    clarifying the rationale for reports.

4.       The calendar also aims to provide guidance for staff supporting local boards and greater transparency for the public.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

a)      receive the governance forward work programme calendar for May 2019.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Governance forward work programme calendar - May 2019



Ngā kaihaina



Brenda  Railey - Democracy Advisor - Waitakere Ranges


Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Waitākere Ranges Local Board

23 May 2019





[1] https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/109002369/underrepresentation-of-young-elected-members-woeful

[2] http://www.lgnz.co.nz/assets/e41e5fb07f/Elected-Members-Profile-Report-FINAL.pdf