Hauraki Gulf Forum
Minutes of a meeting of the Hauraki Gulf Forum held in the Pῡkorokoro Shorebird Centre, 283 East Coast Road, Miranda on Monday, 30 November 2020 at 1.00pm.
Co-chairperson |
Cr Pippa Coom |
Auckland Council |
Co-chairperson Tangata Whenua |
Ms Nicola MacDonald |
Tangata Whenua |
Members |
Cr Donna Arnold |
Matamata-Piako District Council |
Ms Sonja Austin (Alt) |
Ministry for Primary Industries |
Mr Andrew Baucke |
Department of Conservation |
Cr Phillip Buckthought Until 3.23pm, Item 9 |
Hauraki District Council |
Mr Joe Davis |
Tangata Whenua |
Cr Christine Fletcher From 1.15pm, Item 4 |
Auckland Council |
Mayor Sandra Goudie Until 2.00pm, Item 4 |
Thames-Coromandel District Council |
Ms Cath Handley |
Waiheke Local Board (Auckland Council) |
Mr Terrence Hohneck |
Tangata Whenua |
Mr Paul Majurey |
Tangata Whenua |
Mr Martin Mariassouce |
Te Puni Kōkiri |
Cr Rob McGuire |
Waikato District Council |
Mr Scott Milne Until 2.40pm, Item 8 |
Orakei Local Board (Auckland Council) |
Cr Denis Tegg |
Waikato Regional Council |
Ms Valmaine Toki |
Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board (Auckland Council) |
Cr Wayne Walker |
Auckland Council |
Cr John Watson |
Auckland Council |
Ms Amelia Williams |
Tangata Whenua |
Mr Dean Ogilvie |
Tangata Whenua |
Mr Jacob Hore |
Ministry for Primary Industries |
Ms Kylee Matthews (Alt) |
Waiheke Local Board (Auckland Council) |
Hauraki Gulf Forum 30 November 2020 |
Mr Tau Paora-Ngaruhe, Ngāti Paoa opened the meeting with a karakia.
Co-Chairperson Tangata Whenua Ms Nicola MacDonald welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Ms Sonja Austin, alternate member for the Ministry for Primary Industries.
Resolution number HGF/2020/42 MOVED by Co-Chairperson Cr P Coom, seconded by Cr DA Arnold: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) accept the apologies from Member DO Ogilvie and Member J Hore for absence. |
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number HGF/2020/43 MOVED by Member C Handley, seconded by Co-Chairperson Cr P Coom: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Monday, 24 August 2020, including the confidential section, as a true and correct record. |
4 Public Forum
4.1 |
A PowerPoint presentation was given in support of the item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.
Resolution number HGF/2020/44 MOVED by Member J Davis, seconded by Member T Hohneck: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) thank Chris Gaskin and Kerry Lukies from the Northern New Zealand Seabird Trust for their presentation. |
a 30 November 2020, Hauraki Gulf Forum - Public Forum - State of the Gulf's Seabirds - a preview - presentation |
Cr C Fletcher entered the meeting at 1.15pm
4.2 |
A PowerPoint presentation was given in support of the item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number HGF/2020/45 MOVED by Member V Toki, seconded by Cr DT Tegg: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) thank Aless Smith from the New Zealand Marine Studies Centre for her presentation. |
a 30 November 2020, Hauraki Gulf Forum - Public Forum - Hauraki Gulf Monitoring Project - presentation |
Mayor S Goudie retired from the meeting at 2.00pm.
4.3 |
A PowerPoint presentation was given in support of the item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number HGF/2020/46 MOVED by Member T Hohneck, seconded by Co-Chairperson Tangata Whenua Ms N MacDonald: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) thank Dr Gabriela Baron from the University of Auckland for her presentation. |
a 30 November 2020, Hauraki Gulf Forum - Public Forum - Conservation Design for the Hauraki Gulf - presentation |
4.4 |
Public Forum – Hauraki Gulf “Ripple and Sink” interconnections diagram |
John Duder provided a PowerPoint presentation in support of the item. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number HGF/2020/47 MOVED by Co-Chairperson Cr P Coom, seconded by Member MM Mariassouce: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) thank John Duder for his presentation. |
a 30 November 2020, Hauraki Gulf Forum - Public Forum - Hauraki Gulf "Ripple and Sink" interconnections diagram - presentation |
There was no extraordinary business.
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Resolution number HGF/2020/48 MOVED by Member P Majurey, seconded by Member C Handley: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) note the Co-Chairs’ report. |
7 |
Government Response Strategy to Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari |
Resolution number HGF/2020/49 MOVED by Co-Chairperson Cr P Coom, seconded by Cr DA Arnold: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) note the update on progress with the Government Response Strategy to Sea Change Tai Timu Tai Pari. b) thank the Department of Conservation and Fisheries New Zealand for their update. |
8 |
Liz Brooks, Auckland Council provided a PowerPoint presentation in support of Biosecurity. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. Peter Corson, Quality Conservation provided a PowerPoint presentation in support of Mercury Islands. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. Dr Nick Shears, University of Auckland provided a PowerPoint presentation in support of Kina Barrens. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. Dr Rochelle Constantine, University of Auckland and Matt Ball, Ports of Auckland presented by video on the lessons learned from the ship strike mitigation process. Mr S Milne retired from the meeting at 2.40pm.
Resolution number HGF/2020/50 MOVED by Member C Handley, seconded by Cr DT Tegg: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) affirm the ongoing commitment of its members to cross-regional and inter-agency collaboration. b) note the report. c) welcome Auckland Council’s adoption of the Auckland Regional Pest Management Plan 2020-2030 and Hauraki Gulf Controlled Area Notice. d) request the Co-Chairpersons and Executive Officer meet with Waikato Regional Council to encourage Waikato Regional Council’s consideration of similar measures. |
a 30 November 2020, Hauraki Gulf Forum - Cross-Regional Issues & Opportunities - Biosecurity presentation b 30 November 2020, Hauraki Gulf Forum - Cross-Regional Issues & Opportunities - Mercury Islands presentation c 30 November 2020, Hauraki Gulf Forum - Cross-Regional Issues & Opportunities - Kina Barrens presentation |
The meeting adjourned at 3.23pm and reconvened at 3.35pm.
Cr P Buckthought retired from the meeting at 3.23pm.
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Resolution number HGF/2020/51 MOVED by Cr W Walker, seconded by Cr DA Arnold: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) adopt the updated 2020-2022 Work Plan. b) welcome the updated Work Plan graphic. |
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Resolution number HGF/2020/52 MOVED by Cr W Walker, seconded by Cr DA Arnold: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) receive the constituent party reports. |
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Michael Donaghue, from Coromandel Town, spoke to the meeting about proposed marine dredging in Thames-Coromandel.
Resolution number HGF/2020/53 MOVED by Co-Chairperson Cr P Coom, seconded by Cr DT Tegg: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) welcome the strategic partnership with the Sustainable Business Network. b) note the report. c) thank Michael Donaghue for his presentation. |
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Resolution number HGF/2020/54 MOVED by Member P Majurey, seconded by Cr DA Arnold: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) confirm the 2021 schedule. b) note the report. |
13 |
Cr C Fletcher wished to acknowledge the efforts this year of the Co-Chairpersons, Executive Officer, Governance Advisor and members of the Technical Officers Group. |
Resolution number HGF/2020/55 MOVED by Cr C Fletcher, seconded by Cr R McGuire: That the Hauraki Gulf Forum: a) note the report. b) acknowledge the efforts this year of the Co-Chairpersons, Executive Officer, Governance Advisor and members of the Technical Officers Group. |
14 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
Mr Joe Davis closed the meeting with a karakia.
4.10pm The Co-Chairpersons thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.
TANGATA WHENUA:…………………………………