Howick Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Howick Local Board held in the Howick Local Board Meeting Room, and via Skype for Business on Thursday, 9 July 2020 at 5pm.
Either recording or written summary of the meeting will be published to the Auckland Council website.
Chairperson |
Adele White |
Deputy Chairperson |
John Spiller |
Members |
Katrina Bungard |
Bo Burns |
David Collings |
Bruce Kendall |
Mike Turinsky |
Peter Young, JP |
Member |
Bob Wichman |
Councillor |
Cr Sharon Stewart QSM |
via electronic attendance |
from 5.04pm, Item 8 |
Councillor |
Cr Paul Young |
via electronic attendance |
from 5.14pm, Item 11 |
Howick Local Board 09 July 2020 |
The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed those present.
Resolution number HW/2020/89 MOVED by Member M Turinsky, seconded by Member D Collings: That the Howick Local Board: a) accept the apology from Member B Wichman for absence. |
Member B Burns declared an interest in Item 11 – Howick Local Board input into the Emergency Budget 2020/2021
Member B Kendall declared an interest in Item 11 – Howick Local Board input into the Emergency Budget 2020/2021
Resolution number HW/2020/90 MOVED by Chairperson A White, seconded by Member B Burns: That the Howick Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 15 June 2020, as a true and correct record. |
There were no leaves of absence.
The Chair acknowledged the recent passing of Paul Cressey ONZOM addressing the meeting with the following:
It is with sadness that I acknowledge the sudden passing of Paul Roger Cressey ONZOM.
Paul was a leader and mentor, well known for his philanthropic work, and had longstanding relationships with the Child Cancer Foundation, Ronald McDonald House, Counties Manukau Health Board and the Life Education Trust, to name a few.
Paul was a local pharmacist for many years, owning a business close to his Half Moon Bay home.
In recent times he has championed the work and growth of the Howick Menzshed – working closely with the Howick Local Board.
There were no petitions.
8.1 |
Tāmaki Estuary Environment Forum (TEEF) update to the Howick Local Board |
A presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number HW/2020/91 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson J Spiller, seconded by Member B Kendall: That the Howick Local Board: a) receive the deputation from the Tāmaki Estuary Environment Forum and thank Julie Chambers for her presentation. |
a 9 July 2020, Howick Local Board - Item 8.1 - Deputations - Tāmaki Estauary Environment Forum (TEEF) update to the Howick Local Board |
There was no public forum.
There was no extraordinary business.
Howick Local Board input into the Emergency Budget 2020/2021 |
Member B Burns declared an interest with respect to making a submission as part of the consultation process as a resident and ratepayer. Member B Kendall declared an interest with respect to making a submission as part of the consultation process as a resident and ratepayer.
A document summarising feedback was tabled. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number HW/2020/92 MOVED by Member B Burns, seconded by Member M Turinsky: That the Howick Local Board: a) receive consultation feedback on regional proposals in the Emergency Budget 2020/2021 from people or organisations based in the Howick Local Board area. b) provide feedback on the proposed Emergency Budget 2020/2021 as follows: Consultation Questions i) only support a 3.5% rates increase: A) based on the potential implications that a 2.5% rates increase could have on the ability of council to deliver for the community as detailed in the Emergency Budget 2020/2021 consultation B) with the proviso that the reserves and public open space properties that are listed in xlii) F) are not sold. ii) note the Draft Rates Remission and Postponement Policy iii) support the introduction of a rates postponement scheme to off-set anticipated impact from post-COVID-19 economic hardship ensuring people are fully informed of the financial implications iv) support suspension of the Accommodation Provider Targeted Rate (APTR) in principle to off-set anticipated impact from international travel restrictions generated by the global COVID-19 pandemic v) request further information on how the impact on ATEED budgets is to be mitigated and consequential effects on local economic recovery initiatives. Capital Investment Proposal vi) do not support pausing or cancelling any Auckland Transport Community Safety Fund projects under any rates increase scenario vii) support a reduction of the Local Board Transport Capital Fund under a 3.5% scenario, only based on the retention of the Auckland Transport Community Safety Fund viii) request any implications from the reduction to funding are informed by local priorities as represented by local boards and are not determined by Auckland Transport in isolation ix) do not support the deferral of all Local Board Transport Capital Funded projects under a 2.5% scenario x) do not support the deferral of stormwater initiatives that are addressing public health and safety issues or an immediate risk to private property, including flooding xi) do not support a delay to planned Natural Environment Targeted Rate work that could impact on the communities’ health and safety, including planned track upgrades xii) request that in identifying projects for deferral, staff consider availability of and enable local volunteer workforces that could facilitate access to third party funding and a project to continue at a lesser cost to Auckland Council xiii) do not support any proposed delay to the delivery of the Flatbush Library and Community Centre xiv) request the development of Flatbush Library and Community Centre is reviewed as a priority xv) request any decisions on reduced local community investment be informed by local priorities and according to the direction of local boards who are best placed to understand and reflect local priorities xvi) support in principal a reduction of 80 per cent to 90 per cent in planned renewals provided it does not have a long-term impact on the asset, with an exception of not supporting reductions of planned renewals for playgrounds xvii) support minimal reduction in library budgets xviii) support a further reduction in public art. Proposed Measures to Achieve Operational Savings xix) do not support a 10 per cent reduction of Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) operational budgets as set out under a 3.5% rates increase scenario and 20 per cent under a 2.5% rates scenario xx) note the overall Locally Driven Initiatives (LDI) budget on a regional comparison is minor and any reduction will impact the board’s ability to respond to the community’s needs xxi) do not support a reduction in pest eradication services and Kauri dieback compliance monitoring, noting that reduced service levels will have significant impact on the environment and to community-led outcomes xxii) do not support the suspension of inorganic waste collection, noting this must be maintained to mitigate a potential increase in illegal dumping xxiii) request any review of customer services, including the call centre opening hours, is in consultation with the local board xxiv) request any changes to local facilities opening hours be done in consultation with the local board xxv) support the short-term deferral of unallocated Sport and Recreation Facilities Investment funding into sport and recreational facilities suggested under a 3.5% rates scenario xxvi) do not support a regional approach to identifying reductions in maintenance spend as suggested under a 2.5% scenario i.e. removing litter bins and closing public toilets without consideration for local perspectives xxvii) request the sources of additional savings from a reduction in maintenance spend under a 2.5% scenario are determined at the local level xxviii) support the deferral of face to face citizenship ceremonies until the end of December 2020 xxix) do not support the longer term cancellation or scope change of in-person citizenship ceremonies due to the importance and symbolism of these xxx) support a reduction of arts and culture programmes in principle xxxi) request equitable local access to arts and culture programmes, services and facilities should be maintained xxxii) support a reduction in library programmes across the region based on experience of low attendance through appropriate consultation xxxiii) request that the decision making process to reduce library programmes is not entirely based on poor attendance and other factors need to be considered xxxiv) support a review of public transport service levels and request that public transport must remain as an option for growing communities xxxv) do not support increased traffic enforcement for income generation xxxvi) do not support a reduction in road maintenance under any scenario on the basis that poor maintenance creates unacceptable safety issues for the community xxxvii) do not support a reduction to the elected member remuneration xxxviii) support a deferred annual increase to the elected member remuneration. Feedback on Howick Assets Which Are Not Currently ‘In Service’ and Are Proposed For Sale in the Emergency Budget 2020/2021 xxxix) request to be engaged with in a meaningful way before a proposed sale on any property xl) note their concern that properties won’t achieve appropriate sale value at this time, and that a rapid sale approach is short-sighted xli) request further information on the properties, along with quality advice on the potential to take a strategic approach to meet future community need xlii) request the following feedback of specific properties is considered A) 16 Fencible Drive, Howick – the board supports the sale of this property and have been working with Panuku for a number of years to do so and have suggested to include for sale adjacent parcels of land which would generate a higher return for council B) 34 Moore Street, Howick – the local board continues to maintain its position of retaining this property. The local board has requested that an expression of interest process take place to seek potential community users, as stated in resolution number HW/2020/77. The overall length of delay in progress to date from council departments has hindered the local board’s ability to be able to report back to the Finance and Performance Committee in the timeframe provided. In addition, the local board’s preference would be to support the sale of 16 Fencible Drive in lieu of the sale of 34 Moore Street C) 80 Vincent Street, Howick – the local board supports retention of this property. As per resolution FIN/2017/204 the Governing Body agreed not to dispose of 80 Vincent Street, Howick (by removing it from the property disposals resolution) D) 2R Ti Rakau Drive, Pakuranga – the local board requires further information and support working with Panuku on options for the site to develop this strategically-placed asset, in an ‘optimisation’ deal that would provide community as well as private utilisation E) 20 (part) Uxbridge Road, Howick – the local board has been engaged on this property, and will defer its decision to when the report is presented to the board in August 2020 F) oppose all sales of properties below as further information, site visits and meaningful community and local board engagement is required on each. The board requests that any decision regarding these properties be made outside of the Emergency Budget 2020/2021 process: 1) 31 & 17R Aspiring Avenue & Hilltop Road, Clover Park 2) 76R Aberfeldy Avenue, Highland Park 3) 111R Golfland Drive, Howick 4) 9R Fortyfoot Lane, Sunnyhills 5) 1R Hutchinsons Road, Highland Park 6) 54R McCahill Views, Highland Park 7) 28R Simon Owen Place, Howick 8) 100R Uxbridge Road, Howick 9) 213R Fisher Parade, Sunnyhills 10) 107R Uxbridge Road, Cockle Bay – local board members have commented that this is a sensitive piece of land. 11) 2R (part) Bucklands Beach Road, Bucklands Beach 12) 116R Reeves Road, Pakuranga Heights. |
a 9 July 2020, Howick Local Board - Item 11 - Howick Local Board input into the Emergency Budget 2020/2021 |
12 |
Urgent Decision to provide a submission on the Heritage New Zealand assessment of Stockade Hill, Howick for inclusion on the New Zealand Heritage List / Rārangi Kōrero |
Resolution number HW/2020/94 MOVED by Member B Burns, seconded by Member P Young: That the Howick Local Board: a) note the urgent decision made on 12 June 2020 to provide a submission on the Heritage New Zealand assessment of Stockade Hill, Howick for inclusion on the New Zealand Heritage List / Rārangi Kōrero. b) note the submission strongly supports the proposal to include Stockade Hill, Howick, Auckland, in the New Zealand Heritage List/Rārangi Kōrero as a Category 2 historic place. |
13 |
Urgent Decision to approve allocating funds from the 2019/2020 Community Response Fund to Farm Cove Maritime Trust |
Resolution number HW/2020/95 MOVED by Member M Turinsky, seconded by Member B Kendall: That the Howick Local Board: a) note the urgent decision made on 18 June 2020 to approve $4200 from the 2019/2020 Community Response Fund to Farm Cove Maritime Trust. |
14 |
Resolution number HW/2020/96 MOVED by Member M Turinsky, seconded by Member B Burns: That the Howick Local Board: a) note the governance forward work calendar in Attachment A (of the agenda report). |
15 |
Resolution number HW/2020/97 MOVED by Member P Young, seconded by Member D Collings: That the Howick Local Board: a) note the workshop records for workshops held on 4, 11, 18 and 25 June 2020 and included as attachments in the agenda report. |
16 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
8.03 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.