Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board held via Skype for Business on Wednesday, 6 May 2020 at 5:00pm.

Either a recording or written summary of this meeting will be uploaded to the Auckland Council website.





Lemauga Lydia Sosene


Deputy Chairperson

Togiatolu Walter Togiamua



Tauanu’u Nanai Nick Bakulich



Makalita Kolo



Anae Dr Neru Leavasa



Christine O'Brien



Harry Fatu Toleafoa







Cr Alf Filipaina




Cr Efeso Collins









Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board

06 May 2020




1          Welcome


Deputy Chair Togiamua led the meeting in prayer.


2          Apologies


There were no apologies.



3          Declaration of Interest


Member Leavasa declared an interest in Item 16 Māngere-Otāhuhu Youth Scholarships 2020 - MYOG 106 Dimetr’e.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number MO/2020/36

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member A Neru Leavasa:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 18 March 2020, as  true and correct.



5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements

            Additional acknowledgements will be added to the minute shell prior to publishing

·         Thank you to the Prime Minister and Ministers for the way that they have lead the country in this lockdown and all of the essential services for their dedication and hard work.

·         Thank you to Matt Srhoj, Inspector|Area Commander West and his staff for all the hard work and helping out in our community.

·         Thank you to all of the food banks, heath and emergency services on the ground for the exceptional work that they have provided to our community.

·         Thank you to the Local Board members for their help within the community.

·         Thank you to the Local Board Services team for their work through this lockdown period.

·         Congratulations to Eseta Maka-Fonokalafi  who was nominated under the 2020 New Zealand Planning Institute awards. She was one of the two individuals who won the Lance Leikis Emerging Planner Award for her contribution to the Māori and Pasifika planning space in Auckland.

·         Thank you to council staff for urgently attending to the flooding in the courtyard at the Tōia recreation and library complex, 32 Mason Ave, Ōtāhuhu and Dan Carter CLM for continuing to work with his team to plan for re-opening and preparing Toia Recreational Centre when the approval will be given at a future date.

·         Thank you to the Libraries in the community and art exhibitions on line being utilised constantly by Mangere-Otahuhu communities in this Lockdown L4 and L3 period.  Also thanks to the Librarian staff who have been redeployed to assist with MSD operations to utilise their stills and willingness as essential workers.

·          Well done to local Mangere and Otahuhu churches who were able to use technology to get online services up and running. A time where our community is facing real hardship it was great to see our spiritual leaders in the community act quickly to provide assurances during this hard time.

·         Thank you to the following organisations, groups and community for their hard work: Mangere Conect, Mangere Budgeting Services, 275 local paper, Medical staff and front line people, Security Services, Sports Clubs and their work to keep membership informed,  Maori Wardens, and the community and council staff who have been volunteering at food banks and delivering parcels in the community.


7          Petitions


There were no petitions.


8          Deputations


There were no deputations.


9          Public Forum


There was no public forum.



10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.




Attendance at local board meetings during the Epidemic Preparedness (COVID-19) Notice period


Resolution number MO/2020/37

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      note the temporary amendments pursuant to the COVID-19 Response (Urgent Management Measures) Act 2020 which allows members to attend meetings by audio-visual link, as of right and despite anything to the contrary in standing orders and to be counted for the purposes of quorum.

b)      amend its standing orders by including a new Standing Order 3.3.10 that reads as follows:

Attendance of non-members by electronic link

A person other than a member of the local board may participate in a meeting of the local board by means of audio link or audio-visual link if the person is otherwise approved to participate in accordance with Standing Orders Sections 6 and 7.

c)      amend its Standing Order 7.8.5 to provide discretion to the chair of the meeting to decline Public Forum requests via audio or audio-visual link.








Local board feedback for inclusion in Auckland Council submissions


Resolution number MO/2020/38

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      note that the local board can continue to use its urgent decision process to approve and submit the local board’s input into Auckland Council submissions on formal consultation from government departments, parliament, select committees and other councils.

 b)     note that the urgent decision process will only be exercised where the timeframes do not allow for local board input to be considered and approved at a local board meeting.

c)      note all local input approved and submitted for inclusion in an Auckland Council submission is to be included on the next local board meeting agenda for the public record.






Governing Body Member Update


Resolution number MO/2020/39

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member N Bakulich:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      receive the verbal reports from Cr Alf Filipaina and Cr Efeso Collins.






Chairpersons Report and Announcements


Resolution number MO/2020/40

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member A Neru Leavasa:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      receive the verbal update of the local board Chair.






Local Board Leads and Appointments Report


Resolution number MO/2020/41

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member H Toleafoa:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      receive the verbal and written reports from local board members.






Māngere-Otāhuhu Youth Scholarships 2020


Member Leavasa declated an interest in this item and took no part in the discussion or voting (MYOG 106 Dimetr’e).


Resolution number MO/2020/42

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua, seconded by Member M Kolo:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      approve, grant or decline the following applications for the Māngere-Otāhuhu Youth Scholarships 2020:

Applicant name and application number

Purpose of funding






Towards purchasing a laptop that will help further her studies during COVID-19 as well as teach online Cook Island dancing for her students within the Māngere-Otāhuhu area.




MOYG - 105

Purchasing a laptop to assist in her studies and communicate with her peers and youth group online as part of an online peer support group




MYOG - 106

To support in the development of his own social enterprise project that will help him to produce beats and music as part of a small start up business that is a creative vehicle for youth to express everyday life through music. Finances are specifically to assist in paying to fix his MacBook Pro,




MYOG - 19

Financial assistance to pay for part of her studies in a Bachelor of Science, majoring in geography that will reduce financial burden once her studies are completed in two years’ time.




MYOG - 21

To assist in educational activity fees for a leadership programme run by PASS.




MYOG - 27

To assist in educational activity fees for a leadership programme run by PASS.




MYOG - 35

To assist financially to purchase a laptop and course books to assist in his studies in a Bachelor of Science.




MYOG - 37

Purchasing a laptop to assist in completing his studies in a Bachelor of Education.




MYOG - 40

Financial assistance to attend a leadership programme that motivates high performance run by AUT in September 2020.




MYOG - 55

Financial assistance to represent New Zealand at the Global Young Leaders Conference held by Envision in Washington D.C and New York in June 2021




MYOG - 61

Purchasing a laptop, venue hire and travel costs to develop a creative piece for the youth within the Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Board area. This event is to run post-COVID 19 to uplift the morale of youth within the local board area. Event will not take place until end of 2020 or beginning of 2021




MYOG - 64

Financial assistance to run a homework centre for Pasifika female students between the ages of 10-14 years old within the Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Board area. Financial assistance will go towards the following:

- Stationary costs (including the printing of materials)

- Refreshments for fortnightly sessions

- Travel costs

- Team building activities




MYOG - 68

Purchasing laptop for completing online assessments from home. Tools to assist in his everyday learning as he works towards being a builder as well as clothes when going for an interview or attending conferences with potential employers.




MYOG - 69

Running 10 sessions over a fortnightly/monthly basis that will first take place online during lockdown and then resume face to face in September once the lockdown levels have been lifted for a group of 10-15 young Pasifika people.




MYOG - 72

To purchase a laptop that will assist in her studies




MYOG - 77

Financial assistance for sports activities and club fees within the Trampoline Club situated in Mangere.




MYOG - 79

Financial assistance for sports activities and club fees within the Trampoline Club situated in Mangere.




MYOG - 83

Financial assistance to purchase laptop for studies as he does not have one at present.




MYOG - 84

Financial assistance in the support of the development of Joy's own social enterprise project for Māori and Pasifika kids (aged 5 to 18 years) in South Auckland. Finances are specifically for Logo, Brochure & Website Design

Pasifika Youth Social Enterprise Mentoring x 10 hrs (Online and costs for administration)

Other promotional material (business cards & banner)

Camera (for interviews and programmes)

Stationery & Printing costs






b)         approve an additional $9,000 from the Community Grants budget, towards the Māngere-Otāhuhu Youth Scholarships 2020.



Lemauga Lydia Sosene vacated the chair in favour of Deputy Chair Togiatolu Walter Togiamua and left the meeting at 6.51pm.



Acquisition of land for open space and exchanges of reserve land - Māngere East and West


Resolution number MO/2020/43

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member N Bakulich:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      support the acquisition of approximately 2451m2 of land on Molesworth Place (lots 111 DP 6159, 110 DP 65159 and 109 DP 65159) for a neighbourhood park

b)      support the acquisition of 855m2 of land on Ventura Street (Lot 29 DP 57785) for connection/linkage open space that will connect to the above neighbourhood park and Tararata Creek

c)      support notification under section 15(2) of the Reserves Act 1977 of a proposed exchange of 101m2 of reserve land on Watchfield Close (Lot 36 DP 66356), which is used as a walkway to Moyle Park for a new walkway of 336m2 on Watchfield Close (LOT 39 DP 66356), including capital investment by Kāinga Ora in the development of the new walkway

d)      support notification under section 15(2) of the Reserves Act 1977 of a proposed exchange of Mayflower Park (1619m2 / LOT 167 DP 55383) for a new park (1620m2 / lots 134 and 160 DP 55383 and land from adjoining lots), including capital investment by Kāinga Ora, up to a maximum of $290,000 (excluding GST), in the development of the new park.


Deputy Chair Togiatolu Walter Togiamua vacated the chair. Chair Lemauga Lydia Sosene returned to the meeting and resumed the chair at 7.01pm.




Approval for a new road name at 12 Atkinson Avenue, Otahuhu 


Resolution number MO/2020/44

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua, seconded by Member C O'Brien:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)         approve the name Maraea Lane for the new private road created by way of subdivision at 12 Atkinson Avenue, Otahuhu in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 (resource consent reference BUN60343632 & SUB60343634).




Page amended at the meeting of the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board held on 8 October 2020 under Item 4 Approval to rename a private road (Maraea Lane) at 12 Atkinson Avenue, Otahuhu.




Approval to rename a private road (Maraea Lane) at 12 Atkinson Avenue, Otahuhu


Resolution number MO/2020/142

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      agree pursuant to standing order 1.10.4 to revoke the following resolution of the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board, adopted at its meeting on 6 May 2020, MO/2020/44

a)         approve the name Maraea Lane for the new private road created by way of subdivision at 12 Atkinson Avenue, Otahuhu in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 (resource consent reference BUN60343632 & SUB60343634)

b)      approve the road name ‘Arataki Lane’ for the new private road created by way of subdivision at 12 Atkinson Avenue, Otahuhu in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 (resource consent reference BUN60343632 & SUB60343634).








Local board resolution responses and information report


Resolution number MO/2020/45

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      note the local board’s submission on the Local Government (Rating of Whenua Māori) Amendment Bill.

b)      note the local board’s submission on the Accessible Streets Regulatory Package.






Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Workshop Notes


Resolution number MO/2020/46

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member M Kolo:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      receive the workshop notes from the workshops held on 4 and 11 March 2020 and 1, 8, 15, 22 April and 29 2020.





Local board decisions and input into Annual Budget 2020/2021


The submissions can be found on the Auckland Council Website.



Resolution number MO/2020/47

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member A Neru Leavasa:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)         receive consultation feedback on the proposed Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board priorities for 2020/2021.


b)         receive consultation feedback on regional proposals in the Annual Budget 2020/2021 from people or organisations based in the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu local board area.


c)         recommend to the Governing Body the continuation of the local targeted rate set as a uniform charge per separately used or inhabited part of a property, on residential properties in the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board area, to fully subsidise entry to Mangere-Otahuhu swimming pools for persons 17 years and over, noting that the rate for 2019/2020 is estimated at approximately $33.04.


d)         provides the following feedback on local priorities from consultation phase one to inform the proposed Annual Budget and draft local board agreement 2020/2021:

i.              Local environmental management – focus on waste reduction and clean streets

ii.            Local parks, sport and recreation – continue to develop and maintain local facilities

iii.           Local planning – support better designed built-up areas and accessible transport links

iv.           Local community services – support local health and wellbeing objectives for all locals

v.            Local engagement – advocate for engagement methods to include bilingual translations as standard practice.


e)         resolves to defer its feedback on the Annual Budget 2020/2021 regional proposals until the public consultation phase two results are presented in full to the local board,

a.    Note: this will also allow the local board to set its local fees and charges schedule, and local performance measures.


f)          delegate to the Chair and Deputy Chair to provide the Governing Body, the local board’s feedback to the proposed Annual Budget 2020/2021 also known as the Emergency Budget before the 21 May 2020.





22        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   





Member Bakulich closed the meeting in prayer.



7.28pm                                               The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









