Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board






Minutes of a meeting of the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board held in the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Office, Shop 17B, 93 Bader Drive, Māngere on Wednesday, 18 November 2020 at 5:01pm.





Lemauga Lydia Sosene


Deputy Chairperson

Togiatolu Walter Togiamua

presiding from 5.19pm to 5.45pm


Tauanu’u Nanai Nick Bakulich



Makalita Kolo



Christine O'Brien









Harry Fatu Toleafoa



















Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board

18 November 2020




1          Welcome


Member Bakulich led the meeting in prayer.


2          Apologies


Resolution number MO/2020/166

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)         accept the apology from member Harry Fatu Toleafoa for absence.





3          Declaration of Interest


There were no declarations of interest.


4          Confirmation of Minutes


Resolution number MO/2020/167

MOVED by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua, seconded by Member N Bakulich:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)         confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Wednesday, 21 October 2020, as true and correct.




5          Leave of Absence


There were no leaves of absence.


6          Acknowledgements


·                     Congratulations Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Labour for the General Election results and win 17 October 2020!  Congratulations to Hon Aupito W.Sio MP for Mangere and Hon Jenny Salesa for Otahuhu-Panmure, and especially to Doc Anae Neru Leavasa MP for Takanini.  Superb win!

·                     Thank you to Deputy Chair Togiatolu Walter Togiamua and Board Members for holding the fort whilst I have been busy campaigning thank you for the support.

·                     Thank you acknowledgement of the extensive work of Alex Holley former BIDS Manager south Harbour Bids who has now moved on we thank you for all your work and wish you the very best in your endeavors.

·                     Acknowledging the passing of Don David, Matua Rangatira of Mangere, leaves behind wife Maria David and children grandchildren.  Sincere Condolences at your loss to the bereaved aiga.

·                     Acknowledging the passing of Rangatira Rudi Taylor Vice President Maori Sector although is not a resident, was a frequent visitor and many whanau through Mangere-Otahuhu. To Kaye and the whanau our condolences of your loss of Matua Rudi.


·                     Acknowledging the passing of Papa Dr Joe Williams a friend to many pasifika and maori families for his extensive work in the medical field, and regular visitor to many Cook Island families and CIDANZ and his medical advice and support over many years.  Sincere condolences to the bereaved kainga for your loss.

·                     Acknowledging all the different community events held in Mangere-Otahuhu  including school prizegiving for juniors and senior school students, tertiary students, best of luck for upcoming end of year examinations.

·                     Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board Christmas 2020 afternoon tea, invitations will be emailed out to our staff and community, Thursday 10 December 2020 2pm.

·                     Qiane Matata-Sipu for her Nuku100 project reaching its 50th profile of 100 indigenous wāhine of significance. 

·                     Diabetes Auckland for their successful health and education / family fun day at Tōia.

·                     Ōtāhuhu RSA for a beautiful Armistice Day service at the Ōtāhuhu RSA cemetery. 



7          Petitions


There were no petitions.



8          Deputations


Chairperson L Sosene left the meeting at 5.19 pm during which time Deputy Chair W Togiamua presided.


Chairperson L Sosene returned to the meeting at 5.45 pm and resumed the Chair.



Deputation - CLM Community Sport


Bernadette Tovio and Peka Manase from CLM Community Sport were in attendance to present to the board. 

A copy of the presentation tabled at the meeting has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minute attachment.


Resolution number MO/2020/168

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua:  

That Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      thank Bernadette Tovio and Peka Manase from CLM Community Sport for their attendance.




a     18 November 2020: Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board - Item 8.1 Deputation - CLM Sport, presentation.



9          Public Forum



Public Forum - Radonich Park Garden


This item was withdrawn.







10        Extraordinary Business


There was no extraordinary business.



Governing Body Member Update


Cr Filipaina and Cr Collins tabled their apologies for absence.


There were no Governing Body Members present.




Local Board Leads and Appointments Report


Resolution number MO/2020/169

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member N Bakulich:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      receive the verbal update from local board members.






Chairpersons Report and Announcements


Resolution number MO/2020/170

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member C O'Brien:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      receive the verbal report from the Chairperson.





Auckland Transport Report November 2020


Resolution number MO/2020/171

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member M Kolo:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      receive the Auckland Transport November 2020 update.






Auckland Transport - Innovating Streets Decisions November 2020 report


Resolution number MO/2020/172

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member M Kolo:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      receive the Auckland Transport Innovating Streets Decisions November 2020 report as provided in Attachment A, and the Draft governance agreement innovating streets as provided in Attachment B

b)      delegate to the Chair the authority to sign the attached governance agreement on behalf of the board

c)      delegate the Chair, Deputy Chair and Member Kolo the authority to operate as the local board’s representatives on the project management team, and

i.    authority to make day-to-day operational decisions related to delivery of the Mangere-East Pedestrianisation project

ii.   authority to authorise financial variations of up to 5% of the total budget without reference to the board, provided that these do not increase the overall budget for the project

iii.  the chair is the media spokesperson to speak to the media or to sign off media releases on behalf of the board about the project

d)      stipulate that variations of the total project budget must be mandated by resolution of the full board.






New community leases to Mangere Combined Tennis Club Incorporated at House Park, 241R Kirkbride Road, Māngere and Manukau City Association Football Club Incorporated at Walter Massey Park, 394R Massey Road, Māngere East


Resolution number MO/2020/173

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member N Bakulich:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      note public notification of Auckland Council’s intention to grant a new community lease to Mangere Combined Tennis Club Incorporated at House Park, 241R Kirkbride Road, Māngere

b)      delegate to the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Chairperson the authority to appoint a hearings panel to consider any objections received, following the public notification, and for the panel to reach a decision

c)      grant, subject to any objections being resolved, under Section 54(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977, a new community lease to Mangere Combined Tennis Club Incorporated for the group-owned premises comprising 3158 square meters (more or less) located at House Park, 241R Kirkbride Road, Māngere (outlined in red on Attachment A) on the land described as Part Lot 4 Deposited Plan 13141 subject to the following terms:

i)       term - five years commencing 18 November 2020, with one (1) five-year right of renewal commencing 18 November 2025, effecting final expiry on 17 November 2030

ii)      rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum if demanded

iii)     all other terms and conditions to be in accordance with the Reserves Act 1977 and Auckland Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012

d)      approve the Mangere Combined Tennis Club Incorporated’s Community Outcomes Plan, as provided in Attachment B, for inclusion as the Third Schedule of the lease agreement

e)      grant, under Section 54(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977, a new community lease to Manukau City Association Football Club Incorporated for the group-owned building comprising 436 square meters (more or less) located at Walter Massey Park, 394R Massey Road, Māngere East (as outlined in red on Attachment C) on the land described as Lot 2 Deposited Plan 46978 subject to the following terms:

i)       term - 10 years commencing 18 November 2020, with one (1) 10 year right of renewal commencing 18 November 2030, effecting final expiry 17 November 2040

ii)      rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum if demanded

iii)     all other terms and conditions to be in accordance with Auckland Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 and the Reserves Act 1977

f)       approve the Manukau City Association Football Club Incorporated’s Community Outcomes Plan, as provided in Attachment D, for inclusion as the Third Schedule of the lease agreement.







Proposed exchange of reserve land at Watchfield Close and Mayflower Park - Māngere East and West


Resolution number MO/2020/174

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member N Bakulich:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      recommend that the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee approve the exchange of 101m2 of reserve land on Watchfield Close (Lot 36 DP 66356), which is used as a walkway to Moyle Park for a new walkway of 336m2 on Watchfield Close (LOT 39 DP 66356)

b)      note that Kāinga Ora will provide capital investment to develop the new walkway

c)      recommend that the Parks, Arts, Community and Events Committee approve the exchange of Mayflower Park (1619m2 / LOT 167 DP 55383) for a new park (1620m2 / lots 134 and 160 DP 55383 and land from adjoining lots)

d)      note that Kāinga Ora will provide capital investment up to $290,000 (excluding GST) in development of the new park

e)      request Kāinga Ora to come back to the board on an ongoing regular basis to allow the board to have good oversight of this project.




Note:   With the agreement of the meeting the board moved into closed meeting at 7.35 pm.


25        Procedural motion to exclude the public

Resolution number MO/2020/175

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      exclude the public from the following part(s) of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution follows.

This resolution is made in reliance on section 48(1)(a) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by section 6 or section 7 of that Act which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public, as follows:


C1       Acquisition of land for open space - Māngere

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Particular interest(s) protected (where applicable)

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.

s7(2)(h) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities.

In particular, the report identifies land the council seeks to acquire for open space purposes.

s7(2)(i) - The withholding of the information is necessary to enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations).

In particular, the report identifies land the council seeks to acquire for open space purposes.


The public conduct of the part of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding exists under section 7.


The text of these resolutions is made available to the public who are present at the meeting and form part of the minutes of the meeting.



7.35 pm           The public was excluded.


Resolutions in relation to the confidential items are recorded in the confidential section of these minutes and are not publicly available.


8.30 pm           The public was re-admitted.




It was resolved while the public was excluded:



Acquisition of land for open space - Māngere


b)         confirm that there be no restatement of this confidential report, attachments, or resolutions for the acquisition of land for public open space in Māngere until settlement.











Outline of the landowner approval process and grant of landowner approval for a wastewater connection through John McAnulty Reserve, Ōtāhuhu


Resolution number MO/2020/177

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member N Bakulich:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      grant landowner approval to Kamal Matta to construct a wastewater manhole and pipe connection within John McAnulty Reserve, situated at 93 Hutton Street, Ōtāhuhu and legally described as Lot 3 DP 92360 to support the applicant’s residential development at 132 Church Street, Ōtāhuhu.






Community Facilities’ Sustainable Asset Standard


Resolution number MO/2020/178

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      support the Community Facilities Sustainable Asset Standard as an action of the Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri (Auckland’s Climate Plan)

b)      provide the following feedback to support the Governing Body’s consideration of the Standard as regional policy:

i)     support in principle the Community Facilities Sustainable Asset Standard as an action of the Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri (Auckland’s Climate Plan)

ii)    note its concerns about the affordability of complying with the proposed standard to both the organisation and ultimately the public, and reserves the right to provide further feedback on this issue after the public’s consideration of the draft Long-term Plan 2021-31.





Local board delegations to allow local views to be provided on matters relating to the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 and the Urban Development Act


Resolution number MO/2020/179

MOVED by Member C O'Brien, seconded by Member M Kolo:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      delegate the Deputy Chair and the Chair as alternate, the authority to provide the local board views in respect of matters under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020, noting that given the timeframes under the Act, it is not practicable for the matters to come before the full local board

b)      appoint the Chair and the Deputy Chair as alternate, as the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board representative as required, on any Political Working Group established (in accordance with the Planning Committee’s resolution PLA/2020/79 on 1 October 2020), to give political direction on the execution of the council’s powers under the Urban Development Act 2020.






Local board views on Plan Change 53 - Temporary Activities and Pukekohe Park Precinct


Resolution number MO/2020/180

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member N Bakulich:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      provide the following local board view on Plan Change 53 - Temporary Activities and Pukekohe Park precinct:

i)     generally support the proposed changes on Plan Change 53 - Temporary Activities and Pukekohe Park precinct to address compliance costs and discrepancies in temporary activity standards

b)      appoint the Deputy Chair to speak to the local board views at a hearing on Plan Change 53

c)      delegate authority to the chairperson of the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board to make a replacement appointment in the event the local board member appointed in resolution b) is unable to attend the plan change hearing.






Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board Workshop Notes


Resolution number MO/2020/181

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Member M Kolo:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      receive the workshop notes from the workshops held on 7, 14 and 28 October 2020.






Governance Forward Work Calendar


Resolution number MO/2020/182

MOVED by Chairperson L Sosene, seconded by Deputy Chairperson W Togiamua:  

That the Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board:

a)      notes the Governance Forward Work Calendar.





24        Consideration of Extraordinary Items


There was no consideration of extraordinary items.   


            Member Kolo closed the meeting in prayer.








8.43 pm                                              The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.









