Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
7 June 2019 12.30pm Room 1, Level
26 |
Ngā Hui a te Rōpū Kaitohutohu Take ā-Taiwhenua Rural Advisory Panel
6 Forestry and its Role in the Auckland/New Zealand Context
A. 7 June 2019 Rural Advisory Panel: Item 6 - Plantation Forestry; Significance to Auckland/New Zealand, presentation 3
7 Plan Change 1 - Waikato Regional Council
A. 7 June 2019 Rural Advisory Panel: Item 7 - RAP Briefing, Plan Change 1 - Waikato & Waipa lessons, presentation 19
9 Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amednment Bill - A Rural Viewpoint
A. 7 June 2019 Rural Advisory Panel: Item 9 - Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill, presentation 29
8 Rural Advisory Panel - Reviewing the Role of the Past 3 Years
A. 7 June 2019 Rural Advisory Panel: Item 8 - Review of Rural Advisory Panel 2017-2019, presentation 39