I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday, 28 May 2020 4.00pm This meeting will be held via Skype for Business. Either a recording or a written summary will be uploaded to the Auckland Council website. |
Waitākere Ranges Local Board
Chairperson |
Greg Presland |
Deputy Chairperson |
Saffron Toms |
Members |
Mark Allen |
Michelle Clayton |
Sandra Coney, QSO |
Ken Turner |
(Quorum 3 members)
Elizabeth Stewart Democracy Advisor, Waitākere Ranges Local Board
22 May 2020
Contact Telephone: 021 194 6808 Email: elizabeth.stewart@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Waitākere Ranges Local Board 28 May 2020 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Confirmation of Minutes 6
5 Leave of Absence 6
6 Acknowledgements 6
7 Petitions 6
9 Public Forum 7
10 Extraordinary Business 7
11 Waitākere Ranges Grants Programme 2020/2021 9
12 Waitākere Ranges Local Grant and Multiboard Round Two 2019/2020 grant allocations 17
13 Classification of Titirangi War Memorial Reserve, 500 South Titirangi Road, Titirangi 193
14 New community lease to Woodlands Park Community Kindergarten Incorporated, 22A Minnehaha Avenue, Titirangi 201
15 Penihana Park concept plan approval 211
16 Local board feedback on Plan Change 22 and Plan Modification 12 – additions of places of significance to Mana Whenua 219
17 New land owner approval to replace the lifeguard tower located at Les Waygood Park, 2A North Piha Road, Piha 229
18 Endorsing Business Improvement District (BID) targeted rates for 2020/2021 269
19 Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency Innovating Streets for People pilot fund 277
20 Project Twin Streams Half-Year Accountability Report 289
21 Auckland Transport Update - May 2020 303
22 Waitākere Ward Councillors' Update 309
23 Chair's Report - May 2020 311
24 Local Board Member Report - Member Allen 313
25 Confirmation of Workshop Records 317
26 Governance Forward Work Programme 325
27 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
28 Procedural Motion to Exclude the Public 329
C1 Urgent decision of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board providing feedback to the Governing Body on the 2020/2021 Emergency Budget 329
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
Specifically, members are asked to identify any new interests they have not previously disclosed, an interest that might be considered as a conflict of interest with a matter on the agenda.
The following are declared interests of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:
Organisation/Position |
Mark Allen |
- Community Waitākere – Executive Officer - Bethells Valley Fire – Senior Fire Fighter - Waitākere Licensing Trust – Trustee |
Michelle Clayton |
- Glen Eden Community House – Treasurer - Glen Eden Residents’ Association – Treasurer - Waitākere Community Organisation Grants Scheme (COGS) – Committee Member - The Personal Advocacy and Safeguarding Adults Trust – Trustee - Glen Eden Returned Services Association (RSA) – Member - Glen Eden Railway Trust – Member |
Sandra Coney |
- Waitematā District Health Board – Elected Member - Women’s Health Action Trust – Patron - New Zealand Society of Genealogists – Member - New Zealand Military Defence Society – Member - Cartwright Collective – Member - Community Waitākere – family member has contract |
- Whau Coastal Walkway Environmental Trust – Trustee - Combined Youth Services Trust – Trustee - Glen Eden Bid – Member - Titirangi Ratepayers and Residents Association – Member - Waitākere Ranges Protection Society - Member - Titirangi RSA - Member - Maungakiekie Golf Club – Member |
Saffron Toms |
- Titirangi Community House – Secretary |
Ken Turner |
Nil |
Member appointments
Board members are appointed to the following external community groups and organisations for the 2019-2022 triennium. In these appointments board members represent Auckland Council:
Lead |
Alternate |
Aircraft Noise Community Consultative Group |
Mark Allen |
Saffron Toms |
Ark in the Park |
Mark Allen |
Sandra Coney |
Friends of Arataki and Waitākere Regional Parkland Incorporated |
Michelle Clayton |
Sandra Coney |
Glen Eden Business Improvement District (Glen Eden Business Association) |
Michelle Clayton |
Greg Presland |
Glen Eden Playhouse Theatre Trust |
Ken Turner |
Mark Allen |
Te Uru Waitākere Contemporary Gallery |
Mark Allen |
Saffron Toms and Sandra Coney |
The Rural Advisory Panel |
Ken Turner |
Saffron Toms |
That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 23 April 2020 and the extraordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 7 May 2020, as a true and correct record.
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
Standing Order 7.7 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.
At the close of the agenda no requests for deputations had been received.
9 Public Forum
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.
At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
Waitākere Ranges Local Board 28 May 2020 |
Waitākere Ranges Grants Programme 2020/2021
File No.: CP2020/03771
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To adopt the Waitākere Ranges Grants Programme 2020/2021.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. The Auckland Council Community Grants Policy guides the allocation of local, multi-board and regional grant programmes to groups and organisations delivering projects, activities and services that benefit Aucklanders.
3. The Community Grants Policy supports each local board to review and adopt their own local grants programme for the next financial year.
4. This report presents the Waitākere Ranges Grants Programme 2020/2021 for adoption (see Attachment A).
Recommendation/s That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) adopt the Waitākere Ranges Grants Programme 2020/2021.
5. The Auckland Council Community Grants Policy guides the allocation of local, multi-board and regional grant programmes to groups and organisations delivering projects, activities and services that benefit Aucklanders.
6. The Community Grants Policy supports each local board to review and adopt its own local grants programme for the next financial year. The local board grants programme guides community groups and individuals when making applications to the local board.
7. The local board community grants programme includes:
· outcomes as identified in the local board plan
· specific local board grant priorities
· which grant types will operate, the number of grant rounds and opening and closing dates
· any additional criteria or exclusions that will apply
· other factors the local board consider to be significant to their decision-making.
8. Once the local board grants programme 2020/2021 has been adopted, the types of grants, grant rounds, criteria, and eligibility with be advertised through an integrated communication and marketing approach which includes utilising the local board channels.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
9. The aim of the local board grant programme is to deliver projects and activities which align with the outcomes identified in the local board plan. The new Waitākere Ranges Grants Programme has been workshopped with the local board and feedback incorporated into the grants programme for 2020/2021.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
10. The local board grants programme aims to respond to Auckland Council’s commitment to address climate change by providing grants to individuals and groups with projects that support community climate change action. Local board grants can contribute to climate action through the support of projects that address food production and food waste; alternative transport methods; community energy efficiency education and behaviour change; build community resilience and support tree planting.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
11. The grants programme has no identified impacts on council-controlled organisations and therefore their views are not required.
12. Based on the main focus of an application, a subject matter expert from the relevant council unit will provide input and advice. The main focus of an application is identified as arts, community, events, sport and recreation, environment, or heritage.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
13. The grants programme has been developed by the local board to set the direction of its grants programme. This programme is reviewed on an annual basis.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
14. All grant programmes respond to Auckland Council’s commitment to improving Māori wellbeing by providing grants to organisations delivering positive outcomes for Māori. Applicants are asked how their project aims to increase Māori outcomes in the application process.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
15. The allocation of grants to community groups is within the adopted Long-Term Plan 2018 -2028 and local board agreements.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
16. The allocation of grants occurs within the guidelines and criteria of the Community Grants Policy. Therefore, there is minimal risk associated with the adoption of the grants programme.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Waitākere Ranges Grants Programme 2020/2021 |
11 |
Ngā kaihaina
Authors |
Ann Kuruvilla - Grants Advisor |
Authorisers |
Andrew Clark - General Manager Commercial and Finance Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitākere Ranges, Whau |
28 May 2020 |
Waitākere Ranges Local Grant and Multiboard Round Two 2019/2020 grant allocations
File No.: CP2020/06256
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To fund, part-fund or decline applications received for Waitākere Ranges Local Grants and Multiboard Round Two 2019/2020.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. This report presents applications received in Waitākere Ranges Local Board Local Grants, Round Two 2019/2020 (refer to Attachment B) and multi-board applications (refer to Attachment C).
3. The Waitākere Ranges Local Board adopted the Waitākere Local Grants Programme 2019/2020 on 26 March 2019 (refer to Attachment A). The document sets application guidelines for contestable community grants submitted to the local board.
4. The Waitākere Ranges Local Board has set a total community grants budget of $75,000.00 for the 2019/2020 financial year, plus $44,435 carried forward from 2018/2019, making it a total budget of $119,435.00
5. A total of $69,975.63 has been allocated to Local Grants and Quick Response Round One 2019/2020. This leaves a total of $49,459.37 to be allocated to one local grant and one quick response round.
6. Nineteen applications were received for Waitākere Ranges Local Board Local Grants Round Two 2019/2020, including 13 multi-board applications requesting a total of $521,648.61
Recommendation/s That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board: a) agree to fund, part-fund or decline each application in Waitākere Local Grants, Round Two 209/2020, listed in table one and table two below. Table One: Waitākere Ranges Local Grants Round One 2019/2020 grant applications
Table Two: Waitākere Ranges Local Grants Round One 2019/2020 multi-board grant applications:
7. The local board allocates grants to groups and organisations delivering projects, activities and services that benefit Aucklanders and contribute to the vision of being a world class city.
8. The local board grants programme sets out:
· local board priorities
· lower priorities for funding
· exclusions
· grant types, the number of grant rounds, and when these will open and close
· any additional accountability requirements.
9. Waitākere Ranges Local Board adopted their grants programme for 2019/2020 on 26 March 2019. The document sets application guidelines for community contestable grants.
10. The community grant programmes have been extensively advertised through the council grants webpage, local board webpages, local board e-newsletters, Facebook pages, council publications, radio, and community networks.
11. The Waitākere Ranges Local Board has set a total community grants budget of $119,435.00 for the 2019/2020 financial year.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
12. The aim of the local board grant programme is to deliver projects and activities which align with the outcomes identified in the local board plan. All applications have been assessed utilising the Community Grants Policy and the local board grant programme criteria. The eligibility of each application is identified in the report recommendations.
13. Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, staff have also assessed each application according to which alert level the proposed activity is able to proceed. For example, under alert level two, only gatherings of up to 10 people can take place. Events and activities have been assessed according to these criteria.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
14. The Local Board Grants Programme aims to respond to Auckland Council’s commitment to address climate change by providing grants to individuals and groups for projects that support and enable community climate action. Community climate action involves reducing or responding to climate change by local residents in a locally relevant way. Local board grants can contribute to expanding climate action by supporting projects that reduce carbon emissions and increase community resilience to climate impacts. Examples of projects include local food production and food waste reduction; increasing access to single-occupancy transport options; home energy efficiency and community renewable energy generation; local tree planting and streamside revegetation; and educating about sustainable lifestyle choices that reduce carbon footprints.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
15. The focus of an application is identified as arts, community, events, sport and recreation, environment or heritage. Based on the focus of an application, a subject matter expert from the relevant department will provide input and advice.
16. The grants programme has no identified impacts on council-controlled organisations and therefore their views are not required.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
17. Local boards are responsible for the decision-making and allocation of local board community grants. The Waitākere Ranges Local Board is required to fund, part-fund or decline these grant applications against the local board priorities identified in the local board grant programme.
18. The board is
requested to note that section 50 of the Community Grants Policy states:
“We will also provide feedback to unsuccessful grant applicants
about why they have been declined, so they will know what they can do to
increase their chances of success next time”.
19. A summary of each application received through 2019/2020 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants Round Two is provided (refer to Attachment B), including multi-board applications (refer to Attachment C).
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
20. The local board grants programme aims to respond to the council’s commitment to improving Māori wellbeing by providing grants to individuals and groups who deliver positive outcomes for Māori. Auckland Council’s Māori Responsiveness Unit has provided input and support towards the development of the community grant processes.
21. Five organisations applying in this round have indicated that their project targets Māori or Māori outcomes.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
22. The allocation of grants to community groups or individuals is within the adopted Long-Term Plan 2018-2028 and local board agreements.
23. The Waitākere Ranges Local Board has set a total community grants budget of $119,435.00 for the 2019/2020 financial year.
24. A total of $119,435.00 has been allocated to Local Grants and Quick Response Round One 2019/2020. This leaves a total of $49,459.37 to be allocated to one local grant and one quick response round.
25. Nineteen applications were received for Waitākere Ranges Local Board Local Grants Round Two 2019/2020, including 13 multi-board applications, requesting a total of $521,648.61
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
26. The allocation of grants occurs within the guidelines and criteria of the Community Grants Policy and the local board grants programme. The assessment process has identified a low risk associated with funding the applications in this round.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
27. Following the Waitākere Ranges Local Board allocating funding for round two local grants, Grants staff will notify the applicants of the local board’s decision.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Waitākere Ranges Local Grants Programme 2019/2020 |
23 |
b⇨ |
Waitākere Ranges Local Grants Round Two 2019/2020 grant applications |
29 |
c⇩ |
Waitākere Ranges Local Grant Round Two Multiboard 2019/2020 grant applications |
119 |
Ngā kaihaina
Authors |
Ann Kuruvilla - Grants Advisor |
Authorisers |
Marion Davies - Grants and Incentives Manager Glenn Boyd - Relationship Manager Henderson-Massey, Waitākere Ranges, Whau |
28 May 2020 |
2019/2020 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two LG2019-202 |
Act One Productions Limited |
Legal status: |
Limited Liability Company |
Activity focus: |
Arts and culture |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Love is All |
Location: |
Arataki Visitor Centre, 300 Scenic Drive, Oratia, Waitākere 0604 |
Summary: |
We wish to provide a free professional standard theatre show for the local tamariki in an alternative venue, Arataki Visitor Centre. The story is about showing kindness to all- plants, animals, humans and self- and what we can accomplish if everyone shows a little more kindness to all. The show will be produced by Act One Productions with the support of Arataki Visitor Centre. |
Expertise: |
We have produced The Rudolph and Fairy Christmas Show and The Easter Bunny Show, both similar style to what this show will be: both shows are rebooked year after year by many happy clients. We also produced a full length Christmas show in 2018 with the help of the Takapuna Devonport Local Board which did very well at The Pumphouse Theatre. Our actors are skilled and experienced children's entertainers with years of experience on stage and at live interactive performances. |
Dates: |
02/06/2020 - 19/07/2020 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People reached: |
The project could reach between 200 to 1000 people |
% of participants from Local Board |
90 % |
Promotion: |
Flyers and posters will go in surrounding shops, schools and kindys.
Facebook event will be shared between Act One Productions and Arataki Visitor
Centre databases. Listed on Eventfinda. |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
Sense of place - show is provided free of charge in your neighbourhood and brings awareness to some of the ecological issues raised by awareness campaigns and displays at Arataki Visitor Centre. Audience (kids) will learn about the impact kindness and compassion can have on the world around us. This is something interesting and different happening in the community and people don't have to venture far for a quality theatrical performance, they can do so while exploring their own backyard. It also brings awareness to this community and its points of interest. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· Support arts and cultural activities that create a sense of place, interest and local identity
Providing a free show for tamariki in the school holidays at Arataki Visitor Centre gives children the opportunity to experience professional quality theatre in an alternative venue in their own neighbourhood. We want to work with Arataki to bring awareness to the ecological concerns that our next generation may have to deal with. We will do this through the joy and magic of theatre. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
Arataki Visitor Centre |
Providing the venue free of charge |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· Māori focus - tikanga (practises), mātauranga (knowledge), reo (language) Te Reo Maori will be used in the script, tikanga and mātauranga may be touched on as well. We will appoint a Māori content advisor for this. |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - The venue is wheelchair accessible and we invite people from all walks of life to see the show. It will be a relaxed environment so that people with sensory issues may come and go as they need. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages Waste minimisation is a part of our kindness to the environment concept in the show- the characters in the show will discover how to be kind to Papatūānuku. We will also limit the amount of paper we use for promotional material etc and will leave a box for any unwanted paper that we will take away and recycle ourselves. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
50% |
50% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$11000.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
Personnel only. All other costs will be covered by Act One Productions. |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: Rehearse at director's house for free but small rehearsal venue, no lights, no set, no Maori content advisor. This would still require $9,000.00 to go ahead without these elements. |
Cost of participation: |
no cost. We wish to provide a free event for the tamariki of Waitākere and beyond |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$11,111.22 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$1,170.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
2 actors, 1 director @ $3000 each |
$9,000.00 |
$9,000.00 |
Maori content advisor |
$250.00 |
$250.00 |
Lighting technician with gear |
$1,861.22 |
$1,750.00 |
Income description |
Amount |
n/a |
$ 0.00 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
n/a |
$0.00 |
Donated materials |
Amount |
Venue hire provided free of charge by Arataki Visitor Centre |
$4,050.00 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
Nil |
$0.00 |
Additional information to support the application: |
Please see attached my follow up conversation with Leanne from Arataki. I had met with her prior to this to discuss how we could work together. |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
CCS20_1_026 |
Rudolph's Christmas Wish Creative Communities Scheme 20_1 - Central & Gulf Islands 20_1 |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1905-227 |
The Kauri Kid 2018/2019 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1902-212 |
A Very Merry Kiwimas 2018/2019 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,600.00 |
Applications prior to the 2016/2017 financial year have all been accounted for and omitted from this summary |
2019/2020 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two LG2019-210 |
Dance Therapy NZ |
Legal status: |
Incorporated Society, Charitable Trust |
Activity focus: |
Arts and culture |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Dance 4 Us West |
Location: |
Hubwest, Henderson |
Summary: |
Dance 4 Us is a therapeutic dance programme designed for adults and young adults living with Autism Spectrum Disorder or other related cognitive or physical disabilities. Sessions are run weekly and are facilitated by an expert team committed to offering specialised support and creating a non-judgmental, fun, community atmosphere where participants feel safe, valued and celebrated just as they are. |
Expertise: |
Dance & Arts Therapy NZ (DTNZ) has been running since 2010. Our therapy team is made up of qualified and highly experienced Dance Movement and Arts Therapists who have been rigorously trained here, in Aotearoa New Zealand, or through reputable international organisations as well as therapists-in-training. DTNZ provides supervision to our therapists who facilitate clinical groups (STARS Mt Albert included) for therapist safety, and to ensure that child safety, cultural competency and inclusiveness standards are being upheld to the highest degree. |
Dates: |
20/07/2020 - 15/12/2020 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People reached: |
30-60 |
% of participants from Local Board |
40 %60 % |
Promotion: |
We will publicly thank the local board on our Facebook page, in our termly newsletter and in our Annual Report. Any marketing collateral generated could also feature the logo. |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
Our workshops present a safe, creative and empowering space, where each person is treated as an equal and encouraged to express their unique perspective through movement. Our therapy team works hard to create a non-judgmental atmosphere free from the stresses of able-ism and prejudice. They approach movement-making co-creatively, inviting attendees to play an active role in the development of the movement, offering an opportunity to gain a sense of mastery, integrate their whole self, and to develop further social awareness and skills to relate to, and communicate with, others in their family and the wider community. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· diversity and difference is embraced and valuedSupport our communities to be healthy and safe and people feel that they are valued, connected and belong
Dance 4 Us West is a therapeutic programme for adults and young adults with special needs and disabilities. This population faces considerable stigma from the 'neurotypical' public every day, so we work hard to create a safe, open space where attendees are not only accepted, but are valued and celebrated just as they are.Dance 4 Us West is a therapeutic programme for adults and young adults with special needs and disabilities. This population faces considerable stigma from the 'neurotypical' public every day, so we work hard to create a safe, open space where attendees are not only accepted, but are valued and celebrated just as they are. By improving social skills and communicative ability, we're empowering participants to be able to more effectively communicate outside the session, in their local community, which helps to break down negative stereotypes about people with disabilities. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
Hubwest |
Venue host |
Spectrum Care |
Carer organisation |
IDEA Services |
Carer organisation |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· none identified
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - Dance 4 Us caters to the unique needs of those with disabilities and special needs – these wonderful people are our focus. Accordingly, the project has been developed with specialised considerations taken into account including: sensory (light, volume of music, colours of props) and privacy (minimal visible distraction outside the room). |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes We will hold our Dance 4 Us programme in a smoke-free venue. Zero waste messages will be promoted through use of reusable dance props/equipment. Dance 4 Us is all about moving creatively together – we help clients feel happy and comfortable moving around (a byproduct of our programme is positive fitness outcomes!) |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
40% |
40% |
% |
20% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$2000.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
A contribution towards venue hire, marketing, facilitation, coordination, client support and liaison and equipment. |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: We’d need to reduce the number of sessions/workshops to be held over the funding period. |
Cost of participation: |
Entry is via koha/donation (although this isn't enforced). |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$10,773.00 |
$200.00 |
$8,573.00 |
$0.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
Venue hire |
$720.00 |
$133.20 |
Marketing |
$2,573.00 |
$2,684.01 |
Facilitation |
$2,988.00 |
$663.79 |
Equipment |
$540.00 |
$99.90 |
Coordination |
$1,944.00 |
$329.64 |
Client support & liaison |
$1,008.00 |
$186.48 |
Admin |
$1,000.00 |
$0.00 |
Income description |
Amount |
Anticipated koha donation |
$ 200.00 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
$2,073.00 |
Approved |
Henderson-Massey Local Board |
$3,000.00 |
Pending |
Creative Communities North West |
$3,500.00 |
Pending |
Donated materials |
Amount |
Nil |
$0.00 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
2 |
54 |
$1,142.10 |
Additional information to support the application: |
None |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LG2012-214 |
Arts 4 Us Specialty Orakei 2019/2020 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2010-221 |
Arts 4 Us South 2019/2020 Manurewa Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2005-216 |
Dance 4 Us West 2019/2020 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2003-218 |
Arts 4 Us Specialty & STARS South 2019/2020 Franklin Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2007-328 |
STARS Pakuranga 2019/2020 Howick Local Grants, Round Three - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2002-230 |
STARS North Shore 2019-2020 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2011-220 |
Arts 4 Us Oranga & Dance 4 Us Onehunga 2019/2020 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2001-225 |
STARS Mt Albert 2019/2020 Albert-Eden Local Grants, Round Two - SME assessment completed |
Undecided $0.00 |
CCS20_2_130 |
Dance 4 Us Onehunga & Arts 4 Us Oranga Creative Communities Scheme 20_2 - South East 20_2 |
Undecided $5,500.00 |
CCS20_2_129 |
Dance 4 Us West & North Shore Creative Communities Scheme 20_2 - North West 20_2 |
Undecided $10,000.00 |
CCS20_2_126 |
Arts 4 Us South Auckland Creative Communities Scheme 20_2 - South East 20_2 |
Undecided $8,679.00 |
CCS20_1_192 |
Dance 4 Us Onehunga & STARS Pakuranga & Onehunga Creative Communities Scheme 20_1 - South East 20_1 |
Approved $8,000.00 |
CCS20_1_191 |
Dance 4 Us & Arts 4 Us West, STARS & Dance 4 Us North Shore Creative Communities Scheme 20_1 - North West 20_1 |
Approved $13,212.00 |
CCS20_1_171 |
STARS Mt Albert & Arts 4 Us Orakei Creative Communities Scheme 20_1 - Central & Gulf Islands 20_1 |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2012-133 |
Arts 4 Us Specialty (Orakei) 2019/2020 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG2010-120 |
Arts 4 Us South 2019/2020 Manurewa Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
MB1920-156 |
Dance 4 Us West 2019/2020 Multi-board Local Grants Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $3,000.00 |
LG2007-127 |
STARS Pakuranga 2019/2020 Howick Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,500.00 |
LG2002-117 |
STARS & Dance 4 Us North Shore 2019-2020 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $1,830.00 |
LG2011-135 |
Arts 4 Us Drop-In Workshops (Riverside & Oranga) 2019/2020 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG2001-131 |
STARS Mt Albert 2019/2020 Albert-Eden Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
DTEOI-23 |
Sensory Overload Immersion Experience 2019 Devonport-Takapuna Arts & Culture - Expression of Interest - A&C Assessor EOI received |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG1907-344 |
STARS Pakuranga 2018/2019 Howick Local Grants, Round Three - Project in progress |
Approved $2,500.00 |
LG1912-220 |
Arts 4 Us Specialty (Orakei) 2018/2019 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG1920-225 |
Arts 4 Us Specialty (Orakei) 2018/2019 Waitematā Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1919-215 |
Dance 4 Us West 2018/2019 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1908-327 |
Dance 4 Us & STARS North Shore 2018/2019 Kaipātiki Local Grants, Round Three - Submitted |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1913-265 |
Dance 4 Us South 2018/2019 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round Two - Grant not uplifted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1911-326 |
Arts 4 Us Drop-In Workshops (Riverside & Oranga) 2018/2019 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round Three - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1910-228 |
Arts 4 Us South 2018/2019 Manurewa Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1905-221 |
Dance 4 Us West 2018/2019 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1902-228 |
Dance 4 Us & STARS North Shore 2018/2019 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1901-223 |
STARS Mt Albert 2018/2019 Albert-Eden Local Grants, Round Two - Review accountability |
Approved $1,860.00 |
CCS19_2_225 |
Dance 4 Us & Arts 4 Us West Creative Communities Scheme 19_2 - West 19_2 |
Approved $5,000.00 |
CCS19_2_220 |
Dance 4 Us South & STARS Pakuranga Creative Communities Scheme 19_2 - South 19_2 |
Approved $4,000.00 |
CCS19_2_219 |
STARS and Dance 4 Us North Shore Creative Communities Scheme 19_2 - North 19_2 |
Approved $6,000.00 |
CCS19_2_177 |
Dance 4 Us & STARS Onehunga Creative Communities Scheme 19_2 - Central 19_2 |
Approved $5,000.00 |
00002-MTSP |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Strategic Partnerships Grants 2018/2019 - |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1915-206 |
Dance 4 Families 2018/2019 Puketāpapa Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1913-3-1027 |
Dance 4 Us South 2018/2019 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $350.00 |
QR1910-122 |
Arts 4 Us South Workshops 2018/2019 Manurewa Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
CCS19_1_171 |
STARS Pakuranga T1&2 and Arts 4 Us South Auckland (New!) T1&2 Creative Communities Scheme 19_1 - Acquitted |
Approved $8,493.00 |
CCS19_1_201 |
STARS Onehunga T1&2 2019 Creative Communities Scheme 19_1 - Central 19_1 |
Approved $3,758.00 |
CCS19_1_203 |
STARS North Shore T1&2 Creative Communities Scheme 19_1 - Acquitted |
Approved $5,867.00 |
CCS19_1_205 |
Dance 4 Us West T1 & 2 Creative Communities Scheme 19_1 - West 19_1 |
Approved $4,133.30 |
LG1920-115 |
Arts 4 Us Orakei & Parent Workshop 2018/2019 Waitematā Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1812-224 |
Arts 4 Us Specialty Art Workshops 2017/2018 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,200.00 |
LG1801-241 |
STARS Dance Movement Workshops: Mt Albert 2017/2018 Albert-Eden Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1811-332 |
Arts 4 Us General Art Workshops 2017/2018 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG1820-235 |
Arts 4 Us Specialty Art Workshops 2017/2018 Waitematā Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1807-343 |
STARS Dance Movement Workshops: Pakuranga and Mt Albert 2017/2018 Howick Local Grants, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $3,000.00 |
LG1802-218 |
Dance 4 Us and STARS North Shore Dance Workshops 2017/2018 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $6,000.00 |
LG1805-227 |
Dance 4 Us: Dance Workshops in West Auckland 2017/2018 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $5,500.00 |
LG1815-211 |
Dance 4 Us Mt Roskill 2017/2018 Puketāpapa Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,430.00 |
CCS18_2_138 |
STARS Dance Workshops Pakuranga Creative Communities Scheme 18_2 - Acquitted |
Approved $4,764.00 |
CCS18_2_137 |
STARS Dance Workshops North Shore Creative Communities Scheme 18_2 - Acquitted |
Approved $5,500.00 |
CCS18_2_140 |
Dance 4 Us Workshops in Onehunga Creative Communities Scheme 18_2 - Acquitted |
Approved $4,035.00 |
CCS18_2_139 |
Dance 4 Us Workshops in West Auckland Creative Communities Scheme 18_2 - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
QR1807-126 |
STARS Dance Movement Therapy for Children and Teenagers with Disabilities 2017/2018 Howick Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,992.00 |
QR1801-235 |
STARS Dance Movement Therapy for Children and Teenagers with Disabilities 2017/2018 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $500.00 |
QR1820-219 |
Art 4 Us Therapy for Children and Teenagers with Disabilities 2017/2018 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
CCS18_1_281 |
STARS Dance Workshops North Shore Creative Communities Scheme 18_1 - Acquitted |
Approved $6,443.00 |
CCS18_1_276 |
STARS Dance Workshops Onehunga Creative Communities Scheme 18_1 - Acquitted |
Approved $6,000.00 |
CCS18_1_272 |
STARS Dance Workshops Pakaranga Creative Communities Scheme 18_1 - Acquitted |
Approved $5,213.00 |
CCS18_1_267 |
Dance 4 Us Dance Workshops in West Auckland Creative Communities Scheme 18_1 - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG1705-208 |
Dance 4 Us and Dance 4 Us Youth 2016/2017 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $8,000.00 |
LG1701-231 |
STARS Dance Therapy Groups 2016/2017 Albert-Eden Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,500.00 |
LG1720-227 |
Arts 4 Us Specialty 2016/2017 Waitematā Local Grant, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $4,000.00 |
CCS17_2_173 |
STARS Dance Workshops Pakuranga Creative Communities Scheme 2017_2 - South Committee 17_2 |
Approved $6,336.00 |
CCS17_2_164 |
Dance 4 Us West Creative Communities Scheme 2017_2 - West Committee 17_2 |
Approved $6,276.00 |
CCS17_2_159 |
STARS Dance Workshops North Shore Creative Communities Scheme 2017_2 - North Committee 17_2 |
Approved $8,948.32 |
CCS17_2_141 |
Dance 4 Us Onehunga Creative Communities Scheme 2017_2 - Central Committee 17_2 |
Approved $6,500.00 |
QR1702-219 |
Parent Workshop and STARS North Shore Dance Therapy Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round Two, 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1701-227 |
Parent Workshops & STARS Mt Albert Dance Therapy Workshops 2016/2017 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,600.00 |
QR1720-222 |
Parent Workshops & Arts 4 Us Specialty 2016/2017 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $532.00 |
QR1707-218 |
STARS Dance Movement Therapy Pakuranga 2016/2017 Howick Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,850.00 |
CCS17_1_041 |
STARS Dance Workshops Onehunga Creative Communities Scheme 2017_1 - Central Assessment Committee Round 1 2017 |
Approved $6,176.00 |
CCS17_1_029 |
STARS Dance Workshops North Shore Creative Communities Scheme 2017_1 - North Assessment Committee Round 1 2017 |
Approved $7,213.29 |
CCS17_1_028 |
Dance 4 Us: Dance Workshops in West Auckland Creative Communities Scheme 2017_1 - West Assessment Committee Round 1 2017 |
Approved $5,000.00 |
CCS17_1_027 |
STARS Dance Workshops Pakuranga Creative Communities Scheme 2017_1 - South Assessment Committee Round 1 2017 |
Approved $8,918.68 |
LG1706-115 |
STARS North Shore Hibiscus and Bays Local Grants, Round One, 2016/17 - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
Applications prior to the 2016/2017 financial year have all been accounted for and omitted from this summary |
2019/2020 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two LG2019-214 |
Titirangi Potters |
Legal status: |
Incorporated Society |
Activity focus: |
Arts and culture |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Titirangi Potters Urgent Kiln Replacement |
Location: |
Titirangi Community House |
Summary: |
Titirangi Potters needs to urgently replace our two failing kilns. We are currently operating in a high-risk scenario where both kilns are failing almost by rotation and the cost of upkeep has become prohibitive. We are fighting a losing battle and if we cannot replace these urgently, we face imminent closure as we will not be able to offer firing services to members and the community. |
Expertise: |
We have created a working group of experienced potters to advise the club on kiln maintenance (feasibility of saving current kilns) as well as recommending new kilns. These members have been involved in pottery and pottery businesses for a combined length of >65 years. The current kilns are more than 15 years old and current members were involved in the fitting and purchase of these. Traditional kilns are complex to use; modern kilns are increasingly easy to operate. The knowledge of kilns/ controllers/ elements etc rests with the older club members. The kilns recommended have been discussed with the leading pottery supply company who agree that these best meet the needs of a club of our size and profile. |
Dates: |
08/06/2020 - 31/12/2020 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People reached: |
200 |
% of participants from Local Board |
100 % |
Promotion: |
We would acknowledge the support through mentions: |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
The clearest benefit would be the continuation of our community club.
Most members have no other access to kilns. Without replacing the kilns,
Titirangi Potters will be unable to offer full pottery services to its
members and the community. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· Value and support our talented local artists and showcase their work
Titirangi Potters has a growing membership of novice and experienced
potters. The constitution of our club encourages sharing of knowledge and
techniques with the view to improve the artistic output of the group each
year. As a mixing place for generations, and levels of pottery competence, we
are a unique community group. Our older, more experienced members offer
skills, coaching and advice to newer members and younger generations share
their experiences. We hold regular workshops with practicing artists to teach
specialist skills and inspire creative output, from our small, local club. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
Titirangi Community House |
0 |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· None identified
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - The Deaf Education Programme use our studio regularly (circa x3 annually). One of our members is a carer at a local disabled home; the members use the studio regularly. We have supported Mapura Studios (disabled art trust) in one of our annual fundraisers - raising over $2K for their art programme. Members of this group live locally and use our studio with support. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes Our club is all about participation. The club encourages social interaction and artistic endeavours. Pottery is a physical activity that keeps hands/ joints and minds active - this is very important to our older members, many of whom are retirees. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
5% |
% |
55% |
% |
40% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$18200.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
We have raised $1800 over the last 18 months. We now accept we cannot raise enough funds in the time needed before the kilns fail completely. We seek the balance of the cost to replace our kilns. |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: If we were unsuccessful we would have to seek other funding sources urgently. |
Cost of participation: |
No |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$20,000.00 |
$0.00 |
$1,800.00 |
$1,800.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
Kiln cost (x2 kilns) |
$20,000.00 |
$18,200.00 |
Income description |
Amount |
No income expected |
$ 0.00 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
Self fundraising - completed |
$1,800.00 |
Approved |
Donated materials |
Amount |
None |
$0.00 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
20 |
100 |
$2,115.00 |
Additional information to support the application: |
Our application has been supported by the Titirangi Community House. Our studio is in the Community House precinct and we collaborate with them on local arts project and supporting learning opportunities in the community. |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
LG2019-107 |
Titirangi Potters presents.... Titirangi Ceramics Film Festival 2019/2020 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
Applications prior to the 2016/2017 financial year have all been accounted for and omitted from this summary |
2019/2020 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two LG2019-206 |
The Raukatauri Music Therapy Trust |
Legal status: |
Incorporated Society, Charitable Trust |
Activity focus: |
Community |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Music Therapy Satellite Service: Titirangi |
Location: |
Titirangi Community House, 500 South Titirangi Road |
Summary: |
It is our mission to provide a quality, accessible music therapy service to all people, whatever their needs. To that end we have set up satellite services through which we can deliver our life changing music therapy service in the heart of the community. This, our first such satellite, was established in Titirangi in 2015 and continues to be our most popular satellite location, operating 1.5 days per week at the Titirangi Community House. With many of our enquiries coming from families who do not have access to transport, or cannot afford to drive each week to Grey Lynn, this satellite offers them access to our heavily subsidised and much needed service. |
Expertise: |
As New Zealand’s only music therapy Centre we have, over our 17 years, changed thousands of lives through music. In addition to the work at our Centre and satellite locations, we provide individual and group music therapy services to a large number of schools and disability agencies around Auckland for which we consistently receive positive feedback. All of our music therapists are qualified to at least degree level and are recognised professionals by Music Therapy NZ. They bring with them a wealth of experience in the field, not just in New Zealand but many from overseas. This experience is shared at regular team meetings and training events to not only develop our team but benefit our clients and their communities. |
Dates: |
01/07/2020 - 30/06/2021 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People reached: |
40 |
% of participants from Local Board |
100 % |
Promotion: |
We advertise our programmes through our website, social media and community partnerships. We are privileged to also have the support of Pead PR who offer us Pro Bono PR services. We distribute regular newsletters to our families and stakeholders with information on news and events, and funders for any programmes are always acknowledged. Additionally we work with a large number of schools and disability organisations who are happy to share information about our services. We have a Thank You wall at our Centre where logos of our supporters are proudly displayed for all to see. We would welcome the opportunity for a local board member to visit the Centre and see first-hand the benefits of the work we do. |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
Through the delivery of music therapy services we assist the growth,
development and well-being of individuals with a range of special needs and
abilities. Due to their physical, cognitive and behavioural challenges, the
vast majority of our clients cannot participate in community activities such
as sport, music lessons, drama and art. Music therapy provides them
with the chance to express themselves, develop independence, engage with
their community and others, and develop meaningful relationships. Such
skills and developments continue outside of these weekly sessions, meaning
the benefit of the work we do also impacts our client’s whanau and the
wider communities in which they live. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· Support our communities to be healthy and safe and people feel that they are valued, connected and belong
Here at the Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre, community and arts are at our very core. Our clients come from a diverse backgrounds and present a wide range of special needs. In their music therapy sessions they have the opportunity to interact and communicate musically, expressing themselves in whatever way they can - using their body, voice or musical instruments. Our therapists improvise with them, working together musically, learning to communicate not just with each other but with the world around them. This chance to participate with others helps our clients connect, to feel valued and less isolated. Furthermore it gives them a sense of belonging, and enables them to become part of the wider community at large. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
Titirangi Community House |
Providing the venue and advocating for our programmes |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· Māori focus - tikanga (practises), mātauranga (knowledge), reo (language) We offer a meaningful Tikanga Māori approach to music therapy practice which is based on mana/respect for all peoples and is at the root of our founding, our name and our identity. In their sessions our music therapists incorporate waiata and taonga pūoro in order to bring a rich and meaningful bicultural approach to the work. Our therapists also incorporate the principals of the Māori health model Te Whare Tapa Whā into their goal setting with whānau and engage in ongoing professional development around Tikanga Māori, the Māori relationship between music and healing, and the use of te reo. This approach is essential in enabling many of our clients to experience the healing and grounding force of their heritage. |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - All our services are designed for individuals with disabilities. Our clients have a range of special needs, including cerebral palsy, autism, Down syndrome, traumatic brain injuries, dementia and mental health disorders. Whatever a client’s need or ability, they are able to participate in our service. For those clients in wheelchairs, the Titirangi Community House is fully accessible, but our provisions go far beyond that. We have specially designed and made instruments that allow even those with the smallest range of movement to make music, and have recently invested in a number of technologies that make the smallest movement sound like a symphony. Our staff specialize in working with people with disabilities, creating a warm, welcoming and inclusive environment for all. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Healthy environment approach: |
· none
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$2752.74 |
Requesting grant for: |
We ask clients to pay weekly fees based on a recommended scale. To remove financial barriers to our service these fees are heavily subsidised. With the salary costs to our music therapist, transportation expenses and rental for the space, the fees received from our clients do not cover our outgoings. We are therefore seeking funding to cover the shortfall for our weekly programme in Titirangi. It is only through the support of grants such as this that we are able to truly achieve our mission of offering a quality, accessible music therapy service to all people, whatever their need. |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: We would look for funding from other sources, but any contribution to underwrite the costs of this programme is gratefully received. |
Cost of participation: |
Yes, clients pay a weekly fee of an average of $60 incl gst per session |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$18,365.54 |
$15,612.80 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
Rental for Music Therapy Room |
$3,494.02 |
$2,752.74 |
Cost of therapists |
$12,001.93 |
$ |
Music instruments - purchase, repairs and maintenance |
$205.00 |
$ |
Administrative costs |
$1,094.29 |
$ |
Transportation Costs |
$1,570.30 |
$ |
Income description |
Amount |
Client Weekly Contribution providing 1.5 days of music therapy per week |
$ 15,612.80 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
Nil |
$0.00 |
Donated materials |
Amount |
Nil |
$0.00 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
Nil |
$0.00 |
Additional information to support the application: |
It should be noted that the quote currently provided by Titirangi
Community House covers the remainder of 2020 for which their rates are
currently set. We will continue our booking into 2021 but a quote could not
be provided for this period at the current time. If the rates were to chance
they would likely increase. The full amount for the hire is reflected in our
budget. |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
QR2001-223 |
Inter-professional Music Therapy Programme for At-Risk Children 2019/2020 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2003-228 |
Music Therapy for Te Akonga Early Learning Centre 2019/2020 Franklin Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2005-241 |
Adult music therapy group sessions 2019/2020 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
ASF202025 |
2020 Waitematā Accommodation Support Fund - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2018-221 |
Music Therapy for the Waiheke Island Schools 2019/2020 Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2002-247 |
Music Therapy for Wilson School 2019-2020 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2006-230 |
Music Therapy Satellite Service: Orewa 2019/2020 Hibiscus and Bays Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2003-141 |
Music Therapy Satellite Service: Pukekohe 2019/2020 Franklin Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2013-148 |
Music Therapy Satellite Service: Otara 2019/2020 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,206.00 |
QR1901-335 |
Kids' Jam music therapy programme 2018/2019 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1905-248 |
Adult music therapy group sessions 2018/2019 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1919-225 |
Music Therapy Satellite Service: Titirangi 2018/2019 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
ASF192014 |
2019 Waitematā Accommodation Support Fund - Project in progress |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG1918-209 |
Music Therapy in the Waiheke Schools 2018/2019 Waiheke Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1906-202 |
Music Therapy Satellite Service: Orewa 2018/2019 Hibiscus and Bays Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1920-227 |
Music therapy Consultations 2018/2019 Waitematā Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1913-118 |
Music Therapy Satellite Service: Otara 2018/2019 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,029.91 |
LG1903-124 |
Music therapy sessions for preschool children with special needs 2018/2019 Franklin Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1819-214 |
Music Therapy Satellite Service: Titirangi 2017/2018 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1806-236 |
Music Therapy Satellite Service: Orewa 2017/2018 Hibiscus and Bays Local Grants, Round Two - Review accountability |
Approved $2,400.00 |
LG1820-224 |
Music therapy groups for children and adults with special needs 2017/2018 Waitematā Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
ASF1820-019 |
2018 Waitematā Accommodation Support Fund - Project in progress |
Approved $8,000.00 |
LG1805-237 |
Adult music therapy group sessions 2017/2018 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,500.00 |
LG1813-121 |
Tune In Down syndrome preschool music group 2017/2018 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
ASF1720-010 |
2017 Waitematā Accommodation Support Fund - Acquitted |
Approved $5,997.00 |
CASF_161700005 |
2016/2017 Central Community Group Accommodation Support Grant - Acquitted |
Approved $5,850.00 |
Applications prior to the 2016/2017 financial year have all been accounted for and omitted from this summary |
2019/2020 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two LG2019-209 |
Piha Bowling Club Inc |
Legal status: |
Incorporated Society, Charitable Trust |
Activity focus: |
Community |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Piha Bowling Club |
Location: |
21 Seaview Road, Piha |
Summary: |
To control pests within the clubrooms of the Piha Bowling Club so
that the community feels that the club is looked after, is clean and safe and
welcoming. |
Expertise: |
We have have long been a desired venue for weddings, birthdays, school fundraisers etc due to the location, the atmosphere and the facilities. We have a part time event manager in place who is working with suppliers and promoters to establish the clubrooms as a venue for community, visitors, tourists and media. |
Dates: |
11/03/2020 - 10/04/2020 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People reached: |
12,000 |
% of participants from Local Board |
100 % |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
A welcoming, clean, safe and inclusive venue for sporting activities (bowling), and other community events including school kid activities, local fundraisers, arts and culture and music. We were due to utilise the clubrooms for the WSL so the competitors and media had a quiet place to relax and eat, unwind and catch up. Although this has been postponed, we hope to be involved in the future. We want to put the Piha Bowling Club on the map and going forward we hope to attract more community use of the clubrooms. We are also looking at combined use with the local surfing clubs (not surf lifesaving but keyhole riders etc). |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· Encourage people to enjoy community spaces, parks, sports and recreation facilities
The facilities at the Piha Bowling Club are dated, and in need of cleaning and modernising. There is currently no pest control plan, and the kitchen needs cleaning so it can be graded and therefore managed professionally. The club has potential to become a welcoming venue for local events, school outings (we have Ranui school using the clubrooms this week and Avondale College used it earlier in the year), weddings and other social and inclusive events. The bowling green is now being managed by a professional greenkeeper and we hope that it will be up to standard by the end of this season. The long dry summer has not helped. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
N/A |
N/A |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· None identified
Accessible to people with disabilities |
No - |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Promote smoke-free messages, Include waste minimisation (zero waste) messages, Healthy options for food and drink, including water as the first choice, Encouraging active lifestyles including movement or fitness programmes Clubrooms are always smokefree. We are looking at smoking areas outside
away from the clubrooms. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
% |
100% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$3474.60 |
Requesting grant for: |
Full funding. We would appreciate any help you can give to allow the clubrooms to operate in a more professional manner. With the recent events, we are looking at closure which will cost the club dearly, as with other hospitality venues. We hope to utilise this time in updating the dated clubrooms and when ready to open again, we do so with a clean, pest free and graded club facilities. |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: We are going to be closed due to COVID-19 so no income, therefore we will be unable to go ahead |
Cost of participation: |
na |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$3,474.60 |
$3,474.60 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
Ant Contol |
$250.00 |
$250.00 |
Rodent Control |
$993.60 |
$993.60 |
Vat Cleaning Services |
$2,231.00 |
$2,231.00 |
Income description |
Amount |
Fumigation of entire club to contol Ants. Piha is prone to ants. |
$ 250.00 |
Full clean of Vats and vents in club kitchen |
$ 2,231.00 |
Rodent control of entire club |
$ 993.60 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
Not applicable |
$0.00 |
Donated materials |
Amount |
Not applicable |
$0.00 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
Nil |
$0.00 |
Additional information to support the application: |
None |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
No previous application |
2019/2020 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two LG2019-216 |
Youthline Auckland Charitable Trust |
Legal status: |
Charitable Trust |
Activity focus: |
Community |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: Helpline services for the youth of Waitākere Ranges |
Location: |
13 Maidstone Street, Grey Lynn, auckland |
Summary: |
We request funding of $5,000 as a contribution to the Waitākere
Ranges share of $12,660 of the annual cost of $444,624 in Auckland for
Helpline services in support of young people in need in the Waitākere Ranges
Local Board area. |
Expertise: |
Youthline has been supporting young people in need through our
Helpline for 50 years and we have serious expertise in providing this
support. |
Dates: |
01/06/2020 - 31/03/2021 |
Rain dates: |
- |
People reached: |
2000 |
% of participants from Local Board |
100 % |
Promotion: |
The Youthline Helpline is promoted and marketing across a wide range
of media including the Youthline website, Facebook page and various
promotional activities. We have an extensive communications contact plan in
place. |
Community benefits |
Identified community outcomes: |
For many of the vulnerable young people we work with the first
contact point with us is through the Helpline and our volunteer counsellors.
Many of the young people are vulnerable – they are disadvantaged,
disillusioned and disengaged. |
Alignment with local board priorities: |
· Empower young people to realise their full potential and develop their leadership talent and job skill set
Youthline is a youth development organisation. We are a first point
of contact for young people in New Zealand to access a wide range of youth
development and support services and we have been supporting them since 1970.
We operate a free, 24/7, nationwide Helpline where young people can contact
us by phone, text and email. |
Collaborating organisation/individual |
Role |
N/A |
N/A |
Demographics |
Māori outcomes: |
· Māori participation - Māori priority group, target group, high representation or Māori staff delivering Youthline provides support services to young people in need across
the ethnic spectrum. In our last reporting period 16% of calls and texts to
our Helpline presented as Maori which is slightly ahead of the 14% of young
people aged 15-24 residing in the Auckland area who identify as Maori. For
counselling, 10% of young people presenting are Maori which is proportionally
low. |
Accessible to people with disabilities |
Yes - All our services and facilities are accessible to people with disabilities. |
Target ethnic groups: |
All/everyone |
Healthy environment approach: |
· Promote smoke-free messages Youthline Auckland supports the Auckland Council’s Smokefree Policy and its commitment to working proactively with others towards making Auckland smokefree by 2025. We have a smoke free policy in place and can offer support, advice and referrals to young people who wish to give up smoking. We ensure that the young people we work with are aware of our support for making Auckland smokefree and how we can help them if necessary. |
Percentage of males targeted |
Percentage of females targeted |
All - not targeted male/female |
% |
% |
100% |
0-5 years |
< 15 years |
15-24 years |
25-44 years |
45-64 years |
>65 years |
All ages |
% |
15% |
70% |
15% |
% |
% |
% |
Financial information |
Amount requested: |
$5000.00 |
Requesting grant for: |
We are requesting funding of $5,000 as a contribution to the Waitakare Ranges share of $12,660 of the annual cost of $444,624 in Auckland for Helpline services in support of young people in need in the Waitakare Ranges Local Board area. |
If part funded, how would you make up the difference: We would not amend our plan per se, rather we would continue being extremely proactive in applying for funding from a wide range of funders. The direct cost of the Youthline Helpline will be $792,914 this year which includes the cost of triage support and supervision for our volunteer counsellors. We receive contract income from the MSD/Oranga Tamariki of $90,000 per year. We have to fundraise the balance of $702,914. This is why your support is so vital. |
Cost of participation: |
No |
Total expenditure |
Total income |
Other grants approved |
Applicant contribution |
$444,624.00 |
$0.00 |
$5,000.00 |
$0.00 |
Expenditure item |
Amount |
Amount requested from Local Board |
Helpline Services costs |
$444,624.00 |
$5,000.00 |
Income description |
Amount |
Nil |
$ 0.00 |
Other funding sources |
Amount |
Current Status |
We have a number of applications pending from the Auckland Council but none specifically for this project |
$ |
AC Henderson Massey LB |
$5,000.00 |
Pending |
Donated materials |
Amount |
Nil |
$0.00 |
Total number of volunteers |
Total number of volunteer hours |
Amount |
250 |
12000 |
$253,800.00 |
Additional information to support the application: |
We are very appreciative of the previous support of the local board and would be very grateful if the board was able to contribute to the operating costs of our free, 24/7 crisis Helpline which is supporting young people in need in the Waitakare Ranges area. We are providing a vital service to young people in need of support. We are the only youth-oriented organisation providing this service in your area. There is nowhere else for these young people to turn to. |
Funding history |
Application ID |
Project title Round - Stage |
Decision Allocation |
QR2001-206 |
Youthline Helpline support for Albert Eden youth 2019/2020 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2003-224 |
Youthline helpline support for the youth of Franklin 2019/2020 Franklin Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2012-217 |
Youthline Helpline support for the youth of Orakei 2019/2020 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2021-215 |
Helpline services for the youth of Whau and their families 2019/2020 Whau Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2020-229 |
Youthline Helpline funding in support of Waitemata youth 2019/2020 Waitematā Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2017-211 |
Youthline Helpline funding in support of Upper Harbour youth 2019/2020 Upper Harbour Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2014-218 |
Helpline services for the youth of Papakura 2019/2020 Papakura Local Grant, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2009-236 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support, Supervision and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2011-228 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Supervision, Triage Support and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2010-223 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support, Supervision and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Manurewa Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2005-220 |
Helpline services for the youth of Henderson-Massey 2019/2020 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2013-248 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2008-313 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support, Supervision and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Kaipātiki Local Grants, Round Three - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2007-343 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support, Supervision and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Howick Local Grants, Round Three - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2002-246 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support, Supervision and Telecommunications 2019-2020 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2015-209 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Puketepapa Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
LG2006-243 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Hibiscus and Bays Local Grants, Round Two - Submitted |
Undecided $0.00 |
QR2017-222 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Upper Harbour Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2010-118 |
Youthline Papatoetoe Development Centre Manager 2019/2020 Manurewa Quick Response, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR2013-122 |
Youthline Papatoetoe Development Centre Manager 2019/2020 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round One - Submitted |
Declined $0.00 |
REGCD2023 |
Youthline – Celebrating 50th Years of supporting young people in need Regional Community Development 2019/2020 - Submitted |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2018-120 |
Youthline Helpline Funding 2019/2020 Waiheke Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2017-111 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training 2019/2020 Upper Harbour Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2019-112 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Waitākere Ranges Quick Response, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $1,500.00 |
QR2021-114 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Whau Quick Response, Round One - Awaiting funding agreement |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2005-119 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Henderson-Massey Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2003-121 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Franklin Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2014-120 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training 2019/2020 Papakura Small Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $1,500.00 |
QRTP2012-125 |
Youthline Helpline Costs 2019/2020 Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QRTP2012-117 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager funding 2019/2020 Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection, Round One - Withdrawn |
Withdrawn $0.00 |
LG2008-221 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Kaipātiki Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR2020-124 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Funding 2019/2020 Waitematā Quick Response, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $3,000.00 |
QR2009-110 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR2002-110 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training and Triage Support 2019/2020 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG2007-224 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training and Support 2019/2020 Howick Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $1,500.00 |
QR2006-127 |
Youth Worker Team Leader support 2019/2020 Hibiscus and Bays Quick Response, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG2018-125 |
Youthline Helpline Service delivery 2019/2020 Waiheke Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2014-133 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support, Supervision and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Papakura Local Grant, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $4,000.00 |
LG2020-127 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Waitematā Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG2012-121 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteers Triage Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG2003-144 |
Youthline Volunteer Training Marae Noho at Te Puea Marae Mangere 2019/2020 Franklin Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2013-161 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support, Supervision and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2010-138 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support, Supervision and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Manurewa Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2009-141 |
Youthline Volunteer Training Marae Noho at Te Puea Marae Mangere 2019/2020 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2002-129 |
Youthline Helpline Direct Costs Funding 2019-2020 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG2008-116 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support, Supervision and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Kaipatiki Local Grant, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,500.00 |
LG2007-135 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Support and Supervision 2019/2020 Howick Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2001-130 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Supervision, Triage Support and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Albert-Eden Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $1,500.00 |
QR2001-124 |
Laptops for Youthline Youth Workers 2019/2020 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2015-121 |
Laptops for Youthline Youth Workers 2019/2020 Puketepapa Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2017-118 |
Laptops for Youthline Youth Workers 2019/2020 Upper Harbour Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG2011-129 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training, Supervision, Triage Support and Telecommunications 2019/2020 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG2005-122 |
Laptops for Youthline Youth Workers 2019/2020 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2006-130 |
Laptops for Youthline Youth Workers 2019/2020 Hibiscus and Bays Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG2021-129 |
Laptops for Youthline Youth Workers 2019/2020 Whau Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG2019-114 |
Laptops for Youthline Youth Workers 2019/2020 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1920-330 |
Laptops for Youthline Youth Workers 2018/2019 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Three - Review accountability |
Approved $1,242.00 |
QR1914-320 |
Chairs for community centre 2018/2019 Papakura Small Grants, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1907-229 |
Chairs for community centre 2018/2019 Howick Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1910-331 |
Chairs for community centre 2018/2019 Manurewa Quick Response, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1913-334 |
Chairs for community centre 2018/2019 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1919-316 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training and Telecommunications 2018/2019 Waitākere Ranges Quick Response, Round Three - Project in progress |
Approved $1,500.00 |
QR1917-318 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Counsellors Training, Support and Supervision 2018/2019 Upper Harbour Quick Response, Round Three - Project in progress |
Approved $5,000.00 |
QR1921-316 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training and Telecommunications 2018/2019 Whau Quick Response, Round Three - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1915-308 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training and Telecommunications 2018/2019 Puketāpapa Quick Response, Round Three - Project in progress |
Approved $500.00 |
QR1912-216 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training and Telecommunications 2018/2019 Ōrākei Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1905-327 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Training and Telecommunications 2018/2019 Henderson-Massey Quick Response, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1906-323 |
Youthline Helpline Crisis Support 2018/2019 Hibiscus and Bays Quick Response, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1905-252 |
Youthline Youth Helpline 2018/2019 Henderson-Massey Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1903-238 |
Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Franklin Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $3,642.00 |
LG1919-230 |
Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1921-230 |
Youthline Youth Helpline 2018/2019 Whau Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1912-234 |
Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1914-231 |
Youthline Helpline volunteer training and telecommunications 2018/2019 Papakura Local Grant, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1909-269 |
Youthline Helpline volunteer training and telecommunications 2018/2019 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG1920-234 |
Youthline Helpline volunteer training and telecommunications 2018/2019 Waitematā Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG1902-242 |
Volunteer training and Helpline telecommunications 2018/2019 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $3,300.00 |
LG1910-240 |
Youthline Volunteer training, managing and supervising 2018/2019 Manurewa Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1907-354 |
Youthline Volunteer training, managing and supervising 2018/2019 Howick Local Grants, Round Three - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1911-336 |
Youthline Volunteer Training, Managing and Supervising 2018/2019 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1908-335 |
Volunteer Counsellor training, managing, supporting and supervising 2018/2019 Kaipātiki Local Grants, Round Three - Submitted |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1906-246 |
Volunteer Counsellor training, managing, supporting and supervising 2018/2019 Hibiscus and Bays Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $3,000.00 |
LG1917-212 |
Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Upper Harbour Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1913-266 |
Youthline Volunteer training, managing and supervising 2018/2019 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1915-217 |
Youthline Volunteer Training, Managing and Supervising 2018/2019 Puketepapa Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1901-236 |
Youthline Volunteer Manager Salary 2018/2019 Albert-Eden Local Grants, Round Two - SME assessment completed |
Declined $0.00 |
REGCD19-51 |
Building and supporting Youthline's Maori and Pacific Volunteer base Regional Community Development 2018/2019 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1907-106 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Costs 2018/2019 Howick Quick Response, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $3,000.00 |
QR1918-204 |
Youthline Youthwork Team Leader supporting Waiheke Youth 2018/2019 Waiheke Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $500.00 |
QR1913-217 |
Youthline Crisis Helpline Costs 2018/2019 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1909-213 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Costs 2018/2019 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1910-206 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Costs 2018/2019 Manurewa Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1915-205 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Salary 2018/2019 Puketāpapa Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $500.00 |
QR1903-222 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Costs 2018/2019 Franklin Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1912-117 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Salary 2018/2019 Ōrākei Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1921-207 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Salary 2018/2019 Whau Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $500.00 |
QR1920-214 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Salary 2018/2019 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1908-219 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager Salary 2018/2019 Kaipātiki Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1906-216 |
Youthline Helpline Triage Support Salaries 2018/2019 Hibiscus and Bays Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1902-206 |
Youthline Helpline Volunteer Manager 2018/2019 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round Two - Withdrawn |
Withdrawn $0.00 |
QR1901-220 |
Supporting the Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR1905-216 |
Supporting the Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Henderson-Massey Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1911-225 |
Supporting the Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $2,500.00 |
LG1907-229 |
Youthline Manukau Youth Development Practice Leader Salary 2018/2019 Howick Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,500.00 |
QR1917-118 |
Contribution to the cost of the Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Upper Harbour Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
QR1918-119 |
Personal Development Programme for Waiheke High School students 2018/2019 Waiheke Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1921-129 |
Youthwork Team Leader Costs 2018/2019 Whau Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $500.00 |
QR1909-126 |
Helpline Coordinator Costs 2018/2019 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1902-122 |
Helpline Coordinator Salary 2018/2019 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1911-128 |
Youthline Helpline Coordinator 2018/2019 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1915-139 |
Youthline Helpline Coordinator 2018/2019 Puketāpapa Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG1913-154 |
Youthline Helpline Coordinator 2018/2019 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1909-149 |
Youthline Helpline Coordinator 2018/2019 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $3,380.00 |
LG1918-121 |
Youthline Helpline Triage Service 2018/2019 Waiheke Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1912-129 |
Youthline Helpline Triage Service 2018/2019 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round One - Review accountability |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG1910-148 |
Youthline Helpline Triage Team 2018/2019 Manurewa Local Grants, Round One - Submitted |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1921-138 |
Youthline Helpline Coordinator 2018/2019 Whau Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG1920-139 |
Youthline Helpline Coordinator 2018/2019 Waitematā Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG1919-118 |
Youthline Helpline Coorfdinator 2018/2019 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round One - Project in progress |
Approved $2,298.00 |
LG1903-154 |
Youthline Helpline Coordinator 2018/2019 Franklin Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1903-125 |
Helpline Triage Costs 2018/2019 Franklin Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1908-132 |
Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Kaipātiki Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG1902-132 |
Youthline Helpline 2018/2019 Devonport-Takapuna Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR1821-320 |
Providing free helpline counselling support to young people in need 2017/2018 Whau Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1814-329 |
Provide free helpline counselling to support young people in need 2017/2018 Papakura Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1807-242 |
Provide free helpline counselling to support young people in need 2017/2018 Howick Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1810-338 |
Provide free helpline counselling to support young people in need 2017/2018 Manurewa Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1806-313 |
Provide support to youth through the free helpline 2017/2018 Hibiscus and Bays Quick Response, Round Three - Review accountability |
Approved $2,125.00 |
LG1820-244 |
Supporting young people in Central auckland 2017/2018 Waitematā Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG1809-263 |
Supporting Young People in South auckland 2017/2018 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG1810-248 |
Supporting Young People in Manurewa 2017/2018 Manurewa Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,500.00 |
LG1819-205 |
Youth Crisis Intervention Support 2017/2018 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two - Project in progress |
Approved $3,000.00 |
LG1812-212 |
Youth Crisis Intervention Support 2017/2018 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1821-209 |
Youth Crisis Intervention Support 2017/2018 Whau Local Grants, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,500.00 |
LG1811-321 |
Youth Crisis Intervention Support 2017/2018 Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grants, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1807-327 |
Youth Crisis Intervention Support 2017/2018 Howick Local Grants, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1818-312 |
Provide helpline support to youth and their families 2017/2018 Waiheke Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $202.00 |
QR1803-321 |
Provide helpline support to youth and their families 2017/2018 Franklin Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $1,552.00 |
LG1815-220 |
Youthline Helpline Service Delivery Costs 2017/2018 Puketāpapa Local Grants, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1815-302 |
Provide free helpline support to youth 2017/2018 Puketāpapa Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR1817-208 |
Provide free helpline counselling support to youth 2017/2018 Upper Harbour Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,288.00 |
QR1819-303 |
Provide support to youth through the free helpline 2017/2018 Waitākere Ranges Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $1,152.00 |
QR1801-325 |
Provide helpline support to youth and their families 2017/2018 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round Three - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1812-220 |
Provide helpline support to youth and their families 2017/2018 Ōrākei Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,300.00 |
QR1820-323 |
Supporting Free Youth Helpline 2017/2018 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Three - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR1801-233 |
Supporting young people into employment - Auckland Central Series 2017/2018 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,676.00 |
QR1802-224 |
Supporting young people into employment - Auckland North Series 2017/2018 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round two - Acquitted |
Approved $838.00 |
QR1809-224 |
Supporting young people into employment - Auckland South Series 2017/2018 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,616.00 |
QR1820-221 |
Supporting young people into employment - Auckland Central Series 2017/2018 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $900.00 |
QR1806-205 |
Supporting young people into employment - Auckland North Series 2017/2018 Hibiscus and Bays Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $1,676.00 |
QR1815-105 |
Supporting young people into employment - Central Series 2017/2018 Puketāpapa Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $838.00 |
QR1817-111 |
Supporting young people into employment 2017/2018 Upper Harbour Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,036.00 |
QR1802-114 |
Supporting young people into employment 2017/2018 Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,676.00 |
LG1817-118 |
Supporting Young people from Auckland North to Thrive 2017/2018 Upper Harbour Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG1806-149 |
Supporting Young people from Auckland North to Thrive 2017/2018 Hibiscus and Bays Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
CCS18_1_244 |
Youth Spoken Word Workshops Creative Communities Scheme 18_1 - Central 18_1 |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1814-110 |
Supporting youth from Papakura to Thrive 2017/2018 Papakura Local Grant, Round 1 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1810-121 |
Supporting young people and their communities to thrive 2017/2018 Manurewa Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
LG1809-110 |
Youth from Mangere- Otahuhu are engaged and supported to thrive 2017/2018 Māngere-Otāhuhu Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $5,000.00 |
REGCD18-81 |
Engaging diverse community participation to empower youth Regional Community Development 2017/2018 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1809-314 |
Supporting local facilities to meet the needs of the community 2017/2018 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Quick Response, Round 1 - Acquitted |
Approved $1,996.00 |
LG1813-125 |
Supporting South Auckland young people and their community to thrive 2017/2018 Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1803-115 |
Supporting Struggling youth to have better mental health and wellbeing 2017/2018 Franklin Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1820-133 |
Supporting Waitemata Youth Wellbeing outcomes 2017/2018 Waitematā Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1705-314 |
Basic Youth and Community Counselling Volunteer Training Course Henderson-Massey Quick Response, Round Three, 2016/17 - Acquitted |
Approved $1,180.00 |
LG1716-239 |
Mentoring and support for youth within the Rodney area Rodney Local Grants, Round Two, 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1717-406 |
Driving Lessons for Young people Upper Harbour Quick Response, Round Four, 2016/17 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1715-214 |
Youthworker mentoring and support for Youth within Puketapapa Puketāpapa Local Grants, Round Two, 2016/17 - Acquitted |
Approved $3,000.00 |
QR1702-421 |
Driving Lessons for young people on the North Shore Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round Four, 2016/17 - Acquitted |
Approved $1,800.00 |
LG1708-224 |
Driving Lessons for young people on the North Shore Kaipātiki Local Grants, Round Two, 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
REGCD17-52 |
Increase youth engagement through initiation of online Messenger software Regional Community Development 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1702-230 |
Devonport-Takapuna youth leading initiatives for positive community health outcomes Devonport-Takapuna Quick Response, Round Two, 2016/2017 - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
QR1712-222 |
Supporting Orakei youth health, wellbeing and participation 2016/2017 Ōrākei Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $3,000.00 |
QR1721-232 |
Supporting Whau youth health, wellbeing and participation 2016/2017 Whau Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1710-215 |
Supporting Manurewa youth wellbeing and participation 2016/2017 Manurewa Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1701-234 |
Encouraging Albert-Eden youth to transition into positive, vocal contributors to their community 2016/2017 Albert-Eden Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1716-212 |
Supporting Rodney youth wellbeing, leadership and participation Rodney Quick Response, Round Two, 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1706-213 |
Supporting Hibiscus and Bays youth wellbeing, leadership and participation Hibiscus and Bays Quick Response, Round Two, 2016/2017 - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1720-230 |
Supporting Waitemata youth health and participation 2016/2017 Waitematā Quick Response, Round Two - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1707-225 |
Supporting leadership and development of Howick youth 2016/2017 Howick Quick Response, Round Two - Acquitted |
Approved $3,000.00 |
QR1707-119 |
Providing volunteer training to support struggling Howick youth 2016/2017 Howick Quick Response, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1706-112 |
Encouraging community participation and promoting youth support services at local events Hibiscus and Bays Quick Response, Round One, 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1719113 |
Promoting youth support and wellbeing services at local events 2016/2017 Waitākere Ranges Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $1,000.00 |
LG1716-135 |
Empowering and supporting Rodney youth to become positive community participants Rodney Local Grants, Round One, 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1718-105 |
Youth workers supporting Waiheke youth Waiheke Quick Response, Round One, 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
QR1703-115 |
Youth workers supporting Franklin youth safely transition into adulthood 2016/2017 Franklin Quick Response, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1709-128 |
Management of youth development services in South Auckland 2016/2017 Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Grant, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
LG1701-123 |
Encouraging Youth Participation and Volunteering to Build the Albert-Eden Community 2016/2017 Albert-Eden Local Grants, Round One - Acquitted |
Approved $2,000.00 |
QR1716-110 |
Empowering Rodney youth to plan for their community’s future Rodney Quick Response, Round One, 2016/2017 - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
LG1705-134 |
West Auckland Youth Advisory Group Facilitation 2016/2017 Henderson-Massey Local Grants - Declined |
Approved $0.00 |
LG1712-116 |
Supporting Orakei youth to have a voice and build resilience 2016/2017 Ōrākei Local Grants, Round One - Declined |
Declined $0.00 |
Applications prior to the 2016/2017 financial year have all been accounted for and omitted from this summary |
2019/2020 Waitākere Ranges Local Grants, Round Two LG2019-219 |
Glen Eden Business Improvement District |
Legal status: |
Incorporated Society |
Activity focus: |
Community |
Conflicts of interest: |
None identified |
Project: SaferCities |
Location: |
Glen Eden Village |
Summary: |
Safer City defines a category of solutions and innovations to improve public safety readiness, crime prevention and emergency response. Safer Cities and NZ Police have been working nationwide on several Safer City initiatives. |
Expertise: |
We have a dedicated CCTV local security company 'Sharp Security' who we use. |
Dates: |
23/03/2020 - 23/03/2021 |
Rain dates: |