I hereby give notice that an ordinary meeting of the Manurewa Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Thursday, 19 November 2020 6:00pm Manurewa
Local Board Office |
Manurewa Local Board
Chairperson |
Joseph Allan |
Deputy Chairperson |
Melissa Atama |
Members |
Anne Candy |
Tabetha Gorrie |
Rangi McLean |
Glenn Murphy |
Ken Penney |
Dave Pizzini |
(Quorum 4 members)
Rohin Patel Democracy Advisor
12 November 2020
Contact Telephone: 021 914 618 Email: rohin.patel@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Manurewa Local Board 19 November 2020 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Confirmation of Minutes 5
5 Leave of Absence 5
6 Acknowledgements 5
7 Petitions 5
8 Deputations 5
8.1 Deputation - The Randwick Park Kaitiaki Roopu 5
9 Public Forum 6
10 Extraordinary Business 6
11 Governing Body Members' Update 7
12 Members' Update 9
13 Chairperson's Update 13
14 November 2020: Auckland Transport monthly update to the Manurewa Local Board 15
15 Local board views on private plan change 43 to rezone the former McLaughlin’s Quarry, McLaughlin’s Road, Wiri 23
16 New community leases to Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated at 31R Russell Road, Manurewa and The Scout Association of New Zealand at Keith Park, 18R Roys Road, Weymouth 33
17 Landowner approval and lease for additional premises to Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated at Wattle Farm Ponds Reserve, 39R Wattle Farm Road, Wattle Downs 49
18 Manurewa Youth Scholarships 2020/2021 57
19 Community Facilities’ Sustainable Asset Standard 73
20 Local board views on plan change to enable rainwater tank installation for the Auckland region 81
21 Local board views on Plan Change 53 - Temporary Activities and Pukekohe Park Precinct 85
22 Local board delegations to allow local views to be provided on matters relating to the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 and the Urban Development Act 91
23 Panuku Auckland Development- Manurewa Local Board Six-Monthly Report 1 March to 31 August 2020. 101
24 Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development six-monthly update to local boards: 1 January to 30 June 2020 111
25 Addition to the 2019-2022 Manurewa Local Board meeting schedule 129
26 For Information: Reports referred to the Manurewa Local Board 133
27 Manurewa Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar - November 2020 137
28 Manurewa Local Board Workshop Records 141
29 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
A board memeber will lead the meeting in prayer.
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
That the Manurewa Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 15 October 2020 and the extraordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 12 November 2020, as true and correct.
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
At the close of the agenda no requests for acknowledgements had been received.
At the close of the agenda no requests to present petitions had been received.
Standing Order 7.7 provides for deputations. Those applying for deputations are required to give seven working days notice of subject matter and applications are approved by the Chairperson of the Manurewa Local Board. This means that details relating to deputations can be included in the published agenda. Total speaking time per deputation is ten minutes or as resolved by the meeting.
Te take mō te pūrongo Purpose of the report 1. Jessica Gosche and Jaylene Ball from The Randwick Park Kaitiaki Roopu will present to the local board about The Randwick Park Community Plan.
Ngā tūtohunga Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) thank Jessica Gosche and Jaylene Ball for their presentation and attendance.
Attachments a 5 November 2020, Manurewa Local Board - Deputation - The Randwick Park Kaitiaki Roopu - PowerPoint Presentation ......................................... 151 |
A period of time (approximately 30 minutes) is set aside for members of the public to address the meeting on matters within its delegated authority. A maximum of 3 minutes per item is allowed, following which there may be questions from members.
At the close of the agenda no requests for public forum had been received.
Section 46A(7) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“An item that is not on the agenda for a meeting may be dealt with at that meeting if-
(a) The local authority by resolution so decides; and
(b) The presiding member explains at the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public,-
(i) The reason why the item is not on the agenda; and
(ii) The reason why the discussion of the item cannot be delayed until a subsequent meeting.”
Section 46A(7A) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (as amended) states:
“Where an item is not on the agenda for a meeting,-
(a) That item may be discussed at that meeting if-
(i) That item is a minor matter relating to the general business of the local authority; and
(ii) the presiding member explains at the beginning of the meeting, at a time when it is open to the public, that the item will be discussed at the meeting; but
(b) no resolution, decision or recommendation may be made in respect of that item except to refer that item to a subsequent meeting of the local authority for further discussion.”
Manurewa Local Board 19 November 2020 |
Governing Body Members' Update
File No.: CP2020/15493
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To provide an opportunity for the local ward area Governing Body Members to update the local board on Governing Body issues they have been involved with since the previous local board meeting.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. Standing Orders 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 provides for Governing Body Members to update their local board counterparts on regional matters of interest to the local board.
Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive verbal updates from Councillors Angela Dalton and Daniel Newman.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Rohin Patel - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Carol McKenzie-Rex - Local Area Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 19 November 2020 |
File No.: CP2020/15495
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To provide an opportunity for members to update the Manurewa Local Board on matters they have been involved in over the last month.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. An opportunity for members of the Manurewa Local Board to give a written or verbal update on their activities for the month.
Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the update from members.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
10 November 2020, Manurewa Local Board - Members' Update Melissa Atama |
11 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Rohin Patel - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Carol McKenzie-Rex - Local Area Manager |
19 November 2020 |
File No.: CP2020/15496
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To provide an opportunity for the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson to update the local board on issues he has been involved in.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. An opportunity for the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson to update the local board on his activities over the last month.
Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the verbal report from the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Rohin Patel - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Carol McKenzie-Rex - Local Area Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 19 November 2020 |
November 2020: Auckland Transport monthly update to the Manurewa Local Board
File No.: CP2020/16678
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To provide an update for the Manurewa Local Board about transport related matters in its area, including the Local Board Transport Capital Fund (LBTCF).
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. No decision is required this month. This report contains information about the following:
· Auckland Transport (AT) local and regional projects and activities.
Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the Auckland Transport November 2020 monthly update report.
3. AT is responsible for all of Auckland’s transport services, excluding state highways. AT reports on a monthly basis to local boards, as set out in the Local Board Engagement Plan. This monthly reporting commitment acknowledges the important engagement role local boards play within and on behalf of their local communities.
4. This report addresses transport related matters in the board’s area and includes information on the status of the Local Board Transport Capital Fund projects.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
5. This section of the report contains information about local projects, issues and initiatives. It provides summaries of the detailed advice and analysis provided to the local board during workshops and briefings.
Local Board Transport Capital Fund
7. Any LBTCF projects selected must be safe, must not impede network efficiency, and must be located in the road corridor or on land controlled by AT (though projects running through parks can be considered if there is a transport outcome).
8. Council’s original resolutions relating to the LBTCF make it very clear that the overall budget allocation for the LBTCF is on the basis that it can be managed by AT within its annual budget.
9. Following the setting of the Emergency Budget the LBTCF programme received $5,000,000 for the 2020/2021 year for allocation across the 21 local boards.
10. Decisions about the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 financial years will form part of the Long-term Plan/Regional Land Transport Plan discussions but early indications are that these years will also see a more constrained capital programme than prior to the COVID-19 crisis.
11. Advice from the AT Finance Department set the following criteria for the fund following the setting of the Emergency Budget:
· The $5,000,000 for 2020/2021 will be split using the Local Board Funding Policy.
· Currently, with budgets unknown for 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 boards are unable to combine future years allocations into a single project.
· Boards are encouraged to target delivery of smaller projects or complete design and documentation for a project that can be physically delivered in 2021/2022.
12. The Manurewa Board’s share of the 2020/2021 allocation is $294,376.
13. The board currently had two projects in construction as at 1 July 2020, Wordsworth Safety Package 3 (committed remaining budget $400,000) and Manurewa Gateway Signage (committed remaining budget $47,000). As these two projects are already in construction this means that $447,000 is committed, which is greater than the $294,376 allocation.
14. The board therefore will have no funds available in 2020/2021 for new projects and will have to wait until either additional funding is made available this financial year or the 2021/22 budget is confirmed.
15. The projects which had been identified by the Manurewa Local Board for the potential use of the LBTCF when future funding becomes available, are listed as follows:
i) Coxhead Quadrant Residential Speed Management Project
ii) traffic calming around Hillpark School
iii) traffic calming on Gloucester Road
iv) traffic calming on Finlayson Avenue
v) lighting of the walkway between Ferguson Street and Trimdon Street
vi) installation of bus shelters at the following stops:
A) Stop 2125 – 123 Weymouth Road
B) Stop 2314 – 4 Turnberry Drive
C) Stop 2273 – 59 Browns Road
D) Stop 2178 – 96 Browns Road
E) Stop 2171 – opposite 98 Browns Road
F) Stop 6383 – 41 Redoubt Road
G) Stop 6864 - 118 Finlayson Drive
H) Stop 6875 - 145 Finlayson Drive
I) Stop 6753 - 39 Alfriston Road
J) Stop 6744 - 36 Alfriston Road
vii) installation of electronic speed warning signage
16. AT have assessed these projects for Rough Orders of Cost, which have been provided in the August 2020 business meeting report, which can be used by the board to assist with project prioritisation when further funds become available in the 2021/2022 financial year.
Community Safety Fund
17. The Community Safety Fund is funded from AT’s safety budget and is dependent on the level of funding AT receives from Auckland Council. This level of funding has been constrained through the Emergency Budget process.
18. Safety projects being delivered in FY20/21 have been prioritised according to DSI (death and serious injury) data and therefore local board community safety fund projects will continue with planning and design but cannot be delivered in the 2020/2021 financial year.
19. The Manurewa Local Board has two Community Safety Fund projects being affected by the Emergency Budget:
Project |
Description |
Status |
Alfriston and Claude Roads intersection signalisation |
Upgrade existing stop-controlled intersection to a signalised Intersection |
Detailed Design |
Great South Road pedestrian crossing |
Introducing a new signalised midblock crossing to facilitate pedestrian crossing demand outside a local temple. |
Detailed Design |
20. At its meeting on 15 October the Board resolved.
“express its disappointment about the lack of information about the status of the board’s Community Safety Fund projects and when they are likely to be progressed. The board believes that these safety projects should be prioritized for delivery by Auckland Transport, as they will contribute to the Vision Zero goal of no deaths or serious injuries on our transport system by 2050”
21. Once the Auckland Council draft budget and annual plan have been adopted, AT will have an indication of available funds for the 2021/22 financial year. AT will report and update the board on progress toward delivering these projects, noting that the plan will not be adopted until July 2021.
AT’s Commitment to Supplier Diversity in Aotearoa
22. At its meeting on 15 October the board resolved.
“request that Auckland Transport include their monthly update to the board specific assessments of Maori outcomes for the boards transport projects that are currently in the process of being delivered”
23. In accordance with the above resolution these will be reported in due course.
24. AT is creating positive socio-economic change through our procurement activities by partnering with Māori and Pasifika businesses to deliver transport projects.
25. Supplier Diversity is a strategic and intentional business process that proactively engages, supports and enables businesses owned by indigenous peoples, minority ethnic groups, women and social enterprises to be engaged in supply chains. This is known as business to business (B2B) procurement. Its aim is to level the playing field, so these businesses have fairer access to customers and markets.
26. For the last five years, Auckland Transport has committed to Supplier Diversity and driving socio-economic prosperity through our Sustainable Procurement Programme. We do this by partnering with diverse businesses to deliver our transport projects. AT's Supplier Diversity and Sustainable Procurement activities have been possible through our partnerships with He Waka Eke Noa and the Ākina Foundation.
27. One recent Supplier Diversity success was through the Marae Upgrade Programme. AT upgraded an entrance, driveway and car park at Makaurau Marae in Māngere. Not only did the project deliver a positive impact for the marae, and the environment, the project was completed this month by a 100 per cent Māori-owned business – Lite Civil Limited.
Freight Strategy
28. AT recently released a refresh of the strategic freight network (SFN). The SFN represents the most critical roads in Auckland for the movement of freight and where freight should be considered a modal priority (though not necessarily the only priority).
29. The SFN has been designed to:
· link major areas of freight generation and attraction within the Auckland region, and to and from important locations outside the region
· minimise the impact of freight movement on the community
· provide roads and routes capable of accommodating the largest vehicles within normal legal limits
· offer convenient and reliable travel for freight between key locations.
30. In addition to the strategic routes, the SFN map also identifies the overweight and over dimension routes in the Auckland road network, as well as core freight areas. You can find more information at https://at.govt.nz/about-us/transport-plans-strategies/auckland-freight-plan/
31. With Manurewa bordered by the industrial area of Wiri to the north and impacted by the aggregate extraction from Hunua in the south, the strategy should help mitigate the impacts of freight movements in residential Manurewa.
Bus Route 362 Trial
32. The trial for the 362 trial came to an end in September and in the near future a detailed analysis of the trial will come to the board at a future meeting. Data for the last two months is not yet available. The data to hand is as follows.
33. Noting that COVID-19 has impacted on the services this year.
34. In Papakura, AT are trialling an on-demand service to replace the current 371 service that has very low patronage. This type of service has already been trialled in Devonport. The service entails passengers “calling” the service via an App to pick them up from Papakura Station or the corner of their street. The vehicles will be E-Vehicles or vans.
35. At present the trial service will cover the area currently serviced by the 371 service, which is to the north-east of the residential area of Papakura, but also has the potential to expand into Conifer Grove.
36. The board will be regularly updated on the trial.
Impact of Covid on Bus Patronage
37. Below is a regionwide analysis of the impact of Covid on bus patronage.
Total boarding’s on all Auckland Transport buses |
2019 |
2020 |
2020 as a % of 2019 |
Last seven days of |
February |
1,606,551 |
1,651,739 |
102.8% |
May |
1,526,450 |
699,561 |
45.8% |
September |
1,504,566 |
815,392 |
54.2% |
October |
1,375,811 |
1,016,059 |
73.9% |
Pedestrian Crossing at 286 Great South Road, Manurewa.
38. To improve safe access to Te Mahia Train Station, AT are proposing to install a new pedestrian crossing with a separated cycle and pedestrian crossing area outside 286 Great South Road, Manurewa.
39. The need for safer crossing points on Great South Road was highlighted to help give people easier access to Te Mahia Station. The proposed changes aim to provide a formal and clear crossing facility which prioritises people on foot and on bikes.
40. The crossing has been placed where the demand is highest in order to raise driver awareness and to establish a safer road environment for all road users.
41. The changes we are proposing:
· installing a new traffic light crossing with separate walkways for cycles and people to cross
· painting new broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) on both sides of the road which will remove approximately 7 parking spaces.
42. This is one of a number of pedestrian safety improvements currently being considered across Auckland, ultimately aimed at creating a safer road network for all road users.
43. Consultation on this proposal was open until 15 October 2020.
44. Feedback is now closed, and analysis is under way. An overview will be provided at the next meeting.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
45. AT engages closely with Council on developing strategy, actions and measures to support the outcomes sought by the Auckland Plan 2050, the Auckland Climate Action Plan and Council’s priorities.
46. AT’s core role is in providing attractive alternatives to private vehicle travel, reducing the carbon footprint of its own operations and, to the extent feasible, that of the contracted public transport network.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
48. There are no new consultations or Traffic Control Committee resolutions over this period in the Manurewa Local Board area
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
49. Please see paragraphs 22 – 27 in this report.
50. There are no impacts specific to Māori for this reporting period. AT is committed to meeting its responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi-the Treaty of Waitangi-and its broader legal obligations in being more responsible or effective to Māori.
51. Our Maori Responsiveness Plan outlines the commitment to with 19 mana whenua tribes in delivering effective and well-designed transport policy and solutions for Auckland. We also recognise mataawaka and their representative bodies and our desire to foster a relationship with them.
52. This plan in full is available on the AT’s Website - https://at.govt.nz/about-us/transport-plans-strategies/maori-responsiveness-plan/#about
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
53. The proposed decision of receiving the report has no financial implications.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
54. Our capital and operating budgets have been reduced following the announcement of the Emergency Budget. Some projects we had planned for 2020/2021 may not be able to be delivered, which will be disappointing to communities that we had already engaged with.
55. Also as outlined in this report, both the Community Safety Fund and the Local Board Transport Capital Fund have been impacted by these budget reductions.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
56. AT will provide another update report to the board at the next meeting in December 2020.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Bruce Thomas, Elected Member Relationship Manager |
Authorisers |
Jonathan Anyon, Manager, Elected Member Relationship Unit Carol McKenzie-Rex - Local Area Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 19 November 2020 |
Local board views on private plan change 43 to rezone the former McLaughlin’s Quarry, McLaughlin’s Road, Wiri
File No.: CP2020/14672
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To invite local board views on a private plan change by Stonehill Trustees Limited to rezone land formerly known as the McLaughlin’s Quarry at Wiri. Figure 1 shows the locality of the Plan Change site and key local features.
Figure 1 Locality Map
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. This report discusses a private plan change request (the request) received on 23 December May 2019 from Stonehill Trustees Limited. The area subject to the request is the site of the former McLaughlin’s Quarry located in the Wiri industrial area. The quarrying activities have ceased, the site has been rehabilitated and a significant portion of the site has been developed in accordance with land use and subdivision resource consents[1] granted by Auckland Council.
3. The resource consent decision authorised a “blanket land use consent” enabling the plan change area to be utilised for business land use purposes. Despite the significant development of the subject area for industrial activities, it continues to be zoned Quarry under the Auckland Unitary Pan (Operative in Part). Stonehill Trustees Limited have made a private plan change request to rezone the land as follows.
4. The request seeks to:
a) Introduce a new Wiri Precinct into Chapter I Precincts (South) of the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) to enable transition from quarry to industrial activities, while recognising the important cultural, ecological and geological values present within the precinct.
b) Rezone 20.87ha of land from Quarry Zone to Heavy Industry Zone.
c) Rezone 3.39ha of land from Quarry Zone to Light Industry Zone.
d) Rezone 1.91ha of land from Quarry Zone to Open Space – Informal Recreation Zone.
e) Rezone 0.29ha of land from Open Space – Informal Recreation Zone to Heavy Industry Zone.
f) Rezone 0.34ha of land from Open Space – Informal Recreation Zone to Light Industry Zone.
g) Amend the boundaries of the Outstanding Natural Features Overlay (ID 93 Matukutūreia and Matukuturua Lava Field and Tuff Ring).
h) Amend the description of Outstanding Natural Feature ID 93 Matukutūreia and Matukuturua Lava Field and Tuff Ring set out in Schedule 6: Outstanding Natural Features Overlay Schedule, to correctly refer to the part of the geological feature as an explosion crater.
i) Amend the boundaries of the Significant Ecological Area (SEA) Overlay (ID SEA T 8443) applied to the site at 79 McLaughlin’s Road.
5. Decision-makers on a private plan change to the Auckland Unitary Plan must consider local boards’ views on the plan change, if the relevant local board(s) choose to provide their views.
6. Each local board has a responsibility to communicate the interests and preferences of people in its area on Auckland Council policy documents. A local board can present local views and preferences when expressed by the whole local board.[2]
7. This report is the mechanism for the local board to provide its views on the private plan change. Staff do not recommend what view the local board should convey.
Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) provide local board views on the private plan change to rezone land at McLaughlin’s Quarry b) appoint a local board member to speak to the local board views at a hearing on the private plan change c) delegate authority to the chairperson of Manurewa Local Board to make a replacement appointment in the event the local board member appointed in resolution b) is unable to attend the private plan change hearing.
8. Each local board is responsible for communicating the interests and preferences of people in its area regarding the content of Auckland Council’s strategies, policies, plans, and bylaws. Local boards provide their views on the content of these documents. Decision-makers must consider local boards’ views when deciding the content of these policy documents.[3]
9. If the local board chooses to provide its views, the planner includes those views in the hearing report. Local board views are included in the analysis of the private plan change, along with the submissions received on the plan change.
10. If appointed by resolution, local board members may present the local board’s views at the hearing to commissioners, who decide on the private plan change request.
11. This report provides an overview of the private plan change.
12. The report does not recommend what the local board should convey. The planner cannot advise the local board as to what its views should be, and then evaluate those views. The planner must include any local board views in the evaluation of the private plan change.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
Plan change overview
13. The private plan change consists of four key elements as described below.
14. Firstly, the request seeks to introduce a new Wiri Precinct into Chapter I Precincts (South) of the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) to enable transition from quarry to industrial activities, while recognising the important cultural, ecological and geological values present within the precinct.
15. Secondly, the request seeks the following rezoning of land within sub precincts (Areas A and B) of the plan change area (Refer Figures 2 and 3 below):
· rezone 20.87ha of land from Quarry Zone to Heavy Industry Zone
· rezone 3.39ha of land from Quarry Zone to Light Industry Zone
· rezone 1.91ha of land from Quarry Zone to Open Space – Informal Recreation Zone
· rezone 0.29ha of land from Open Space – Informal Recreation Zone to Heavy Industry Zone
· rezone 0.34ha of land from Open Space – Informal Recreation Zone to Light Industry Zone.
Figure 2: Sub-precincts
Figure 3: rezoning proposed
16. Thirdly, the request seeks to amend the boundaries of the Outstanding Natural Features Overlay (ID 93 Matukutūreia and Matukuturua Lava Field and Tuff Ring) as it applies within the plan change area (Figure 4). The intent of this request is to map the boundaries of Outstanding Natural Feature ID 93 within the plan change area, based on an assessment of matters set out in Policy B4.2.2(4) of the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part). The request also seeks to amend the description of Outstanding Natural Feature ID 93 set out in Schedule 6: Outstanding Natural Features Overlay Schedule, to refer to the part of the geological feature as an explosion crater.
Figure 4: Area requested to be removed from Outstanding Natural Feature (ID 93 Matukutūreia and Matukuturua Lava Field and Tuff Ring) – shown in red.
17. Fourthly, the request seeks a minor amendment to the boundaries of the Significant Ecological Area Overlay (ID SEA T 8443) applied to the site at 79 McLaughlin’s Road (Figure 5). The intent of the amendment is to map the extent of the Significant Ecological Area based on the relevant criteria for protection.
Figure 5: Area requested to be removed from Significant Ecological Area Overlay (ID SEA T 8443) – shown in black.
Themes from submissions received
18. A total of 27 submissions were received on the plan change.
19. Key submission themes include:
· protection of archaeological and cultural values
· protection of ecological values associated with the Puhinui Stream and an existing wetland
· protection of an outstanding natural feature being a volcanic explosion crater and associated features
· reverse sensitivity effects
· transport effects.
20. Submitters supported the plan change. These were typically from industries located in the plan change area or close to it.
21. One submitter supported the plan change in part – this being from Auckland Transport (AT) who wanted a number of transport matters attended to. Advice has subsequently been received from AT to advise that the matters they have raised have been settled to their satisfaction
22. Heritage New Zealand raised concerns regarding archaeological and ecological matters but identified that they support the plan change.
23. A number of submissions were received from iwi organisations (Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua, Ngati Tamaoho and Te Ākitai Waiohua Waka Taua Incorporated) who oppose the private plan change on cultural and other grounds. Ahikiwi Marae and Tūpuna Maunga o Tāmaki Makaurau Authority also oppose the private plan change.
24. The Geoscience Society of NZ also submitted in opposition being primarily concerned with the potential impact of the plan change of an outstanding natural feature (geological).
25. The Director-General of Conservation submitted in opposition seeking that sub-area B be rezoned to a more appropriate zone which protects the values of the site such as an Open Space zone, that the ONF overlay be retained and that the proposed plan change appropriately recognises and provides for the significance of this landscape to mana whenua.
26. There were also submitters from the local area who raised concerns related to reverse sensitivity effects which could result if a heavy industry zoning was to be imposed on land in the plan change area and which could be sensitive to hazardous facilities (e.g. submissions from the Department of Corrections and Wiri Oil Services Ltd)
27. A submission was also provided by Auckland Council which raises concerns regarding:
· the proposed zones and/or precinct provisions included in the private plan change request properly addressing the significant adverse cultural effects identified in the Cultural Values Assessments included with the application
· the zoning of part of sub precinct B to open space
· provision for appropriate stormwater management.
Table 1: Submissions received on plan change
Supporting/Opposing/In Part |
Number of submission points |
In support |
28 |
Support in Part |
1 |
In opposition |
46 |
28. Information on individual submissions, and the summary of all decisions requested by submitters, is available from council’s website:
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
29. The council’s climate goals as set out in Te Taruke-a-Tawhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan include:
· to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to reach net zero emissions by 2050
· to prepare the region for the adverse impacts of climate change.
30. The impact of climate change from sea level rise would be minor and modelled inundation shows the impact would be along the southern boundary of the land involved in the private plan change. The area identified as effected by sea level rise is unlikely to be an area which is identified for any building or structures.
31. The land adjacent to this southern boundary is proposed primarily for a setback from the Puhinui Stream and does not increase risk to property
32. The proposed plan change will also consider riparian planting along streams to buffer the impacts of adverse storm events.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
33. A number of different parts of Council are inputting specialist views into the hearing report on the private plan change proposal.
34. Specifically, specialists in ecology, geoscience, archaeology, transport and stormwater management as well as planning are all involved in considering the private plan change.
35. Auckland Transport has submitted on the plan change. It appears their concerns may have been settled through working with the applicant.
36. As discussed earlier, Auckland Council has also submitted on the plan change
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
37. The plan change is of primary interest to the Manurewa Local Board given the location of the site. However, the site is located very close to the boundary of the Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board area and a report will also be provided to the Otara-Papatoetoe Local Board.
38. Factors the local board may wish to consider in formulating its view:
· interests and preferences of people in the local board area
· well-being of communities within the local board area
· local board documents, such as local board plan, local board agreement
· responsibilities and operation of the local board.
39. This report is the mechanism for obtaining formal local board views. The decision-maker will consider local board views, if provided, when deciding on the plan change.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
40. If the local board chooses to provide its views on the plan change it includes the opportunity to comment on matters that may be of interest or importance to Māori, well-being of Māori communities or Te Ao Māori (Māori worldview).
41. The applicant has undertaken consultation with iwi. As part of the private plan change process consultation occurred with Ngati te Ata Waiohua and Te Akitai Waiohua.
42. Both iwi have opposed the plan change.
43. As discussed above, submissions, which raised cultural issues were received on the private plan change from Ahikiwi Marae, Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua, Tūpuna Maunga o Tāmaki Makaurau Authority, Ngati Tamaoho and Te Ākitai Waiohua Waka Taua Incorporated.
44. The hearing report will include analysis of Part 2 of the Resource Management Act which requires that all persons exercising RMA functions shall take into account the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
45. Providing the views of the local board on this private plan change does not have any financial implications.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
46. There is a risk that the local board will be unable to provide its views and preferences on the plan change, if it doesn’t pass a resolution. This report provides:
· the mechanism for the Manurewa Local Board to express its views and preferences
· the opportunity for a local board member to speak at a hearing.
47. If the local board chooses not to pass a resolution at this business meeting, these opportunities are forgone.
48. The power to provide local board views regarding the content of a plan change cannot be delegated to individual local board member(s).[4] This report enables the whole local board to decide whether to provide its views and, if so, to determine what matters those views should include.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
49. The planner will include, and report on, any resolution of the local board in the hearing report. The local board member appointed to speak to the local board’s views will be informed of the hearing date and invited to the hearing for that purpose.
50. The planner will advise the local board of the decision on the plan change request by memorandum.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Craig Cairncross - Lead Planner |
Authorisers |
John Duguid - General Manager - Plans and Places Carol McKenzie-Rex - Local Area Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 19 November 2020 |
New community leases to Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated at 31R Russell Road, Manurewa and The Scout Association of New Zealand at Keith Park, 18R Roys Road, Weymouth
File No.: CP2020/14261
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To grant a new community lease to Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated at 31R Russell Road, Manurewa.
2. To grant a new community lease to The Scout Association of New Zealand at Keith Park, 18R Roys Road, Weymouth.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated
3. Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated holds an existing community lease for the group-owned buildings and improvements located at 31R Russell Road, Manurewa.
4. The lease commenced on 1 December 2010 and reaches final expiry on 30 November 2020.
5. The club’s aim is to promote, foster and participate in croquet matches, competitions and other sports games and associated activities; to encourage healthy recreation and social interaction for its members.
6. After assessing the club’s new lease application, staff are satisfied that the requirements under Auckland Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 have been met.
7. Iwi engagement has been undertaken and public notification will follow subject to Manurewa Local Board’s approval of the recommendations below.
8. This report recommends that a new community lease be granted to Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated, in accordance with the terms and conditions under Auckland Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 and the Local Government Act 2002.
The Scout Association of New Zealand
9. The Scout Association of New Zealand holds a current community lease for the group-owned building located at Keith Park, 18R Roys Road, Weymouth on behalf of Weymouth Sea Scouts.
10. The lease commenced on 1 January 2010 and reaches final expiry on 31 December 2020.
11. Scouts NZ’s purpose is to empower youth through adventurous experiences to lead lives that make a positive difference in Manurewa and its surrounding communities. Weymouth Sea Scouts has become a well-established community organisation, providing sport and recreation to the local community for over 60 years.
12. After assessing Scouts NZ’s new lease application, staff are satisfied that the requirements under Auckland Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 have been met.
13. Iwi engagement has been undertaken and public notification will follow subject to Manurewa Local Board’s approval of the recommendations below.
14. This report recommends that a new community lease be granted to The Scout Association of New Zealand, in accordance with the terms and conditions under Auckland Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 and the Reserves Act 1977.
Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) note public notification of Auckland Council’s intention to grant a new community lease to Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated at 31R Russell Road, Manurewa. b) delegate to the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson the authority to appoint a hearings panel to consider any objections received, following the public notification, and for the panel to reach a decision. c) grant, subject to any objections being resolved, under the Local Government Act 2002, a new community lease to Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated for the group-owned buildings and improvements comprising 5117 square meters (more or less) located at 31R Russell Road, Manurewa (outlined in red on Attachment A) on the land described as Part Lot 7 Deposited Plan 4436 subject to the following terms: i) term - 10 years commencing 1 December 2020, with one (1) 10 year right of renewal commencing 1 December 2030, effecting final expiry on 30 November 2040 ii) rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum if demanded iii) all other terms and conditions to be in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002 and Auckland Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012. d) approve the Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated’s Community Outcomes Plan (Attachment B) for inclusion as the Third Schedule of the lease agreement. e) note public notification of Auckland Council’s intention to grant a new community lease to The Scout Association of New Zealand at Keith Park, 18R Roys Road, Weymouth. f) delegate to the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson the authority to appoint a hearings panel to consider any objections received, following the public notification, and for the panel to reach a decision. g) grant, subject to any objections being resolved, under Section 54(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977, a new community lease to The Scout Association of New Zealand for the group-owned building comprising 113 square meters (more or less) located at Keith Park, 18R Roys Road, Weymouth (outlined in red on Attachment C) on the land described as Lot 1 Deposited Plan 40111 subject to the following terms: i) term - five years commencing 1 January 2021, with one (1) five-year right of renewal commencing 1 January 2026, effecting final expiry 31 December 2031 ii) rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum if demanded iii) all other terms and conditions to be in accordance with Auckland Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 and the Reserves Act 1977. h) approve the The Scout Association of New Zealand’s Community Outcomes Plan (Attachment D) for inclusion as the Third Schedule of the lease agreement. |
15. This report considers the new community leases to Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated for its leased area located at 31R Russell Road, Manurewa and The Scout Association of New Zealand for its leased area located at Keith Park, 18R Roys Road, Weymouth.
16. The Manurewa Local Board is the allocated authority relating to local recreation, sport and community facilities, including community leasing matters.
Land, Building, Lease and Group Information
Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated
17. The club holds an existing community lease over its buildings and improvements at 31R Russell Road, Manurewa. The land is legally described as Part Lot 7 Deposited Plan 4436, held in fee simple by Auckland Council, subject to the Local Government Act 2002. Under section 138 of the Act, all leases longer than six months require public notification and submitters will have one month to make a submission or objection, also iwi engagement is to be undertaken.
18. If any objections to the proposed lease are received, a hearings panel of the local board will be convened to consider the objections and reach a decision.
19. The club’s activities are contemplated in the Manukau Sports Parks Management Plan relating to the park and adopted in 2007.
20. The buildings and improvements are owned by the club, which is also responsible for all maintenance of the leased area.
21. The area proposed to be leased to the club consists of approximately 5117 square meters (more or less) and is outlined in red on Attachment A.
22. The club was established in 1921 and registered as an incorporated society on 7 September 1978. The group is affiliated with both Counties Manukau Croquet Association and Croquet New Zealand and has approximately 27 full-time members over 50 years of age. The club also has casual members who pay green fees for using the facility.
23. The group have had dedicated members showing their skills on the field at club, regional, national and international events. Members have been successful winning their respective grades at national and international tournaments. Over the last decade, club members have been selected to represent Counties Manukau at the annual North Island Golf Croquet Championships.
24. The club collaborates with local retirement homes such as Erin Park Care Home and undertakes a 10-week programme on the introduction of croquet to the residents. Furthermore, the group would like to build and continue its relationship with Home School Association to teach the fundamentals of croquet to the students. The three-week programme has proven to be a success.
25. The group’s activities are predominantly funded through membership and tournament fees, fundraising, minor sponsorships, donations and grants.
26. The club will celebrate its centennial year in 2021 and continues to be involved in the community and aspires to create an engaging and welcoming environment that encourages participation, enjoyment and personal development for its members.
27. The group supports the notion of making its facility available for hire to help and support initiatives and activities within the local community, sport clubs and community organisations.
The Scout Association of New Zealand
28. Scouts NZ holds a current community lease over the group-owned building at Keith Park, Weymouth. The land is legally described as Lot 1 Deposited Plan 40111, held in fee simple by Auckland Council as a classified recreation reserve, subject to the Reserves Act 1977. As the park does not have a management plan, public notification and formal iwi engagement is required under the Act.
29. If any objections to the proposed lease are received, a hearings panel of the local board will be convened to consider the objections and reach a decision.
30. Scouts NZ owns the building and is responsible for all maintenance of the leased area.
31. The area proposed to be leased to the scouts consists of approximately 113 square meters (more or less) and is outlined in red on Attachment C.
32. Scouts NZ was established in 1923, incorporated under the Scout Association of New Zealand Act 1956 and registered as a charitable entity on 3 July 2007.
33. The primary objective of scouts is empowering youth through adventurous experiences to lead lives that make a positive difference. Its programmes and activities focus on three core areas: personal development, adventure and community engagement. Using these three main areas, the group aims to foster development in the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental aspects of young people.
34. Weymouth Sea Scouts have provided scouting activities in the local community since the 1960s and has approximately 53 members aged from 5 to 21 years old. Most members are aged between 5 and 14 years of age.
35. The sea scouts are involved in many activities over the course of a year which involve youth from all three age group sections, Keas 5 to 8 years, Cubs 8 to 11 years and Scouts 11 to 14 years of age. The activities undertaken include regular weekly meetings, camps, outdoor exploration, community activity and engagement, water sports and regattas.
36. The scouts attend events such as the tri-annual National Jamboree and National Scout Regatta. The regatta is across nine days where sea scout troops from all over the country meet up and compete for the title of the best sea scout group in Aotearoa. The contingents compete in a number of nautical related events such as sailing, rowing, practical and theoretical seamanship, swimming and kayaking.
37. The premises at Keith Park is primarily used as a storage facility for the group’s sailing vessels and safety equipment. The site allows its youth a place from which to launch kayaks and sailing boats, hold meetings and activities.
38. The group has submitted a comprehensive application in support of a new community lease.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
39. The groups’ lease applications were assessed against the criteria contained in the Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 and the priorities set by the Manurewa Local Board Plan 2017.
40. Under the guidelines, groups that own their own buildings have an automatic right to re‑apply for a new lease at the end of their occupancy term, a right which each group is exercising.
41. The local board has discretion to vary the term of the lease if it wishes. However, the guidelines suggest that where the term is varied, it aligns to one of the recommended terms within the Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.
Community lease to Manurewa Croquet
42. It is recommended that a new lease be granted to Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated for a term of 10 years, with one right of renewal for a further term of 10 years, in accordance with the guidelines.
43. Staff have determined that the club meets the requirements under the guidelines to qualify for a new community lease as shown below.
44. The club:
· is registered as an incorporated society
· has complied with the terms of the existing lease
· caters to a well-defined group in the local community and its services are utilised
· has provided copies of its financial accounts which indicate that its funds are sufficient to meets its liabilities and that it possesses adequate financial reserves
· is managed appropriately as evidenced by its longevity.
45. The buildings and improvements are owned by the club, which is also responsible for all maintenance within the leased area. The site visit indicated that the facility presents well and meets the needs of the club’s users.
46. The club has a scheduled maintenance programme in place to address general maintenance and renewals of its premises.
47. A community outcomes plan has been negotiated with the club that identifies the benefits the club will provide to the community (Attachment B). This will be attached as a schedule to the lease agreement.
Community lease to Scouts NZ (Weymouth Sea Scouts)
48. It is recommended that a new lease be granted to The Scout Association of New Zealand for a term of five years, with one right of renewal for a further term of five-years, in accordance with the guidelines. The shorter-term community lease is to allow the group time to implement initiatives and strategies to increase delivery of services from its premises at Keith Park, while maintaining a regular review.
49. Staff have determined that Scouts NZ meets the requirements under the guidelines to qualify for a new community lease as evidenced below.
50. Scouts NZ:
· is registered as a legal entity with a not-for-profit status
· has complied with the terms of the current lease
· has a history of delivering quality services to the local community
· is financially viable and sustains its activities predominantly through membership fees, fundraising, grants and donations
· is managed appropriately as evidenced by its longevity and extent of the programmes offered.
51. The building is owned by Scouts NZ, on behalf of Weymouth Sea Scouts, which is also responsible for all maintenance within the leased area. A site visit undertaken indicated that the premises is in satisfactory condition and meets the needs of users.
52. Scouts NZ has a maintenance plan to address general maintenance of its building as the need arises and budget allows.
53. A community outcomes plan has been negotiated with Scouts NZ that identifies the benefits the group will provide to the community (Attachment D). This will be attached as a schedule to the lease agreement.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
54. There is no impact on greenhouse gas emissions as both proposals do not introduce any new sources of emissions.
55. Climate change impacts will need to be considered in any future planning for the area occupied by Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated. Its leased area sits directly within a flood water (river or surface flooding) zone as a result of a 1‑in-100-year rainstorm event.
56. The area occupied by The Scout Association of New Zealand does not sit directly within a flood water (river or surface flooding) zone as a result of a 1‑in-100-year rainstorm event.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
57. Staff have obtained support from colleagues in Active Recreation also Parks Services (Parks, Sports and Recreation), Area Operations (Community Facilities) and Community Empowerment. No concerns were raised regarding the new lease to Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated.
58. However, staff received feedback from Parks Services regarding the condition of the building for The Scout Association of New Zealand. Staff have included a measure in the group’s community outcomes plan to address the above by ensuring the premises is maintained in a good or better condition, including routine maintenance of the building on a regular basis and to be reviewed annually.
59. The proposed new leases have no identified impact on other parts of the council group. The views of council-controlled organisations were not required for the preparation of this report’s advice.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
60. The assessment of the applications was workshopped with the Manurewa Local Board portfolio leads on 2 July 2020. The portfolio leads provided informal support for the proposed new community lease to Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated and a shorter-term community lease to The Scout Association of New Zealand.
61. The recommendations in this report fall within local board’s allocated authority to grant community leases in line with the Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012.
62. The recommendations within this report support the Manurewa Local Board Plan 2017 outcome of:
· People in Manurewa are connecting actively everywhere and every day (Outcome 1).
63. The proposed leases will benefit the local community in enabling initiatives that promote the preservation and encourage the growth and spread of croquet, also the development of young people in achieving their full potential as individuals and responsible members of their communities.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
64. Auckland Council is committed to meeting its responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi which are articulated in council’s key strategic planning documents the Auckland Plan, the Long-term Plan, the Unitary Plan and local board plans.
65. An aim of community leasing is to increase targeted support for Māori community development. The proposals seek to improve access to facilities for all Aucklanders, including Māori living in the Manurewa Local Board area.
66. The groups encourage participation of Māori through local programmes and this forms part of their community outcomes plan commitments.
67. Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated has estimated 5.6% of its members identify themselves as Māori and encourage Te Reo Māori during club activities and events.
68. The Scout Association of New Zealand takes part in calendar events celebrating Māori, also its youth programmes support Te Reo Māori and cultural information as part of scouting education.
69. Iwi engagement was undertaken on 7 September 2020 and involved a formal, written correspondence detailing information on the proposed new leases was forwarded to iwi representatives allowing 20 working days to respond.
70. No objections to either proposal was received, furthermore the above meets the statutory requirements under section 4 of the Conservation Act 1987 that council engage with mana whenua representatives. Mana whenua will also have an opportunity to provide feedback during the public notification process.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
71. All costs relating to the advertising of the intention to lease and preparation of the lease agreements are borne by Community Facilities.
72. Staff have obtained support from Financial, Strategy and Planning. No concerns were raised regarding the financial implications for the new leases to Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated and The Scout Association of New Zealand.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
73. Should the Manurewa Local Board resolve not to grant new community leases to Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated and The Scout Association of New Zealand, it will inhibit the groups’ ability to undertake their core activities which will have a negative impact on the local board outcomes.
74. As there is no significant departure from the land use or change in activities, there are no identified risks in granting the leases.
75. Additionally, there is risk in relation to the buildings and improvements where council may be liable for assets where budget is neither allocated nor identified in council’s key strategic planning documents.
76. The new lease affords the groups’ security of tenure, enabling them to attend to the scheduled maintenance of its facilities. If the leases are not granted, the groups’ ability to maintain their premises will be severely impacted.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
77. Subject to the local board’s approval, public notification to grant new community leases to Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated and The Scout Association of New Zealand will be undertaken. On completion of the public notification, and subject to the resolution of any objections, staff will engage with the groups to finalise the lease agreements.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Site Plan for Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated |
41 |
b⇩ |
Community Outcomes Plan for Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated |
43 |
c⇩ |
Site Plan for The Scout Association of New Zealand |
45 |
d⇩ |
Community Outcomes Plan for The Scout Association of New Zealand |
47 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Tai Stirling - Community Lease Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rod Sheridan - General Manager Community Facilities Carol McKenzie-Rex - Local Area Manager |
19 November 2020 |
Landowner approval and lease for additional premises to Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated at Wattle Farm Ponds Reserve, 39R Wattle Farm Road, Wattle Downs
File No.: CP2020/16923
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To grant landowner approval and a lease for additional premises to Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated for the proposed container to be located beside the clubhouse for storage of dinghies, outboard motors and equipment at Wattle Farm Ponds Reserve, 39R Wattle Farm Road, Wattle Downs.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated holds an existing community lease for part of the jointly-owned building with Auckland Council located at 39R Wattle Farm Road, Wattle Downs.
3. The lease commenced on 20 August 2020 with one right of renewal for a further term of 10 years reaching final expiry on 19 August 2040.
4. The society’s aim is to foster, promote and participate in radio-controlled yacht sailing match racing, competitions and regattas; to encourage healthy recreation and social interaction for its members.
5. The group have formally applied and propose to extend their existing leased area of 40 square metres by approximately 35 square metres; totalling 75 square metres (more or less) to accommodate the proposed container. The container will be upgraded with a roof and painted green to enhance the aesthetic and amenity value.
6. The proposed area is currently outside the leased footprint, adjacent to the clubhouse with access from the existing driveway.
7. Iwi engagement has been undertaken and public notification will follow subject to Manurewa Local Board’s approval of the recommendation below.
8. This report recommends that the Manurewa Local Board grant landowner approval to enable the storage of equipment separate to the clubhouse and grant a lease for additional premises comprising a further 35 square metres (more or less) to Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated in accordance with Auckland Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 and the Local Government Act 2002. The lease term for the additional premises will coincide with the existing community lease held by the society.
Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) note Auckland Council’s intention to publicly notify the lease for additional premises to Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated at Wattle Farm Ponds Reserve, 39R Wattle Farm Road, Wattle Downs b) delegate to the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson the authority to appoint a hearings panel to consider any objections received, following the public notification, and for the panel to reach a decision c) grant landowner approval to Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated for the proposed container, to construct the new roof and to paint the container green at Wattle Farm Ponds Reserve, 39R Wattle Farm Road, Wattle Downs d) grant, subject to any objections being resolved, under the Local Government Act 2002, a lease for additional premises to Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated comprising 35 square metres (more or less) located at Wattle Farm Ponds Reserve, 39R Wattle Farm Road, Wattle Downs (outlined in yellow on Attachment A) on the land described as Lots 2, 3, 4 Deposited Plan 46600 subject to the following terms: i) existing community lease term - commenced 20 August 2020, with one (1) 10 year right of renewal commencing 20 August 2030, effecting final expiry on 19 August 2040 e) all other lease terms and conditions will be in accordance with the provisions contained in the existing community lease to Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated, dated 20 August 2020. |
9. This report considers the landowner approval and lease for additional premises to Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated at Wattle Farm Ponds Reserve, 39R Wattle Farm Road, Wattle Downs.
10. The Manurewa Local Board has been allocated authority relating to local, recreation, sport and community facilities matters.
Lease, land, group and landowner approval information
11. The society holds an existing community lease over part of the jointly-owned building with Auckland Council at Wattle Farm Ponds Reserve, Wattle Downs for 40 square metres (more or less) and is outlined in red on Attachment A.
12. The land is legally described as Lots 2, 3, 4 Deposited Plan 46600 held in fee simple by Auckland Council and subject to the Local Government Act 2002 (the Act). Under section 138 of the Act, all leases longer than six months require public notification and submitters will have one month to make a submission or objection.
13. If any objections to the proposal are received, a hearings panel of the local board will be convened to consider the objections and reach a decision.
14. The society is dedicated to the growth, preservation and support of radio-controlled yachting in Manurewa and its surrounding communities. The society has become a well-established community and sports organisation, providing sport and recreation to the local community for over 50 years.
15. The group have formally applied for landowner approval for the proposed container that is outside the existing leased area. To accompany the approval, a lease for additional premises for 35 square metres (more or less) is required and is outlined in yellow on Attachment A.
16. The on-going maintenance, cleaning and graffiti removal, if the container is vandalised, would be the responsibility of the society. The removal and re-instatement of the land and surrounds is expected when the lease reaches final expiry.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
17. The society’s landowner approval and lease for additional premises application was assessed against the priorities set by the Manurewa Local Board Plan 2017.
18. The options for the Manurewa Local Board are to approve or decline the application. The advantages of approving the application are listed below:
· it provides storage for the society in support of the approved grant allocated to the group by the local board
· it maximises the use of the facility by rationalisation of space within the additional leased area.
19. If the local board chooses to decline the application, the proposed landowner approval and lease for additional premises will not proceed. The opportunity for the local community to use and enjoy the equipment will not be possible. This option is not recommended by staff.
20. The application aligns with the Manurewa Local Board Plan 2017, specifically:
· “Outcome 1: People in Manurewa are actively connecting everywhere, every day. Our communities work together to create spaces and places that meet the diverse aspirations of our community, support participation in activities and make new connections” by providing an active recreation space that is accessible for children.
21. The local board has delegated authority to approve the public notification of council’s intention to grant landowner approval and a lease for additional premises.
22. Staff recommend the Manurewa Local Board support the public notification for community lease for additional premises to Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated for the storage container and approve the landowner application. This will enable the society to meet the needs of all existing clubhouse users of its facility.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
23. There is no impact on greenhouse gas emissions as the proposal does not introduce any new source of emissions.
24. Climate change impacts will need to be considered in any future planning for the area. While the leased area does not sit directly within a flood water (river or surface flooding) zone as a result of a 1‑in-100-year rainstorm event, neighbouring areas are within the zones as shown below:
Northern Maritime Model Society circled in red
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
25. Staff have obtained support from colleagues in Parks, Sports and Recreation and Community Facilities’ Area Operations unit such as the facilities manager and senior urban forest specialist. No concerns were raised regarding the landowner approval and lease for additional premises to Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated.
26. The recommendations from staff are that the society must be responsible for the following:
· on-going maintenance, cleaning and graffiti removal, if the container is vandalised
· the container must be removed and re-instatement of the land and surrounds is expected when the lease reaches final expiry.
27. The proposed landowner approval and lease for additional premises has no identified impact on other parts of the council group. The views of council-controlled organisations were not required for the preparation of this report’s advice.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
28. The application was mentioned on the Community Facilities local board monthly report for September 2020 and forwarded to the Manurewa Local Board on 22 October 2020 for feedback. Staff received no feedback regarding the proposed landowner approval and lease for additional premises to the society.
29. The local board supported a grant to the society in favour of the proposed container.
30. The recommendations in this report are within local board’s allocated authority to grant landowner approvals and leases within local community facilities.
31. The recommendations within this report support the Manurewa Local Board Plan 2017 outcome of:
· People in Manurewa are actively connecting everywhere, every day (Outcome 1).
32. The proposed landowner approval and lease for additional premises will benefit the local community in enabling initiatives that promote the development, preservation and support of radio-controlled yachting in Manurewa and its surrounding communities.
33. In addition, the proposed container for storage is necessary for the on-going operation of the society. This will provide increased opportunities for locals to become members of the group. The outcome supports initiatives such as park spaces to be activated and water sports that can be enjoyed. Furthermore, the equipment required will be easily accessible.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
34. Auckland Council is committed to meeting its responsibilities under Te Tiriti o Waitangi which are articulated in the council’s key strategic planning documents the Auckland Plan, the Long-term Plan, the Unitary Plan and local board plans.
35. There are no sites of value or significance to Mana Whenua identified in the Auckland Unitary Plan - Operative in Part in relation to the application.
36. This proposal seeks to improve access to facilities for all Aucklanders, including Māori living in the Manurewa Local Board area. The society encourage participation of Māori through local programmes and this forms part of their existing community outcomes plan commitments.
37. The group collaborates with a local waka ama group, who have a number of Māori members, regarding the use of the ponds for its juniors, generally in the summer season.
38. Iwi engagement was undertaken in September 2020 and involved:
i) a presentation at the South-Central Mana Whenua Forum held at Auckland Council’s Manukau Civic Building
ii) formal, written engagement detailing information on the proposed landowner approval and lease for additional premises that was forwarded to iwi groups allowing 20 working days to respond.
39. No objection to either proposal was received, however staff received feedback from Mana Whenua regarding the proximity of the trees but were in support of bark placement to support the tree roots. There were no other spiritual, cultural or environmental impacts with respect to the proposal.
40. Mana Whenua representatives will also have an opportunity to provide feedback during the public notification process.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
41. All costs relating to the notification of the intention for landowner approval and preparation of the lease for additional premises agreement are borne by Community Facilities.
42. Staff have obtained support from Financial, Strategy and Planning. No concerns were raised regarding the financial implications for the proposed landowner approval and lease for additional premises to Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
43. There are no risks to council as the on-going maintenance for the container and removal at the termination of the lease is the responsibility of Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated. When the lease reaches final expiry, a condition will include reinstatement of the land to its original state.
44. Any other risks associated with the public notification, granting of landowner approval and lease for additional premises are considered to be relatively minor as the additional storage maximises the use of this parcel of land.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
45. Subject to the local board’s approval, public notification for the lease for additional premises to Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated will be undertaken.
46. On completion of the public notification, and subject to the resolution of any objections, a decision will be communicated to the society with a formal landowner approval letter. Conditions will be placed on the landowner approval regarding (but not limited to):
· health and safety conditions
· ensuring the applicant controls rubbish at the site
· safety requirements such as a spotter during container placement
· on-going maintenance of the container and graffiti removal
· reinstatement of adjacent land if affected.
47. Staff will work with Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated to finalise the lease for additional premises agreement.
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Site Plan |
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Ngā kaihaina
Authors |
Raewyn Sendles - Land Use Advisor Tai Stirling - Community Lease Advisor |
Authorisers |
Rod Sheridan - General Manager Community Facilities Carol McKenzie-Rex - Local Area Manager |
19 November 2020 |
Manurewa Youth Scholarships 2020/2021
File No.: CP2020/16752
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To approve the Manurewa Rangatahi Youth Scholarship recipients for 2020/2021.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. Staff received 25 applications for the 2020/2021 Manurewa Rangatahi Youth Scholarships, requesting a total of $45,429.
3. Twenty of the applications align with the scholarship criteria and these are recommended to be approved for funding, totalling $30,000.
4. The aim of the Manurewa Rangatahi Youth Scholarships 2020/2021 is to support the development of local young people to develop and grow as leaders.
5. Funding these scholarships will enable the young people to move into further education, training or attend events that will develop their leadership potential.
6. Four applications do not align with the scholarship criteria and are recommended to be declined for funding. One was submitted twice and so one of these applications will be declined.
Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) approve the following Manurewa Rangatahi Youth Scholarship 2020/2021 applications:
b) decline the following Manurewa Rangatahi Youth Scholarships 2020/2021 applications:
7. The 2020/2021 work programme line #788 includes $30,000 for the Manurewa Rangatahi Youth Scholarships (the scholarships).
8. The aim of the scholarships is to support the development of local young people to develop and grow as leaders.
9. The scholarship applications opened on 18 September and closed on 18 October 2020.
10. They were advertised through the council grants webpage, local board webpages, local board e-newsletters, Facebook pages, council publications, radio, and community networks.
11. A total of 25 applications have been received for the scholarships (Attachment A).
12. The applications were assessed by a panel of six local board members and two youth council representatives for their alignment to the following scholarship criteria:
· aged 14 to 24 years old
· New Zealand citizens or residents
· reside in the Manurewa Local Board area
· show leadership potential or have contributed to leadership/volunteer activities during the past 12 months that promote youth participation in the community
· will undertake study at a tertiary or training institution in 2021 or have participated in a conference or event in New Zealand that is significantly based on youth leadership and development.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
14. Staff have considered the recommendations of the assessment panel and recommend that the following 20 applications align with the scholarship criteria and are recommended to be approved for funding:
15. Table One shows the applications recommended to be approved for funding.
Table One – Applications Recommended for Funding
Application ID |
Requesting scholarship for |
Requested funding amount |
Recommended funding amount |
Reason for recommendation |
To contribute to transport, accommodation, and equipment for a Bachelor of Arts double major in Māori Development and New Zealand Sign Language and Deaf Studies |
$2,000 |
$2,000 |
Meets local board priorities and aligns with the scholarship criteria. Local board identified this as a need in the community especially for Māori. |
To contribute to equipment for a Bachelor of Law/Bachelor of Arts conjoint. |
$1,500 |
$1,500 |
Meets local board priorities and aligns with the scholarship criteria |
To contribute to course fees for the University of Auckland Summer School and the Summer Innovation Lab. |
$1,500 |
$1,500 |
Meets local board priorities and aligns with the scholarship criteria |
To contribute to the event registration fee for the Rotary National Science and Technology Forum |
$395 |
$395 |
Meets local board priorities and aligns with the scholarship criteria |
To contribute to transport, accommodation, and equipment for a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Global Studies conjoint degree. |
$2,000 |
$1,596 |
Meets local board priorities and aligns with the scholarship criteria |
To contribute to a laptop in order to study a Bachelor of Arts. |
$2,000 |
$1,596 |
Meets local board priorities and aligns with the scholarship criteria |
To contribute to equipment for a Bachelor of Global Studies majoring in Global Politics and Human Rights |
$2,000 |
$1,596 |
Meets local board priorities and mostly aligns with the scholarship criteria |
To contribute to accommodation fees for a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) |
$2,000 |
$1,596 |
Meets local board priorities and mostly aligns with the scholarship criteria |
To contribute to accommodation fees for a double Bachelor of Law and Arts |
$2,000 |
$1,596 |
Meets local board priorities and mostly aligns with the scholarship criteria |
To contribute to course fees for a MIT (New Zealand Diploma in International Logistics (Freight Forwarding) and a course in eye lash extensions. |
$2,000 |
$1,596 |
Meets local board priorities around regeneration and mostly aligns with the scholarship criteria |
To contribute to tuition fees for a Bachelor of Business. |
$2,000 |
$1,596 |
Meets local board priorities and aligns with the scholarship criteria however the application did not provide sufficient information to fund the full requested amount |
To contribute to equipment for studying Law. |
$2,000 |
$1,596 |
Meets local board priorities and aligns with the scholarship criteria |
To contribute to transport, accommodation, and equipment for a Bachelor of Science. |
$2,000 |
$1,596 |
Meets local board priorities and aligns with the scholarship criteria |
To contribute to transport, accommodation, and equipment for studying Health Science. |
$2,000 |
$1,596 |
Meets local board priorities and aligns with the scholarship criteria |
To contribute to tuition fees for a Bachelor of BioMedical Science. |
$2,000 |
$1,596 |
Meets local board priorities and aligns with the scholarship criteria |
To contribute towards transport and equipment for a certificate in Rongoa Māori Level 4 |
$1,596 |
Meets local board priorities and aligns with the scholarship criteria |
To cover tuition for a component of a Master of Engineering Management |
$1,596 |
Meets local board priorities and aligns with the scholarship criteria |
To cover entry to the Girls Brigade New Zealand Queens Award |
$500 |
$500 |
Meets local board priorities and aligns with the scholarship criteria |
To contribute to a new laptop for school |
$1559 |
$1559 |
Meets local board priorities and aligns with the scholarship criteria |
To contribute to tuition fees for a Bachelor of Health Science |
$2000 |
$1,596 |
Meets local board priorities and aligns with the scholarship criteria |
Total |
$30,000 |
16. Funding these scholarships will enable the rangatahi to move into further education, training, or attend events that will develop their leadership potential. This will help to achieve educational aspirations identified in the local board plan and grow young leaders in the community.
17. The number of applications received is lower than the previous year. The age group that submitted the most applications was 18-year-olds and six applicants are under the age of 17. There are four applicants who identified as Māori and seven who identified as Pasifika. The remaining applicants are of New Zealand European, Indian and Asian descent. The majority of applicants are requesting for support to fund their course fees and laptop purchases. The increased need for laptops may be a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and an increased focus on digital and online learning.
18. Staff have considered the recommendations of the assessment panel and advise that five applications do not align with the scholarship criteria and are recommended to be declined for funding.
19. Table Two shows the applications not recommended for funding:
Table Two – Applications Not Recommended for Funding
Application ID |
Requested funding amount |
Reason for recommendation to decline |
Travel for NZ-China Scholarship recipient |
$2000 |
Does not align with scholarship criteria (overseas travel) |
First Aid training |
$4000 |
Does not align with scholarship criteria |
New laptop for school |
$1559 |
Submitted two applications |
Flight Attendant course |
$2000 |
Does not align with scholarship criteria |
Incomplete application |
$2000 |
Insufficient information was provided |
20. Staff will provide feedback to unsuccessful scholarship applicants about why they have been declined, so they can increase their chances of success in the future.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
21. Staff note that, due to COVID-19, there is an increased uptake in online and virtual education and activity. This has a positive impact on the environment through reduced carbon emissions resulting from travel.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
23. Communications Advisors assisted with the marketing and promotion of the scholarships.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
24. The scholarships contribute to the local board achieving the following 2017 Local Board Plan outcome: “People in Manurewa are actively connected everywhere, every day”.
25. The applications were presented to the assessment panel which consists of six local board members and two youth council representatives at a workshop on 28 October 2020.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
26. Targeted advertising and promotion of the scholarships was included for priority communities, including Māori and iwi organizations.
27. Twenty-six per cent of the population in Manurewa are Māori. In the 15-29 age range, Māori make up 25.1 per cent.
28. Four of the applications received (16 per cent of the total), identify as Māori and were successful with their applications for study in Rongoa, Physiotherapy, New Zealand Sign Language, and medicine.
29. Despite targeted advertising, Māori still don’t seem to be proportionately represented in the scholarship applications and further resources may need to be directed towards Māori youth engagement in the future.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
30. The 2020/2021 work programme includes a budget of $30,000 for the scholarships.
31. Twenty-four applications were received, totaling $45,429 in requested funding.
32. Staff recommend that the entire $30,000 budget be allocated to 20 successful applicants.
33. Funding that is less than the requested amount is recommended in most cases, as the majority of applicants were requesting a contribution towards a cost, e.g. accommodation, course fees, laptops, or transport.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
34. There is a heightened risk of students not completing studies if there is another COVID-19 lockdown, especially noting some students are attend universities outside of Auckland. Funds will need to be returned to the local board if activities do not go ahead and staff will advise successful applicants of this.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
35. Staff will notify applicants of the local board’s decision and process scholarship payments.
36. Scholarship recipients are required to acknowledge the local board on any publicity or promotional material and be available to work with council staff on media coverage.
37. Scholarship recipients will be invited to provide a verbal accountability report at a future local board business meeting.
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Manurewa Rangatahi Youth Scholarships 2020/2021 applications |
67 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Melissa Lelo – Specialist Advisor, Youth Specialist, Community Empowerment |
Authorisers |
Graham Bodman - General Manager Arts, Community and Events Carol McKenzie-Rex - Local Area Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 19 November 2020 |
Community Facilities’ Sustainable Asset Standard
File No.: CP2020/16615
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To seek formal local board feedback on the Community Facilities’ Sustainable Asset Standard (the Standard) and proposed regional policy (Attachment A).
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. The Sustainable Asset Standard is a Community Facilities business improvement project consisting of three key deliverables to act on climate change in the built environment:
· A policy to define minimum thresholds for Community Facilities assets to achieve sustainability or ‘green’ certifications. This policy is currently an internal staff guidance document, proposed to Governing Body to adopt formally as a regional policy and is provided as Attachment A.
· Energy transition accelerator plans to align renewal works to reduce emissions at targeted, high-emissions sites.
· The change management required to support staff and suppliers to deliver green certified assets meeting the standard set out by the policy.
3. Sustainable asset certification tools are recognised as best practice to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts resulting from the development and operations of council assets, managed by Community Facilities.
4. The Standard is coupled with a funding package through the Long-term Plan as part of Council’s response to climate change. Additional costs to certify those assets identified in the work programme are estimated at a 4.4 per cent premium calculated against existing budgets.
5. The Governing Body’s adoption of the current internal policy as a regional policy would have two impacts on local board decision-making:
· all growth projects over five million dollars and renewal projects over two million dollars would obtain green building certification at no less than a Green Star five-star rating (or equivalent certification), with net zero energy operations, and
· as a fundamental principle of these rating tools, any design options provided to local boards for asset decision-making, would be required to provide whole-of-life considerations.
Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) support the Community Facilities Sustainable Asset Standard as an action of the Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri (Auckland’s Climate Plan) b) provide any feedback to support the Governing Body’s consideration of the Standard as regional policy.
6. In 2019 Auckland Council declared a climate emergency and in July 2020 the Environment and Climate Change Committee adopted Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri. The plan sets a 2030 target to reduce emissions by 50 per cent.
7. Developing a Sustainable Asset Standard is an action under Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri. This will enable Auckland Council to align asset management practices with the comprehensive frameworks of green building certification tools (e.g. Green Star, Living Building Challenge, Passive House, Infrastructure Sustainability).
8. Buildings and open spaces managed by Community Facilities (CF) accounted for roughly 68 per cent of the council’s carbon footprint in 2019, as can be seen in Figure 1, right.
9. As the source of such a large proportion of the council’s emissions, Community Facilities needs to urgently address climate change through the management of public assets.
10. The Standard (orange in Figure 2, below) is one of eight key programmes identified in the Auckland Council Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction plan to reduce the organisation’s emissions by 50 per cent by 2030 (dashed line below).
11. Adopting the Standard as part of this cycle of Long-term Plan funding positions the council to meet compliance changes to New Zealand’s building regulations expected in October 2021, from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Building for Climate Change programme. If adopted, Auckland Council would be the first local government in the country to commit to using green building and sustainable infrastructure certifications.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
12. Staff explored two other options to provide a comprehensive asset-focussed response to climate change:
· green building certification for existing assets (Green Star Performance)
· organisational certification under (ISO 14001 Environmental Management System).
13. The Green Star Performance ‘proof of case’ pilot certified the council’s three-building crematorium portfolio in 2018. It was the first in the country to receive a Green Star rating on operational assets.
14. The pilot proved to be a valuable exercise in developing a performance improvement plan. It also proved that certification across the CF portfolio would be cost prohibitive, as the “Performance” rating required tri-annual, on-going recertification.
15. Another option explored was a different type of certification, ISO 14001, which applies an environmental management system. Through investigation with the Chief Sustainability Office, Corporate Property and Corporate Health and Safety, it was determined that this certification is more suitable to a corporate application throughout the organisation, as opposed to only CF assets.
16. This initial investigation also found that the certification did not address the cultural and social aspects to sustainable performance in a building or asset application. These comprehensive measures are essential in green building and sustainable infrastructure rating tools.
17. Sixty-one per cent of C40 cities[5] require green building certifications for all new facilities. For CF to manage its assets efficiently and sustainably, our practices need to go beyond building code compliance. Green building and infrastructure tools provide the framework to align CF asset management with international best practice to deliver better asset value and outcomes for Aucklanders.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
18. The Standard addresses climate mitigation by committing to carbon neutral growth and evidencing it using an independent assessment framework. The proposal’s primary benefit is to support Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri’s implementation. This will be achieved by mandating climate action in the built environment and making it transparent and accountable through Green Star (and other sustainable asset) certification processes.
19. Climate adaptation is also supported through the use of these sustainable asset certification processes. These frameworks encourage sustainable design features to promote resilience to climate change’s extreme weather events. Features like rainwater harvesting, living roofs and walls, and potable water use avoidance through design, all support network-scale resilience to drought, floods, and heavy storms.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
20. The Standard aligns with the Auckland Council Group Green Building Framework, drafted in 2018 with input from Panuku Development Auckland, Auckland Transport, and the former Regional Facilities Auckland (RFA).
21. Out of these Council Controlled Organisations, the Standard supports Panuku’s community-scale developments seeking Green Star Community certifications and the former RFA”s 2019 Green Building Standards.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
22. If the Standard is adopted, the two main impacts on local boards are:
· capital decisions on all growth projects over five million dollars, and renewal projects over two million dollars, would require green building certification at no less than a Green Star five-star rating (or equivalent certification). Growth projects will need to be net zero energy (energy use is generated on-site or through investment in renewable energy at other council facilities, any energy consumed from the grid is offset by exports to the grid)
· as a fundamental principle of these rating tools, any design options provided to local boards for asset decision-making would be required to provide whole-of-life considerations, making climate impact statements and life cycle assessments more quantified for improved advice.
23. Staff attended local board workshops in October and November 2020. At the time of this report being drafted, informal feedback has been generally supportive, however, there is also a general concern that the costs to deliver certifications to this standard will exceed allocated budgets. This report seeks the formal views of local boards.
24. The Standard directly addresses local board input as part to Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri engagement in 2018, highlighting the need for council buildings to demonstrate best practice.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
25. The Standard supports Māori wellbeing by providing the operational tools required to action two key Māori outcomes strategies:
· The Auckland Council Māori Outcomes Framework
· Te Aranga Design Principles
26. Community Facilities’ early commitment to green building and infrastructure tools, within the Aotearoa New Zealand context, also benefits Māori aspirations of visible and embedded Māori identity and culture in the building industry. Māori will have increasing influence over the tools’ applications and the definition of sustainable assets in the country.
27. By becoming the first local government in the country to commit to green ratings, the council can leverage this leadership with applicable organisations to further emphasise the cultural significance of the frameworks.
28. Input will be sought from mana whenua on this proposal at the next available kaitiaki forum (date yet to be confirmed).
Auckland Council Māori Outcomes Framework
29. The Standard supports Ngā Whāinga Mahi three to 10 of the Auckland Council Māori Outcomes Framework:
3.0 Mārae Development
The Mārae development Programme’s primary objective is to provide healthy, safe and warm Mārae with longevity longevity for future generations, supported by the Standard’s indoor environmental quality metrics.
4.0 Te Reo Maori
Te reo Māori to be more visible, heard, and spoken in Tāmaki Makaurau.
5.0 Māori Identity and Culture
Embed Te Aranga Design Principles into staff procedures and templates and ensure consistent application for all CF capital design work.
6.0 Māori Business, Tourism and Employment
Enable staff to apply the Auckland Council Group Sustainable Procurement Framework consistently across all asset management procurement from capital works to full facility operational tenders.
7.0 Realising Rangatahi Potential
Rangatahi potential included via two pathways:
1. by normalising sustainable procurement to deliver social outcomes (including those for youth) and
2. by shifting asset decisions away from short-term project costs (which benefit current Aucklanders disproportionately over rangatahi), towards total-cost-of-life evaluation of assets, which support providing assets with lower operating costs and avoiding carbon emissions locked in by design.
8.0 Kaitiakitanga
Supports kaitiakitanga outcomes in two ways:
1. by enabling built environment activities to improve environmental reporting and contribute to mātauranga Māori and
2. by more effective Māori engagement to apply this mātauranga through social, equity, and innovation categories of certification frameworks.
9.0 Effective Māori Participation
Equity, social and innovation categories built into sustainable asset ratings incentivises increased engagement with Māori alongside Te Aranga Design Principles.
10.0 An Empowered Organisation
Climate change is affecting the cultural landscape in a way which makes natural resources less accessible to Māori in Tamaki Makaurau. The Standard approach acknowledges the relationship between te Tiriti and improving the sustainability of public assets to enable our workforce to deliver the Māori outcome of protecting natural taonga for future generations of Tamaki Makaurau.
Te Aranga Design Principles
30. Measuring CF’s assets’ environmental performance supports the Te Aranga Design principle of Mauri Tu to protect, maintain and enhance the environment. Tools with a particular emphasis on place and the cultural relationships with land underscore the principles of Tohu and Ahi Kā, where cultural landmarks and heritage are designed into projects and enhance sense of place relationships.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
31. A four per cent[6] cost increase is forecast for 30 capital projects to be certified under the Standard over the next ten years. This increase totals $14.5 million on top of the existing allocated budgets for these 30 projects. Funding will be sought through the Long-term Plan climate lane corporate emissions package, at a future Finance and Performance Committee meeting.
32. The proposal makes provision for an additional $180,000 of asset-based service operational expense for tools development. This cost will be met by existing OpEx as part of the continuous improvement of CF business performance over the next three years, subject to change and approval as part of the LTP approval process and finalisation of the CapEx and OpEx budgets.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
33. As the earliest adopter of green buildings and sustainable infrastructure at scale in Aotearoa, Auckland Council will face higher risks to implementation than those organisations which follow.
34. Mitigation of these risks has been embedded in the delivery plan of the Standard by investing in change management to address industry maturity and staff capability.
35. Major risks have been identified and addressed during the strategic assessment phase of the Standard’s project governance, including risks of inaction should the Standard not be implemented. Through this assessment, the reputational, financial, legal, and business risks were found to outweigh the risks of early adoption.
36. Because the Standard is using project governance to deliver the change management, further risk management is iterative and will be further defined through the business case phase with the project team’s risk management plan.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
37. Formal local board feedback will be included in the proposal to the Governing Body when requesting the adoption of the Standard as regional policy. The report will be put to the Governing Body in the first week of December 2020. For those business meetings occurring after the reporting deadline, this feedback will be made available to Governing Body separate to the report.
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Community Facilities Sustainable Asset Policy |
79 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Toto Vu-Duc - Manager Community Leases |
Authorisers |
Rod Sheridan - General Manager Community Facilities Manoj Ragupathy - Acting General Manager Local Board Services Carol McKenzie-Rex - Local Area Manager |
19 November 2020 |
Local board views on plan change to enable rainwater tank installation for the Auckland region
File No.: CP2020/15011
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To invite local board views on a plan change by Auckland Council to enable rainwater tank installation across urban and rural Auckland.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. Decision-makers on a plan change to the Auckland Unitary Plan must consider local boards’ views on the plan change, if the relevant local boards choose to provide their views.
3. Each local board has a responsibility to communicate the interests and preferences of people in its area on Auckland Council policy documents. A local board can present local views and preferences when expressed by the whole local board.[7]
4. Auckland Council’s plan change would change the Auckland Unitary Plan by adding a line entry in rural and urban zone activity tables, stating that a rainwater tank is a permitted activity. Additionally, a number of baseline standards designed to avoid objectionable outcomes would be developed for the installation of rainwater tanks along with assessment criteria where a resource consent was still required. Rainwater tanks would be excluded from the definition of “Building” in the Auckland Unitary Plan, and therefore would avoid many rules pertaining to buildings which have the potential to trigger the need for resource consent.
5. This report is the mechanism for the local board to resolve and provide its views on the council’s plan change. Staff do not recommend what view the local board should convey.
Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) provide local board views on council’s proposed change to the Auckland Unitary Plan to enable rainwater tank installation for the Auckland region b) appoint a local board member to speak to the local board views at a hearing on council’s enabling rainwater tanks plan change for the Auckland region c) delegate authority to the chairperson of Manurewa Local Board to make a replacement appointment in the event the local board member appointed in resolution b) is unable to attend the private plan change hearing.
6. Each local board is responsible for communicating the interests and preferences of people in its area regarding the content of Auckland Council’s strategies, policies, plans, and bylaws. Local boards provide their views on the content of these documents. Decision-makers must consider local boards’ views when deciding the content of these policy documents.[8]
7. If the local board chooses to provide its views, the planner includes those views in the hearing report. Local board views are included in the analysis of the plan change, along with submissions.
8. If appointed by resolution, local board members may present the local board’s views at the hearing to commissioners, who decide on the plan change request.
9. This report provides an overview of the plan change.
10. The report does not recommend what the local board should convey. The planner must include any local board views in the evaluation of the plan change. The planner cannot advise the local board as to what its views should be, and then evaluate those views.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
Plan change overview
11. The plan change applies to the Auckland region. The definition of “Building” in the Auckland Unitary Plan will be amended so that a rainwater tank will not be considered a building. A new definition will be introduced for “rainwater tank”. The activity tables of the following zones will have a new line entry stating that rainwater tanks are a permitted activity. The zones directly concerned are as follows:
§ Single House Zone
§ Large Lot Zone
§ Rural and Coastal Settlement Zone
§ Mixed Housing Suburban Zone
§ Mixed Housing Urban Zone
§ Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings Zone
§ Special Character Areas Overlay - Residential
§ Rural Production Zone
§ Mixed Rural Zone
§ Rural Coastal Zone
§ Rural Conservation Zone
§ Countryside Living Zone
§ Waitākere Foothills Zone
§ Waitākere Ranges Zone.
12. The purpose of the plan change is to enable rainwater tank installation across the Auckland region without the need for resource consent. Some baseline standards will be developed to avoid objectionable outcomes.
13. The notified plan change and section 32 document providing the rationale for the council plan change are available on the council’s website at:
14. Public submissions will be loaded onto the council’s website once the notification period has closed.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
15. The council’s climate goals as set out in Te Taruke-a-Tawhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan include:
· to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to reach net zero emissions by 2050 and
· to prepare the region for the adverse impacts of climate change.
16. The need to initiate a plan change to enable rainwater tank installation is a response to Auckland’s current drought and potential water shortage in 2020/2021.
17. This uncertainty in water supply is likely to continue as our climate changes. Climate projections released by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research indicated that the Auckland region is likely to experience an increase of unpredictable rainfall and drought events in the Auckland region.
18. Removing unnecessary restrictions around the installation of rainwater tanks will support Auckland’s water security and resilience to climate change.
19. The proposed plan change to the Auckland Unitary Plan supports Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan. One of the goals of the climate plan is to prepare Aucklanders to adapt to the impacts of climate change.
20. Easing barriers to the installation of rainwater tanks supports water supply management and aligns with the ‘Built Environment’ priority area in the Auckland Climate Plan.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
21. Other parts of the council group directly involved with the plan change include Healthy Waters, which has assisted with scoping the plan change, consultation and providing information for inclusion in the section 32 document (which provides the rationale for the plan change). Consultation has also occurred with Watercare and the Independent Māori Statutory Board.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
22. This plan change affects all local boards.
23. Factors the local board may wish to consider in formulating its view:
· interests and preferences of people in the local board area
· well-being of communities within the local board area
· local board documents, such as the local board plan and the local board agreement
· responsibilities and operation of the local board.
24. This report is the mechanism for obtaining formal local board views. The decision-maker will consider local board views, if provided, when deciding on the plan change.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
25. If the local board chooses to provide its views on the plan change it includes the opportunity to comment on matters that may be of interest or importance to Māori People, well-being of Māori communities or Te Ao Māori (Māori worldview).
26. The council has initiated consultation with all iwi authorities in the Auckland region including the Independent Māori Statutory Board. Healthy Waters have engaged with iwi in the past on the matter of rainwater tanks and to date iwi have been very supportive of harvesting rainwater for household use.
27. The hearing report will include analysis of Part 2 of the Resource Management Act which requires that all persons exercising RMA functions shall take into account the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
28. The plan change does not pose any financial implications.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
29. There is a risk that the local board will be unable to provide its views and preferences on the plan change, if it doesn’t pass a resolution. This report provides:
· the mechanism for the Manurewa Local Board to express its views and preferences
· the opportunity for a local board member to speak at a hearing.
30. If the local board chooses not to pass a resolution at this business meeting, these opportunities are forgone.
31. The power to provide local board views regarding the content of a plan change cannot be delegated to individual local board member(s).[9] This report enables the whole local board to decide whether to provide its views and, if so, to determine what matters those views should include.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
32. The planner will include, and report on, any resolution of the local board in the hearing report. The local board member appointed to speak to the local board’s views will be informed of the hearing date and invited to the hearing for that purpose.
33. The planner will advise the local board of the decision on the plan change request by memorandum.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Barry Mosley - Principal Planner |
Authorisers |
John Duguid - General Manager - Plans and Places Louise Mason - GM Local Board Services Carol McKenzie-Rex - Local Area Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 19 November 2020 |
Local board views on Plan Change 53 - Temporary Activities and Pukekohe Park Precinct
File No.: CP2020/16307
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To invite the Manurewa Local Board to provide its views on Plan Change 53 – Temporary Activities and Pukekohe Park Precinct, a council-initiated plan change.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. Decision-makers on a plan change to the Auckland Unitary Plan must consider local boards’ views on the plan change, if the relevant local boards choose to provide their views.
3. Each local board has a responsibility to communicate the interests and preferences of people in its area on Auckland Council policy documents, including plan changes. A local board can present local views and preferences when expressed by the whole local board.[10]
4. Auckland Council notified proposed Plan Change 53 – Temporary Activities and Pukekohe Park Precinct on 24 September 2020. Submissions closed on 20 October 2020. The plan change proposes to change the Auckland Unitary Plan by enabling an increase in the number of temporary activities able to be undertaken as permitted activities in the following manner.
a) Requiring a traffic management plan (as a permitted activity standard) for an event in a rural or Future Urban zone where more than 500 vehicle movements per day on adjacent roads are generated.
b) Increasing the duration of those temporary activities that are defined as noise events (i.e. they exceed the noise standards for the zone) from six to eight hours.
c) Aligning Anzac Day in the Pukekohe Park precinct to the definition under the Anzac Day Act 1966.
5. Two additional minor changes are proposed to address anomalies - a gap in the coastal temporary activities and a minor wording change to the temporary activities Activity Table.
6. The Auckland Unitary Plan objectives and policies seek to enable temporary activities so that they can contribute to a vibrant city and enhance the well-being of communities. At the same time, it seeks to mitigate adverse effects on amenity values, communities, the natural environment, historic heritage and sites and places of significance to mana whenua. The proposed plan change does not alter these objectives and policies.
7. The critical themes from submissions are:
· removing the lighting of fireworks as a permitted activity from Pukekohe Park precinct
· treating Sundays the same as other days of the week when Anzac Day falls on a Sunday at Pukekohe Park (i.e. an event can occur from 1pm onwards)
· adding the New Zealand Transport Authority to the authorisers of the Transport and Traffic Management Plan (alongside Auckland Transport) where there is potential impact on the state highway network
· support for the plan change in respect of temporary military training activities.
8. No iwi authority has made a submission in support or opposition to the plan change.
9. This report is the mechanism for the local board to resolve and provide its views on Plan Change 53 should it wish to do so. Staff do not recommend what view the local board should convey.
Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) provide local board views on Plan Change 53 - Temporary Activities and Pukekohe Park precinct. b) appoint a local board member to speak to the local board views at a hearing on Plan Change 53. c) delegate authority to the chairperson of the Manurewa Local Board to make a replacement appointment in the event the local board member appointed in resolution b) is unable to attend the plan change hearing. |
Decision-making authority
10. Each local board is responsible for communicating the interests and preferences of people in its area regarding the content of Auckland Council’s strategies, policies, plans, and bylaws. Local boards provide their views on the content of these documents. Decision-makers must consider local boards’ views when deciding the content of these policy documents.[11]
11. If the local board chooses to provide its views, the planner includes those views in the hearing report. Local board views are included in the analysis of the plan change, along with submissions.
12. If appointed by resolution, local board members may present the local board’s views at the hearing to commissioners, who decide on the plan change.
13. This report provides an overview of the proposed plan change to the Auckland Unitary Plan (AUP), and a summary of submissions’ key themes.
14. The report does not recommend what the local board should convey, if the local board conveys its views on plan change 53. The planner must include any local board views in the evaluation of the plan change. The planner cannot advise the local board as to what its views should be, and then evaluate those views.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
Plan change overview
15. The temporary activities plan change applies to the Auckland region and one specific change applies to the Pukekohe Park precinct.
16. The purpose of proposed Plan Change 53 – Temporary Activities and Pukekohe Park Precinct is to:
· reduce some of the compliance costs associated with temporary activities. This is in respect of the duration of noise events, the requirement for a resource consent to address traffic management issues for events in rural areas and the interpretation of Anzac Day in relation to the Pukekohe Park precinct
· address two discrepancies in the temporary activity standards – one in the Activity Table (E40.4.1) and a gap in the coastal temporary activity provisions (E25.6.14).
17. The Section 32 Report and details of the plan change are available from the council’s website at PlanChange53. The council’s planner, and other experts, will evaluate and report on:
· the Section 32 Report that accompanies the plan change
· submissions
· the views and preferences of the local board, if the local board passes a resolution.
Themes from submissions received
18. Key submission themes are listed below:
· removing the lighting of fireworks as a permitted activity from Pukekohe Park
· treating Sundays the same as other days of the week when Anzac Day falls on a Sunday at Pukekohe Park (i.e. an event can occur from 1pm onwards)
· adding NZTA (New Zealand Transport Authority) to the authorisers of the Transport and Traffic Management Plan (alongside Auckland Transport) where there is potential impact on the state highway network
· support for the plan change in respect of temporary military training activities.
19. Submissions were made by four people/organisations:
Table 1: Submissions received on plan change 53
Submissions |
Number of submissions |
In support |
1 |
In support but requesting change(s) |
3 |
In opposition |
0 |
Neutral |
0 |
Total |
4 |
20. Information on individual submissions, and the summary of all decisions requested by submitters, is available from the council’s website: PlanChange53.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
21. There were no submissions that raised specific climate concerns.
22. The council’s climate goals as set out in Te Taruke-a-Tawhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan are:
· to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to reach net zero emissions by 2050
· to prepare the region for the adverse impacts of climate change.
23. The local board could consider if the plan change:
· will reduce, increase or have no effect on Auckland’s overall greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. does it encourage car dependency, enhance connections to public transit, walking and cycling or support quality compact urban form)
· prepares the region for the adverse impacts of climate change; that is, does the proposed plan change elevate or alleviate climate risks (e.g. flooding, coastal and storm inundation, urban heat effect, stress on infrastructure).
24. The propose changes to the temporary activity standards and the Pukekohe Park precinct are neutral in terms of climate change impacts.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
25. Auckland Transport and ATEED will review relevant submissions and provide expert input to the hearing report.
26. ATEED made a submission and the key matter raised is the need to treat Sundays the same as other days of the week when Anzac Day falls on a Sunday at Pukekohe Park (i.e. an event can occur from 1pm onwards).
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
27. The plan change affects Auckland-wide provisions and will therefore affect all local boards.
28. Factors the local board may wish to consider in formulating its view:
· interests and preferences of people in the local board area
· well-being of communities within the local board area
· local board documents, such as the local board plan or the local board agreement
· responsibilities and operation of the local board.
29. On 17 July 2020, a memo was sent to all local boards outlining the proposed changes, the rationale for them and the likely plan change timeframes.[12]
30. This report is the mechanism for obtaining formal local board views. The decision-maker will consider local board views, if provided, when deciding on the plan change.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
31. If the local board chooses to provide its views on the plan change it may also comment on matters that may be of interest or importance to Māori, well-being of Māori communities or Te Ao Māori (Māori worldview).
32. Plans and Places consulted with all iwi authorities when it prepared the plan change. On 14 July 2020, a memorandum outlining the draft proposed plan change was sent to all Auckland’s 19 mana whenua entities as required under the Resource Management Act. Consultation has also been undertaken with the Independent Māori Statutory Board. Responses were received from Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and Ngai Tai ki Tamaki.
33. Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei had no concerns with the proposed changes and did not need to engage further. Ngai Tai ki Tamaki advised that a potential concern is the Marine and Coastal Area Act – Takutai Moana claims and legal processes. The proposed changes however do not impact on the activities able to be undertaken in the coastal marine area. They address a gap in the noise standards for the coastal marine area.
34. No iwi authorities made a formal submission.
35. The hearing report will include analysis of Part 2 of the Resource Management Act, which requires that all persons exercising RMA functions shall take into account the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi.[13] The plan change does not trigger an issue of significance as identified in the Schedule of Issues of Significance and Māori Plan 2017.[14]
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
36. The proposed plan change involves changes to some of the standards for temporary activities and the Pukekohe Park precinct in the AUP. This will make it easier and less expensive for event organisers from a resource management perspective – i.e. they may not need a resource consent.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
37. There is a risk that the local board will be unable to provide its views and preferences on the plan change, if it doesn’t pass a resolution. This report provides:
· the mechanism for the Manurewa Local Board to express its views and preferences if it so wishes
· the opportunity for a local board member to speak at a hearing.
38. If the local board chooses not to pass a resolution at this business meeting, these opportunities are forgone.
39. The power to provide local board views regarding the content of a plan change cannot be delegated to individual local board member(s). This report enables the whole local board to decide whether to provide its views and, if so, to determine what matters those views should include.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
40. The planner will include, and report on, any resolution of the local board in the Section 42A hearing report. The local board member appointed to speak to the local board’s views will be informed of the hearing date and invited to the hearing for that purpose.
41. The planner will advise the local board of the decision on the plan change request by memorandum.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Tony Reidy - Team Leader Planning |
Authorisers |
John Duguid - General Manager - Plans and Places Louise Mason - GM Local Board Services Carol McKenzie-Rex - Local Area Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 19 November 2020 |
Local board delegations to allow local views to be provided on matters relating to the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 and the Urban Development Act
File No.: CP2020/16015
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To recommend that the Manurewa Local Board appoints a local board member to:
· provide formal local board feedback on applications proposed and being processed under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020
· represent the local board at the Planning Committee Political Working Party on the Urban Development Act, as required.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. The government has recently enacted two new pieces of legislation: the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 and the Urban Development Act 2020.
3. The COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 provides an alternative resource consenting process to the usual process under the Resource Management Act 1991. This process is designed to ‘fast-track’ resource consent processes to enable development and infrastructure projects to commence more quickly, to help support the economic recovery and create jobs. Resource consent applications will be lodged directly with central government’s Environmental Protection Authority.
4. The Urban Development Act 2020 gives Kāinga Ora access to a series of development powers and the ability to establish specified development projects. Most of these powers can only be used within a specified development project but some are also available for use in ‘business as usual’ developments that Kāinga Ora undertakes. Each of the powers has been designed to address a specific barrier to development.
5. The Planning Committee has delegated to the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Planning Committee, in consultation with the Mayor’s Office, the power to establish a Political Working Group to provide political direction on the execution of powers and functions under the Urban Development Act 2020. Each political working group established will comprise of the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Planning Committee, a member of the Independent Māori Statutory Board, relevant ward councillor(s) and a representative of relevant local board(s).
6. The council can provide feedback on applications processed under both the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 and the Urban Development Act 2020; however, the timeframes are very short. To ensure that local boards can provide feedback, it is proposed that each local board appoint one local board member to provide formal local board views (feedback) on applications proposed and being processed under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 and to represent the local board on any relevant Political Working Party established to give political direction on the execution of the council’s powers under the Urban Development Act 2020.
Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) delegate to a member, with an alternate, the authority to provide the local board views in respect of matters under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020, noting that given the timeframes under the Act, it is not practicable for the matters to come before the full local board b) appoint a member, with an alternate, as the Manurewa Local Board representative as required, on any Political Working Group established (in accordance with the Planning Committee’s resolution PLA/2020/79 on 1 October 2020), to give political direction on the execution of the council’s powers under the Urban Development Act 2020. |
COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020
7. In May 2020, the Government enacted the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 to fast-track the consenting of eligible development and infrastructure projects as a major element of its COVID-19 rebuild plan. This legislation commenced in July 2020, and will be repealed in July 2022.
8. The COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 provides an alternative to the usual resource consenting process under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). This process is designed to ‘fast-track’ resource consenting processes to enable development and infrastructure projects to commence more quickly, help support the economic recovery and create jobs.
9. Some infrastructure and development projects are listed in the COVID-19 (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020. In Auckland, the six listed projects are:
· Unitec Residential Development
· Papakainga development in Point Chevalier
· Britomart Station Eastern End Upgrade
· Papakura to Pukekohe Rail Electrification
· Northern Pathway – Westhaven to Akoranga shared pathway
· Papakura to Drury South State Highway 1 Improvements.
10. Resource consent applications for these listed projects are lodged directly with central government’s Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). An expert panel is formed for each application, to assess it and decide whether to approve or decline it.
11. Additionally, an applicant can request the Minister for the Environment to refer an application to an expert panel, utilising the fast-track process. The COVID-19 (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 specifies a range of considerations for the Minister, including:
· the public good aspects of the application
· its potential contribution to job creation and economic activity
· the potential significance of any environmental effects
· whether the consenting process under the COVID-19 (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 is likely to be significantly faster than a usual RMA resource consent process.
12. The expert panel must include one member who is nominated by Auckland Council. This will be considered on a case by case basis, with the nominated member potentially being a councillor, local board member, or council staff member. Decisions on the nomination of the panel member will be made by the General Manager Resource Consents, or the General Manager Plans and Places where a Notice of Requirement (designation) is involved. Discussion, including with the relevant local board(s), will inform this decision.
13. There are two opportunities for local boards to provide feedback in relation to resource consents following the fast-track process. In both cases, the council has 10 working days to provide feedback.
· The first opportunity is where the Minister for the Environment must consult with Auckland Council when there are new applications proposed for the fast-track process.
· The second opportunity occurs when the panel invites comment on the application.
14. Staff will seek formal feedback from the local board, and the local board will have four working days to provide this feedback to the council’s project lead. The feedback will be included as part of Auckland Council’s comment.
Urban Development Act 2020
15. The Urban Development Act 2020 commenced on 7 August 2020. The Urban Development Act 2020 provides for functions, powers, rights and duties of the Crown entity Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities, to enable it to undertake its urban development functions.
16. This Act gives Kāinga Ora access to a series of development powers and the ability to establish specified development projects (attachment A). Most of these powers can only be used within a specified development project but some are also available for use in ‘business as usual’ developments that Kāinga Ora undertakes. Each of the powers has been designed to address a specific barrier to development. Not all powers will be needed by every project.
17. This Act confers powers and functions on Auckland Council such as indicating support for the establishment of a specified development area and nominating a representative to sit on an independent hearings panel for a specified development project. The timeframes for carrying out these powers and functions is tight, only 20 working days in some instances.
18. At its 1 October 2020 meeting, the Planning Committee (PLA/2020/79) delegated to the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Planning Committee, in consultation with the Mayor’s Office, the power to establish a Political Working Group to provide political direction on the execution of powers and functions where staff advise that one or more of the following criterial are met.
· The development plan is inconsistent with the Auckland Unitary Plan and/or not aligned with the outcomes in the Auckland Plan 2050.
· The specified development area is out of sequence with the Auckland Plan Development Strategy and Future Urban Land Supply Strategy.
· There is insufficient infrastructure to support the development plan and/or significant public infrastructure spend is required to support the project.
· There are significant implications for the Parks Network Plans for the same location.
· There is a significant impact on Auckland Council/Council-Controlled Organisation (CCO) and/or third-party infrastructure.
· There is the potential for significant adverse environmental effects to occur.
19. Each political working party will comprise of the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of the Planning Committee, a member of the Independent Māori Statutory Board, relevant ward councillor(s) and a representative of relevant local board(s).
20. Attachment B sets out the steps involved in setting up a specified development project. At the time of writing this local board report, no specified development project areas have been proposed within Auckland. Local boards will have the opportunity to provide feedback on proposals administered under the Urban Development Act 2020, but it is likely that any opportunities will have short timeframes.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 – options considered
21. Local boards normally provide their formal views at business meetings (option two in Table 1), however, the timeframes under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 make this mostly impossible to achieve. As local boards will only have four working days to provide their views, it is recommended that a delegation is provided to one local board member and one alternate (option three in Table 1).
22. At the start of the electoral term, local boards selected delegates to provide local board views on resource consent notification and local board views on notified resource consents. They may wish to delegate these responsibilities to the same local board delegates and alternates.
Table 1: Options for local boards to provide their formal views on applications proposed and administered under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020
Options |
Pros |
Cons |
1. No formal local board views are provided. |
· Local board views will not be considered on applications made under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020. |
2. Formal local board views are provided at a business meeting. |
· All local board members contribute to the local board view. · Provides transparent decision making. |
· Local board meeting schedules and agenda deadlines are unlikely to align with statutory deadlines imposed by the planning process. |
3. Formal local board views are provided by way of delegation to one local board member for all applications (preferred option). |
· Nominated local board member is able to develop expertise on the subject on behalf of the local board. · Local boards can provide their views in a timely way that meets statutory deadlines. · Nominated local board member may informally obtain and consider the views of other local board members. · Any feedback can be reported back to the local board. |
· Decisions are not made by the full local board. · Decisions made under delegation are not made at a public meeting (decisions are made public once submitted via the planning process). |
Urban Development Act 2020
23. Due to the tight timeframes provided for under the Urban Development Act 2020, the Planning Committee authorised a delegation to promptly establish a Political Working Group for proposed specified development projects. Because establishment of each group will likely be required at pace, it is unlikely that local boards will have time to select a representative at a business meeting. It is therefore recommended, that the local board appoints one local board member (and an alternate) to sit as the local board representative on any relevant political working group convened to consider the council’s position on Urban Development Act 2020 matters.
24. At the start of the electoral term local boards selected delegates to provide local board views on resource consent notification and local board views on notified resource consents. They may wish to delegate these responsibilities to the same local board delegates and alternates.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
25. The matters raised in this report do not have any impact on climate change as they address procedural matters.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
26. This report recommends the delegation to and appointment of local board members to ensure that the council can undertake its operational and statutory duties in a timely manner, while receiving local board input on matters that are of local importance.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
27. This report seeks to appoint nominated board members to perform particular functions.
28. Any local board member who is appointed as a nominated board member should ensure that they represent the wider local board views and preferences on each matter before them.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
29. A decision of this procedural nature is not considered to have a positive or negative impact for Māori.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
30. A decision of this procedural nature is not considered to have financial implications on Auckland Council.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
31. If local boards choose not to delegate authority/appoint a representative to provide views on matters relating to the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 and the Urban Development Act 2020, there is a risk that they will not be able to provide formal views within statutory timeframes and will miss the opportunity to have their feedback considered.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
32. Training for local board members will be offered on the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 and the Urban Development Act 2020.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Summary of Powers available to Kāinga Ora |
97 |
b⇩ |
The Specified Development Project process |
99 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Carol Stewart - Senior Policy Advisor |
Authorisers |
Helgard Wagener - Acting Policy and Planning Manager Louise Mason - GM Local Board Services Carol McKenzie-Rex - Local Area Manager |
19 November 2020 |
Panuku Auckland Development- Manurewa Local Board Six-Monthly Report 1 March to 31 August 2020.
File No.: CP2020/14315
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To update the Manurewa Local Board on Panuku Development Auckland (Panuku) activities within the local board area and the region for the six months from 1 March to 31 August 2020.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. This report is a record of events for the Manurewa Local Board area during the stated time period. CCOs are legally required to prepare six-monthly and annual reports containing financial and other information about their performance. By reporting clearly the record of events, this report enables the council, and Panuku, to meet its legislative reporting obligations and also satisfy New Zealand Stock Exchange obligations. No decisions are to be made from this report.
3. The Auckland Plan sets out, among other things, reporting requirements (statutory or otherwise), audit and risk reporting requirements, attendance at council meetings, and the process for buying, managing and selling assets.
4. Panuku collaborates with other CCOs, government and non-governmental organisations as appropriate to obtain positive outcomes for Auckland.
5. Panuku is charged with balancing our obligation to deliver returns for council with ensuring our regeneration projects are good quality, strategic and better for the environment.
6. The activities of Panuku cover four broad areas:
· urban regeneration of particular neighbourhoods, as determined by Auckland Council
· review of, and where appropriate, redevelopment of council non-service property
· management of council property assets including commercial, residential, and marina infrastructure
· other property related services such as service property optimisation (such as redevelopment incorporating a service delivery function), strategic property advice, acquisitions and disposals.
7. The Auckland Council Group (‘the council group’) is made up of Auckland Council, and five substantive council-controlled organisations (CCOs) of which Panuku is one. Panuku delivers core activities and plays a major role in achieving the council group’s strategic outcomes for Tāmaki Makaurau. The Governance Manual for Substantive CCOs sets out the council’s expectations for CCOs including Panuku, and the key policies that guide our activities.
8. Panuku has supported Auckland Council throughout its response to COVID-19 and continues to do so.
9. Throughout the alert Level 4 lockdown, our primary focus was to support our tenants and find savings across our organisation.
10. Our capital programme delivery was impacted by the Alert Level 4 lockdown, however, this resumed on the return to Alert Level 3, with only minor delays across our capital programme as a result.
11. Like Auckland Council, Panuku has made savings, with the majority of our people earning over $100,000, our executive leaders and our board taking voluntary salary reductions.
12. To respond to the changing property market and the impacts of the Auckland Council group we confirmed a new organisational structure to deliver our programme.
13. We have supported Auckland Council through the Emergency Budget 2020/2021. Our capital envelope for this financial year will allow us to deliver a credible urban regeneration programme in our neighbourhoods across the region.
14. Panuku currently manages the Transform Manukau programme, part of which falls within the Manurewa Local Board area.
15. Panuku currently manages 47 commercial and residential interests in the Manurewa Local Board area.
16. No properties were purchased in the Manurewa Local Board area during the six month reporting period.
17. No properties were sold in the Manurewa Local Board area during the six month reporting period.
18. One property in the Manurewa Local Board area is currently under review as part of our rationalisation process.
Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the Panuku Auckland Development- Manurewa Local Board Six-Monthly Report 1 March to 31 August 2020.
19. Panuku helps to rejuvenate parts of Auckland, from small projects that refresh a site or building, to major transformations of town centres or neighbourhoods.
20. The Auckland Plan is the roadmap to deliver on Auckland’s vision to be a world-class city, Panuku plays a significant role in achieving the ‘Homes and Places’ and ‘Belonging and Participation’ outcomes.
21. Panuku leads urban redevelopment in Manukau, Onehunga, Wynyard Quarter, Waterfront, Northcote, Avondale, Takapuna, Henderson, Old Papatoetoe, Ormiston, Panmure, Pukekohe, the City Centre and redevelopment of the Haumaru Portfolio.
22. Panuku manages around $3 billion of council’s non-service property portfolio, which is continuously reviewed to find smart ways to generate income for the region, grow the portfolio, or release land or property that can be better used by others. ‘Non-service properties’ are council-owned properties that are not used to deliver council, or CCO, services.
23. As at 31 August 2020, the Panuku-managed non-service property portfolio comprises 1,674 properties, containing 998 leases. This includes vacant land, industrial buildings, warehouses, retail shops, cafes, offices, medical centres and a large portfolio of residential rental homes.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
24. Panuku is contributing commercial input into approximately fifty region-wide council-driven renewal and housing supply initiatives.
25. Panuku works with partners and stakeholders over the course of a project. It also champions best practice project delivery, to achieve best value outcomes within defined cost, time and quality parameters.
26. Below is a high-level update on activities in the Manurewa Local Board area:
Transform Manukau
27. COVID-19 impacts – Auckland Council’s Emergency Budget and the lockdowns have impacted our budget for Manukau (as it has across all of our locations) and we have had to review how we will be delivering our work programme. We have been able to prioritise funding for the Barrowcliffe Bridge project, Wiri playground and a number of smaller capital projects around the centre, designed to be progressed quickly. We are also focusing on the Osterley Way corridor and part of the Puhinui stream.
28. Manukau Sports Bowl – We are now in a position to begin developing the master plan for the Manukau Sports Bowl. The council has confirmed it will be project-leading master planning following endorsement of the project by the Ōtāra-Papatoetoe Local Board, which sits within its local board boundary. We will provide advocacy plus advisory resource to the development of the master plan and cover any costs incurred throughout the planning process. The master plan will identify the long-term development aspirations and will guide future decision making for this 21ha park. This will take place over the next 18 months with a view to staged transformation, supported by Panuku with some reinvestment.
29. 20 Barrowcliffe Place – We continue to monitor the delivery of the Kōtuitui Place housing development where the first occupants were due to arrive in March. This was delayed by COVID-19, and residents started moving in from June. A neighbours’ day with attendance from the Prime Minister was scheduled for 29 August, however, this has been deferred due to COVID-19. Panuku’s Programme Steering Group has approved a development agreement amendment for certain apartment buildings to be changed to terraced housing (as the current market conditions make them uneconomical to build). The target number of units is now 300, which exceeds the minimum number of units stated in the development agreement - 275.
30. Barrowcliffe Bridge enhancement project – Significant progress has been made on this project over the last six months:
· In March (before lockdown), detailed design for this project was completed and all consents for this project were lodged.
· In April, approval on the final design was granted by both the Ōtāra-Papatoetoe and Manurewa Local Boards. In addition, several property development and public realm projects continued to progress towards delivery.
· In May, settlement took place on the final land sale required to complete this project.
· In June, Waka Kotahi (NZ Transport Agency) confirmed budget for the high mesh barriers to stop things being thrown onto the motorway below and consents were granted.
· In July, a contractor procurement commenced. A contractor is expected to be appointed by October.
· Throughout this time we have continued discussions with the management of Rainbow's End about a range of immediate matters such as rent relief, the vesting of Section 5 (a road to reduce its ratable area) and on moving a transformer to enable the Barrowcliffe Bridge project. We continue to work with its lawyer on the viability of a lease extension beyond 2034.
31. Te Whakaoratanga I Te Puhinui: Regeneration Strategy – The Regeneration Strategy (planning phase) of Te Whakaoratanga I te Puhinui is due to be complete by November. In the process of co-designing this project the Waiohua Iwi have proposed to create a kawenata (collaboration charter) to ensure long-term collaboration on this important 12km stream restoration project. The kawenata is currently going through review, including legal, to assess its suitability and is being introduced to the various potential signatories, including local boards and the wider council family. Mana whenua are working to establish a time to present the draft kawenata to the local board. In parallel to the strategy, Panuku is working in partnership with Healthy Waters and Kāinga Ora on a series of staged projects along sections of the stream such as the Wiri Playground, Ratavine Reserve and DHB Wetland Walkway.
32. Hayman Park – We have agreed on a way forward with Healthy Waters to upgrade Hayman Park Wetland. Design work is currently underway and is being led by Healthy Waters.
33. DHB Wetland Walkway – The acquisition of the land required for a walkway on the Counties Manukau District Health Board (DHB) land continues to move through the DHB’s governance processes.
34. The Kitchen Project – This project, which is run out of the Vodafone Events Centre, is progressing well. In May, The Kitchen Project welcomed another cohort of foodie entrepreneurs ready to learn what they need to do to make their business viable and take it to market.
35. Innovating Streets – Funding has been secured for Manukau to be part of Waka Kotahi (NZ Transport Agency)'s Innovating Streets initiative. Innovating Streets projects are designed to fund tactical urbanism and make quick, low-cost improvements and may include the use of pop-ups like street dining and things like road art, planters and street furniture. We will be focusing on making the centre of Manukau safer, more accessible and vibrant. All ideas will be co-designed with the community and will be improved upon in response to feedback from the people who live, work and travel in these areas. We will be delivering this project before 30 June 2021.
36. Car parking strategy – We are continuing to work with Auckland Transport (AT) to finalise the Manukau 'Comprehensive Parking Management Plan' (CPMP). A solution for seven surface car parking sites is a critical issue and needs to be progressed with AT during FY21 for Transform Manukau site sales to continue within their allotted time frames. In July we sent a spreadsheet to AT and asked the team to allocate an AT person and/or consultant to complete the CPMP work-steam for onward approvals, specifically including the 2016 governing body approved car parks.
37. Airport to Botany busway – We have met with AT about its Airport to Botany busway initiative. This project would enable Panuku to facilitate new jobs, new residents and amenity in the centre. We also met with the Project Control Group, sharing the importance of Transform Manukau and the Kāinga Ora-led Wiri development, and the need to integrate land use and transport outcomes into the project. As the alignment cuts between key park-facing development sites and Hayman park, it is critical to address this now. Meetings are scheduled to discuss and investigate this further.
38. Manukau Civic Annex – We are continuing to liaise with the council's Corporate Property team and have so far confirmed that the Manukau Library will not be moving across the square to the proposed Civic Annex. The annex itself is also under further review to determine whether Corporate Property’s proof of concept process is feasible. A final direction on whether to progress the sale of Kotuku House is also still being considered.
39. Manukau Institute of Technology (MIT) - TechPark campus - The trades building will be officially opened by MIT in February 2021, where it will be used by 1000 staff and students in Manukau.
40. Placemaking is a process that fosters the creation of vital public spaces; the kind of places where people feel a strong relationship with their communities, a commitment to making things better and the creation of built environments that people can value as special places.
41. In navigating these uncertain times, we continue to assist in building social cohesion and connection to place. With the potential for disruption and delay across development programmes, placemaking will continue building trust and relationships within local communities supporting resilience. We intend to continue delivering smaller, more agile initiatives that will build momentum for upcoming Panuku projects. Overall, we are working with a new and innovative approach to enable us to act with flexibility and the ability to pivot and work with rapid change.
42. Our team works closely with local communities, in all their diversity, to learn what is happening in a place, test ideas, show progress, build trust and ensure that regeneration fits with the characteristics of a place. Placemaking has been involved from early on with Te Puhinui to support a place-led process of urban renewal throughout the project.
Placemaking approach for Te Puhinui
43. Panuku will support activations around Te Puhinui that build on matauranga Māori to celebrate, connect and create awareness of the mauri of Te Puhinui, whilst developing our knowledge and understanding of the community values associated with the awa.
44. Working with community – We’ll continue working with key partner organisations to build strong connections with locals and working in a collaborative way that builds on their place sourced knowledge.
45. Unplanned responsive - Te Whakaoratanga i Te Puhinui involves a wide range of project partners and stakeholders. It is important to factor in the ongoing changing nature of the place and partner’s needs, ensuring that our placemaking approach is agile and can responding accordingly.
Placemaking activities
46. No placemaking activities have been undertaken in the Manurewa Local Board area during this reporting period, due to COVID-19 restrictions. The focus has instead been on continuing relationship building and development.
Upcoming placemaking activities
47. October 2020 – June 2021: Ongoing development of relocated containers including investigating activation ideas and seeking consent for locating the containers. Potential locations include the Plaza, Hayman Park and Wiri Reserve.
48. Planned Te Whakaoratanga I te Puhinui Activations: We are planning a public pin-up of the draft strategy on 21 October in Manukau. The project team will be encouraging partners, stakeholders and the wider community to review and provide feedback on the proposed vision and strategies. This will happen in conjunction with a Steering Group meeting and the Manurewa Local Board will be invited to participate in this process.
Properties managed in the Manurewa Local Board Area
49. Panuku currently manages five commercial and 42 residential interests within the Manurewa Local Board area.
Strategic Asset Optimsation
Service Property Optimisation
50. Service Property Optimisation is a self-funding development approach targeting sub-optimal service assets, approved in 2015. The process involves an agreement between Community Services, Panuku and local boards and is led by Panuku. It is designed to equal or enhance levels of service to the local community in a reconfigured form while delivering on strategic outcomes such as housing or urban regeneration, with no impact on existing rate assumptions.
51. Using service property optimisation, underperforming assets will have increased utility and efficiency, lower maintenance and operating costs, as well as improved service delivery benefiting from the co-location of other complementary services or commercial activities. Optimisation will free up a range of undercapitalised development opportunities such as air space, full sites, or part sites.
52. Using service property optimisation as a redevelopment and funding tool, the local board can maximise efficiencies from service assets while maintaining levels of service through the release of some or all of that property for sale or development.
53. Local boards are allocated decision making for the disposal of local service property and reinvestment of sale proceeds under the service property optimisation approach.
Portfolio review and rationalisation
54. Panuku is required to undertake ongoing rationalisation of the council’s non-service assets, including the identification of properties from within the council’s portfolio that may be suitable for potential sale and development if appropriate. This contributes towards Auckland Council’s Emergency Budget asset recycling target, as well as outcomes identified in the Long-term Plan, by providing the council with efficient use of capital and prioritisation of funds to achieve its activities and projects.
55. Panuku has a focus on achieving housing and urban regeneration outcomes for properties no longer required for a council service use. Identifying potential sale properties contributes to the Auckland Plan focus of accommodating the significant growth projected for the region over the coming decades.
56. Once identified as no longer delivering the council service use for which it was acquired, property is taken through a multi-stage rationalisation process. The agreed process includes engagement with council departments and CCOs, the local board, mana whenua and the relevant ward councillor(s). The Finance and Performance Committee has the delegation to approve recommendations for disposal. Panuku works closely with Auckland Council business units, Auckland Council’s Finance team and Auckland Transport to identify and progress potential surplus properties to help achieve disposal targets.
Acquisitions and disposals
57. Panuku manages the acquisition and disposal of property on behalf of Auckland Council. Panuku purchases property for development, roads, infrastructure projects and other services. These properties may be sold with or without contractual requirements for development.
58. All land acquisition committee resolutions contain a confidentiality clause due to the commercially sensitive nature of ongoing transactions, and thus cannot be reported on while in process.
59. 21 properties have had purchase agreements signed this financial year for open space purposes around the region at a value of $42.6m, and six properties have been purchased for stormwater purposes at a value of $19m.
60. Panuku undertakes acquisitions for Auckland Council’s parks team and Healthy Waters under delegation from council’s Chief Executive. Panuku does not unilaterally decide which properties to buy and when, but rather follows a directive to manage the commercial transactions following committee approval to purchase a particular property. A prerequisite of the committee resolution is reporting to the local board.
61. Panuku has purchased one property for open space across Auckland in the time period between March 2020 and August 2020 at a cost of $3.3 million.
62. No properties have been purchased in the Manurewa Local Board area during the reporting period for open space.
63. In the current reporting period from March 2020 to August 2020, the Panuku disposals team has entered into four sale and purchase agreements, with an estimated value of $5.4 million of unconditional net sales proceeds.
64. Panuku 2020/21 disposals target is $24 million for the year. The disposals target is agreed with the council and is reviewed on an annual basis.
65. No properties have been sold in the Manurewa Local Board area during the reporting period.
Under review
66. Properties currently under review in the Manurewa Local Board area are listed below. The list includes any properties that may have recently been approved for sale or development and sale by the governing body.
Property |
Details |
2/97 Mahia Road, Manurewa |
A residential
unit located on a cross leased 1/2 share of an approximately 900m²
property. |
Housing for Older People - Haumaru Housing
67. The council owns 1,452 units located in 63 villages across Auckland, which provide rental housing to low income older people in Auckland.
68. The Housing for Older People (HfOP) project involved Auckland Council partnering with a third-party organisation, The Selwyn Foundation, to deliver social rental housing services for older people across Auckland.
69. The joint venture business, named Haumaru Housing, took over the tenancy, facilities and asset management of the portfolio, under a long-term lease arrangement from 1 July 2017.
70. Haumaru Housing was granted community housing provider (CHP) status in April 2017. Having CHP registration enables Haumaru to access the government’s Income Related Rent Subsidy (IRRS) scheme.
71. Auckland Council has delegated Panuku to lead a new multi-year residential development programme.
72. The following Haumaru Housing villages are located within the Manurewa Local Board area:
Village |
Address |
Number of units |
Alfriston Court |
37 Alfriston Road, Manurewa |
17 |
Gallaher Court |
29 Alfriston Road, Manurewa |
16 |
Inverell Court |
18 Inverell Avenue, Wiri |
25 |
Leabank Court |
12 Kirton Crescent, Manurewa |
64 |
Percival Court |
15 Percival Street, Manurewa |
4 |
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
73. The Panuku urban regeneration programmes support the regeneration of existing town centres while also addressing climate mitigation and adaptation.
74. Mitigation of climate change involves reducing the carbon emissions that contribute to climate change. Our neighbourhoods are transport-oriented communities that utilise existing infrastructure and transport links and we seek to make local walking and cycling safe and viable alternatives to the private vehicle. Panuku has also adopted a Homestar-6 minimum standard to ensure we can reduce energy, water and landfill waste. We are working to adopt similar standards for our public realm and commercial developments, whilst also taking guidance from precinct sustainability rating tools like Green Star Communities.
75. Adaptation to climate change involves planning for the changes to our climate and associated impacts that are already happening or are projected to happen, including sea-level rise, hotter temperatures, extreme weather events, flooding and droughts. Climate change is likely to subject the Manurewa Local Board Area to hotter temperatures and more frequent flooding and drought. Panuku seeks to future-proof our communities by:
· specifying that infrastructure and developments are designed to cope with warmer temperatures and extreme weather events
· the use of green infrastructure and water sensitive design to increase flood resilience and provide ecological and biodiversity benefits
· the provision of increased shade and shelter for storm events and hotter days
· initiatives to build community resilience.
76. Sustainability remains a key component of Panuku's regeneration of Te Puhinui and planning is underway to ensure long-term activity promotes social and environmental resilience.
77. A strategy is being developed to promote sustainable procurement within Manukau and Te Puhinui to ensure there is a forward work programme of economic opportunities for local suppliers, HWEN-affiliated contractors and those in creative industries.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
78. The views of the council group are incorporated on a project by project basis.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
79. Any local or sub-regional impacts related to local activities are considered on a project by project basis.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
80. Panuku works collaboratively with mana whenua on a range of projects including potential property disposals, development sites in the area and commercial opportunities. Engagement can be on specific individual properties and projects at an operational level with kaitiaki representatives, or with the Panuku Mana Whenua Governance Forum who have a broader mandate.
81. Panuku will continue to partner with Māori on opportunities which enhance Māori social and economic wellbeing.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
82. There are no financial implications associated with this report.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
83. There are no risks associated with receiving this report.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
84. The next six-month update is scheduled for March 2021.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Perin Gerrand - Engagement Coordinator |
Authorisers |
Hannah Ross - Senior Community Affairs Advisor Carol McKenzie-Rex - Local Area Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 19 November 2020 |
Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development six-monthly update to local boards: 1 January to 30 June 2020
File No.: CP2020/15433
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To provide local boards with an update on Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development activities in each local board area as well as Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development’s regional activities for the period 1 January to 30 June 2020.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. To inform the local board about local/regional initiatives and how they are tracking.
3. The role of Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED) is to support:
· the growth of Auckland’s key internationally competitive sectors
· the provision of quality jobs across Auckland.
4. ATEED has supported multiple local board/regional initiatives that have supported economic development through development of businesses and an increase in events and sustainable tourism growth (including for Māori) across Auckland.
Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the update from Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development for the period 1 January to 30 June 2020. |
5. ATEED has two areas of delivery focus:
· Economic Development – including business support, business attraction and investment, local economic development, trade and industry development, skills employment and talent and innovation and entrepreneurship.
· Destination – supporting sustainable growth of the visitor economy with a focus on destination marketing and management, major events, business events (meetings and conventions) and international student attraction and retention.
6. ATEED works with local boards, the council and other council-controlled organisations (CCOs) to support decision-making on local economic growth and facilitates or coordinates the delivery of local economic development activity. It further ensures that the regional activities it leads and/or delivers fully support local economic growth and employment.
7. Additional information about ATEED’s role and activities can be found at: www.aucklandnz.com/ateed
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
8. From 1 January to 30 June 2020, 3726 businesses had been through an ATEED intervention, including 3174 businesses for Economic Development-related programmes and 549 for Destination-related programmes.[15]
9. The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have seen a marked increase in demand for business support in both resource and monetary terms, cancellation and postponement of major events and significant fallout incurred by the tourism sector. Figure 1 shows the number of businesses in each local board area who have sought out an ATEED Economic Development and/or Destination intervention.
10. Waitematā Local Board had the highest number of business interventions, while Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board had the lowest. Because Waitematā Local Board includes the region’s CBD, it is unsurprising that it has had the highest number of interventions. The data shows that within a local board area, between 1 per cent and 4 per cent of businesses took part in an ATEED intervention.
11. Most local board areas had higher rates of participation in Economic Development-related programmes compared to Destination-related interventions over the six months. The following local board areas had Destination-related interventions of over 25 per cent:
· Waiheke
· Waitematā
· Rodney
· Māngere-Ōtāhuhu.
12. The businesses in these local board areas have high rates of Auckland Convention Bureau[16] membership and many benefit from ATEED’s tourism advocacy programme.
Māori businesses
13. Māori businesses are represented in ATEED interventions across all local board areas, with Waitematā Local Board having the highest intervention uptake. This is due to the high number of businesses in the Waitematā Local Board area relative to other local board areas.
Jobseekers in Auckland
14. During the April to June 2020 quarter, New Zealand experienced a rapid increase in the number of people who became recipients of a jobseeker benefit from the Ministry of Social Development. Jobseeker benefit data acts as a proxy for unemployment figures. The number of new recipients of the Jobseeker – Work Ready benefit from April to June 2020 can be compared for each local board area in Figure 3. Please note that the data from the Ministry of Social Development grouped together Waiheke and Aotea / Great Barrier local boards and cannot be separated for the purposes of this graph.
15. Maungakiekie-Tāmaki and Henderson-Massey Local Board areas have the highest numbers of recipients in the second quarter of the year. Aotea / Great Barrier, Waiheke, and Devonport-Takapuna Local Boards reflect the lowest number of recipients in Auckland. The number of recipients generally correlate with socio-economic status and population size.
Economic Development
Locally driven initiatives
Table 1: Locally driven initiatives |
Local board |
Initiative |
Update |
Budget |
Albert-Eden |
Sustainability Kick Start |
Programme completed: March 2020 |
$24,000 |
Franklin |
Hunua Trail Plan Implementation |
Project reinstated after Covid-19 interruptions in Q4 with expected increase in project activity going into 2020/21. |
$80,000 |
Hibiscus and Bays |
Pop-Up Business School |
Course delivered: 10-21 February 2020 Registrations: 57 |
$7500 |
Māngere-Ōtāhuhu |
Young Enterprise Scheme |
Local board funds supported the Kick Start Days (February). Sponsorship Agreement signed. Expected draw-down of funds by 30 June 2020. |
$3500 |
Manurewa |
Young Enterprise Scheme |
Local board funds supported the Kick Start Days (February). Sponsorship Agreement signed. Expected draw-down of funds by 30 June 2020. |
$2000 |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki |
Onehunga Sustainability Development Programme |
First year of two-year project. First stage focuses on retail/services. Waste audits scheduled for April-June, however continued business participation in programme uncertain due to pandemic. |
$20,000 |
Ōrākei |
Young Enterprise Scheme |
Local board funds supported the Kick Start Days (February). Sponsorship Agreement signed. Expected draw-down of funds by 30 June 2020. |
$2000 |
Ōtara-Papatoetoe |
Young Enterprise Scheme |
Local board funds supported the Kick Start Days (February). Sponsorship Agreement signed. Expected draw-down of funds by 30 June 2020. |
$3000 |
Business Sustainability Follow-Up Programme |
Programme launched mid-March, however continued business participation in programme uncertain due to pandemic. |
$20,000 |
Little India Promotion |
The promotion part of Visitor Attraction Programme, launched in February. Programme put on hold in March due to the pandemic. |
$20,000 |
Upper Harbour |
Young Enterprise Scheme |
Local board funds supported the Kick Start Days (February). Sponsorship Agreement signed. Expected draw-down of funds by 30 June 2020. |
$2000 |
Waitematā |
Sustainability Kick Start Programme |
Business participation: 10 Programme completed: March 2020
$24,000 |
Young Enterprise Scheme |
Local board funds supported the Kick Start Days (February). Sponsorship Agreement signed. Expected draw-down of funds by 30 June 2020. |
$5000 |
Whau |
Young Enterprise Scheme |
Local board funds supported the Kick Start Days (February). Sponsorship Agreement signed. Expected draw-down of funds by 30 June 2020. |
$1000 |
Supporting local business growth
16. A key programme in supporting the growth of Auckland’s internationally competitive sectors and the provision of quality jobs is central government’s Regional Business Partnership Network. This is delivered by ATEED’s Business and Innovation Advisors, whose role is to connect local businesses to resources, experts and services in innovation, Research and Development, business growth and management.
17. Three thousand and seven businesses participated in this programme from January 1 to June 30, represented below in Figure 4 which also breaks down business uptake per local board area.
18. Demand for business support increased significantly between March and June because of the fallout from the pandemic. To this end, programme coverage for the region ranged from 1 per cent to 2 per cent of all businesses in each local board area. Local boards with the highest coverage in percentage terms were Waitematā (2.1 per cent), Upper Harbour (2 per cent), Maungakiekie-Tāmaki (2 per cent), and Kaipātiki (1.8 per cent).
Other support for new businesses
19. Figure 5 shows the number of Auckland businesses that took part in ATEED’s business innovation clinics per local board area from January to June 2020. Local board areas with the highest number of participants were:
· Albert-Eden
· Kaipātiki
· Manurewa
· Ōrākei
· Waitematā.
20. As businesses refocus their efforts to cope with uncertainties arising from the pandemic, ATEED has reviewed one of its programmes with a decision for it to be discontinued - no workshops took place over the relevant six-month period. The ‘Starting Off Right’ programme gave free support and provided expert advice to new business owners and managers. ATEED is working on an alternative approach to support Auckland business start-ups and entrepreneurs.
Film activity
21. ATEED’s Screen Auckland team issues film permits for filming in public open spaces. This activity supports local businesses and employment, as well as providing a revenue stream to local boards for the use of local parks.
22. Between 1 January and 30 June 2020, a total of 246 film permits[17] were issued across Auckland. During lockdown, most filming activity ceased, however once the more restrictive alert levels were lifted in May, there was an increase in permits being issued.
23. Although Waitākere Ranges Local Board had the most permits issued (46), Franklin Local Board’s share of the permit revenue was the highest ($9921.74) from its 12 permits. Total revenue for all local boards was $45,342.49.[18] This information is shown in Figure 6 and Table 2 below.
Table 2: Film permits and revenue |
Local Board |
Film permits |
Revenue |
Albert-Eden |
15 |
$2893.92 |
Aotea / Great Barrier |
0 |
$0.00 |
Devonport-Takapuna |
16 |
$3756.51 |
Franklin |
12 |
$9921.74 |
Henderson-Massey |
31 |
$3147.82 |
Hibiscus and Bays |
18 |
$4066.08 |
Howick |
3 |
$460.87 |
Kaipātiki |
5 |
$1085.21 |
Māngere-Ōtāhuhu |
8 |
$2452.18 |
Manurewa |
3 |
$252.18 |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki |
6 |
$600.00 |
Ōrākei |
8 |
$1017.39 |
Ōtara-Papatoetoe |
14 |
$2782.60 |
Papakura |
0 |
$0.00 |
Puketāpapa |
4 |
$973.91 |
Rodney |
26 |
$2817.39 |
Upper Harbour |
0 |
$0.00 |
Waiheke |
0 |
$0.00 |
Waitākere |
46 |
$4860.87 |
Waitematā |
30 |
$4210.34 |
Whau |
1 |
$43.48 |
Total: |
246 |
$45,342.49 |
Young Enterprise Scheme
24. The Auckland Chamber of Commerce has delivered the Lion Foundation Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) since January 2018. ATEED plays a strategic role and provides funding for this initiative. Through the programme, students develop creative ideas into businesses, complete with real products and services generating profit (and sometimes losses). During the period, there were 53 schools (1523 students) that completed the programme. This year, the programme took place mostly online.
Table 3: YES Schools |
Local Board |
Schools involved |
Albert-Eden |
Auckland Grammar School Diocesan School for Girls Epsom Girls Grammar School Mt Albert Grammar School St Cuthbert's College (Epsom) |
Devonport-Takapuna |
Rosmini College Takapuna Grammar School Westlake Boys' High School Westlake Girls' High School |
Franklin |
Onewhero Area School Pukekohe High School Wesley College |
Henderson-Massey |
Henderson High School Massey High School Waitakere College |
Hibiscus and Bays |
Kingsway School Whangaparāoa College |
Howick |
Macleans College Edgewater College Pakuranga College Saint Kentigern College (Pakuranga) |
Kaipātiki |
Birkenhead College Glenfield College Northcote College |
Māngere-Ōtāhuhu |
Al-Madinah School De La Salle College King's College Māngere College Southern Cross Campus TKM o Nga Tapuwae |
Manurewa |
Alfriston College Manurewa High School |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki |
One Tree Hill College Onehunga High School |
Ōrākei |
Baradene College Glendowie College Sacred Heart College (Auckland) Selwyn College |
Ōtara-Papatoetoe |
Aorere College Ormiston Senior College Papatoetoe High School Sancta Maria College Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate Senior School |
Rodney |
Mahurangi College
Upper Harbour |
Albany Senior High School Hobsonville Point School (Secondary) Kristin School |
Waitematā |
Auckland Girls' Grammar School St Mary's College (Ponsonby) Western Springs College |
Whau |
Auckland International College Avondale College Kelston Girls' College |
25. Figure 7 shows the number of schools participating in the Young Enterprise Scheme by local board area.
26. Higher participation in the scheme occurred in the following local board areas:
· Māngere-Ōtāhuhu
· Albert-Eden
· Ōtara-Papatoetoe.
27. This is mainly due to there being a higher number of schools in these areas.
Local jobs and skills hubs
28. The City Centre, Manukau and Northern hubs were all closed during lockdown and were open in June but with limited public-facing services. A reorganisation of the jobs and skills hubs services is underway in response to the impact of COVID-19 on the labour market and the funding received in the central government budget in May this year.
The South and West Auckland Prosperity Project
29. ATEED, the Southern Initiative (TSI) and the Western Initiative (TWI) have been working together on a project that is focused on how we can ensure that the mega economic shock of Covid-19 does not create further disparity and inequity for South and West Auckland, in partnership with Stakeholder Strategies. The presentation of the South and West Prosperity Project has been compiled using Auckland, South and West, Māori and Pacific-specific data, and includes a number of next steps for ATEED, TSI and TWI, and direction for the eco-system to enable prosperity for South and West Auckland.
Visitor survey insights report
30. The Auckland Domestic Visitor Insights Report was created to inform the Auckland tourism industry about the changing domestic visitor market to assist with improved product development and destination marketing. This report was released in May 2020 for the year up to January 2020. It contains insights that can be used to market regions and local board areas to domestic visitors. Relevant insights are captured below.
31. Central Auckland (Albert-Eden, Maungakiekie-Tāmaki, Puketāpapa, Ōrākei, & Waitematā local boards):
· The majority of domestic visitors surveyed (78 per cent) came to Central Auckland, with an average satisfaction of experienced activities and attraction of 8.2/10. The top three attractions were Queen Street, Sky Tower and downtown waterfront/viaduct area.
· Of the surveyed domestic visitors that came to Auckland Central (year to December 2019), the most popular activities were frequenting a restaurant/café (59 per cent) followed by shopping (55 per cent). Other activities included visiting the casino or participating in gambling (21 per cent) and attending an event, concert or festival (20 per cent).
32. North Auckland (Devonport-Takapuna, Hibiscus and Bays, Kaipātiki, Rodney, and East Upper Harbour local boards):
· Just under half of surveyed domestic visitors (43 per cent) visited North Auckland. Their average satisfaction with experienced activities and attractions was 8.2/10. Of these domestic visitors, the top attraction was Albany (30 per cent), followed by Devonport (27 per cent) and Takapuna (27 per cent). This group also visited Wellsford (17 per cent) and Whangaparaoa Peninsula (13 per cent).
· The most common activity undertaken by surveyed international (39 per cent) and domestic (50 per cent) visitors was visiting a restaurant/café.
33. East Auckland (Franklin (East) and Howick local boards):
· A third of surveyed domestic visitors (32 per cent) visited East Auckland. Average satisfaction
with East Auckland’s experienced activities/attractions was 8.2/10.
Almost half (46 per cent) of domestic visitors went to Sylvia Park, a quarter
(24 per cent) visited Howick and 18 per cent visited Half Moon Bay. In comparison
to the international market, domestic visitors called in on the Howick
Historical Village (13 per cent) and the Pakuranga Night Markets (11 per cent)
in greater numbers.
· Further, surveyed domestic visitors visited art galleries, museums, historic sites (10 per cent) in the region more than surveyed international visitors.
34. South Auckland (Franklin (West), Māngere-Ōtāhuhu, Manurewa, Ōtara-Papatoetoe, and Papakura local boards):
· Over half of surveyed domestic visitors (52 per cent) to Auckland visited South Auckland, with the average satisfaction with South Auckland’s activities and attractions being 8.0 out of 10. Over half of surveyed domestic visitors that visited South Auckland visited the Auckland Airport (53 per cent); a third (33 per cent) visited Manukau; and a quarter (26 per cent) visited Rainbow’s End. In comparison to the international market, surveyed domestic visitors visited the Ōtara Market (13 per cent) and Ōtara (10 per cent) in greater numbers.
· Of the visitors that visited South Auckland, the top three activities for surveyed international and domestic visitors was visiting a restaurant or café, shopping and general exploration.
35. West Auckland (Henderson-Massey, West Upper Harbour, Waitākere Ranges, and Whau local boards):
· Over a third of surveyed domestic visitors (35 per cent) to Auckland visited West Auckland. The average satisfaction with West Auckland’s activities and attractions for the international market was 8.2 out of 10. A third of the surveyed domestic visitors who visited West Auckland went to Piha Beach (34 per cent); 20 per cent visited Titirangi; and 19 per cent visited the Avondale Sunday Markets. In comparison to the international market, domestic visitors visited the Kumeu Farmers’ Market (14 per cent) and Parakai Hot Pools (13 per cent) more often.
· Visiting a restaurant or café, shopping and going to the beach were the top three domestic visitor activities.
36. Hauraki Gulf Islands (Aotea / Great Barrier and Waiheke local boards):
· 20 per cent of surveyed domestic visitors to Auckland visited Hauraki Gulf Islands. Average satisfaction with the area’s experienced activities/attractions was 8.5/10 (highest satisfaction rating from the domestic market). The top domestic visitor attraction was Waiheke Island (44 per cent), followed by Rangitoto Island (18 per cent) and Onetangi Bay on Waiheke Island (18 per cent). In comparison to the international market, domestic visitors visited the Kaitoke Hot Springs on Great Barrier Island (12 per cent) and Whittaker’s Musical Museum on Waiheke Island (11 per cent) in greater numbers.
· The top three activities for surveyed domestic visitors was visiting a restaurant (33 per cent), general exploration (24 per cent) and sightseeing (22 per cent). Visiting wineries/breweries was a common activity cited by both international and domestic markets and was unique to the Hauraki Gulf Islands.
Local board destination management and marketing activities
37. During the six months to July 2020, there were a number of tourism-related ATEED interventions in each of the local board areas, including:
· Spring Campaign: Number of businsses promoted and supported through a multi-platform campaign to drive domestic visitation and spend in the spring off-season in Auckland.
· Tourism Advocacy: Number of businesses promoted for example in:
o offshore trade events
o trade shows
o marketing material
o broadcasts
o social media
o specific campaign content.
· Tourism Destination Development/Innovation: Tourism business capability building through coaching and facilitation. This includes one-on-one advice from ATEED Tourism team members for new and existing Auckland businesses.
· Tourism Famils (familiarisation trips for travel agents or media): Number of businesses who benefited from agent famils (ATEED links tourism operators to travel agents which results in bookings being made with the operators) and media famils (ATEED facilitated media files/hosting media to showcase tourism products).
38. Figure 8 below shows the number of Auckland businesses in local board areas (excluding Rodney and Waitematā local boards) involved in an ATEED tourism intervention (January-June 2020). Figure 9 depicts the number of Auckland businesses in the Albert-Eden, Rodney and Waitematā local board areas involved in an ATEED tourism intervention for the same period of time.
39. Waitematā and Rodney Local Boards are excluded from Figure 8 to allow for intervention participation scales of the other local boards to be appreciated without distraction. Instead, Waitematā and Rodney local boards are depicted in Figure 9 and compared to the Albert-Eden Local Board to highlight a much larger uptake of interventions by businesses in the two previously mentioned local board areas.
40. The reason for the difference in scale amongst the identified boards is because Waitematā includes the region’s central business district – it is therefore unsurprising that it maintains the highest number of business interventions.
41. Specific tourism interventions in the period included the Nau Mai multi-media content series in collaboration with New Zealand Media and Entertainment, which saw ambassadors promoting their favourite places in Auckland including where they love to eat, shop and go on ‘staycations’. These stories were aimed at encouraging Aucklanders to experience and explore their own region and targeted and encouraged other regions in the upper North Island to come and visit Auckland. Ambassadors mentioned attractions such as cafés, walks, beaches, parks, venues from the Matakana Farmers’ Market in Rodney Local Board to Castaways Resort on the west coast in Franklin Local Board, Ambury Farm in Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board and Waiheke Island’s Oyster Inn.
42. In March, the ‘Journeys North’ project in collaboration with Northland Inc saw the development of ‘Auckland Journeys’ offering visitors richer and easier journeys in the region to enjoy. Promoted locations included:
· Puhoi to Pakiri in Rodney
· Auckland Airport to Wellsford through Waitākere and Kumeu in the Waitākere Ranges
· Rodney.
43. ‘Famils’ are a means of promoting Auckland to influential international travel sellers, and prior to March hosted guests from the United States. Orewa and Waiheke Island were profiled in Air New Zealand’s in-flight magazine. Two episodes of Emmy award-winning US Travel show Samantha Brown’s Places to Love which focused on marketing Auckland to domestic and overseas viewers aired in January with an advertising spend rate of NZ$2.1 million per episode, and a reach of 700,000+ people per episode. Samantha enjoyed sailing in the Waitematā Harbour, eating and drinking in the city’s centre, hiking with a local Māori guide in the Parnell Domain, and taking a surf lesson at Piha beach.
Examples of separate local board area activities include:
44. Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board – Direct/indirect marketing activity increased in late June/July including:
· Surfer Today articulating the best surf spots in New Zealand featuring the Great Barrier Island.
· Stuff.co.nz published an article detailing the successes of Aotea / Great Barrier Island and other small towns, in terms of recovery from the pandemic.
· New Zealand Herald in an article about the ‘Life on Great Barrier Island: Local remedies led to thriving Māori health business’ and other articles (‘Off the Beaten Track’ and ‘The Best of Great Barrier’) promoting Aotea / Great Barrier Island as a great place for domestic tourists to visit.
· Radio New Zealand interviewed the owner of Great Barrier Island’s ‘The Curragh’ to talk about the upswing in domestic tourism after lockdown.
· ATEED will continue to play a supportive and facilitative role for tourism product development in the region to help raise the profile of Auckland as a destination.
45. Devonport-Takapuna Local Board – Devonport, Takapuna and Milford Business Improvement Districts were supported via the marketing activity of Explore North Shore – a digital site encouraging visitation and activity into the North Shore. Takapuna Beach Business Association received a grant from the local board for providing highly targeted and relevant tactics for businesses impacted by the Hurstmere Road infrastructure upgrade. The grant is endorsed and managed by ATEED.
46. Franklin Local Board – Ongoing support to the East Auckland Tourism Group and the Franklin Tourism Group through regular attendance at board meeting and important events, working with ATEED and leveraging this relationship for mutual benefit across marketing and product opportunities, and working with individual operators on product development for example the continuing development of the Hunua Trail and the Glenbrook Vintage Railway. Additionally, there was a focus on ongoing work with the development of Clevedon as a destination.
47. Howick Local Board – Continued engagement and strategy sessions through the ATEED Tourism Innovation team and South Auckland tourism clusters as well as managing an increased Howick Local Board grant to East Auckland Tourism development.
48. Rodney Local Board – Initiated multi-linked support for Aotea Organics in Rodney, which is one of the oldest organic farms in New Zealand. Multi-linked means that ATEED has a very large suite of products and services it can offer businesses, in this case ATEED was able to establish links and actions for tourism; inclusion in the travel maps, identification of event hosting, and research and development activity.
49. Waiheke Local Board – Collaboration with the Waiheke Island Tourism Group and other key stakeholders on the sustainable future of tourism for the island.
Māori Tourism Development Activity
50. ATEED worked with 45 Māori businesses in the tourism and 23 Māori businesses on the Māori and Iwi Tourism Development programme. Table 4 details the number of Maori tourism businesses by local board area:
Table 4: Māori Tourism businesses |
Local board |
Māori businesses |
Māori and Iwi tourism development businesses |
Albert-Eden |
4 |
3 |
Aotea / Great Barrier |
1 |
1 |
Henderson-Massey |
4 |
4 |
Māngere-Ōtāhuhu |
5 |
2 |
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki |
1 |
1 |
Orākei |
2 |
1 |
Rodney |
4 |
3 |
Waiheke |
1 |
- |
Waitākere Ranges |
4 |
1 |
Waitematā |
18 |
7 |
Whau |
1 |
- |
51. Waitematā Local Board had the most Māori businesses involved in an ATEED tourism intervention, once again, owing to its inclusion of the CBD and being a top tourist destination. Just under half of local boards are not included in this table because no businesses that were involved in an ATEED tourism intervention were identified as Māori.
52. The Māori Tourism Innovation Partnership Programme has been established to enable ATEED to work collaboratively with the tourism industry to support the sustainable growth of tourism within Tāmaki Makaurau The programme aims to grow and strengthen the Auckland visitor economy by supporting iwi, hapū, marae, Māori Trusts, Urban Māori Authorities and Māori Tourism collectives within the region, and to aid the development of new Māori tourism experiences, build capability and business partnerships to meet the diverse needs of international and domestic markets.
Delivered, funded and facilitated events
53. The Tāmaki Herenga Waka Festival occurred on 31 January 2020 celebrating Auckland’s Māori heritage. The event was attended by nearly 6000 people and received media coverage. Overall customer satisfaction with the festival was 90 per cent.
54. To date, event cancellations and postponements due to COVID-19 have resulted in the loss of an estimated 74,179 visitor nights and over $10 million in GDP for the local economy. Cancelled events include the 2020 Auckland Lantern Festival, the 2020 Pasifika Festival and the 2020 Corona Piha Pro Challenger Series event.
55. Diwali and the second year of Elemental are confirmed to join other exciting events for the region in the coming months. Elemental 2020, like its inaugural festival last year, will take place all over the Auckland region. It will feature over 30 free and ticketed events in October. Elemental 2019 was attended by over 147,000 people. Due to uncertainty in the domestic tourism market, it is unlikely that there will be the same attendance for the 2020 festival.
56. Diwali is an annual festival that celebrates traditional and contemporary Indian culture in Aotea Square in the city centre and is set to occur in the last weekend of October this year. Last year’s festival was attended by approximately 65,000 people, up 9 per cent from an estimated 59,990 in 2018. Due to COVID-19, festival attendance is uncertain, but likely to decrease.
57. Figure 10 shows businesses ATEED works with across its major events. Major events stallholders are businesses that were supported through ATEED delivered events. Major Events Investments are those that were supported through ATEED sponsored events. Local boards not included in the graph were not part of such interventions.
Go With Tourism
58. Go with Tourism (GWT) is a jobs-matching platform that targets young people (18-30 years) and encourages them to consider a career in tourism. Since 2019, GWT has been expanded from an ATEED initiative to a national programme.
59. The platform signed up over 550 businesses prior to COVID-19, 149 of those were in Auckland.
60. In response to the pandemic, GWT formed a new ‘Support the Tourism Workforce’ Strategy which aims to help redeploy displaced tourism workers and provide guidance to businesses as they navigate their way through the impacts of the pandemic and, in due course, begin a post-crisis rebuild. Go with Tourism has received over 2200 requests for assistance from employees and businesses, since adopting the new strategy.
61. The industries most represented in the Auckland GWT programme (classified by Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification codes) are:
· Accommodation and Food Services (60 per cent)
· Arts and Recreation Services (19 per cent)
· Administrative and Support Services (7 per cent)
· Transport, Postal and Warehousing (5 per cent).
62. Because the programme is sector-focused, there is a cluster of businesses in tourism-heavy Waitematā Local Board (central city), and surrounding areas (Albert-Eden, Devonport-Takapuna, and Ōrākei local boards). Local boards not included in the graph did not have any businesses take part in the interventions.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
63. ATEED is currently considering how we respond to climate impacts in our projects and programmes. In the interim, ATEED assesses and responds to any impact that our initiatives may have on the climate on a case-by-case basis.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
64. The proposed recommendation of receipt of this paper by the local board has no identified impacts on other parts of the council group. The views of council-controlled organisations were not required in the preparation of this report.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
65. Local board views were not sought for the purposes of this report. However, such views were sought in the development of some of the initiatives as described in this paper.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
66. The proposed decision to receive the six-monthly report has no impact on Māori. ATEED assesses and responds to any impact that our initiatives may have on Māori on a case-by-case basis.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
67. The recommendation to receive the report has no financial implications.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
68. The proposed decision to receive the six-monthly report has no risk. ATEED assesses and manages any risk associated with our initiatives on a case-by-case basis.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
69. ATEED will provide the next six-monthly report to the local board in February 2021 which will cover the period 1 July to 31 December 2020.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Stephanie Sole, Strategy & Planning Graduate, ATEED |
Authorisers |
Quanita Khan, Manager Strategy and Planning, ATEED Louise Mason - GM Local Board Services Carol McKenzie-Rex - Local Area Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 19 November 2020 |
Addition to the 2019-2022 Manurewa Local Board meeting schedule
File No.: CP2020/15316
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. The Manurewa Local Board adopted the 2016-2019 meeting schedule on 5 December 2019.
3. At that time the specific times and dates for meetings for local board decision making in relation to the local board agreement as part of the 10-Year Budget 2021-2031 were unknown.
4. The local board is being asked to approve two meeting dates as an addition to the Manurewa Local Board meeting schedule so that the modified 10-Year Budget 2021-2031 timeframes can be met.
Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) approve the addition of two meeting dates to the 2019 - 2022 Manurewa Local Board meeting schedule to accommodate the 10-Year Budget timeframes as follows: · Thursday, 3 December 2020, 6.00pm · Thursday, 6 May 2021, 6.00pm
5. The Local Government Act 2002 (LGA) and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA) have requirements regarding local board meeting schedules.
6. In summary, adopting a meeting schedule helps meet the requirements of:
· clause 19, Schedule 7 of the LGA on general provisions for meetings, which requires the chief executive to give notice in writing to each local board member of the time and place of meetings. Such notification may be provided by the adoption of a schedule of business meetings.
· sections 46, 46(A) and 47 in Part 7 of the LGOIMA, which requires that meetings are publicly notified, agendas and reports are available at least two working days before a meeting and that local board meetings are open to the public.
7. The Manurewa Local Board adopted its 2019-2022 business meeting schedule at its 5 December 2019 business meeting.
9. The board is being asked to make decisions in early-December, early-May and mid-June to feed into the 10-Year Budget 2021-2031 process. These timeframes are outside the board’s normal meeting cycle.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
10. The local board has two choices:
i) Add the meetings as additions to the meeting schedule.
ii) Add the meetings as extraordinary meetings.
11. For option one, statutory requirements allow enough time for these meetings to be scheduled as additions to the meeting schedule and other topics may be considered as per any other ordinary meeting. However, there is a risk that if the 10-Year Budget 2021-2031 timeframes change again or the information is not ready for the meeting there would need to be an additional extraordinary meeting scheduled anyway.
12. For option two, only the specific topic 10-Year Budget 2021-2031 may be considered for which the meeting is being held. There is a risk that no other policies or plans with similar timeframes or running in relation to the 10-Year Budget 2021-2031 process could be considered at this meeting.
13. Since there is enough time to meet statutory requirements, staff recommend option one, approving this meeting as an addition to the meeting schedule, as it allows more flexibility for the local board to consider a range of issues. This requires a decision of the local board.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
14. This decision is procedural in nature and any climate impacts will be negligible. The decision is unlikely to result in any identifiable changes to greenhouse gas emissions. The effects of climate change will not impact the decision’s implementation.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
15. There is no specific impact for the council group from this report.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
16. This report requests the local board’s decision to schedule additional meetings and consider whether to approve them as extraordinary meetings or additions to the meeting schedule.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
17. There is no specific impact for Māori arising from this report. Local boards work with Māori on projects and initiatives of shared interest.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
18. There are no financial implications in relation to this report apart from the standard costs associated with servicing a business meeting.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
19. If the local board decides not to add this business meeting to their schedule this will cause a delay to the 10-Year Budget 2021-2031 process, which would result in the input of this local board not being able to be presented to the Governing Body for their consideration and inclusion in the Budget.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
20. Implement the processes associated with preparing for business meetings.
There are no attachments for this report.
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Beth Corlett - Advisor Plans & Programmes |
Authorisers |
Louise Mason - GM Local Board Services Carol McKenzie-Rex - Local Area Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 19 November 2020 |
For Information: Reports referred to the Manurewa Local Board
File No.: CP2020/15497
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To provide an opportunity for the Manurewa Local Board to receive reports and resolutions that have been referred from the Governing Body committee meetings, Council Controlled Organisations, forums or other local boards for information.
2. The following information was circulated to the local board:
No. |
Report Title |
Item no. |
Meeting Date |
Governing Body Committee or Council Controlled Organisation or Forum or Local Board |
1 |
Resource Recovery Network Strategy update |
15 |
15 October 2020 |
Upper Harbour Local Board resolutions circulated to all local boards for their information |
Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the following information from the Governing Body committee meetings, Council Controlled Organisations, forums or other local board meetings:
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Upper Harbour Local Board - Resource Recovery Network Strategy update |
135 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Rohin Patel - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Carol McKenzie-Rex - Local Area Manager |
19 November 2020 |
Manurewa Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar - November 2020
File No.: CP2020/15498
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To present to the Manurewa Local Board the three months Governance Forward Work Calendar.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. The Governance Forward Work Calendar is a schedule of items that will come before the local board at business meetings and workshops over the next three months. The Governance Forward Work Calendar for the Manurewa Local Board is included in Attachment A.
3. The calendar aims to support local boards’ governance role by:
i) ensuring advice on agendas and workshop material is driven by local board priorities
ii) clarifying what advice is required and when
iii) clarifying the rationale for reports.
4. The calendar will be updated every month, be included on the agenda for business meetings and distributed to relevant council staff. It is recognised that at times items will arise that are not programmed. Board members are welcome to discuss changes to the calendar.
Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) note the Governance Forward Work Calendar.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Manurewa Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar November 2020 |
139 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Rohin Patel - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Carol McKenzie-Rex - Local Area Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 19 November 2020 |
Manurewa Local Board Workshop Records
File No.: CP2020/15500
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To note the Manurewa Local Board’s records for the workshops held on 8 October, 22 October, and 29 October 2020.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. Under Standing Order 12.1.1 the local board shall receive a record of the general proceedings of each of its local board workshops held over the past month. However, the proceedings of a workshop shall record the names of members attending, the general nature of the matters discussed and the proceedings of the workshop. Resolutions or decisions are not made at workshops as they are solely for the provision of information and discussion. This report attaches the workshop record for the period stated below.
Recommendation/s That the Manurewa Local Board: a) note the Manurewa Local Board workshop records held on: i) 8 October 2020 ii) 22 October 2020 iii) 29 October 2020. |
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
8 October 2020, Manurewa Local Board Workshop Record |
143 |
b⇩ |
22 October 2020, Manurewa Local Board Workshop Record |
145 |
c⇩ |
29 October 2020, Manurewa Local Board Workshop Record |
147 |
Ngā kaihaina
Author |
Rohin Patel - Democracy Advisor |
Authoriser |
Carol McKenzie-Rex - Local Area Manager |
Manurewa Local Board 19 November 2020 |
Item 8.1 Attachment a 5 November 2020, Manurewa Local Board - Deputation - The Randwick Park Kaitiaki Roopu - PowerPoint Presentation Page 151
§ [1] Resource Consent No. 33887 – granted in December 2009 for Stage 1 subdivision and land use consent for part of the original parent sites, being 68 and 91 McLaughlins Road. The resource consent was for the subdivision of the parent sites into 29 lots for business purposes, road, esplanade and recreation reserves and a residue lot (Lot 100).
§ Resource Consent No. 39194 (stage 2 subdivision), involving regional stormwater discharge consent (No. 39328) and regional earthworks consent (No. 39901) for the development of Lot 100 into 22 lots was granted on 25 November 2011.
· Resource Consent No. 51522 SP 12591 granted on 3 November 2016 to create 19 fee simple business lots over three stages across the consented Stage 2 area.
· Variation to Condition 35 of Consent Notice 1088755.3 granted on 6 September 2019 to provide for a list of permitted activities generally aligned with the Light Industry Zone provisions of the AUP(OP) within 6 specified lots.
[2] Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009, section 15(2)(c).
[3] Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009, ss15-16.
[4] Local Government Act 2002, Schedule 7, clause 36D.
[5] 2014 C40 Green Building City Market Briefs Compendium. C40 is a global network of leadership cities taking action to address climate change. Auckland is a member of this network.
[6] A 4.44 per cent premium was applied to those projects meeting certification thresholds for delivery between 2021-2029. This percentage was based on findings from a 2005 study by the Ministry for the Environment which found sustainable building features to cost an average of two to six per cent more than capital costs for Standard buildings.
[7] Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009, section 15(2)(c).
[8] Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009, ss15-16.
[9] Local Government Act 2002, Schedule 7, clause 36D.
[10] Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009, section 15(2)(c)
[11] Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009, ss15-16.
[12] Local Government Act 2002, Schedule 7, Part 1A, clause 36D.
[13] Resource Management Act 1991, section 8.
[14] Schedule of Issues of Significance and Māori Plan 2017, Independent Māori Statutory Board
[15] Some businesses were involved in an ATEED intervention for both Destination- and Economic Development-related activities, hence the numbers adding to over 3726. Business names must remain confidential for privacy reasons.
[16] Auckland Convention Bureau is responsible for positioning Auckland as a premium business events destination and for sales and marketing activity to grow the value and volume of business events in Auckland.
[17] This does not reflect all filming that takes place in studio, private property or low impact activity that does not require a permit.
[18] This includes local board fees only, other permit fees are directed to Auckland Transport (Special Events) and Regional Parks. Figures exclude GST and are as per the month the permit was invoiced, not necessarily when the activity took place.