I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Heritage Advisory Panel will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Monday, 11 May 2020 6.00pm This meetings will be held remotely |
Heritage Advisory Panel
Chairperson |
Sherry Reynolds |
Deputy Chairperson |
Members |
Cr Wayne Walker |
Elizabeth Aitken-Rose |
Steve Bielby |
Noelene Buckland |
John Burns |
Bridget Graham |
Caleb Hamilton |
Sally Hughes |
Alexander Jorgensen |
Margot McRae |
Nicola Short |
Lisa Truttman |
David Veart |
(Quorum 8 members)
Andrew Gray Kaitohutohu Mana Whakahaere / Governance Advisor
5 May 2020
Contact Telephone: 021583018 Email: andrew.gray@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
(Excerpt – full terms of reference available as a separate document)
The terms of reference set out the purpose, role and protocols of the Panel. Panel members abide by the Code of Conduct for members of Auckland Council advisory panels.
As one of council’s engagement mechanisms with the heritage sector in Auckland, the Heritage Advisory Panel provides advice to the governing body and council staff within the remit of historic heritage issues on the following areas:
• council policies, plans, processes and strategies
• regional and strategic matters
• any matter of particular interest or concern to heritage communities.
Note: specific resource consents applications are not within the scope of the panel’s advice
The panel’s advice will contribute to the promotion and management of historic heritage of Auckland. The panel will advise through their agreed work programme on heritage matters that may be brought before the panel.
Strategic agenda and work programme
The panel must develop a work programme and set a strategic agenda for the term. The agendas should be focused and integrated across the panels for collaborative input into shared agendas, particularly on the Auckland Plan, the Long-term Plan and annual plans. The panel should advise on council’s organisational strategies relevant to diverse communities.
The governing body and council staff should work with the panel for the development of their strategic agendas and work programme. An appropriate committee will approve the panel’s work programme and any subsequent major changes to it.
The panel must not make formal submissions to Auckland Council on council strategies, policies and plans, for example, the annual plan.
In its advisory role to the council, the panel may have input to submissions made by the council to external organisations but do not make independent submissions, except as agreed with the council.
This does not prevent individual members being party to submissions outside their role as panel members.
The form and functioning of the panels may be reviewed prior to or after, the end of thepanel’s term in September 2019.
Heritage Advisory Panel 11 May 2020 |
1 Apologies 5
2 Declaration of Interest 5
3 Confirmation of Minutes 5
4 Extraordinary Business 5
5 Introduction of Panel members 7
6 Introduction to the Heritage Unit 9
7 Heritage Advisory Panel Work Programme 13
8 Auckland Heritage Festival 2020 31
9 Timing of the election of chairperson and deputy chairperson 33
10 General Discussion 47
11 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
There are no minutes for confirmation. |
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
Heritage Advisory Panel 11 May 2020 |
File No.: CP2020/05425
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To introduce the members of the Heritage Advisory Panel. Each Panel member is asked to introduce themselves and provide(verbally) a brief 2-3 minute overview of their background/interests
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. The re-establishment of the Heritage Advisory Panel in the 2019-2022 term with a membership of community representatives and leading professionals is expected to raise the profile of historic heritage both within the council and among the public. This panel will advise the council to build a shared understanding of how the historic heritage of Auckland should be identified, managed, protected, conserved, appreciated and celebrated.
3. The focus of the Heritage Advisory Panel is on historic heritage which includes cultural heritage, historic sites, structures, places, objects and areas and their surrounds, and archaeological sites.
4. Previously membership of the panel has been rolled over with this being the first occasion since the inception of the panel that nominations have been called for.
5. This panel has a mixture of experts in their field as well as community advocates with many members being both.
6. There are five members with previous experience on the Panel.
They are:
Dave Veart |
Elizabeth Aitken Rose |
John Burns |
Sally Hughes |
Sherry Reynolds |
7. New Panel members consist of;
Alexander Jorgensen |
Bridget Graham |
Caleb Hamilton |
Lisa Truttman |
Margot McRae |
Nicola Short |
Noelene Buckland |
Steve Bielby |
8. In addition, two places within the panel have been reserved for university students yet to be appointed, which leaves one place should an additional member with lived experience in Te Ao Māori and knowledge of the contemporary issues facing Māori communities in Auckland be identified.
Recommendation/s That the Heritage Advisory Panel: a) receive the report.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Noel Reardon - Manager Heritage |
Authoriser |
Noel Reardon - Manager Heritage |
Heritage Advisory Panel 11 May 2020 |
Introduction to the Heritage Unit
File No.: CP2020/05429
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To introduce staff within the Unit as well as provide a brief overview of work currently underway.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. The Heritage Unit sits within Plans and Places within the Chief Planning Office. The Unit consists of 5 teams (see attachment).
3. Each of the team leaders (technology permitting) will provide a brief overview of their team and the work they are currently involved in.
Recommendation/s That the Heritage Advisory Panel: a) receive the report. |
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Organisational Chart |
11 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Noel Reardon - Manager Heritage |
Authoriser |
Noel Reardon - Manager Heritage |
11 May 2020 |
Heritage Advisory Panel Work Programme
File No.: CP2020/05427
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To provide information to assist the Panel in developing a work programme.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. Under the Terms of reference, the Panel is tasked with developing its work programme for the term. The work programme will keep the panel’s agendas focused and aligned with the council’s priorities.
3. The panel’s work programme will be approved by the Planning Committee.
4. It would be beneficial if panel members focused on areas of work that the Council/Heritage Unit are working on.
5. As part of a team building exercise the Heritage Unit has developed a 10-year work plan/strategy. This identifies areas of work that staff want to focus on. One of the drivers being to have heritage in as good a place as it can be in time for the review of the Unitary Plan.
6. To inform the panel on areas of work that the unit will be working on the strategy is attached. Further each team leader will provide a brief overview on work/issues that they are currently working on.
7. It is not anticipated that the Panel will immediately develop a work programme but rather over time identify areas of work of interest. This will enable staff to bring relevant information to the panel’s attention.
Recommendation/s That the Heritage Advisory Panel: a) receive the Heritage Unit 10 Year Strategy
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
10 year strategy |
15 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Noel Reardon - Manager Heritage |
Authoriser |
Noel Reardon - Manager Heritage |
11 May 2020 |
Auckland Heritage Festival 2020
File No.: CP2020/05489
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To introduce proposals for, and issues around the 2020 Heritage festival.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. The Auckland Heritage Festival is an annual event organised by Council with individual events put on by the public.
3. Cara Cantwell Event Organiser within the Arts, Community & Events department of Council will outline her role and the role of the department in the event. She will also provide a quick update on the theme and dates.
4. Given the uncertain nature of what life will be like at the time of the festival Cara will provide a summary of options for this year.
5. Members can provide comments at the meeting and also any thoughts/ideas/feedback on how we could deliver a great festival can be sent to Cara directly at cara.cantwell@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Recommendation/s That the Heritage Advisory Panel: a) provide thoughts/ideas/feedback to officers.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Noel Reardon - Manager Heritage |
Authoriser |
Noel Reardon - Manager Heritage |
Heritage Advisory Panel 11 May 2020 |
Timing of the election of chairperson and deputy chairperson
File No.: CP2020/05125
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To consider deferring the decision of when to elect a chairperson and deputy chairperson for the Heritage Advisory Panel (the panel).
Recommendation/s That the Heritage Advisory Panel: a) defer the decision to elect a chairperson and deputy chairperson until at least the third meeting of the panel. |
2. For the 2019-2022 term of the Heritage Advisory Panel, members are required to elect a chairperson and deputy chairperson from within the panel.
3. The chairperson is responsible for chairing all panel meetings and workshops. The chairperson is also the spokesperson for the panel when external organisations, including central government or the media, seek the views of the panel on specific matters.
4. The role of the deputy chairperson is to support the chairperson to run panel meetings and perform any delegated tasks from the chairperson.
5. The terms of reference states that the Mayor will appoint an interim Chairperson but that the Panel must select a chairperson within three months of appointment.
6. This timeframe was intended to give the panel some time to establish or re-establish itself before an election process and it had been anticipated that the election process would take place during the second panel meeting.
7. However, due to the COVID-19 situation and the initial meeting being held through Skype rather than face-to-face, it is recommended that panel members defer this decision until at least the third meeting to allow additional time to get to know each other and for the panel’s work programme to become clearer as Auckland moves into recovery phase. This third meeting is expected to take place in September 2020.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Terms of Reference for the Heritage Advisory Panel |
35 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Carol Hayward - Principal Advisor Panels |
Authorisers |
Rose Leonard - Executive Officer Noel Reardon - Manager Heritage |
11 May 2020 |
File No.: CP2020/05431
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To gove members the opportunity to raise any issues and ask any questions.
Recommendation/s That the Heritage Advisory Panel: a) receive any verbal updates from members.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Noel Reardon - Manager Heritage |
Authoriser |
John Duguid - General Manager - Plans and Places |