I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Wednesday, 20 May 2020 5:00pm This meeting will proceed via Skype for Business. Either a recording or written summary will be uploaded on the Auckland Council website. |
Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board
Chairperson |
Lemauga Lydia Sosene |
Deputy Chairperson |
Togiatolu Walter Togiamua |
Members |
Tauanu’u Nanai Nick Bakulich |
Makalita Kolo |
Anae Dr Neru Leavasa |
Christine O'Brien |
Harry Fatu Toleafoa |
(Quorum 4 members)
Janette McKain Local Board Democracy Advisor
12 May 2020
Contact Telephone: (09) 262 5283 Email: janette.mckain@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board 20 May 2020 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Confirmation of Minutes 5
5 Leave of Absence 5
6 Acknowledgements 5
7 Petitions 5
8 Deputations 5
8.1 Deputation - Dr Maria Peach, Ora Taiao, NZ Health and Climate Council 5
8.2 Deputation - CLM Community Sport 6
9 Public Forum 6
9.1 Public Forum - Update from Toni Helleur, Mangere COVID Community Response Team, Mangere Connect, 275 Times, Mangere East Community Centre and Law Centre. 6
10 Extraordinary Business 6
11 Governing Body Member Update 9
12 Chairpersons Report and Announcements 11
13 Local Board Leads and Appointments Report 17
14 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Grants and Multi-Board Grants Round Two 2019/2020 grant allocations 19
15 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Grants Programme 2020/2021 399
16 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Facility Partnership Fund - allocation of funding in 2019/2020. 407
17 Grant a new community lease at Bridge Court Housing for Elderly Grounds, 7 Coronation Road, Māngere Bridge 419
18 New community lease to Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust at 18R Bader Drive, Māngere 427
19 Endorsing the Business Improvement District (BID) Programme targeted rates 2020/2021 437
20 Auckland Transport May 2020 update to the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board 445
21 Ōtāhuhu Portage Mangrove Removals 457
22 Local board feedback on Plan Change 22 and Plan Modification 12 – additions of places of significance to Mana Whenua 461
23 Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency Innovating Streets for People pilot fund 471
24 Urgent Decision -- Approval for a new road name at 59 & 61 Favona Road, Favona 477
25 Governance Forward Work Calendar 489
26 Local board resolution responses and information report 493
27 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 6 May 2020, as true and correct. |
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
Standing Order 7.7 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.
Te take mō te pūrongo / Purpose of the report 1. Peka Manase from CLM Community Sport would like to share and update the board with the current work of the CLM Community Sport team and to listen to the board’s thoughts and priorities in the communities they work in which will allow us to align our intentions.
Ngā tūtohunga / Recommendation/s That Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board: a) thank Peka Manase from CLM Community Sport for his attendance.
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board 20 May 2020 |
File No.: CP2020/05222
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. A period of time (10 Minutes) has been set aside for the Manukau Ward Councillors to have an opportunity to update the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board on regional matters.
Recommendation/s That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board: a) receive the verbal reports from Cr Alf Filipaina and Cr Efeso Collins.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Authors |
Janette McKain - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager, Mangere-Otahuhu and Otara-Papatoetoe Local Boards |
Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board 20 May 2020 |
Chairpersons Report and Announcements
File No.: CP2020/05225
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. This item gives the Chairperson an opportunity to update the local board on any announcements and for the local board to receive the Chairperson’s written report.
Recommendation/s That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board: a) receive the verbal update and written report of the local board Chair.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Chairpersons report |
13 |
Ngā kaihaina
Authors |
Janette McKain - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager, Mangere-Otahuhu and Otara-Papatoetoe Local Boards |
20 May 2020 |
Local Board Leads and Appointments Report
File No.: CP2020/05227
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. This item allows the local board members an opportunity to present verbal and written updates on their lead rolls, such as relevant actions, appointments and meetings.
Topic Area |
Lead |
Alternate |
Infrastructure and Environmental Services
Togiatolu Walter Togiamua |
Lemauga Lydia Sosene |
Arts, Community and Events (including libraries) |
Christine O’Brien |
Tauanu’u Nanai Nick Bakulich |
Parks, Sport and Recreation and Community Facilities |
Tauanu’u Nanai Nick Bakulich |
1st Anae Dr Neru Leavasa 2nd Christine O’Brien |
Local planning, housing, and heritage – includes responding to resource consent applications on behalf of board |
Lemauga Lydia Sosene |
1st Togiatolu Walter Togiamua 2nd Harry Fatu Toleafoa |
Transport |
Makalita Kolo |
Lemauga Lydia Sosene |
Economic development |
Harry Fatu Toleafoa |
1st Christine O’Brien 2nd Lemauga Lydia Sosene |
Youth, Children, Seniors and Uniquely Abled |
Anae Dr Neru Leavasa |
1st Harry Fatu Toleafoa 2nd Christine O’Brien |
Landowner Consents (excluding filming) |
Lemauga Lydia Sosene |
Togiatolu Walter Togiamua (until 27/4/21) Tauanu’u Nanai Nick Bakulich (from 28/4/21) |
Landowner Consents Filming |
Christine O’Brien |
Tauanu’u Nanai Nick Bakulich |
Events (receive staff notifications of areas that may involve reputational, financial, performance or political risk) |
Christine O’Brien |
Tauanu’u Nanai Nick Bakulich |
Liquor Licences Hearings |
Tauanu’u Nanai Nick Bakulich |
Lemauga Lydia Sosene |
Resource Consent (proceed as a non-notified, limited notified or fully notified application) |
Lemauga Lydia Sosene |
Togiatolu Walter Togiamua (until 27/4/21) Tauanu’u Nanai Nick Bakulich (from 28/4/21) |
Resource Consents (notified hearings) |
Lemauga Lydia Sosene |
Togiatolu Walter Togiamua (until 27/4/21) Tauanu’u Nanai Nick Bakulich (from 28/4/21) |
Area Plan Working Group |
MOLB All board members OPLB Apulu Reece Autagavaia, Dawn Trenberth |
LGNZ (Local Government New Zealand |
Chairperson |
Deputy Chairperson |
Lead |
Alternate |
Community Impact Forum for Kohuora Corrections Facility |
Makalita Kolo |
Mangere Bridge BID |
Lemauga Lydia Sosene |
Mangere Town Centre BID |
Makalita Kolo |
Mangere East Village BID |
Tauanu’u Nanai Nick Bakulich |
Otahuhu Business Association |
Christine O’Brien |
South Harbour Business Association BID |
Harry Fatu Toleafoa |
Auckland Airport Community Trust for Aircraft Noise Community Consultative Group |
Tauanu’u Nanai Nick Bakulich |
Te Pukaki Tapu O Poutukeka Historic Reserve & Associated Lands Co-Management Committee |
Togiatolu Walter Togiamua |
Ambury Park Centre |
Anae Dr Neru Leavasa |
Christine O’Brien |
Mangere Mountain Education Trust |
Lemauga Lydia Sosene |
Togiatolu Walter Togiamua |
Tamaki Estuary Environmental Forum |
Togiatolu Walter Togiamua |
Lemauga Lydia Sosene |
Youth Connections South Local Governance Group (3 members) |
Makalita Kolo, Harry Fatu Toleafoa, Anae Dr Neru Leavasa
Christine O’Brien |
Maori input into local board decision-making political steering group |
Togiatolu Walter Togiamua |
Lemauga Lydia Sosene |
Ōtāhuhu Portage Project Steering Group |
Lemauga Lydia Sosene |
Togiatolu Walter Togiamua |
The Southern Initiative (TSI) Steering Group |
Lemauga Lydia Sosene |
Togiatolu Walter Togiamua |
Recommendation/s That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board: a) receive the verbal and written reports from local board members.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Authors |
Janette McKain - Local Board Democracy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager, Mangere-Otahuhu and Otara-Papatoetoe Local Boards |
Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board 20 May 2020 |
Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Grants and Multi-Board Grants Round Two 2019/2020 grant allocations
File No.: CP2020/04814
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To fund, part-fund or decline applications received for Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Grants and Multi-Board Local Grants Round Two 2019/2020.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. The Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board adopted the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Grants Programme 2019/2020 on 18 April 2019 see attachment A (MO/2019/96). The document sets application guidelines for contestable community grants submitted to the local board.
3. This report presents applications received in Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Grants Round and Multi-Board Round Two 2019/2020 (see Attachment B and C).
4. The Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board has set a total community grants budget of $389,050 for the 2019/2020 financial year.
5. A total of $85,790 was allocated in Local Grants and Multi-Board Grant Round One 2019/2020. A total of $24,657 was allocated for Quick Response Grant One 2019/2020. This leaves a total of $278,603 for the remaining grant rounds. An amount of $9,000 has been reallocated to the youth scholarships fund, leaving an amount of $269,603 for the remaining grant rounds.
6. Twenty-seven applications were received for Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Grant Round Two 2019/2020, and twenty-nine applications were received for Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Multi-Board Grant Round Two requesting a total of $443,712.61
Recommendation/s That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board: a) agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Grant Round Two 2019/2020 listed in Table One.
Table One: Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Grant Round Two 2019/2020 grant applications:
That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board: b) agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Multi-Board Grants Round Two 2019/2020 listed in Table One.
Table Two: Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Multi-Board Round Two 2019/2020 grant applications:
7. The local board allocates grants to groups and organisations delivering projects, activities and services that benefit Aucklanders and contribute to the vision of being a world class city.
8. The Auckland Council Community Grants Policy supports each local board to adopt a grants programme.
9. The local board grants programme sets out:
· local board priorities
· lower priorities for funding
· exclusions
· grant types, the number of grant rounds and when these will open and close
· any additional accountability requirements.
10. The Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board adopted their grants programme for 2019/2020 on 18 April 2019 and will operate three quick response and two local grants rounds for this financial year.
11. The community grant programmes have been extensively advertised through the council grants webpage, local board webpages, local board e-newsletters, Facebook pages, council publications, radio, and community networks.
12. The Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board has set a total community grants budget of $389,050 for the 2019/2020 financial year.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
13. Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, staff have also assessed each application according to which alert level the proposed activity is able to proceed. For example, under alert level two, only gatherings of up to 100 people can take place. Events and activities have been assessed according to these criteria.
14. The aim of the local board grant programme is to deliver projects and activities which align with the outcomes identified in the local board plan. All applications have been assessed utilising the Community Grants Policy and the local board grant programme criteria. The eligibility of each application is identified in the report recommendations.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
15. The local board grants programme aims to respond to Auckland Council’s commitment to address climate change by providing grants to individuals and groups with projects that support community climate change action. Community climate action involves reducing or responding to climate change by local residents in a locally relevant way. Local board grants can contribute to expanding climate action by supporting projects that reduce carbon emissions and increase community resilience to climate impacts. Examples of projects include local food production and food waste reduction; decreasing use of single-occupancy transport options; home energy efficiency and community renewable energy generation; local tree planting and streamside revegetation; and education about sustainable lifestyle choices that reduce carbon footprints.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
16. Based on the focus of an application, a subject matter expert from the relevant department will provide input and advice. The focus of an application is identified as arts, community, events, sport and recreation, environment or heritage.
17. The grants programme has no identified impacts on council-controlled organisations and therefore their views are not required.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
18. Local boards are responsible for the decision-making and allocation of local board community grants. The Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these grant applications against the local board priorities identified in the local board grant programme.
19. The board is requested to note that section 48 of the Community Grants Policy states “We will also provide feedback to unsuccessful grant applicants about why they have been declined, so they will know what they can do to increase their chances of success next time.”
20. A summary of each application received through Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Grants Round Two and Multi-Board Local Grants Round Two is provided (see Attachment B and C).
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
21. The local board grants programme aims to respond to Auckland Council’s commitment to improving Māori wellbeing by providing grants to individuals and groups who deliver positive outcomes for Māori. Auckland Council’s Māori Responsiveness Unit has provided input and support towards the development of the community grant processes.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
22. The allocation of grants to community groups is within the adopted Long-term Plan 2018-2028 and local board agreements.
23. The Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board adopted the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Grants Programme 2019/2020 on 18 April 2019 see attachment A (MO/2019/96). The document sets application guidelines for contestable community grants submitted to the local board.
24. This report presents applications received in Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Grants Round Two and Multi-Board Round Two 2019/2020 (see Attachment B and C).
25. The Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board has set a total community grants budget of $389,050 for the 2019/2020 financial year.
26. A total of $85,790 was allocated in Local Grants and Multi-Board Grant Round One 2019/2020. A total of $24,657 was allocated for Quick Response Grant One 2019/2020. This leaves a total of $278,603 for the remaining grant rounds. An amount of $9,000 has been reallocated to the youth scholarships fund, leaving an amount of $269,603 for the remaining grant rounds.
27. Twenty-seven applications were received for Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Grant Round Two 2019/2020, and twenty-nine applications were received for Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Multi-Board Grant Round Two requesting a total of $443,712.61.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
28. The allocation of grants occurs within the guidelines and criteria of the Community Grants Policy and the local board grants programme. The assessment process has identified a low risk associated with funding the applications in this round.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
29. Following the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board allocating funding for local grants round one, Commercial and Finance staff will notify the applicants of the local board’s decision.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Grants Programme 2019/2020 |
31 |
b⇩ |
Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Grant Round Two 2019/2020,grant applications |
35 |
c⇩ |
Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Multi-Board Grant Round Two 2019/2020, grant applications |
155 |
Ngā kaihaina
Authors |
Helen Taimarangai - Senior Community Grants Advisor |
Authorisers |
Marion Davies - Grants and Incentives Manager Victoria Villaraza - Relationship Manager, Mangere-Otahuhu and Otara-Papatoetoe Local Boards |
20 May 2020 |
2019/2020 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two LG2009-204 |
Mangere Hawks Netball Club |
Legal status: |
Incorporated Society |
Activity focus: |
Sport and recreation |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Promoting fair play and to encourage not discourage |
Location: |
Mangere Hawks Netball Club, Hain Ave, Mangere East |
Summary: |
There is a need of signs or anything really to promote fair play for supporters to see as we all know parents can be quite over zealous when it comes to supporting their kids especially aged 5 up to intermediate age. This is where we get the more over zealous parents. We thought it would be a great idea to have these vests for our teams to wear while supporting so parents can learn thats its ok to support but they need to support all the kids and in a positive manner. We also have young learning umpires that also need to remind parents how to act and how better with good words on the back of them. |
Expertise: |
Mainly verbally and by newsletters this has been done in the past but because we get a lot of different supporters each year and each week if we can give the teams resources to help them battle this so they can concentrate on the game this would be a great help to them. The main netball centre also reminds everyone but I think with it being visual it is alot more effective and we want to give a vest to a different parent at each game and make them responsible for supporters around the sidelines in a positive manner and in turn this will help them see and remember to be supportive. |
Dates: |
06/06/2020 - 29/08/2020 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People reached: |
1000+ including other clubs cause its visual |
% of participants from Local Board |
100 % |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
To encourage positive supporting on and off the sports field/court. Also to the officials of the games. To support all players not just their own. It helps with community involvement as well and the interaction with each other within their community with not just with the adults but also with the kids so they may see each other at the shops or on our streets and maybe say hello. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· increase opportunities for active living and community involvement and connectedness
We promote healthier living by participating in the sport or supporting the sport becoming an official etc and encouraging family interaction and community and socialising within their local community and schools and encouraging healthier relationships also within families and the community through sport that the parents and children love. We also promote safety and fair play in and around sport which is what I am applying for funds for now. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· Māori participation - Māori priority group, target group, high representation or Māori staff delivering We have high representation of maori and pacific islanders in our target groups also majority of maori delivering this project |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - If there are any people with disabilities they will be able to see what we are promoting and encouraging. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water as the first choice, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes We promote smoke-free and zero waste messages at our club on signs and also in newsletters. We also make it a MUST that all girls bring drink bottles with water only in them and we also have a drinking fountain for those that forget. We also promote good energy healthy food esp before and after games. Encourage fitness to be a better player and we also offer teams for adults parents etc and for them to be involved be becoming an umpire, coach or manager. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
10% |
20% |
30% |
40% |
% |
0% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$4444.75 |
Requesting grant for: |
The vests to be work by members to promote fairplay etc. |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference:
We would have to reduce the amount we get for each team at the moment this amount is based on 2 vests per team . |
Cost of participation: |
no |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$4,444.75 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
uniforms vests |
$4,444.75 |
$4,444.75 |
Income description |
Amount |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Donated materials |
Amount |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
80 |
200 |
$4,230.00 |
Additional information to support the application: |
We noticed the increase of over enthusiast supporters on the sidelines over the last few seasons and it can get quite heated when they are asked to lower their voices. So with all the fair play encouragement going on what better than to get the words put all over vests so people can see them and be more encouraging when they see the vests and realise that the person that is asking them ito be more positive when supporting is doing so on behalf of the team and club and hopefully they wont be offended. |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
QR1909-318 |
mangere hawks netball club EOY prizegiving 2018/2019 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG1909-251 |
For the Safety of our members 2018/2019 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $5,572.00 |
Applications prior to the 2016/2017 financial year have all been accounted for and omitted from this summary |
2019/2020 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two LG2009-207 |
South Auckland Seniors And Youth Incorporated |
Legal status: |
Incorporated Society |
Activity focus: |
Community |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Sunday Meet-ups and Events |
Location: |
10 High Street, Otahuhu |
Summary: |
Senior citizens get together |
Expertise: |
Will power to make a difference in society. |
Dates: |
01/06/2020 - 31/05/2021 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People reached: |
80 |
% of participants from Local Board |
90 % |
Promotion: |
Flyers |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
Senior citizens and youth get a space of their own to mingle and
learn |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· our seniors are cared for and intergenerational projects are encouraged
Seniors are encouraged to be part of the community. Getting them out of their homes on a monthly basis to meetup and interact. We also encourage them to actively take part in community events. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
N/A |
0.00 |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - Wheel chair access venue, picking and dropping seniors |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water as the first choice, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes Talking about these in our meetings. Getting specialists in to talk about active lifestyles. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$3400.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
Venue Hire |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: Some parts of the requested items will be cancelled. |
Cost of participation: |
no |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$3,311.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$1.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
Venue Hire |
$552.02 |
$552.02 |
Seniors Trip to Orewa |
$575.00 |
$575.00 |
Seniors/Youth Presents and Refreshments |
$503.98 |
$503.98 |
Seniors Diwali, Christmas celebration, Holi 2021 |
$700.00 |
$700.00 |
Community event, networking, trip refreshments |
$500.00 |
$500.00 |
Fuel Vouchers |
$480.00 |
$480.00 |
Income description |
Amount |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Donated materials |
Amount |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
N/A |
0 |
$0.00 |
Additional information to support the application: |
N/A |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LG2009-113 |
Senior Christmas Trip to Hamilton Gardens 2019/2020 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $1,611.00 |
QR1909-324 |
Sunday Meet- ups and Trip to Hamilton Gardens 2018/2019 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round Three - Project in progress |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR1809-302 |
Request for financial assistance to meet venue hire costs 2017/2018 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round 1 - Acquitted |
Approved $828.00 |
Applications prior to the 2016/2017 financial year have all been accounted for and omitted from this summary |
2019/2020 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two LG2009-212 |
Donnie Ngaoire |
Under the umbrella of Mangere East Hawks Rugby League Club |
Legal status: |
Activity focus: |
Sport and recreation |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: U10 Spartan Hawks 2020 |
Location: |
10 Hain Ave Mangere East. Auckland 2024 |
Summary: |
Connecting and maintaining a sustainable relationship with other
children |
Expertise: |
Mangere East Rugby League Hawks are well known in our community through our own Facebook page, our Club Secretary Valerie Lui is always promoting our Club, the values we have in our Club and is family friendly environment. The Club also delivers lots of season activities from League, rip a tag and other activities to keep the community motivated into keeping fit and healthy. The Club also delivers Educational programs from learning to become a Coach/referee and other programs to support individuals in their future for workforce . |
Dates: |
01/06/2020 - 29/09/2020 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People reached: |
17 players and 2 Volunteers from Mananger and Coach |
% of participants from Local Board |
100 % |
Promotion: |
Through our Spartan Facebook page and through my own personal Facebook page. Setting up network meetings in our community to encourage children to enroll into Mangere East Rugby League Club |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
Less violence and burglaries in our community as our Tamariki are immersed in sports and have learned good values from the Club and their team members. Will provide our Pasifika and Maori community a safe environment to be in. Learn new things, connect with others and to establish and new healthy life styles. Off the couch and into sports, remove the stigma that all Pasifika or Maori are obese and to have lots of fun. Bringing whanau together and to keep children off the streets. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· increase opportunities for active living and community involvement and connectedness
Whanau and the wider community will continue to register their children into sports activities through the Club as they know this is a safe environment for their Tamariki. This project will decrease the amount of our Tamariki getting into trouble as they will be too busy connecting and building strong sustainable relationship with other children. However the main goal is to keep our children off the streets and into sports. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
Mangere East Rugby League Club |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· Māori participation - Māori priority group, target group, high representation or Māori staff delivering It will unite whanau from all different tribes to come together and enjoy the sport. Their will be lots of korero Maori exchanging with others. More of our Maori whanau will be engaging into sports and will keep them off the streets. |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - In our Club we have and are still catering for each individuals
with disabilities. Last year and for the past 2 seasons I had a player in my
team who have health issues such as seizures. However it doesn't limit the
individual in what they can and cannot do. The club and the teams are very
supportive. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water as the first choice, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes Advising parents to bring only water bottles to both training and
game days |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
100% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$1799.80 |
Requesting grant for: |
Funding will go towards new apparels for all 17players plus the Manager and the Coach. Funding to support paying for our 17 trophies for our end of year prize giving, pay for our club fee and if their is funding left over it will go towards helping to pay for the players end of season party |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: Payments may be split with our 17 players |
Cost of participation: |
no |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$1,799.80 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
Trophy quote 17 players |
$188.80 |
$188.80 |
Polo quotes x 19 |
$1,045.00 |
$1,045.00 |
Club end of year fees |
$150.00 |
$150.00 |
Club trophies x 6 |
$90.00 |
$90.00 |
Trainers pant |
$55.00 |
$55.00 |
End of season party |
$187.00 |
$187.00 |
Party food(mixed platters @ $28 each) |
$84.00 |
$84.00 |
Income description |
Amount |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Donated materials |
Amount |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
N/A |
0 |
$0.00 |
Additional information to support the application: |
I am in the Mangere East Rugby League Hawks Club and have been their
since my son is 5 |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LG2009-212 |
U10 Spartan Hawks 2020 2019/2020 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
Applications prior to the 2016/2017 financial year have all been accounted for and omitted from this summary |
2019/2020 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two LG2009-213 |
Life Education Trust Counties Manukau |
Legal status: |
Charitable Trust |
Activity focus: |
Community |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Deliver health & well-being programme to Mangere-Otahuhu LB schools |
Location: |
in the grounds of schools we are booked to teach at: Rise Up Academy, Viscount School, Koru School, Al-Madinah |
Summary: |
-Life Education teaches 85% of primary and intermediate
schools/250,000 children nationally annually. |
Expertise: |
Life Education has been teaching NZ's children for over 30 years, nationally reaching 250,000 students in primary & intermediate schools every year. Peer reviews every few years ensure that our messages & delivery are still relevant & we have the best practice. |
Dates: |
15/06/2020 - 15/09/2020 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People reached: |
1823 |
% of participants from Local Board |
100 % |
Promotion: |
Schools are advised pre-visit of Local Board support & asked to
promote this through school newsletters, website & Facebook page. Your
support is also detailed in our newsletters, Facebook page and website: |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
The outcomes for our Mangere-Otahuhu students are that they’ll
be: |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· increase opportunities for active living and community involvement and connectedness
To teach the young people in our Mangere-Otahuhu community through
our health & well-being programme how to increase & maintain their
confidence through making positive mind & body health choices. These will
give them the right skill-sets to enable them to have the highest
self-esteem/self-worth & values to enable them to achieve personal,
career &community aspirations. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
Garden To Table 'Empower' |
a joint venture between Life Education & GTT. A comprehensive & sustainable programme to help tackle child obesity through: teaching about balanced diets, meal planning & understanding their body's nutrient needs - GTT turns it into action by growing, harvesting & cooking fresh fruit & vegetables in the school's grounds. |
Dove Self-Esteem Project |
where our educators provide training to school teachers in our area re their student's healthy development & to avoid valuing themselves & others on the basis of appearance |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· Māori focus - tikanga (practises), mātauranga (knowledge), reo (language) As an inclusive organisation we use Te Reo words throughout our
lessons in handouts,digital means and all our workbooks are available in Te
Reo. |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - We are thrilled to visit every school we are invited to with many having students with a variety of learning & physical disabilities. We ensure that every student is included by offering sensory appropriate resources for the visually & hearing-impaired students. We have a mobile wheelchair lift to ensure all our students can access our mobile classrooms at the same time. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water as the first choice, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes -'Substances' is one of the five core subjects we teach to
intermediate students. We discuss& role-play the decision-making
processes they may come across & go through when seeing their friends
& peers smoke or they are offered a variety of substances to smoke.
We talk about the effects smoking has on your brain, body, finances &
making decisions. A Pull Apart Torso - full medical school teaching standards
(with 28 parts) is used to illustrate points. Latest research is used from
all health sectors in our lessons. We are the largest external programme
provider working in schools and are proud of the positive trend in the
reduced rate of binge drinking, smoking, bullying and marijuana use amongst
NZ youth. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
9% |
91% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$20000.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
For the delivery of our health and well-being programme which encompasses the running costs of the mobile classroom, educational resources, insurance, salary & professional development of our teacher who teaches in Mangere-Otahuhu LB schools.. |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: We are committed to teaching in all the Mangere-Otahuhu LB schools we
have been invited to teach at and all our fundraising efforts will go
towards ensuring we uphold our promise to deliver. |
Cost of participation: |
The cost is $26.92 per student. We charge schools a nominal fee of $5 for primary school students age 5 - 11 (receive two lessons)/ $5 for intermediate students age 11- 13 (receive three lessons) |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$49,075.16 |
$9,115.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
1823 x $26.92 |
$49,075.16 |
$20,000.00 |
Income description |
Amount |
1823 students x $5 |
$ 9,115.00 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Donated materials |
Amount |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
N/A |
0 |
$0.00 |
Additional information to support the application: |
Everything we do is to support Mangere-Otahuhu and Counties
Manukau’s growing child population and community, to enable them to
have the healthiest childhood possible by laying the foundations at an early
age & continue to make positive health choices throughout
adulthood. |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
QR2010-150 |
Purchase workbooks to deliver Life Education's programme in Manurewa schools 2019/2020 Manurewa Quick Response, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
REGCD2040 |
Delivery of Life Education programme across Counties Manukau and Franklin Regional Community Development 2019/2020 - Submitted |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2014-112 |
Delivery Life Education programme to Cosgrove & Park Estate Schools 2019/2020 Papakura Small Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR2013-106 |
Deliver Life Education's programme to four schools in Otara-Papatoetoe area 2019/2020 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR2009-113 |
Delivery of Life Education programme in seven Mangere-Otahuhu LB schools 2019/2020 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG2007-237 |
Deliver Life Education's programme to six Howick LB schools 2019/2020 Howick Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $3,000.00 |
LG2014-136 |
Deliver health & well-being programme to two schools Papakura LB area 2019/2020 Papakura Local Grant, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $4,000.00 |
LG2003-145 |
Deliver health & well-being programme to Pukeoware School 2019/2020 Franklin Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $500.00 |
LG2013-144 |
Deliver health & well-being programme to six schools Otara-Papatoetoe LB area 2019/2020 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2009-124 |
Deliver health & well-being programme to seven schools Mangere-Otahuhu LB area 2019/2020 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $12,000.00 |
LG2010-121 |
Deliver health & well-being programme to schools Manurewa LB area 2019/2020 Manurewa Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2007-124 |
Deliver health & well-being programme to five schools Howick LB area 2019/2020 Howick Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $10,000.00 |
LG2011-132 |
Programme delivery to five school in Maungakiekie-Tamaki LB area 2019/2020 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1913-327 |
Purchase workbooks to deliver Life Education programme to Otara-Papatoetoe children 2018/2019 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1915-309 |
Workbooks to deliver Life Education programme to Puketapapa LB children 2018/2019 Puketāpapa Quick Response, Round Three - Submitted |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1910-316 |
Purchase workbooks to deliver Life Education programme to Manurewa children 2018/2019 Manurewa Quick Response, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1909-342 |
Purchase workbooks to deliver Life Education programme to Mangere-Otahuhu children 2018/2019 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round Three - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1907-213 |
Purchase workbooks to deliver Life Education programme to Howick children 2018/2019 Howick Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1903-309 |
Purchase workbooks to deliver Life Education programme to Franklin children 2018/2019 Franklin Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG1914-225 |
Life Education programme delivery at schools in Papakura LB area 2018/2019 Papakura Local Grant, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1903-226 |
Life Education programme delivery at schools in Franklin LB area 2018/2019 Franklin Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1909-261 |
Life Education programme delivery at Mangere-Otahuhu LB schools 2018/2019 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG1910-233 |
Life Education programme delivery at Manurewa LB schools 2018/2019 Manurewa Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $4,000.00 |
LG1907-334 |
Life Education programme delivery at schools in Howick LB area 2018/2019 Howick Local Grants, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1913-247 |
LE programme delivery at Papatoetoe Intermediate & Kedgley Intermediate 2018/2019 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1915-222 |
Life Education programme delivery to Mt Roskill Intermediate 2018/2019 Puketepapa Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
QR1914-218 |
Life Education workbooks to help build a healthier Papakura Community 2018/2019 Papakura Small Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1907-134 |
Life Education workbooks to help build an active Howick Community 2018/2019 Howick Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $3,000.00 |
QR1913-236 |
Life Education workbooks to help build a healthier Otara-Papatoetoe Community 2018/2019 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1909-237 |
Workbooks to share & connect health lessons with student's community 2018/2019 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1910-218 |
Life Education workbooks to help build a healthier Manurewa Community 2018/2019 Manurewa Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1920-239 |
Workbooks to deliver health messages to students & their community 2018/2019 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Two - Grant not uplifted |
Approved $500.00 |
LG1907-224 |
Deliver health & well-being lessons to children of Howick 2018/2019 Howick Local Grants, Round Two - Withdrawn |
Withdrawn $0.00 |
QR1909-123 |
Life Education workbooks to help deliver lessons 2018/2019 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1913-3-1030 |
Life Education workbooks to help deliver lessons 2018/2019 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR1910-116 |
Life Education workbooks to deliver lessons at St Anne's School 2018/2019 Manurewa Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG1914-130 |
Deliver health & well-being lessons to children of Papakura 2018/2019 Papakura Local Grant, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $8,000.00 |
LG1901-166 |
To deliver health & well-being lessons to Albert-Eden schools 2018/2019 Albert-Eden Local Grants, Round One - SME assessment completed |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1911-144 |
Programme delivery of Life Education health & nutrition programme 2018/2019 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG1920-136 |
Programme delivery of Life Education health & nutrition programme 2018/2019 Waitematā Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1913-149 |
Life Education programme delivery in Otara-Papatoetoe LB area schools 2018/2019 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG1915-134 |
Programme delivery of Life Education health & nutrition programme 2018/2019 Puketāpapa Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1909-139 |
Programme delivery of Life Education's health & nutrition messages 2018/2019 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1910-139 |
Programme delivery of Life Education's health & nutrition messages 2018/2019 Manurewa Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1920-115 |
Purchase 400 workbooks to share LE health messages with community 2018/2019 Waitematā Quick Response, Round One - Withdrawn |
Withdrawn $0.00 |
QR1901-04 |
Purchase 720 workbooks to share LE health messages with community 2018/2019 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $100.00 |
LG1907-104 |
Programme delivery of Life Education's health & nutrition messages 2018/2019 Howick Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $10,000.00 |
QR1814-341 |
To purchase workbooks used to deliver Life Education's programme 2017/2018 Papakura Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1810-328 |
Purchase 2,120 workbooks to deliver Life Education's preventative health programme 2017/2018 Manurewa Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1807-231 |
Purchase laptop for LE teacher who teaches in Howick area 2017/2018 Howick Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $889.00 |
QR1813-328 |
Purchase a laptop for LE teacher who teaches in Otara-Papatoetoe 2017/2018 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $889.00 |
QR1809-327 |
Purchase a laptop for LE teacher who teaches in Mangere-Otahuhu 2017/2018 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $889.00 |
LG1803-250 |
Life Education programme delivery in Franklin Local Board schools 2017/2018 Franklin Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1814-234 |
Life Education programme delivery in Papakura LB area schools 2017/2018 Papakura Local Grant, Round 2 - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1803-326 |
Purchase seven diabetes teaching resource kits to use in lessons 2017/2018 Franklin Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $730.00 |
LG1809-252 |
Programme delivery to three Mangere-Otahuhu LB area schools 2017/2018 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1807-337 |
Life Education programme delivery to 7 Howick LB area schools 2017/2018 Howick Local Grants, Round Three - Project in progress |
Approved $10,000.00 |
LG1813-229 |
Life Education programme delivery to 12 Otara-Papatoetoe schools 2017/2018 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG1815-221 |
To purchase workbooks relating to our health and nutrition programme 2017/2018 Puketāpapa Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1820-322 |
Purchase of Harold puppet & Karpet Kid teaching resource 2017/2018 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $1,150.00 |
QR1814-221 |
Purchase workbooks to help deliver Life Education's preventative health programme 2017/2018 Papakura Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1807-131 |
Purchase workbooks to help deliver Life Education's preventative health programme 2017/2018 Howick Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1813-200026 |
A Pull Apart Torso to teach children preventative health messages 2017/2018 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1810-212 |
A Pull Apart Torso to teach children preventative health messages 2017/2018 Manurewa Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1807-226 |
Life Education programme delivery in Howick LB area schools 2017/2018 Howick Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $20,000.00 |
LG1801-140 |
Delivering Life Education's health & nutrition programme into local schools 2017/2018 Albert-Eden Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1814-117 |
Life Education Trust Counties Manukau's programme delivery in local schools 2017/2018 Papakura Local Grant, Round 1 - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG1810-128 |
Life Education Trust Counties Manukau's programme delivery in local schools 2017/2018 Manurewa Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
Applications prior to the 2016/2017 financial year have all been accounted for and omitted from this summary |
2019/2020 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two LG2009-215 |
Mangere Hawks Netball Club |
Legal status: |
Incorporated Society |
Activity focus: |
Community |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Health and Safety for our community |
Location: |
Mangere Hawks Netball Club Walter Massey Park Hain Ave Mangere East |
Summary: |
We have a large deck connected to our clubrooms which was required to be able to safely enter our building. As netball is predominantly a winter sport the deck gets wet and its very dangerous and slippery. We have no cover for parents or supporters or to seek shelter under if the clubrooms is not open. We also have community groups, provide free holiday progs and and when it rains we cant open up the doors as the rain comes straight in so it gets very very hot inside and hard to breathe for some older people especially. This will increase the capacity for users and members and keep them safe when accessing the clubrooms or walking on the deck. |
Expertise: |
n/a |
Dates: |
08/06/2020 - 31/08/2020 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People reached: |
800-1000 |
% of participants from Local Board |
100 % |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
More community groups can use the hall and it will be much safer
especially for kids and elderly people to get in and out of the hall. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· increase opportunities for active living and community involvement and connectedness
This will help us increase the capacity of our clubrooms and also most importantly the safety of our members and encourage parents family and friends to support their child while they participate in netball or whatever community project we have at our clubrooms |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - The cover will mean they can watch from the deck and it will be dryer and safer for them. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water as the first choice, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes We promote these with signs around the club and in any newsletters or bu social media. We have notices to our members which encourage all of the above. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$22150.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
We have received funding for part of the project which is one side of the building and are now requesting funding for the other half of the deck to be covered and screens to stop the wind and rain coming through the sides. |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: We will apply to other funding organisations. |
Cost of participation: |
no |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$22,150.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
covers and screens |
$22,150.00 |
$22,150.00 |
Income description |
Amount |
n/a |
$ 0.00 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
n/a |
$0.00 |
Donated materials |
Amount |
n/a |
$0.00 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
0 |
0 |
$0.00 |
Additional information to support the application: |
N/A |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
QR1909-318 |
mangere hawks netball club EOY prizegiving 2018/2019 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG1909-251 |
For the Safety of our members 2018/2019 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $5,572.00 |
Applications prior to the 2016/2017 financial year have all been accounted for and omitted from this summary |
2019/2020 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two LG2009-216 |
Legal status: |
Incorporated Society |
Activity focus: |
Sport and recreation |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified Our chairman for Auckland Niue Rugby League is Daniel Poe, who works for the Mangere - Otahuhu office in Auckland Council. |
Project: Pasifka Youth Cup |
Location: |
Walter Massey Park, Mangere East |
Summary: |
The Pasifika Youth Cup Tournaments is for boys/girls participating in the following grades: U 13, U 14, U 15, and U 17. Our 2019 event was a huge success, in growing the game and player participation. This year, to have a better representation of gender, more female grades are invited to play in this tournament where it will help grow the game of rugby league. We want to deliver safe and organized rugby league tournaments that will give our players, families and the wider Pasifika community a positive experience/engagement in both sports and culture. |
Expertise: |
Our organisation has valuable experience/knowledge from delivering safe/organised past Pasifika Youth Cup Tournaments. We have a network of supporters in key areas that we can draw to assist us e.g. Auckland Rugby league, Counties Manukau Rugby League, NZ Warriors. Our event organizing committee come from diverse back grounds and bring a vast knowledge of rugby league experience. We have found constant communication between Pasifika rugby league stakeholders has been a link in delivering the objectives of past tournaments. |
Dates: |
02/10/2020 - 25/10/2020 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People reached: |
4000 - 6000 |
% of participants from Local Board |
100 % |
Promotion: |
We will be advertising our event through the participating rugby league organization social media outlets, promoting the events through 531 pi community radio stations and looking at the Mangere - Otahuhu Local Board logo displayed on the live streaming advertising board. |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
Community cohesion is important for Pasifika, and these events will enhance the relationship between the participating Pasifika nations and local/ regional rugby league stakeholders that will participate in these tournaments. Economic opportunities for the Mangere East RLFC, will benefit a local stakeholder who has been a strong supporter of Pasifika Rugby League in the Mangere/Otahuhu area. Health and well-being will also be achieved, not only from playing in these tournaments but through the training sessions leading up to game day. We have engaged Mental Health and Well Being services that will be engaging players in both tournaments. Cultural connectedness will be experienced by those attending through cultural haka’s and Pasifika meeting to celebrate their cultural uniqueness. Culture will bridge the gap for our youth in the tournaments and the Pasifika communities that will be visiting the area. Rugby league is our vehicle to deliver this initiative. The Pasifika Youth Cup will focus on engagement and respect through cultural identity, dance, song and Rugby League. Engaging our wider Pasifika community’s drive for advocacy in sport and better connects our people back to our local communities through sport clubs, cultural nest, schools, and community groups. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· increase opportunities for active living and community involvement and connectedness
Auckland Niue Rugby League is using the Pasifika Youth Cup as a vehicle to connect with the Pasifika communities in NZ, to support attend/support our tournaments, view a live cultural experience and bring Pasifika peoples together. We want to deliver safe and organized rugby league tournaments that will give our players, families and wider Niue community a positive experience in both sports and culture. Our history of growing the game of rugby league interacting with our wider Niue and Pasifika communities is documented and we are striving to make Mangere – Otahuhu a center for Pasifika rugby league. The tournaments will attract a number of people from around the greater Auckland region who will be involved with the events on/off the field. Teams from around New Zealand will also be traveling in for that weekend. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
Mate Ma'a Tonga NZ/ Hengi Fusitua - Secretary 021834 000 |
Logistics and technical support |
Mangere East RLFC - Tasha Tasmania - 021 183 2326 - MERLFC General Manager |
Walter Massey Park Stakeholder |
Kasey King - Counties Manukau Rugby League General Manager - 021 275 6975 |
New Zealand Rugby League Support |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· Māori participation - Māori priority group, target group, high representation or Māori staff delivering We have been dealing with the chairman of NZ Maori RL John Devonshire, who will be bringing rugby league teams for all grades to our tournaments. The teams will be selected from iwi's around New Zealand that compete in his New Zealand Maori RL tournaments. We have players with mixed heritage including Maori. This event will also support local Iwi, and mana whenua outcomes in terms of celebrating the dual heritage and supporting the cultural well-being of those players who have Maori heritage. A number of coaches and managers have Maori heritage. Our tournaments are very responsive to Maori and heavily supportive of our tournaments. Whanau support from around Auckland/New Zealand will travel to the area for these tournaments. |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - Mangere East RLFC has designated disability car parks that are clearly marked. We will have cones out to reserve those spaces and signs requiring disability parking permits to be displayed. Mangere East RLFC has 2 disability toilets inside the facility and 2 disability toilets in the main changing room block. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water as the first choice, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes We will have access to the Mangere East RLFC external PA system and will be announcing during the course of the event the Alcohol/Drug/Smoke policy we have. We will post up on our FaceBook page and website (under construction) the smoke-free event message. All tournament information will have our Alcohol/Drug/Smoke policy. We will be hiring 4 x Stations of 3 Bins (Compost, recycling, rubbish), from a local Mangere based company. Announcements will be made during the course of the day about rubbish. The stations will be strategically placed around the playing fields. The Mangere East RLFC Cafe will be the only vendor allowed at our tournament to sell food. They will have healthy food options avaliable for sale. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
100% |
100% |
% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
50% |
100% |
100% |
50% |
% |
20% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$7779.75 |
Requesting grant for: |
We want funding support for the Portaloos, recycling bins, and St Johns First Responder Medic costs. We have identified that with the increased numbers using Walter Massey Park for our tournaments that there will be a need for extra toilets. At every tournament we have hosted there has been an onsite First Responder Medic to attend to any injuries. The recycling bins will help with the overload of rubbish for the tournaments. |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: We would try a round of grant funding applications to make up the difference for the parts of the project that was unable to be funded. |
Cost of participation: |
Every team in both tournaments will pay $150.00 entry fee. |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$7,779.75 |
$3,600.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
Stations of 3 Bins (Compost, recycling, rubbish) |
$1,173.00 |
$1,173.00 |
St John's First Responder Medic |
$4,088.25 |
$4,088.25 |
Event Flushing Portaloo Toilet Hire |
$2,518.50 |
$2,518.50 |
Income description |
Amount |
Pasifika Youth Cup Teams - $150.00 per team - 2 x Tournaments - 16 x teams per tournament - 32 x Teams |
$ 3,600.00 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Donated materials |
Amount |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
40 |
150 |
$3,172.50 |
Additional information to support the application: |
N/A |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LG1909-137 |
Celebrating Pasifika Rugby League in the Mangere and Otahuhu. 2018/2019 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
Applications prior to the 2016/2017 financial year have all been accounted for and omitted from this summary |
2019/2020 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two LG2009-223 |
Losalia Aleva |
Legal status: |
Activity focus: |
Arts and culture |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Tongan Faiva Showcase to celebrate Tongan Language, Arts and Culture |
Location: |
Samoan Assembly of God - 38 Robertson Road, Mangere |
Summary: |
Tongan Faiva Showcase as part of the celebration of Tongan Language Week, where our Tongan people around NZ will take part in by doing a solo dance(girls), solo accompanying dance(tu'ulafale by male) and singers(by a kava club, a church or village members). All ages will participate. |
Expertise: |
We have been running classes and practices in the Mangere-Otahuhu Local board for a couple of years now and we're so grateful for the support that the local board has given us to enable our program to stay afloat and help our young people. |
Dates: |
08/07/2020 - 05/09/2020 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People reached: |
400 |
% of participants from Local Board |
100 % |
Promotion: |
We will acknowledge the local board on our notices to be announced on radio stations as well on our posts on social media. |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
The community will be joyful, nostalgia, feel of patriotism and also help them deepen their appreciation of our Tongan Culture, and our Tongan young people that will take part will gain a better understanding of the uniqueness of our Tongan Culture. The skills and understanding that they will gained will be very helpful to them in terms of their academic research and will also boost their self confidence in public appearance, public speaking/performances too. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· increase opportunities for Maori and Pasifika arts and cultural expression
Our Tongan Dance Classes provide opportunities for our Pacific Youths to learn more about our Tongan Culture through singing, and dancing. We also want to take part in the celebration of our Tongan Language in September by hosting a Tongan Dance Showcase where our Tongan people in Auckland comes to Mangere to celebrate and help with the preservation of our Tongan Language, by speaking it, singing it and dancing to it through music. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - We are more than happy if disable persons express interests in taking part, we will mention it in our announcement on radio and social media, and they will be warmly welcomed on the day of our showcase. |
Target ethnic groups: |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water as the first choice, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes We will emphasize that the venues and the areas where we will practice and also where our showcase will be, has a smoke-free zones and it is of paramount importance for our young people. We will also lead in letting participants and supporters know that we do not accept littering and we will clean up after every session. We will not allow soft drinks or sugary drinks during our practices and we will only allowing water bottles and fruit snacks. These dance practices is a good way of keeping everyone active whether it's singing, dancing or playing the drums/banjos etc. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
50% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
% |
100% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$1000.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
tutors fees and admin costs for printing of songs and materials for teaching how to make their own costumes at home rather than buying expensive ones. |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: We might try and charge participants who will be taking part. |
Cost of participation: |
free |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$1,000.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$100.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
tutors' fees $40 p/hr x 10 = $400 x 2 = $800 |
$800.00 |
$800.00 |
administration costs (printing programs, song lyrics, |
$100.00 |
$100.00 |
advertisements costs |
$100.00 |
$100.00 |
Income description |
Amount |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Donated materials |
Amount |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
5 |
8 |
$169.20 |
Additional information to support the application: |
N/A |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LG2005-206 |
Tongan Language classes 2019/2020 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round Two - Withdrawn |
Withdrawn $0.00 |
QR2017-221 |
TONGAN DANCE CLASSES FOR MALE & FEMALE 2019/2020 Upper Harbour Quick Response, Round Two - Withdrawn |
Withdrawn $0.00 |
CCS20_2_080 |
South meets West Production(Fetaiaki 'a e Tonga mo e Tokelau) Creative Communities Scheme 20_2 - South East 20_2 |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2013-114 |
Fii-E - Fii-A Arts, dance and culture 2019/2020 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round One - SME assessment complete |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2021-105 |
Tongan Dance 2019/2020 Whau Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2018-105 |
Fii-E - Fii-A Dance project 2019/2020 Waiheke Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2005-102 |
Fii-E - Fii-A Tongan Dance West 2019/2020 Henderson-Massey Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2003-103 |
Fii-E - Fii-A Community Dance Project 2019/2020 Franklin Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2014-103 |
'Ukulele Mana 2019/2020 Papakura Small Grants, Round One - SME assessment complete |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2009-105 |
'Ukulele Mana 2019/2020 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round One - Awaiting payment |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR2002-102 |
Fii-E - Fii-A 2019/2020 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
CCS20_1_033 |
TONGA DAY CULTURAL EXPO Creative Communities Scheme 20_1 - South East 20_1 |
Approved $2,777.00 |
QR1913-303 |
Dance Class 2018/2019 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $600.00 |
QR1913-303 |
Dance Class 2018/2019 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $600.00 |
QR1905-306 |
Dance Class 2018/2019 Henderson-Massey Quick Response, Round Three - Accountability incomplete |
Approved $400.00 |
QR1905-306 |
Dance Class 2018/2019 Henderson-Massey Quick Response, Round Three - Accountability incomplete |
Approved $400.00 |
QR1909-313 |
Tongan Dance 2018/2019 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR1901-306 |
Tonga Dance 2018/2019 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round Three - Project in progress |
Approved $500.00 |
QR1901-306 |
Tonga Dance 2018/2019 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round Three - Project in progress |
Approved $500.00 |
LG1921-206 |
TONGAN TAU’OLUNGA (FEMALE DANCE) CLASSES & Tongan Boys Mako/Tu’ulafale classes. 2018/2019 Whau Local Grants, Round Two - Withdrawn |
Withdrawn $0.00 |
LG1902-208 |
TONGAN TAU’OLUNGA (FEMALE DANCE) CLASSES & Tongan Boys Mako/Tu’ulafale classes. 2018/2019 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round Two - Accountability not satisfactory |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR1910-222 |
Fe'unu Koula Academy - Tongan Tau'olunga & Mako Classes 2018/2019 Manurewa Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR1910-222 |
Fe'unu Koula Academy - Tongan Tau'olunga & Mako Classes 2018/2019 Manurewa Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG1911-207 |
Fe'unu Koula - Fie Fiaa (Train the trainers) Conference/Workshop 2018/2019 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round Two - Withdrawn |
Withdrawn $0.00 |
LG1911-207 |
Fe'unu Koula - Fie Fiaa (Train the trainers) Conference/Workshop 2018/2019 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round Two - Withdrawn |
Withdrawn $0.00 |
CCS19_1_077 |
TONGAN TAU’OLUNGA (FEMALE DANCE) CLASSES & Tongan Boys Mako/Tu’ulafale classes. Creative Communities Scheme 19_1 - Acquitted |
Approved $3,120.00 |
Applications prior to the 2016/2017 financial year have all been accounted for and omitted from this summary |
2019/2020 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two LG2009-227 |
Otahuhu College Board of Trustees |
Legal status: |
School |
Activity focus: |
Community |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Providing laptops for student use in classes |
Location: |
Otahuhu College, 74 Mangere Rd, Otahuhu |
Summary: |
Providing laptops for student use in classes |
Expertise: |
Our teachers currently use laptops/technology in classes |
Dates: |
08/06/2020 - 27/07/2020 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People reached: |
1000 |
% of participants from Local Board |
30 % |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
The students gain skills and understanding using technology which will help them with their exams, but also in their working lives once they leave school |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· improve skills training,increase employment opportunities for the local workforce, especially Maori and Pacific youth
As our families are unable to provide BYOD, Otahuhu College has been supplying laptops for use in classes. This grant will help us to achieve this. Our students will be able to learn using technology and get better outcomes in NCEA. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· Māori participation - Māori priority group, target group, high representation or Māori staff delivering We have Maori students at our school who will benefit from using the laptops |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - We currently have a student in a wheelchair at school. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Promote smoke-free messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water as the first choice, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes All schools are smokefree |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
500% |
500% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$36657.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
This is for 30 laptops and a charging trolley |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: We would have to apply for a grant from another source |
Cost of participation: |
No |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$36,657.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
30 laptops and 1 charging trolley |
$36,657.00 |
$36,657.00 |
Income description |
Amount |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Donated materials |
Amount |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
N/A |
0 |
$0.00 |
Additional information to support the application: |
N/A |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LG1909-229 |
2019 Otahuhu College Production 2018/2019 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted
Approved $800 |
2019/2020 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two LG2009-228 |
New Zealand Kiribati National Council |
Legal status: |
Incorporated Society |
Activity focus: |
Arts and culture |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Kiribati Language and Cultural Week |
Location: |
Otahuhu Recreational Centre |
Summary: |
Provide the opportunity to community members and other cultures to
learn about Kiribati culture and basic Language. |
Expertise: |
Elderly women can do weaving and teaching younger ones the history of
weaving and legend and myths about it. |
Dates: |
07/07/2020 - 15/07/2020 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People reached: |
560 |
% of participants from Local Board |
30 %30 %20 %10 %30 %20 % |
Promotion: |
Announcement on radio Kiribati 531 pi. Put up posters at supermarkets, New Zealand Kiribati National Council facebook page, encourage members to put up on their facebook, through emailing friends and by word of mouth to friends. |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
Younger people got the chance to learn from older people. Encouraging positive gathering and valuing a Kiribati culture with the language during activities carried out throughout the project. Develop youth leadership skills and allow youth members to put in practice their knowledge through the project and also during the interactions. Everyone learns from each other and develop communication skills among older and younger people. Develop the younger people's critical thinking skills and ability to share their ideas during the workshop. Allow other cultures to experience the Kiribati culture and language. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· support initiatives that celebrate our arts, culture and heritage, and help create a vibrant local art sceneImproved reduction in waste through recovery, reuse and recyclingProvides for local cultural and arts experiences in the Papakura local board area.increase opportunities for Maori and Pasifika arts and cultural expressionCreate opportunities for interactions between young and old
Initiate activities for Kiribati Language week through designing
patterns of tops and dresses from recycling materials to support
sustainability and Global warming that is affecting Kiribati at the moment.
Showcase their initiative in creating patterns and tops to the community and
talk about how important to manage our rubbish and our environment in
Kiribati Language. Create opportunities for community members and youth to
come together and share their ideas on how things made from recycle rubbish
and incorporate their Kiribati weaving skills with youth ideas that they have
learned from school. Developing understanding and sustaning skills in
Kiribati culture and pass it on to the new generations. It helps the youth to
make them busy with cultural activities and keeping them away from worldly
temptations. Develops young members critical thinking and support their
initiative that can relate to cultural activities.Providing opportunities to
youth members and community groups to initiate ideas on how to compose songs
and sing them during the Language Week. The songs will base on to reduce,
reuse, recycling. Other youth groups will integrate their weaving skills to
weave headband or head flower from recycling materials as well as creating
designs from unconsumable materials. Youth members will do lots of research
on youtube and search in the library in how other people making lots of
things from leftover materials. They can do support their group members and
teach them how to do research online. Allow different ages to get involved
with what other members are doing. The project suits everyone's interests and
also helps people to understand not to use too much but use what they require
so they are not overused materials.Manurewa Kiribati community youth will
collect lots of leftover consumable resources or materials and use them to
create their designs from for their dress or top to showcase it during the
Kiribati language week. They will showcase that in the Manurewa Shopping Mall
so Manurewa people will see how the youth members being creative in reusing
leftover materials to promote recycling, reduce and reuse. They will talk do
their catwalk and dance with the costume they have made. They will also talk
about the importance of sustainability and awareness of reducing, reusing and
recycling. They will also sing some Kiribati songs to promote our Kiribati
cultural and Language Week.Stick Dance - Karanga or Tirere |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
2 Professional Teachers |
Contributing by assisting the Language Week by creating Language activities such as weaving, translating English to Kiribati for children who were born in NZ and have limited Kiribati language. Assisting Unimwane and Unaine (Older men and women) in managing and looking after the participants and attendance. Encouraging younger ones to learn their Language through Kiribati games and activities that are run during the project to support Kiribati Language Week. Tell stories and myths about weaving and showing what happens in Kiribati during global warming. |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - Disable people can come with their wheelchairs because all venues have their accessible way to the building. Parts of the project can be done by disabling people. Toilets in the facilities are accessible for them to use as well. |
Target ethnic groups: |
Specific ethnic group Other: Kiribati |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water as the first choice, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes Put up signs to inform people of not smoking in the premises. Announce on the NZ Kiribati radio - 531pi that nobody is allowed to smoke in the building. Have a brief talk on the mic by MC to remind people that smoke is not good for health. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$14744.80 |
Requesting grant for: |
Venue costs for each community in different areas or Local Board. Dancing Experts, Older People, Professionals, Contractors, transport /petrol voucher, Project Manager. |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: Fundraising and apply from different donors. Seeking support from other Gambling Games Club. |
Cost of participation: |
Nil |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$13,083.40 |
$100.00 |
$300.00 |
$500.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
Venues - Otahuhu |
$330.00 |
$330.00 |
Venue - Otara Council Stadium |
$3,375.00 |
$3,375.00 |
Venue - Manurewa |
$2,028.40 |
$2,028.40 |
Venue- Pukekohe |
$1,914.00 |
$1,914.00 |
Venue - Rodney |
$1,814.00 |
$1,814.00 |
Project Manager |
$761.00 |
$761.00 |
Petrol & Transport Support |
$2,000.00 |
$2,000.00 |
2 Professionals |
$761.00 |
$1,522.80 |
10 Contractors |
$100.00 |
$1,000.00 |
Income description |
Amount |
Donations to the project - $100 |
$ 100.00 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
Membership Fee for each community - $50 x 6 - pending (need to be collected during the event) |
$300.00 |
Pending |
Donated materials |
Amount |
Sewing machines & fablic materials, threads |
$100.00 |
Recycling materials and Kiribati local materials |
$0.00 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
10 |
200 |
$4,230.00 |
Additional information to support the application: |
I got information from 531pi and proof of photos of Kiribati Cultural Events and Language Week Events. New Zealand Kiribati National Council facebook. |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
MB1819-211 |
Kiribati Stick dance 2018/2019 Multi-board Local Grants, Round Two - Accountability not satisfactory |
Approved $2,500.00 |
CCS19_2_091 |
Kiribati Reading Resources Creative Communities Scheme 19_2 - Regional 19_2 |
Declined $0.00 |
CCS19_2_017 |
Kiribati Language Week Creative Communities Scheme 19_2 - South 19_2 |
Approved $800.00 |
CCS19_1_177 |
Kiribati Talent Show Creative Communities Scheme 19_1 - Acquitted |
Approved $2,092.00 |
LG1810-202 |
Kiribati Dancing Youth Competition 2017/2018 Manurewa Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $6,880.00 |
Applications prior to the 2016/2017 financial year have all been accounted for and omitted from this summary |
2019/2020 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two LG2009-234 |
New Netball Team Limited |
Legal status: |
Limited Liability Company |
Activity focus: |
Sport and recreation |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Northern Comets training venue |
Location: |
90 Walters Road, Takanini |
Summary: |
The Northern Stars host 8 home round robin matches in the 2020 ANZ Premiership against other teams from across New Zealand. This application will assist with hosting one of those matches to enhance the local fan base. |
Expertise: |
We have run similar projects to this in 2019 where we had 6 home games based at the venue. |
Dates: |
14/06/2020 - 14/06/2020 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People reached: |
1600 |
% of participants from Local Board |
100 % |
Promotion: |
Through various mediums including social media, print media and radio. |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
The hosting of matches for the Northern Stars sporting team based in South Auckland with the ability to attract and influence communities and people will benefit and create positive engagement for all. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· collaboration and best use of local community assets and resources is encouraged
The development of the Northern Stars is vital to netball, sport and physical activity in South Auckland. The Northern Stars want to be a catalyst for significant growth in the game, in and around the region we represent. Our primary goal for the Northern Stars is to make a genuine and measurable difference, both on and off the court. We want our players to be mentors and role models that young South Aucklanders aspire to emulate. The long term role of the Northern Stars is to capture the imagination and support of the community. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
Auckland Transport |
Child Car Seat Campaign |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - The Pulman Arena where the event sill be held has disability access/facilities and appropriate seating. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes A-frame signage promoting healthy active lifestyles and smokefree areas. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$1000.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
We are seeking funding to assist with the cost of hireage of the Pulman Arena in Takanini. |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: Through a reduction in other areas of budget. |
Cost of participation: |
Ticket prices range from $15-$25. A number of complimentary tickets are issued. |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$6,608.00 |
$10,500.00 |
$0.00 |
$5,608.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
Venue Hire |
$6,608.00 |
$1,000.00 |
Income description |
Amount |
Ticket Sales: 300 tickets @ $25 each |
$ 7,500.00 |
Ticket Sales: 200 @ $15 each |
$ 3,000.00 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Donated materials |
Amount |
N/A |
$0.00 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
30 |
48 |
$1,015.20 |
Additional information to support the application: |
N/A |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
QR2010-110 |
Hosting round robin netball match 2019/2020 Manurewa Quick Response, Round One - Awaiting funding agreement |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR2013-107 |
Hosting round robin netball match 2019/2020 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round One - Submitted |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2014-101 |
Hosting round robin netball match and paint the town purple 2019/2020 Papakura Small Grants, Round One - Awaiting payment |
Approved $500.00 |
QR2009-101 |
Hosting round robin netball match 2019/2020 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round One - Submitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1914-208 |
Hosting round robin netball match & paint the town purple promotion 2018/2019 Papakura Small Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR1903-207 |
Hosting round robin netball match & paint the town purple promotion 2018/2019 Franklin Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1814-227 |
Hosting round robin netball match & Paint The Town Purple Promotion 2017/2018 Papakura Local Grant, Round 2 - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG1809-228 |
Hosting a round robin netball match 2017/2018 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR1803-316 |
Hosting a round robin netball match 2017/2018 Franklin Quick Response, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1810-229 |
Hosting a round robin netball match 2017/2018 Manurewa Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1813-233 |
Hosting a round robin netball match 2017/2018 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
Applications prior to the 2016/2017 financial year have all been accounted for and omitted from this summary |
2019/2020 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local |