Hauraki Gulf Forum






Minutes of a meeting of the Hauraki Gulf Forum held in the Albany Community Hub, Fruit Growers Room, 575A Albany Highway, Albany on Monday, 17 February 2020 at 1.30pm.





Cr Pippa Coom

Auckland Council – presiding from 4.00pm, Item 8


Cr Donna Arnold

Matamata-Piako District Council

Mr Andrew Baucke

Department of Conservation


Mr Andrew Bell

Ministry for Primary Industries


Cr Christine Fletcher

Auckland Council


Mayor Sandra Goudie

Thames-Coromandel District Council – until 4.32pm Item 9


Ms Cath Handley

Waiheke Local Board (Auckland Council)


Mr Terrence Hohneck

Tangata Whenua


Ms Nicola MacDonald

Tangata Whenua


Mr Paul Majurey

Tangata Whenua – until 4.17pm Item 8


Mr Martin Mariassouce

Te Puni Kōkiri


Cr Rob McGuire

Waikato District Council


Mr Scott Milne

Orākei Local Board (Auckland Council)


Mr Dean Ogilvie

Tangata Whenua


Cr Anne Marie Spicer

Hauraki District Council


Ms Moana Tamaariki-Pohe

Tangata Whenua – presiding until 2.56pm, Item 7


Cr Denis Tegg

Waikato Regional Council


Ms Valmaine Toki

Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board (Auckland Council)


Cr Wayne Walker

Auckland Council


Cr John Watson

Auckland Council






Ms Kylee Matthews (Alt)

Waiheke Local Board (Auckland Council)


Hauraki Gulf Forum

17 February 2020




Mr Martin Mariassouce opened the meeting with a karakia.



1          Apologies


There were no apologies.



2          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.



3          Confirmation of Minutes


            There were no minutes to confirm.


4          Public Forum



Public Forum - Long Bay Okura Great Park Society


Bruce Usher provided a presentation on behalf of the Long Bay Okura Great Park Society A copy of the presentation has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number HGF/2020/1

MOVED by Member M Tamaariki-Pohe, seconded by Mayor S Goudie:  

That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      thank Bruce Usher for his presentation on behalf of the Long Bay Okura Great Park Society.




a     17 February 2020 - Hauraki Gulf Forum - Item 4.1 - Public Forum: Long Bay Okura Great Park Society - presentation




Public Forum - Keep Okura Green


Peter Townend provided a verbal presentation on behalf of Keep Okura Green which told the story of the community’s 40-year effort to protect the waters of the Okura Estuary.  Members requested a copy of the “Auckland east coast estuarine monitoring programme” report and as the report is currently being peer reviewed it will be provided at the latest by the May meeting by Auckland Council.


Resolution number HGF/2020/2

MOVED by Member M Tamaariki-Pohe, seconded by Cr J Watson:  

That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      thank Peter Townend for his presentation on behalf of Keep Okura Green.

b)      request a copy of the “Auckland east coast estuarine monitoring           programme” report.




Public Forum - Environmental Protection Authority


Doug Jones, Ben Moginie and Sandra Balcombe from the Environmental Protection Authority provided a presentation titled “EEZ Applications Process”. A copy of the presentation has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number HGF/2020/3

MOVED by Member S Milne, seconded by Cr DA Arnold:  

That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      thank the representatives from the Environmental Protection Authority for their presentation.




a     17 February 2020 - Hauraki Gulf Forum - Item 4.3 - Public Forum: Environmental Protection Authority - presentation




Public Forum - Te Wairua O Te Moananui - Ocean Spirit Charitable Trust


Jane Pares – Edney and Glenn Edney introduced themselves as trustees of the Te Wairua O Te Moananui – Ocean Spirit Charitable Trust and Glenn gave a brief verbal presentation indicating what the trust does.


Resolution number HGF/2020/4

MOVED by Cr C Fletcher, seconded by Cr J Watson:  

That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      thank Glenn Edney for his presentation.



5          Extraordinary Business


Cr Christine Fletcher referred to the drought like conditions being experienced on the Gulf Islands and Andrew Baucke, Department of Conservation responded briefly.




Deputy Chairperson's Report


Resolution number HGF/2020/5

MOVED by Member M Tamaariki-Pohe, seconded by Mayor S Goudie:  

That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      note the report.



The meeting adjourned at 2.43pm and reconvened at 2.56pm.





Election of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson


Ms Moana Tamaariki-Pohe, Current Deputy Chairperson handed over the chair to the Governance Advisor who acted as the Returning Officer for this item.


MOVED by Cr DT Tegg, seconded by Member S Milne:  

That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      elect a Chairperson of the Forum

b)      elect a Deputy Chairperson of the Forum.


Note:   an amendment to replace clauses a) and b) was moved with the agreement of the meeting.


Resolution number HGF/2020/6

MOVED by Member N MacDonald, seconded by Member P Majurey:  

That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)         adopt a Co-Chairperson arrangement one of whom will be a Tangata Whenua member, as confirmed by the Tangata Whenua members of the Forum.



Note:   Pursuant to Standing Order 3.14.5, the following members requested that their dissenting votes be recorded as follows:

·         Mayor S Goudie

·         Cr W Walker

·         Cr J Watson.

Note:   Pursuant to Standing Order 3.14.4, the following members requested that their abstentions be recorded as follows:

·         Member A Baucke

·         Member A Bell.


The Returning Officer conducted the vote for the Co-Chairperson and declared Cr Pippa Coom as the Co-Chairperson following a closed ballot.


Resolution number HGF/2020/7

MOVED by Cr C Fletcher, seconded by Cr AS Spicer:  

That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

b)         elect Cr Pippa Coom as Co-Chairperson of the Forum.



Cr P Coom assumed the chair from 4.00pm.


Note:   From this point forward, agenda items were taken in the following order:


11            Shellfish Restoration Coordination Group Update

10            Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari Update

8              2020 State of the Environment Report

9              2020 Marine Park Poster

12            Executive Officer’s Report

13            Any Other Business

14            Consideration of Extraordinary Items



Shellfish Restoration Coordination Group Update


Peter van Kampen, Coordinator of the Shellfish Restoration Coordination Group provided a verbal update and also referred to the Shellfish Restoration 3 year Plan. Copies of the update and the Shellfish Restoration 3 year Plan have been placed on the official minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments.


Resolution number HGF/2020/8

MOVED by Cr P Coom, seconded by Cr DA Arnold:  

That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      note the report.




a     17 February 2020 - Hauraki Gulf Forum - Item 11 - Shellfish Restoration Coordination Group Update - presentation

b     17 February 2020 - Hauraki Gulf Forum - Item 11 - Shellfish Restoration Coordination Group Update - 3 year Plan



Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari Update


Andrew Baucke, Department of Conservation provided a verbal update on behalf of the Department of Conservation and Fisheries New Zealand. A copy of the update has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number HGF/2020/9

MOVED by Cr AS Spicer, seconded by Member DO Ogilvie:  

That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      note the report.




a     17 February 2020 - Hauraki Gulf Forum - Item 10 - Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari Update - presentation


Member P Majurey retired from the meeting at 4.17pm.



2020 State of the Environment Report


Dr Shane Kelly, Carina Sim-Smith and Shaun Lee from the independent consultants Coast & Catchment Ltd were in attendance to answer questions from members.


Resolution number HGF/2020/10

MOVED by Member M Tamaariki-Pohe, seconded by Member DO Ogilvie:  

That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      receive the 2020 State of our Gulf report

b)      thank the authors, Dr Shane Kelly, Rauru Kirikiri, Carina Sim-Smith and Shaun Lee, for their hard work

c)      acknowledge the contributions from all members of the Forum.


Mayor S Goudie retired from the meeting at 4.32pm.


2020 Marine Park Poster


Resolution number HGF/2020/11

MOVED by Cr P Coom, seconded by Member N MacDonald:  

That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      welcome the 2020 Marine Park poster.




Executive Officer's Report


Resolution number HGF/2020/12

MOVED by Cr C Fletcher, seconded by Cr W Walker:  

That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)         note the report.




Any Other Business


The following members provided updates:

Cr C Fletcher – recent acquisition of 95 hectares of land to be incuded in the Mahurangi Regional Park, north of Auckland

Member N MacDonald – acknowledgement of contribution by former member Liane Ngamane

Cr D Tegg – update to Waikato Regional Coastal Plan, Kaiaua inundation issues and concerns about drought


Resolution number HGF/2020/13

MOVED by Cr P Coom, seconded by Member C Handley:  

That the Hauraki Gulf Forum:

a)      receive the verbal updates from members

b)      acknowledge the contribution by retiring member Liane Ngamane.



14        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.  


4.43pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









