Waitematā Local Board






Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Waitematā Local Board held in the Waitematā Local Board Office, Ground Floor, 52 Swanson Street, Auckland on Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 3.00pm.





Richard Northey, (ONZM)


Deputy Chair

Kerrin Leoni



Adriana Avendano Christie



Alexandra Bonham



Graeme Gunthorp



Julie  Sandilands



Sarah Trotman, (ONZM)








Waitematā Local Board

07 July 2020




1          Welcome


Chair Richard Northey opened the meeting with a Karakia and welcomed all those present.


2          Apologies


            There were no apologies.


3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


5          Acknowledgements


There were no acknowledgements.


6          Petitions


There were no petitions.


7          Deputations


There were no requests for deputations.


8          Public Forum


There were no requests for public forum.


9          Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.   



Waitematā Local Board input into the Emergency Budget 2020/2021


The item was taken in parts


A report was tabled and copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.


Resolution number WTM/2020/145

MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member A Avendano Christie: 

That the Waitematā Local Board:

a)         receive the Waitematā Local Board input into the Emergency Budget 2020/2021 report (as tabled)




Resolution number WTM/2020/146

MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Deputy Chairperson K Leoni: 

That the Waitematā Local Board:

b)        note that the local board is seeking a greater overall retention of services than the proposed Emergency Budget envisaged

c)         acknowledge that there is a financial risk of increasing the council’s debt to revenue ratio but continues to support the avenue of reducing the level of services cuts through additional short-term borrowing




Resolution number WTM/2020/147

MOVED by Chairperson R Northey, seconded by Member G Gunthorp:  

That the Waitematā Local Board:

d)        provide the following feedback to the proposed Emergency Budget 2020/2021


Emergency Budget Consultation questions:

i.      supports a 3.5% general rates increase, noting that more than twice as many Waitematā submissions supported this increase versus the 2.5% alternative in our local board area

ii.     supports the rates postponement scheme and recommends that the interest rate applied is as low as practicable without distorting the market

iii.    support suspension of the Accomodation Provider Targeted Rate (APTR) until the end of the whole 2020/2021 financial year due to the significant impact that COVID-19 will have on visitors and tourists coming into Auckland


Capital investment proposals:

iv.           support prioritising capital that supports economic activity, delivers road safety improvements and supports our pathway to achieving a 50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030

v.            notes that the Local Board Transport Capital Fund is a three-year budget and therefore recommends that the full pro rata budget is reinstated after this financial year

vi.           recommend that the proposed Local Board Transport Capital Fund of $5m  for 2020/2021 is allocated across the 21 local boards and is utilised to achieve short term tactical urbanism where appropriate community consultation supports that, then opens the pathway for a more permanent approach when budget allows

vii.          strongly supports the restoration of the community safety fund to ensure the protection of vulnerable road users in line with vision zero

viii.        notes that 46% of our carbon emissions come from Auckland’s transport network and therefore supports prioritising the delivery of sustainable transport options, including the planned walking and cycling projects, which support a decrease in traffic congestion and the continuation of electrification of public transport

ix.           do not support the deferral of stormwater initiatives

x.            do not support delaying the planned Natural Environment Targeted Rate work and reducing the Kauri dieback compliance monitoring

xi.           request that the Governing Body prioritise budget for seismic strengthing and retaining Leys Institute Building as a library in recognition of the importance of the Leys Library building in both its heritage value and provision of library services to the community. 

xii.          request that the delivery of the local boards One Local Initiative – Ponsonby Park is not deferred beyond a year.

                        recommend that the reduction in library budgets be by no more than                         10% and of public art by no more than 50%

xiii.        recommend that projects funded by the City Centre Targeted rates be progressed and not deferred.


Opex proposed measures to achieve operational savings:

xiv.        support a 5% only reduction in locally driven initiatives budget, acknowleding that local board funding is a small percentage of the overall council group budget but is a vital and highly responsive support avenue for a variety of community initiatives that help support resilient communities

xv.          oppose the reduction in pest eradication as it will result in a need to increase funding in the future

xvi.        acknowledge the key role libraries and community centres contribute to community well-being and resiience in the recovery of COVID-19

xvii.       support retaining the current total hours of opening for human service facilities – libraries, community centres, arts centres and swimming pools, particularly the Ellen Melville Centre and the Auckland City Central Library

xviii.     do not support closing public toilet facilities to achieve operational savings

xix.        support the reduction of open space standards, where appropriate, in order to achieve operational savings under 3.5%, and utilise these savings to minimise the need to reduce opening hours at libraries and community facilities, i.e. removing selected litter bins and identifying open space areas across Auckland where reduced mowing levels could support increased biodiversity and not impact on accessibility

xx.          do not support the reduction of arts and culture programmes delivered at art facilities

xxi.        support the continuation of the regional celebration of Matariki in recognition of the opportunity it creates for all Aucklanders and visitors to learn, experience and embrace an aspect of Auckland’s vibrant Māori culture

xxii.       is prepared to accept stopping library programmes that have poor attendance (poor value for money) but recommends that these are replaced with programmes that add increased value

xxiii.          support investigating the increase in other revenue, including parking building concessions and parking charges particularly for park and ride

xxiv.     do not support the reduction of public transport service levels, noting that these reductions would negatively impact on Council meeting our climate change targets and have a disproportionate impact on Auckland’s vulnerable communities

xxv.       recommend that car-park concessions provide adequately for casual users who are using them for retail, entertainment and hospitality purposes on which those businesses depend.  This would include casual carparking charges not being higher that street parking, and a minimum proportion of parking to be available for casual users.  Monopoly provision across that local submarket of car parks should not be allowed.


Other revenue generation:

xxvi.          support the exploration of alternate revenue generation through exiting from services that are currently provided through private market provision i.e. holiday parks and gyms

xxvii.        request that if the Governing Body agrees to accelerate sales of property that proper consultation and input with our community is a requirement





xxviii.   re-confirm the board’s high priority principle views agreed on 5 May 2020 (Resolution number WTM/2020/86) :

·                     maintain Council spending and resources and avoid services cuts principally through the avenue of additional short-term borrowing, and exploring increased revenue streams and alternate funding vehicles

·                     maintain council staffing levels at the current appropriate level and ensure that there is budget provision for a ‘living wage’, look to reduce the use of consultants and outsourcing, and focus on enabling local jobs and employment to help boost economy.

·                     ensure a long-term view of potential savings is taken, including reviewing current commitments to identify which projects may deliver savings in the long term or where stopping would create longer term costs

·                     climate action analysis to be central to the process in considering savings so that climate emergency response is prioritised and such implications, benefits and trade-offs are understood

·                     continue to care for the environment (water quality, biodiversity, pest control)

·                     protect service levels for libraries, pools, marae, community centres, community houses, recreation centres, playgrounds, parks, sports fields, green initiatives, climate change projects, cleaning streams, environmental partnerships, renewals and general activities that provide local jobs and help towards the recovery and mental and physical health

·                     refocus ATEED funding primarily towards the recovery as an economic development agency (including support for BIDs and town centres) while retaining a longer-term role for revenue generating economic activities such as films, and domestic eco-tourism

·                     prefer providing relief in the form of access to appropriate rates postponement policies and systems being made available for residents and businesses facing hardship rather than making significant cuts to many Council services and projects.

xxix.     re-confirm the board’s following in-principle views agreed on 5 May 2020 (Resolution number WTM/2020/86)

·         acknowledge that local board funding is a small percentage of the overall council group budget but is a vital and highly responsive support avenue for a variety of community initiatives that help support resilient communities

·         that the delivery of the four well beings – social, economic, environmental and cultural should continue to be “core” services for Auckland Council

·         continue to focus funding towards building community capacity to support the recovery and ensure the inequity divide across the region does not worsen

·         support for vulnerable communities such as the elderly, deprived/low income communities, youth and Maori/Pasifika communities should be maintained or enhanced through the Emergency Budget as they are disproportionately affected by health and economic emergencies

·         continue the existing value for money review to ensure cost effectiveness and efficiency gains of our services 

·         ensure all major transformation projects include business continuity plans and a development response programme to mitigate further financial pressure on local businesses

·         limit the reduction of services or deferment of capital projects only to those whose priority is affected by controls on entry to New Zealand and restrictions on large-scale events

·         investigate the use of local procurement and supporting local services/businesses and community organisations for the delivery of council projects and services.

xxx.       re-confirm its feedback on the proposals in the Annual Budget 2020/2021 consultation part 1 as follows (WTM/2020/148):

·         support increasing the annual waste management targeted rate by $19.97 to recover the additional costs of recycling paper, cardboard and plastics

·         support increasing the refuse collection targeted rate in former Auckland City and Manukau City to cover the cost of collection

·         support continuing the Waitākere rural sewerage service and increasing the targeted rate to cover the cost of the septic tank pumpout service

·         support replacing the swimming pool onsite inspection cost with an annual targeted rate.

xxxi.     note that climate change was a key theme from the feedback received, and that spending in climate change should be prioritised

xxxii.    strongly oppose any cuts to the following five proposals; reduction in ATEED economic recovery budget, defer Mayoral proposal on Living Wage, not continuing the Mayoral proposal for Homelessness coordination, deferral of foundation work for climate change intervention and defer initiatives intended to improve Maori outcomes, which would go against the commitment in the consultation document to not reduce resourcing Māori outcomes

xxxiii.   note that the Waitematā Local Board members have agreed to pay for their own catering

xxxiv.   support reducing major event funding and note that the local board are also intending to cut local event funding by about one-third






a     Waitemata Local Board input into the Emergency Budget












11        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   




3.44 pm                                              The Chair thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









