Whau Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Whau Local Board held in the Whau Local Board Office, 31 Totara Avenue, New Lynn on Wednesday, 8 July 2020 at 11.00am.





Kay Thomas


Deputy Chairperson

Susan Zhu



Fasitua Amosa



Catherine Farmer



Warren Piper



Jessica Rose






Member Te'eva Matafai


For leave of absence





























Whau Local Board

08 July 2020




1          Welcome


Chairperson K Thomas opened the meeting and welcome those present.


2          Apologies


There were no apologies.


3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Whau Local Board Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have. Specifically members are asked to identify any new interests they have not previously disclosed, an interest that might be considered as a conflict of interest with a matter on the agenda.


The following are declared interests of the Whau Local Board:






Kay Thomas



·         New Lynn Citizens Advice Bureau

·         Friends of Arataki

·         Western Quilters


Committee member


Susan Zhu



·      Chinese Oral History Foundation 

·      The Chinese Garden Steering Committee of Auckland

Committee member

Board Member


Fasitua Amosa



·         Equity NZ

·         Massive Theatre Company

·         Avondale Business Association

Vice President

Board member

A family member is the Chair

Catherine Farmer



·      Avondale-Waterview Historical Society

·      Blockhouse Bay Historical Society 

·      Portage Licensing Trust

·      Blockhouse Bay Bowls

·      Forest and Bird organisation

·      Grey Power








Te’eva Matafai



·      Pacific Events and Entertainment Trust 

·      Miss Samoa NZ

·      Malu Measina Samoan Dance Group

·      Pasifika Festival Village Coordinators Trust ATEED

·      Aspire Events









Warren Piper



·      New Lynn RSA

·      New Lynn Business Association

Associate Member



Jessica Rose



·         Women in Urbanism-Aotearoa, Auckland Branch

·         Kāinga Ora

·         Forest & Bird

·         Big Feels Club

·         Frocks on Bikes

·         Bike Auckland

Committee member


Programme manager Sustainability



Former co-chair

Former committee member


Member appointments

            Whau Local Board members are appointed to the following bodies. In these appointments the local members represent Auckland Council.

External organisation




Aircraft Noise Community Consultative Group


Warren Piper

Catherine Farmer

Avondale Business Association


Kay Thomas

Warren Piper

Blockhouse Bay Business Association


Warren Piper

Fasitua Amosa

New Lynn Business Association


Susan Zhu

Kay Thomas
Warren Piper

Rosebank Business Association


Fasitua Amosa

Warren Piper

Whau Coastal Walkway Environmental Trust


Fasitua Amosa

Jessica Rose


4          Leave of Absence


Resolution number WH/2020/68

MOVED by Chairperson K Thomas, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Zhu:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)         receive an apology from Member T Matafai for Leave of Absence (3 June 2020 to 23 July 2020 inclusive).






Local board input into the Emergency Budget 2020/2021


Note: The full report “Local Board input into the Emergency Budget 2020/2021” was tabled. A copy has been placed on the official Minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. The resolutions refer to the full report.


Resolution number WH/2020/69

MOVED by Chairperson K Thomas, seconded by Member F Amosa:

That the Whau Local Board:

a)         receive consultation feedback on regional proposals in the Emergency Budget 2020/2021 from people and organisations based in the Whau local board area

b)         thank everyone who submitted from the Whau Local Board area for their feedback

c)         support a general rate increase of 3.5 per cent for the 2020/2021 financial year, based on the following factors:

                 i.         a rates rise of 2.5 per cent would have a devastating impact on the local board’s ability to invest in some of the services and assets that are critical to meeting the identified needs of its communities. In particular the Local Board Discretionary Initiatives (LDI) budget allocation is a very small amount of Council expenditure, and that it is the responsive fund for local communities so significant cuts would be very noticeable to local communities

               ii.         the Whau Local Board is still catching up to the agreed regional level of allocation under the Local Board Funding Policy

              iii.         the Whau local board has high areas of socio-economic deprivation, and a reduction in local budget could have significant flow on impacts to its most vulnerable communities.

              iv.         the Whau Local Board acknowledges mana whenua as Treaty partners, as well as its commitments to all Māori in the Whau, and believes that Council’s stated intention of honouring these commitments cannot adequately be met with a rates rise of less than 3.5 per cent

d)         support rates postponement for ratepayers impacted by COVID-19 given the             economic hardship being experienced by many residents and businesses in             the Whau Local Board area

e)         support the suspension of the Accommodation Provider Targeted Rate due to             the economic impact of the lack of overseas visitors on the tourism industry

f)          note its support for retaining funding for the following types of activities which             received significant community support in consultation, and caution against             any significant funding cuts to these activities:

                 i.         ongoing support to our community partners

               ii.         investment in cycleways and other initiatives to support uptake of active modes

              iii.         investment in public transport

              iv.         investment in transport safety

               v.         investment in initiatives to address climate change

              vi.         investigating and supporting increased provision of public toilets

g)         makes the following comments on other matters noted in the consultation             material:

                 i.         the Local Board has previously provided feedback to the governing body noting its general opposition to asset sales and the reduction of Opex budgets, and its preference for increasing debt as a lever for increasing available funding. The local board reiterates these comments and notes that Capex deferrals, while preferable to asset sales and Opex cuts, will also impact on local communities

               ii.         the Local Board remains committed to its One Local Initiative, confirmed in the current Long-term Plan, of developing an aquatic and recreation facility in the Whau Local Board area

              iii.         the Local Board would be open to the possibility of charging for park and ride facilities but would urge caution in the implementation of such a policy noting that it could disincentivise update of public transport for some, and would urge Council to consider focusing the longer-term use of this revenue on the development of new park and ride facilities – for example a multi-storey park and ride in New Lynn

              iv.         the Local Board strongly supports libraries and would oppose any significant cuts to libraries’ hours or operating budgets

               v.         the Local Board has concerns about reductions in pest control and initiatives to stop the spread of Kauri Dieback, along with other environmental initiatives – particularly those focusing on our waterways – that have been consistently identified as a high priority for our communities

              vi.         the Local Board has concerns around the potential closure of public toilets and removal of rubbish bins and would urge Council to take a cautious approach should this be required

             vii.         the Local Board has concerns about the possible closure of animal shelters as there is likely to be increased demand for these services

h)         note its concern about the lack of information regarding the Local Board             Transport Capital Fund and advocate strongly for this fund to continue in its             current form, even if some reduction in budgets is inevitable. The board would             identify this as being particularly important if there were to be any reduction in             current levels of investment in transport safety and active modes

j)          request that the external funding allocated to the Whau Local Board via the             Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency’s SH16/SH20 mitigation funds,             and also through the proceeds of the sale of Arthur Currey Reserve in New             Windsor, be ring-fenced and retained in full for unrestricted and immediate             use by the Whau Local Board without impact on the availability of funds to the             local board from Auckland Council budgets.




Note: Pursuant to Standing Order 1.97, Member W Piper requested that his dissenting vote be recorded in respect of part c) only.


Resolution number WH/2020/70

MOVED by Chairperson K Thomas, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Zhu:  

That the Whau Local Board:

a)         acknowledge Antonina Georgetti, Local Board Advisor, - Whau, for her work on tabled report Local Board input on the Emergency Budget 2020/2021.






a     8 July 2020, Whau Local Board - Item 5 : Local Board input into the Emergency Budget 2020/2021


11.07am                                             The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









