Kōmiti Whakarite Mahere / Planning Committee
Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Thursday, 4 June 2020 at 10.04am.
Chairperson |
Cr Chris Darby |
Deputy Chairperson |
Cr Josephine Bartley |
Members |
IMSB Member Renata Blair (alt) |
By electronic link |
Cr Dr Cathy Casey |
By electronic link |
Deputy Mayor Cr Bill Cashmore |
Cr Fa’anana Efeso Collins |
By electronic link |
Cr Pippa Coom |
Cr Linda Cooper, JP |
By electronic link |
Cr Angela Dalton |
By electronic link |
Cr Alf Filipaina |
By electronic link |
Cr C Fletcher |
From 10.15am, Item 9 |
Mayor Hon Phil Goff, CNZM, JP |
IMSB Member Hon Tau Henare |
By electronic link, until 12.04pm |
Cr Shane Henderson |
Cr Richard Hills |
By electronic link |
Cr Tracy Mulholland |
Cr Greg Sayers |
By electronic link |
Cr Desley Simpson, JP |
By electronic link |
Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM |
Cr Wayne Walker |
Cr John Watson |
Cr Paul Young |
Cr D Newman |
IMSB Member L Ngamane |
Planning Committee 04 June 2020 |
The Chair opened the meeting and IMSB Member Renata Blair performed a mihi whakatau.
Resolution number PLA/2020/26 MOVED by Cr C Darby, seconded by Cr J Bartley: That the Planning Committee: a) accept the apologies from Cr J Bartley for early departure to attend select committee; and Cr C Fletcher, Cr D Newman and IMSB Member L Ngamane for absence. |
Resolution number PLA/2020/27 MOVED by Cr C Darby, seconded by Cr J Bartley: That the Planning Committee: b) approve the electronic attendance of: Councillors Cr C Casey, Cr E Collins, Cr L Cooper, Cr A Dalton, Cr A Filipaina, Cr R Hills, Cr G Sayers, Cr D Simpson and IMSB Members R Blair and T Henare to accommdate the situation with COVID-19 which makes their physical presence at the meeting impossible. |
Note: Cr C Fletcher subsequently joined the meeting at 10.15am, Item 9. |
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number PLA/2020/28 MOVED by Cr C Darby, seconded by Cr J Bartley: That the Planning Committee: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 5 March 2020, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
There were no petitions.
There was no public input.
There was no local board input.
There was no extraordinary business.
Under Standing Order 2.5.1 a Notice of Motion has been received from Councillor Wayne Walker for consideration under Item 9.
9 |
Notice of Motion - Councillor Walker - Auckland Water Conservation Campaign |
Note: changes to the original notice of motion under clauses c) and d), were made with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number PLA/2020/29 MOVED by Cr W Walker, seconded by Cr J Watson: That the Planning Committee: a) request Auckland Council and Watercare Services Limited jointly lead on a water conservation campaign, focusing on matters including: · need to conserve water; · measures to assist in conserving water; · provision of alternative water sources, particularly for high-use businesses, the construction sector and households on non-reticulated water supplies; · on-line information and support. b) note that the types of businesses particularly affected by water restrictions include house washing, water blasting and cleaning, car washers, landscapers, concrete manufacturers and sports clubs c) request Auckland Council and Watercare Services Limited staff develop a scope for a long-term water climate-resilient strategy for Auckland, following on from the “Our Water Future – Tō Tātou Wai Ahu Ake Nei” document, to be considered and approved by the relevant Council Committee noting some work has been undertaken to date d) request Watercare Services Limited and Auckland Council report back to the Governing Body on or before 1 July 2020 on the following: · an update on the water supply situation · measures being taken to address the situation · next steps and timeframes |
10 |
Project proposals for the joint Auckland Council and Auckland Transport bid to the second round of the Innovating Streets pilot fund |
A PowerPoint presentation was given in support of the item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. Note: changes to the original recommendation clause a) were incorporated and the addition new clauses b) and d) were made with the agreement of the meeting. |
Resolution number PLA/2020/30 MOVED by Cr C Darby, seconded by Cr J Bartley: That the Planning Committee: a) approve Auckland Transport and Auckland Council’s proposed list of projects for further development and assessment prior to submission to the second application round of the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Innovating Streets for People pilot fund closing on 3 July 2020 b) note that the project team will further refine the projects on the recommended list as full applications are worked through so that only projects that closely meet the Waka Kotahi and Council family criteria will be submitted to Waka Kotahi for consideration c) delegate the Chair and the Deputy Chair of the Planning Committee and an Independent Māori Statutory Board member with authority to approve the final submission to Waka Kotahi after the project proposals have been fully developed d) note that Auckland Council’s 10% funding contribution is not in all cases yet firmly identified and reprioritisation of funds may be required once Waka Kotahi has made their decision. |
a 4 June 2020, Planning Committee: Item 10 - Project proposals for the joint Auckland Council and Auckland Transport bid to the second round of the Innovating Streets pilot fund, Presentation b 4 June 2020, Planning Committee: Item 10 - Project proposals for the joint Auckland Council and Auckland Transport bid to the second round of the Innovating Streets pilot fund, Memo 3 June 2020 c 4 June 2020, Planning Committee: Item 10 - Project proposals for the joint Auckland Council and Auckland Transport bid to the second round of the Innovating Streets pilot fund, Memo attachment 3 June 2020 list of projects d 4 June 2020, Planning Committee: Item 10 - Project proposals for the joint Auckland Council and Auckland Transport bid to the second round of the Innovating Streets pilot fund, Waka Kotahi feedback on round one of Innovating Streets applications |
IMSB Member T Henare left the meeting at 12.04pm.
11 |
Auckland Council submission on the proposed amendments to the National Environmental Standards for Air Quality: Particulate Matter and Mercury Emissions |
A PowerPoint presentation was given in support of the item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Cr J Bartley left the meeting at 12.17 pm. |
Resolution number PLA/2020/31 MOVED by Cr W Walker, seconded by Cr R Hills: That the Planning Committee: a) endorse Auckland Council’s draft submission on the proposed amendments to the National Environmental Standards for Air Quality: Particulate Matter and Mercury Emissions (included as Attachment A of the agenda report) b) delegate authority to the Chair of the Planning Committee, Chair of the Environment and Climate Change Committee and an Independent Māori Statutory Board member to approve any minor changes necessary to the submission before dispatch to central government. |
Note: Pursuant to Standing Order 1.8.6, the following councillors requested their dissenting vote be recorded: · Cr C Fletcher · Cr D Simpson
a 4 June 2020, Planning Committee: Item 11 - Auckland Council submission on the proposed amendments to the National Environmental Standards for Air Quality: Particulate Matter and Mercury Emissions, Presentation |
12 |
COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Bill - approval process for Auckland Council submission |
Note: changes to the original recommendation clause a) and the addition of new clause b) were made and incorporated with the agreement of the meeting. |
Cr J Bartley returned to the meeting at 1.02 pm.
Resolution number PLA/2020/32 MOVED by Cr C Darby, seconded by Deputy Mayor BC Cashmore: That the Planning Committee: a) delegate authority to the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Planning Committee, Chair of the Regulatory Committee and an Independent Māori Statutory Board member to approve the council’s submission on the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Bill b) request staff will forward the draft submission to the Planning Committee and Local Board chairs for high-level feedback, noting that the submission timeframe will be extremely tight. |
Note: Pursuant to Standing Order 1.8.6, Cr W Walker requested his dissenting vote be recorded. |
13 |
Summary of Planning Committee information items and briefings - 4 June 2020 |
Resolution number PLA/2020/33 MOVED by Mayor P Goff, seconded by Deputy Mayor BC Cashmore: That the Planning Committee: a) receive the Summary of Planning Committee information items and briefings – 4 June 2020 report. |
14 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
1.10 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.