Waitākere Ranges Local Board






Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board held in the Waitākere Ranges Local Board Office, 39 Glenmall Place, Glen Eden on Thursday, 9 July 2020 at 4.04pm.


As required under the COVID-19 Response (Urgent Management Measures) Legislation Act 2020, either a recording of the meeting or a written summary will be published on the Auckland Council website.





Greg Presland


Deputy Chairperson

Saffron Toms



Mark Allen



Michelle Clayton



Sandra Coney, QSO



Ken Turner



Waitākere Ranges Local Board

09 July 2020




1          Welcome


Chairperson Greg Presland opened the meeting and welcomed those present.


Chairperson Greg Presland noted the Board’s and his concern with regards to the death of Constable Matthew Hunt, who was killed in the line of duty in West Auckland, and noted his funeral took place in Auckland today.


Chairperson Greg Presland acknowledged the tragic passing of Tyrone Bernard who was fatally injured in a pedestrian and vehicle accident in Glenmall Place, Glen Eden recently.


The Board observed a moments silence of respect.



2          Apologies


There were no apologies.



3          Declaration of Interest


Members were reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.

            Specifically, members are asked to identify any new interests they have not previously disclosed, an interest that might be considered as a conflict of interest with a matter on the agenda.

The following are declared interests of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:

Board Member


Mark Allen

-   Community Waitākere – Executive Officer

-   Bethells Valley Fire – Senior Fire Fighter

Michelle Clayton

-   Glen Eden Community House – Treasurer

-   Glen Eden Residents’ Association – Treasurer

-   Waitākere Community Organisation Grants Scheme (COGS) – Committee Member

-   The Personal Advocacy and Safeguarding Adults Trust – Trustee

-   Glen Eden Returned Services Association (RSA) – Member

-   Glen Eden Railway Trust – Member

Sandra Coney

-   Waitematā District Health Board – Elected Member & Chair of Hospital Advisory Committee

-   Women’s Health Action Trust – Patron

-   New Zealand Society of Genealogists – Member

-   New Zealand Military Defence Society – Member

-   Cartwright Collective – Member

Greg Presland

-   Whau Coastal Walkway Environmental Trust – Trustee

-   Combined Youth Services Trust – Trustee

-   Glen Eden Bid – Member

-   Titirangi Ratepayers and Residents Association – Member

-   Waitākere Ranges Protection Society - Member

-   Titirangi RSA - Member

-   Maungakiekie Golf ClubMember

Saffron Toms

-   Titirangi Community House – Secretary

Ken Turner


Member appointments

Board members are appointed to the following bodies. In these appointments the board members represent Auckland Council:

External community group or organisation



Aircraft Noise Community Consultative Group

Mark Allen

Saffron Toms

Ark in the Park

Mark Allen

Sandra Coney

Friends of Arataki and Waitākere Regional Parkland Incorporated

Michelle Clayton

Sandra Coney

Glen Eden Business Improvement District (Glen Eden Business Association)

Michelle Clayton

Greg Presland

Glen Eden Playhouse Theatre Trust

Ken Turner

Mark Allen

Te Uru Waitākere Contemporary Gallery

Mark Allen

Saffron Toms and Sandra Coney

The Rural Advisory Panel

Ken Turner

Saffron Toms




Local board input into the Emergency Budget 2020/2021


A more comprehensive report was tabled in support of this item.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


The motion was put in parts.


Resolution number WTK/2020/59

MOVED by Chairperson G Presland, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Toms: 

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board provides the following feedback to the Governing Body on the proposed Emergency Budget 2020/2021.

Budget Consultation Response

a)         We support the proposed 3.5% rates increase option (noting this was already the agreed increase for this year in the Long-term Plan) to ensure continued delivery of core Council services such as libraries, parks, and community facilities which are highly valued by our local communities. We consider that a 2.5% increase would have a catastrophic effect on local communities and result in the loss of core services, which are essential and highly valued.

b)        We oppose the reduction in the share that businesses pay of the total rates take and believe the burden will fall unfairly on residential ratepayers.

c)         We request an urgent review of the underlying emergency budget assumptions as we have come out of the lockdown period better and earlier than predicted. There’s a need to focus on recovery, wellbeing, investment, and employment.

d)        We support the rates postponement policy for households and businesses suffering financial hardship, provided the cost of the postponement does not cause further financial hardship to the applicants.

e)         We support the suspension of the targeted rate paid for by accommodation providers.

Community Services

f)          The approach of requiring savings from all areas of Council undermines the principles outlined in the Emergency Budget 2020/2021, particularly the principles of protecting the most vulnerable, supporting our communities, Māori outcomes and climate change. Some funding allocations deliver against all of these principles far more than others. 

g)        Local Driven Initiatives (LDI) funding is required to provide important community support, which is especially vital in the COVID-19 rebuild.  Cuts to LDI will impact significantly on communities and we do not support any decrease.

Glen Eden Town Centre Upgrade

h)        Glen Eden is currently undergoing rapid change.  We therefore request funding to complete the business case for Glen Eden town centre regeneration be reinstated in the 2020/2021 budget so the upgrade may be considered as part of the Long-Term Plan. The sum required for the business case is $250,000.


i)          We consider that environmental projects and programmes need to be given priority. Our local board is the home of the Waitakere Ranges Heritage Area, an area of national significance.  Since the inception of Auckland Council, we have noticed that until the introduction of the targeted environmental rate there had been a gradual reduction in the quality of the environment and associated spend.

j)          Deferring action in the environmental space will accelerate decline and goes against the intent of the collection of the targeted rate.  Underinvestment in the environment since amalgamation has seen an accelerated reduction in environmental quality. Council’s own advice is that even with the level of targeted rate, expenditure in the environment space, the rate we are moving towards species extinctions is only slowed, not halted. Aucklanders have agreed to pay extra rates (the National Environmental Targeted Rate (NETR) and the Water Quality Targeted Rate (WQTR)) to address this underinvestment.

k)         Continue to use the NETR and WQTR rates for the purposes that they were collected for and deliver projects in 2020/2021 and not defer projects that should be carried out. Underspends from previous years should be used to achieve environmental outcomes and support volunteer work.  Council needs to continue to protect and enhance the heritage area and coasts.

l)          We support reinstatement and retention of NETR funded community grants for environmental purposes and believe that reliable funding is critical for the continuation of community based environmental activity in line with Council’s Empowered Communities Approach.

m)       Controlling weeds and animal pests is core work of Council and deferral of activity in these programmes will mean that it is more expensive (if possible) to recover. Ecological weeds and pests are very expensive to control, and then will expand if control is not maintained.

n)        Weed and pest projects in the Waitākere Ranges Local Board area present bounteous "shovel ready" environmental restoration projects supporting employment initiatives.  Basic maintenance of roads and paths and the creation of walkways and cycleways provide the ability to create employment quickly.

o)        There is high community interest in access to the Waitākere Ranges and the local board oppose any delays in track upgrades which protect Kauri. Kauri dieback monitoring and compliance protection of kauri is important for our communities and our regions ecology.

p)        The local board supports community feedback given in additional comments to the Emergency Budget that the proposed new bridge at Kitekite Falls not proceed.

Climate Change

q)        Despite the fact that climate change was not a topic for consultation, a significant number of submitters have indicated it should be treated with utmost priority. We submit that Council must stay true to its promise to prioritise climate action.

r)         Auckland has a limited time to significantly cut the output of greenhouse gasses if we are to meet the target of no more than 1.5 degrees temperature increase.  We consider that there should be no slowdown of programmes designed to improve sustainability, especially walking, and cycling infrastructure projects, electric vehicle infrastructure and the provision of public transport services.


s)         We oppose the proposed deferral of community safety transport projects, and request Auckland Transport/Auckland Council prioritise the Glen Eden pedestrian safety project to upgrade West Coast Road. This has been 75 per cent funded by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.

t)          We believe that the Auckland Transport Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF) is crucial for delivering local projects, which local communities need, but may not meet criteria for regional prioritisation. An interim reduction to this funding in the Emergency Budget is accepted, as long the full funding, including deferred entitlements, continues to be available to local boards in the remainder of the term as part of the Long-Term Plan.

u)        We oppose the use of traffic enforcement for revenue generation.   We also oppose charging for park and ride and note that much of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board area is not served by public transport at all.

Living Wage

v)         We support Council being a Living Wage employer for directly employed staff and staff employed by Council contractors and this commitment should not be deferred due to COVID-19 pressures.

America’s Cup

w)        We oppose Council’s continued investment in the America’s Cup event at a time when core Council services are likely to be cut, and investment deferred on projects that would directly benefit communities across Auckland.  The local response also raised concerns about the cost of the regatta.


x)         We oppose the sales of Council properties purely for the purpose of COVID-19 revenue generation as well as any streamlining of the process and timing that would minimise or remove local board involvement in the decision-making process.

y)         We are against wholesale asset sales because they mostly result in the transfer of wealth to private ownership and the loss of the public benefit of ownership.  A healthy asset base actually gives the organisation resilience and a base to borrow against.  We believe that historically privatisations have been to the detriment of public finances and the public good.

Animal Shelters

z)         We oppose the centralisation of animal control and shelters which would require the public and enforcement officers to travel large distances with injured or lost animals.

Ongoing Fiscal Considerations

aa)      Asset Based Services (ABS) provide funding for core Council services, which are crucial to the health and wellbeing of communities. These includes swimming pools, parks, recreation facilities and libraries. A reduction in ABS funding now requires local boards to reduce opening hours for these services and make other cost savings to programmes. In the post COVID-19 recovery period, some members of the community will need to rely more on these facilities than others. An equal distribution of cuts across areas does not consider equity issues such as deprivation, necessity of use, access, or demographics.

bb)     We are concerned that the cuts and concessions being made to local funding and local board work programmes as part of the Emergency Budget will become the baseline for future years. It is crucial that thorough considerations and assessments, which could not happen during the Emergency Budget development, be part of the development of the next Long-Term Plan and that local boards remain a key part of that.                    



Resolution number WTK/2020/60

MOVED by Chairperson G Presland, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Toms:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board provides the following feedback to the Governing Body on the proposed Emergency Budget 2020/2021.

cc)      In relation to debt we urge Council to consider maintaining the increased level of debt for two years and not seek to return to the 270% debt to equity ratio within the next 12 months.  This will provide the capacity to continue with important expenditure.



Note:   Pursuant to Standing Order 1.9.7 Member K Turner requested his dissenting vote             be recorded for item cc).


Resolution number WTK/2020/61

MOVED by Chairperson G Presland, seconded by Deputy Chairperson S Toms:  

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board provides the following feedback to the Governing Body on the proposed Emergency Budget 2020/2021.

dd)     We request an urgent review of Council’s approach to derivative dealings on the basis they open up Council to unacceptable risk.




a     9 July 2020, Waitākere Ranges Local Board: Item 4 - Local Board input into the Emergency Budget 2020/2021




Extraordinary Business - Approval of Local Board Plan Statement of Proposal


The Board considered this item to be of urgency due to the impending consultation due to begin on Monday, 13 July 2020.

A report was tabled in support of this item.  A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number WTK/2020/62

MOVED by Chairperson G Presland, seconded by Member M Allen:   

That the Waitākere Ranges Local Board:


a)         consider “Approval of Local Board Plan Statement of Proposal”, noting:

i)          the reason the matter was not on the agenda is the Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan Statement of Proposal was not attached to the Thursday, 18 June 2020 meeting report where the draft Local Board Plan for consultation was endorsed.

ii)         the reason why the matter cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting is this report must be approved to support the delivery of consultation due to begin on Monday, 13 July 2020.

b)        approve the tabled Waitākere Ranges Local Board Plan Statement of Proposal.




a     9 July 2020, Waitākere Ranges Local Board: Item 5 - Extraordinary Business - Approval of Local Board Plan Statement of Proposal - Report and Attachment



4.18 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









