Ōrākei Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Ōrākei Local Board held in the St Chads Church and Community Centre, 38 St Johns Road, Meadowbank on Thursday, 5 December 2019 at 3:00pm.





Scott Milne


Deputy Chairman

Sarah Powrie



Troy Churton



Colin Davis, JP



Troy Elliott



Margaret Voyce



David Wong, JP



Ōrākei Local Board

05 December 2019




1          Welcome


The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed those present.


2          Apologies


There were no apologies.


Precedence of Business

Resolution number OR/2019/221

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairman S Powrie:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board agree that Item 11: Declaration by Local Board Member Troy Elliott be accorded precedence at this time.





Declaration by Local Board Member Troy Elliott


Member Troy Elliott made an oral declaration and signed a written declaration pursuant to Schedule 7, clause 14, of the Local Government Act 2002, which was attested by Adam Milina, Relationship Manager.

The signed declaration has been attached to the offical minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.



a     5 December 2019 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 11 - Declaration by Local Board Member, Troy Elliott, Member T Elliott signed declaration – 2019 – 2022 political term  


3          Declaration of Interest


Member S Powrie declared an interest in Item 16: Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection Round One 2019/2020 grant allocations.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number OR/2019/222

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member C Davis:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board confirm the minutes of its inaugural meeting, held on Monday, 4 November 2019, as a true and correct record, subject to the following amendment to item 11, resolution number OR/2019/220, as follows:

That the Ōrākei Local Board confirm Thursday, 4 5 December 2019, 3.00pm, at the St Chads Church and Community Centre, 38 St Johns Road, Meadowbank for its first business meeting.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations



Deputation - Carmel Claridge - Waiatarua Dog Walkers


Carmel Claridge and Pete Williams from the Waiatarua Dog Walkers group were in attendance to address the Board on the group’s views on dog walking in the Waiatarua Reserve.

A PowerPoint presentation was given and a supporting document was tabled.  Copies have been placed on the official minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments..


Resolution number OR/2019/223

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member C Davis:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board receive the presentation and thank Carmel Claridge and Pete Williams for their attendance and refer the presentation for consideration with item 12.




a     5 December 2019 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 8.1 - Deputation - Carmel Claridge - Waiatarua Dog Walkers, presentation

b     5 December 2019 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 8.1 - Deputation - Carmel Claridge - Waiatarua Dog Walkers, support document




Deputation - John Blair and Kelvin Hunter - Friends of Madills Farm


John Blair and Kelvin Hunter from Friends of Madills Farm were in attendance to address the Board on Madills Farm.

A document was tabled in support of the item.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2019/224

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member D Wong:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board receive the presentation and thank John Blair and Kelvin Hunter for their attendance.





a     5 December 2019 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 8.3 - Deputation - John Blair and Kelvin Hunter - Friends of Madills Farm, tabled document




Public Forum - Matt Cole - Bike Tāmaki Drive


Matt Cole was in attendance to address the Board on Bike Tāmaki Drive.


Resolution number OR/2019/225

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member T Churton:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board receive the presentation and thank Matt Cole for his attendance.





Deputation - Craig Ewington - Nehu Reserve


Craig Ewington was in attendance to address the Board on his concerns relating to Nehu Reserve.

A document was tabled in support of the item.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2019/226

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member C Davis:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board receive the presentation and thank Craig Ewington for his attendance.





a     5 December 2019 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 8.2 - Deputation - Craig Ewington - Nehu Reserve, tabled document  



9          Public Forum



Public Forum - Meadowbank and St Johns Residents Association - Waiatarua Reserve and Gowing Drive pedestrian crossing


Gerrad Martin, Anna Jackson, Charmaine Vaughan and Barry Stewart from the Meadowbank and St Johns Residents Association were in attendance to address the Board on Waiatarua Reserve and Gowing Drive pedestrian crossing.

A document was tabled in support of the item.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2019/227

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member M Voyce:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)         agree to extend Gerrad Martin, Anna Jackson, Charmaine Vaughan and Barry Stewart’s speaking time to complete their address.




MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member M Voyce:

Resolution number OR/2019/228

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

b)        receive the presentation and thank Gerrad Martin, Anna Jackson, Charmaine Vaughan and Barry Stewart for their attendance and refer the presentation for consideration with item 12.




a     5 December 2019 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 9.1 - Public Forum - Meadowbank and St Johns Residents Association - Waiatarua Reserve and Gowing Drive pedestrian crossing, tabled document




Public Forum - Craig Presland - Parnell Cricket Club


Craig Presland from Parnell Cricket Club was in attendance to address the Board on the Club’s proposed plans to upgrade Bloodworth Park.

A document was tabled in support of the item.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2019/229

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member T Churton:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board receive the presentation and thank Craig Presland for his attendance.




a     5 December 2019 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 9.3 - Public Forum - Craig Presland - Parnell Cricket Club, tabled document  




Public Forum - Tom Street - Eastern Suburbs Association Football Club


Tom Street from Eastern Suburbs Association Football Club was in attendance to discuss the Club’s current use of Madills Farm and to discuss the current Ōrākei Local Board plans for improving the changing rooms and clubrooms at Madills Farm, sharing the Club’s progress to date, offering the resources of the Club and to seek support and guidance from the Board on how these objectives can be met.

A document was tabled in support of the item.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2019/230

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member M Voyce:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board thank Tom Street for his attendance.




a     5 December 2019 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 9.4 - Public Forum - Tom Street - Eastern Suburbs Association Football Club, tabled document   




Public Forum - Mission Bay Kohimarama Residents Association -  Future use of the ex-Mission Bay Bowling Club land proposal


Don Stock and Wanda Mountford from Mission Bay Kohimarama Residents Association were in attendance to present to the Board the Association’s proposal for the future use of the ex-Mission Bay Bowling Club land.

Documents were tabled in support of the item.  Copies have been placed on the official minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments.


Resolution number OR/2019/231

MOVED by Chairperson S Milne, seconded by Member D Wong:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)         receive the presentation and thank Don Stock and Wanda Mountford for their attendance.

b)        note that the Board has consistently and persistently, over a number of years, advocated for the retention of the ex-Mission Bay Bowling Club land, at 9 Tagalad Road / 6a Nihill Crescent, Mission Bay for recreation purposes.




a     5 December 2019 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 9.5 - Public Forum - Mission Bay Kohimarama Residents Association - Future use of the ex-Mission Bay Bowling Club land proposal , tabled documents    




Public Forum - Bridget Rothbart - Waiatarua Reserve Protection Society


Bridget Rothbart and Yolanda Thorp from Waiatarua Reserve Protection Society were in attendance to present the Society’s view on the Waiatarua Reserve Enhancement Plan.

A document was tabled in support of the item.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2019/232

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member T Churton:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board receive the presentation and thank Bridget Rothbart and Yolanda Thorp for their attendance.





a     5 December 2019 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 9.6 - Public Forum - Bridget Rothbart - Waiatarua Reserve Protection Society, tabled document   




Public Forum - John La Roche - Kepa Bush Pathway


John La Roche was in attendance to address the Board on his concerns about the Kepa Bush pathway.

A document was tabled in support of the item.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2019/233

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairman S Powrie:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)         receive the presentation and thank John La Roche for his attendance.

b)        request Community Facilities and Healthy Waters staff to investigate and address the concerns raised by John La Roche regarding Kepa Bush.





a     5 December 2019 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 9.7 - Public Forum - John La Roache - Kepa Bush Pathway, tabled document




Auckland Hockey Facilities Trust Incorporated - Grant of an Agreement to Lease at Colin Maiden Park, 71-73 Merton Road St Johns


Valerie Vui, Community Lease Specialist, was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number OR/2019/234

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member D Wong:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      approve an agreement to lease to the Auckland Hockey Facilities Trust Incorporated for the new artificial hockey turf facility at Colin Maiden Park, subject to the following conditions:

i)       agreement term – 36 months (three years) with a commencement date of 30 November 2019, to undertake fundraising for the project and to seek all approvals for the construction and development of the proposed activity

ii)      prior to any works being carried out at the site, Auckland Hockey Facilities Trust Incorporated will obtain at its own cost, any resource and building consents required and landowner approval for the works

iii)     the Auckland Hockey Facilities Trust being granted access to the site prior to the commencement of the lease to carry out the required works

iv)     the Auckland Hockey Facilities Trust providing an approved Memorandum of Understanding or similar agreement for the shared use of the adjacent Auckland University Rugby Club facility for toilet and changing facilities during the use of the hockey turf areas

v)      or as an alternative to the use of the Auckland University Rugby Club facility, providing their own toilet and changing room facilities within the proposed lease area.

b)      subject to there being no submissions, and the terms of the agreement to lease being met, grant a community lease to the Auckland Hockey Facilities Trust Incorporated at 71-73 Merton Road for the new artificial hockey turf facility at Colin Maiden Park under the provisions of the Local Government Act 2002 for the area described on Attachment B to this report subject to:

i)       an initial term of 10 years with one right of renewal of 10 years

ii)      commencement date – 1 December 2022 or the date of issue of the code compliance certificate or other approval of the proposed development works

iii)     rent - $1 plus GST per annum

iv)     a community outcomes plan being negotiated and agreed with the trust and approved by the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Ōrākei Local Board

v)      the trust will at no cost to council manage the operation of the facility including the booking, scheduling, and day to day management and capital replacement and maintenance

vi)     all other terms and conditions will be in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.

c)      appoint a hearings panel consisting of all the members of the Ōrākei Local Board to hear submissions for the agreement to lease or the proposed lease to the Auckland Hockey Facilities Trust Incorporated at 71-73 Merton Road for the new artificial hockey turf facility at Colin Maiden Park, if required, and make any recommendations to the board for further decisions, if required.

d)      agree that if the requirements of the agreement to lease to the Auckland Hockey Facilities Trust Incorporated for the new artificial hockey turf facility at Colin Maiden Park are not satisfied by 1 December 2022, the agreement to lease will end.





Public Forum - David Blakey - Ellerslie Theatrical Society


David Blakely was in attendance to address the Board regarding the Ellerslie Theatrical Society.

A document was tabled in support of the item.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number OR/2019/235

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairman S Powrie:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board receive the presentation and thank David Blakey for his attendance and refer his presentation for consideration with item 15.





a     5 December 2019 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 9.8 - Public Forum - David Blakely - Ellerslie Theatrical Society, tabled document  


10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.




Adopt the Waiatarua Reserve Enhancement Plan


Hayley Dauben, Parks and Places Specialist was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number OR/2019/236

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member T Churton:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)         adopt the Waiatarua Reserve Enhancement Plan.

b)        request Community Facilities staff to review the Waiatarua Reserve Enhancement Plan and present options for its implementation to the Board as part of the Ōrākei Local Board’s 2020/2021 Community Facilities work programme.

c)         request Plans and Places staff to add an item to its Ōrākei Local Board 2020/2021 work programme to undertake a bylaw review of dog exercise areas in Waiatarua Reserve, in line with the Waiatarua Reserve Enhancement Plan.



Resolution number OR/2019/237

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member M Voyce an amendment by way of addition:

d)        formally acknowledge Hayley Dauben, Parks and Places Specialist for all of her hard work with respect to the Waiatarua Reserve Enhancement Plan.





Approval of an agreement to lease and landlord consent to Remuera Parnell Sports Community Charitable Trust for land and works at Shore Road Reserve, Remuera


Karen Walby, Community Lease Specialist, was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number OR/2019/238

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member M Voyce:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      grant Remuera Parnell Sports Community Charitable Trust an agreement to lease (with a draft lease for additional premises attached) for 90 square metres (more or less) of land joining its existing clubrooms at Shore Road Reserve legally described as Lot 1 DP 194869 (Attachment A to the agenda report) to be issued under the Local Government Act 2002 and subject to the following terms and conditions:

i)       term – three years commencing 6 December 2019

ii)      rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum if demanded

iii)     the Remuera Parnell Sports Community Charitable Trust securing all necessary funding for its project prior to the commencement of the works

iv)     the Remuera Parnell Sports Community Charitable Trust obtaining all necessary regulatory consents for its project prior to the commencement of the works

v)      the Remuera Parnell Sports Community Charitable Trust adhering to the conditions detailed in the landowner approval for the works (Attachment B to the agenda report).

b)      grant Remuera Parnell Sports Community Charitable Trust a lease for additional premises for 90 square metres (more or less) of land joining its existing clubrooms at Shore Road Reserve legally described as Lot 1 DP 194869 (Attachment A to the agenda report) to be issued under the Local Government Act 2002 and subject to the following terms and conditions:

i)       term - commencing on date of issue of code compliance certificate or practical completion of the deck, to run concurrently with its current community lease

ii)      rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum if demanded

iii)     the agreement will record that the lease for additional premises is subject to the same terms, conditions and covenants as its current lease agreement.

c)      grant Remuera Parnell Sports Community Charitable Trust landlord consent pursuant to clause 14 of its current community lease agreement for its works to reconfigure and upgrade its clubrooms, subject to terms and conditions (Attachment C to the agenda report).






Ellerslie War Memorial Town Hall hire fee options


Kat Teirney, Senior Project Lead, Arts Community and Events, was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number OR/2019/239

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member D Wong:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)         endorse the standard application of the Hire Fee Framework in regard to the Ellerslie Theatrical Society’s use of the Ellerslie War Memorial Town Hall, due to the Society’s indebtness to Council in the sum of $32,062 as at 5 December 2019 and that all future bookings by the Society from 1 January 2020 be cancelled, noting that the Council will take steps to recover the outstanding debt.

b)        confirm that the Ellerslie War Memorial Hall will continue to be available for public theatre and performance activities going forward.





Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection Round One 2019/2020 grant allocations


Deputy Chairman S Powrie declared an interest in the following grant applications and took no part in the discussion or voting on the applications:

·    Susie Springhall due to being a neighbor of the applicant.

·    Ōrākei Community Association Incorporated due to her membership with the Association.

Deputy Chairman S Powrie left the meeting at 5.42 pm.


Resolution number OR/2019/240

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member T Elliott:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      approve the following Ōrākei Local Board Tree Protection Round One 2019/2020 grant:  

Application ID


Project and Conditions



Susie Springhall

Towards the pruning of a Pohutukawa tree







Resolution number OR/2019/241

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member M Voyce:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

b)        approve the following Ōrākei Local Board Tree Protection Round One 2019/2020 grant:

Application ID


Project and Conditions



Sun Jae Lee and Hyun Sun Lee

Towards the pruning of a Pohutukawa tree







Resolution number OR/2019/242

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member C Davis:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)         approve the following Ōrākei Local Board Quick Response Round One 2019/2020 grants:

Application ID


Project and Conditions



Eastern Bays Toy Library

Towards rental costs at Glendowie Community Centre from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020



Meadowbank and St Johns Residents Association Incorporated

For the purchase of rat traps




Remuera Chinese Association

Towards venue hire from 1 January to 31 March 2020 for the Remuera Chinese Association




St Heliers Scottish Country Dancing Club

Towards a laptop and bag, a software programme, a laptop hard drive




Bach Musica New Zealand Incorporated

Towards venue hire for rehearsals at the Somervell Church from February 2020 to June 2020




Communicare Civilian Maimed Association (Auckland) Incorporated

Towards venue hire costs for the two Communicare friendship centers



Ellerslie Toy Library Incorporated

Towards purchasing new toys for the toy library




St Heliers and Community Support Trust

Towards the replacement of the children's outdoor equipment at St Heliers Centre



The College Rifles Rugby Union Football and Sports Club Incorporated

Towards the ANZAC Day march and memorial service in 2020 including advertising and the printing of programmes



Tread Lightly Charitable Trust

Towards the Tread Lightly programme in Churchill Park School from 30 April to 7 May 2020



Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust

Towards the direct service delivery costs for the Youthline helpline from 1 January to 30 June 2020






b)        approve the following Ōrākei Local Board Quick Response Round One 2019/2020 grant:

Application ID


Project and Conditions



Ōrākei Community Association Incorporated

Towards costs of venue hire, advertising and audio-visual equipment hire






c)         request all successful funding applicants to acknowledge Ōrākei Local Board support for their organisation and the event or project including the Ōrākei Local Board logo on marketing material, product and/or promotional media/statements.

d)        request that if funding relates to an event, an invitation needs to be extended to all Ōrākei Local Board members to attend.

e)         decline the following Ōrākei Local Board Quick Response Round One 2019/2020 grants:

Application ID



Decline Reason


Central Syncho Club

Towards venue hire for the North Island synchronised swimming championships in 2020 from 22 to 24 May 2020

The project is outside the local board area.


Ellerslie Theatrical Society Incorporated

Towards the printing of publicity materials for four plays in 2020 for the Ellerslie Theatrical Theatre

Does not align with the local board priorities.




Deputy Chairman S Powrie returned to the meeting at 5.44 pm.




Approval of the Ōrākei Local Board Engagement Strategy 2019-2022


Ollin Perez Raynaud, Local Board Engagement Advisor was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number OR/2019/243

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member T Churton:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board approve the Ōrākei Local Board Engagement Strategy 2019-2022 (Attachment A).






Annual Budget 2020/2021 consultation


Nick Palmisano, Local Board Advisor and Ollin Perez Raynaud, Local Board Engagement Advisor, were in attendance to speak to this report.

Documents were tabled in support of the item.  Copies have been placed on the official minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments.


Resolution number OR/2019/244

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member D Wong:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)         approve the tabled Annual Budget 2020/2021 local content for consultation and local supporting information for consultation (Attachment A and B)

b)        delegate authority to the Chairman to approve any final changes required to the local content and supporting information for the Ōrākei Local Board for the Annual Budget 2020/2021 consultation, including online consultation content.

c)         approve, for consultation, the Glen Innes Business Association’s proposed business improvement district (BID) programme boundary expansion, noting that if the council approves the BID programme boundary expansion the targeted rate will increase from $166,000 to $250,000 as of 1 July 2020.

d)        approve the following ‘Have Your Say’ event in the local board area during the Annual Budget 2020/2021 consultation period:

i)          St Chads Church and Community Centre, 38 St Johns Road, Meadowbank on   Tuesday, 17 March 2020 at 4.00pm.

e)         delegate authority to the Chairman to approve any final changes required to the Annual Budget 2020/2021 Have Your Say event.

f)          delegate to the following elected members and staff the power and responsibility to receive submissions from the public through ‘spoken (or New Zealand sign language) interaction’ in relation to the local board agreement at the council’s public engagement events, during the consultation period for the Annual Budget 2020/2021:

i)          all Ōrākei Local Board members

ii)         General Manager Local Board Services, Local Board Relationship Manager, Local Board Senior Advisor, Local Board Advisor, Local Board Engagement Advisor

iii)       any additional staff approved by the General Manager Local Board Services or the Group Chief Financial Officer.




a     5 December 2019 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 18 - Annual Budget 2020/2021 consultation, Ōrākei Local Board Annual Budget consultation document

b     5 December 2019 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 18 - Annual Budget 2020/2021 consultation, Ōrākei Local Board Annual Budget supporting information




Auckland Council's Quarterly Performance Report: Ōrākei Local Board for quarter one 2019/2020


Nick Palmisano, Local Board Advisor, Audrey Gan, Lead Financial Advisor and Jacqui Thompson-Fell, Work Programme Lead, Community Facilities, were in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number OR/2019/245

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member T Elliott:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      receive the performance report for quarter one ending 30 September 2019.

b)      note that the Community Facilities 2019/2020 work programme and 2020-2022 indicative work programme has been updated to reflect financial deferrals as a part of the Annual Plan process as shown in Attachment C.





Auckland Transport December 2019 report to the Ōrākei Local Board


Bruce Thomas, Elected Member Relationship Manager, was in attendance to speak to this report.


Resolution number OR/2019/246

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairman S Powrie:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board receive the Auckland Transport December 2019 update report.





Local board governance work management for the 2019-2022 triennium


Resolution number OR/2019/247

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member T Churton:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)         endorse the approach to effectively and efficiently manage the governance work of the Ōrākei Local Board for the 2019-2022 triennium by maintaining a key focus on annual work programmes and their implementation through quarterly reporting and regular workshops with the whole local board, with decisions made at business meetings.

b)        appoint the following topic leads to support the governance work of the Ōrākei Local Board for the 2019-2022 triennium:

Topic Area



Parks, Sports & Recreation

     Community Facilities (Local Parks/Reserves Physical Delivery) Work Programme

     Community Facilities (Local Sports Parks Physical Delivery) Work Programme

     Parks, Sports & Recreation Work Programme

     Community Facilities (Local Parks/Reserves/Sports Parks Renewals) Work Programme

Troy Elliott

Troy Churton/

Colin Davis


     Infrastructure and Environmental Services Work Programme


     Civil Defence & Emergency Management

Margaret Voyce

Sarah Powrie

Arts & Libraries

     Arts and Culture line items in the Arts, Community and Events Work Programme

     Community Facilities renewals on Council-owned Libraries (St Heliers Library, Remuera Library)

Colin Davis

Troy Churton

Economic Development

     Local economic development (ATEED) Work Programme

     Business Associations (Ellerslie, Remuera, St Heliers, (BIDs); Mission Bay)

Sarah Powrie

Troy Elliott

Resource Consenting and Regulatory

     Feedback on resource consent notification, notified resource consents, and attendance at hearings

     Bylaws and regulatory (incl. compliance and liquor licensing)

     Developing feedback on notices of requirement and plan changes for formal approval

Troy Churton

David Wong/

Colin Davis

Events, Landowner Approvals & Leases

     Local event permit feedback

     Events line items in the Arts, Community and Events Work Programme

     Landowner consent feedback (including film and events)

     Community Facilities: Leases Work Programme

David Wong

Colin Davis


     Auckland Transport Regional Projects

     Transport Capital Fund (Auckland Transport Funded)

     Community Safety Fund (Auckland Transport Funded)

     Gowing Drive Linkage to Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive shared path OLI

Scott Milne

Sarah Powrie


     Community Empowerment line items in the Arts, Community and Events Work Programme

     Community Places line items in the Arts, Community and Events Work Programme

     Community Facilities renewals on Council-owned community places and halls (Ōrākei Community Centre, Glendowie Community Hall, Meadowbank Community Centre, Ellerslie War Memorial Hall, Leicester Hall, Tāmaki Ex- Services Association Hall (TESA), Tahapa Crescent Hall)

Sarah Powrie

David Wong


     Heritage (incl. heritage signage)

Colin Davis

Troy Churton

Communications and Engagement


     Engagement strategy and planning

Scott Milne

Margaret Voyce


c)         confirm that the Ōrākei Local Board’s Topic Leads role for the 2019-2022 triennium consists of the following:

i)          maintain Topic Lead is the champion for the relevant Board approved work programme. Unless clearly delegated to the Topic Lead, decisions on changes to project scope or budget remain a governance decision for the Board.

ii)         Topic Leads have advocacy and policy leadership for their area of responsibility, including developing feedback on regional policies, plans and strategies relevant to the topic area, for full local board approval at the closest business meeting. In rare circumstances, this may need to be done retrospectively.

iii)       each Topic Lead should consider and develop new ideas and initiatives for inclusion in the local board plan and subsequent work programmes. Therefore, no new ideas or initiatives are progressed without being considered and approved by the Board, usually at workshops in the first instance.

iv)       Topic Leads should maintain relationships with key stakeholders and understand community needs and preferences.

v)         each Topic Lead must keep other members of the Board team up-to-date at members’ workshops, and/or in monthly Board Members’ reports in the agendas of the Board’s business meetings, as all members of the Board have a collective responsibility for the actions of the individual Members in delivering on the projects and work programme.

vi)       requests from staff for feedback on landowner consents and event permits will be sent to all Board members. The Events, Landowner Approvals & Leases Lead will take responsibility for co-ordinating a response to staff.

vii)      requests from staff for feedback regarding resource consent notification and notified resource consents will be sent to the Resource Consenting and Regulatory Lead and Alternates who are responsible for coordinating a response to staff.

viii)     board feedback on plan changes and notices of requirements will be developed by the Resource Consenting and Regulatory Lead and Alternates who are responsible for preparing Board feedback for formal approval.

ix)       if the Lead is unavailable, then the alternate will act in their place.







Local board appointments and delegations for the 2019-2022 electoral term


Resolution number OR/2019/248

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member T Elliott:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      appoint Member D Wong, with Member C Davis as an alternate for landowner consents (excluding landowner consents for filming) and authorise them to:

i)       be the point of consultation for staff on all applications for landowner consent and, at their discretion, refer any application for landowner consent to the local board for a local board decision, and

ii)      to be the point of consultation for staff on proposed asset renewal works and, at their discretion, refer any proposed asset renewal works to the local board for a local board decision

iii)     receive staff notifications of areas that may involve reputational, financial, performance or political risk.

b)      appoint Member D Wong, with Member C Davis as an alternate, for landowner consents for filming and authorise them to:

i)       to be the point of consultation with staff on all applications for landowner consent for filming and, at their discretion, refer any applications for landowner consent for filming to the local board for a local board decision

ii)      receive notifications from staff of areas that may involve reputational, financial, performance or political risk.

c)      appoint Member D Wong, with Member C Davis as an alternate for events and authorise them to receive staff notifications of areas that may involve reputational, financial, performance or political risk.

d)      delegate to Member T Churton, with Member D Wong and Member C Davis as alternates, the authority to prepare and provide local board views and speak to those local board views at any hearings on applications for liquor licences.

e)      delegate to Member T Churton, with Member D Wong and Member C Davis as alternates, the authority to provide the local board views on whether a resource consent should proceed as a non-notified, limited notified or fully notified application.

f)       delegate to Member T Churton, with Member D Wong and Member C Davis as alternates, the authority to prepare and provide local board views and speak those local board views at any hearings on notified resource consents.





Appointment of local board members to external community organisations


MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member T Elliott:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)         appoint as a representative, an Ōrākei Local Board member and an alternate to the external community groups and organisations listed below for the 2019-2022 triennium:

External Organisation



Business Areas

Ellerslie Business Association

Sarah Powrie

Troy Elliott

Remuera Business Association

Sarah Powrie

Margaret Voyce

St Heliers Bay Village Association

Sarah Powrie

Colin Davis

Mission Bay Business Association

Sarah Powrie

Colin Davis

Residents Associations

Ellerslie Residents Association Inc

Troy Elliott

David Wong

Meadowbank and St Johns Residents Society Incorporated

Troy Elliott

Troy Churton

Mission Bay Kohimarama Residents Association

David Wong

Scott Milne

Ōrākei Community Association Incorporated

Sarah Powrie

Scott Milne

Remuera Association Incorporated

Margaret Voyce

David Wong

St Heliers/Glendowie Residents Association

Colin Davis

Margaret Voyce

Stonefields Residents Association

Colin Davis

Margaret Voyce


East City Community Trust

David Wong


Remuera Arts Trust

Troy Churton

Scott Milne


Auckland Netball Centre Incorporated

Colin Davis

Troy Churton

Friends of Churchill Park

Margaret Voyce

Colin Davis

Friends of Kepa Bush

Scott Milne

Margaret Voyce

Friends of Madills Farm Reserve


Troy Churton

Scott Milne

Friends of Tahuna Torea

Margaret Voyce

Sarah Powrie

Tāmaki Drive Protection Society

Colin Davis

Scott Milne

Waiatarua Reserve Protection Society Incorporated

Margaret Voyce

Sarah Powrie

Aircraft Noise Community Consultative Group (ANCCG)

Troy Churton

Kevin Kevany

Ōrākei Basin Advisory Group

Troy Elliott

Troy Churton Margaret Voyce

Michaels Avenue Reserve Community Liaison Committee

Troy Elliott

David Wong

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board

Scott Milne

Sarah Powrie Colin Davis

Tāmaki Estuary Environmental Forum

Troy Elliott

Margaret Voyce

Mission Bay Working Party - Auckland Transport’s proposed road safety improvements

Scott Milne

Sarah Powrie Colin Davis

St Heliers Village Working Party - Auckland Transport’s proposed road safety improvements

Colin Davis

Scott Milne

From the Deck Newmarket Stream restoration group

Margaret Voyce

Scott Milne




Resolution number OR/2019/249

MOVED by Member T Churton, seconded by Member M Voyce an amendment by way of substitution:

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)         appoint Member T Elliott as a representative and Member T Churton as alternate to the ‘Friends of Madills Farm’ as listed in the external community groups and organisations for the 2019-2022 triennium.

The amendment was declared



The substantive motion was put.


Resolution number OR/2019/250

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member T Elliott:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)         appoint as a representative, an Ōrākei Local Board member and an alternate to the external community groups and organisations listed below for the 2019-2022 triennium:


External Organisation



Business Areas

Ellerslie Business Association

Sarah Powrie

Troy Elliott

Remuera Business Association

Sarah Powrie

Margaret Voyce

St Heliers Bay Village Association

Sarah Powrie

Colin Davis

Mission Bay Business Association

Sarah Powrie

Colin Davis

Residents Associations

Ellerslie Residents Association Inc

Troy Elliott

David Wong

Meadowbank and St Johns Residents Society Incorporated

Troy Elliott

Troy Churton

Mission Bay Kohimarama Residents Association

David Wong

Scott Milne

Ōrākei Community Association Incorporated

Sarah Powrie

Scott Milne

Remuera Association Incorporated

Margaret Voyce

David Wong

St Heliers/Glendowie Residents Association

Colin Davis

Margaret Voyce

Stonefields Residents Association

Colin Davis

Margaret Voyce


East City Community Trust

David Wong


Remuera Arts Trust

Troy Churton

Scott Milne


Auckland Netball Centre Incorporated

Colin Davis

Troy Churton

Friends of Churchill Park

Margaret Voyce

Colin Davis

Friends of Kepa Bush

Scott Milne

Margaret Voyce

Friends of Madills Farm Reserve

Troy Elliott

Troy Churton

Friends of Tahuna Torea

Margaret Voyce

Sarah Powrie

Tāmaki Drive Protection Society

Colin Davis

Scott Milne

Waiatarua Reserve Protection Society Incorporated

Margaret Voyce

Sarah Powrie

Aircraft Noise Community Consultative Group (ANCCG)

Troy Churton

Kevin Kevany

Ōrākei Basin Advisory Group

Troy Elliott

Troy Churton Margaret Voyce

Michaels Avenue Reserve Community Liaison Committee

Troy Elliott

David Wong

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei Reserves Board

Scott Milne

Sarah Powrie Colin Davis

Tāmaki Estuary Environmental Forum

Troy Elliott

Margaret Voyce

Mission Bay Working Party - Auckland Transport’s proposed road safety improvements

Scott Milne

Sarah Powrie Colin Davis

St Heliers Village Working Party - Auckland Transport’s proposed road safety improvements

Colin Davis

Scott Milne

From the Deck Newmarket Stream restoration group

Margaret Voyce

Scott Milne






Adoption of a business meeting schedule


Resolution number OR/2019/251

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairman S Powrie:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      adopt the meeting schedule outlined below for the 2019-2022 electoral term:





Thursday, 20 February

St Chads Church and Community Centre

38 St Johns Road, Meadowbank


Thursday, 19 March

Thursday, 16 April

Monday, 18 May

Thursday, 18 June

Thursday, 16 July

Thursday, 20 August

Thursday, 17 September

Thursday, 15 October

Thursday, 19 November


Thursday, 18 February

St Chads Church and Community Centre

38 St Johns Road, Meadowbank


Thursday, 18 March

Thursday, 15 April

Thursday, 20 May

Thursday, 17 June

Thursday, 15 July

Thursday, 19 August

Thursday, 16 September

Thursday, 21 October

Thursday, 18 November


Thursday, 17 February

St Chads Church and Community Centre

38 St Johns Road, Meadowbank


Thursday, 17 March

Thursday, 21 April

Thursday, 19 May

Thursday, 16 June

Thursday, 21 July

Thursday, 18 August

Thursday, 15 September


b)      agree to commence business meetings at 3.00pm, noting that public forum and deputations will be scheduled in the early part of the business meeting, to enable participation by the public and stakeholders in the democratic process.

c)      note the dates and time for meetings for local board plans and local board agreements are yet to be finalised.





Process for appointment of Local Government New Zealand National Council representative


Resolution number OR/2019/252

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member T Elliott:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      note the amended Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) rules.

b)      endorse Option A (selection panel made up of representatives from each local board) as the process for appointing the local board representative to the LGNZ National Council.

c)      delegate to the Chairman to be part of the selection panel to appoint the local board representative to the LGNZ National Council.

d)      agree in principle to two annual meetings of Auckland Council and LGNZ (or their representatives) with the arrangements to be decided by the three Auckland Council representatives to the LGNZ National Council and staff.

e)      endorse the proposal that the meetings of the Auckland Council/LGNZ meetings be co-chaired by the governing body and local board representatives appointed to the LGNZ National Council.





Elected Members Expense Policy 2019


Resolution number OR/2019/253

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member C Davis:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board endorse the draft Auckland Council Elected Member Expense Policy 2019.






Urgent decision-making process


Resolution number OR/2019/254

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member T Elliott:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board:

a)      adopt the urgent decision-making process for matters that require a decision where it is not practical to call the full board together and meet the requirements of a quorum.

b)      delegate authority to the chair and deputy chair, or any person acting in these roles, to make urgent decisions on behalf of the Ōrākei Local Board.

c)      agree that the relationship manager, chair and deputy chair (or any person/s acting in these roles) will authorise the urgent decision-making process by signing off an authorisation memorandum.

d)      note that all urgent decisions will be reported to the next ordinary meeting of the Ōrākei Local Board.





Ōrākei Local Board Workshop Proceedings


Resolution number OR/2019/255

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member C Davis:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board records for the workshops held on 17, 22, 31 October 2019 and 7, 14 and 21 November 2019 be noted.





Resolutions Pending Action


Resolution number OR/2019/256

MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member M Voyce:  

That the Ōrākei Local Board resolutions pending action report be noted.



30        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   


6.13 pm                                              The Chairman thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









