Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board held via Skype for Business on Tuesday, 12 May 2020 at 1.04pm. Either a recording or written summary will be uploaded on the Auckland Council website.
Chairperson |
Izzy Fordham |
Deputy Chairperson |
Luke Coles |
Members |
Susan Daly |
Patrick O'Shea |
Valmaine Toki |
From 1.10pm, item #10 |
Councillor |
Pippa Coom |
Waitematā and Gulf Ward Councillor |
Janine Geddes |
Acting Relationship Manager – Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board |
Jacqui Fyers |
Senior Local Board Advisor – Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board |
Jamie Emmens |
PA Liaison – Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board |
Kathy Cumming |
Barrier Bulletin |
Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board 12 May 2020 |
Chairperson IM Fordham opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.
Note: Chairperson IM Fordham conducted a roll-call of board members and staff to ascertain attendance by electronic link. Member V Toki was registered online but unable to respond due to connection issues.
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number GBI/2020/19 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Coles: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 25 February 2020 as true and correct.
There were no leaves of absence.
Acknowledgement - Chairperson IM Fordham and Aotea Emergency Response Team |
Resolution number GBI/2020/20 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson L Coles, seconded by Member S Daly: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) acknowledge Izzy Fordham, chair of the local board, for the long hours and hard work she has put in throughout the COVID 19 crisis, as part of the emergency response team. Commend the outstanding leadership she has given as the front face to the community and advocating for its members. b) acknowledge the unique situation we have faced and how Auckland Council and staff have done an outstanding job of adjusting to a turbulent and fluid situation with special shout out to Jacqui Fyers, Janine Geddes, Guia Nonoy and Jamie Emmens. c) thank the Aotea Emergency Response Team for all their hard work during this time. |
Note: Later in the meeting, the Deputy Chair moved a motion to acknowledge the chair of the local board. The meeting agreed to incorporate this at Item 6.1 - Acknowledgement - Chairperson IM Fordham and Aotea Emergency Response Team. Item 6.1 was subsequently recommitted, and all clauses successfully passed under resolution number GBI/2020/20. |
There were no petitions.
There were no deputations.
There was no public forum.
There was no extraordinary business.
Member V Toki joined the meeting.
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Attendance at local board meetings during the Epidemic Preparedness (COVID-19) Notice period |
Resolution number GBI/2020/21 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Coles: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) note the temporary amendments pursuant to the COVID-19 Response (Urgent Management Measures) Act 2020 which allows members to attend meetings by audio-visual link, as of right and despite anything to the contrary in standing orders and to be counted for the purposes of quorum. b) amend its standing orders by including a new Standing Order 3.3.10 that reads as follows: Attendance of non-members by electronic link A person other than a member of the local board may participate in a meeting of the local board by means of audio link or audio-visual link if the person is otherwise approved to participate in accordance with Standing Orders Sections 6 and 7. c) amend its Standing Order 7.8.5 to provide discretion to the chair of the meeting to decline Public Forum requests via audio or audio-visual link.
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Note: the following was moved as a chair’s recommendation. |
Resolution number GBI/2020/22 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member P O'Shea: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) agree that item 12:Claris Cemetery project be deferred until the next meeting of the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board scheduled to be held Tuesday 26 May 2020 at 1pm.
Local board decisions and input into the Annual Budget 2020/2021 |
Note: changes to original recommendation under clause c) and the addition of new clauses d) and e) were incorporated with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number GBI/2020/23 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member P O'Shea: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) receive consultation feedback on the proposed Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board priorities for 2020/2021. b) receive consultation feedback on regional proposals in the Annual Budget 2020/2021 from people or organisations based in the Aotea / Great Barrier local board area. c) have no further feedback on the proposed Annual Budget 2020/2021 (Consultation part 1) at this time. d) delegate the chairperson, in consultation with the board, to provide feedback to help the Governing Body determine its draft Annual Budget 2020/2021 (Consultation part 2), referred to as the “Emergency Budget”, by Monday 18 May 2020. e) note that there will be additional feedback on the annual budget proposals following the second tranche of public consultation on the Emergency Budget (Consultation part 2).
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Local board feedback for inclusion in Auckland Council submissions |
Note: changes to the original motion were incorporated under clause a) and clause b) with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number GBI/2020/24 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Coles: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) delegate authority to the chair and deputy chair to approve and submit the local board’s input into Auckland Council submissions on formal consultation from government departments, parliament, select committees and other councils. b) note that the local board can continue to use its urgent decision process to approve and submit the local board’s input into Auckland Council submissions on formal consultation from government departments, parliament, select committees and other councils, if the chair and deputy chair choose not to exercise the delegation sought in recommendation (a). c) note that this delegation will only be exercised where the timeframes do not allow for local board input to be considered and approved at a local board meeting. d) note all local input approved and submitted for inclusion in an Auckland Council submission is to be included on the next local board meeting agenda for the public record.
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Local board representative on the Auckland Council Hauraki Gulf Political Reference Group |
Resolution number GBI/2020/25 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Coles: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) appoint Member V Toki to be the representative to the Auckland Council Hauraki Gulf Political Reference Group.
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Urgent decision request of the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board regarding COVID-19 crisis funding assistance for Aotea Family Support Group |
Note: changes to the original recommendation adding new clause b) were made with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number GBI/2020/26 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member S Daly: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) ratify the approved urgent decision (Attachment A of the report) dated 22 April 2020 regarding COVID-19 crisis funding assistance for Aotea Family Support Group. b) acknowledge the good work that the Aotea Family Support Group has undertaken during this time of crisis.
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Ratification of Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board feedback on the Independent Council-Controlled Organisations Review |
Note: changes to the original recommendation adding new clause b) were made with the agreement of the meeting |
Resolution number GBI/2020/27 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Coles: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) ratify Attachment A of the report as the board’s feedback provided on 17 April 2020 for inclusion in the Independent Council-Controlled Organisations review. b) thank Jacqui Fyers for collating the board’s feedback on the Independent Council-Controlled Organisations Review.
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Ratification of Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board feedback on proposed amendments to Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Action Framework |
Note: changes to the original recommendation adding new clause b) were made with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number GBI/2020/28 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Coles: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) ratify Attachment A of the report as the board’s feedback provided on the proposed amendments to Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Action Framework submitted on 8 April 2020. b) thank Jacqui Fyers for collating the board’s feedback on the Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Action Framework.
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Note: changes to the original recommendation adding new clause e) were made with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number GBI/2020/29 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Member P O'Shea: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) adopt the input submitted on the inter-regional marine pest pathway management (Attachment A of the report). b) adopt the submitted feedback on Proposed National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity (Attachment B of the report). c) adopt the feedback submitted on the Death, Funerals, Burial and Cremation: a Review of the Burial and Cremation Act 1964 and Related Legislation (Attachment C of the report). d) adopt the submitted feedback on the Justice Committee’s inquiry into the 2019 local elections and liquor licensing trust and recent energy trust (Attachment D of the report). e) thank Jacqui Fyers, Senior Local Board Advisor for all her hard work in putting together all the board’s feedback.
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Cr Coom was in attendance to speak to her report. |
Note: changes to the original recommendation adding new clauses b) and c) were made with the agreement of the meeting |
Resolution number GBI/2020/30 MOVED by Chairperson I Fordham, seconded by Deputy Chairperson L Coles: That the Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board: a) receive the written report update from the Waitematā and Gulf Ward Councillor, Pippa Coom. b) thank Cr Pippa Coom for her attendance. c) acknowledge and thank Cr Coom for her support and guidance during the COVID-19 crisis.
21 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
2.14 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.