I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Henderson-Massey Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 18 June 2019


Council Chamber
Henderson Civic Centre
6 Henderson Valley Road


Henderson-Massey Local Board










Shane Henderson


Deputy Chairperson

Peter Chan, JP



Paula Bold-Wilson



Brenda Brady, JP



Warren Flaunty, QSM



Will Flavell



Matt Grey



Vanessa Neeson, JP



(Quorum 4 members)




Busola Martins

Local Board Democracy Advisor (West)


13 June 2019


Contact Telephone: (09) 892 4455

Email: busola.martins@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz



Glenn Boyd

(Relationship Manager)

Local Board Serices West




Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019




1          Welcome                                                                                        5

2          Apologies                                                                                      5

3          Declaration of Interest                                               5

4          Confirmation of Minutes                                                              5

5          Leave of Absence                                                                         6

6          Acknowledgements                                                   6

7          Petitions                                                                      6

8          Deputations                                                                6

8.1     Deputation: The ReCreators enviro social enterprise                                                          6

9          Public Forum                                                                                 6

10        Extraordinary Business                                            7

11        Chairperson's Report - June 2019                           9

12        Auckland Transport Report Update                      11

13        Henderson-Massey Quick Response Round Three 2018/2019 grant allocations                                    17

14        Henderson-Massey Local Board Community Facilities Work Programme 2019 - 2022             129

15        Approval of the 2019/2020 Henderson-Massey local environment work programme                   153

16        Approval of the Henderson-Massey Local Board Youth Connections 2019/2020 work programme                                                                                 167

17        Approval of the Henderson-Massey Local Board community services 2019/2020 work programme                                                                                 173

18        Henderson - Massey Local Board 2019/2020 Local Economic Development Work Programme        197

19        Changes to Local Board Standing Orders         203

20        Confirmation of workshop records                     209

21        Governance Forward Work Programme             257

22        Ward Councillors' Update                                     261  

23        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 



1          Welcome


2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.






Shane Henderson (Chairman)

Waitakere Licensing Trust

Waitakere Badminton

Colwill School

Elected Member



21 August 2018

4 Dec 2018

Peter Chan, JP

(Deputy Chairman)

Cantonese Opera Society of NZ
Asian Leaders Forum
NZ-Hong Kong Business Association
NZ-China Business Association
Auckland Chinese Environment Protection Association (ACEPA)

Whau Coastal Walkway Trust




21 Feb 2017

5 June 2018

Brenda Brady, JP

Safer West Community Trust


17 April 2018

Matt Grey

West Auckland Youth Development Trust

Billy Graham Youth Foundation

Director and Board Member


17 July 2018


16 October 2018

Paula Bold-Wilson

Community Waitakere

Unitec Institute of Technology

Board member


17 April 2018

Vanessa Neeson, JP

Village Green Quilters

Ranui Advisory Group



17 April 2018

Warren Flaunty, QSM

NorSGA Properties
The Trusts Community Foundation Ltd

Life North West Pharmacy

Waitemata District Health Board
Waitakere Licensing Trust
Massey Birdwood Settlers Ass.
Taupaki Residents & Ratepayers Association

Henderson Rotary


Elected Member
Elected Member


17 April 2018

5 June 2018

18 Sep 2018




Will Flavell

Te Atatū Tennis Club

Asia New Zealand Leadership Network

Rutherford College

Waitākere Literacy Board

Board Member



Board Member

15 Nov 2016


4          Confirmation of Minutes


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)          confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 4 June 2019, including as a true and correct record.


5          Leave of Absence


At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.


6          Acknowledgements


At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.


7          Petitions


At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.


8          Deputations


Standing Order 7.7 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Henderson-Massey Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.


8.1       Deputation: The ReCreators enviro social enterprise

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       The Re-Creators presentation at this meeting is to outline that they will be applying for funding under the next multi-board grant scheme so they can deliver our Community Upcycling Workshops.

2.       The Re-Creators, along with a number of other community groups, have previously addressed the local board with regards to a different project.

 Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

3.       The Re-Creators are a diverse and talented collective of upcycling artists promoting creativity, mindful making and sustainability. They offer various upcycling workshops for children, adults and corporates, as well as an online store. Their mission is to move consumers away from new products towards learning the skills to upcycle themselves.  Upcycling is sustainable, creative and mindful (support mental health and wellbeing).


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      receive the deputation from Ger Tew from The Re-Creators.



9          Public Forum


A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.


At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.




10        Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”

Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Chairperson's Report - June 2019

File No.: CP2019/10763




1.   I’d like to dedicate this chair’s report for the Henderson-Massey Local Board to acknowledging the late philanthropists Dr James Richie Gilmour OBE and Myra Jane Gilmour for their contribution to the Waitakere community. The board recently approved the placement of a park bench and plaque in Spinnaker Strand as a memorial to this wonderful couple.

2.   Since moving to Waitakere in 1955 they were very involved in the local community; Dr Gilmour was a well-loved GP in Ratanui St until his retirement in 1986, while also running parenting courses and men's groups and being instrumental in setting up internships and training for young GPs.

3.   They both highly valued life-long learning and Myra in particular dreamed of seeing a learning centre established in Henderson. The couple got the Workers Educational Association up and running in the west and in 2001 donated a house which ensured the organisation’s survival in west Auckland. The house was named Gilmour House in their honour in 2010.

4.   They also helped to set up Relationship Services, the Home Birth Association, the Henderson Citizens Advice Bureau, West Auckland Hospice and the Walsh Trust.

5.   Dr Gilmour was rightly recognised by the nation as well, receiving a silver jubilee medal in 1977 and an OBE in 1988.

6.   Myra and James were married for 53 years and had five children and six grandchildren.

7.   The five children were supported and inspired by these wonderful parents to become creative and independent thinkers and to go on to make their own contributions to society. I’m sure the grandchildren will receive the same inspiration.

8.   My brief words really can’t do them justice; they provide a humbling example of service to the community through building and supporting community-focused organisations.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      receive the Chairperson’s report.


Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.      

Ngā kaihaina



Busola Martins - Local Board Democracy Advisor (West)  


Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Auckland Transport Report Update

File No.: CP2019/10554



Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       The purpose of this report is to respond to requests on transport-related matters, provide an update on the current status of the Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF), provide a summary of consultation material sent to the board and, provide transport related information on matters of specific application and interest to the Henderson-Massey Local Board and its community.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       In particular, this report:

·    Provides updates on the Local Board Transport Fund projects in the Henderson/Massey Local Board Area.

·    Notes consultation information sent to the Board for feedback and, details decisions of the Traffic Control Committee as they affect the Board area.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      receive the report entitled Auckland Transport Update to the Henderson-Massey Local Board – June 2019.



3.       This report updates the board on Auckland Transport (AT) projects and operations in the local board area, it updates the board on their advocacy and consultations, and includes information on the status of the Local Board Transport Capital Fund.

4.       Auckland Transport is responsible for all of Auckland’s transport services, excluding state highways. We report on a monthly basis to local boards, as set out in our Local Board Engagement Plan. This monthly reporting commitment acknowledges the important engagement role local boards play within the governance of Auckland on behalf of their local communities.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

5.       The LBTCF is a capital budget provided to all local boards by Auckland Council and delivered by Auckland Transport. Local boards can use this fund to deliver transport infrastructure projects that they believe are important but are not part of Auckland Transport’s work programme. Projects must also:

·    be safe

·    not impede network efficiency

·    be in the road corridor (although projects running through parks can be considered if there is a transport outcome).

6.       The Henderson-Massey Local Board’s funding allocation under the LBTCF was $4,623,969 for the current political term. In addition, there is a sum of $1,253,083 which has been approved by Council and is available from 1 July 2018. 

Henderson Massey Local Board Transport Capital Fund Financial Summary

Total Funds Available in current political term


Amount committed to date on projects approved for design and/or construction


Remaining Budget left


Henderson North Zone Proposed Residential Speed Management Project Update

7.       The Henderson-Massey Local Board resolved at its December meeting approving the allocation of up to 1.1 million to the Henderson North Zone proposed Residential Speed Management project. Auckland Transport has awarded the contract to a consultant to carry out the investigation component of this project. 

8.       At this stage Auckland Transport is aiming to have a draft plan and costing by the end of May or early June.  All preliminary data has been completed and the 12-traffic count/speed count on 12 sites and one pedestrian count on Edwards Avenue have also been completed.  All this information will be presented to the Local Board upon completion of our internal consultation process, in the beginning of July 2019.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

9.       The impact of information  in this report is confined to Auckland Transport and does not impact on other parts of the Council group. Any engagement with other parts of the Council group will be carried out on an individual project basis.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

Parking is causing visibility issues Edsel Street, Henderson

10.     A request has been received for Auckland Transport to look at removing the parks on Edsel Street as these are causing visibility issues for motorists and pedestrians..

11.     Auckland Transport can advise that the parking in question has now been removed.  

Widmore/Moire Road Keep Clear Request

12.     Auckland Transport has investigated the request for a Keep Clear area between Widmore Drive and Moire Road, Massey.

13.     The feasibility of installing ‘Keep Clear’ road markings at the intersection of Widmore Drive and Moire Road, Massey, has been carefully considered, taking into account the number of lanes on the road, current driver behaviour and any other relevant safety issues.

14.     Restrictions are only considered where a significant safety or accessibility issue has been identified. Auckland Transport does this as it has been found that in some situations the ‘Keep Clear’ markings can in fact lead to a decrease in safety.

15.     A blocked intersection can cause frustration however, experience has shown ‘Keep Clear’ markings are generally ineffective and potentially dangerous, as they tend to provide motorists with the expectation that vehicles will not drive onto the marked area, giving them a false sense of security. This has tended to increase the potential for motorists turning into the ‘Keep Clear’ area being hit by an approaching vehicle. This risk is increased in multi-laned roads, such as this intersection, which police crash records indicate is already experiencing some crashes when traffic is queued here. In this case Auckland Transport will not be implementing a ‘Keep Clear’ area.

Request for Yellow Lines on Serwayne and Manui Place, Sunnyvale

16.     Auckland Transport received a request seeking a review of broken yellow lines in the area around Sunnyvale Station to mitigate safety issues caused by parking.

17.     Auckland Transport considers a street narrow if it is less than 6.8 metres wide. Serwayne Place is approximately 7.7 metres wide.  A street width of 6.8 metres allows for two metres of parallel parking on each side of the road while still allowing 2.8 metres for a through lane for drivers.

18.     Emergency services have also confirmed this is the minimum space required for their vehicles to have access. When cars are parked on both sides of Serwayne Place, a 3.7 metre wide through lane is still available which is considered sufficient to allow access for large trucks (such as rubbish trucks) and emergency vehicles.

19.     While parked vehicles may reduce the traffic flow to a single lane at times, there are a number of points where vehicles can pass by using the clear space near driveways

20.     It is noted that including one of the driveways at 15 Serwayne Place, there are three driveways in close proximity to each other where cars are unable to park. This should provide enough space to assist with manoeuvring the truck. The driveway opposite the other access to this property can also be used to assist with moving the truck.

21.     Auckland Transport does not consider any changes to the road layout are required.

Te Manawa, Kohuhu Lane

22.     Auckland Transport’s Parking Design Team are currently undertaking an investigation into the request.  All parking changes need to go through a parking consultation and an approval process before being implemented. The time frame for this process is four to six months. Once completed Auckland Transport will report the outcome.

Roading Issues at 35 Sunnyside Road, Sunnyvale

23.     Auckland Transport has inspected the site and the replacement of the vehicle crossing and foot path have been programmed in the next 3 – 6 weeks.

251 Lincoln Road – entry/exit Issues

24.     Auckland Transport has investigated the query from the Local Board requesting “Keep Clear” markings for the Yogiji grocery store on Lincoln Road, Henderson.

25.     From the outset, Auckland Transport would like it to be noted that “Keep Clear” markings are very rarely installed due to the safety issues they frequently present.

26.     Safety issues at Keep Clear markings arise as these markings can provide motorists with an expectation that vehicles will not drive on to the marked area, which gives them a false sense of security. This false sense of security is known to increase the potential for motorists who are turning in to a Keep Clear area to be hit by vehicles approaching the intersection. This safety risk is increased on multi-laned roads such as Lincoln Road as vehicles in the outer lanes may not be able to see those entering the Keep Clear area.

27.     Considering the above, Auckland Transport will not be installing “Keep Clear” markings outside of the entrance to 251 Lincoln Road as the benefits of installing them do not outweigh the safety issues they would present.

Consultation documents on proposed improvements

28.     Consultation documents for the following proposals have been provided to the Henderson-Massey Local Board for its feedback and are summarised below for information purposes only.

29.     After consultation, Auckland Transport considers the feedback received and determines whether to proceed further with the proposal as consulted on or proceed with an amended proposal if changes are considered necessary.

·    The installation of prohibiting stopping off the roadway signs in Edmonton Road, Henderson

·    Exeloo Toilet Facility installations for Westgate Drive and Elliot Street, Westgate

Auckland Transport’s Traffic Control Committee (TCC) report

30.     Decisions of the TCC during the month of April 2019 affecting the Henderson-Massey Local Board area are listed below.


Street (Suburb)

Type of Report

Nature of Restriction








Bruce McLaren Road, Railside Avenue, Henderson



Permanent Traffic and Parking changes Combined

No Stopping At All Times, Traffic Islands, Give-Way Control, Flush Median, Shoulder Markings, Keep Clear, Slow Road Marking, Surface Friction Treatment















Henderson Valley Road, Forest Hill Road, Spode Place, Border Road, Henderson



Permanent Traffic and Parking changes Combined

No Stopping At All Times, Bus Stop, Bus Shelter, Lane Arrow Markings, Removal of Bus Stop, Removal of Bus Shelter, Give-Way Control, Roundabout Controlled by Give-Way, Flush Median, Edge Lines, Pedestrian Crossing, Traffic Islands, No Passing













Edsel Street, Vitasovich Road, Henderson

Permanent Traffic and Parking changes Combined

Lane Arrow Markings, No Stopping At All Times, P60 Parking, Traffic Islands, Road Hump, Pedestrian Crossing, Roundabout Controlled by Give-Way, Flush Median






Safe School Streets Pilot  – Rutherford School


31.     The Safe School Streets Pilot is currently underway with six schools across Auckland. The pilot is looking at parking issues around schools with a fresh approach. Changing parking restrictions regularly outside schools, putting in 5 minute zones or broken yellow lines have not always worked, as a few drivers disregarding these restrictions can cause chaos for many.

32.     Schools across Auckland were invited to be a part of a pilot to trial some new approaches, to try and get the school community on board with changing their behaviour, without implementing more enforcement and time restrictions. We are trailing some placemaking activities and infrastructure design that leads people away from parking right at the school gate. The aims are to reduce crowding outside the school where many students must pass and to improve safety. Rutherford School and College are included in this pilot.


Rutherford School and College One Day event

33.     On Wednesday,22nd of May, Auckland Transport worked with the Rutherford schools to trial some of the infrastructure ideas and desired behaviours. Kotuku Street, Gloria Ave and Old Te Atatu Road were set up with a trial of the proposed infrastructure changes using a Traffic Management plan, cones and signs. A park and walk facility was set up at the Te Atatu Baptist Church. Drop off zones were established on Gloria Ave and Old Te Atatu Road. The school crossing was relocated to the corner of Kotuku and Old Te Atatu Roads.

34.     The schools communicated the changes to their families, who came prepared to trial the proposed changes, and provide feedback. Auckland Transport Staff and contractors were on site to assist families, and receive feedback. To encourage participation Auckland Transport also prepared a number of interactive activities, sausage sizzles and a coffee cart.

35.     Following this one day trial – Auckland Transport will be looking at the feedback provided on the day, and implementing some of the changes more permanently. Over time these can be reviewed and adjusted to provide the best outcome to make it safer for children to travel to and from school each day. Discouraging the use of Kotuku Street certainly made a huge difference both in the morning, and in the afternoon, providing a less chaotic way in and out of school.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

36.     The proposed decision of receiving the report has no impacts or opportunities for Māori. Any engagement with Māori, or consideration of impacts and opportunities, will be carried out on an individual project basis

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

37.     The proposed decision of receiving the report has no financial implications.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

38.     The proposed decision of receiving the report has no risks. Auckland Transport has risk management strategies in place for the transport projects undertaken in the local board area.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

39.     Auckland Transport provides the Henderson-Massey Local Board with the opportunity to comment on transport projects being delivered in the local board area.


Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.    

Ngā kaihaina



Owena Schuster - Elected Members Relationship Manager (Western Boards)


Jonathan Anyon - Manager Elected Member Relationship Unit, Auckland Transport Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Quick Response Round Three 2018/2019 grant allocations

File No.: CP2019/08133




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To fund, part-fund or decline applications received for Henderson-Massey Quick Response Round Three 2018/2019.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       This report presents applications received in Henderson-Massey Quick Response Round Three 2018/2019 (refer Attachment A).

3.       The Henderson-Massey Local Board adopted the Henderson-Massey Local Grants Programme 2018/2019 on 17 April 2018 (refer Attachment B). The document sets application guidelines for contestable grants submitted to the local board.

4.       The local board has set a total community grants budget of $124,000 for the 2018/2019 financial year. A total of $111,826.15 has been allocated in previous grant rounds. This leaves a total of $12,173.85 to be allocated to one quick response grant round.

5.       Twenty-four applications were received for Henderson-Massey Quick Response Round Three 2018/2019, requesting a total of $38,056.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in round three of the Henderson-Massey Quick Response Grants 2018/2019 listed in the following table:   

Application ID


Requesting funding for

Amount requested



Sandra Fatu Nu'u

Towards illustrator fees and publishing costs for "Pasefika Kids Books"




Losalia Aleva

Towards venue hire, administration and tutor's fees for 'dance classes' in the  Henderson-Massey area for 19/07/2019 to 13/09/2019.




Sharu Loves Hats Limited

Towards "Asian But Brown Development" rehearsals and production including a contribution to marketing, food, and project management fees between 2/9/2019 and 7/9/2019



Application ID


Requesting funding for

Amount requested



Zach Robinson

Towards "Pick Your Poison" play costs including actors' wages between 07/10/2019 and 13/10/2019.




Zeal Education Trust

Towards "This is Me” a photography exhibition on 26/09/2019 including tutors' fees, administration fees, venue hire, printing, memory cards, a tripod, marketing and awards.




UpsideDowns Education Trust

To subsidise speech therapy for two families in the Henderson-Massey area between 01/07/2019 and 30/06/2020.




CARE Waitakere Trust

Towards food for "Te Atatu Community Foodbank" for the 2019/2020 financial year.




Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust

Towards educational toys and art kits for “Massey Monkeys Playgroup” and “Pacifika Beatz Pate Pate Music Group” between July 2019 and June 2020.




Neighbourhood Support Waitakere

Towards the "Safer Places campaign" including the purchase of screws for registration plates between July 2019 and July 2020.




Ranui Community Centre

Towards "School Aged Art Projects" including art materials, venue hire, and administration costs between 08/07/2019 and 29/09/2019.




Triangle Park Community Teaching Garden Charitable Trust

Towards garden resources for the Triangle Park Community Teaching Garden Charitable Trust including garden equipment, fertiliser, mulcher hire, marketing and flyers between 03/07/2019 and 27/06/2020.




Anjuman-e-Saifee (New Zealand) Charitable Trust

Towards the "Plastic-free Community Centre" project including costs of hot and cold filtered water dispenser between 01/07/2019 and 08/07/2019.





Application ID


Requesting funding for

Amount requested



Waitakere Workers Educational Association trading as WEST: West Auckland Enterprise Skills and Training

Towards the "Guide to Homelessness and Housing in West Auckland” resource directory including printing costs between 01/07/2019 and 29/11/2019.




West Auckland Kiribati Association

Towards venue hire, waste control and cleaning up costs for West Auckland Kiribati Association between 01/01/2020 and 31/12/2020.




North West Toy Library Incorporated

Towards resources to establish North West Toy Library including purchases of educational toys between 01/07/2019 and 30/09/2019.




Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust

Towards "Youthline Helpline Volunter Training and Telecommunications" including costs of service delivery and technology costs between 01/07/2019 and 31/03/2020.




Parenting Place Charitable Trust

Towards "Attitude Lifeskills, Mental Health and Wellbeing" programmes including the staff salaries between 01/07/2019 and 30/06/2020.




Blue Light Ventures Incorporated

Towards "Blue Light Rainbows End Funday" including Rainbows End entry fees between 14/09/2019 and 15/09/2019.




Auckland Bone and Stone Carving Limited

Towards "Youth Bone Carving" workshops in Ranui including venue hire and facilitators' fees between 6/07/2019 and 17/07/2019.




Maria Podskrebko

Towards the Russian language afternoon playgroup costs including educational materials, stationary supplies in Russian and venue hire between 01/07/2019 and 30/06/2020.




Application ID


Requesting funding for

Amount requested



Matipo Primary School

Towards the "Matipo Community Composting Project" including building materials and refreshments between 06/07/2019 and  31/12/2019.




Koura Investments NZ Limited trading as Platinum Muay Thai

Towards the boxing ring hire for the 'Songkhram Xtreme Fight Night' on 6/7/2019.




Living and Learning Family Centre

Towards the "Young Mum Recreation Programme" including venue hire at the Netball Court, Trampoline Park, Swimming lane, and Trust Stadium between 30/07/2019 and 12/12/2019.




Waitakere City Association Football and Sports Club Incorporated (WCFC)

Towards external security lighting in the WCFC clubrooms including the purchase of lighting and electrical goods between 01/07/2019 and 07/07/2019.











6.       The local board allocates grants to groups and organisations delivering projects, activities and services that benefit Aucklanders and contribute to the vision of being a world class city.

7.       The Auckland Council Community Grants Policy supports each local board to adopt a grants programme.

8.       The local board grants programme sets out:

·        local board priorities

·        lower priorities for funding

·        exclusions

·        grant types, the number of grant rounds and when these will open and close

·        any additional accountability requirements.

9.       The Henderson-Massey Local Board adopted their grants programme for 2018/2019 on 17 April 2018 and will operate three quick response and two local grants rounds for this financial year. 

10.     The community grant programmes have been extensively advertised through the council grants webpage, local board webpages, local board e-newsletters, Facebook pages, council publications, radio, and community networks.

11.     The local board has set a total community grants budget of $124,000 for the 2018/2019 financial year. A total of $111,826.15 has been allocated in previous grant rounds. This leaves a total of $12,173.85 to be allocated to one quick response grant round.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

12.     The aim of the local board grant programme is to deliver projects and activities which align with the outcomes identified in the local board plan. All applications have been assessed utilising the Community Grants Policy and the local board grant programme criteria. The eligibility of each application is identified in the report recommendations.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

13.     According to the main focus of the application, each one has received input from a subject matter expert from the relevant department. The main focuses are identified as arts, community, events, sport and recreation, environment or heritage.

14.     The grants programme has no identified impacts on council-controlled organisations and therefore their views are not required.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

15.     Local boards are responsible for the decision-making and allocation of local board community grants. The Henderson-Massey Local Board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these grant applications against the local board priorities identified in the local board grant programme.

16.     The board is requested to note that section 48 of the Community Grants Policy states; ‘we will also provide feedback to unsuccessful grant applicants about why they have been declined, so they will know what they can do to increase their chances of success next time’.

17.     A summary of each application received through round three of the Henderson-Massey Quick Response 2018/2019 grant round is provided (refer Attachment A).

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

18.     The local board grants programme aims to respond to Auckland Council’s commitment to improving Māori wellbeing by providing grants to individuals and groups who deliver positive outcomes for Māori. Auckland Council’s Māori Responsiveness Unit has provided input and support towards the development of the community grant processes.

19.     Ten applicants applying to quick response round three, have indicated that their project targets Māori or Māori outcomes.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

20.     The allocation of grants to community groups is within the adopted Long-term Plan 2018-2028 and local board agreements.

21.     The Henderson-Massey Local Board has set a total community grants budget of $124,000. A total of $42,000 was allocated in round one of the Local Grants 2018/2019, leaving a total of $82,000 to be allocated. A total of $11,120 was allocated in round one of the Quick Response Grants 2018/2019, leaving a total of $70,880 to be allocated. A total of $10,336.22 was allocated in round two of the Quick Response Grants 2018/2019, leaving a total of $60,543.78 to be allocated. A total of $48,754 was allocated in round two of the Local Grants 2018/2019, leaving a total of $12,173.85 to be allocated to one quick response grant round.

22.     In round three of the Henderson-Massey Quick Response Grants 2018/2019, twenty-four applications were received, requesting a total of $38,056.

23.  Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

24.     The allocation of grants occurs within the guidelines and criteria of the Community Grants Policy and the local board grants programme. The assessment process has identified a low risk associated with funding the applications in this round.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

25.     Following the Henderson-Massey Local Board allocating funding for round three of the quick response grants, Commercial and Finance staff will notify the applicants of the local board’s decision.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Henderson-Massey Quick Response Round Three 2018/2019 applications



Henderson-Massey Local Board Grants Programme 2018/2019



Ngā kaihaina



Erin Shin - Community Grants Coordinator


Marion Davies - Grant Operations Manager

Shane King - Head of Operations Support

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019









































































































Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



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Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board Community Facilities Work Programme 2019 - 2022

File No.: CP2019/09482




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To approve the 2019 – 2022 Community Facilities Work Programme for the Henderson-Massey Local Board.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Community Facilities department is responsible for the building, maintaining and renewing of all open spaces and community buildings. This includes the community leasing and licensing of council-owned premises.

3.       The Henderson-Massey Local Board 2019/2020 Community Facilities Work Programme was developed through a series of iterative workshops between key staff and local boards since October 2018. The projects identified in the work programme have been prioritised for investment based on a combination of local board feedback, staff assessments of assets and key stakeholder input.

4.       The work programme provided in Attachments A and B to this report reflect the projects that were presented in the last local board workshop with modifications based on feedback from the board, and with the inclusion of projects proposed to be funded from regional programmes.

5.       This report recommends that the board approves the 2019 - 2022 Community Facilities Work Programme and associated budget in full for projects commencing in the first year of the programme and in principle for subsequent two years.

6.       The work programme includes projects proposed to be funded from regional programmes, including local and sports field development (growth), coastal and slips prevention programmes. Inclusion of these projects in the local board work programme is subject to approval by the Environment and Community Committee in July 2019.

7.       It is recommended that the local board approve the inclusion of these projects in the work programme and provide feedback for consideration by the Environment and Community Committee.

8.       A number of projects have been identified in the work programme as “risk adjusted programme (RAP)” projects. These are projects that have budget allocated in the 2020/2021 financial year.

9.       Approval is sought for staff to commence work on these projects in the 2019/2020 year so that they can be delivered early in the event that other approved projects are delayed for any reason.

10.     In order to expedite delivery of the work programme, and to manage changes that may be required in a timely way, staff recommend that the board delegate decision making for amendments to the approved programme to the chair.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      approve the 2019/2020 Community Facilities Work Programme as detailed in Attachment A – Build, Maintain, Renew and Attachment B – Community Leases to the agenda report.

b)      approve in principle the 2020 – 2022 Community Facilities Work Programme (years 2 and 3) as detailed in Attachment A – Build, Maintain, Renew and Attachment B – Community Leases to the agenda report.

c)       approve the risk adjusted programme (RAP) projects identified in Attachment A to the agenda report as projects that may be delivered in advance of the expected delivery year, if required to meet expected financial expenditure for the 2019/2020 financial year.

d)      note that approval of budget allocation in the 2019/2020 year for multi-year projects may commit the board to the allocation of subsequent years budgets.

e)      note that the inclusion in the work programme of projects that are funded from the Coastal Renewals, Slips Prevention and Local Parks and Sports Field Development budgets are subject to approval of the identified budget allocation by the Environment and Community Committee in July 2019.

f)       provide feedback for consideration by the Environment and Community Committee in relation to the projects funded from the Coastal Renewals, Slips Prevention and Local Parks and Sports Field Development budgets.

g)      note that budget allocation for all projects in the 2019 – 2022 Community Facilities Work Programme are best current estimates, and amendments may be required to the work programme to accommodate final costs as the year progresses.

h)      delegate to the chairperson authority to approve minor amendments to the 2019 – 2022 Community Facilities Work Programme, following receipt of written advice from staff.

i)        delegate to the Manager Community Leases authority to use the agreed streamlined renewal process for lease renewals without variations.



11.     Community facilities and open spaces provide important community services to the people of Auckland. They contribute to building strong, healthy, and vibrant communities by providing spaces where Aucklanders can participate in a wide range of social, cultural, art and recreational activities. These activities improve lifestyles and a sense of belonging and pride amongst residents.

12.     Work programmes are presented to local boards for approval each year. The 2019 – 2022 Community Facilities Work Programme, detailed in the attachments, contains information on all proposed projects to be delivered by Community Facilities, including capital works projects, leasing and operational maintenance.

13.     Staff have engaged with the board in the development of the work programme through a number of workshops, including:

·    23 October 2018 where the board discussed their priorities for the future work programme

·    19 March 2019 where the board reviewed the first draft work programme and provided feedback

·    14 May 2019 where staff provided any further information requested in workshop 2 and reviewed the revised draft work programme.

14.     This year’s work programme is a three year programme to clearly demonstrate the phasing of project delivery and to enable the organisation to prepare for delivery.  The work programme is subject to a rolling review and each year the local board will be asked to approve a new three year work programme.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

Capital works programme

15.     Investment in the capital works programme will ensure that council facilities and open spaces in Henderson-Massey Local Board remain valuable and well-maintained community assets.

16.     The overall capital works programme includes projects for which the board has discretion to allocate budget, referred to as the local programme, and projects from regional programmes. 

17.     Specific projects within the work programme may have budget allocated from two or more budget sources, including budgets from both local and regional programmes.

18.     The work programme includes both new projects and existing projects that have been continued from the previous financial year where those projects require multiple years for delivery (multi-year projects).

19.     Any projects that have budget approved in the current 2018/2019 financial year, but are unable to be delivered this year, will be deferred. Deferred budgets will be added to the work programme at a later date.

Local Programme

20.     The local programme includes those projects that the board is funding from its discretionary capex budgets, including:

·    Renewals
The board can allocate its renewals budget towards the renewal of any council owned asset.

·    Locally Driven Initiative (LDI)
The board has the discretion to allocate its LDI budget to any projects that deliver a council asset or as a capital grant to a third party to deliver an asset made available for public use.

21.     In preparing recommendations for the local programme a number of matters have been considered, including:

·    strategic documents (e.g. local board plan)

·    service assessment input from Community Services

·    asset condition assessments

·    input from operational maintenance teams and staff working within facilities

·    budget availability.

22.     The Community Facilities work programme supports the achievement of the following 2017 Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan priorities:

·     “A network of vibrant and loved urban neighbourhoods”

·     “Communities know each other and work together on common interests”

·     “Community facilities are vibrant and welcoming places at the heart of our communities”

·     “It is easy to get around without a car”

23.     Another strategic document of particular relevance have included the Henderson-Massey Open Space Network Plan. These have influenced recommendations in the work programme through providing strategic direction in park development.

24.     Some of the key projects to be accommodated in the work programme include:

·    Kelston Community Centre – comprehensive renewal

·    West Wave Aquatic Centre – comprehensive renewal

·    Community Building, 247 Edmonton Road, Te Atatū South – renew first floor

·    399 Don Buck Road – renew building

·    Corbans Estate Arts Centre – refurbish buildings

·    Lloyd Morgan Lions Club Park – develop park – concept development

·    Massey Leisure Centre – renew facility Stage 1

·    Moire Park – upgrade playground and renew park furniture

·    Royal Reserve – install mural on amenity block

·    Moire Park – construct walkway linkages to new subdivision

·    Te Atatū South Park – develop park – concept development

25.     The phasing of projects over various years is recommended to meet budget requirements.  In this regard careful consideration has been given to the delivery timing of Massey Leisure Centre – renew facility which has meant that phase 2 of the project will be phased in later years.

26.     The proposed work programme in Attachment A contains:

·    Number of projects excluding leases and contract lines over three years: 81

·    Indicative cost for proposed projects in the 2019/2020 financial year: $7,718,315

Regional Programme

27.     The Long-term Plan 2018 - 2028 includes budgets which support the delivery of regional programmes. These budgets are allocated to specific projects within a regional programme by the governing body.

28.     Where budget is allocated to a project in the regional programme that falls within a local board decision making allocation (e.g. a local park), that project is included in the local board work programme. The local board then has decision making responsibility for that project, within the parameters set by the governing body, namely location, scope and budget.

29.     Regional budgets include:

·    Local parks and sports field development (growth)

·    Coastal renewals

·    Slips prevention and remediation.

30.     Projects in these regional programmes are identified and prioritised based on consideration of a number of factors.

31.     For the local parks and sports field development programme, this includes:

·    Extent to which residential growth is generating demand for the project

·    Current levels of provision

·    Available budget.


32.     For coastal renewals and slips prevention and remediation this includes:

·    Asset condition

·    Relative hazard and risk

·    Available budget.

33.     Henderson-Massey Local Board projects proposed to be funded through these regional programmes are:

·    Henderson-Massey – investigate options for sports lighting and sports field upgrades

·    Moire Park – upgrade playground and renew park furniture.

34.     The allocation of budget to specific projects will be approved by the Environment and Community Committee in July 2019.

35.     The board has an opportunity to provide formal feedback, through resolution to this report, for consideration by the Environment and Community Committee prior to approval of the regional programmes.

Capital Programme Delivery

Cost estimates subject to change

36.     Budget allocations within the work programme are best estimates only. Project costings are subject to change and refinement as projects progress through the design and delivery process. Greater clarity will be determined around the specific work required and the cost of delivery of that work once the details are defined.

37.     The delivery of individual projects is managed within the overall work programme budget for each local board. Where significant changes to project budgets may need to be considered, or if new projects are added to the work programme, changes may be required to the programme to accommodate final project costs as the year progresses.

Risk adjusted programme

38.     A number of projects have been identified in the work programme as “risk adjusted programme (RAP)” projects.

39.     These are projects that have budget allocated in the 2020/2021 financial year (i.e. year two of the three year programme). Staff propose to commence work in the 2019/2020 year on the delivery of these risk adjusted projects.

40.     By progressing these identified projects alongside the 2019/2020 projects in the programme, it is intended that, should projects identified for delivery in year one of the work programme be delayed for any reason, staff will be able to proceed with agreed alternative projects to ensure that the full annual budget is delivered each year.

41.     Approval is sought from the board for staff to commence work on those projects identified in the work programme as risk adjusted programme projects in the 2019/2020 year.

Delegation for approval of changes to the work programme

42.     The delivery of the proposed work programme in an efficient and timely manner may require amendments to be made to the agreed work programme during the course of the year. Such amendments could include:

·    changes to project scope, budgets, timing

·    addition of new projects within available budget

·    cancelling or putting approved projects on hold.

43.     Any changes to the approved work programme require approval from the board. Approval will normally be sought through resolution at a business meeting.

44.     Local boards are also able to delegate authority to approve some or all amendments to the work programme to the chair, to another member of the board, or to staff. Such delegation would allow changes to be made without the timeframes required to provide formal reports and would support the efficient delivery of the work programme.

45.     Should the board choose to delegate authority to approve changes to the work programme, it is anticipated that any changes would be workshopped with the board prior to any delegated decision being taken. Any changes made under delegation would be reported back to the board in their quarterly report.

Leasing work programme

46.     Community leases, commonly on public parks and reserves, are a valuable way in which the council provides support to community organisations across the region. These groups provide a wide range of community activities and services aligned with recognised local priorities and are a key part of the mosaic of community activity and infrastructure in Auckland.

47.     Attachment B – Community Leases provides a detailed list of the community leases and licences that will expire or are due for renewal over the 2019/2020 financial year. Following approval of the work programme staff will proceed with review and renewal of these leases and licences as appropriate during the course of the financial year.

48.     Two additional project lines include those leases and licences proposed to be progressed in the 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 financial years respectively. It also includes the additional leases and licences that will be deferred from the 2018/2019 financial year to the 2019/2020 financial year.

49.     Straight forward lease renewals without variations will be processed in accordance with agreed delegations with a written memo to the board providing the opportunity for the board to request further information or a formal report. More complex community leases will be reported to the board at a business meeting.

Operational maintenance work programme

50.     The regular maintenance of all council-owned built and open space assets plays an important part in:

·    increasing the long-term durability of Community Facilities assets

·    improving the safety of Community Facilities assets

·    ensuring the enjoyment of Community Facilities assets by the users.

51.     In the 2019 - 2022 Community Facilities Work Programme, there are three line items dedicated to all maintenance in the local board area:

·    Full Facilities Maintenance Contracts – these contracts include all buildings, parks and open space assets, sports fields, coastal management and storm damage response. From 1 July 2019 council is responsible for streetscapes maintenance from Auckland Transport.

·    Arboriculture Maintenance Contracts – these contracts include all tree management and maintenance

·    Ecological Restoration Maintenance Contracts – these contracts include pest plant management within ecologically significant areas and animal pest management across all parks and reserves

52.     Staff will be able to provide regular reporting on maintenance through monthly updates to the local boards and through the quarterly report. Community Facilities is also providing additional weekly updates to all elected members on contractor performance.


Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

53.     The 2019 - 2022 work programme has been developed in consultation with other council departments as part of the council’s integrated local board work programme approach. This approach aimed to improve the quality of advice for the local board through collaboration and understanding across departments.

54.     In particular, the council’s Arts Community and Events department continue to be involved in the development of the Kelston Community Centre comprehensive renewal project scope. Additionally Parks, Sport and Recreation staff have been involved in the development of concept designs for the Lloyd Morgan Lions Club Park and Te Atatū South Park upgrades.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

55.     The Community Facilities Work Programme has been created through a combination of local board feedback, asset condition assessments and agreed levels of service.

56.     The 2019 - 2022 Community Facilities Work Programme has been considered by the local board in a series of workshops from October 2018 to May 2019. The views expressed by local board members during the workshops have informed the recommended work programmes.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

57.     The 2019 - 2022 Community Facilities Work Programme ensures that all facilities and open space assets continue to be well-maintained assets that benefit the local community, including Māori. When developing and delivering work programmes consideration is given to how the activities can contribute to Māori well-being, values, culture and traditions.

58.     Where any aspects of the proposed work programme are anticipated to have a significant impact on sites of importance to mana whenua then appropriate engagement will be undertaken.

59.     Staff are also attending mana whenua forum’s monthly to receive feedback on specific projects within the 2019 - 2022 Community Facilities Work Programme.

60.     Activities in the work programmes that are specific to Māori outcomes include:

·    Signage renewal across the local parks network involves Te Kete Rukuruku (Māori naming of parks and places)

·    Auckland Urban Forest (Ngahere) Strategy

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

61.     Table 1 below summarises the relevant budgets, proposed allocation and the balance of unallocated budget available.

Local Budgets




Renewals - Budget




Renewals - Proposed Allocation




Renewals - Unallocated budget








Growth and Development - Allocation




Coastal Renewals - Allocation




Slips Prevention - Allocation








LDI Capex - Proposed Allocation








LDI Opex - Proposed Allocation




62.    The proposed work programme can be accommodated within the available local board budgets. Approval of the work programme does not have significant financial implications, unless projects experience a significant overspend or underspend.

63.     Regular updates on the delivery of the programme will be provided to the board. These updates will identify progress of all projects and potential amendments to the approved programme including changes to budget allocation and timing.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

64.     Where a work programme activity cannot be completed on time, due to unforeseen circumstances, this will be signalled to the local board at the earliest opportunity.  The risk adjusted programme (RAP) will be used to progress those projects identified as ready to proceed under the RAP.

65.     If the proposed Community Facilities work programme is not approved at the business meeting, there is a risk that the proposed projects may not be delivered within the 2019/2020 financial year.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

66.     Once approved, delivery of activities identified in the Community Facilities work programme will commence from 1 July 2019.

67.     The work programmes identify if further decisions are required for each activity. These will be brought to the local board when appropriate.

68.     Progress and updates on work programmes will be reported to the local board for each quarter of the financial year.

Ngā tāpirihanga






Henderson-Massey Local Board Community Facilities 2019 - 2022 Work Programme - Build, Maintain, Renew



Henderson-Massey Local Board Community Facilities 2019-2022 Work Programme - Leases


Ngā kaihaina



Helen Biffin - Work Programme Lead


Rod Sheridan - General Manager Community Facilities

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Approval of the 2019/2020 Henderson-Massey local environment work programme

File No.: CP2019/09483




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To approve the 2019/2020 Henderson-Massey local environment work programme, totaling $194,000 of locally driven initiatives operational expenditure.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Henderson-Massey Local Board identified an aspiration in its 2017 local board plan to achieve ‘natural spaces that are valued and restored’.

3.       To give effect to this aspiration, staff developed 12 options for projects for the board to consider supporting in the 2019/2020 financial year (see Attachment A).

4.       The board provided feedback to staff regarding which of these projects it would like to fund at its 19 March 2019 workshop. These projects have been outlined in the recommendations below, as well as Attachment A to this report.

5.       In June 2017, the Henderson-Massey Local Board approved a three-year funding agreement with the EcoMatters Environment Trust, noting that EcoMatters would receive $107,000 per annum adjusted annually for inflation until 30 June 2020 to deliver environmental projects in the local board area (resolution HM/2017/99).

6.       Seven projects are proposed for delivery by EcoMatters in the 2019/2020 financial year as part of this budget allocation. For the 2019/2020 financial year the budget allocation has been adjusted against the consumer price index and the budget is now $111,000.

7.       The projects supported by the board for delivery in 2019/2020, which have a total budget of $194,000, are focused on improving water quality, biodiversity and promoting low carbon living. These projects are outlined in the recommendations below and in the draft work programme in Attachment A.

8.       The board also has $40,450 of asset based services operational budget for the continuation of the septic tank pumpout programme.

9.       Staff recommend that the board approve this local environment work programme and associated budgets for delivery within the 2019/2020 financial year.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      approve the allocation of $194,000 for environmental projects to be delivered by the Infrastructure and Environmental Services directorate in 2019/2020 as summarised in the table below:



Henderson-Massey Pest Free Te Atatū Coordinator


Ngā Puna Manaaki Inanga project (year three)


Kaitiaki project - pā harakeke


Temporary Bike Hub and Permanent Bike Hub Feasibility


Henderson-Massey Low Carbon Plan


EcoMatters Environment Trust funding




b)      note that with the funding of $111,000, EcoMatters Environment Trust will deliver the following projects:

i)    Industry Pollution Prevention Programme - $10,400

ii)   Love Your Streams - $24,900

iii)  War on Weeds - $8,300

iv)  Love Your Neighbourhood - $11,400

v)   Project HomeWise - $10,350

vi)  EcoWest Festival - $9,350

vii) EcoMatters Environment Centre and Sustainability Hub - $36,300

c)       note the allocation of $40,450 of asset based services operational expenditure for the septic tank pump-out programme.




10.     In late 2018, in alignment to its local board plan outcomes, the Henderson-Massey Local Board provided strategic direction to staff in regards to the projects it would like to fund in the 2019/2020 financial year. The board noted its strong commitment to the environment, and in particular noted its:

·        interest in supporting sustainability initiatives

·        support for the development of a low carbon plan for Henderson-Massey

·        continued support for environmental projects being undertaken by EcoMatters.

11.     In response to the direction set by the board, Infrastructure and Environmental Services staff provided a draft local environment work programme for the board’s feedback at a workshop on 19 March 2019. The board indicated its support in principle for all of the projects proposed.

12.     Based on these workshop discussions, a total of 12 local environmental projects to be funded from the board’s locally driven initiatives operational budget are proposed. These will be delivered by the Infrastructure and Environmental Services directorate as part of the board’s 2019/2020 local environment work programme. The draft work programme is included as Attachment A to this report.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

13.     A brief description of each of the proposed projects for delivery as part of the board’s 2019/2020 local environment work programme is provided below. Further detail on these projects is provided in Attachment A.

Henderson-Massey Pest Free Te Atatū Coordinator – $20,000

14.     To achieve the local board plan outcome ‘natural spaces are valued and restored’ and the objective ‘people are central to maintaining our environment’, the board has indicated that it would like to provide funding towards a Pest Free Te Atatū coordinator role in the 2019/2020 financial year.

15.     This role was created by Community Waitākere in 2018 to support the Pest Free Te Atatū initiative that aims to work with 776 private landowners on the peninsula to undertake pest control on both public and private land. In the 2018/2019 financial year the board provided $20,000 towards this project (resolution HM/2018/84).

16.     In December 2018, Community Waitākere was granted $10,000 per year for three years towards pest control in Ōrangihina Harbourview Reserve through the Regional Environment and Natural Heritage Fund (resolution ENV/2018/175). It is recommended that the board allocate $20,000 of its locally driven initiatives operational budget towards this role in the 2019/2020 financial year, which would increase the capacity of the coordinator to include wider community engagement around pest control.

17.     The coordinator role will:

·        increase awareness and action on the ground around the North-West Wildlink

·        build strong relationships and networks across community groups and individual landowners, and grow community capacity

·        enable a landscape approach encompassing both public and private land to ensure an integrated approach across the wildlink

·        enable improvements to freshwater and terrestrial biodiversity.

Ngā Puna Manaaki Inanga project (year three) – $23,000

18.     To achieve the local board plan initiative to ‘identify, protect and improve rare and endangered habitats’, the board has indicated that it would like continue to fund the Ngā Puna Manaaki Inanga project in the 2018/2019 financial year.

19.     The board provided $23,000 towards the second year of this project in the 2018/2019 financial year, which enabled Community Waitākere to work alongside the local community to identify potential inanga spawning habitats within the Henderson-Massey Local Board area.

20.     It is recommended that the board allocate $23,000 of its locally driven initiatives operational budget towards the continuation of this project in the 2019/2020 financial year. Year three of this project will involve engaging the community to restore inanga spawning sites that were identified in year one of the project. These sites include Pixie Creek, Gill Avenue (Te Atatū), Lowerhurst Reserve (Massey), and Manutewhau.

21.     This project will involve:

·        ongoing engagement the community to restore inanga spawning sites that were identified in year one of the project

·        ongoing egg searches at identified sites

·        ongoing awareness raising to the wider community which includes signage.

Kaitiaki project – pā harakeke – $10,000

22.     To achieve the local board plan key initiative to ‘support Māori as kaitiaki of the environment when developing community and council projects’, the board has indicated its continued support of the pā harakeke project in the 2019/2020 financial year. This will be year five of a multi-year initiative to develop three pā harakeke (flax gardens) with Māori communities in the Henderson-Massey Local Board area.

23.     The board provided $10,000 towards this project in the 2018/2019 financial year, and it is recommended that the board allocate a further $10,000 of its locally driven initiatives budget towards this project in the 2019/2020 financial year. Focus for the 2018/2019 financial year will be on:

·        further developing the pā harakeke established at Harbourview-Ōrangihina

·        completing a pā harakeke in Rānui

·        working with Piringatahi Marae on pā harakeke-related planning.

24.     The board’s continued support for this project will provide the community with access to a natural resource and taonga, while also providing environmental learning and development opportunities for local community groups and schools.

Temporary bike hub and permanent bike hub feasibility (EcoMatters) – $10,000

25.     To achieve the local board plan outcome ‘it is easy to get around without a car’, the board has indicated that it would like to fund EcoMatters to support a temporary bike hub and investigate the feasibility of a permanent bike hub in the 2019/2020 financial year.

26.     The board provided $10,000 towards this project in the 2018/2019 financial year, and it is recommended that the board provides $10,000 of its locally driven initiatives operational budget towards this project in the 2019/2020 financial year. This budget would enable:

·        collaboration with Panuku Development Auckland’s Unlock Henderson project operate a temporary bike hub at The Falls carpark site

·        the identification of a location and community partners for a future permanent bike hub repair centre for secondhand bikes in the Henderson-Massey Local Board area

·        the development of a sustainable operating model for the bike hub that will result in predictable operating hours for users

·        the identification of other sources of funding or support to enable the development of the bike hub and its programmes.

New project – Henderson-Massey Low Carbon Plan – $20,000

27.     To achieve the local board plan outcomes ‘communities know each other and work together on common interests’, ‘it is easy to get around without a car’ and, ‘natural spaces are valued and restored’ the board has indicated that it would like to fund the development of a low carbon plan for the Henderson-Massey area.

28.     It is recommended that the board provides $20,000 of its locally driven initiatives operational budget towards this project in the 2019/2020 financial year. This budget would enable:

·        the formation of a stakeholder working group comprising community members, iwi and key business stakeholder representatives and facilitating their input towards identifying and prioritising strategic community-based low carbon outcomes and initiatives

·        the provision of a matrix showing the alignment of existing and proposed local projects with regional low carbon targets

·        the development of a local low carbon plan detailing targets, actions and a supporting monitoring framework.

EcoMatters Environment Trust funding - $111,000

29.     To achieve the local board plan outcome ‘natural spaces are valued and restored’, the board approved a three-year funding agreement with EcoMatters Environment Trust in June 2017 to enable the trust to continue to deliver a number of environmental projects in the Henderson-Massey Local Board area. The board approved funding for EcoMatters of $107,000 per annum for the 2017/2018, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 financial years (resolution HM/2017/99). For the 2019/2020 financial year the funding amount has been adjusted against the consumer price index for a total of $111,000.

30.     The projects proposed for delivery for the 2019/2020 financial year are listed in Table 1 below, with a brief description and the key deliverables the trust will provide through these projects.


Table 1. Key deliverables for projects delivered by EcoMatters Environment Trust

Description of Project


Industry Pollution Prevention Programme ($10,400)

To identify businesses in the local board area that could have the greatest impact on stream health due to potential industrial discharges, contaminated storm water, or litter, and to provide pollution prevention advice and education to these businesses.

·    The industrial area for the delivery of this project will be identified by September 2019

·    25 businesses will be engaged one-to-one by May 2020

·    Henderson-Massey industrial businesses will adopt pollution prevention measures, including installing drain markers

·    The risk of pollutants and litter reaching Henderson-Massey waterways from industrial and commercial activities will be reduced.


Love Your Streams ($24,900)

To engage and support individuals, businesses, schools and community groups to adopt a proactive approach to pollution prevention of Henderson-Massey Waterways.


·    This project will enable community streamside weeding bees and planting at priority sites in the local board area, including continuing to support weeding and planting initiatives along the Manutewhau Stream and in Sunnyvale

·    Planting locations will be confirmed with Park Services, community groups and schools by March 2020

·    A minimum of four school or community streamside planting events will be undertaken by 30 June 2020.

War on Weeds ($8,300)

A campaign to be run during the month of March 2020, where jumbo bins are provided at key sites in the local board area for communities to dispose of weeds.

·    Weed bins will be continuously available at four locations in Henderson-Massey throughout March 2020

·    Bin sites agreed and promoted in targeted media in February 2020

·    Information billboards will be installed at bin sites for one week leading up to the event, and for the four-week duration of the event.

Love Your Neighbourhood ($11,400)

Rapid response assistance of up to $500 in value to support volunteer-driven practical environmental initiatives (such as clean-ups, restoration, community planting and food growing). Not-for-profit preschools can also apply for this assistance.

·    The mechanism for requesting assistance will be published on the EcoMatters website from July 2019

·    Love Your Neighbourhood assistance will be promoted in conjunction with the EcoWest Festival (February to April 2020)

·    Details of the initiatives supported will be reported to the board on a quarterly basis.

Project HomeWise ($10,350)

Workshops targeted at ethnic and faith based communities, and vulnerable households to be provided on topics such as:

·    waste minimisation

·    water saving

·    energy efficiency

·    sustainable living.

·    A minimum of six workshops will be delivered in the 2019/2020 financial year

·    Ethnic and faith-based communities and vulnerable households within the Henderson-Massey Local Board Area will have the skills, knowledge and resources to make positive choices for sustainable living and reduction of their ecological footprint.

EcoWest Festival ($9,350)

Funding to support the running of the EcoWest festival held in west Auckland which will run from March-April 2020.

·    This funding will support the community-based environmental festival with access to free public events that provide information and practical ideas for making sustainable living choices

·    The festival will be marketed to businesses, institutions and community groups acknowledging Henderson-Massey Local Board's funding

·    A minimum of 10 events will be held in the Henderson-Massey Local Board area.

EcoMatters Environment Centre and Sustainability Hub ($36,300)

Funding will support the management, operation, and promotion of the EcoMatters Environment Centre and associated education programmes.

·    The centre will be open for at least 30 hours per week, providing a free or affordable meeting space to environmentally-focused community groups

·    A minimum of 26 sustainability-related seminars or workshops will be provided over the 2019/2020 financial year, including a minimum of five seminars held in the Henderson-Massey Local Board area (in addition to the six HomeWise energy and water efficiency workshops held across the local board area).


Septic tank pumpout programme - $40,450 asset based services operational expenditure

31.     This programme manages the triennial pump-out of septic tanks within the former Waitākere City Council area. Within the Henderson-Massey Local Board area, 220 households pay a targeted rate for maintenance of rural sewerage systems. These households are visited every three years to have their tanks pumped out and cleaned.

32.     In the 2018/2019 financial year, $39,635 was received for this programme, and in the 2019/2020 financial year, $40,450 will be received for this programme.

33.     In May 2019, the Finance and Performance Committee resolved to retain the septic tank pumpout scheme and associated targeted rate until June 2021 as part of their decision making on the Annual Plan 2019/2020. They also resolved that staff should ‘report back on options for integrating the septic tank pump out service with the new monitoring regime including advice on the cost of the options, appropriate level of rate, and the area the service should apply to (FIN/2019/55).’

34.     The local board will be consulted on any proposed changes to the scheme before staff report back to a committee of council on the topics outlined above.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

35.     The draft 2019/2020 work programme has been developed in consultation with other council departments as part of the council’s integrated local board work programme approach. This approach aimed to improve the quality of advice for the local board through collaboration and understanding across departments.

36.     In particular, the council’s Community Services department were involved in the development of the Henderson-Massey Pest Free Te Atatū Coordinator project scope. If approved, they will contribute towards the delivery of the project in the 2019/2020 financial year.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

Local impacts

37.     The projects proposed for inclusion in the board’s 2019/2020 local environment work programme will have positive environment outcomes across the Henderson-Massey Local Board area. Particular focus areas for the 2019/2020 work programme include Te Atatū peninsula, Rānui and Harbourview-Ōrangihina.

Local board views

38.     The projects noted above align with the local board plan outcome ‘natural spaces are values and restored’ and ‘it is easy to get around without a car’.

39.     The proposed local environment work programme was discussed with the board at workshop on 19 March 2019. The board indicated its support of the proposed projects outlined in this report at this workshop.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

40.     It is recognised that environmental management, water quality and land management has integral links with the mauri of the environment and concepts of kaitiakitanga.

41.     Table 2 below outlines how each of the projects contributes towards Māori outcomes.

Table 2. Māori impact assessment of proposed projects for inclusion in the Henderson-Massey Local Board’s local environment work programme


Māori impact assessment

Henderson-Massey Pest Free Te Atatū Coordinator

Te Atatū Marae Coalition has indicated interest in working alongside the coordinator, noting that a marae is planned to be built in the area within the next few years.

Ngā Puna Manaaki Inanga project (year three)

Optimising potential inanga spawning habitats will improve the mauri of the waterways, so healthy ecosystems and biodiversity are sustained.

Kaitiaki project – pā harakeke

Engagement with Te Kawerau ā Maki was undertaken during the development of the project, including on the pā harakeke locations. Te Atatū Marae Coalition, local weavers and TAT UpCycle are key partners in the Harbourview-Ōrangihina pā harakeke. Engagement is maintained with the Rānui Māori Women’s Welfare League, who have expressed their ongoing support for this initiative. Te Ūkaipō is a key partner in establishing a pā harakeke in Rānui. Key aspirations expressed have focused on building local capacity in the traditional knowledge of practices and uses relating to harakeke.

Temporary bike hub and permanent bike hub feasibility (EcoMatters)

Opportunities to partner with Māori organisations to establish or provide the bike hub service will be explored.

New Project: Henderson-Massey Low Carbon Plan

Low carbon outcomes closely align with the obligations and aspirations held by mana whenua as kaitiaiki (stewards) in Tāmaki Makaurau and will support the local board in understanding and addressing mana whenua concerns, interests and solutions required in relation to climate change.

Representatives from mana whenua and the Māori community will be invited to participate in the stakeholder working group that contributes to the development of the low carbon plan.

EcoMatters Environment Trust funding

The funding provided by the local board to EcoMatters has an impact on Māori wellbeing and building capacity for Māori. EcoMatters regularly hold traditional Māori weaving workshops as part of their seminar and workshop education programme.

The Industry Pollution Prevention project has potential to engage Māori communities in stream protection initiatives, enhancing wellbeing, developing capacity, and enabling kaitiakitanga. For Māori, water quality is core indicator of ensuring sustainable futures as evidenced in The Māori Report for Tāmaki Makaurau 2016.

There is potential for Project HomeWise to contribute to Māori well-being through educating Māori groups about energy, water and waste, which may result in financial savings and home livability improvements.


EcoMatters provides support to build the capacity of other organisations involved in developing and delivering environmental initiatives. This includes engaging with Hoani Waititi Marae on opportunities for collaboration.

With the Love Your Neighbourhood assistance, EcoMatters provide support for community environmental action, which has the potential to contribute to the development of Māori capacity through supporting applications for this assistance from Māori organisations.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

42.     The proposed 2019/2020 local environment work programme will see the allocation of $194,000 of the board’s locally driven initiatives operational budget. This amount can be accommodated within the board’s total draft budget for 2019/2020. As such, the board’s approval will not have significant financial implications unless projects experience a significant overspend or underspend. Regular quarterly updates on projects will be provided to the board tracking expenditure and identifying any projects at risk of non-delivery, over or underspend.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

43.     If the proposed local environment work programme is not approved at the board’s June 2019 business meeting, there is a risk that the proposed projects may not be able to be delivered within the 2019/2020 financial year.

44.     The risks and proposed mitigation measures associated with each of the proposed projects have been outlined in Attachment B to this report.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

45.     Subject to the board’s approval, the delivery of this work programme will commence in the new financial year (1 July 2019). Regular reporting on project delivery will be provided through the board’s quarterly performance report.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Draft 2019/2020 local environment work programme



Risks and proposed mitigation measures for proposed projects



Ngā kaihaina



Nick FitzHerbert - Relationship Advisor


Barry Potter - Director Infrastructure and Environmental Services

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019




Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Approval of the Henderson-Massey Local Board Youth Connections 2019/2020 work programme

File No.: CP2019/10769



Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To approve the 2019-2020 Youth Connections work programme for the Henderson-Massey Local Board.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       This report introduces the proposed 2019-2020 financial year Youth Connections work programme for the Henderson-Massey Local Board as set out in attachment A.

3.       The total value of the Youth Connection programme is $50,000

4.       The board is being asked to approve the 2019-2020 Youth Connections programme.

5.       Staff report to the local board on work programme activities quarterly to provide an update on progress and highlight risks, along with any insights and learnings at the end of the programme.

Ngā tūtohunga


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      approve the allocation of $50,000 for the 2019-2020 Youth Connections work programme (Attachment A).



6.       This report provides the local board with the proposed Youth Connections work programme for the coming financial year.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

7.       The 2019-2020 Youth Connections work programme has been developed having regard to the local board’s priorities set out in the Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2017, in particular:

a)   Work with our community partners to identify and fund opportunities to prepare young people for work or further education.

b)   Partner with Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development to encourage internationally competitive industries, such as the creative, health and technology sectors, to grow in our area.

c)   Support local Māori to explore establishing free enterprise/entrepreneurship ideas and points of difference for west Auckland.

8.       The 2019-2020 Youth Connections work programme has been developed also by taking into account Waitākere ki Tua adopted by the three Local Boards in west Auckland in March 2019. All four focus areas identified in Waitākere ki Tua have been taken in to account, which are:

i)    Whakawhanaungatanga – Grow respectful and reciprocal relationships;

ii)   Rangatiratanga – Enhancing leadership and participation;

iii)  Taonga tuku iho – Ancestral Māori culture and practices;

iv)  Rangatira mō āpōpō – Ensuring sustainable futures.

9.       The West Worx (TWW) staff have been engaging with local community groups, businesses and the support and connections provided by the fellow Southern Initiative (TSI) staff in identifying work programmes that will benefit the young people in Henderson-Massey Local Board area.

10.     The development of draft work programmes was supported by a workshop with the local board. The workshop provided strategic direction and identified priority activities to support that direction. Further decisions required for allocation of funding by TWW will be brought to the local board in August/September 2019. Some of the options that have been discussed include:

Option One:

Commission quantitative research about young people in Henderson-Massey Local Board areas to help make decisions based on actual research on the local board area.

Options Two and Three:

Provide employment brokerage into “quality” employment opportunities, including continuation of Vision West’s Mentoring Vocational Placement Programme. Employment brokerage programmes include identifying high value occupations and industries, working with employers, tailored career plans, career coaching, skill development, advocacy and pastoral care.

Option Four:

Pathway more young people into quality employment opportunities in the creative and digital industries.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

11.     The projects noted align with the local board plan outcome ‘A thriving local economy that supports quality of life’.

12.     The proposed work programme was workshopped with the local board on Tuesday 30 April 2019.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

13.     The projects noted align with the local board plan outcome ‘A thriving local economy that supports quality of life’. The proposed work programme was workshopped with the local board on Tuesday 30 April 2019.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

14.     The 2019-2020 Youth Connections work programme has been developed taking into account strategic objectives set by the local board.

15.     The Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2017 identifies a priority around supporting local Māori to explore establishing free enterprise/entrepreneurship ideas and points of difference for west Auckland. Waitākere ki Tua adopted by the three Local Boards in west Auckland in March 2019 also identifies a focus on rangitahi and youth development.

16.     TWW have developed strong relationships with local Māori community organisations and kura. All programmes will include Māori community to provide training, quality employment outcomes and wellbeing.

17.     Some of the Youth Connections funding will be directed to Māori organisations/kura to improve Māori outcomes in terms of education and employment.

18.     We are prototyping models for engagement with the Māori community.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

19.     The proposed 2019/2020 Youth Connections work programme will see the allocation of $50,000 directly to the community organisations to deliver youth outcomes.

20.     The Youth Connections work programme progress will be reported directly to the local board as part of the quarterly local board work programme report produced by Local Board Services.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

21.     There is a risk that the activities in the work programme will not be delivered within indicative timeframes and budget. Where unforeseen delays occur, this will be communicated to the local board through quarterly reporting and where appropriate emails, memos or meetings.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

22.     Following approval by the local board the West Worx team will come back to the Local Board as agreed in August/September 2019 to finalise and confirm the detail of this work programmes with the local community groups.

23.     Quarterly reports will be provided to the local boards as well as regular updates and insights as the programmes progresses.

24.     At the end of the programme delivery learnings and insights gained from the programme will be shared to the local board.


Ngā tāpirihanga






HMLB 2019-2020 Youth Connections work programme



Ngā kaihaina



Dhaya Haran, Specialist Advisor – Youth Employment


Sue Travaglia, Manager – Shared Prosperity, The Southern Initiative/West Worx

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Approval of the Henderson-Massey Local Board community services 2019/2020 work programme

File No.: CP2019/09963




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To approve the 2019/2020 community services work programme (Attachment A).

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Each financial year, a work programme is developed that details the activities to be delivered in the local board area. The development process is supported by a series of workshops with the local board.

3.       To prepare for the 2019/2020 work programme staff representing relevant operational council departments worked together to ensure an integrated approach.

4.       This report presents the draft 2019/2020 community services work programme, which responds to Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2017 outcomes and reflects the priorities that have been agreed by departments across council.

5.       Delivery of new activities in the work programme will commence from 1 July 2019. The local board will be updated quarterly on delivery progress, highlights, potential delays and budget implications.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      approve the 2019/2020 community services work programme (Attachment A).




6.       The local board decides which activities to allocate its annual work programme budget to in order to achieve the outcomes set out in its 2017 local board plan.

7.       The development of the 2019/2020 work programme has built on the approach piloted for 2018/2019, which enabled staff to work in a more integrated way across departments to improve local outcomes.

8.       In preparation for the 2019/2020 work programme process, an overview group was created from the following council departments to develop an agreed approach to achieve improved integration:

· Arts, Community and Events

· Community Facilities

· Libraries

· Infrastructure and Environmental Services

· Parks, Sports and Recreation

· Community Services - Service, Strategy and Integration.

9.       Teams made up of representatives from these departments were established to explore shared priorities and objectives for each local board area, and to develop the work programme in a collaborative way in response to local board plan outcomes.

10.     Table one shows the business objectives and strategic alignment for community services departments.

Table 1: Adopted community-based strategies and plans


Business objectives

Strategies and plans

Arts, Community and Events

Provision of services, programmes, events and facilities that strengthen and connect communities and create a sense of belonging and pride

·  Hire Fee Framework

·  Events Policy

·  Toi Whītiki

·  Thriving Communities


Provision of library services and programmes that support Aucklanders with reading and literacy, and opportunities to participate in community and civic life

·  Te Kauroa


Parks, Sports and Recreation

Provision of services to actively engage Aucklanders to lead healthy lives, connect with nature and value our cultural identity

·  Parks and Open Space Strategic Action Plan

·  Sport and Recreation Strategic Action Plan

·  Auckland Growing Greener Framework

·  Urban Ngāhere Strategy

Service, Strategy and Integration

Provision of service and asset planning advice and support more integrated delivery of community outcomes

·  Community Facilities Network Plan

·  Parks and Open Space Strategic Action Plan

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

11.     The local board provided feedback on proposed activities for the new financial year at a series of workshops between September 2018 and May 2019.

12.     Initial workshops were an opportunity for the local board to communicate to staff its strategic direction. At subsequent workshops, the local board discussed its priorities for budget allocation and requested further scoping for existing and new activities.

13.     The activities in the work programme responds to the outcomes and objectives that the local board identified in its 2017 local board plan.

14.     The work programme is made up of approved activities from previous financial years, including annually occurring events or projects and ongoing programmes. It also includes new initiatives supported by the local board.

15.     Budget is allocated to activities for the 2019/2020 financial year. If zero-dollars is shown this reflects that the project is able to be delivered in-house with no additional external technical advice and support.

16.     Table two shows activities and allocated budget that are new in 2019/2020 or are significantly different to the 2018/2019 work programme.

Table 2: New and significant changes activities

Line number


Activity description

FY19 budget

FY20 budget

Local board plan outcome: Communities know each other and work together on common interests



Local Maori Responsiveness Plan

Implement the Māori Responsiveness Plan- Waitakere Ki Tua, as per the focus areas and actions identified. Budget increase of $15,000 for a new rangatira programme to be established.





Community led placemaking: Ranui Neighbourhood Development

Fund Ranui Action Project (RAP)  to undertake a range of community programmes that support local priorities, networks, community safety initiatives and youth and migrant activities.  There is an increase of $10,000 to this programme.





Delivered events

Deliver community events within the local board area. Six local events are programmed and the huge popularity of Snow in the Park and Come Fly a Kite have required the increase in funding of $7,000.





Young people: Ranui 135 the Clubhouse

Fund Ranui 135 to provide a Wahine Toa mentoring programme for Māori and Pacific girls and young women transitioning from primary to intermediate school, and intermediate to secondary school. The additional funding of $18,000 supports increased participation on ‘Wahine Toa’ as well as a leadership youth camp.





Young people: Tula’I Pasifika Youth Leadership

Fund West Auckland Pasifika Forum to deliver a leadership training programme for Pasifika youth. An additional $3,000 per western local board is agreed.





Community Led Placemaking: Get Licenced

Fund RAP to respond to the large resident population in Ranui to gain a full drivers licence. 50 per cent of resources will be targeted at local Māori residents.





Community Led Placemaking: Papaya Stories Silent Disco

Fund Papaya Stories to provide no more than three pop up events to generate resident participation in the Henderson Massey area.



Local board plan outcome: A network of vibrant and loved urban neighbourhoods



Community Arts Broker

Fund the Community Arts Broker over a two year period to develop strategic relationships and contacts within the creative community, and support a range of community-led arts activity including temporary street projects and activations.



Local board plan outcome: Community facilities are vibrant and welcoming places at the heart of our communities



All accessible play space service assessment

The development of a service assessment for an all accessible play space within the Henderson-Massey local board area.






Sport and recreation participation programme

Develop a work programme to guide delivery of play experiences in the Henderson-Massey local board area.




Local board plan outcome: It’s easy to get around without a car



Develop and prioritise a connections work programme

Use the Henderson-Massey Connections Plan to develop a prioritised work programme to guide delivery of walking and cycling connections in the local board area.





17.     The way in which Community Places activities are presented in the work programme has changed for 2019/2020. Work related to the operation of venues for hire, community centres, houses, hubs and rural halls will now be reported by the following levels of service: Access, Activation and Intervention Programming.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

18.     The work programme has been developed by a collective of operational council departments.

19.     The interdepartmental connections made throughout the process will enable an integrated approach to delivery of the activities and allow for further collaboration throughout the year. These working relationships will also support an integrated approach to work programme development in future years.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

20.     The local board provided direction and feedback on the draft work programme at a series of workshops.  

21.     These workshops provided an opportunity for staff to gain an understanding of local board strategic direction and priorities. Budget allocation, activity content and scoping were discussed and refined.

22.     The activities in the final work programme support achieving local board plan outcomes and objectives.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

23.     Community services and Community Facilities have developed Karanga Atu! Karanga Mai!, a relationship approach which guides staff to deliver on agreed work programme activities and support the local board to achieve outcomes in its local board plan.

24.     The approach responds to Māori aspirations and delivers on council’s statutory obligations and relationship commitments to Māori.

25.     Table three outlines the activities in the 2019/2020 work programme where Māori responsiveness is the primary outcome.

Table 3: Māori impact of proposed activities

Line number


Māori impact


Māori Responsiveness:

Local Māori Responsiveness Action Plan

The local board delivers on commitments outlined in their local board plan and Waitākere Ki Tua. The local board meets its statutory obligations to Māori. Increased understanding of local Māori aspirations. Increased Māori participation in democratic processes. Increased levels of trust and confidence from Māori. Improved community cultural understanding in the local community.


Te Kete Rukuruku (Māori naming of parks and places)

Māori naming (and associated story telling) of parks and places in partnership with mana whenua to value and promote Auckland’s Māori identity and use of te reo Māori. 


Celebrating Te Ao Māori and strengthing responsiveness to Māori. Whakatipu i te reo Māori – Henderson-Massey

Celebrating te ao Māori with events and programmes including regionally co-ordinated and promoted programmes.



Young people: Ranui 135 the Clubhouse

Wahine Toa mentoring programme for Māori and Pacific girls and young women transitioning from primary to intermediate school, and intermediate to secondary school.



Community Led Placemaking: Get Licenced

50 per cent of resources will be targeted at local Māori residents.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

26.     Activities are funded from one or multiple budget sources which include: Asset Based Services (ABS) Opex; Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) Capex and Opex.

27.     Each activity line has a budget allocation, which covers the delivery for the 2019/2020 period. Where activity lines show a zero-dollar budget, this reflects that the implementation costs are met through staff salary or other funding sources.

28.     The community services LDI budget for the local board for the 2019/2020 financial year is $1,634,200.

29.     Where activities are cancelled or no longer required, the local board can reallocate the budget to an existing work programme activity or to create a new activity.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

30.     The key risks for activities that are managed through the work programme are non-delivery, time delays and budget overrun. The local board will be updated quarterly on delivery including highlighting any potential delays and budget implications.

31.     As the work programme includes ongoing activity and annually occurring events or projects, the associated risks have been identified and managed in previous years. Additional risk management for these activities is ongoing and can be reported quarterly.

32.     Risks and mitigations for new activity lines were considered during the scoping phase. There may be risks associated with trialling a new activity for the first year. These will be continually assessed and reported to the local board through quarterly reporting when required.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

33.     Delivery of approved activities will commence at the beginning of the financial year, 1 July 2019 and progress will be reported to the local board for each quarter.

34.     The work programme identifies further decisions and milestones for each activity, these will be brought to the local board when appropriate.

Ngā tāpirihanga






Henderson Massey community services 2019/2020 work programme


Ngā kaihaina



Graham Bodman - General Manager Arts, Community and Events

Mirla Edmundson - General Manager Libraries & Information

Mace Ward - General Manager Parks, Sports and Recreation

Lisa Tocker - Head of Service Strategy and Integration


Ian Maxwell - Director Community Services

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



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Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



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Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



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Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



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Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



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Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



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Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



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Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



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Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



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Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



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Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



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Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



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Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



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Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



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Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



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Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



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Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson - Massey Local Board 2019/2020 Local Economic Development Work Programme

File No.: CP2019/10426



Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To approve the Henderson-Massey Local Board local economic development programme for the 2019/2020 financial year.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       This report introduces the proposed 2019/2020 financial year local economic development work programme for the Henderson-Massey Local Board as set out in attachment A.

3.       The proposed work programme comprises,

·    Support for the Young Enterprise Scheme ($2,000)

4.       The total value of the Local Economic Development programme is $2,000.

5.       The board is being asked to approve the 2019/2020 local economic development programme.

Ngā tūtohunga


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      approve 2019/2020 local economic development work programme as presented in attachment A to this report.



7.   This report provides the local board with the proposed local economic development work programme for the coming financial year.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

8.   The 2019/2020 local economic development work programme has been developed having regard to the local board’s priorities for local economic development set out in the Henderson - Massey Local Board Plan 2017.

Young Enterprise Scheme ($2,000)

9.   Auckland Business Chamber, on behalf of the Young Enterprise Trust, delivers the Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) in Auckland. YES is a practical, year-long programme for year 12 and 13 students. Through the programme, students develop creative ideas into actual businesses, complete with real products and services and experience real profit and loss. 

10. Fostering youth entrepreneurship is a key requirement for developing an innovative economy and creating employment pathways for our young people. Through the programme, students develop creative ideas into actual businesses, complete with real products and services and real profit and loss. Students learn key work skills and business knowledge including: business fundamentals, planning, interpersonal relations, financial, decision making, reporting, risk management and team work. YES helps create a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship amongst Auckland’s young people.

11. The funding from the local board will support the delivery of the overall YES program, including the Kick Start days in February 2020 where we will specifically acknowledge local board support. The Kick start days are held in sub-regions (North, South, East, Central/West) and are the first day students get to meet the Young Enterprise team, and find out about their 2019 year, what YES is about, and what is in store for them. All schools in the local board area that have shown an interest in YES are invited. In addition the invite is extended to those schools who have not shown an interest to enable them to make a decision as to whether to participate.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

12.     Auckland Tourism Events and Economic Development will manage the administration of the funding on the Local Board’s behalf.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

13. The project noted above align with the local board plan outcome 2 ‘A thriving local economy that supports quality of life’.

14. The proposed local economic development work programme was workshopped with the local board on 19 March 2019, and a final draft was presented at the 14 May 2019 workshop.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

15.     There are no direct impacts as a result of this report on Māori. However, in implementing the programme Māori students at participating schools will be able to benefit from the experience and learnings from the YES.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

16. The proposed 2019/2020 local economic development work programme will see the allocation of $2,000 of the board’s locally driven initiatives operating expenditure budget. This amount can be accommodated within the board’s total draft budget for 2019/2020.

17. The local economic development work programme progress will be reported directly to the local board as part of the quarterly local board work programme report produced by Local Board Services.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

18.     There is a risk that the budget remains unspent as a result of the fact that initiatives supported in the financial year do not require the full amount allocated, or following the agreement of the programme external partners do not in turn proceed with the project.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

19. Following approval by the local board the Local Economic Development team at ATEED will begin to implement the programme from 1 July 2019. Where there is a need for further scoping of activities this will be undertaken and presented back to the local board as required.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Henderson-Massey ATEED Work Programme 19/20



Ngā kaihaina



John Norman – Strategic Planning Manager-Local Economic Development ATEED


Paul Robinson - Local Economic Growth Manager

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Changes to Local Board Standing Orders

File No.: CP2019/10429



Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To provide information about the implications of the Local Government Regulatory Systems Amendment Act 2019 and to recommend changes to the Henderson-Massey Local Board’s standing orders to align with the change in the legislation.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Local Government Regulatory Systems Amendment Act 2019 makes changes to various statutes, including the Local Government  Act 2002, Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, the Local Electoral Act 2001, the Dog Control Act 1996, the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 and the Rates Rebate Act 1973.

3.       Prior to the legislation change, the Local Government Act provided for an extraordinary meeting where:

a)      it could be called by resolution, or by requisition by the mayor or one third of the members

b)      the notice period was three days (unless it was called by resolution in which case the notice period could be not less than 24 hours)

c)      if it needed to be called earlier it could be called by the mayor, or, if the mayor was unavailable, the chief executive. The notice period could be not less than 24 hours.

4.       As a result of the change, the meeting called under c) above is referred to as an ‘emergency meeting’ rather than an’ extraordinary meeting’.

5.       There is a change to the definition of public notice – which requires notification on a council’s website in addition to a newspaper.

6.       There is a change to the definition of ‘working day’ to exclude a province’s anniversary.

7.       Staff are taking the opportunity, while considering changes to standing orders, to propose an unrelated change to the current standing orders regarding attendance by electronic link. The current standing order requires a member seeking to attend by electronic link to be representing the council and unable to attend. The proposed change removes the requirement to be representing the council.

8.       As detailed in the Local Government Act 2002 Schedule 7 clause 27 (3), a change to standing orders requires a 75 percent majority vote. The Henderson-Massey Local Board’s standing orders need to be changed to reflect the changes in the law.

Ngā tūtohunga


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      note the new statutory responsibility of the chief executive:

facilitating and fostering representative and substantial elector participation in elections and polls held under the Local Electoral Act 2001;

b)      amend standing order 2.3.3 by replacing:

Calling an extraordinary meeting at earlier time

The mayor or chairperson, or if they are unavailable, the chief executive, may call a meeting for an earlier time if this is necessary to deal with the business.

The person calling such a meeting must give each member and the chief executive notice of the time and place of the meeting and the matters in respect of which the meeting is being called, by whatever means is reasonable in the circumstances, at least 24 hours before the meeting.


Calling an emergency meeting

The mayor or chairperson, or if they are unavailable, the chief executive, may call an emergency meeting for an earlier time than is provided in Standing Order 2.3.2 if this is necessary to deal with the business.

The person calling such a meeting must give each member and the chief executive notice of the time and place of the meeting and the matters in respect of which the meeting is being called, by whatever means is reasonable in the circumstances, at least 24 hours before the meeting.

c)       amend standing order 7.2.3 by replacing:

Notification of extraordinary meetings

Where the council calls an extraordinary meeting but cannot give public notice to the extent required in Standing Order 7.2.1, the council must publicly notify the meeting, and the general nature of business to be considered at it, as soon as reasonably practicable before the meeting.


Notification of extraordinary / emergency meetings

Where the council calls an extraordinary or emergency meeting but cannot give public notice to the extent required in Standing Order 7.2.1, the council must publicly notify the meeting, and the general nature of business to be considered at it, as soon as reasonably practicable before the meeting. If it is not practicable to publish a notice in newspapers before the meeting, the council must publicly notify the meeting as soon as practicable on the council’s website and in any other manner that is reasonable in the circumstances.

d)      amend standing order 9.4 (Definitions) by replacing:

Extraordinary meeting has the meaning defined in clause 22 of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002.


Emergency meeting has the meaning defined in clause 22A of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002.

Extraordinary meeting has the meaning defined in clause 22 of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002.

e)      amend standing order 9.4 (Definitions) by replacing:

Meeting means:

(a)  any first or ordinary or extraordinary meeting of the local board


Meeting means:

(a) any first or ordinary or extraordinary or emergency meeting of the local board

f)       amend standing order 9.4 (Definitions) by replacing:

Publicly notified means notified to members of the public by a notice printed in appropriate newspapers circulating in the Auckland region.


Publicly notified means made known to members of the public by a notice on the council’s website, until any opportunity for review or appeal has lapsed, and by a notice printed in appropriate newspapers circulating in the Auckland region.

g)      amend standing order 9.4 (Definitions) by replacing:

Working day means any day of the week other than:

(a)  Saturday, Sunday, Waitangi Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, ANZAC Day, the sovereign’s birthday and Labour Day

(b)  a day in the period commencing with 25 December in any year and ending with 15 January in the following year.


Working day means any day of the week other than:

(a)  Saturday, Sunday, Waitangi Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, ANZAC Day, the sovereign’s birthday and Labour Day

(b)  Where Waitangi Day or ANZAC Day falls on a weekend, the following Monday

(c)  Auckland Anniversary Day

(d)  a day in the period commencing with 20 December in any year and ending with 10 January in the following year.

h)      amend the following standing orders:

i)       SO 2.3:

replace the heading “Extraordinary meetings” with “Extraordinary and emergency meetings”

ii)       SO 7.2.4

replace the heading “Extraordinary meetings” with “Extraordinary and emergency meetings”

iii)      SOs 1.1.3, 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 7.3.2:

replace the words “extraordinary meeting” with “extraordinary or emergency meeting”

i)        amend standing order 3.3.3 to remove the requirement to be representing the council:

Conditions for attending by electronic link

The local board or its committees may give approval for a member to attend meetings by electronic link, either generally or for a specific meeting. Situations where approval can be given are: 

a)   where the member is representing the council at a place that makes their physical presence at the meeting impossible or impracticable

b)   to accommodate the member’s illness or infirmity

c)   in emergencies.

d)   The member who is seeking to attend by electronic link may not take part in the vote to give approval. The only exception is where there is an emergency, in which case the member seeking to attend by electronic link can take part in the vote.



9.       The Local Government Regulatory Systems Amendment Act 2019 (LGRSAA) came into force on 21 March 2019.  The LGRSAA is an omnibus Act in that it makes minor amendments to several pieces of legislation.

10.      The LGRSAA amends the Local Electoral Act 2001 to include a new principle for “representative and substantial electoral participation in local elections and polls”, and imposes a new responsibility on the Chief Executive of the council by amending the Chief Executive’s responsibilities in the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA) section 42(2)(d):

(d)     facilitating and fostering representative and substantial elector participation in elections and polls held under the Local Electoral Act 2001;

11.     It amends the definition of “public notice” and “publicly notified” under the LGA and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA) to require notification both on the council’s website and in newspapers.

12.     It creates a new category of council meeting called an “emergency meeting”, separate from “extraordinary meeting”.  Previously, extraordinary meetings had two types of notice requirements.  Where the more urgent form of notice is used, the meeting is now referred to as an emergency meeting.  This applies to giving notice to members under the LGA and to public notices under LGOIMA.

13.     It amends the definition of working day under the LGA and LGOIMA to exclude a province’s anniversary day being counted as a “working day”.

14.     It makes minor amendments to The Dog Control Act 1996, the Local Electoral Act 2001, the Rates Rebates Act 1973 and makes changes to the LGA by specifying timeframes for making certain documents publicly available. These legislative changes are minor in nature and do not impact on local board standing orders.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

15.     The changes made by the LGRSAA are minor in nature, nevertheless it is necessary to amend the Henderson-Massey Locall Board’s standing orders to align the language to reflect current legislation.

16.     The Henderson-Massey Local Board may also wish to consider a change to standing orders which is not related to LGRSAA.   Standing order 3.3.3 provides conditions for attending a meeting by electronic link:

Conditions for attending by electronic link

The local board or its committees may give approval for a member to attend meetings by electronic link, either generally or for a specific meeting. Situations where approval can be given are: 

a)   where the member is representing the council at a place that makes their physical presence at the meeting impossible or impracticable

b)   to accommodate the member’s illness or infirmity

c)   in emergencies.

The member who is seeking to attend by electronic link may not take part in the vote to give approval. The only exception is where there is an emergency, in which case the member seeking to attend by electronic link can take part in the vote.

17.     This standing order was adopted in 2015.  Since that time the technology has improved, and remote attendance to most local board business meetings is now possible. However, the conditions in the standing order are very limiting and do not allow attendance by a member who is out of Auckland for non-council reasons. 

18.     Staff recommend amending the standing order by removing the requirement to represent the council in SO 3.3.3 (a):

a)   where the member is representing the council at a place that makes their physical presence at the meeting impossible or impracticable

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

19.     The changes to the standing orders do not impact on the wider council group.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

20.     This is a report to 21 local boards. All local boards need to make changes to align their standing orders to LGRSAA.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

21.     The changes to standing orders brought about through the LGRSAA do not impact on the Māori community.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

22.     There are no financial implications to making these changes to standing orders.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

23.     LGA Schedule 7 clause 27 (2) states that the standing orders of a local authority must not contravene the LGA or any other Act. If local board standing orders are not aligned to changes in the legislation, there is a risk that the local board may act inconsistently with the legislation by relying on standing orders that are not up to date.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

24.     Following the Henderson-Massey Local Board resolution to amend the standing orders, staff will make the appropriate changes and recirculate the updated standing orders.

Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.     

Ngā kaihaina



Polly Kenrick - Business Process Manager


Louise Mason - GM Local Board Services

Kerri Foote, Operations and Improvements Manager, Local Board Services

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Confirmation of workshop records


File No.: CP2019/10579




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       This report presents records of workshops held by the Henderson-Massey Local Board on:

·        14 May 2019

·        21 May 2019

·        28 May 2019

·        4 June 2019

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary guidance

2.       At the workshop held on Tuesday, 14 May 2019, the Henderson-Massey Local Board had briefings on:

·    Board Administration

·    Sport and recreation work programme update

·    Swanson Road Safety Improvements

·    Grants allocation

·    Local board work programme – workshop 3

3.       At the workshop held on Tuesday, 21 May 2019, the Henderson-Massey Local Board had briefings on:

·    Board administration

·    Community Facilities Update

·    Arts & Culture update: Pacifica Arts Centre activities

·    Te Whau Pathway Project (TWPP)

·    Auckland Transport Update

·    Upcoming business meeting reports

4.       At the workshop held on Tuesday, 28 May 2019, the Henderson-Massey Local Board had briefings on:

·    Board administration

·    Local board agreement finalisation (LBA Workshop 5)

·    Chinese community group project “The Healing Garden” proposed for Corban Estate Arts Centre

·    Play Network Gap Analysis

5.       At the workshop held on Tuesday, 4 June 2019, the Henderson-Massey Local Board had briefings on:

·    Board administration

·    Arts and Culture Update

·    Community Centres Annual Presentation - Massey Hub

·    Community Centres Annual Presentation – Manutewhau

·    Community Centres Annual Presentation - Glendene Hub

·    Community Centres Annual Presentation - Sturges West Community House

·    Community Centres Annual Presentation - Ranui Community Centre

·    Community Centres Annual Presentation – MPHS

·    Community Centres Annual Presentation - Zeal


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      receive the records of workshops held on:

·        14 May 2019

·        21 May 2019

·        28 May 2019

·        4 June 2019


Ngā tāpirihanga






Henderson-Massey Local Board  Workshop Record - 14 May 2019 - 4 June 2019



Ngā kaihaina



Busola Martins - Local Board Democracy Advisor (West)  


Louise Mason - GM Local Board Services

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019















































Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Governance Forward Work Programme

File No.: CP2019/10606




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To present the Henderson-Massey Local Board with its updated governance forward work programme calendar (the calendar).

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The calendar for the Henderson-Massey Local Board is in Attachment A. The calendar is updated monthly, reported to business meetings and distributed to council staff.

3.       The calendar is part of Auckland Council’s quality advice programme and aims to support local boards’ governance role by:

·    ensuring advice on meeting agendas is driven by local board priorities

·    clarifying what advice is expected and when

·    clarifying the rationale for reports.

4.       The calendar also aims to provide guidance for staff supporting local boards and greater transparency for the public.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      receive the governance forward work programme calendar for June 2019.


Ngā tāpirihanga






Governance forward work programme calendar - June 2019



Ngā kaihaina



Busola Martins - Local Board Democracy Advisor (West)  


Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau


Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Henderson-Massey Local Board

18 June 2019



Ward Councillors' Update

File No.: CP2019/10872




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       A period of time (10 minutes) has been set aside for the Waitākere Ward Councillor to have an opportunity to update the Henderson-Massey Local Board on regional matters.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      thank Waitākere Ward Councillors for their update.


Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.     

Ngā kaihaina



Busola Martins - Local Board Democracy Advisor (West)  


Louise Mason - GM Local Board Services

Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitakere Ranges, Whau