Ngā Hui a te Poari Kaitohutohu mō te Pokapū o Te Tāone Nui o Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland City Centre Advisory Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board held in Room 1, Level 26, 135 Albert Street, Auckland on Wednesday, 29 July 2020 at 3.05pm.
Chairperson |
Ms Viv Beck |
Business Improvement District |
Members |
Ms Noelene Buckland |
City Centre Residents Group |
Cr Pippa Coom |
Waitematā and Gulf Ward Councillor, Auckland Council |
Mr George Crawford |
Property Council of NZ |
Mr Matt Harray |
Retail sector |
Ms Amy Malcolm - presiding for items 6 and 7 until 5.13pm, Item 9 |
Tertiary sector (University of Auckland) |
Mr James Mooney |
Urban design/institute of architects |
Mr Richard Northey |
Waitematā Local Board, Auckland Council |
Mr Adam Parkinson |
City Centre Residents Group |
Ms Anahera Rawiri until 5.29pm, Item 11 |
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei |
Mr Michael Richardson until 5.21pm, Item 11 |
Business Improvement District |
Mr Greg Cohen |
Cr Chris Darby |
Deputy Chairperson Andrew Gaukrodger |
Mayor Phil Goff |
Mr Mark Kingsford |
Mr Nigel Murphy |
Mr Patrick Reynolds |
Auckland City Centre Advisory Board 29 July 2020 |
Resolution number CEN/2020/19 MOVED by Chairperson V Beck, seconded by Mr M Richardson: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) accept the apologies from Deputy Chairperson A Gaukrodger, Mr M Kingsford, Mr N Murphy and Mr P Reynolds for absence, from Councillor C Darby and Mayor P Goff for absence on council business and for absence during the meeting from Councillor P Coom. |
Chairperson V Beck and member M Richardson subsequently declared a non-pecuniary conflict of interest in Item 6 Destination marketing funding to business associations and Item 7 Responding to the impacts of COVID-19 in the city centre and took no part in discussions or voting on these matters with the exception of member M Richardson who co-presented with staff of the Karangahape Road Business Association on their accountability report and funding request in Item 6.
Resolution number CEN/2020/20 MOVED by Ms N Buckland, seconded by Mr Mooney: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 27 May 2020, as a true and correct record, subject to the following amendment to the final bullet point in the notes to Item 6 as follows: · the Queen Street Access for Everyone pilot is separate from the emergency works for COVID-19, to be amended to: · the emergency works are temporary and separate from the Access for Everyone pilot. |
There was no extraordinary business.
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Staff provided a PowerPoint presentation in support of the item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.
Resolution number CEN/2020/21 MOVED by Chairperson V Beck, seconded by Ms A Rawiri: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) receive the update on the Emergency Budget 2020/2021. |
a 29 July 2020, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: Item 5 - Emergency Budget 2020/2021 update, Presentation |
Cr P Coom left the meeting at 3.28pm.
Note: Chairperson V Beck declared an interest in Item 6 – Destination marketing funding to business associations and Item 7 - Responding to the impacts of COVID-19 in the city centre and advised it was her intention to vacate the chair.
Before vacating the chair, the Chairperson, conducted the election of a chair for Items 6 and 7 as the deputy chairperson was absent from the meeting.
Resolution number CEN/2020/22 MOVED by Chairperson V Beck, seconded by Ms N Buckland: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: b) agree that member Ms A Malcolm be elected to preside as the chair at the meeting for items 6 and 7. |
There being no further nominations the Governance Advisor DECLARED that member Ms A Malcolm be elected to preside at the meeting for items 6 and 7. Chairperson V Beck vacated the chair at 3.30pm and Member A Malcolm assumed the Chair.
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Chairperson V Beck and member M Richardson declared a non-pecuniary conflict of interest in this item and took no part in discussions or voting on these matters. Member M Richardson co-presented with staff of the Karangahape Road Business Association on their accountability report and funding request. Staff provided a PowerPoint presentation in support of this item and item 7: Responding to the impacts of COVID-19 in the city centre. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. Heart of the City and Karangahape Road Business Association provided PowerPoint presentations in support of their accountability reports and funding requests. Copies have been placed on the official minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as minutes attachments.
Resolution number CEN/2020/23 MOVED by Ms N Buckland, seconded by Mr R Northey: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) receive the accountability reports for 2019/2020 destination marketing funding from Heart of the City and Karangahape Road Business Association b) support financial contributions to destination marketing for 2020/2021 from the city centre targeted rate portfolio budget: i) Heart of the City: $400,000 ii) Karangahape Road Business Association: $40,000. |
a 29 July 2020, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: Item 6 - Destination marketing funding to business associations, Staff presentation b 29 July 2020, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: Item 6 Destination marketing funding to business associations, Heart of the City staff presentation c 29 July 2020, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: Item 6 Destination marketing funding to business associations, Karangahape Road Business Association staff presentation |
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Chairperson V
Beck and member M Richardson declared a non-pecuniary conflict of interest in
this item and took no part in discussions or voting on these matters. Member M Richardson answered questions in relation to the Karangahape Road street community from members for clarification. Note: Changes to the original motion, adding new clauses b) and c) were made with the agreement of the meeting.
Resolution number CEN/2020/24 MOVED by Ms N Buckland, seconded by Mr A Parkinson: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) endorse the proposed package to support the city centre to respond to the impacts of COVID-19 (Attachment A) to a total value of up to $400,000, from the city centre targeted rate operational expenditure budget in 2020/2021 b) note that the funding will be allocated as follows: i) Activating local businesses $50,000 (Auckland Council) ii) Additional destination marketing $250,000 (Heart of the City) iii) Additional destination marketing $50,000 (Karangahape Road Business Association) c) request staff to report back to the next meeting on the proposed Safe and welcoming spaces allocation of $50,000. |
Cr P Coom rejoined the meeting at 4.11pm.
Member A Malcolm vacated the chair. Chairperson V Beck resumed the chair at 4.19pm. |
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Staff provided a PowerPoint presentation in support of the item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.
Resolution number CEN/2020/25 MOVED by Chairperson V Beck, seconded by Mr GC Crawford: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) note the update on the status of the programme delivery, issues and opportunities of the Downtown Programme following COVID-19 lockdown. |
a 29 July 2020, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: Item 8 Downtown Programme update, Staff presentation |
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Staff provided a PowerPoint presentation in support of the item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.
Resolution number CEN/2020/26 MOVED by Mr J Mooney, seconded by Mr R Northey: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) receive the update on the Queen Street Valley Access for Everyone Pilot and note that there are a number of issues that need to be addressed through the co-design process for the pilot. |
a 29 July 2020, Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: Item 9 - Queen Street Valley Access for Everyone pilot, Staff presentation |
Ms A Malcolm left the meeting at 5.13pm.
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Resolution number CEN/2020/27 MOVED by Mr R Northey, seconded by Ms N Buckland: That the Auckland City Centre Advisory Board: a) agree to change future meeting and workshop days to the last Monday of the month from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm with effect from August 2020. |
Mr M Richardson left the meeting at 5.21pm.
5.21pm The meeting lapsed for want of a quorum. Members in attendance at the time the meeting lapsed were:
Chairperson Ms Viv Beck
Members Ms Noelene Buckland
Cr Pippa Coom
Mr George Crawford
Mr Matt Harray
Mr James Mooney
Mr Richard Northey
Mr Adam Parkinson
Ms Anahera Rawiri
Members agreed to continue to discuss the remaining item on an informal basis.
Ms A Rawiri left the meeting at 5.29pm.
12 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
5.21pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.