Kōmiti Mō Te Hurihanga Āhuarangi me Te Taiao / Environment and Climate Change Committee






Minutes of a meeting of the Environment and Climate Change Committee held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Tuesday, 21 July 2020 at 10.01am.




Cr Richard Hills


Deputy Chairperson

Cr Pippa Coom



Cr Josephine Bartley

From 10.12am, Item 5.1, Until 1.14pm


Cr Dr Cathy Casey



Deputy Mayor Cr Bill Cashmore



Cr Fa’anana Efeso Collins

Until 2.20pm, Item 9


Cr Linda Cooper, JP



Cr Angela Dalton

By electronic link

From 12.00pm, Item 8


Cr Chris Darby



Cr Alf Filipaina

From 2.43pm, Item 9


Cr Christine Fletcher, QSO

By electronic link


Mayor Hon Phil Goff, CNZM, JP



Cr Shane Henderson



Cr Tracy Mulholland

Until 11.35am, Item 8


Cr Daniel Newman, JP

By electronic link


Cr Greg Sayers



Cr Desley Simpson, JP



Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM



Cr Wayne Walker

From 10.05am


Cr John Watson

By electronic link


IMSB Member Glenn Wilcox



Cr Paul Young

From 11.02pm, Item 5.4





IMSB Member Karen Wilson






Julie Fairey, Chair

Puketapapa Local Board



Environment and Climate Change Committee

21 July 2020




1          Apologies


Resolution number ECC/2020/22

MOVED by Cr P Coom, seconded by IMSB Member G Wilcox:  

That the Environment and Climate Change Committee:

a)         accept the apology from IMSB Member K Wilson for absence, Cr A Dalton and Cr A Filipaina for lateness, Cr E Collins, Cr T Mulholland and Cr S Stewart for early departure.


Resolution number ECC/2020/23

MOVED by Cr R Hills, seconded by Cr C Casey:  

That the Environment and Climate Change Committee:

b)         approve the electronic attendance of:

·         Cr A Dalton

·         Cr A Filipaina

·         Cr C Fletcher

·         Cr D Newman

·         Cr G Sayers

·         Cr J Watson


Note:   An apology had been received from Cr S Stewart for early departure,however the meeting had concluded early.




2          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.




3          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number ECC/2020/24

MOVED by Cr D Simpson, seconded by Cr R Hills:  

That the Environment and Climate Change Committee:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 12 March 2020, as a true and correct record.





4          Petitions


There were no petitions.



Cr W Walker joined the meeting at 10.05 am.



5          Public Input



Public Input:  Generation Zero - Te Taruke-a-Tawhiri: Auckland's Climate Action Framework - Proposed changes


Cr J Bartley joined the meeting at 10.12 am.



Resolution number ECC/2020/25

MOVED by Cr R Hills, seconded by Cr P Coom:  

That the Environment and Climate Change Committee:

a)         receive the public input from Olivia Yates on behalf General Zero regarding Te Taruke-a-Tawhiri: Auckland's Climate Action Framework - Proposed changes and thank her for her attendance.






Public Input:  Equal Justice Project - Te Taruke-a-Tawhiri: Auckland's Climate Action Framework - Proposed changes


Arianna Bacic, Ella Rose Steven and Grant Hewison spoke to the committee.  A copy of the submission has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.



Resolution number ECC/2020/26

MOVED by Cr R Hills, seconded by Cr P Coom:  

That the Environment and Climate Change Committee:

a)         receive the public input from Arianna Bacic, Ella Rose Steven and Grant Hewison on behalf Equal Justice Project regarding Te Taruke-a-Tawhiri: Auckland's Climate Action Framework - Proposed changes and thank them for their attendance.




a     21 July 2020, Environment and Climate Change Committee:  Item 5.2 - Public Input:  Equal Justice Project - Te Taruke-a-Tawhiri: Auckland's Climate Action Framework - Proposed changes, Submission




Public Input:  The Tree Council - Implementing Auckland’s Urban Ngahere (forest) Strategy – progress update July 2020


Dr Mels Barton spoke to the committee and gave a PowerPoint presentation.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.



Resolution number ECC/2020/27

MOVED by Cr R Hills, seconded by Mayor P Goff:  

That the Environment and Climate Change Committee:

a)         receive the public input from Dr Mels Barton on behalf of The Tree Council regarding Implementing Auckland’s Urban Ngahere (forest) Strategy – progress update July 2020 and thanks her for her attendance.




a     21 July 2020, Environment and Climate Change Committee – Item 5.3 Public Input - The Tree Council - Dr Mels Barton – presentation




Public Input:  Silvia Spieksma - Retention of an environmental and ecological significant site in Avondale


Silvia Spieksma and Libby Burgess spoke to the committee.


Cr P Young joined the meeting at 11.02 am.



Resolution number ECC/2020/28

MOVED by Cr P Coom, seconded by Cr L Cooper:  

That the Environment and Climate Change Committee:

a)         receive the public input from Silvia Spieksma and Libby Burgess regarding Retention of an environmental and ecological significant site in Avondale and thank them for their attendance.




a     21 July 2020, Environment and Climate Change Committee:  Item 5.4 - Public Input: Silvia Spieksma - Retention of an environmental and ecological significant site in Avondale - presentation




6          Local Board Input



Local Board Input:  Puketapapa Local Board - Te Taruke-a-Tawhiri: Auckland's Climate Action Framework - Proposed changes


The chair of Puketapapa Local Board withdrew the request.






7          Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.




The meeting adjourned at 11.08am and reconvened at 11.15am.


Cr J Watson was not present.



Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan


A PowerPoint presentation was given in support of the item.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.



Cr T Mulholland left the meeting at 11.35 am.

Cr A Dalton joined the meeting at 12.00 pm.

Cr J Watson returned to the meeting at 12.35pm.



Resolution number ECC/2020/29

MOVED by Cr R Hills, seconded by Cr P Coom:  

That the Environment and Climate Change Committee:

a)      adopt Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan (Attachment A of the agenda report)

b)       note that the final plan will be a digital plan (website) to be launched later this year.  This may require minor, non-substantive changes to meet digital standards

c)      delegate authority to the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Environment and Climate Change Committee and a member of the Independent Māori Statutory Board to make any final changes to the plan text based on feedback from the Environment and Climate Change Committee and application of digital standards

d)      note that work is on-going to deliver council’s contribution to delivery of the plan, including costing of additional actions for consideration as input into the 10-year budget (Long-term Plan).




a     21 July 2020, Environment and Climate Change Committee:  Item 8 - Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan - presentation



Cr J Bartley left the meeting at 1.14pm.


The meeting adjourned at 1.14pm and reconvened at 1.47pm.


Cr S Henderson was not present.




Implementing Auckland’s Urban Ngahere (forest) Strategy – progress update July 2020


A PowerPoint presentation was given in support of the item.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.

Note:   changes to the original recommendation, amending clause c) and adding clause d) was moved as a chairperson’s recommendation and incorporated with the agreement of the meeting.


Cr S Henderson returned to the meeting at 1.49 pm.

Cr E Collins left the meeting at 2.20 pm.

Cr A Filipaina joined the meeting at 2.43 pm.



Resolution number ECC/2020/30

MOVED by Cr P Coom, seconded by Cr W Walker:  

That the Environment and Climate Change Committee:

a)      receive the progress report on implementing Auckland’s Urban Ngahere (forest) Strategy (Attachment A to the agenda report)

b)      support the preparation of a business case to consider options to accelerate implementation of the regional urban ngahere programme and recommend to the Finance and Performance Committee that it be considered for funding through the Long-term Plan

c)      note that staff will consider the timing of a full review of Schedule 10  - Notable Trees in the context of resourcing constraints and priorities and report back to the Planning Committee

d)      note that the Mayor and Chair have sent a second letter to the Minister for the Environment about the need to increase tree protection in the Resource Management Act.




a     21 July 2020, Environment and Climate Change Committee:  item 9 - Implementing Auckland’s Urban Ngahere (forest) Strategy – progress update July 2020 - presentation





Scoping report: Adaptive management of too much water


Note:   changes to the original recommendation, adding clause e) were incorporated with the agreement of the meeting.


Resolution number ECC/2020/31

MOVED by Cr W Walker, seconded by Cr D Simpson:  

That the Environment and Climate Change Committee:

a)      note that Te Tāruke-ā-Tawhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan indicates that Auckland may face more hazards caused by too much water; these hazards may increase in terms of frequency and scale; and the impacts of these hazards on Aucklanders may also increase

b)      note that the costs and benefits of responding to hazards caused by too much water will be borne by, and accrue to, at least three generations of Aucklanders

c)      note that, over time, the effectiveness of some interventions that have traditionally been used to prevent or mitigate the impact of hazards caused by too much water may diminish

d)      approve a programme of work to develop a 100-year adaptive management policy to respond to hazards caused by too much water that includes the following workstreams and deliverables:


i)       interventions: principles, roles and responsibilities, regulatory and non -regulatory interventions, financial management and implementation approaches

ii)      risk and liability: short, medium, long-term assessments

iii)     knowledge: research, data, monitoring and evaluation

iv)     social change: community engagement, education and awareness


v)      interim principles (December 2020) to guide the council’s response to hazards caused by too much water while the long-term policy is developed

vi)     a discussion document (March 2021), including interim principles, intervention logic to support each council function or policy intervention and a comparative analysis of possible responses, based on a comprehensive stocktake and identification of good practice

vii)    a draft policy (September 2021) and a final policy document (December 2021) for consideration by local boards and then the committee

e)      note that Māori Outcomes to the on-going workstreams will integrate korero from marae, papakainga, sites of significance to Mana Whenua and Māori Enterprises.



Note:   Pursuant to Standing Order 1.8.6, Deputy Mayor Cashmore requested his dissenting vote be recorded.





Summary of Environment and Climate Change Committee information memoranda and briefings - 21 July 2020




Resolution number ECC/2020/32

MOVED by Cr W Walker, seconded by Cr D Simpson:  

That the Environment and Climate Change Committee:

a)      receive the Summary of Environment and Climate Change Committee information memoranda and briefings – 21 July 2020.





12        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   






3.40 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









