

Meeting Room:



Wednesday 6 May 2020


Skype meeting

Either recording or written summary will be uploaded on the Auckland Council website


Whau Local Board






ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                         PAGE


19        Ratification of Whau Local Board feedback on the Independent Council-Controlled Organisations Review

A.      A 6 May 2020, Whau Local Board: Item 19 - Local Board's feedback for inclusion in the independent Council Controlled Organisations Review                                  3

21        Te Taruke-a-Tawhiri: Auckland's Climate Action Framework -  Proposed changes

A.      6 May 2020, Whau Local Board: Item 21 - Whau Local Board feedback on the draft Te Taruke-a-Tawhiri: Auckland's Climate Action Framework                               9

Whau Local Board

06 May 2020








Whau Local Board

06 May 2020



·                     Whau Local Board feedback on the consultation report and proposed changes to Te Taruke-a-Tawhiri – Auckland ‘s Climate Action Framework (ACAF).

·                     Whau Local Board supports all key moves for action that went out for public consultation. It is the view of this board that the framework be given the regulatory gravitas needed to directly influence project prioritization within Council and CCO departments. The framework needs to have power and authority to enable its key moves.

·                     Points noted by the board:

·    The Whau Low Carbon Plan, which was adopted by the board carries seven key action areas which directly align with the ACAF.

·    the consultation summary carries overwhelming support for the Framework and also, regardless of geography or topography, we are all recognise the need for planning and action.

·    Interestingly, the Whau public’s focus for the Whau area also resonates as the region particular areas of concern.

·                     Key Challenges

·                     As prioritized by Auckland region

·                     As prioritized by Whau residents

·                     Access to public transport

·                     No. 1 priority at 31%

·                     No 2 priority at 25%

·                     Lack of knowledge and awareness of climate change

·                     No. 2 priority at28%

·                     No 1 priority at 42%

·                     Effects on natural environment

·                     No. 3 priority at 25%

·                     No 4 priority at 29%

·                     Coastal changes including sea level rise and erosion

·                     No. 4 priority at 20%

·                     No 5 priority at 16%

·                     Community preparedness for impacts

·                     No. 5 priority at 17%

·                     No 3 priority at 20%


Whau Local Board Position:

·    Communication and behavior change are integral to making meaningful change locally, nationally and globally. This board recommends that The Auckland Climate Plan uses the 17 Sustainable Development Goals as set by the Paris Agreement in 2016 to both base a campaign and awareness on, but also to use for evaluation and monitoring.

·    Support a smaller number of priorities without diluting the intent and would also support a review of the layout of key moves to remove implied priority order.

·    Emphasis is needed on “Access to public transport”. This needs significant change and delivery at scale and pace. Whau would welcome that acceleration but understands that what is funded by Auckland Transport is not always in line with this framework. Auckland Transport projects should carry a climate impact statement at the start of any case brought before the local boards.

·    To ensure effectiveness, clear regulations need to be in place at central as well as local government levels.

·    Fully agrees with council seeking mana whenua support, ensuring a Maori lens on tools and strategies put in place to address climate change.

·    Introduce an effective and ongoing campaign ensuring this translates to all cultures in NZ, and that this is an underpinning of the Aotearoa lived experience and culture.

·    Potentially Ministry of Science, Research and Innovation being funded to the level that ensures leadership on not only research, but also climate action planning.

·    We agree with an Action Plant that puts in places strategies and speedily implements those strategies to reduce emissions that cause climate change. It is important that this is measurable.

·    The work to reduce the negative impacts of climate change needs to be happening concurrently with emissions reduction and also needs to be measurable.

·    Private sector businesses must be encouraged by central and local government regulations to compete on a level playing field and also provide clarity to the public of reality vs expectation - for example insurance cover or mitigation support for properties in flood prone planes. This is not addressed in the proposed plan and perhaps should be.

·    Climate crisis requires coordinated action by the Governing Body, local boards and CCOs. In keeping with the structure of Auckland Council, local boards are best placed to partner with local communities and implement local solutions. To facilitate this, the Whau Local Board supports a dedicated funding stream for local boards to address climate-related projects. Because of the lack of action plans in such events, there is greater and more enduring effects on individuals as well as the economy (the 2018 flood of New Lynn town centre is an example)

·    The board supports the actions outlined under each key move, as well as the timelines proposed and would directly comment on the following:

Key Move 3 Make development and infrastructure climate compatible. There seems to be emphasis on new infrastructure. There is dire need to act more quickly where weaknesses in infrastructure are identified, e.g. aging wastewater systems, culverts and drains not coping with accelerated development and housing. The board is of the opinion that with the recent establishment of the Urban Development Bill, there is opportunity to be more aggressive in the enforcement of sustainable design and construction. There is also the opportunity for central government (supported by council regulations) to put in place measures and incentives to meaningfully reward developers for addressing sustainability in new builds.

Key Move 9 Youth and intergenerational equity. This move is admirable but may take a while to implement. The message may not get through to our more resistant, immovable older people if it’s being voiced by rangitahi; So, I thought maybe the following needs to be added to Key Point 7:

Key Move 7 Help Aucklanders become more resilient and reduce their carbon footprint – Undertake a widespread action and public awareness programme. Promote green building eg with water resilience / water tanks on site as per normal, with opportunity to retrofit with solar at a later date, ensuring that there is strategic planning for green spaces, including future community gardens (food).

Key Move 11 Grow Low Carbon, resilient food system– encourage the widespread development of community and home-based vegetable gardens.

Closing Statement

What the spread of the Covid-19 virus has highlighted for the board, as representatives of a community, is the need for social cohesion. Rather than sit back and react to the fall out, we in local government must lead communities into being more proactive about being climate resilient. A well-prepared action plan helps us do this.