Manurewa Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Manurewa Local Board held in the Manurewa Local Board Office, 7 Hill Road, Manurewa on Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 6:01pm.
Chairperson |
Joseph Allan |
Deputy Chairperson |
Melissa Atama |
Members |
Anne Candy |
Tabetha Gorrie |
Rangi McLean |
Glenn Murphy |
Ken Penney |
Dave Pizzini |
Councillors |
Angela Dalton |
Daniel Newman, JP (from 6:03pm) |
Manurewa Local Board 19 November 2020 |
Member Rangi McLean led the meeting in prayer.
Member Glenn Murphy declared a conflict of interest in item 18, in relation to application
MANRAN05 and did not speak or vote on this item.
Member Tabetha Gorrie declared a conflict of interest in item 18, in relation to application
MANRAN40 and did not speak or vote on this item.
Resolution number MR/2020/158 MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Atama: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 15 October 2020 and the extraordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 12 November 2020, as true and correct. |
There were no leaves of absence.
There were no acknowledgements.
There were no petitions.
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Jessica Gosche and Jaylene Ball from The Randwick Park Kaitiaki Roopu were in attendance to speak to the board about The Randwick Park Community Plan. |
Resolution number MR/2020/159 MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member R McLean: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) thank Jessica Gosche and Jaylene Ball for their presentation and attendance. |
There was no public forum.
There was no extraordinary business.
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Resolution number MR/2020/160 MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member K Penney: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive verbal updates from Councillors Angela Dalton and Daniel Newman. |
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Resolution number MR/2020/161 MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member D Pizzini: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the written and verbal update from Member Melissa Atama b) receive the verbal update from Member Anne Candy. |
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Resolution number MR/2020/162 MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member G Murphy: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the verbal report from the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson. |
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November 2020: Auckland Transport monthly update to the Manurewa Local Board |
Resolution number MR/2020/163 MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member K Penney: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the Auckland Transport November 2020 monthly update report b) thank Auckland Transport for its response to the local board’s request to be updated regarding Māori outcomes c) note the report on Auckland Transport’s commitment to Supplier Diversity, including the example of work carried out at Makaurau Marae, and look forward to similar outcomes being achieved in Manurewa d) note the report on the refresh of the strategic freight network and the expectation that this will mitigate the impacts of freight movements in residential Manurewa. The board welcomes this as the movement of heavy vehicle traffic from quarrying has a detrimental effect on road condition and traffic flows in Manurewa. |
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Local board views on private plan change 43 to rezone the former McLaughlin’s Quarry, McLaughlin’s Road, Wiri |
Resolution number MR/2020/164 MOVED by Member T Gorrie, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Atama: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) oppose the private plan change to rezone land at McLaughlin’s Quarry for the following reasons: i) the proposal would have adverse effects on the cultural value of the site and the broader cultural landscape, as expressed by Ahikiwi Marae, Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua, Tūpuna Maunga o Tāmaki Makaurau Authority, Ngāti Tamaoho and Te Ākitai Waiohua Waka Taua Incorporated in their submissions, and in the cultural impact assessments provided by Ngāti Te Ata and Te Ākitai Waiohua ii) the proposal would have adverse effects on the ecological values of the site and that the proposed rezoning of land by the Puhinui Stream from Open Space – Informal Recreation to Heavy Industry and Light Industry would increase discharges from businesses into the stream iii) the proposal would have adverse effects on the geological and archaeological values of the site iv) the proposal would have adverse effects on the amenity values and landscape values of the site v) the proposal does not provide sufficient protection for the outstanding natural feature values of the site as a volcanic explosion crater with associated features b) appoint Chair Joseph Allan and Members Anne Candy and Rangi McLean to speak to the local board views at a hearing on the private plan change. |
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New community leases to Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated at 31R Russell Road, Manurewa and The Scout Association of New Zealand at Keith Park, 18R Roys Road, Weymouth |
Resolution number MR/2020/165 MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member G Murphy: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) note public notification of Auckland Council’s intention to grant a new community lease to Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated at 31R Russell Road, Manurewa b) delegate to the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson the authority to appoint a hearings panel to consider any objections received, following the public notification, and for the panel to reach a decision c) grant, subject to any objections being resolved, under the Local Government Act 2002, a new community lease to Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated for the group-owned buildings and improvements comprising 5117 square meters (more or less) located at 31R Russell Road, Manurewa (outlined in red on Attachment A) on the land described as Part Lot 7 Deposited Plan 4436 subject to the following terms: i) term - 10 years commencing 1 December 2020, with one (1) 10 year right of renewal commencing 1 December 2030, effecting final expiry on 30 November 2040 ii) rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum if demanded iii) all other terms and conditions to be in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002 and Auckland Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 d) approve the Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated’s Community Outcomes Plan (Attachment B) for inclusion as the Third Schedule of the lease agreement e) note public notification of Auckland Council’s intention to grant a new community lease to The Scout Association of New Zealand at Keith Park, 18R Roys Road, Weymouth f) delegate to the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson the authority to appoint a hearings panel to consider any objections received, following the public notification, and for the panel to reach a decision g) grant, subject to any objections being resolved, under Section 54(1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977, a new community lease to The Scout Association of New Zealand for the group-owned building comprising 113 square meters (more or less) located at Keith Park, 18R Roys Road, Weymouth (outlined in red on Attachment C) on the land described as Lot 1 Deposited Plan 40111 subject to the following terms: i) term - five years commencing 1 January 2021, with one (1) five-year right of renewal commencing 1 January 2026, effecting final expiry 31 December 2031 ii) rent - $1.00 plus GST per annum if demanded iii) all other terms and conditions to be in accordance with Auckland Council’s Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 and the Reserves Act 1977 h) approve the The Scout Association of New Zealand’s Community Outcomes Plan (Attachment D) for inclusion as the Third Schedule of the lease agreement. |
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Landowner approval and lease for additional premises to Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated at Wattle Farm Ponds Reserve, 39R Wattle Farm Road, Wattle Downs |
Resolution number MR/2020/166 MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member D Pizzini: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) note Auckland Council’s intention to publicly notify the lease for additional premises to Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated at Wattle Farm Ponds Reserve, 39R Wattle Farm Road, Wattle Downs b) delegate to the Manurewa Local Board Chairperson the authority to appoint a hearings panel to consider any objections received, following the public notification, and for the panel to reach a decision c) grant retrospective landowner approval to Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated for the existing container, to construct the new roof and to paint the container green at Wattle Farm Ponds Reserve, 39R Wattle Farm Road, Wattle Downs d) grant, subject to any objections being resolved, under the Local Government Act 2002, a lease for additional premises to Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated comprising 35 square metres (more or less) located at Wattle Farm Ponds Reserve, 39R Wattle Farm Road, Wattle Downs (outlined in yellow on Attachment A) on the land described as Lots 2, 3, 4 Deposited Plan 46600 subject to the following terms: i) existing community lease term - commenced 20 August 2020, with one (1) 10 year right of renewal commencing 20 August 2030, effecting final expiry on 19 August 2040 e) all other lease terms and conditions will be in accordance with the provisions contained in the existing community lease to Northern Maritime Model Society Incorporated, dated 20 August 2020. |
Cr. Newman left the meeting at 7:48pm
Cr. Dalton left the meeting at 7:49pm
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Member Glenn Murphy declared a conflict of interest in item 18, in relation to application MANRAN05 and did not speak or vote on this item.
Member Tabetha Gorrie declared a conflict of interest in item 18, in relation to application MANRAN40 and did not speak or vote on this item.
Resolution number MR/2020/167 MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Member A Candy: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) approve the following Manurewa Rangatahi Youth Scholarship 2020/2021 applications:
b) decline the following Manurewa Rangatahi Youth Scholarships 2020/2021 applications:
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A revised copy of figure 2 in the Community Facilities’ Sustainable Asset Standard report was tabled at the meeting. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minute attachment. |
Resolution number MR/2020/168 MOVED by Member R McLean, seconded by Member T Gorrie: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) support the Community Facilities Sustainable Asset Standard as an action of the Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri (Auckland’s Climate Plan) b) provide the following feedback to support the Governing Body’s consideration of the Standard as regional policy: i) note that the council has committed to reducing our own corporate emissions by 50 per cent by 2030, and that buildings and open spaces managed by Community Facilities (CF) accounted for roughly 68 per cent of the council’s carbon footprint in 2019 ii) the board believes it is appropriate that CF adopts this standard as part of their contribution to achieving the council’s emissions reduction target iii) note that funding for this strategy has yet to be approved and will be considered as part of the 10-Year Budget process iv) the board believes that if the standard is adopted then it will need to be appropriately funded if it is to be effective, and that the cost to deliver certifications to meet the standard should not be funded from existing local board budgets v) note that adopting these standards will position the council to meet compliance changes to New Zealand’s building regulations expected in October 2021, from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Building for Climate Change programme. |
a 19 November 2020, Manurewa Local Board - Community Facilities' Sustainable Asset Standard |
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Local board views on plan change to enable rainwater tank installation for the Auckland region |
Resolution number MR/2020/169 MOVED by Member A Candy, seconded by Member R McLean: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) support the council’s proposed change to the Auckland Unitary Plan to enable rainwater tank installation for the Auckland region as an effective way to support and encourage more onsite water collection to mitigate the impacts of the current drought b) decline the opportunity to speak to the local board views at a hearing on council’s enabling rainwater tanks plan change for the Auckland region. |
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Local board views on Plan Change 53 - Temporary Activities and Pukekohe Park Precinct |
Resolution number MR/2020/170 MOVED by Member G Murphy, seconded by Member K Penney: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) support Plan Change 53 - Temporary Activities and Pukekohe Park precinct to address compliance costs and discrepancies in temporary activity standards b) decline the opportunity to speak to the local board views at a hearing on Plan Change 53. |
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Local board delegations to allow local views to be provided on matters relating to the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 and the Urban Development Act |
Resolution number MR/2020/171 MOVED by Member K Penney, seconded by Member R McLean: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) delegate Anne Candy and Tabetha Gorrie, as an alternate, the authority to provide the local board views in respect of matters under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020, noting that given the timeframes under the Act, it is not practicable for the matters to come before the full local board b) appoint Anne Candy and Tabetha Gorrie, as an alternate, as the Manurewa Local Board representative as required, on any Political Working Group established (in accordance with the Planning Committee’s resolution PLA/2020/79 on 1 October 2020), to give political direction on the execution of the council’s powers under the Urban Development Act 2020. |
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Panuku Auckland Development- Manurewa Local Board Six-Monthly Report 1 March to 31 August 2020. |
Resolution number MR/2020/172 MOVED by Member T Gorrie, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Atama: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the Panuku Auckland Development- Manurewa Local Board Six-Monthly Report 1 March to 31 August 2020. |
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Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development six-monthly update to local boards: 1 January to 30 June 2020 |
Resolution number MR/2020/173 MOVED by Member G Murphy, seconded by Member D Pizzini: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the update from Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development for the period 1 January to 30 June 2020. |
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Addition to the 2019-2022 Manurewa Local Board meeting schedule |
Resolution number MR/2020/174 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson M Atama, seconded by Member T Gorrie: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) approve the addition of two meeting dates to the 2019 - 2022 Manurewa Local Board meeting schedule to accommodate the 10-Year Budget timeframes as follows: · Thursday, 3 December 2020, 6.00pm · Thursday, 6 May 2021, 6.00pm. |
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For Information: Reports referred to the Manurewa Local Board |
Resolution number MR/2020/175 MOVED by Chairperson J Allan, seconded by Deputy Chairperson M Atama: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) receive the following information from the Governing Body committee meetings, Council Controlled Organisations, forums or other local board meetings:
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Manurewa Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar - November 2020 |
Resolution number MR/2020/176 MOVED by Member G Murphy, seconded by Member K Penney: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) note the Governance Forward Work Calendar. |
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Resolution number MR/2020/177 MOVED by Member D Pizzini, seconded by Member R McLean: That the Manurewa Local Board: a) note the Manurewa Local Board workshop records held on: i) 8 October 2020 ii) 22 October 2020 iii) 29 October 2020. |
29 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
Member Rangi McLean closed the meeting in a prayer.
7.55 pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.