Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board held in the Local Board Office, 7-13 Pilkington Road, Panmure on Tuesday, 3 December 2019 at 10:05am.





Chris Makoare


Deputy Chairperson

Debbie Burrows



Don Allan



Nerissa Henry



Peter McGlashan



Maria Meredith

By electronic link


Tony Woodcock






Josephine Bartley

With apology




























Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board

03 December 2019




1          Welcome


Member M Meredith opened the meeting with a karakia, and the Chair welcomed everyone present.


2          Apologies


There were no apologies.


3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number MT/2019/65

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Burrows:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its inaugural meeting, held on Tuesday, 29 October 2019, as true and correct.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements



Te Kōtuku Cultural Festival 2019


Resolution number MT/2019/66

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member N Henry:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)         acknowledge Ruapotaka Marae and Te Āmiorangi for hosting a very successful event that was held on Saturday, 23 November 2019, and also Te Mauri o Te Matatini that was brought onto the marae recently.




Onehunga Business Association


Resolution number MT/2019/67

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson D Burrows, seconded by Member T Woodcock:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)         acknowledge the Onehunga Business Association for hosting a very well attended, successful Christmas Parade which was held on Sunday, 1 December 2019.







7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.


9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.


10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.




Governing Body Member's Update


No report for this item.




Chairperson's Report


Resolution number MT/2019/68

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member D Allan:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      receive the Chairperson’s written report, noting an error that the Chair did not attend the Onehunga Christmas parade.




Board Member's Reports


Resolution number MT/2019/69

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member P McGlashan:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      receive the written report from Deputy Chairperson D Burrows noting an error that the Deputy Chair did not attend the Panuku meeting and the funding workshop in Oranga.




Local board governance work management for the 2019-2022 triennium


Resolution number MT/2019/70

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Burrows:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)       endorse the following approach to effectively and efficiently manage the governance work of the local board for the 2019-2022 triennium:


            i)          maintain a key focus on annual work programmes and their implementation through quarterly reporting and regular workshops with the whole local board, with decisions made at business meetings;

          ii)          appoint nominated local board members who will be consulted on landowner consents and events, and who will provide feedback on liquor licences and resource consents;

         iii)          appoint nominated local board members to external organisations;


b)       appoint the following board members as leads for the projects listed below for the 2019-2022 triennium:




Transform Onehunga

Don Allan

Unlock Panmure

Nerissa Henry

Onehunga transit-oriented development (one local initiative)

Debbie Burrows

Waikaraka Park

Tony Woodcock

Ruapōtaka Marae

Maria Meredith


c)           approve the roles and responsibilities of Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board leads for the 2019-2022 triennium outlined in attachment A.




Local board appointments and delegations for the 2019-2022 electoral term


Resolution number MT/2019/71

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member MM Meredith:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      appoint Member Maria Meredith and Chairperson Chris Makoare, as an alternate, the nominated local board member for landowner consents (excluding landowner consents for filming) and authorise them to:

i)       be the point of consultation for staff on all applications for landowner consent and, at their discretion, refer any application for landowner consent to the local board for a local board decision, and

ii)      to be the point of consultation for staff on proposed asset renewal works and, at their discretion, refer any proposed asset renewal works to the local board for a local board decision

iii)     receive staff notifications of areas that may involve reputational, financial, performance or political risk.

b)      appoint Member Peter McGlashan and Member Maria Meredith as an alternate, the nominated local board member for landowner consents for filming and authorises them to:

i)       to be the point of consultation with staff on all applications for landowner consent for filming and, at their discretion, refer any applications for landowner consent for filming to the local board for a local board decision

ii)      receive notifications from staff of areas that may involve reputational, financial, performance or political risk.

c)      appoint Member Maria Meredith and Chairperson Chris Makoare, as an alternate, the nominated local board member for events and authorises them to receive staff notifications of areas that may involve reputational, financial, performance or political risk

d)      delegate to the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson, as an alternate, the authority to prepare and provide local board views and speak to those local board views at any hearings on applications for liquor licences

e)      delegate to Chairperson Chris Makoare and Member Maria Meredith, as an alternate, the authority to provide the local board views on whether a resource consent should proceed as a non-notified, limited notified or fully notified application

f)       delegate to the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson, as an alternate, the authority to prepare and provide local board views and speak those local board views at any hearings on notified resource consents.




Appointment of local board members to external community organisations


Resolution number MT/2019/72

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member T Woodcock:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      appoint the following board members to the external community groups and organisations listed below for the 2019-2022 triennium:

Panmure Business Association

Nerissa Henry

Peter McGlashan

Glen Innes Business Association

Peter McGlashan

Maria Meredith

Onehunga Business Association

Tony Woodcock

Debbie Burrows

Citizen Advice Bureau Onehunga

Don Allan

Debbie Burrows

Citizen Advice Bureau Sylvia Park, Panmure-Ellerslie and Glen Inness

Maria Meredith

Chris Makoare

Aircraft Noise Community Consultative Group

Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board Chair

Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board Deputy Chair

Panmure Basin Advisory Committee

Maria Meredith

Tony Woodcock

Old Māngere Bridge Replacement Project Reference Group

Debbie Burrows

Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board Chair

Tāmaki Estuary Environmental Forum

Nerissa Henry

Peter McGlashan

Tāmaki College Community Recreation Centre Trust

Peter McGlashan

Chris Makoare


b)         nominate Chairperson Chris Makoare to the Mutukaroa (Hamlins Hill)             Management Trust as a council representative.





Process for appointment of Local Government New Zealand National Council representative


Resolution number MT/2019/73

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Burrows:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      note the amended Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) rules.

b)      endorse Option A (selection panel made up of representatives from each local board) as the process for appointing the local board representative to the LGNZ National Council.

c)      delegate to the chairperson to be part of the selection panel to appoint the local board representative to the LGNZ National Council.

d)      agree in principle to two annual meetings of Auckland Council and LGNZ (or their representatives) with the arrangements to be decided by the three Auckland Council representatives to the LGNZ National Council and staff.

e)      endorse the proposal that the meetings of the Auckland Council/LGNZ meetings be co-chaired by the governing body and local board representatives appointed to the LGNZ National Council.




Adoption of a business meeting schedule


Resolution number MT/2019/74

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member D Allan:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      adopt the meeting schedule outlined below for the 2019-2022 electoral term:


3 December


25 February

24 March

28 April

26 May

23 June

28 July

25 August

22 September


27 October

24 November


23 February

23 March

27 April

25 May

22 June

27 July

24 August

28 September

26 October

23 November



22 February

22 March

26 April

24 May

28 June

26 July

23 August

27 September


b)      agree to commence business meetings at 10am to be held at the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board Office, 7-13 Pilkington Road, Panmure. Public forum and deputations will be scheduled in the early part of the business meeting, to enable participation by the public and stakeholders in the democratic process;

c)      agree to review the starting time of business meetings after six months;

d)      note the dates and time for meetings for local board plans and local board agreements are yet to be finalized.




Urgent decision-making process


Resolution number MT/2019/75

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member P McGlashan:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      adopt the urgent decision-making process for matters that require a decision where it is not practical to call the full board together and meet the requirements of a quorum.

b)      delegate authority to the chair and deputy chair, or any person acting in these roles, to make urgent decisions on behalf of the local board.

c)      agree that the relationship manager, chair and deputy chair (or any person/s acting in these roles) will authorise the urgent decision-making process by signing off an authorisation memo.

d)      note that all urgent decisions will be reported to the next ordinary meeting of the local board.





Annual Budget 2020/2021 consultation


Resolution number MT/2019/76

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Burrows:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      approve Attachment A local content for consultation and Attachment B local supporting information for consultation

b)      delegate authority to the local board chair to approve any final changes required to the local content and supporting information for the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board for the Annual Budget 2020/2021 consultation, including online consultation content.

c)      approve, for consultation, the Glen Innes Business Association’s proposed business improvement district (BID) programme boundary expansion, noting that if the council approves the BID programme boundary expansion the targeted rate will increase from $166,000 to $250,000 as of 1 July 2020.

d)      approve the following Have Your Say event in the local board area during the Annual Budget 2020/2021 consultation period:

i)       Community Forum, 25 February, 4-6pm, Onehunga Community Centre

ii)      Topics-based public meeting, 10 March, 6pm-8pm, Te Oro

e)      delegate authority to the local board chair to approve any final changes required to the Have Your Say event.

f)       delegate to the following elected members and staff the power and responsibility to hear from the public through “spoken (or New Zealand sign language) interaction” in relation to the local board agreement at the council’s public engagement events during the consultation period for the Annual Budget 2020/2021:

i)       local board members and Chairperson

ii)      General Manager Local Board Services, Local Board Relationship Manager, Local Board Senior Advisor, Local Board Advisor, Local Board Engagement Advisor

iii)     any additional staff approved by the General Manager Local Board Services or the Group Chief Financial Officer.




Elected Members Expense Policy 2019


Resolution number MT/2019/77

MOVED by Member N Henry, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Burrows:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      endorse the draft Auckland Council Elected Member Expense Policy 2019

b)      support the childcare allowance noting that it has the potential to increase the diversity and availability of potential elected members to stand for public office at Auckland Council.






Resinstatement of Manukau Harbour Forum


Resolution number MT/2019/78

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member MM Meredith:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      agree to re-constitute the Manukau Harbour Forum Joint Committee with the Franklin, Māngere-Ōtāhuhu, Manurewa, Ōtara-Papatoetoe, Papakura, Puketāpapa, Whau, and Waitākere Ranges Local Boards for the 2019/22 electoral term.

b)         appoint the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board Chair to the Manukau Harbour             forum and the following alternates:


                  i)          Maria Meredith as the alternate member for the fixed term period of Tuesday, 3 December 2019 to midnight Tuesday, 27 April 2021 of the 2019-2022 political term;

                ii)          Chris Makoare as the alternate member for the fixed term period of Wednesday, 28 April 2021 to the end of the 2019-2022 political term.

c)      note the first workshop and meeting of the Manukau Harbour Forum is scheduled for 10.00am–1.00pm Friday 13 December 2019 in Mangere.

d)      note that the reconstituted Forum will have two co-chairs one being a local board member and one being a governing body representative of the Manukau Harbour Forum. The local board co-chair representative will be elected by a majority of members at the first meeting. An invitation will be extended to the Governing Body to appoint two members noting one will act in a co-chair role.

e)      confirm the updated Terms of Reference for the Manukau Harbour Forum as outlined in Attachment A, noting they have been amended enabling two members of the Governing Body to be invited to join the forum, one of the Governing Body members will be co-chair of the forum.

f)       delegate authority to the Manukau Harbour Forum to make decisions within its Terms of Reference, noting that any significant or controversial decisions will only be made by the forum with the confirmation by resolution of all the member boards that would be affected by the decision and that the local board will reserve the right to hold and promote a different view to that of the forum on any issue that may impact the local board area.

g)      confirm that any further changes to the Manukau Harbour Forum’s Terms of Reference will be agreed first by the forum then recommended to the nine member boards for their approval, noting that resolutions must be identical.

h)      note that in order for the requirements of this agreement for the Manukau Harbour Forum to be reached, the resolutions of each of the nine-member boards made in respect of recommendations a) (b)-(f) above (with the exception of (b) where appointees are to be named) must be identical and that in the absence of identical resolutions by all member boards, the forum will not meet the requirements under clause 30a of Schedule 7 to the Local Government Act 2002.

i)       receive and note the Manukau Harbour Forum governance and management support review report (Attachment B).



Note: Item 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 were taken at this point.




Auckland Transport December 2019 update for the Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board


Resolution number MT/2019/79

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Burrows:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      receive the Auckland Transport December 2019 update report;

b)      note, and reiterate, the local board’s feedback on the links to Glen Innes           cycleway project, expressing concern for cyclists safety and the provision of           parking. The local board welcomes continued conversation on this project with           Auckland Transport.




Omaru Reserves Public Art Scoping Report


Resolution number MT/2019/80

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member P McGlashan:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      receive the condensed version of the Ōmaru Reserves Public Art Scoping Report (Attachment A to the agenda report);

b)      request that the public art team work closely with key community stakeholders and the local board when revisiting and assessing the medium term opportunity, to create a standout public artwork of regional scale in a location to be identified once development in the area has progressed.




Approval for a new road name at 87 Commissariat Road, Mount Wellington


Resolution number MT/2019/81

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member T Woodcock:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)     approve the name Kereti Lane for the new private road created by way of subdivision at 87 Commissariat Road, Mount Wellington in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 (resource consent reference BUN60337252 & SUB60337254).




Auckland Council's Quartely Performance Report: Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board for quarter one 2019/2020


Resolution number MT/2019/82

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson D Burrows, seconded by Member D Allan:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      receive the performance report for quarter one ending 30 September 2019.

b)      note that the Community Facility 2019/2020 work programme and 2020-2022 indicative work programme has been updated to reflect financial deferrals as a part of the Annual Plan process as shown in Attachment C.

c)      approve the amendment to the Community Facilities 2019/2020 work programme and 2020-2022 indicative work programme to add the following projects to the Risk Adjusted Programme:

i)       SharePoint ID 2131 Onehunga War Memorial Pool – comprehensive renewal

d)      reallocate the following 2019/2020 locally driven initiative operating expenditure budgets to the activity, Onehunga Bay Reserve – develop dog agility area.

i)       $10,000 from the activity, youth connections.




Local board feedback on the Ministry for the Environments proposed priority products and priority product stewardship scheme guidelines


Resolution number MT/2019/83

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member N Henry:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      note the local board’s feedback on the Ministry for the Environments proposed priority products and priority product stewardship scheme guidelines.




Local board feedback on the Department of Conservations discussion document on proposals for a national biodiversity strategy, Te Koiroa o te Koiora - our shared vision for living with nature.


Resolution number MT/2019/84

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member D Allan:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      note the local board’s feedback on the Department of Conservations discussion document on proposals for a national biodiversity strategy, Te Koiroa o te Koiora - our shared vision for living with nature.




Local board feedback on the Ministry for Primary Industries and the Ministry for the Environment proposed National Policy Statement on Highly Productive Land


Resolution number MT/2019/85

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member D Allan:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      note the local board’s feedback on the Ministry for Primary Industries and the Ministry for the Environment proposed National Policy Statement on Highly Productive Land.




Local board feedback on Central Governments proposed National Policy Statement on Urban Development


Resolution number MT/2019/86

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member D Allan:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      note the local board’s feedback on Central Governments proposed National Policy Statement on Urban Development.




Local board feedback on the proposed Open Space Plan Change (2019) to the Auckland Unitary Plan


Resolution number MT/2019/87

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member N Henry:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      note the local board’s feedback on the proposed Open Space Plan Change (2019) to the Auckland Unitary Plan;

b)      note that the sites identified for proposed plan changes, and supported in the local board’s feedback, are and always have been functionally used as carparks;

c)      request that officers ensure key community stakeholders are aware of the opportunity to submit on the proposed plan changes.




Local board feedback on The Freedom Camping in Vehicles Bylaw


Resolution number MT/2019/88

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member D Allan:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      note the local board’s feedback on The Freedom Camping in Vehicles Bylaw.




Local board feedback on Central Governments proposed Essential Freshwater package


Resolution number MT/2019/89

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member D Allan:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      note the local board’s feedback on Central Governments proposed Central Governments proposed Essential Freshwater package.




Urgent decision - Road Name Approval: New Private Road created by way of Subdivision off Sollum Road, Panmure


Resolution number MT/2019/90

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Burrows:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      note the decision made under the urgent decision-making process on 19 September 2019, that the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board approve the name Takrouna Lane for the new private road, being a commonly owned access lot (COAL) created by way of subdivision off Sollum Road, Panmure, known as ‘Derna and Tobruk Stage 1’ by Fletcher Residential Ltd, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 (resource consent reference BUN60326882).






Urgent decision - Road Name Approval for 13 Ryburn Road, Mt Wellington


Resolution number MT/2019/91

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Burrows:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      note the decision made under the urgent decision-making process on 5 November 2019, that the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board approve 3 names for the following new roads at 13 Ryburn Road, Mt Wellington (Stage 3A), in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 (resource consent references BUN60337606 and SUB60337608): i) COAL 1: Titiko Place ii) COAL 2: Honetana Lane iii) COAL 3: Verdant Lane;

b)      note the revocation of part-resolution of the Maungakiekie-Tamaki Local Board urgent decision road naming request on 5 November 2019, a) ii): COAL 2: Honetana Lane;

c)      note the decision made under the urgent decision-making process on 21 November 2019, that the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board approve Kikorangi Lane for the new road known as ‘COAL 2’, created by way of subdivision at 13 Ryburn Road, Mt Wellington (Stage 3A), in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 (resource consent references BUN60337606 and SUB60337608).




Governance Forward Work Calendar


Resolution number MT/2019/92

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member D Allan:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      note the attached Governance Forward Work Calendar.




Record of Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board Workshops


Resolution number MT/2019/93

MOVED by Chairperson C Makoare, seconded by Member T Woodcock:  

That the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board:

a)      note the local board record of workshops held on 15 October, 22 October, 29 October, 5 November, 12 November, 19 November and 26 November 2019.



38        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   



 Note: meeting adjourned at 10.54am and reconvened at 11.01am





11.15am                                             The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









