I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Hauraki Gulf Forum will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Monday, 17 February 2020


Albany Community Hub,
Fruit Growers Room,
575A Albany Highway,

Hauraki Gulf Forum






Cr Donna Arnold

Matamata-Piako District Council

Mr Andrew Baucke

Department of Conservation


Cr Pippa Coom

Auckland Council


Cr Christine Fletcher

Auckland Council


Mayor Sandra Goudie

Thames-Coromandel District Council


Mr Steve Halley

Ministry for Primary Industries


Ms Cath Handley

Waiheke Local Board (Auckland Council)


Mr Terrence Hohneck

Tangata Whenua


Ms Nicola MacDonald

Tangata Whenua


Mr Paul Majurey

Tangata Whenua


Mr Martin Mariassouce

Te Puni Kōkiri


Cr Rob McGuire

Waikato District Council


Mr Scott Milne

Orakei Local Board (Auckland Council)


Mr Dean Ogilvie

Tangata Whenua


Cr Anne Marie Spicer

Hauraki District Council


Ms Moana Tamaariki-Pohe

Tangata Whenua


Cr Denis Tegg

Waikato Regional Council


Ms Valmaine Toki

Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board (Auckland Council)


Cr Wayne Walker

Auckland Council


Cr John Watson

Auckland Council


(Quorum 11 members)




Mike Giddey

Kaitohutohu Mana Whakahaere / Governance Advisor


10 February 2020


Contact Telephone: 027 221 7183

Email: mike.giddey@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz



Selected extracts from the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act 2000



3          Purpose


The purpose of this Act is to—


(a)          integrate the management of the natural, historic, and physical resources of the Hauraki Gulf, its islands, and catchments:

(b)          establish the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park:

(c)          establish objectives for the management of the Hauraki Gulf, its islands, and catchments:

(d)          recognise the historic, traditional, cultural, and spiritual relationship of the tangata whenua with the Hauraki Gulf and its islands:

(e)          establish the Hauraki Gulf Forum.


Part 1  Management of Hauraki Gulf


7          Recognition of national significance of Hauraki Gulf


(1)        The interrelationship between the Hauraki Gulf, its islands, and catchments and the ability of that interrelationship to sustain the life-supporting capacity of the environment of the Hauraki Gulf and its islands are matters of national significance.

(2)        The life-supporting capacity of the environment of the Gulf and its islands includes the capacity—

(a)        to provide for—

(i)      the historic, traditional, cultural, and spiritual relationship of the tangata whenua of the Gulf with the Gulf and its islands; and

(ii)      the social, economic, recreational, and cultural well-being of people and communities:

(b)        to use the resources of the Gulf by the people and communities of the Gulf and New Zealand for economic activities and recreation:

(c)        to maintain the soil, air, water, and ecosystems of the Gulf.


8          Management of Hauraki Gulf


To recognise the national significance of the Hauraki Gulf, its islands, and catchments, the objectives of the management of the Hauraki Gulf, its islands, and catchments are—


(a)          the protection and, where appropriate, the enhancement of the life-supporting capacity of the environment of the Hauraki Gulf, its islands, and catchments:

(b)          the protection and, where appropriate, the enhancement of the natural, historic, and physical resources of the Hauraki Gulf, its islands, and catchments:

(c)          the protection and, where appropriate, the enhancement of those natural, historic, and physical resources (including kaimoana) of the Hauraki Gulf, its islands, and catchments with which tangata whenua have an historic, traditional, cultural, and spiritual relationship:

(d)          the protection of the cultural and historic associations of people and communities in and around the Hauraki Gulf with its natural, historic, and physical resources:

(e)          the maintenance and, where appropriate, the enhancement of the contribution of the natural, historic, and physical resources of the Hauraki Gulf, its islands, and catchments to the social and economic well-being of the people and communities of the Hauraki Gulf and New Zealand:

(f)            the maintenance and, where appropriate, the enhancement of the natural, historic, and physical resources of the Hauraki Gulf, its islands, and catchments, which contribute to the recreation and enjoyment of the Hauraki Gulf for the people and communities of the Hauraki Gulf and New Zealand.


Part 2  Hauraki Gulf Forum


15        Purposes of Forum


The Forum has the following purposes:


(a)          to integrate the management and, where appropriate, to promote the conservation and management in a sustainable manner, of the natural, historic, and physical resources of the Hauraki Gulf, its islands, and catchments, for the benefit and enjoyment of the people and communities of the Gulf and New Zealand:

(b)          to facilitate communication, co-operation, and co-ordination on matters relating to the statutory functions of the constituent parties in relation to the Hauraki Gulf, its islands, and catchments, and the Forum:

(c)          to recognise the historic, traditional, cultural, and spiritual relationship of tangata whenua with the Hauraki Gulf, its islands, and, where appropriate, its catchments.


16        Establishment of Forum


(1)        A body called the Hauraki Gulf Forum is established.

(2)        The Forum consists of the following representatives:

(a)            1 representative appointed by the Minister:

(b)            1 representative appointed by the Minister of Fisheries:

(c)            1 representative appointed by the Minister of Maori Affairs:

(ca)       7 representatives appointed by the Auckland Council:

(d)            1 representative appointed by each of the following local authorities:

…(iv) Hauraki District Council:

…(vi) Matamata-Piako District Council:

…(ix) Thames-Coromandel District Council:

…(x) Waikato District Council:

…(xi) Waikato Regional Council:

(e)             6 representatives of the tangata whenua of the Hauraki Gulf and its islands appointed by the Minister, after consultation with the tangata whenua and the Minister of Maori Affairs.

(2A)     The representatives appointed in accordance with subsection (2)(ca) must—

(a)        be members of—

(i)         the Auckland Council; or

(ii)        a local board of the Auckland Council elected in accordance with the Local Electoral Act 2001; and

(b)        include 1 member of each of the Great Barrier Island and Waiheke Island local boards.

(3)        The representatives appointed in accordance with subsection (2)(d) or (5) must be members of the local authority elected in accordance with the Local Electoral Act 2001.


17        Functions of Forum


(1)        To promote sections 7 and 8, the Forum has the following functions in relation to the Hauraki Gulf, its islands, and catchments:

(a)  to prepare a list of strategic issues, determine a priority for action on each issue, and regularly review that list:

(b)  to facilitate and encourage co-ordinated financial planning, where possible, by the constituent parties:

(c)   to obtain, share, and monitor information on the state of the natural and physical resources:

(d)  to receive reports on the completion and implementation of deeds of recognition:

(e)  to require and receive reports from constituent parties on the development and implementation of policies and strategies to address the issues identified under paragraph (a):

(f)    to receive reports from the tangata whenua of the Hauraki Gulf on the development and implementation of iwi management or development plans:

(g)  to prepare and publish, once every 3 years, a report on the state of the environment in the Hauraki Gulf, including information on progress towards integrated management and responses to the issues identified in accordance with paragraph (a):

(h)  to promote and advocate the integrated management and, where appropriate, the sustainable management of the Hauraki Gulf, its islands, and catchments:

(i)    to encourage, share, co-ordinate where appropriate, and disseminate educational and promotional material:

(j)    to liaise with, and receive reports from, persons and groups having an interest in the Hauraki Gulf and business and community interests to promote an interest in the purposes of the Forum:

(k)   to commission research into matters relating to the functions of the Forum.

(2)        When carrying out its functions under subsection (1), the Forum must have particular regard to the historic, traditional, cultural, and spiritual relationship of tangata whenua with the natural, historic, and physical resources of the Hauraki Gulf, its islands, and catchments.


18        Powers of Forum


(1)        The Forum has the powers that are reasonably necessary to carry out its functions.

(2)        The Forum’s powers include the powers—

(a)        to consider issues related to its purpose; and

(b)        to receive reports from constituent parties; and

(c)        to make recommendations to constituent parties; and

(d)        to advise any person who requests the Forum’s advice; and

(e)        to commission or undertake those activities that are necessary to achieve its purpose.

(3) The Forum must not—

(a)        appear before a court or tribunal other than as a witness if called by a party to proceedings; or

(b)     take part in a decision-making process under any enactment other than to advise when requested to do so.


Hauraki Gulf Forum

17 February 2020



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                         PAGE

Whakatau – Karakia/mihi

1          Apologies                                                                                                                        9

2          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   9

3          Confirmation of Minutes                                                                                               9

4          Public Forum                                                                                                                  9

4.1     Public Forum - Long Bay Okura Great Park Society                                       9

4.2     Public Forum - Keep Okura Green                                                                     9

4.3     Public Forum - Environmental Protection Authority                                     10

5          Extraordinary Business                                                                                              10

6          Deputy Chairperson's Report                                                                                     11

7          Election of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson                                                   13

8          2020 State of the Environment Report                                                                      15

9          2020 Marine Park Poster                                                                                           193

10        Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari Update                                                                     197

11        Shellfish Restoration Coordination Group Update                                                199

12        Executive Officer's Report                                                                                        201

13        Any Other Business                                                                                                  229  

14        Consideration of Extraordinary Items 






1          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


2          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.


At the close of the agenda no declarations of interest had been received.


3          Confirmation of Minutes


            There are no minutes to confirm.


4          Public Forum



4.1       Public Forum - Long Bay Okura Great Park Society

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       Bruce Usher, Convenor will present on behalf of the Long Bay Okura Great Park Society.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      thank Bruce Usher for his presentation on behalf of the Long Bay Okura Great Park Society.




4.2       Public Forum - Keep Okura Green

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       Peter Townend, Chair will present a video titled “Mud, sweat and bureaucracy” which gives the story of the community’s 40-year effort to protect the waters of the Okura Estuary.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      thank Peter Townend for his presentation on behalf of Keep Okura Green.





4.3       Public Forum - Environmental Protection Authority

Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       Ben Moginie – Senior Advisor – Lands & Oceans Applications, Sandra Balcombe – Manager (Acting) – Land & Oceans Applications and Doug Jones – Manahautῡ KKT – Kaupapa Kura Taiao from the Environmental Protection Authority will make a presentation titled “EEZ Applications Process”.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      thank the representatives from the Environmental Protection Authority for their presentation.




5          Extraordinary Business


Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-


(a)        The local  authority by resolution so decides; and


(b)        The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-


(i)         The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and


(ii)        The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”


Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:


“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-


(a)        That item may be discussed at that meeting if-


(i)         That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and


(ii)        the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but


(b)        no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”

Hauraki Gulf Forum

17 February 2020



Deputy Chairperson's Report

File No.: CP2020/00500




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To provide an update from the Deputy Chairperson.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The past few months have been the busiest and most challenging in my time as Deputy Chairperson of the Forum, with the confluence of the 2020 State of the Gulf Report, 20th Birthday of the Marine Park, 2020 Poster, engagements with the Minister and a broad range of stakeholders, and a large changeover in our membership. At the same time they have been very rewarding, particularly those days spent on and around the moana, including as we travelled out to meet new and returning local body members – visiting Aotea, Thames, Te Aroha, Waiheke, Hamilton, and Paeroa just prior to the break.

3.       As we begin this new cycle and new decade, there are many things to be thankful for and excited about. I am thankful to all of you and your technical officers for the hard work and support during this period without a Chairperson. I am excited about the energy among mana whenua, communities, educational organisations, philanthropists, scientists and others to restore the mauri of Tīkapa Moana, Te Moananui-ā-Toi. And with Te Matatini, the America’s Cup and APEC now just around the corner, more eyes than ever are turning to the Hauraki Gulf.

4.       Looking ahead I feel strongly that, among all the challenges and opportunities 2020 presents, it is important that we focus on the kaupapa. Our attention must remain firmly on our strategic issues, our legislated role and purpose. We must work together, in true partnership. If we do, then we will make the most of the opportunities ahead.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      note the report.



Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.     

Ngā kaihaina



Moana Tamaariki-Pohe – Deputy Chairperson Hauraki Gulf Forum


Hauraki Gulf Forum

17 February 2020



Election of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson

File No.: CP2020/00501



Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To support the election of the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The following positions are up for election under this agenda item: Hauraki Gulf Forum Chairperson and Hauraki Gulf Forum Deputy Chairperson.

3.       The process for the election is:

·      Current Deputy Chairperson (Ms Moana Tamaariki-Pohe) passes the chair to the Returning Officer, who conducts the election.

·      The Returning Officer calls for any last nominations.

·      The position of Chairperson will be taken first. If contested, each nominee will have 5     minutes to address the Forum, after which one round of voting by hand will be held,             with the candidate with the most number of votes elected. In the event of a tie, the    position will be decided by lot. If there is only one nomination, that person will be     elected. The Returning Officer will declare the result.

·      The position of Deputy Chairperson will be taken second. If contested, each nominee will have 5 minutes to address the Forum, after which one round of voting by hand will be held, with the candidate with the most number of votes elected. In the event of a tie, the position will be decided by lot. If there is only one nomination, that person will be elected. The Returning Officer will declare the result.

·      Upon conclusion of the agenda item, the Returning Officer will relinquish the floor to the elected Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson, who will assume their positions and oversee the remainder of the meeting.

4.       Regarding the tenure of the positions, in August 2019 the Forum resolved as follows:

·      (HGF/2019/32) the term for the next Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson be until the next Local Body elections, i.e. late-2022, or the conclusion of their individual term, whichever is earlier.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      elect a Chairperson of the Forum

b)      elect a Deputy Chairperson of the Forum.




Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.    

Ngā kaihaina



Alex Rogers - Executive Officer Hauraki Gulf Forum


Jacques Victor – General Manager Auckland Plan Strategy and Research


Hauraki Gulf Forum

17 February 2020



2020 State of the Environment Report

File No.: CP2020/00503



Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To convey the 2020 State of our Gulf report as prepared by independent consultants Coast & Catchment.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       Under section 17(1)(g) of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park Act 2000, the Forum is required to “prepare and publish, once every 3 years, a report on the state of the environment in the Hauraki Gulf”.

3.       In May 2019 the Forum resolved (HGF/2019/23) to commence the process to contract the 2020 State of our Gulf report – the sixth such report. The Forum also requested that the report be timed for release on the 20th anniversary of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park: 27 February 2020.

4.       The 2020 State of our Gulf report is attached to this report (see Attachment A – please note that this is the version without the final design/layout as that remains a work in progress).

5.       The report is on time, and on budget. It presents an independent analysis, through both a mātauranga and scientific lens, of the state of the environment of the Hauraki Gulf, Tīkapa Moana, Te Moananui-ā-Toi.

6.       On this occasion, the report looks primarily at the 20-year period since the establishment of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. It assesses the major environmental changes and impacts over that period. It draws attention to both the progress made and the degradation still occurring. It analogises the current situation in 2020 to that of a waka paddling against the tide. While the paddlers are now stronger and more numerous than in 2000, there is still more effort, more commitment, and more resolve required to restore and protect our collective taonga.

7.       The report is due for public release on the 20th birthday of the Marine Park: 27 February 2020. Key points from the report will also be used in the 2020 Marine Park Poster (see separate agenda item) which is due for release on the same day. 


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      receive the 2020 State of our Gulf report

b)      thank the authors, Dr Shane Kelly, Rauru Kirikiri, Carina Sim-Smith and Shaun Lee, for their hard work

c)      acknowledge the contributions from all members of the Forum.




Ngā tāpirihanga






2020 State of our Gulf Report



Ngā kaihaina



Alex Rogers - Executive Officer Hauraki Gulf Forum


Jacques Victor – General Manager Auckland Plan Strategy and Research


Hauraki Gulf Forum

17 February 2020


















































































































































































Hauraki Gulf Forum

17 February 2020



2020 Marine Park Poster

File No.: CP2020/00505




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To update members on the 2020 Marine Park poster.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Forum’s Marine Park poster has become an annual highlight for many around the Gulf and beyond, particularly for school-aged children who use it in the classroom and put it up on the wall at home.

3.       Since the first edition in 2011, more than one million posters have been distributed across the years.

4.       This 2020 edition provides a rare opportunity to leverage together the poster and the State of our Gulf report (separate report refers). It also provides an opportunity for a ‘20 years on’ theme, celebrating the best of the Marine Park while also calling attention to the challenges it continues to face.

5.       The final design, painted by artist Dave Gunson (see Attachment A), is at first blush beautiful and energetic. It then gives way to other, more subtle storylines, including around plastic, pollution, fishing, and marine pests.

6.       The graphical overlay, which is occurring now thanks to designer Shaun Lee, will place bi-lingual names on all species and convey the key messages from the State of the Gulf report.

7.       Distribution for the 2020 poster is going to be the highest on record, with around 200,000 copies going out. This is made possible not only due to the long-running partnership with the NZ Herald (which will take a bit over half that number), but thanks also to new partnerships to ensure copies go directly into hands – including Kelly Tarltons, Fullers360, BLAKE NZ, Young Ocean Explorers, Sir Peter Blake MERC, Auckland Zoo, and through the Forum’s own members for which we are grateful.

8.       In addition, the poster would not be possible without generous support from Foundation North, the Department of Conservation, and the NZ Association of Environmental Education.

9.       The poster will be distributed on the 20th birthday of the Marine Park: 27 February 2020.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      welcome the 2020 Marine Park poster.





Ngā tāpirihanga






Marine Park Poster



Ngā kaihaina



Alex Rogers - Executive Officer Hauraki Gulf Forum


Jacques Victor – General Manager Auckland Plan Strategy and Research


Hauraki Gulf Forum

17 February 2020



Hauraki Gulf Forum

17 February 2020



Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari Update

File No.: CP2020/00506




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To update the Forum on progress of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on the Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari Marine Spatial Plan, and the Government’s Response Strategy.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The representative of the Minister of Conservation will deliver an oral update at the meeting on behalf of the Department of Conservation and Fisheries New Zealand.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      note the report.



Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.    

Ngā kaihaina



Alex Rogers - Executive Officer Hauraki Gulf Forum


Jacques Victor – General Manager Auckland Plan Strategy and Research


Hauraki Gulf Forum

17 February 2020



Shellfish Restoration Coordination Group Update

File No.: CP2020/00507




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To update on progress of the Shellfish Restoration Coordination Group.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Coordinator of the Shellfish Restoration Coordination Group will deliver an oral update at the meeting.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      note the report.



Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.    

Ngā kaihaina



Alex Rogers - Executive Officer Hauraki Gulf Forum


Jacques Victor – General Manager Auckland Plan Strategy and Research


Hauraki Gulf Forum

17 February 2020



Executive Officer's Report

File No.: CP2020/00514




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To provide an update from the Executive Officer.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       It is almost six months since the Forum last met and a lot has happened in that time.

External Update

3.       Looking first outside the Forum, the following are among many notable developments either impacting on, or with potential to impact on the Hauraki Gulf:

a)         The recently formed Shellfish Restoration Coordination Group has gone from strength to strength, with membership and energy growing for significant restoration efforts in the period ahead (separate report refers).

b)         The Quay Street redevelopment in Auckland now has resource and biosecurity consents in place for the ‘tidal shelf’ area next to the ferry building, which will feature active mussel and ocean restoration efforts. Trials are to start shortly.

c)         The Court of Appeal’s judgment in the Mōtītī case, released in November 2019, has not been appealed. This could prove significant over time.

d)         A further $2 million has been added to Foundation North’s GIFT fund, which will further spur ‘system-level’ projects in the Hauraki Gulf (see Attachment C).

e)         Ōkahu Bay has been cleared of moorings, restoring the mauri of the bay and allowing initial conversations about further restoration efforts.

f)          A hui on kina barrens was held to progress community-led solutions to a growing problem.

g)         Several conversations progressing on the motu of the Gulf around marine protection are being led by or happening in partnership with mana whenua.

h)         The Bryde’s Whale Ship Strike Group agreed to cease regular meetings and meet only if needed, given that ship speeds continue to be at or below the target and no new fatalities have been reported in recent years (see Attachment B). Members of that group are interested in presenting to a future Forum meeting on lessons learned from what has been a very successful voluntary initiative.

i)          The Black Petrel Working Group (BPWG) is looking to become part of the National Seabird Advisory Group to better integrate its work with other groups supporting the protection of other seabirds. The BPWG is a good example of industry and conservationists working together for win-win outcomes.

j)          The Ministerial Advisory Committee on Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari, and the Government’s Response Strategy to it, are gathering speed with outcomes expected later this year (separate report refers).


k)         A ‘Communications Coordination Group’ for the Hauraki Gulf, facilitated by Foundation North, has formed to ensure consistent and mutually supportive messaging by key players, including Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development, Department of Conservation, Auckland Council, Sustainable Business Network, Auckland Foundation and the Forum.

l)          A whole-of-government America’s Cup Leverage and Legacy group, facilitated by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, and including the Forum, is now meeting regularly in the lead-up to AC36.

4.       All of this activity and more points to a positive period ahead.

Internal Update

5.       As the Deputy Chairperson outlined in her report (separate report refers) the past few months have been the busiest part of the Forum’s 3-year cycle. I am conscious that we have pushed hard to deliver things on time and that this has only been possible due to the goodwill and cooperation of everyone around the Forum table. Thank you for all your wonderful support thus far.

6.       The meeting of Technical Officers held at Fisheries NZ on 31 October 2019 was a very well attended. Please see the notes from that meeting at Attachment D to this report. 2020 Technical Officers’ meetings will be held roughly six weeks prior to the Forum meetings (see paragraph 10), and I would welcome offers to host those in different locations.

7.       I would also like to acknowledge the Forum’s part-time Communications Advisor, Mr Aden Miles for his contribution over the past few months, particularly in relation to the State of the Gulf report.

8.       Most of all, I would like to thank the Deputy Chairperson, Ms Moana Tamaariki-Pohe, for going above and beyond in her role and putting in an incredible amount of time and energy in carrying forward the Forum’s agenda without a Chairperson in place.

9.       Like all of you, I am looking forward to the celebration of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park’s 20th birthday later this month, and then – fingers crossed – to a slightly less frantic period ahead. That will allow us the opportunity to consolidate, take stock, and set direction under the new leadership elected at this meeting.

10.     The Forum will meet next in Te Aroha on 25 May, then in Auckland on 24 August, and finally for 2020 in Paeroa on 30 November.

Financial Position

11.     Attachment A contains the updated financials. As the past six months have been the busiest in the 3-year cycle of the Forum, so too have they been the most expensive. However, the overall financial position is sound, and expenditure is largely in line with the forecast.

12.     During the period since the last meeting three small grants were provided where there were opportunities to unlock other funding and progress initiatives which support the Forum’s strategic issues:

a)         $2500 to help pilot the ’21 Day Challenge’ marine education programme in schools (taking place in 2020).

b)         $2000 to support the filming of an episode of Fish of the Day on mussel restoration in the Hauraki Gulf (due to air in October 2020).

c)         $2700 to support the filming of a flyover of the Hauraki Gulf Marine Park for use in schools (will also be available for Forum members to use, and played at the 20th birthday).



Ngā tūtohunga


That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)            note the report.



Ngā tāpirihanga






Financial Update



Ship Speed Report



GIFT 3-year report



Notes from Technical Officers 31 October



Ngā kaihaina



Alex Rogers - Executive Officer Hauraki Gulf Forum


Jacques Victor – General Manager Auckland Plan Strategy and Research


Hauraki Gulf Forum

17 February 2020




Hauraki Gulf Forum

17 February 2020



Hauraki Gulf Forum

17 February 2020


















Hauraki Gulf Forum

17 February 2020





Hauraki Gulf Forum

17 February 2020



Any Other Business

File No.: CP2020/01091




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To provide members an opportunity to update the meeting on matters not included in the agenda papers.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      receive any verbal updates from members.



Ngā tāpirihanga


There are no attachments for this report.    

Ngā kaihaina



Alex Rogers - Executive Officer Hauraki Gulf Forum


Jacques Victor – General Manager Auckland Plan Strategy and Research