Ōrākei Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Ōrākei Local Board held in the St Chads Church and Community Centre, 38 St Johns Road, Meadowbank on Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 3:00pm. A written summary of the meeting will be available on the Auckland Council website.
Chairman |
Mr Scott Milne, JP |
Deputy Chairman |
Sarah Powrie |
Members |
Troy Churton |
Colin Davis, JP |
Troy Elliott |
Margaret Voyce |
David Wong, JP |
Ōrākei Local Board 19 November 2020 |
Chairman Scott Milne opened the meeting and welcomed those present.
Member Colin Davis declared an interest in item 12. Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection Grants Round One 2020/2021 grant allocations.
Resolution number OR/2020/130 MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member D Wong: That the minutes of the Ōrākei Local Board meeting, held on Thursday, 15 October 2020 and the minutes of its extraordinary meeting, held on Thursday, 5 November 2020, be confirmed as true and correct. |
There were no requests for leave of absence.
A moment of silence was observed to acknowledge the recent passing of Tracey Elliott, wife and warrior princess of Member Troy Elliott. Tracey, who knew much, loved much and for whom life always came before lament will be remembered for her intelligence, work ethic, spark, vivaciousness and joy for life. The Board, with deep sadness, sent its condolences to Troy, family and friends. |
There were no petitions.
There were no deputations.
There was no public forum.
There was no extraordinary business.
Auckland Transport November 2020 reports to the Ōrākei Local Board |
Lorna Stewart, Auckland Transport Elected Member Relationship Manager, was in attendance to speak to this item. |
MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairman S Powrie: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) receive the following Auckland Transport reports for November 2020 as listed below: i) Auckland Transport November 2020 monthly update report ii) Allocation of Local Board Transport Capital Fund. b) allocate $50,000 from the local board transport capital fund to warning signage and gateway treatment outside Churchill Park School, on Riddell Road. c) allocate $30,000 to streetscape enhancements in the Meadowbank retail area on Meadowbank Road subject to confirmation that the maintenance of any planting can be managed. d) allocate the remainder of the local board transport capital fund ($30,322) to bus shelters in the Ōrākei Local Board area with preference given to these sites: i) 619 Remuera Road (Stop 7425) ii) Remuera Road/Ascot Avenue (Stop 7417) iii) 81 St Heliers Bay Road (Stop 7398). e) acknowledge that there is a need within the Auckland Council family to constantly review and make the most efficient use of its assets particularly in this time of significant financial difficulties. f) note that Auckland Transport is presently clearing its storage area at St Johns Road, which contains a small number of disused and surplus bus shelters. g) request Auckland Transport to investigate and report back on the feasibility of refurbishing and reusing the surplus bus shelters located at St Johns Road as a way of meeting the need for further bus shelters within the Ōrākei Local Board area. h) request Auckland Transport to provide the Board with the scheme design for the Ōrākei School new road crossing. i) request Auckland Transport to report back on how it will deliver on the Safety and Health critical challenge identified in the Auckland Freight Plan Summary Report, September 2020 that ‘the movement of freight within Auckland must be free of death and serious injuries (DSI) and contribute towards improved health outcomes’ particularly in reference to the potential and significant safety issues previously raised by the Board such as the increasing potential danger to pedestrians and cyclists due to heavy truck and trailer container vehicle movement on residential routes in the local board area. j) therefore, reiterate its previous requests to Auckland Transport relating to left hand turn restrictions of heavy freight vehicles from Solent Street into Tāmaki Drive and request an urgent response from Auckland Transport on the below resolution from its meeting held on 16 May 2019: Resolution number OR/2019/83 c) inform Auckland Transport that its response to the Board’s request to enforce the present bylaw restrictions, and to enact urgently a new bylaw reinstating the left turn ban at the Solent Street/Tamaki Drive intersection does not adequately address the nub of the Ōrākei Local Board's and community's concerns, namely safety and heavy vehicles, as expressed in the Board's resolution of 18 October 2018, and therefore; i) request Auckland Transport to consider requesting a change to the road classification and to inform the Board of its decision and if Auckland Transport does not wish to do this, the reasons for not doing so. ii) request Auckland Transport ensure enforcement of the current no left turn restriction on heavy freight vehicles from Solent Street into Tāmaki Drive.
Resolution number OR/2020/131 That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) receive the following Auckland Transport reports for November 2020 as listed below: i) Auckland Transport November 2020 monthly update report ii) Allocation of Local Board Transport Capital Fund. b) allocate $50,000 from the local board transport capital fund to warning signage and gateway treatment outside Churchill Park School, on Riddell Road. c) allocate the remainder of the local board transport capital fund ($60,322) to bus shelters in the Ōrākei Local Board area with preference given to these sites: i) 619 Remuera Road (Stop 7425) ii) Remuera Road/Ascot Avenue (Stop 7417) iii) 81 St Heliers Bay Road (Stop 7398) iv) Kohimarama Road outside the Barfoot and Thompson Stadium (Stop 7844). d) acknowledge that there is a need within the Auckland Council family to constantly review and make the most efficient use of its assets particularly in this time of significant financial difficulties. e) note that Auckland Transport is presently clearing its storage area at St Johns Road, which contains a small number of disused and surplus bus shelters. f) request Auckland Transport to investigate and report back on the feasibility of refurbishing and reusing the surplus bus shelters located at St Johns Road as a way of meeting the need for further bus shelters within the Ōrākei Local Board area. g) request Auckland Transport to provide the Board with the scheme design for the Ōrākei School new road crossing. h) request Auckland Transport to report back on how it will deliver on the Safety and Health critical challenge identified in the Auckland Freight Plan Summary Report, September 2020 that ‘the movement of freight within Auckland must be free of death and serious injuries (DSI) and contribute towards improved health outcomes’ particularly in reference to the potential and significant safety issues previously raised by the Board such as the increasing potential danger to pedestrians and cyclists due to heavy truck and trailer container vehicle movement on residential routes in the local board area. i) therefore, reiterate its previous requests to Auckland Transport relating to left hand turn restrictions of heavy freight vehicles from Solent Street into Tāmaki Drive and request an urgent response from Auckland Transport on the below resolution from its meeting held on 16 May 2019: Resolution number OR/2019/83 c) inform Auckland Transport that its response to the Board’s request to enforce the present bylaw restrictions, and to enact urgently a new bylaw reinstating the left turn ban at the Solent Street/Tamaki Drive intersection does not adequately address the nub of the Ōrākei Local Board's and community's concerns, namely safety and heavy vehicles, as expressed in the Board's resolution of 18 October 2018, and therefore; i) request Auckland Transport to consider requesting a change to the road classification and to inform the Board of its decision and if Auckland Transport does not wish to do this, the reasons for not doing so. ii) request Auckland Transport ensure enforcement of the current no left turn restriction on heavy freight vehicles from Solent Street into Tāmaki Drive. |
The substantive motion was put. |
Resolution number OR/2020/132 MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairman S Powrie: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) receive the following Auckland Transport reports for November 2020 as listed below: i) Auckland Transport November 2020 monthly update report ii) Allocation of Local Board Transport Capital Fund. b) allocate $50,000 from the local board transport capital fund to warning signage and gateway treatment outside Churchill Park School, on Riddell Road. c) allocate the remainder of the local board transport capital fund ($60,322) to bus shelters in the Ōrākei Local Board area with preference given to these sites: i) 619 Remuera Road (Stop 7425) ii) Remuera Road/Ascot Avenue (Stop 7417) iii) 81 St Heliers Bay Road (Stop 7398) iv) Kohimarama Road outside the Barfoot and Thompson Stadium (Stop 7844). d) acknowledge that there is a need within the Auckland Council family to constantly review and make the most efficient use of its assets particularly in this time of significant financial difficulties. e) note that Auckland Transport is presently clearing its storage area at St Johns Road, which contains a small number of disused and surplus bus shelters. f) request Auckland Transport to investigate and report back on the feasibility of refurbishing and reusing the surplus bus shelters located at St Johns Road as a way of meeting the need for further bus shelters within the Ōrākei Local Board area. g) request Auckland Transport to provide the Board with the scheme design for the Ōrākei School new road crossing. h) request Auckland Transport to report back on how it will deliver on the Safety and Health critical challenge identified in the Auckland Freight Plan Summary Report, September 2020 that ‘the movement of freight within Auckland must be free of death and serious injuries (DSI) and contribute towards improved health outcomes’ particularly in reference to the potential and significant safety issues previously raised by the Board such as the increasing potential danger to pedestrians and cyclists due to heavy truck and trailer container vehicle movement on residential routes in the local board area. i) therefore, reiterate its previous requests to Auckland Transport relating to left hand turn restrictions of heavy freight vehicles from Solent Street into Tāmaki Drive and request an urgent response from Auckland Transport on the below resolution from its meeting held on 16 May 2019: Resolution number OR/2019/83 c) inform Auckland Transport that its response to the Board’s request to enforce the present bylaw restrictions, and to enact urgently a new bylaw reinstating the left turn ban at the Solent Street/Tamaki Drive intersection does not adequately address the nub of the Ōrākei Local Board's and community's concerns, namely safety and heavy vehicles, as expressed in the Board's resolution of 18 October 2018, and therefore; i) request Auckland Transport to consider requesting a change to the road classification and to inform the Board of its decision and if Auckland Transport does not wish to do this, the reasons for not doing so. ii) request Auckland Transport ensure enforcement of the current no left turn restriction on heavy freight vehicles from Solent Street into Tāmaki Drive. |
Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection Grants Round One 2020/2021 grant allocations |
Ann Kuruvilla, Grants Advisor, was in attendance to speak to this item. |
Member Colin Davis declared an interest in the following grant application and took no part in the discussion or voting on it: · QRTP2112-111 - Blue Light Ventures Incorporated as his grandson attends one of the schools identified as recipients of the books. |
Resolution number OR/2020/133 MOVED by Member M Voyce, seconded by Member D Wong: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) approve the following Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection Grants Round One 2020/2021 grant applications for the amount listed below:
b) request all successful funding applicants to acknowledge Ōrākei Local Board support for their organisation and the event or project by including the Ōrākei Local Board logo on marketing material, product and/or promotional media/statements. c) request that if funding relates to an event, an invitation needs to be extended to all Ōrākei Local Board members to attend. d) decline the following Ōrākei Quick Response and Tree Protection Grants Round One 2020/2021 grant applications:
Proposed land exchange of part of 25 Barbarich Drive for 50 Tihi Street, Stonefields |
Ezra Barwell, Senior Policy Advisor and Caroline Stephens, Graduate Policy Advisor were in attendance to speak to this report. |
Resolution number OR/2020/134 MOVED by Member T Churton, seconded by Member T Elliott: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) support in principle public notification as an initial step to provide an opportunity for the community and residents to provide their views, under section 15(2) of the Reserves Act 1977 of a possible exchange of part of the presently privately-owned land Lot 100 DP 529532, containing approximately 2,970m², corner College Road and Ngahue Drive, and at 25 Barbarich Drive, Stonefields, with the privately-owned land Lot 901 DP 478725, containing approximately 19,425m2, at 50 Tihi Street, Stonefields, noting: i) Lot 100 is not presently Council-owned reserve land, but under an existing agreement this privately-owned land will vest in the Auckland Council under section 239 of the Resource Management Act 1991 as an unclassified recreation reserve upon deposit of a subdivision of this land with Land Information New Zealand. ii) that part of the subdivided land will remain with the owner which will develop the land currently zoned Residential - Terrace Housing and Apartment Buildings under the Unitary Plan and the balance of the land in Barbarich Drive will be held by the Auckland Council as a non-service asset until decisions are made regarding its future use, noting that it was proposed to be developed as open space under the Stonefields Master Plan. iii) Council staff have assessed this exchange to be a high priority against the Parks and Open Space Acquisition Policy (2013). iv) the Board has received advice that 2,970m² of Lot 100 is not needed to meet the provision targets in the Open Space Provision Policy (2016) and is not a priority for retention. v) if the land exchange were to proceed, the site at 50 Tihi Street, Stonefields could be administered by the Tūpuna Maunga o Tāmaki Makaurau Authority in accordance with the Ngā Mana Whenua o Tāmaki Makaurau Collective Redress Act 2014. vi) that decision-making on this possible land exchange rests with the Auckland Council's Governing Body. b) express its strong desire that the informal walking path from Gollan Road to Tihi Street, which is needed to be maintained for students to travel safely to Stonefields School and as an extension to the Stonefields Heritage Trail, be formalised through the possible exchange either by transfer from the developer to the Council or other legal mechanism. |
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Resolution number OR/2020/135 MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member C Davis: That the Ōrākei Local Board after further consultation with Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei approve the name Te Hākari Lane for the new private road created by way of subdivision at 43-45 Benson Road, Remuera in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 (resource consent reference BUN60307793 and SUB60307796). |
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Local board views on plan change to enable rainwater tank installation for the Auckland region |
Resolution number OR/2020/136 MOVED by Member T Elliott, seconded by Member T Churton: That the Ōrākei Local Board support council’s proposed change to the Auckland Unitary Plan to enable rainwater tank installation for the Auckland region. |
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Local board views on Plan Change 53 - Temporary Activities and Pukekohe Park Precinct |
Suzanne Weld, Senior Local Board Advisor was in attendance to speak to this report. The Ōrākei Local Board’s feedback was tabled at the meeting. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number OR/2020/137 MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member M Voyce: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) receive the local board views on Plan Change 53 - Temporary Activities and Pukekohe Park precinct report. b) endorse its feedback on the proposed Plan Change 53 - Temporary Activity Standards and Pukekohe Park precinct as tabled. |
a 19 November 2020 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 16 - Local board views on Plan Change 53 - Temporary Activities and Pukekohe Park Precinct, Ōrākei Local Board feedback |
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An updated graph showing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Actions (Figure 2 of the agenda report) was tabled at the meeting. A copy has been attached to the minutes and is available in the Auckland Council website as a minute attachment. |
Resolution number OR/2020/138 MOVED by Deputy Chairman S Powrie, seconded by Member C Davis: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) support the Community Facilities Sustainable Asset Standard as an action of the Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri (Auckland’s Climate Plan) b) provide the following feedback to support the Governing Body’s consideration of the Standard as regional policy: i) support that the action of the Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri (Auckland’s Climate Plan) for developing a Sustainable Asset Standard is implemented across the Auckland Council Group noting that Auckland Transport potentially will have a large impact on Greenhouse Gas emissions reduction. |
a 19 November 2020 - Ōrākei Local Board - Item 16 - Community Facilities' Sustainable Asset Standard, tabled document |
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Local board delegations to allow local views to be provided on matters relating to the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 and the Urban Development Act |
Resolution number OR/2020/139 MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member T Elliott: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) delegate to Member Troy Churton, with Member Colin Davis and Member David Wong as alternates, the authority to provide the local board views in respect of matters under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020, noting that given the timeframes under the Act, it is not practicable for the matters to come before the full local board b) appoint Deputy Chairman Sarah Powrie, with Member Troy Churton and Member Colin Davis as alternates, as the Ōrākei Local Board representative as required, on any Political Working Group established (in accordance with the Planning Committee’s resolution PLA/2020/79 on 1 October 2020), to give political direction on the execution of the council’s powers under the Urban Development Act 2020. |
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Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development six-monthly update to local boards: 1 January to 30 June 2020 |
Resolution number OR/2020/140 MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member M Voyce: That the Ōrākei Local Board receive the update from Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development for the period 1 January to 30 June 2020. |
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Additions to the 2019-2022 Ōrākei Local Board meeting schedule |
Resolution number OR/2020/141 MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member C Davis: That the Ōrākei Local Board: a) approve two meeting dates to be added to the 2019-2022 Ōrākei Local Board meeting schedule to accommodate the 10-Year Budget 20212031 timeframes as follows: · Thursday, 3 December 2020 at 5.00pm · Thursday, 6 May 2021 at 5.00pm. b) note the venue for these meetings will be the Ōrākei Local Board office, 25 St Johns Road, St Johns. c) note that any other urgent decisions required by the Board before its next business meeting scheduled on Thursday, 18 February 2021 may also be considered at the additional meeting on Thursday, 3 December 2020. |
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Resolution number OR/2020/142 MOVED by Member T Churton, seconded by Member M Voyce: That the Ōrākei Local Board Chairman and Board Member November 2020 report be received. |
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Resolution number OR/2020/143 MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Deputy Chairman S Powrie: That the Ōrākei Local Board note the draft governance forward work calendar as at November 2020. |
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Resolution number OR/2020/144 MOVED by Member M Voyce, seconded by Member D Wong: That the Ōrākei Local Board records for the workshops held on 1, 8 and 22 October 2020 be noted. |
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Resolution number OR/2020/145 MOVED by Chairman S Milne, seconded by Member T Churton: That the Ōrākei Local Board resolutions pending action report be noted.
25 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There were no extraordinary items.
3.55 pm The Chairman thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.