Papakura Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Papakura Local Board held in the Local Board Chambers, Papakura Service Centre, 35 Coles Crescent, Papakura, and via Skype for Business, on Wednesday 25 November 2020 at 4.30pm.
As required under the COVID -19 Response (Urgent Management Measures) Legislation Act 2020, either a recording of the meeting or a written summary will be published on the Auckland Council website.
Chairperson |
Brent Catchpole (until 6.04pm item 14) |
Deputy Chairperson |
Jan Robinson, JP (acting Chairperson from 6.04pm item 15) |
Members |
George Hawkins |
Keven Mealamu |
Sue Smurthwaite |
Member |
Felicity Auva'a |
Councillor |
Angela Dalton |
Councillor |
Daniel Newman, JP |
Papakura Local Board 25 November 2020 |
Member Keven Mealamu led the meeting in prayer.
Resolution number PPK/2020/189 MOVED by Member S Smurthwaite, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson: That the Papakura Local Board: a) accept the apologiesfrom member Felicity Auva’a for absence and Councillor Angela Dalton and Chairperson Brent Catchpole for early departure. |
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number PPK/2020/190 MOVED by Member K Mealamu, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson: That the Papakura Local Board: a) confirm the minutes of its additional meeting held on Wednesday 11 November 2020, as true and correct. |
There were no requests for leaves of absence.
6.1 |
Acknowledgement – the passing of Ichihara-Papakura Association (IPA) Chairman |
Resolution number PPK/2020/191 MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member G Hawkins: That the Papakura Local Board: a) acknowledge the passing of former Ichihara-Papakura Association (IPA) Chairman, Mr Tatsunosuke Matsumoto on 11 November 2020. Exchanges between Papakura City Council and Ichihara began in 1987, and the following year the Ichihara-Papakura Association was formed and youth exchanges between Papakura and Ichihara happened almost every year which formed the basis of wonderful friendships and international understanding for three decades. From the start Mr Matsumoto was very involved in this long-lasting exchange of youth, and Papakura held a special place in his heart for them. He was remembered for saying “There is no distance too far between best friends.” |
6.2 |
Resolution number PPK/2020/192 MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member S Smurthwaite: That the Papakura Local Board: a) acknowledge the retirement of David Brown, former Chief Executive of Christian Aviation. David commenced his 60 year career in maintaining and flying aircraft in Hamilton in the late 1950s and continued to engineer and fly planes for the next 30 years, founding Christian Aviation at Ardmore Airport in 1993. David and his pilots would regularly fly evangelists and musicians around New Zealand to meet with church groups to ‘give them a shot in the arm’. David hopes to continue flying in retirement and the board wish him well with this. |
6.3 |
Resolution number PPK/2020/193 MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member K Mealamu: That the Papakura Local Board: a) acknowledge the passing of Joy Hames, who passed away peacefully on Friday 13 November 2020, after a long battle with cancer. Joy was a former Director of Policy and Democracy Services for Papakura District Council. She was passionate about advancing aspirations for Māori, and contributed to the Auckland Transition Agency for the establishment of Auckland Council, the Independent Māori Statutory Board (IMSB) and council’s Te Waka Angamua/Māori Strategy and Relations department. Joy then worked for Te Waka Angamua and as the acting CEO of the Independent Māori Statutory Board. The local board’s sympathies are with her whanau during this time. |
6.4 |
Resolution number PPK/2020/194 MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson: That the Papakura Local Board: a) acknowledge the recent outstanding achievements of Paige Bell, who is also a Papakura Local Board youth scholarship recipient, and who represented Papakura in her third national athletics title and won the following: · 2019 300m Hurdles Senior Girls, NZ Secondary School Championship Gold · 2019 300m Hurdles Youth Women, NZ Championship Gold · 2020 400m Hurdles NZ Junior Women, NZ Championship Gold. Well done Paige, the board commends you on your achievements and wishes you well in your bright future. |
6.5 |
Acknowledgement - John Rohs resignation – Papakura High School |
Resolution number PPK/2020/195 MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member G Hawkins: That the Papakura Local Board: a) acknowledge John Rohs’s resignation as Principal at Papakura High School. John has been the principal since 2016 and this brings to a close over 40 years of working in varying roles in schools nationally. John will be returning to his home of Ōtautahi (Christchurch) where his whanau is based and looks forward to taking up new challenges during his retirement. |
There were no petitions.
8.1 |
Resolution number PPK/2020/196 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson, seconded by Member S Smurthwaite: That the Papakura Local Board: a) thank Tracy Shackleton, Vanessa Newman and Peter Bennett from the Papakura Business Association, for their presentation on the activities of the business association. |
a Papakura Business Association Annual Report - Deputation - 25 November 2020 b Papakura Business Association Strategic Plan – Deputation - 25 November 2020 |
8.2 |
Resolution number PPK/2020/197 MOVED by Member K Mealamu, seconded by Member G Hawkins: That the Papakura Local Board: a) thank Hayden Smith from Sea Cleaners, for his presentation on the activities of Sea Cleaners. |
8.3 |
Resolution number PPK/2020/198 MOVED by Member K Mealamu, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson: That the Papakura Local Board: a) thank Teleiai Edwin Puni, from Mafutaga Samoa Papakura, for his presentation on the work of Mafutaga Samoa Papakura. |
8.4 |
Resolution number PPK/2020/199 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson, seconded by Member S Smurthwaite: That the Papakura Local Board: a) thank Yu Yongming, from the Southern District Chinese Association, for his presentation on the activities of the group. |
a Southern District Chinese Association Deputation presentation - 25 November 2020 |
There was no public forum.
There was no extraordinary business.
11 |
Resolution number PPK/2020/200 MOVED by Member G Hawkins, seconded by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson: That the Papakura Local Board: a) receive Councillor Daniel Newman’s verbal update. |
12 |
Resolution number PPK/2020/201 MOVED by Chairperson B Catchpole, seconded by Member K Mealamu: That the Papakura Local Board: a) receive the verbal report from the Papakura Local Board Chairperson. |
13 |
November 2020: Auckland Transport monthly update to the Papakura Local Board |
Bruce Thomas, Elected Member Relationship Manager, Auckland Transport, and Sam Pohiva, Area Manager, Community Facilities, were in attendance to speak to this report.
Resolution number PPK/2020/202 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson, seconded by Member S Smurthwaite: That the Papakura Local Board: a) receive the Auckland Transport November 2020 monthly update report b) request Auckland Transport review the speed limits between Hingaia Bridge and the motorway and at Harbourside Drive including any feeder and side roads with a view to reducing them due to the increased development of housing in the area c) request Auckland Transport develop a comprehensive concept plan for Walters Road that addresses: i) Health and safety issues for people, particularly children, trying to cross Walters Road to get to Pulman Park from: · Kauri Flats School · The McLennan development · The Addison development · Papakura Normal School
ii) Shared cycleways along Walters Road, including the covering of the open drain adjacent to McLennan Park
iii) Parking with a slip road outside the athletic throwing net at Pulman Park
iv) Aligning crossing points with entrances to the park
v) Defined twin lane exits at all points from Pulman Park
vi) Ensures all the key stakeholders are involved, including but not limited to: Bruce Pulman Park Trust, Kauri Flats School, and Papakura Normal School.
d) request Auckland Transport install a pedestrian crossing on Walters Road outside Kauri Flats School to allow children to cross safely.
e) request Auckland Transport install a 40 kmph school zone speed limit zone outside the Kauri Flats School. |
The Chairperson left the meeting at 6.04pm after item 13, and the Deputy Chairperson, Jan Robinson, assumed the chair from 6.04pm, item 14. Councillor Angela Dalton also left the meeting at this time.
14 |
Resolution number PPK/2020/203 MOVED by Member G Hawkins, seconded by Member K Mealamu: That the Papakura Local Board: a) approve the following Papakura Youth Scholarship 2020/2021 applications:
b) decline the following Papakura Youth Scholarships 2020/2021 applications:
15 |
New community leases for Papakura Athletic and Harrier Club Incorporated at Massey Park, 2R Ron Keat Drive, Papakura and The Scout Association of New Zealand (1st Papakura Scouts), at Ray Small Park, 50 Queen Street, Papakura |
Resolution number PPK/2020/204 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson, seconded by Member K Mealamu: That the Papakura Local Board: a) grant, under Section 54 (1)(b) of the Reserves Act 1977, a new community ground-lease to Papakura Athletic and Harrier Club Incorporated for the land at 2R Ron Keat Drive, Papakura (marked in red and hatched on the map Attachment A to the agenda report) and described as Part Allotment 208, Section 11, Village of Papakura, comprising 4.8464 hectares (more or less), no title; subject to the following terms and conditions: i. term – ten (10) years commencing 1 October 2019 with a single 10-year right-of-renewal and final expiry on 30 September 2039 ii. rent – one dollar ($1.00) plus GST per annum, if requested iii. rent review date – on renewal iv. permitted use – athletics administration and ancillary purposes v. the approved community outcomes plan (Attachment B to the agenda report), to be included in the lease agreement as Schedule 3. b) grant all other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 and the Reserves Act 1977 in relation to the new community ground-lease to Papakura Athletic and Harrier Club Incorporated for the land at 2R Ron Keat Drive, Papakura c) note the public notification under the Local Government Act 2002 council’s intention to enter into a lease for the land at 50 Queen Street, Papakura described as Lot 1 Deposited Plan 16908, comprising 1,634 square meters, NA15C/739 (outlined in red and hatched on Attachment C to the agenda report) d) grant, under Section 138 of the Local Government Act 2002, subject to any objections being resolved, a new community ground-lease to The Scout Association of New Zealand (1st Papakura Scouts) for the land at 50 Queen Street, Papakura (marked in red and hatched on the map Attachment C to the agenda report) and described as Lot 1 Deposited Plan 16908, comprising 1,634 square meters (more or less), subject to the following terms and conditions: i. term – ten (10) years commencing 1 October 2020 with a single 10-year right-of-renewal and final expiry on 30 September 2040 ii. rent – one dollar ($1.00) plus GST per annum, if requested iii. rent review date – on renewal iv. permitted use – scouting activities and ancillary purposes v. the approved community outcomes plan (Attachment D to the agenda report), to be included in the lease agreement as Schedule 3. e) grant all other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines 2012 and the Local Government Act 2002 in relation to the new community ground-lease to The Scout Association of New Zealand (1st Papakura Scouts) for the land at 50 Queen Street, Papakura. |
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Resolution number PPK/2020/205 MOVED by Member K Mealamu, seconded by Member G Hawkins: That the Papakura Local Board: a) support the Community Facilities Sustainable Asset Standard as an action of the Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri (Auckland’s Climate Plan) b) provide the following feedback to support the Governing Body’s consideration of the Community Facilities Sustainable Asset Standard as regional policy: i) note that the council has committed to reducing our own corporate emissions by 50 per cent by 2030, and that buildings and open spaces managed by Community Facilities (CF) accounted for roughly 68 per cent of the council’s carbon footprint in 2019 ii) the board believes it is appropriate that Community Facilities adopts this standard as part of their contribution to achieving the council’s emissions reduction target iii) note that funding for this strategy has yet to be approved and will be considered as part of the 10-Year Budget process iv) the board seeks written assurance that if the standard is adopted, that it will be appropriately regionally funded from an additional allocation, and that the cost to deliver certifications to meet the standard should not be funded from existing local board budgets v) note that adopting these standards will position the council to meet compliance changes to New Zealand’s building regulations expected in October 2021, from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Building for Climate Change programme. |
17 |
Local board delegations to allow local views to be provided on matters relating to the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 and the Urban Development Act |
Resolution number PPK/2020/206 MOVED by Member S Smurthwaite, seconded by Member G Hawkins: That the Papakura Local Board: a) delegate Papakura Local Board Chairperson Brent Catchpole, and Deputy Chairperson Jan Robinson as an alternative, the authority to provide the local board views in respect of matters under the COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020, noting that given the timeframes under the Act, it is not practicable for the matters to come before the full local board b) appoint Papakura Local Board Chairperson Brent Catchpole, and Deputy Chairperson Jan Robinson as an alternative, as the Papakura Local Board representative as required, on any Political Working Group established (in accordance with the Planning Committee’s resolution PLA/2020/79 on 1 October 2020), to give political direction on the execution of the council’s powers under the Urban Development Act 2020. |
18 |
Local board views on Plan Change 53 - Temporary Activities and Pukekohe Park Precinct |
Resolution number PPK/2020/207 MOVED by Member K Mealamu, seconded by Member S Smurthwaite: That the Papakura Local Board: a) support Plan Change 53 - Temporary Activities and Pukekohe Park precinct to address compliance costs and discrepancies in temporary activity standards b) appoint Papakura Local Board Chairperson Brent Catchpole, and Deputy Chairperson Jan Robinson as an alternative, to speak to the local board views at a hearing on Plan Change 53 c) delegate authority to the chairperson of the Papakura Local Board, Brent Catchpole, to make a replacement appointment in the event the local board member appointed in resolution b) is unable to attend the plan change hearing. |
Councillor Angela Dalton returned to the
meeting at 6.17pm
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For Information: Reports referred to the Papakura Local Board |
Resolution number PPK/2020/208 MOVED by Member S Smurthwaite, seconded by Member G Hawkins: That the Papakura Local Board: a) receive the following staff report back from the General Manager Auckland Strategy and Research:
b) request that the General Manager Auckland Strategy and Research, Jacques Victor, confirms what steps he has taken to progress advice, and a recommendation to resource the strategy work required to give effect to the Planning Committee resolution in relation to the development of the Auckland Council’s Marina Strategy. |
20 |
Papakura Local Board Achievements Register 2019-2022 Political Term |
Resolution number PPK/2020/209 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson, seconded by Member K Mealamu: That the Papakura Local Board: a) request the following new achievements be added to the Papakura Local Board Achievements Register for the 2019-2022 political term:
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Papakura Local Board Governance Forward Work Calendar - November 2020 |
Resolution number PPK/2020/210 MOVED by Member G Hawkins, seconded by Member K Mealamu: That the Papakura Local Board: a) note the Governance Forward Work Calendar as at 18 November 2020. |
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Resolution number PPK/2020/211 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson J Robinson, seconded by Member S Smurthwaite: That the Papakura Local Board: a) note the Papakura Local Board workshop records held on: i) 21 October 2020 ii) 4 November 2020 iii) 11 November 2020. |
23 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
6.26pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.