Franklin Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Franklin Local Board held in the Local Board Chambers, Pukekohe Service Centre, 82 Manukau Road, Pukekohe on Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 9.32am.
Either a recording or a transcript of this meeting will be posted to the Auckland Council website.
Chairperson |
Andrew Baker |
Deputy Chairperson |
Angela Fulljames |
Members |
Malcolm Bell |
Alan Cole |
Sharlene Druyven |
Lance Gedge |
Amanda Kinzett |
Matthew Murphy |
Logan Soole |
Franklin Local Board 07 July 2020 |
The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.
Member Druyven noted that she submitted to the Emergency Budget.
Resolution number FR/2020/56 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member A Kinzett: That the Franklin Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 16 June 2020 as true and correct. |
There were no leaves of absence.
There were no acknowledgements.
There were no petitions.
There were no deputations.
There was no public forum.
There was no extraordinary business.
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Orrin Kapua, Advisor, was in attendance to speak to this item.
A document , “Local Board input into the Emergency Budget 2020/2021”, was tabled for this item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.
Resolution number FR/2020/57
MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames:
That the Franklin Local Board: a) receive consultation feedback on regional proposals in the Emergency Budget 2020/2021 from people or organisations based in the Franklin local board area. b) provide the following feedback to the proposed Emergency Budget 2020/2021: Consultation questions i) support a 3.5% rates increase on the basis that the implications of a 2.5% rates increase will have significant, long-term and unacceptable implications on the Franklin area communities and the wider Auckland communities that would undermine social and economic well-being ii) note the draft rates remission and postponement policy, and support introduction of a rates postponement scheme to off-set anticipated impact from post-COVID-19 economic hardship iii) support suspension of the Accomodation Provider Targeted Rate (APTR) in principle to off-set anticipated impact from international travel restrictions generated by the global COVID-19 pandemic, pending further information on how the impact on ATEED budgets is to be mitigated and consequential effects on local economic recovery initiatives. Capital investment proposal iv) support a temporary reduction or deferral of capital funding as set out under a 3.5% scenario in principle v) support a temporary reduction or deferral of the Local Board Capital Transport Fund (LBCTF) and community safety funding under the 3.5% scenario; however request that implications from the reduction to LBCTF and community safety funding are informed by local priorities as represented by local boards i.e. are not determined by Auckland Transport in isolation of community perspective vi) do not support the deferral of all LBCTF projects under a 2.5% scenario vii) support the deferral of walking and cycling projects not in construction in the short term only, noting that active transport is critical to Auckland’s response to climate change and that there is poor support for active recreation across the increasingly urbanised Franklin local board area viii) support a deferral of a range of stormwater initiatives and request that projects that are at are creating public health and safety issues or immediate risk to private property are prioritised e.g. drainage issues at Orere Point that are creating risk from consequential erosion ix) support a delay to planned Natural Environment Targeted Rate work, including to planned track upgrades; however note that pest management and Kauri dieback management in the Hūnua Ranges should be prioritised to ensure that gains made in the ongoing protection and environmental restoration in this regional park are not lost, and to ensure that the Hūnua Ranges remain Kauri Dieback free x) request that in identifying projects for deferral, staff consider availability of and enable local volunteer workforces that could facilitate access to third party funding and a project to continue at a lesser cost to the ratepayer e.g. Ada Platts Reserve track xi) support a $162 million reduction of community investment as set out under the 3.5% scenario and where investment is not contractually committed as an emergency budget measure xii) request that decisions on reduced local community investment be informed by local priorities and according to the direction of local boards who are best placed to understand and reflect local priorities xiii) note the intention to delay One Local Initiatives including the Karaka Sports Park and community hub development, and request that this project is recommenced as a priority as soon as possible xiv) support the reduction in the Panuku capital programme, noting that this may cause delays to delivery of the Unlock Pukekohe project, but request a continued focus on programme development, including investigation and preparation for opportunities to recycle assets to enable development when appropriate. Proposed measures to achieve operational savings xv) support a 10% reduction of Locally Driven Iniative operational budgets as set out under a 3.5% rates increase scenario, and 20% under a 2.5% rates scenario xvi) note the ability of local boards to determine reduction of Asset Based Services spending to offset this reduction at a local level and recognise that such changes must be considered with advice from the organisation xvii) do not support a reduction in pest eradication services, noting that reduced service levels create an unacceptable risk of undoing gains achieved with significant long-term consequences for the environment and on often community-led outcomes xviii) request that any reduction in environmental service levels (programme delivery) give priority to initiatives that include a significant established contribution from the community organisations xix) do not support a reduction of Kauri dieback compliance monitoring, particularly in the Hūnua Ranges, noting that the Hūnua Ranges are Kauri dieback-free and vulnerable to infection xx) would support prioritisation of pest eradication and Kauri dieback compliance over inorganic waste collections in the short term, but request that alternative inorganic disposal support be maintained to mitigate an increase in illegal dumping e.g. a temporary operating model that enables drop offs managed by community groups as fundraisers xxi) support a review of customer service centre opening hours, noting that the Pukekohe Service Centre opening hours will be tied to Pukekohe Library opening hours xxii) request that staff facilitate a incorporation of customer services in Waiuku into the Waiuku Library to enable continued services xxiii) suggest that staff investigate leasing the vacant rooms within the Waiuku Service Centre, noting that is a revenue or community service opportunity xxiv) support the short-term deferral of unallocated investment funding into sport and recreational facilities suggested under a 3.5% rates scenario xxv) do not support a regional approach to identifying reductions in maintenance spend as suggested under a 2.5% scenario i.e. removing litter bins and closing public toilets without consideration for local perspectives, and strongly suggest that the source of additional savings from maintenance are determined at the local level xxvi) support the 2020/21 cancellation of regional events delivered by Auckland Council, and suggest that support for events delivered through third parties i.e. the events industry or community is adopted as the preferred approach xxvii)support a reduction of arts and culture programmes in principle, however note that equitable local access to programmes, services and facilities should be maintained and that should mean continued support for Franklin Arts Centre as a spatially significant arts facility xxviii) note the intention to reduce library programmes based on poor attendance and strongly suggest that attendance is not the sole factor to be considered i.e. services supported by the libraries programme but delivered by volunteers in rural and isolated communities are disproportionately important to the social well-being of those communities xxix) request that a cost-benefit lens is applied in determining a reduction in programmes and that this is applied in close consultation with local boards xxx) support a review of public transport service levels both as a savings measure and as an opportunity to understand how to support better uptake of emerging routes via consultation with the local board and community xxxi) request that savings are sought through reductions to off-peak frequency of routes rather than through a rationalisation of lower patronised routes so that public transport can remain as an option for growing communities xxxii)encourage reconsideration of hybrid trains to extend public transport options based on strong support for public transport demonstrated in the public consultation xxxiii) support implementation of reasonable charging at Auckland Transport-provided park and ride facilities and note that pricing should support continued access to public transport services xxxiv) do not support a reduction in rural roading maintenance under any scenario on the basis that poor maintenance creates an unacceptable risk to community safety and, in the Franklin Local Board area, to produce and development supply chains i.e. food distribution, quarry and landfill services xxxv)do not support a significant reduction in Panuku planning services, noting that planning is critical to the long-term success of emerging communities and under-investment will create a poor legacy for future generations xxxvi) support a short-term reduction in major event funding, noting that the rationale for major event investment is dependant on return on regional investment, largely generated by international tourism. Suggest that funding in 2020/2021 is focussed on events that generate significant domestic tourism, local economic benefit and social well-being (pride) e.g. the Supercars event at Pukekohe is New Zealand’s largest annual event with 95% domestic visitors xxxvii) do not support a reduction in ATEED economic recovery budget pending confirmation that ATEED are adopting a new localised approach to service delivery and noting that services that support economic recovery are critical to long-term community wellbeing xxxviii) support the deferral of the living wage and homelessness co-ordination and savings initiatives associated with elected member remuneration xxxix) do not support deferral of foundation work for climate change interventions, as climate change has a significant effect on rural and coastal communities xl) support the continuation of initiatives intended to improve local Māori outcomes xli) support the retention of the southern animal shelter, noting strong local feedback in support of this service. Other revenue generation xlii) support acceleration of some property sales to enable recovery from the COVID-19 economic impact (rationalisation), on the condition that a local lens is applied to developing sale outcomes to enable local needs to be considered i.e. emerging need generated through impending development xliii) do not support a partial or full sell-down of Auckland International Airport and Ports of Auckland Limited shares xliv) support optimisation as a locally-driven strategy for off-setting regional and local investment on the condition that it is applied in close consultation with local boards xlv) support the exit from non-core service provision where there is adequate market provision e.g. gyms, holiday parks and early childhood education Note: the board wish to acknowledge the extraordinary amount of work done by Auckland Council staff, including Local Board Services staff. The finance staff have worked hard over long hours, keeping up with constant changes. The advice has been exemplary, clear and easy to understand. We also wish to acknowledge the willingness of the Governing Body to include Local Board Chairs in workshop discussions, to enable us to be informed. |
a 7 July 2020 Local Board input into the Emergency Budget 2020_2021 |
12. Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
10.00 am The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.