

Meeting Room:



Thursday 18 June 2020


This meeting will proceed via Skype for Business. Either a recording or written summary will be uploaded on the Auckland Council website


Waitākere Ranges Local Board






ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                         PAGE


12        Draft Waitakere Ranges Local Board Plan 2020

A.      18 June 2020, Waitākere Ranges Local Board: Item 12 - Draft Local Board Plan 2020                                                                                                                        3

B.      18 June 2020, Waitākere Ranges Local Board: Item 12 - Draft Local Board Plan, Engagement Plan 2020                                                                                        41

16        Chair's Report - June 2020

A.      18 June 2020, Waitākere Ranges Local Board: Item 16 - Chair's Report - June 2020                                                                                                                              47

Waitākere Ranges Local Board

18 June 2020





Cover Page

[Cover photo has now been confirmed with each board. Studio will add this.]




Te Rohe ā-Poari o Waitākere Ranges Local Board

Waitākere Ranges Local Board area

The first thing you see when you approach west Auckland is the Waitākere Ranges, which form a natural backdrop to the western skyline and are protected by the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act 2008. 

This local board area, full of natural and cultural features, yet close to metropolitan Auckland and subject to pressure from the urban environment, is unique in New Zealand. 

Te Kawerau a Maki and Ngāti Whātua are mana whenua in the Waitākere Ranges. Hoani Waititi Marae is a local urban marae.

Our largest and only town centre is Glen Eden, surrounded by the suburban areas of Glen Eden, Kaurilands, Parrs Park and Sunnyvale. Laingholm, Oratia and Waitākere are located in very different settings, and long-established rural communities are clustered around Huia, Parau, Piha, Karekare and Bethells Beach.

Titirangi and Swanson are established small villages with strong local characteristics. Titirangi hosts Te Uru Waitākere Contemporary Gallery and is an established centre for the arts. Swanson is a small village which is expanding quickly. 

In the 2018 census 52,095 people were living in this area, a 9 per cent increase from 2013. Of these, 13% identify as Māori.

The Auckland Prosperity Index shows that Waitākere Ranges has the highest self-employment rate in Auckland. The area has high levels of home ownership, relatively affordable rentals and low unemployment, although though there are significant differences between more and less affluent areas. Healthcare, education and construction services are the main employment sectors.

While Hoani Waititi kura has a small number of secondary students, there are no large secondary schools in this area.

Residents have access to council libraries at Titirangi and Glen Eden, two community houses, venues for hire at Ceramco Park and Titirangi Hall, a variety of halls run by community groups, and sports fields such as those at Parrs Park.

The map will not be available for the draft.



E nga pītau whakarei o te waka,

e nga rau tītapu o te iwi, e aku hei māpuna,

e taku iti e taku rahi, koutou kua mahue mai nei

hei toka piringa mōku i te ora,

hei ruruhau i nga hau āwhio o te wā.

E aku whakakai pounamu, e aku māpihi maurea,

kia oho te mauri, kia māriri o koutou wairua,

kia hora te marino, tēnā koutou katoa.

Tēnei au te noho atu nei i te tihi o Te Pae o te Rangi,

i tīhorea ai te whenua kia kī ake au,

e koe e te hau o te uru te wawā rā, me te kī mai,

e kore au e ora i ngā hau kōtiu, i āia ai te pūpūtara ki uta.

Nāu nei te tono kia piki ake au i ngā tai whakatū a Kupe

ki te Waonui a Tiriwhā me te Pae o te Rangi,

Kia titiro whakaroto ahau ki te maunga o Puketōtara,

kei raro e rere ana ko te awa o Waitākere

kei tētahi taha ko Puke Whakataratara, kei tua ko Te Whau.

Koinei rā te rohe kāinga o Te Au o Te Whenua me te Kawerau a Maki,

ko rātou nei te whāriki i āhei ai te nohoa o tēnei moka o te rohe

e tini whāioio kua whakakāinga ma.

Kua kōhatu nei nga paparahi ki te whenua,

i tangata whenuatia ai tātou katoa.

I whaikiko ai te kōrero,

“Ko te hapori te tauawhi i te taiao, he mea motuhake, rerenga kē.”  Kia hiwa rā, kia hiwa rā.

To all those who adorn the prow of this canoe,

to the revered leaders of the people, to my treasured heirlooms,

the lesser and the greater parts of me,

you who are my refuge in life,

my shelter from the storms of time.

My objects of affection,

let your very being flourish, let your spirit be at peace,

let the calm be widespread, I send greetings to you all.

Here I sit on the ridgeline of Te Pae o te Rangi,

where the land had been laid bare,

and the roaring wind of the west whispers,

that I would not survive the blast of the northerly wind, that would drive the paper nautilus to shore.

It was you who commanded me to ascend from the raised seas of Kupe,

to the forest of Tiriwha, and Te Pae o te Rangi.

So I look inland to Puketotara,

at the foot of which runs the Waitākere river

on one side stands Massey and on the other - Te Whau.

Home of Te Au o te Whenua and Te Kawerau a Maki,

the original settlers, they laid the way for later travellers

to make a home here.

They cast their footprints in stone upon these precincts of the region,

and so made settlers of us all.

Which gives substance to the adage,

“Communities connected to their natural environment are unique and diverse.”  Let us grow with vigour.

Ngā upoko kōrero



Waitākere Ranges Local Board area



From the Chair

About local boards

About local board plans

Working with Māori

Developing our plan

Carrying out our plan


            Outcome title

            Outcome title

Financial information

Your Waitākere Ranges Local Board members

Appendix A: Advocacy initiatives

[Comms will complete this once the plan is finished.]

He kōrero mai i te Heamana

From the Chair

A mate atu he tētē kura, whakaeke mai te tētē kura / A fern frond dies, but another frond rises to take its place

We live in very interesting times.

This is the most difficult and complex three year plan that the board has had to prepare. 

This draft plan was largely developed prior to the COVID-19 situation, and its key themes and priorities were developed based on feedback and advice that does not take into account the current or potential impacts of the pandemic on our communities. We now have another opportunity to hear your views, and we will use this feedback to ensure that the final plan reflects the current and future reality for the communities of the Waitākere Ranges.

Having strong and resilient communities and looking after each other are never going to be more important. This is why the local board wishes in this plan to emphasise the importance of manaakitanga, of hospitality, kindness, generosity, and support and care for others.

Glen Eden will continue to receive our attention, but we will have to change our plans. Last term we were successful in obtaining funding approval to buy 202-208 West Coast Road for the purpose of a town square with pedestrian access through to the train station. We had hoped to have received additional funds for this redevelopment by the time that this draft plan was finalised. However, changes highlighted in the Auckland Council emergency budget mean that this project will probably be deferred, at least for now. With no confirmed funding at this stage, we can give you no timeline for what may happen. It remains a priority for us.

We are still facing the threat posed by climate change, which we have to start addressing now. The temporary setbacks caused by COVID 19 should not stop us from acting now to respond to climate change. Kaitiakitanga, the care and stewardship of our environment, will be very important.

The continued fostering of our art sector will also be critical. Our arts sector is very vibrant and something for us to be proud of, and something we will need to get us through.

Although we are facing cuts to our local budgets, we want to make sure that our parks and facilities are maintained to a good standard, that our social programmes reach across the local board area, and that we are effective with the resources that we have. This term we intend to use our discretionary capital budgets on projects which our communities want to see.

Strengthening our working relationships and fostering collaboration with other local boards, community partners, with mataawaka and mana whenua will also be essential. We will need to change the way we interact with local communities and keep you in the loop. The local board has an important role to play and we will perform that job better with your guidance.

Lastly, we are the local custodians of the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area. The Act urges Council to sustainably manage the area’s ecosystems and protect and enhance indigenous habitat values, landscape values, and amenity values. It requires us to recognise that people live and work in the area in distinct communities, and that they should be enabled to provide for their social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being. This is something that we will strive to achieve for all of our rohe.

Greg Presland

Chairperson, Waitākere Ranges Local Board

He kōrero mō ngā poari ā-rohe

About local boards

Auckland Council has a unique model of local government in New Zealand, made up of the Governing Body (the mayor and 20 Governing Body members) and 21 local boards. The Governing Body focuses on Auckland-wide issues while local boards are responsible for decision-making on local matters, activities and services and provide input into regional strategies, policies and plans.

Local boards make decisions on local matters such as:

·    supporting local arts, culture, events and sport and recreation

·    providing grants and partnering with local organisations to deliver community services

·    maintaining and upgrading town centres and facilities including parks, libraries and halls

·    caring for the environment and preserving heritage.

Local boards also have a role in representing the view of their communities on issues of local importance.

About local board plans

Local board plans are strategic three-year plans that are developed in consultation with the community. They set out the direction for the local area that reflects community aspirations and priorities. The plans guide the local boards in:

·    decisions on local activities, projects, and facilities

·    input into the council's regional strategies and plans, including the Auckland Plan

·    how local boards will work with other agencies including community groups, central government agencies and council-controlled organisations that play key roles in the area

·    funding and investment decisions.

Local board plans are inclusive and connected; they don’t operate in isolation. They support the following:

·    the Auckland Plan 2050 – the 30-year vision for Auckland

·    the council’s 10-year budget (Long-term Plan) – planned spending and future investment priorities over the longer term, including local boards

·    the council’s annual budget (annual plan) – funding for the coming financial year of the 10-year budget, including local boards.

Local Board Agreements form the basis for each local board to develop its annual work programme and set out local funding priorities and budgets, levels of service, performance measures and targets by activity for each financial year.

Working with Māori

Māori culture and identity is celebrated by Aucklanders and is our point of difference in the world.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi recognises the rangatiratanga of Auckland's hapū and iwi, and the inseparable bond between Tāmaki Makaurau the people and Tāmaki Makaurau the place.

Local boards play a vital role in representing the interests of all Aucklanders. We are committed to our Treaty-based obligations and to Māori participation and development.

We have worked with Māori to develop initiatives that respond to Māori aspirations.


Te whakawhanake i tā mātou mahere

Developing our plan

Our plan comprises aspirational outcomes, objectives we want to achieve and some of the key initiatives we will carry out to achieve them.

We have identified these by considering what we know about our community, having worked closely with you and heard your views on a wide range of things. Our plan is also developed using feedback received from public engagement carried out between January and April 2020.

We have yet to fully determine the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our communities and it may mean some of our plans and aspirations may need to change as a result. Our response will be delivered via the annual budgeting process but the decisions we make will focus on ensuring the benefits for our community.

It is predicted that our levels of service may change as part of the council’s response to COVID-19, but we do not currently know the extent of those changes. We will have some more information once the council’s Annual Budget is adopted in late July 2020. The local board budgets and levels of service for the 2020/2021 financial year will be updated following that. To ensure we reflect your current needs and desires for Waitākere Ranges in this plan, we are sharing this draft document for your feedback. These may be subject to change depending on the rules and requirements around the COVID-19 alert levels, as the safety of our community and staff is paramount.  

We will make an effort to hear from the groups that are often hardest to reach, to ensure their voices are heard and considered.

The issues and priorities you raise with us through these interactions will help inform the final version of this plan.



Te whakatutuki i tā mātou mahere

Carrying out our plan

Turning plans into reality takes many people working together – the community, the local board and the wider council family such as Auckland Transport.

To deliver against the outcomes in the local board plans, we will:

·    prioritise budget to focus on the initiatives in the plans

·    make the best use of local assets such as community centres and parks

·    set direction for the council staff who deliver the projects and services

·    work with various community groups and partners, to deliver projects and services.

Sometimes, important projects in local areas are beyond the funding available to local boards or our authority to make decisions. In those cases, the role of local boards is to advocate to decision-makers to ensure they are aware of community views and the boards support for them.



Whakaotinga tahi:

Whakaotinga 1: Kei te tiakina, kei te whakahaumakotia te Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area, e whakapakaritia ana ngā hononga ki ngā hapori karapoti

Outcome 1: The Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area is protected and enhanced and connections with surrounding communities are strengthened

Together with iwi and our communities, we act as stewards over the Waitākere Ranges. We focus on protecting and enhancing the heritage features of the local board area.

What you’ve told us
•	Residents love their surroundings; they value the benefits the bush and beaches bring to their lives.
•	Walking in their neighbourhoods is a favourite activity.
The Waitākere Ranges heritage area (WRHA) was established by the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area Act 2008 (WRHAA) to promote the protection and enhancement of its heritage features for present and future generations.

The WRHA monitoring report (2018) found the objectives of WRHAA were generally being met. Managing the ecological threat of kauri dieback and pest plants and animals are significant issues. Much of the Waitākere Ranges Regional Park and some local park tracks have been closed to protect against the spread of kauri dieback. We need to look at how recreation is provided for while protecting our precious taonga.

The impact of COVID-19 on Council’s overall programme of activities in this area is not yet clear. Responding to challenges within our areas of responsibility will continue to be a priority for the local board.

Kaitiakitanga and stewardship are important concepts. The Council family, through the local board, the governing body, and council controlled organisations have a critical role to play in maintaining the area’s heritage features. As mana whenua, Te Kawerau a Maki and Ngati Whatua have a unique and special relationship with the Waitākere Ranges area and a significant role as kaitaiki.

Community stewardship of the area can be seen by the level of volunteer activity, and interest in how parks and places are looked after. We want to support our distinctive local communities to be resilient and sustainable. Local area plans set out long term objectives for five areas: Bethells/Te Henga, Waiatarua, Oratia, Henderson Valley/Opanuku, and Muddy Creeks. We will continue to focus on carrying out actions and policies related to these.


·    The heritage area's size as a proportion of the local board area.


Our commitment

We are committed to carrying out the following key initiatives to achieve these goals and will continue to look for other opportunities as they arise.

Outcome: The Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area is protected and enhanced and connections with surrounding communities are strengthened


Key initiatives

Deliver a range of local activities across all Local Board Plan Outcomes that help deliver on the objectives of the WRHAA.

Enhanced relationships with mana whenua.

Local programmes for stream and coastal erosion, water quality, weed and pest management, environmental programmes, education, and biodiversity initiatives.

Support local programmes for community development, local economic development, local events, community facilities, and community initiatives.

Research to improve our understanding and promote the area’s natural and cultural heritage.

Protect and enhance the area’s heritage features

Promote dark sky viewing as a low impact recreational, cultural  and economic activity, and progress an application for parts of the area to become a dark sky reserve.

Promote the sustainable management of the land and landscape in the eastern foothills.

Support, deliver and advocate for restoration programmes in ecological areas that will improve public places and help private landowners.




Whakaotinga 2: Kei te mahi ngātahi tātou ki ngā mātāwaka, ki ngā hoa mana whenua hoki

Outcome 2: We work closely with mataawaka and mana whenua partners

What you’ve told us
•	‘I like that there are a lot of things happening in the community, but we don’t always know about them and there’s not enough Māori focus or kaupapa Māori things to do’ – Māori wāhine, Glen Eden
While the impact of COVID-19 on our Māori communities is not yet fully understood, responding to any specific challenges for Māori in the Waitākere Ranges will be a priority for the local board as it develops and finalises this draft plan.

We acknowledge the particular historical, traditional, cultural, and spiritual relationship of mana whenua with this local board area, namely Ngati Whatua and Te Kawerau a Maki, with whom we share many common aspirations, particularly within the Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area.

We continue to support transfer of land at Te Henga from Auckland Council to Te Kawerau a Maki to build a marae for their people.

We will continue to work with  Hoani Waititi Marae as a centre for Māori language, culture and practice, on areas of mutual interest. We will advocate for Waitangi at Hoani Waititi to be recognised with regional funding.

Our annual work programmes will consider Māori wellbeing and identity.

We look forward to regular hui with our partners and will support whakawhanaungatanga* (developing relationships) through regular hui with the wider Māori community.

Partnership and participation

We recognise the importance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We will embed Māori insight and participation into the democratic process and will engage with the Māori community in meaningful ways. We now have a Kaiwhakaawe (Māori Broker) working across West Auckland to identify opportunities to empower Māori leaders in the community to build on the findings of Waitākere ki Tua and Toitū Waitākere and expand this work

Māori culture and identity

We will ensure that all locally delivered Council initiatives demonstrate an awareness of Matauranga Māori. We want our communities to see Māori cultural identity throughout Waitākere Ranges and te reo Māori to be seen, spoken and heard locally and will celebrate Māori cultural heritage through local arts, events and programming in our local facilities.



·    Māori have kaitiakitanga, historical knowledge and awareness.

·    Strong local Māori organisations to work with.


·    Historically low Māori participation in consultation.

·    Māori consistently say they find it difficult to engage with the council as an organisation.

·    The ‘big’ issues for mana whenua will be addressed by, or alongside, the governing body.

Our commitment

We are committed to carrying out the following key initiatives to achieve these goals and will continue to look for other opportunities as they arise.

Outcome: We work closely with mataawaka and mana whenua partners


Key initiatives

Access to a range of projects and opportunities for collaboration with Māori.


Develop relationships and agree shared goals with mana whenua and mataawaka, key Māori organisations, and local residents.

Support local projects and activities which contribute towards Māori educational, cultural, leadership, and employment outcomes.

An operational maintenance contribution to Hoani Waititi Marae.

Practical support for mana whenua and mataawaka to engage with Council.

Consider the impact on Māori of local board projects and activities.




Whakaotinga 3: Kei te mahi mātou ki te whakaute, ki te tiaki, ki te haumanu i te taiao

Outcome 3: We work to respect, protect and restore the environment

We want Aucklanders to preserve, protect and care for the environment in our unique area, and work together to increase and enhance indigenous biodiversity.

What you’ve told us
•	“I love being kaitiaki to the trees, plants, and creatures within” – Huia resident
•	“Work with the other local boards that surround the Manukau Harbour and use your collective voice to get change.” – Whatipu user
During the COVID-19 Alert Level Four lockdown, people responded positively to anecdotal evidence of increased biodiversity and reduced levels of pollution. We see an opportunity to gain learnings from the lockdown experience and encourage a stronger focus on wider public participation in environmental initiatives during the recovery period.

We will continue to support a range of projects, including getting rid of weeds, protecting indigenous plants and animals, making sure our waterway and streams are healthy, and coastal and marine conservation along the Manukau Harbour and West Coast.

We will use our resources to fund targeted environmental programmes, and community driven activities including those which support community action and behaviour change.

The Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area

This area faces a wide range of environmental challenges. It contains many unique habitats and is surrounded by a fragile marine and coastal environment, and the Auckland metropolitan area.

Our local parks, the Regional Park, and privately owned land are very close. They can have special needs in relation to the right kind of planting and weed and pest control.

It is really important for everyone to work together.There are around 70 environmentally focused volunteer groups operating in the WRHA, alongside council, and local people have told us that they want to see better co-ordination for environmental projects and activities. We have a community environmental coordinator working in the WRHA through the Pest Free Waitākere Alliance. Mana whenua, mataawaka, industry, and other stakeholders such as Auckland Transport and Watercare also need to understand and be involved with council in developing local solutions.


Urban Environments

Urban environments are important, and we will support local volunteer programmes and local initiatives, for example, tree planting, and restoring stream banks and native vegetation in our local parks.

Coastal and Marine Environments: Manukau Harbour and West Coast

We will continue work from within the Manuaku Harbour Forum to improve the health and profile of the Manukau Harbour within Auckland. The Big Blue Waitākere Marine and Coastal Environment Report 2018 highlights coastal and marine needs. This is what we will use to help us decide which areas of work we should prioritise in the future.

Kauri dieback

Kauri dieback is still a threat. Some local parks are now closed or have restricted access as part of the part of the response to this disease. We recognise that this has an impact on the ability of people to enjoy their local environment. We will re-open these when we receive advice that it is safe to do so after upgrades.


·    Strong legacy of kaitiakitanga and environmental awareness.

·    Environmentally aware local communities are committed to action.

·    The Environmental Targeted Rate and Water Quality Targeted Rate can boost local funding.


·    Measures to address kauri dieback have a big impact on access to some local parks.

·    Council, Watercare and Auckland Transport all need to work together to deliver on their responsibilities under the Regional Pest Management Plan.

·    Limited focus within Council on our local marine environment.

Our commitment

We are committed to carrying out the following key initiatives to achieve these goals and will continue to look for other opportunities as they arise.

Outcome: We work to respect, protect and restore the environment


Key initiatives

Communities and Council work together and we see improvements.

Support, fund and deliver a wide range of environmental programmes and community initiatives with a positive  impact.

Support, fund and deliver coordination of community and Council programmes and activities.

Support tree planting.

Support communities to apply for greater protection for scheduled and notable trees.


Whakaotinga 4: He aumangea, he kaha ō tātou hapori

Outcome 4: Our communities are resilient and strong

What you’ve told us
•	“Education for simple tasks - recycling, reusing and composting” – Pasifika Community Leader at Glen Eden Methodist Church
•	“Fund discussions around implications of climate change, potential community response, growing community resilience.” – NGO staff at Collaborative Marketplace.
‘Resilience’ is the ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change, and post COVID-19 feels even more important at a local level. We want to support our communities in making this a key characteristic of this area. Local communities and the Council can work together to foster collaboration and cooperation in our local board area, and regionally, to achieve this.

Climate change

Council has recently recognised that Auckland is in a climate change emergency. We know that Aucklander’s want us to have a role in delivering actions under the Climate Action Plan, which responds to impact that climate change is expected to have on the future of Auckland. They typically view this as a partnership with others.

Emergency Management

Being able to respond to emergency situations is very important in our area due to the relative remoteness of some communities, along with some urban neighbourhoods who already face economic and social challenges. We will work with our communities to help them become resilient and emergency-ready at household and neighbourhood levels.

Practical actions

Living in a resilient way has an impact on our immediate community and environment. Knowing your neighbours, having connections and resources that you can draw on in times of need, being able to grow your own food, make things from recycled materials, shop for what we need and reduce food and packing waste, avoiding single occupant car  journeys, zero waste initiatives, and planting trees are all things that will contribute to the success of this. We will support practical activities and initiatives that everyone can participate in, particularly in urban areas where communities have indicated that they would like to access education and guidance around living in a prosperous yet sustainable way,

Our work programme will support sustainable choices, and the decisions we make though the next three years will seek to reduce local factors that contribute to climate change. 


·    Good relationships with strong community organisations focused on sustainability and resilience.

·    Strong and connected local communities in coastal and bush areas.

·    Strong community interest in what whanau can achieve.

·    New technology and ways of thinking are creating new approaches to waste reduction, alternative energy and pollution prevention.


·    Not everyone is equally able to change the way they do things or get involved in local community initiatives.

·    Communities who don’t know about local boards or existing services.

Our commitment

We are committed to carrying out the following key initiatives to achieve these goals and will continue to look for other opportunities as they arise.

Outcome: Our communities are resilient and strong


Key initiatives

Communities take action to improve their resilience



Support community access to specialised skills, knowledge, resources and positive choices which support behaviour change and reduction of their environmental and carbon footprints.

Support community-led food initiatives such community gardens, learning to grow or prepare food, reducing packaging and food waste and sharing produce.

Empower communities to prepare for disasters, particularly remote coastal and bush communities.

Make small grants to local groups for projects or actions which will have a positive impact on community resilience.

Support community led household budgeting and financial literacy actions.

Consider and evaluate the impact of  all local board projects and activities on climate change.

Consider and evaluate the impact of projects and activities on the WRHA.



Whakaotinga 5: Kei te rongo ō tātou hapori i te oranga, i te whai wāhitanga me te whakaurunga

Outcome 5: Our communities experience wellbeing, belonging and participation

It is important for us to support and encourage community wellbeing.

What you’ve told us
•	“Encourage the members of ethnic communities to provide input by means other than the standard written format and statutory process. For example, information may be gathered by direct person-to-person conversation.” – Waitākere Ethnic Board
•	“What would be good would be to have more services for the young members of the community so they’re not wandering the streets” – Pacifika resident 
It is clear that COVID-19 has had, and will continue to have, a particular impact on some of our most vulnerable citizens. We want local people to be confident, willing and able to engage with Council and influence what happens in their neighbourhoods. Our urban communities are very different from our rural and coastal communities in the WRHA, and we have to make our intentions relevant to all.

The population in and around Glen Eden and Swanson is becoming more diverse. We are seeing intensification in and around Glen Eden town centre and we want to see this new population supported and included in planning and community activity as we seek to revitalise this area.

We will seek to understand and support the needs and aspirations of local people, for example though regular engagement with local ethnic associations and interest groups, and look for new ways to make it easier for people to be part of the local democratic process and influence what happens in and around their neighbourhood.

While Hoani Waititi kura has a small number of secondary students, there are no large secondary schools in our area and we know many people travel out of the area to work. We will look for opportunities to support our youth as they prepare for a future in adulthood and the workforce. We work alongside the Western Initiative, Glen Eden Business Association, Hoani Waititi Marae and other agencies to uplift the economic health and quality of life for everyone in the Waitākere Ranges.

Through our local grants fund, the board will also support community projects which enhance the places where people live.


·    Good relationships with strong community organisations. 

·    Strong community focus on whanau, tamariki and rangatahi.

·    Increasingly diverse community can broaden our perspectives.





·    Some communities who don’t know about local boards or feel they have no role in decision making.

·    Household incomes vary widely over geographic areas.


Our commitment

We are committed to carrying out the following key initiatives to achieve these goals and will continue to look for other opportunities as they arise.

Outcome: Our communities experience wellbeing, belonging and participation


Key initiatives

Support for projects and activities which realise the aspirations of local people for the benefit of their communities.


Assist local communities to grow their organisational skills and capacity with neighbourhood development expertise, community based training programmes, and placemaking resources.

Support a breadth of projects and activities to ensure funding allocations reflect our wide range of communities, including Māori, Pasifika, and other social and ethnic groups.

Explore new ways for people to connect with us and each other, such as neighbourhood forums or promoting use of social media.

Support rangatahi to benefit their communities with educational, creative, leadership opportunities that will help lead to employment.

Support communities to positively transform Glen Eden and recognise it as a great place to live and do business.

Work with Henderson-Massey and Whau Local Boards to increase our understanding of homelessness and housing vulnerability in the area, and of our role in supporting initiatives to address these issues.


Whakaotinga 6: Kei te whai āheinga whānui te hunga ki ngā toi, ki te ahurea, ki ngā taonga tuku iho

Outcome 6: People have a range of opportunities to experience arts, culture and heritage

Outcome description:

What you’ve told us
•	What I love about the community is ‘its spirit, the natural beauty, the arts’.
We recognise the ability of arts, culture, and our history to bring people together, celebrate our differences as strengths, and improve wellbeing.

We want an accessible programme of events and activities where people can recognise expressions of their culture. We will work with the community to develop celebrations that which involve and cater for the range of cultures, interests and age groups that represent our community’s make-up. 

There are there are a number of skilled and enthusiastic groups with whom we can partner to bring arts, events and heritage to the Waitākere Ranges.

Titirangi hosts Te Uru Waitākere Contemporary Gallery as part of the Lopdell Precinct and is already an established centre for the arts.

Protecting and celebrating heritage is also a way to identify what is unique about our area, and to inform what happens to it in the future.The impact of Covd-19 on local budgets may affect our spending in this, as in other areas.


·    A wide range of established arts partners operate in this area.

·    New technology and new ways of thinking are creating new approaches to the arts and events and where and how we experience them.

·    There is a strong film industry in this area, which employs many local people with creative backgrounds.

·    Good relationships with local heritage organisations.



·    Less known about arts groups operating outside Titirangi and established areas.

·    Changing populations want to see themselves reflected in local arts and cultural opportunities.

·    Over the short to medium-term large gatherings of people may not be possible.

·    Restoration and maintenance of facilities is expensive.






Our commitment

We are committed to carrying out the following key initiatives to achieve these goals and will continue to look for other opportunities as they arise.



Key initiatives

Access to a range of arts experiences.

Fund community-led programmes, events and facilities which showcase a variety of local arts and culture and offer opportunities for everyone to experience them.

Expand the local arts experience into the wider Glen Eden and Swanson area.

Support development opportunities for local artists and the local creative economy.

Support Te Uru Contemporary Gallery to operate as a sub-regional facility.

Access to a range of community activities and events.

Work with local people to develop and fund a programme of community-led events that include and reflect the diversity of our area.

Deliver an annual event celebrating the diversity of our communities.

Fund and celebrate events of significance in the Māori calendar, including Matariki, and Te Tiriti o Waitangi on Waitangi Day.

Recognition of local historic and cultural heritage.

Install Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area gateway artworks celebrating the area as a place of significance.

Fund activities and events that celebrate our distinct cultural and historic heritage(s).

Support Local Citizenship Ceremonies and ANZAC commemorations.

Support the operation of sites with local historic and artistic significance, such as McCahon House and Shadbolt House.

Support ongoing research which can be used to protect key sites and to inform the upcoming 2023 Heritage Area Monitoring Report. 

Recognise sites of importance and tell local stories, i.e. through cultural and historic heritage interpretation. 

Install Waitākere Ranges Heritage Area gateway artworks celebrating the area as a place of significance.

Fund activities and events that celebrate our distinct cultural and historic heritage(s).



Whakaotinga 7: Kei a tātou te hanganga me ngā ratonga e tautoko ana, e whakamarohi ana i ō tātou takiwā noho, pokapū tāone hoki

Outcome 7: We have infrastructure and facilities which support and enhance our neighbourhoods and town centres

What you’ve told us
•	“Connect the local board area into the wider Auckland cycle network, so that people can access other parts of the city safely on bikes” – Waitākere Ranges resident
•	“Spaces and places such as parks would be more inviting if equipment for play and water is available and easy to access” – Glen Eden resident
We want to see successful and welcoming town and neighbourhoods, which reflect local pride, prosperity and heritage. Access to local and sports parks, quality gathering and resting spaces, and good transport, walking and cycling connections are vital for good urban living. We want people to have access to green space, and connections between suburbs that support freedom of movement without the car.

The quality of our infrastructure can enhance the way people see these things.

Well maintained road and public infrastructure is important. It is our expectation that this is given priority within road and roadside maintenance contracts. Within the WRHA there are enhanced needs around, for example, weed management in the road corridor.

The economic impact of Covd-19 will likely affect our ability to deliver as much as we would have hoped, in the short term at least. Constrained budgets will require careful prioritisation of major spending, but there is also an opportunity to identify new ways to utilise existing assets and find innovative solutions to ensure that our communities’ needs are met.

Changes to Glen Eden

Our largest town centre is Glen Eden, surrounded by the suburban areas of Glen Eden, Kaurilands, Parrs Park and Sunnyvale. On the rail line, and the most substantial town centre in this area, the local population in this area is changing and growing. Physical improvements will improve pedestrian access through the Glenmall shopping area in the town centre across to the train station. They won’t be the entire solution, but a key component.

Following the 2017 Local Board Plan 202-208 West Coast Road was bought for the purpose of an attractive town square, with pedestrian access through to the train station. By the time this plan is finalised we had hoped to have confirmation of the remaining budget for this project and a timeline for completion.

It is clear following the release of the recent Emergency Budget that this is now unrealistic, which means that we have no choice but to accept that this project will likely be deferred, in the short term at least. It is an important project for Glen Eden and one for which the community has waited a long time.  Securing funding will continue to be a priority for us.



Local transport

During the COVID-19 Alert Level Four lockdown period, there was an unmistakable change to peoples’ transport choices, with few cars on the road and a big uptake in walking and cycling. We do not manage or control public transport or the road network, but we can make some impact on how people get around our area.

Our Capital Transport Fund will be used to deliver small improvements to the local transport network. The Waitākere Ranges Greenways Plan 2019 sets out a long-term vision for a local walking and cycling network, and we will use this to target discretionary capital budgets to where they can be most effective.

We will advocate alongside Whau and Waitākere Local Boards to progress the rail corridor cycleway, and work with Auckland transport to identify priority areas for footpath improvement and renewals.

In the WRHA we remain acutely aware of the desire for better public transport, such as a shuttle service, and will continue to press Auckland Transport to deliver this. 

Community facilities

In this area there are over over 285 local parks, sports fields, buildings, and facilities. We want these to be in good condition, open for use when needed, and good places for Aucklanders to run locally responsive activities.

The local board area is well serviced with community managed halls in most villages.

Library facilities in Glen Eden and Titirangi have high levels of community use and satisfaction and they offer local programme activities that also draws on regional resources and expertise.

Support local sports and recreation through community leases for clubs, and ongoing maintenance of sports fields and supporting infrastructure.


·    Established path and cycleway sections in the Greenways network to build on.

·    Work is already underway for walking and cycling improvements and road safety upgrades in parts of Waitākere Ranges.

·    Plans and research on community places and spaces already underway

·    People are keen to contribute to initiatives that enhance and celebrate their neighbourhoods and cultures.


·    The board has less of a decision-making role in wider transport matters. 

·    Infrastructure is very expensive and can cause ongoing disruption when being built.

·    Change in and around Glen Eden puts pressure on providing suitable community infrastructure and support.


Our commitment

We are committed to carrying out the following key initiatives to achieve these goals and will continue to look for other opportunities as they arise.

We have infrastructure and facilities which support and enhance our neighbourhoods and town centres


Key initiatives

Improvements to the transport network.

Investigate and deliver targeted greenways routes and connections over time, including working with other agencies and advocating for routes which are outside the limits of our funding.

Deliver small road-related improvements where likelihood of regional funding is low.

Support pedestrian safety and accessibility projects around Glen Eden town centre and the train station.

Well maintained, accessible parks, facilities and public spaces.

Deliver a targeted programme of improvements to local parks to encourage people to spend time outdoors.

Increase natural and artificial shade in parks and playgrounds.

Support the introduction and use of quick and easy lease renewal processes for those facilities where are existing rights of renewal and community outcomes plans are being delivered against.

Incorporate Māori design principles into playgrounds and other park features, where possible.

Provide access to year-round affordable or free activities in local parks and facilities.

Work with volunteers to connect communities with their local park, through environmental, social, or other activities.



He kōrero take pūtea

Financial information

The local board funding policy sets out how local boards are funded to meet the costs of providing local activities and administration support.

Local board funding is approved through the council’s budget-setting process. This involves the council’s governing body adopting a 10-year budget (Long-term Plan) every three years and an annual budget every year. Local board agreements make up part of the annual budget.

The council’s budget-setting process involves allocating funding gathered through revenue sources such as rates and user charges.

Draft financial and levels of service statements included for draft local board plan consultation were provided in March 2020 based on information included in the 2018-28 Long-term Plan.  It is predicted that these will change due to budget and level of service revisions as part of the Auckland Council response to COVID-19.  At the time of consultation, we do not know the extent of these changes so have included the previously adopted information for reference.

As the 2010/21 annual budget will now be adopted in late July 2020, these financial statements and levels of service will be updated for final local board plans once information is available.

Local activities and levels of service

The budget-setting process sets levels of service for local activities and corresponding performance targets. The table below describes the local activities and level of service statements.

More information on local board budgets can be found in the Waitākere Ranges Local Board Agreement 2019/2020 and Auckland Council’s local board funding policy, which are available on the council website.

Local activities

Levels of service statements

Local community services

This is a broad activity area, which includes:

·    supporting local arts, culture, events, sport and recreation

·    providing grants and partnering with local organisations to deliver community services

·    maintaining facilities, including local parks, libraries and halls.

We provide library services and programmes that support Aucklanders with reading and literacy, and opportunities to participate in community and civic life.

We fund, enable and deliver community events and experiences that enhance identity and connect people.

We fund, enable and deliver arts and culture experiences that enhance identity and connect people.

Utilising the Empowered Communities Approach we support Aucklanders to create thriving, connected and inclusive communities.

Provide safe, reliable and accessible social infrastructure for Aucklanders that contributes to placemaking and thriving communities.

We provide art facilities, community centres and hire venues that enable Aucklanders to run locally responsive activities, promoting participation, inclusion and connection.

We provide recreation programmes, opportunities and facilities to get Aucklanders more active, more often.

We provide safe and accessible parks, reserves and beaches.

We showcase Auckland’s Māori identity and vibrant Māori culture.

Local planning and development

This group of activities covers improvements to town centres, the local street environment as well as local environment and heritage protection. These activities also include working with business and community associations to improve local economic development and employment initiatives. 

We help attract investment, businesses and a skilled workforce to Auckland.


Local environmental management

Local boards work in partnership with local communities and iwi to deliver projects and programmes to improve local environments. Our focus is on indigenous biodiversity, healthy waterways and sustainable living.

These activities include stream restoration, waste minimisation programmes, supporting environmental volunteers and partnering with schools to provide a range of environmental initiatives. 

We manage Auckland’s natural environment.


Local governance

Activities in this group support our 21 local boards to engage with and represent their communities, and make decisions on local activities. This support includes providing strategic advice, leadership of the preparation of local board plans, support in developing the Local Board Agreements, community engagement including relationships with mana whenua and Māori communities, and democracy and administrative support.

The measures for this group of activities are covered under the Regional Governance group of activities in the Long-term Plan 2018-2028 which determine participation with Auckland Council decision-making in general. This includes local decision-making. There are no significant changes to the measures or targets for 2019/2020.





Financial overview

Revenue, expenditure and capital investment by local activities for the Waitākere Ranges Local Board for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021. These will change due to budget revisions as part of the council’s response to COVID-19 and will be updated for final local board plans once information is available.

Revenue, expenditure and capital investment by local activities for the Waitākere Ranges Local Board for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021.

Annual Budget financials




Operating Revenue

Local community services


Local planning and development


Local environmental services


Local governance


Total Operating Revenue




Operating Expenditure

Local community services


Local planning and economic development


Local environmental services


Local governance


Total Operating Expenditure




Net Operating Expenditure




Capital Expenditure

Local community services


Local planning and development


Local environmental services


Local governance


Total Capital Expenditure





Ngā Mema o tō Poari ā-Rohe o Waitākere Ranges Local Board

Your Waitākere Ranges Local Board members


Members’ details

Picture ref# from The Wire

Name – Chairperson


[local board members qualifications are not included]

Picture ref# from The Wire

Name – Deputy Chairperson



Picture ref# from The Wire




Picture ref# from The Wire




Picture ref# from The Wire




Picture ref# from The Wire




Picture ref# from The Wire




Picture ref# from The Wire






Appendix A: Advocacy initiatives

·                     A key role of the local board is to advocate for initiatives that the local board may not have decision-making responsibilities or funding for in this draft local board plan, but recognise the value it will add to the local community.

·                     Key advocacy areas for xxx Local Board include:



Advocating to
































Waitākere Ranges Local Board

18 June 2020







Waitākere Ranges Local Board

18 June 2020



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