Franklin Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Franklin Local Board held in the Local Board Chambers, Pukekohe Service Centre, 82 Manukau Road, Pukekohe on Tuesday, 4 June 2019 at 9.30am.
Chairperson |
Angela Fulljames |
Deputy Chairperson |
- |
Alan Cole |
Sharlene Druyven |
Amanda Hopkins |
Murray Kay |
Niko Kloeten |
Andrew Baker |
Absent on council business |
Brendon Crompton |
Absent |
Malcolm Bell |
Absent |
Franklin Local Board 04 June 2019 |
The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present
Resolution number FR/2019/55 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member S Druyven: That the Franklin Local Board: a) accept the apology from Brendon Crompton and Malcolm Bell for absence, and from Andrew Baker, absent on Council business. |
Resolution number FR/2019/56 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member A Cole: That the Franklin Local Board: a) note the declarations of interest as follows: Member Kay declared an interest in Item 13: Franklin Local Grants Round Two 2018/2019 grant allocations (the Rotary application); and Member Druyven declared an interest on Item 20: Business Improvement District Programme Compliance report to Franklin Local Board for FY 2017-2018. |
There were no leaves of absence.
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Resolution number FR/2019/57 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member S Druyven: That the Franklin Local Board:
a) acknowledge the 40 years of service by Lynette Birch who has supported local governance and Pukekohe through Pukekohe Borough Council, Franklin District Council, and Auckland Council since amalgamation. |
There were no petitions.
There were no deputations.
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Russell Preston and Sharmeena Leatham from Counties Manukau Sport were in attendance to update the board.
Resolution number FR/2019/58 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member N Kloeten: That the Franklin Local Board: a) thank Russell Preston and Sharmeena Leatham from Counties Manukau Sport for their attendance and update on future plans. |
There was no extraordinary business.
The Chair directed to take item 13: Franklin Local Grants, Round Two 2019/2019 at this point. Items 11 and 12 were taken next, and then the agenda continued from Item 14.
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Auckland Council’s Quarterly Performance Report: Franklin Local Board for quarter three 2018/2019 |
Georgina Gilmour, Senior Advisor Franklin Local Board Services, and Faithe Smith, Lead Financial Advisor, were in attendance to speak to this item.
Resolution number FR/2019/59 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member M Kay: That the Franklin Local Board: a) receive the performance report for the financial quarter ending 31 March 2019. b) approve the reallocation of LDI Opex budget from the following work programme line items; i) $10,000 from Community Response Fund (WP ID 2803) to the Pest Free Franklin line item (WP ID 2698) to enable community-led pest management. ii) $49,000 from WP ID 2803 Community Response Fund to the Full Facilities Contracts (maintenance) line item (WP ID 676) to advance delivery of repairs and maintenance. iii) $11,000 from WP ID 2803 Community response Fund to the community grants line item (WP ID 337), enabling additional investment in community projects
iv) $2,000 from Event Partnership Fund (WP ID 95) to the community grants line item (WP ID 337), enabling additional investment in community projects. |
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Faithe Smith LFA was in attendance to speak to this item, and tabled the final copy of the Local Board Agreement, including financial figures. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.
Resolution number FR/2019/60 MOVED by Member A Cole, seconded by Member N Kloeten: That the Franklin Local Board: a) adopt local content for the Annual Budget 2019/2020 (Attachment A), including: i) a Local Board Agreement 2019/2020 ii) a message from the Chair iii) local board advocacy. b) adopt local fees and charges schedules for 2019/2020 (Attachment B) with the following addition to the Whitford Hall facility to enable greater community use.
c) delegate authority to the Chair to make any final minor changes to the local content for the Annual Budget 2019/2020, including the Local Board Agreement 2019/2020. d) note that Local Board Agreement 2019/2020 local activity budgets will be updated to reflect final budget decisions made by the Governing Body on 22 May 2019 e) note that the resolutions of this meeting will be reported back to the Governing Body when it meets to adopt the Annual Budget 2019/2020 on 20 June 2019. |
Item 13 was taken after Extraordinary Business, at the direction of the Chair.
13 |
Franklin Local Grants, Round Two 2018/2019 grant allocations |
Resolution number FR/2019/61 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member A Hopkins: That the Franklin Local Board: a) agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in Franklin Local Grants Round Two listed in the following table:
b) agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in round two of the 2018/2019 Franklin Multi-board applications, listed in the following table:
c) approve the change from an original allocation of $2,477.50 (application number LG1903-112, resolution number FR/2018/133) to an increased allocation of $4,427.50 towards the purchase of a heat pump for the Log Cabin hall. |
Items 11 and 12 were taken at this point, followed by Item 14.
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Resolution number FR/2019/62 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member M Kay: That the Franklin Local Board: a) adopt the Franklin Māori Responsiveness Action Plan 2019 (Attachment A to the agenda report). |
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Auckland Transport monthly update to the Franklin Local Board - May 2019 |
Kenneth Tuai from AT was in attendance to speak to this item.
Resolution number FR/2019/63 MOVED by Member A Hopkins, seconded by Member N Kloeten: That the Franklin Local Board: a) receive the report entitled ‘Auckland Transport update to the Franklin Local Board May 2019. |
16 |
Access and activation of third party sport and recreation facilities - allocation of funding in 2018 / 2019. |
Rose Ward was in attendance to speak to this item.
Resolution number FR/2019/64 MOVED by Member A Cole, seconded by Chairperson A Fulljames: That Franklin Local Board: a) approve the following allocation of funds from line item 743 of the 2018/2019 local board work programme: i) up to $8,000 for the use of the astroturf at Pukekohe High School for football training and for the provision of a portaloo to meet the training shortfall. ii) up to $2,800 to Tuakau College for the use of the indoor basketball court. iii) re-allocate $19,200 ‘access and activation of third party sport and recreation facilities’ line item (WP ID 743) to the ’community grants’ line item (WP ID 337). |
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Panuku Development Auckland Local Board Six Monthly Update from 1 October 2018 to 31 March 2019. |
Resolution number FR/2019/65 MOVED by Member A Cole, seconded by Member M Kay: That the Franklin Local Board: a) receive the Panuku Development Auckland Local Board update for 1 October 2018 to 31 March 2019 |
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Resolution number FR/2019/66 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member N Kloeten: That the Franklin Local Board: a) receive the Waste Bylaw Statement of Proposal reported to the Regulatory Committee of the Governing Body for Information. |
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Proposed Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw and Amendments to the Trading and Events in Public Place |
Resolution number FR/2019/67 MOVED by Member A Hopkins, seconded by Member N Kloeten: That the Franklin Local Board: a) endorse the proposal for a new Waste Management and Minimisation Bylaw and amendments to the Trading and Events in Public Place on the basis that improved waste management aligns with Franklin Local Board outcome 1 (a well-cared for natural environment) and supports outcome 1 objective ‘reduce waste to landfill’ . b) note proposed amendments to the Street Trading and Events Bylaw and request that staff improve support services available to event organisers in meeting waste minimization requirements. c) note that public consultation on the proposal is scheduled from 10 May to 16 June 2019. d) request that local feedback is presented to the board when available to enable the board to meet their responsibilities under section 16b of the Local Government Auckland Council Act 2009 i.e. to identify and communicate the interests and preferences of its community. |
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Business Improvement District Programme Compliance Report to Franklin Local Board for FY 2017-2018 |
Member Druyven declared her interest in the Waiuku BID |
Resolution number FR/2019/68 MOVED by Member A Cole, seconded by Chairperson A Fulljames: That the Franklin Local Board: a) recommend to the Governing Body to strike the targeted rates for inclusion in the Annual Budget 2019-2020 for the following Business Improvement District (BID) programmes: · $462,000 for the Pukekohe Business Association · $122,750 for Waiuku Business Association |
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Urgent Decisions in the period 16 April to 24 May 2019 by the Franklin Local Board |
Resolution number FR/2019/69 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member S Druyven: That the Franklin Local Board: a) receive the urgent decision feedback on Auckland Council’s draft submission on the Department of Conservation’s proposal to revoke certain delegations to territorial authorities. b) receive the urgent decision feedback on Auckland Council’s draft submission on the Remuneration Authority’s proposed childcare allowance. c) receive the urgent decision feedback on the proposed Speed Bylaw 2019. |
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Resolution number FR/2019/70 MOVED by Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member N Kloeten: That the Franklin Local Board: a) note the May 2019 update of the Franklin governance forward work calendar (Attachment A to the report entitled ‘Franklin Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar). |
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Resolution number FR/2019/71 MOVED by Member A Cole, seconded by Member A Hopkins: That the Franklin Local Board: a) receive the Franklin Local Board workshop records for 9, 16 and 30 April; and 7, 14 and 21 May 2019. |
24 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
10.25 am The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.