Kaipātiki Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Kaipātiki Local Board held in the Kaipātiki Local Board Office, 90 Bentley Avenue, Glenfield on Wednesday, 8 July 2020 at 10.02am.
Chairperson |
John Gillon |
Deputy Chairperson |
Danielle Grant, JP |
Members |
Paula Gillon |
Ann Hartley, JP |
Cindy Schmidt |
Via electronic attendance |
Andrew Shaw |
Adrian Tyler |
Via electronic attendance |
Member |
Melanie Kenrick |
Kaipātiki Local Board 08 July 2020 |
Chairperson John Gillon opened the meeting followed by Member Paula Gillon leading the meeting with a Karakia.
Resolution number KT/2020/106 MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Hartley: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) agree to adjourn the meeting until 2.00pm today. |
Secretarial note: Meeting reconvened at 2.04pm
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Resolution number KT/2020/107 MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Grant: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) approve the request for electronic attendance from Member A Tyler and Member C Schmidt to accommodate the members representing council. |
Resolution number KT/2020/108 MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member P Gillon: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) accept the apology from Member Melanie Kenrick for absence. |
There were no
declarations of interest.
Resolution number KT/2020/109 MOVED by Member A Shaw, seconded by Member P Gillon: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 17 June 2020, as true and correct with the following amendments to item 19.2 - Community Places Funding: i) clause a) – replace the timeframe of ’12 weeks’ with ‘3 months’ ii) clause a) i) – replace ‘$24.870’ with ‘$21,870’ iii) clause a) vii) – replace ‘$12.545’ with ‘$12,545’ |
There were no leaves of absence.
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Resolution number KT/2020/110 MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Member A Tyler: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) acknowledge the tragic passing of Matthew Hunt, noting his significant contribution to keep our community safe. b) send its condolences to Mr Hunt’s family and friends, the second constable and his family and the larger Policing unit in the Waitematā district. |
There were no petitions.
There were no deputations.
There was no extraordinary business.
Adjournment of Meeting |
Resolution number KT/2020/111 MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Grant: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) agree to adjourn the meeting until 2.20pm. |
Secretarial note: Meeting reconvened at 2.30pm
Local board input into the Emergency Budget 2020/2021 (Covering report) |
A report titled ‘Kaipātiki Local Board input into the Emergency Budget 2020/2021’ was tabled. A copy of the tabled document has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the council website as a minutes attachment.
MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Grant: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: General comments a) supports an annual general rates increase of 3.5% for the 2020/21 financial year, as: i) it reflects the nature of the feedback the board has received from its community in response to the question asked as part of consultation on the Emergency Budget (noting approximately 42% of all respondents from the local board area indicated support for the proposal); ii) any rates increase set at a lower level (2.5% or lower, including no rates increase) would make post COVID-19 pandemic recovery exponentially more difficult; and iii) any rates increase set at a lower level (2.5% or lower, including no rates increase) would result in council having to re-adjust other funding mechanisms accordingly to aid recovery, such as drastically increasing the debt-to-revenue ratio and relying more heavily on asset recycling / divestment as means to fund council activities. b) supports the introduction of a COVID-19 Rates Postponement Scheme for the 2020/21 financial year, as it: i) reflects the nature of the feedback the board has received from its community in response to the question asked as part of consultation on the Emergency Budget (approximately 70% of all respondents from the local board area indicated support for the proposal); and ii) allows ratepayers who are struggling financially as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to defer up to $20,000 of their rates for the 2020/21 financial year, noting that at the end of the postponement period ratepayers accessing the scheme would have until 30 June 2022 to pay of the balance. c) does not support the inclusion of interest and administration fees as part of the COVID-19 Rates Postponement Scheme. d) supports the suspension of the Accommodation Provider Targeted Rate (APTR) for hotels, motels, hostels and accommodation businesses until 31 March 2021; as it: i) reflects the nature of the feedback the board has received from its community in response to the question asked as part of consultation on the Emergency Budget (approximately 74.5% of all respondents from the local board area indicated support for the proposal); and ii) will assist the accommodation sector who are struggling financially as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic due to its negative impact on the tourism and accommodation industry, whilst noting that the APTR will only be charged for the last three months of the 2020/21 financial year (1 April – 30 June 2021). e) believes that the proposals consulted upon have spread the impact of budget cuts and deferrals too far and wide, which will likely result in long-term negative ramifications for important local council facilities, services and project, as well as a loss of staff knowledge that will compound recovery efforts over the coming years. f) advocates that Auckland Council should be utilising a substantial one-off increase to the debt-to-revenue ratio to ensure budgets and funding as agreed as part of the current Long-term Plan (LTP) remain unchanged, which will alleviate the impact of proposed cuts / reductions to core services, projects and local board budgets, as the board believes the consequences of doing so would not be as severe as the those outlined within the Emergency Budget consultation document. g) believes that Auckland Council should have formally consulted on a wider range of rates increase proposals than was undertaken. h) requests that the board’s existing Network Connections capital budget is retained by the local board, as it has been allocated to an ongoing project for the last two years that has recently undergone public consultation. Transport i) does not support any proposed cuts to the Auckland Transport Local Board Transport Capital Fund (ATLBTCF) as included as part of the proposed reductions under a 3.5% or 2.5% rates increase. j) does not support any reduction to the Community Safety Fund as the local board has a strong history of investing in road safety improvements, and therefore requests that these budgets continue to be made to invest in the safety of the community at large. k) does not support any delay to the development and implementation of the ferry strategy, and strongly advocates for the inclusion of the budget necessary to progress this work in the 2020/21 financial year. Deferral of stormwater initiatives l) does not support the deferral of any stormwater or wastewater upgrade projects planned for the Kaipātiki Local Board area, due to its flood-prone nature of the land forms / geography found in the area. m) does not support the deferral of any stormwater network growth projects and renewal / capacity upgrades planned for the local board area, including the Totaravale Drive and Birkenhead Avenue / Waratah Street project. n) support the non-deferral of emergency works, including Milford. o) does not support the deferral of Greenslade Reserve stage two works due to the impact on the Northcote Unlock Project. Deferral of Natural Environment Targeted Rate projects (NETR) p) does not support the deferral of any Natural Environment Targeted Rate (NETR) funding projects planned for the local board area, including any deferral of kauri dieback mitigation, enforcement and track works. q) strongly supports the continuation of all track works, upgrades and renewals planned in the Kaipātiki Local Board area for the 2020/21 financial year. Community investment r) does not support any delay in the progression of the ‘one local initiatives’ programme (OLI), as this will have a significant and negative impact on delivering the Birkenhead War Memorial Park grandstand placement for an unknown period, as deferral will result in the business plan not being available to inform the next Long-term Plan (LTP). s) does not support the proposed deferral of asset renewals for the 2020/21 financial year, as this will likely result in significant health and safety issues that will have a compounding impact on council’s ability to renew assets in future years. t) does not support the deferral of its allocated but uncommitted locally driven initiatives (LDI) capital budget, as the local board expects these projects to be delivered within the agreed timeframes as per the board’s agreed and resolved work programmes. u) does not support any reduction in library budgets, as these institutions are very important community hubs within the Kaipātiki Local Board area. Corporate v) does not support any deferral of the re-fit planned for the Kaipātiki Local Board office scheduled for the 2020/21 financial year, and requests that the installation of sound system and replacement of the digital projectors proceed at pace to ensure the meeting space is efficient, effective and welcoming to elected members and the general public. w) cannot support the following proposed initiatives due to the lack of information provided: i) ‘other initiatives still to be identified, including operational model changes - $24.75 million’; and ii) ‘additional savings targets allocated to Finance, Planning, Governance divisions - $16.40 million’. Panuku Development Auckland (Panuku) x) supports the continuation of the Northcote town centre project (including proposed land / asset acquisitions associated with the initiative) and the planned Haumaru Housing projects planned in the local board area. Proposed reductions to locally driven initiatives (LDI) y) does not support any reduction to the local board’s locally driven initiatives (LDI) operational budget for the following reasons: i) this budget is used to fund important front-line services, and any reduction will have a widespread and significant impact on the local community and community groups / organisations; ii) during the post COVID-19 rebuilding period, the local board needs the ability to respond to the new reality with greater focus on support for the community, as well as ensuring that previously provided community activities, events and services are maintained; and iii) the local board may need to utilise its LDI operational budgets to ‘top up’ service levels reductions and cuts that are likely to occur across its asset based services (ABS) operational budget. Infrastructure and Environmental Services z) does not support any reduction to budgets used to support preventative maintenance or pest eradication, as such reductions in the short term will have severe long-term implications with regards to pest management in the local board area. aa) does not support any reduction to the Regional Natural Environment Heritage Grant, as this will have a significant impact on the environmental groups in the local board area who rely heavily on this fund to deliver volunteer-led environmental outcomes at a far cheaper and agile way than if they were council-led. bb) does not support the suspension of the inorganic waste collection, as this will likely result in a higher level of illegal dumping on public and private land. Regulatory cc) does not support the proposed reduction in the number of animal shelters from 3 to 2, as this would likely result in higher costs (including travel times) for animal owners, thereby resulting in a rise in the euthanisation of animals. Customer and Community Services dd) does not support the reduction in the opening hours for any council facilities, or the potential permanent or temporary closure of council facilities, and expresses concern that the term ‘under-utilised’ is undefined. ee) supports the proposed reduction in catering and entertainment budgets, and suggests that further reductions could be found in this area. Parks, Sport and Reserves ff) does not support the removal of the Les Mills fitness programme, which attracts clientele and generate revenue for council. gg) does not support the proposed reduction in open space maintenance standards (reduction in mowing, footpath cleaning, removal of rubbish bins, closure of public toilets etc), as sanitation is a core council service and any reduction will likely result in numerous health and safety issues, as a well as the degradation of the state of the public realm. Arts, Community and Events (ACE) hh) supports the cancellation of regional events for the 2020/21 financial years, as there is a risk that the COVID-19 pandemic could return and disrupt events, and that participation numbers could be lower than normal due to social distancing. Transport network ii) does not support any reduction in public transport service levels. jj) does not support an increase in enforcement in order to infringement revenue to offset a reduction in public transport spending. kk) does not support reducing or removing concessions (child, student and teritary, senior and Super Gold etc), or the removal of any off-peak far differential. ll) does not support charging for park and ride areas, as such facilities encourage and support the use of public transport, and the introduction of a user-pays scheme at park and ride facilities will likely result in reduced patronage / use of public transport. Other proposals mm) supports a reduction in the funding provided to support major events (including support for the America’s Cup), and suggests that further savings could be found in this area. nn) supports the proposed reduction in the budget allocation to Auckland Tourism Events and Economic Development (ATEED), and suggests that further savings could be found in this area. oo) does not support any deferral of the ‘living wage proposal’, cancellation of the homeless coordination proposal, deferral of the climate change intervention foundation work, or deferral of Maori outcome initiatives. Revenue generation pp) does not support the proposal to increase revenue target associated with the asset recycling / sales programme to $200 million of the 2020/21 financial year which has been included as part of both 2.5% and 3.5% rates increase proposals, and constitutes a substantial increase over and above the target of $24 million for the same period that was agreed as part of current Long-term Plan (LTP). qq) does not support the sale of the following properties (either in full or part thereof) located within the local board area and identified within the Emergency Budget consultation material: i) R25 Alfred Street, Northcote Point (Rosie Bolt Reserve); ii) R105 Stott Avenue, Beach Haven (Rangatira Reserve); iii) R107 Lynn Road, Bayview (Lynn Reserve / Leigh Scenic Reserve); and iv) land off Verbena Road, Birkdale. rr) does not support the sale of shares in Auckland International Airport (AIAL) and / or Ports of Auckland (POAL). ss) does not support the exiting of gyms, holiday parks or early childhood education centres (such as Kauri Kids), as these entities provide a revenue source for council and provide important community services. tt) does not support the proposal to reduce the provision of golf courses, unless there is a guarantee that all of the underlying reserve land is retained for environmental or recreational purposes in line with the underlying reserve classification. uu) does not support the optimization or rationalization of community facilities as a means to achieve budget savings, as if changes to a specific facility are anticipated, such changes should be determined by the local board as part of a needs assessment or masterplan process in order to provide the best outcome for the community.
Member Paula Gillon moved an amendment by way of addition:
MOVED by Member P Gillon, seconded by Member A Tyler: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) believes that the Auckland Council should ensure its procurement policy and use of consultants is competitive and efficient. b) advocates that the Auckland Council should request Council Controlled Organisations to save costs in their corporate accommodation c) notes the high public concern around the costs of Auckland Council Controlled Organisation staffing and that ratepayers have an expectation that Auckland Council will address these concerns. CARRIED
The additional motions from the amendment were added at the end of the ‘General comments’ section of the substantive motion and then the Chairperson put the substantive motion. Resolution number KT/2020/112 MOVED by Chairperson J Gillon, seconded by Deputy Chairperson D Grant:
That the Kaipātiki Local Board: General comments a) supports an annual general rates increase of 3.5% for the 2020/21 financial year, as: i) it reflects the nature of the feedback the board has received from its community in response to the question asked as part of consultation on the Emergency Budget (noting approximately 42% of all respondents from the local board area indicated support for the proposal); ii) any rates increase set at a lower level (2.5% or lower, including no rates increase) would make post COVID-19 pandemic recovery exponentially more difficult; and iii) any rates increase set at a lower level (2.5% or lower, including no rates increase) would result in council having to re-adjust other funding mechanisms accordingly to aid recovery, such as drastically increasing the debt-to-revenue ratio and relying more heavily on asset recycling / divestment as means to fund council activities. b) supports the introduction of a COVID-19 Rates Postponement Scheme for the 2020/21 financial year, as it: i) reflects the nature of the feedback the board has received from its community in response to the question asked as part of consultation on the Emergency Budget (approximately 70% of all respondents from the local board area indicated support for the proposal); and ii) allows ratepayers who are struggling financially as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic to defer up to $20,000 of their rates for the 2020/21 financial year, noting that at the end of the postponement period ratepayers accessing the scheme would have until 30 June 2022 to pay of the balance. c) does not support the inclusion of interest and administration fees as part of the COVID-19 Rates Postponement Scheme. d) supports the suspension of the Accommodation Provider Targeted Rate (APTR) for hotels, motels, hostels and accommodation businesses until 31 March 2021; as it: i) reflects the nature of the feedback the board has received from its community in response to the question asked as part of consultation on the Emergency Budget (approximately 74.5% of all respondents from the local board area indicated support for the proposal); and ii) will assist the accommodation sector who are struggling financially as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic due to its negative impact on the tourism and accommodation industry, whilst noting that the APTR will only be charged for the last three months of the 2020/21 financial year (1 April – 30 June 2021). e) believes that the proposals consulted upon have spread the impact of budget cuts and deferrals too far and wide, which will likely result in long-term negative ramifications for important local council facilities, services and project, as well as a loss of staff knowledge that will compound recovery efforts over the coming years. f) advocates that Auckland Council should be utilising a substantial one-off increase to the debt-to-revenue ratio to ensure budgets and funding as agreed as part of the current Long-term Plan (LTP) remain unchanged, which will alleviate the impact of proposed cuts / reductions to core services, projects and local board budgets, as the board believes the consequences of doing so would not be as severe as the those outlined within the Emergency Budget consultation document. g) believes that Auckland Council should have formally consulted on a wider range of rates increase proposals than was undertaken. h) requests that the board’s existing Network Connections capital budget is retained by the local board, as it has been allocated to an ongoing project for the last two years that has recently undergone public consultation. i) believes that the Auckland Council should ensure its procurement policy and use of consultants is competitive and efficient. j) advocates that the Auckland Council should request Council Controlled Organisations to save costs in their corporate accommodation. k) notes the high public concern around the costs of Auckland Council Controlled Organisation staffing and that ratepayers have an expectation that Auckland Council will address these concerns. Transport l) does not support any proposed cuts to the Auckland Transport Local Board Transport Capital Fund (ATLBTCF) as included as part of the proposed reductions under a 3.5% or 2.5% rates increase. m) does not support any reduction to the Community Safety Fund as the local board has a strong history of investing in road safety improvements, and therefore requests that these budgets continue to be made to invest in the safety of the community at large. n) does not support any delay to the development and implementation of the ferry strategy, and strongly advocates for the inclusion of the budget necessary to progress this work in the 2020/21 financial year. Deferral of stormwater initiatives o) does not support the deferral of any stormwater or wastewater upgrade projects planned for the Kaipātiki Local Board area, due to its flood-prone nature of the land forms / geography found in the area. p) does not support the deferral of any stormwater network growth projects and renewal / capacity upgrades planned for the local board area, including the Totaravale Drive and Birkenhead Avenue / Waratah Street project. q) support the non-deferral of emergency works, including Milford. r) does not support the deferral of Greenslade Reserve stage two works due to the impact on the Northcote Unlock Project. Deferral of Natural Environment Targeted Rate projects (NETR) s) does not support the deferral of any Natural Environment Targeted Rate (NETR) funding projects planned for the local board area, including any deferral of kauri dieback mitigation, enforcement and track works. t) strongly supports the continuation of all track works, upgrades and renewals planned in the Kaipātiki Local Board area for the 2020/21 financial year. Community investment u) does not support any delay in the progression of the ‘one local initiatives’ programme (OLI), as this will have a significant and negative impact on delivering the Birkenhead War Memorial Park grandstand placement for an unknown period, as deferral will result in the business plan not being available to inform the next Long-term Plan (LTP). v) does not support the proposed deferral of asset renewals for the 2020/21 financial year, as this will likely result in significant health and safety issues that will have a compounding impact on council’s ability to renew assets in future years. w) does not support the deferral of its allocated but uncommitted locally driven initiatives (LDI) capital budget, as the local board expects these projects to be delivered within the agreed timeframes as per the board’s agreed and resolved work programmes. x) does not support any reduction in library budgets, as these institutions are very important community hubs within the Kaipātiki Local Board area. Corporate y) does not support any deferral of the re-fit planned for the Kaipātiki Local Board office scheduled for the 2020/21 financial year, and requests that the installation of sound system and replacement of the digital projectors proceed at pace to ensure the meeting space is efficient, effective and welcoming to elected members and the general public. z) cannot support the following proposed initiatives due to the lack of information provided: i) ‘other initiatives still to be identified, including operational model changes - $24.75 million’; and ii) ‘additional savings targets allocated to Finance, Planning, Governance divisions - $16.40 million’. Panuku Development Auckland (Panuku) aa) supports the continuation of the Northcote town centre project (including proposed land / asset acquisitions associated with the initiative) and the planned Haumaru Housing projects planned in the local board area. Proposed reductions to locally driven initiatives (LDI) bb) does not support any reduction to the local board’s locally driven initiatives (LDI) operational budget for the following reasons: i) this budget is used to fund important front-line services, and any reduction will have a widespread and significant impact on the local community and community groups / organisations; ii) during the post COVID-19 rebuilding period, the local board needs the ability to respond to the new reality with greater focus on support for the community, as well as ensuring that previously provided community activities, events and services are maintained; and iii) the local board may need to utilise its LDI operational budgets to ‘top up’ service levels reductions and cuts that are likely to occur across its asset based services (ABS) operational budget. Infrastructure and Environmental Services cc) does not support any reduction to budgets used to support preventative maintenance or pest eradication, as such reductions in the short term will have severe long-term implications with regards to pest management in the local board area. dd) does not support any reduction to the Regional Natural Environment Heritage Grant, as this will have a significant impact on the environmental groups in the local board area who rely heavily on this fund to deliver volunteer-led environmental outcomes at a far cheaper and agile way than if they were council-led. ee) does not support the suspension of the inorganic waste collection, as this will likely result in a higher level of illegal dumping on public and private land. Regulatory ff) does not support the proposed reduction in the number of animal shelters from 3 to 2, as this would likely result in higher costs (including travel times) for animal owners, thereby resulting in a rise in the euthanisation of animals. Customer and Community Services gg) does not support the reduction in the opening hours for any council facilities, or the potential permanent or temporary closure of council facilities, and expresses concern that the term ‘under-utilised’ is undefined. hh) supports the proposed reduction in catering and entertainment budgets, and suggests that further reductions could be found in this area. Parks, Sport and Reserves ii) does not support the removal of the Les Mills fitness programme, which attracts clientele and generate revenue for council. jj) does not support the proposed reduction in open space maintenance standards (reduction in mowing, footpath cleaning, removal of rubbish bins, closure of public toilets etc), as sanitation is a core council service and any reduction will likely result in numerous health and safety issues, as a well as the degradation of the state of the public realm. Arts, Community and Events (ACE) kk) supports the cancellation of regional events for the 2020/21 financial years, as there is a risk that the COVID-19 pandemic could return and disrupt events, and that participation numbers could be lower than normal due to social distancing. Transport network ll) does not support any reduction in public transport service levels. mm) does not support an increase in enforcement in order to infringement revenue to offset a reduction in public transport spending. nn) does not support reducing or removing concessions (child, student and tertiary, senior and Super Gold etc), or the removal of any off-peak far differential. oo) does not support charging for park and ride areas, as such facilities encourage and support the use of public transport, and the introduction of a user-pays scheme at park and ride facilities will likely result in reduced patronage / use of public transport. Other proposals pp) supports a reduction in the funding provided to support major events (including support for the America’s Cup), and suggests that further savings could be found in this area. qq) supports the proposed reduction in the budget allocation to Auckland Tourism Events and Economic Development (ATEED), and suggests that further savings could be found in this area. rr) does not support any deferral of the ‘living wage proposal’, cancellation of the homeless coordination proposal, deferral of the climate change intervention foundation work, or deferral of Maori outcome initiatives. Revenue generation ss) does not support the proposal to increase revenue target associated with the asset recycling / sales programme to $200 million of the 2020/21 financial year which has been included as part of both 2.5% and 3.5% rates increase proposals, and constitutes a substantial increase over and above the target of $24 million for the same period that was agreed as part of current Long-term Plan (LTP). tt) does not support the sale of the following properties (either in full or part thereof) located within the local board area and identified within the Emergency Budget consultation material: i) R25 Alfred Street, Northcote Point (Rosie Bolt Reserve); ii) R105 Stott Avenue, Beach Haven (Rangatira Reserve); iii) R107 Lynn Road, Bayview (Lynn Reserve / Leigh Scenic Reserve); and iv) land off Verbena Road, Birkdale. uu) does not support the sale of shares in Auckland International Airport (AIAL) and / or Ports of Auckland (POAL). vv) does not support the exiting of gyms, holiday parks or early childhood education centres (such as Kauri Kids), as these entities provide a revenue source for council and provide important community services. ww) does not support the proposal to reduce the provision of golf courses, unless there is a guarantee that all of the underlying reserve land is retained for environmental or recreational purposes in line with the underlying reserve classification. xx) does not support the optimization or rationalization of community facilities as a means to achieve budget savings, as if changes to a specific facility are anticipated, such changes should be determined by the local board as part of a needs assessment or masterplan process in order to provide the best outcome for the community. |
a 8 July 2020 - Kaipātiki Local Board Business Meeting - Kaipātiki Local board input into the Emergency Budget 2020/2021 |
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Deputy Chairperson Danielle Grant provided a verbal update on the rent reprive in Northcote Town Centre and speaking on behalf of the Kaipātiki Local Board to the Governing Body on the Emergency Budget on Tuesday 14 July.
Resolution number KT/2020/113 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson D Grant, seconded by Chairperson J Gillon: That the Kaipātiki Local Board: a) receive the verbal report from Deputy Chairperson Danielle Grant. |
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Governing Body and Independent Maori Statutory Board Members' Update |
15 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
2.55 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.