I hereby give notice that an extraordinary meeting of the Henderson-Massey Local Board will be held on:




Meeting Room:



Tuesday, 10 November 2020


Council Chamber
Henderson Civic Centre
6 Henderson Valley Road


Henderson-Massey Local Board










Chris Carter


Deputy Chairperson

Will Flavell



Brenda Brady, JP



Peter Chan, JP



Matt Grey



Brooke Loader



Vanessa Neeson, JP



Ingrid Papau



(Quorum 4 members)




Brenda  Railey

Democracy Advisor


4 November 2020


Contact Telephone: 021 820 781

Email: brenda.railey@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz

Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz




Henderson-Massey Local Board

10 November 2020



ITEM   TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                         PAGE

1          Welcome                                                                                                                         5

2          Apologies                                                                                                                        5

3          Declaration of Interest                                                                                                   5

4          Adoption of the Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2020                                    7  




1          Welcome


2          Apologies


At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.


3          Declaration of Interest


Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.

            The following are declared interests of elected members of the Henderson-Massey Local Board.




Brenda Brady, JP

-        Safer West Community Trust


Chris Carter


-        St Lazarus Trust

-        Waitemata District Health Board

-        Waitakere Badminton Club




Peter Chan, JP


-        Cantonese Opera Society of NZ

-        Asian Leaders Forum

-        NZ-Hong Kong Business Association

-        NZ-China Business Association

-        Auckland Chinese Environment Protection Association (ACEPA)

-        Whau Coastal Walkway Trust








Matt Grey

-        West Auckland Youth Development Trust

-        Billy Graham Youth Foundation


Board Member

Will Flavell

(Deputy Chairman)

-        Asia New Zealand Leadership Network

-        COMET

-        Te Atatū Tennis Club

-        Waitākere Literacy Board



Board Member

Board Member

Brooke Loader

-         Waitakere Licensing Trust

-         Te Atatu Peninsula Business Association


Associate Member

Vanessa Neeson

-        Village Green Quilters

-        Ranui Advisory Group



Ingrid Papau

-        Liberty Impact Community Trust

-        #WeLoveTuvalu Community Trust

-        Neighbourhood Support

-        Liberty Church

-        Mothers Helpers

Board Member


Street Contact




            Member appointments

            Board members are appointed to the following bodies. In these appointments the board members represent Auckland Council:

External organisation




Central Park Henderson Business Association

Brenda Brady and Brooke Loader


Heart of Te Atatu South

Brenda Brady and Brooke Loader


Massey Matters

Will Flavell and Peter Chan


Ranui Advisory Group

Vanessa Neeson (Chair) and Ingrid Papau


Te Atatu Peninsula Business Association

Peter Chan and Ingrid Papau


Waitakere Ethnic Board

Ingrid Papau and Peter Chan


Waitakere Healthlink

Peter Chan

Chris Carter

Te Whau Pathway Trust

Matt Grey and Brenda Brady






Henderson-Massey Local Board

10 November 2020



Adoption of the Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2020

File No.: CP2020/13815




Te take mō te pūrongo

Purpose of the report

1.       To adopt the final Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2020.

Whakarāpopototanga matua

Executive summary

2.       The Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 requires that each local board complete a local board plan for adoption every three years and uses the special consultative procedure (SCP) to engage with their communities.

3.       The consultation period for the SCP ran from 13 July to 13 August 2020.

4.       The local board has considered all submissions and feedback received from the consultation period. Substantive changes and minor edits for clarification are proposed.

5.       The Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2020, which includes the proposed changes, is attached to this report.

6.       Pending adoption of the plan photographs, maps and other design features will be added for final publication.


Ngā tūtohunga


That the Henderson-Massey Local Board:

a)      adopt the Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2020 as set out in Attachment A of the agenda report.

b)      delegate authority to the Chairperson and/or other nominated member(s) of the Henderson-Massey Local Board to approve any minor edits that may be necessary to the Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2020 prior to publication.





7.       The Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 states that each local board must:

·    adopt their local board plan by 31 October of the year following an election

·    use the special consultative procedure (SCP) to engage with their communities.

8.       Local board plans are strategic documents developed every three years. They set a direction for local boards and reflect community priorities and preferences. They provide a guide for local board activity, funding and investment decisions. They also influence local board input into regional strategies and plans, including annual budgets.

9.       The plans inform the development of the council’s 10-year budget. They also form the basis for development of the annual local board agreement for the following three financial years and subsequent work programmes.



10.     The implementation of COVID-19 alert levels forced a delay to the consultation period planned in June and July 2020 to be rescheduled to July and August 2020.

11.     Every effort has been made to adopt the Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2020 in October, however the unavoidable change to the dates of the consultation period has required a small extension of time. This is to ensure the local board had sufficient time to consider the submissions received.

Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu

Analysis and advice

12.     The Henderson-Massey Local Board has considered the submissions and feedback received.

13.     Public feedback on the draft plan was generally positive. The majority of submitters were supportive of the plan, its direction and themes covered.

14.     Just over half of submitters considered the plan would help with COVID-19 recovery, while some were unsure or didn’t specifically comment. A small number did not consider it would help. Submitters comments encouraged investment in council infrastructure and services, more community events and initiatives to bring people and businesses together and supporting local businesses buying local initiatives.

15.     The key feedback points, analysis and subsequent proposed changes to the outcome chapters are outlined in Table 1 below.

Table 1: Substantive changes to the draft Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2020

Key point of feedback


Proposed change(s)

Advocacy for Te Whau Pathway

Construction of Te Whau Pathway has now been part-funded from central government’s “shovel ready” project fund in response to COVID-19.

Pathway sections in the Henderson-Massey area will be almost completed using the government funding, but further funding of approximately $30 million is required to fully complete the entire Te Whau Pathway.

·      Amended initiative to “Continue to advocate for funding of the remaining sections of Te Whau Pathway”.

·      Added initiative new initiative: “Explore opportunities to improve connections onto Te Whau pathway from adjoining parks and paths.”

Access to Heritage

Feedback identified that access to heritage in general was not sufficiently covered.

·      Added initiative in Outcome 1: “Explore opportunities to highlight and provide access to sites of heritage value, both natural and built.”

Community safety not identified as a priority

Feedback identified that community safety was important and was not explicitly referred to in the plan.

The Henderson-Massey Local Board annually fund community organisations to promote youth outreach, pride of place and a sense of belonging which enhances perceptions of safety. The Henderson Town Centre Safety Plan promotes close collaboration between businesses and community.

Explicit mention in the plan ensures the priority continues to be reflected in the work programme.

·      Added “safe” to the preamble to Outcome 1: “we will continue to renew and develop local spaces to meet the needs of our diverse communities, focusing on creating safe and thriving neighbourhoods and town centres”.

·      Added mention of existing safety initiatives to the preamble to Outcome 2: “We will continue to support community safety initiatives ...”

No mention of sport in relation to healthy active communities

Feedback identified that sport was not overtly referred to in the plan, despite it being a fundamental way the community uses many parks and facilities.

Organised and informal sport is supported both directly and indirectly by the Henderson-Massey Local Board through the annual work programme and via the Community Access Scheme delivered by Sport Waitākere on behalf of Auckland Council.

Explicit mention in the plan ensures it continues to be acknowledged as a part of healthy, inclusive communities.

·      Added to Outcome 1 initiative: Continue to advocate for sports, recreation and open-space needs in the north west and Redhills growth area.

·      Added sport to preamble to Outcome 2: work with the community to develop events, cultural celebrations and sport and recreation activity that include and reflect our growing diversity


15.     Other minor changes to the plan which amend for clarity or respond to submissions can be found throughout the document. These have been discussed with the board at workshops.

Changes to the Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2020

16.     Staff recommend adopting the Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2020 (Attachment A) which incorporates the proposed substantive changes to the outcome chapters as described in Table 1 and other minor changes.

Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi

Climate impact statement

17.     The Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2020 reflects the impacts of predicted climate change.

18.     The plan includes Outcome 4: Everyone contributes to building resilience and living sustainably, which includes the objective “A reduced local carbon footprint” containing the initiative “Adopt and implement a community-led local climate action plan”.

19.     The impact on the climate of the final plans has been considered. The final publication will be an online document to minimise printing hard copies.

Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera

Council group impacts and views

20.     The adoption of the Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2020 will inform the development of the council’s 10-year budget. It will also form the basis for the development of the following three years’ work programmes.

21.     Planning and operational areas of the council have taken part in the development and review of the draft and final plans.

Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe

Local impacts and local board views

22.     The local board’s views have informed the development of the final Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2020. A workshop was held on 6 October to consider feedback and agree any changes.

23.     In developing the plan, the Henderson-Massey Local Board considered:

·    advice from mana whenua and mataawaka

·    what is already known about our communities and what is important to them

·    submissions received via online forms, hardcopy forms, emails and post

·    feedback provided at engagement events and online through Facebook

·    regional strategies and policies

24.     staff advice.

Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori

Māori impact statement

25.     The draft Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2020 was developed with consideration given to existing feedback from mana whenua and mataawaka. This included seeking their views and values in March 2020.

26.     Targeted engagement with mataawaka during the consultation on the draft plan was supported by the West Local Boards’ Kaiwhakaawe (Maori broker). This involved collating the views of individuals into a single submission.

27.     13 submissions were received from those who specifically identified themselves as Māori.

28.     The Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2020 promotes outcomes or issues of importance to Māori through Outcome Three: Thriving Māori culture and identity.

Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea

Financial implications

29.     Budget to implement initiatives and projects is confirmed through the annual plan budgeting process. The local board plan informs this process.

Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga

Risks and mitigations

30.     There is a minor reputational risk associated with the adoption of the final Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2020. The process of consultation is likely to have raised expectations of the local board being able to achieve particular initiatives. As a result of the economic impact of COVID-19 and the council’s significantly reduced budget, it may no longer be possible to achieve all the priorities and aspirations that were identified in the draft plan.

31.     This will be mitigated by clear communication of decision-making processes.

Ngā koringa ā-muri

Next steps

32.     Staff recommend that responsibility for approving any minor edits following adoption are delegated to the Chairperson and/or other nominated member(s) of the Henderson-Massey Local Board.

33.     Photographs, maps and other design features will be added to the plan for final publication. This will be an online digital document that will be available in early 2021.

Ngā tāpirihanga






Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2020


Ngā kaihaina



Wendy Kjestrup - Senior Local Board Advisor


Louise Mason - GM Local Board Services

Adam Milina - Local Area Manager


Henderson-Massey Local Board

10 November 2020