

Meeting Room:



Tuesday 24 November 2020


Reception Lounge, Level 2
Auckland Town Hall
301-305 Queen Street


Kōmiti Aromātai Whakahaere Kaupapa Kei Raro

I Te Maru O te Kaunihera / Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee




Additional Attachments

Under Separate Cover



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                         PAGE


8          Summary of Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee information memoranda and briefings (including the forward work programme) - 24 November 2020

B.      Memo to CCO Oversight Committee: CCO Review Implementation Programme update                                                                                                                     3

C.      CCO Review Implementation Programme and proposed changes to Accountability Mechanisms - Workshop Minutes, Draft Statement of Intent template, and PowerPoint presentation - 27 October 2020                                                         7

9          Summary of Confidential Decisions and related information released into Open

A.      Council Controlled Organisations - Quarterly reports ending 30 June 2020      33    

Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

24 November 2020





Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

24 November 2020




























Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee

24 November 2020