I hereby give notice that an extraordinary meeting of the Whau Local Board will be held on:
Date: Time: Meeting Room: Venue:
Wednesday, 4 November 2020 11.30AM Whau Local
Board Office |
Whau Local Board
Chairperson |
Kay Thomas |
Deputy Chairperson |
Susan Zhu |
Members |
Fasitua Amosa |
Catherine Farmer |
Ulalemamae Te'eva Matafai |
Warren Piper |
Jessica Rose |
(Quorum 4 members)
Rodica Chelaru Democracy Advisor
29 October 2020
Contact Telephone: 021 02185527 Email: rodica.chelaru@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Website: www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Whau Local Board 04 November 2020 |
1 Welcome 5
2 Apologies 5
3 Declaration of Interest 5
4 Leave of Absence 5
5 Adoption of the Whau Local Board Plan 2020 7
At the close of the agenda no apologies had been received.
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
Specifically, members are asked to identify any new interests they have not previously disclosed, an interest that might be considered as a conflict of interest with a matter on the agenda.
The following are declared interests of the Whau Local Board:
Member |
Organisation |
Kay Thomas
· New Lynn Citizens Advice Bureau · Friends of Arataki · Western Quilters · Citizens Advice Bureau Waitākere Board |
Volunteer Committee member Member Chair |
Susan Zhu
· Chinese Oral History Foundation · The Chinese Garden Steering Committee of Auckland · Sport Waitākere |
Committee member Board Member
Member of Tu Manawa Active Aotearoa Advisory Group Panel |
Fasitua Amosa
· Equity NZ · Massive Theatre Company · Avondale Business Association |
Vice President Board member A family member is the Chair |
Catherine Farmer
· Avondale-Waterview Historical Society · Blockhouse Bay Historical Society · Portage Licensing Trust · Blockhouse Bay Bowls · Forest and Bird organisation · Grey Power |
Member Trustee Patron Member Member |
Te’eva Matafai
· Pacific Events and Entertainment Trust · Miss Samoa NZ · Malu Measina Samoan Dance Group · Pasifika Festival Village Coordinators Trust ATEED · Aspire Events |
Director Director/Founder
Director |
Warren Piper
· New Lynn RSA · New Lynn Business Association |
Associate Member Member |
Jessica Rose
· Women in Urbanism-Aotearoa, Auckland Branch ·
Ora · Forest & Bird · Big Feels Club · Frocks on Bikes · Bike Auckland |
Committee member
Programme manager Sustainability Member Patron Former co-chair Former committee member |
Member appointments
Board members are appointed to the following bodies. In these appointments the board members represent Auckland Council.
External organisation
Leads |
Alternate |
Aircraft Noise Community Consultative Group |
Warren Piper |
Catherine Farmer |
Avondale Business Association |
Kay Thomas |
Warren Piper |
Blockhouse Bay Business Association |
Warren Piper |
Fasitua Amosa |
New Lynn Business Association |
Susan Zhu |
Kay Thomas |
Rosebank Business Association |
Fasitua Amosa |
Warren Piper |
Whau Coastal Walkway Environmental Trust |
Fasitua Amosa |
Jessica Rose |
At the close of the agenda no requests for leave of absence had been received.
Whau Local Board 04 November 2020 |
Adoption of the Whau Local Board Plan 2020
File No.: CP2020/15459
Te take mō te pūrongo
Purpose of the report
1. To adopt the final Whau Local Board Plan 2020.
Whakarāpopototanga matua
Executive summary
2. The Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 requires that each local board complete a local board plan for adoption every three years and uses the special consultative procedure to engage with their communities.
3. The consultation period for the special consultative procedure ran from 13 July to 13 August 2020.
4. The local board has considered all submissions and feedback received from the consultation period. Substantive changes and minor edits for clarification are proposed.
5. The Whau Local Board Plan 2020, which includes the proposed changes, is attached to this report (Attachment A).
6. Pending adoption of the plan, photographs, maps and other design features will be added for final publication.
Recommendation/s That the Whau Local Board: a) adopt the Whau Local Board Plan 2020 as set out in Attachment A of the agenda report b) delegate authority to the Chairperson and/or other nominated member(s) of the Whau Local Board to approve any minor edits that may be necessary to the Whau Local Board Plan 2020 prior to publication.
7. The Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 states that each local board must:
· adopt its local board plan by 31 October of the year following an election
· use the special consultative procedure to engage with its communities.
8. Local board plans are strategic documents developed every three years. They set a direction for local boards and reflect community priorities and preferences. They provide a guide for local board activity, funding and investment decisions. They also influence local board input into regional strategies and plans, including annual budgets.
9. The plans inform the development of the council’s 10-year budget. They also form the basis for development of the annual local board agreement for the following three financial years and subsequent work programmes.
10. The implementation of COVID-19 alert levels forced a delay to the consultation period planned in June and July 2020 to be rescheduled to July and August 2020.
11. Every effort has been made to adopt the Whau Local Board Plan 2020 in October, however the unavoidable change to the dates of the consultation period has required a small extension of time. This is to ensure the local board had sufficient time to consider the submissions received.
Tātaritanga me ngā tohutohu
Analysis and advice
12. The Whau Local Board has considered the submissions and feedback received.
13. Public feedback on the draft plan was positive. The majority of submitters were supportive of the plan, its direction and themes covered.
14. As a result of public feedback, a number of changes have been proposed. These changes are relatively minor, given the high level of support for the draft plan. A table setting out the proposed changes is appended as Attachment B.
15. In addition, a number of minor editorial changes were made, either to correct errors, update information or make the document clearer.
16. Staff recommend adopting the Whau Local Board Plan 2020 (Attachment A) which incorporates the proposed substantive changes to the outcome chapters as described in Attachment B and other minor editorial changes.
Tauākī whakaaweawe āhuarangi
Climate impact statement
17. The Whau Local Board Plan 2020 reflects the impacts of predicted climate change. It considers such impacts as increasing temperatures, rising sea levels and changing rainfall patterns on the local board area.
18. Outcome 5 (“Our natural environment is protected and enhanced”) includes the objective “Prepare communities for the impacts of climate change by building community resilience and reducing carbon emissions” plus several specific initiatives targeting water usage, reduction of carbon emissions and advocacy to ensure infrastructure is ready to meet the challenges of extreme weather events.
19. Outcome 3 (“Quality urban development and community facilities to meet the needs of our growing and changing population”) also includes a specific climate change-related objective “Critical infrastructure is designed and upgraded to meet not only the challenge of growth, but also climate change” plus several specific initiatives around climate change resilience, water sensitivity and sea level rise.
20. The impact on the climate of the final plans has been considered. The final publication will be an online document to minimise printing hard copies.
Ngā whakaaweawe me ngā tirohanga a te rōpū Kaunihera
Council group impacts and views
21. The adoption of the Whau Local Board Plan 2020 will inform the development of the council’s 10-year budget. It will also form the basis for the development of the following three years’ work programmes.
22. Planning and operational areas of the council have taken part in the development and review of the draft and final plans.
Ngā whakaaweawe ā-rohe me ngā tirohanga a te poari ā-rohe
Local impacts and local board views
23. The local board’s views have informed the development of the final Whau Local Board Plan 2020. Workshops were held on 9 September and 30 September to discuss and consider feedback and agree any changes.
24. In developing the plan, the Whau Local Board considered:
· advice from mana whenua and mataawaka
· what is already known about our communities and what is important to them
· submissions received via online forms, hardcopy forms, emails and post
· feedback provided at engagement events and online through Facebook
· regional strategies and policies
· staff advice.
Tauākī whakaaweawe Māori
Māori impact statement
25. In developing the plan, the Whau Local Board:
· considered views and advice expressed by mana whenua and mataawaka
· considered existing feedback from Māori with an interest in the local board area
· reviewed submissions received.
26. The Whau Local Board Plan 2020 promotes outcomes or issues of importance to Māori. In particular, the plan will include a stand-alone Māori outcome (Outcome #2 – “Māori aspirations are advanced and prioritised, and Māori history and identity are valued and reflected in our community spaces”).
27. There is also a significant emphasis on Māori aspirations and well-being throughout the plan, and a strong emphasis on the incorporation of traditional Māori environmental principles and practices in the environmental sections of the plan.
28. Staff developing the plan met with representatives of Te Kawerau ā Maki twice in the early development of the draft and have provided further versions to them for their oversight and comment.
29. In 2019, the three west local boards engaged a Kaiwhakaawe (Māori broker) based at Hoani Waititi Marae. The Kaiwhakaawe has provided significant input and facilitation as part of the engagement process.
30. Staff undertook several Māori-focused engagements in early 2020, the largest of which was at the Waitangi Day event at Hoani Waititi Marae which elected a significant volume of feedback from people who identified predominantly as Māori. Focused mataawaka engagement was also undertaken via the Kelston Kaumatua Roopu (based at the Kelston Hub).
31. The local board has also considered existing feedback gathered from mataawaka through the development of the Toitu Waitākere and Waitākere ki Tua documents, which are key directional documents for the local board in responding to Māori needs and aspirations. These views are clearly reflected in the draft Whau Local Board Plan 2020, particularly Outcome #2.
Ngā ritenga ā-pūtea
Financial implications
32. Budget to implement initiatives and projects is confirmed through the annual plan budgeting process. The local board plan informs this process.
Ngā raru tūpono me ngā whakamaurutanga
Risks and mitigations
33. There is a minor reputational risk associated with the adoption of the final Whau Local Board Plan 2020. The process of consultation is likely to have raised expectations of the local board being able to achieve particular initiatives. As a result of the economic impact of COVID-19 and the council’s significantly reduced budget, it may no longer be possible to achieve all the priorities and aspirations that were identified in the draft plan.
34. This will be mitigated by clear communication of decision-making processes.
Ngā koringa ā-muri
Next steps
35. Staff recommend that responsibility for approving any minor edits following adoption are delegated to the Chairperson and/or other nominated member(s) of the Whau Local Board.
36. Photographs, maps and other design features will be added to the plan for final publication. This will be an online digital document that will be available in early 2021.
No. |
Title |
Page |
a⇩ |
Whau Local Board Plan 2020 |
11 |
b⇩ |
Schedule of changes to the Whau Local Board Plan 2020 |
55 |
Ngā kaihaina
Authors |
Mary Binney - Senior Local Board Advisor |
Authorisers |
Louise Mason - General Manager Local Board Services Adam Milina - Local Area Manager |
E nga pītau whakarei o te waka,
e nga rau tītapu o te iwi, e aku hei māpuna,
e taku iti e taku rahi, koutou kua mahue mai nei
hei toka piringa mōku i te ora,
hei ruruhau i nga hau āwhio o te wā.
E aku whakakai pounamu, e aku māpihi maurea,
kia oho te mauri, kia māriri o koutou wairua,
kia hora te marino, tēnā koutou katoa.
Tēnei au te noho atu nei i te tihi o Te Pae o te Rangi,
i tīhorea ai te whenua kia kī ake au,
e koe e te hau o te uru te wawā rā, me te kī mai,
e kore au e ora i ngā hau kōtiu, i āia ai te pūpūtara ki uta.
Nāu nei te tono kia piki ake au i ngā tai whakatū a Kupe
ki Te Waonui a Tiriwa me te Pae o te Rangi,
Kia titiro whakaroto ahau ki te maunga o Puketōtara,
kei raro e rere ana ko te awa o Waitākere
kei tētahi taha ko Puke Whakataratara, kei tua ko Te Whau.
Koinei rā te rohe kāinga o Te Au o Te Whenua me te Kawerau a Maki,
ko rātou nei te whāriki i āhei ai te nohoa o tēnei moka o te rohe
e tini whāioio kua whakakāinga ma.,
Kua kōhatu nei nga paparahi ki te whenua,
i tangata whenuatia ai tātou katoa.
I whaikiko ai te kōrero,
“Ko te hapori te tauawhi i te taiao, he mea motuhake, rerenga kē.” Kia hiwa rā, kia hiwa rā.
To all those who adorn the prow of this canoe,
to the revered leaders of the people, to my treasured heirlooms,
the lesser and the greater parts of me,
you who are my refuge in life,
my shelter from the storms of time.
My objects of affection,
let your very being flourish, let your spirit be at peace,
let the calm be widespread, I send greetings to you all.
Here I sit on the ridgeline of Te Pae o te Rangi,
where the land had been laid bare,
and the roaring wind of the west whispers,
that I would not survive the blast of the northerly wind, that would drive the paper nautilus to shore.
It was you who commanded me to ascend from the raised seas of Kupe,
to the forest of Tiriwa, and Te Pae o te Rangi.
So I look inland to Puketotara,
at the foot of which runs the Waitākere river
on one side stands Massey and on the other - Te Whau.
Home of Te Au o te Whenua and Te Kawerau a Maki,
the original settlers, they laid the way for later travellers
to make a home here.
They cast their footprints in stone upon these precincts of the region,
and so made settlers of us all.
Which gives substance to the adage,
“Communities connected to their natural environment are unique and diverse.” Let us grow with vigour.
From the Chair 4
Whau Local Board area 6
About local boards 7
About local board plans 7
Working with Māori 8
Developing our plan 9
Carrying out our plan 10
1. Strong, resilient and inclusive communities where local identity, diversity and creativity are nurtured 12
2. Māori aspirations are advanced and prioritised, and Māori history and identity are valued and reflected in our community spaces 15
3. Quality urban development and community facilities to meet the needs of our growing and changing population 18
4. Improved and expanded opportunities for walking, cycling and public
transport 22
5. Our natural environment is protected and enhanced 25
6. Thriving town centres a strong local economy and neighbourhoods that are supportive and connected 28
Funding information 31
Local activities and levels of service 32
Financial overview 34
Your Whau Local Board members 35
He kōrero mai i te Heamana
From the Chair
Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou katoa
The Whau area is a great place to live, work and play and this plan shows how we would like to further enhance it. We are the gateway to the west with a distinct identity and heritage. The Whau provided portage for Māori waka travelling between the Manukau and the Waitematā Harbours. In later years, our area became the centre of a thriving ceramic industry and today, a growing arts community and diverse cultural activities are evident. We want to acknowledge and celebrate all that has contributed and continues to promote our unique identity. We would particularly like to ensure that the importance of Māori history and identity within the Whau is recognised and that we prioritise Māori aspirations.
Our identity is also formed by our diverse population. Recent events have shown us the importance of communities being strong, resilient and working together. We would like to help generate pride in your neighbourhoods and create strong links between you as residents.
As the gateway to the west, we provide essential transport links between the west and south and central Auckland, and we would like to focus on improving and increasing the use of these links, especially for walking, cycling and public transport. We particularly want to make a strong commitment to continuing to develop Te Whau Pathway and other shared pathways.
As our population continues to grow, we want to ensure you have the facilities you have identified as important, such as recreational facilities, accessible open spaces and vibrant, attractive town centres. We plan to continue advocating to Auckland Council’s Governing Body to ensure that there is adequate investment in infrastructure to cater for our population growth.
You expressed concern about the challenge of climate change and its impact on our natural environment. We plan to build on the work achieved under the previous local board plan, and do more to protect and enhance our waterways, trees and urban forests and prepare the Whau area to be better equipped to face the demands of climate change.
Because of the disruption and uncertainty cause by COVID-19 and the consequent economic upheaval, in many ways this plan is aspirational. Financial uncertainty and a need for local government to reconsider its priorities means that in the immediate future the Whau Local Board will need to focus primarily on the delivery of core services. However, we hope that we will begin to make tangible progress on our wider objectives within the three-year term of the plan.
As local board members we want to thank you for your feedback on this plan. Over the next three years we want to continue to work with you so that the Whau area continues to be an exciting place to live, work and play.
Ngā manaakitanga
Kay Thomas, Chairperson
Whau Local Board
Te Rohe ā-Poari o Whau
Whau Local Board area
Home to almost 80,000 people, Whau is the thriving urban hub of the city’s western fringe and the western end of the Auckland Isthmus where the Whau River – an estuarine tributary of the Waitematā – comes within two kilometres of the Manukau Harbour.
The Whau River is steeped in meaning and historical significance for local Māori. Prior to European settlement, the people of Te Kawerau ā Maki established themselves throughout what is now the Whau area. The Whau River was particularly significant to this highly mobile people who moved between the Northern Manukau and Upper Waitematā Harbours. Other sites of particular importance to Te Kawerau ā Maki included the Waitahurangi Stream, Te Tōangawaka (the Whau portage) Motukaraka (an old kāinga near Green Bay) and Te Kotuitanga (an important waka building site located at what is now Olympic Park). Rangimatariki (the Rosebank Peninsula) is another site of historic significance to Māori. Other mana whenua with historic ties to the Whau area include Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei, Ngāti Whātua ki Kaipara, Te Akitai Waiohua and Ngāti Te Ata Waiohua.
Upon the arrival of European settlers, the river’s clay banks provided the pipes and brickwork for settlement throughout Aotearoa / New Zealand and saw the establishment of the iconic Crown Lynn pottery which holds a particularly special place in the history of New Lynn. The Avondale area was significant for our early Chinese settlers as home to many of Auckland’s market gardens in the early 20th century.
Whau is growing rapidly, with urban development in Avondale and New Lynn taking advantage of the area’s proximity to the city centre, and the unique and beautiful natural heritage of west Auckland. The opportunities afforded by its transport connections of rail, bus and cycle paths are an incentive to further development, and catering to the needs of growth will be a key challenge for the next three years.
Whau is one of the most ethnically diverse areas of Tāmaki Makaurau. Over 40 per cent of our population identifies as Asian – significantly higher than the regional average of 28 per cent. We also have a higher Pasifika population than the regional average, and these communities – along with our Korean, Filipino, Sri Lankan, Middle Eastern, African, and of course our Māori population – have voices that need to be heard more prominently so that we can embrace our increasing diversity and respond effectively to their needs.
All these communities which call the
Whau home have an amazing community spirit, resilience, and a willingness to help
each other and work towards shared goals and aspirations.
He kōrero mō ngā poari ā-rohe
About local boards
Auckland Council has a unique model of local government in New Zealand, made up of the Governing Body (the mayor and 20 Governing Body members) and 21 local boards. The Governing Body focuses on Auckland-wide issues while local boards are responsible for decision-making on local matters, activities and services and provide input into regional strategies, policies and plans.
Local boards make decisions on local matters such as:
· supporting local arts, culture, events and sport and recreation
· providing grants and partnering with local organisations to deliver community services
· maintaining and upgrading town centres and facilities including parks, libraries and halls
· caring for the environment and preserving heritage.
Local boards also have a role in representing the view of their communities on issues of local importance.
About local board plans
Local board plans are strategic three-year plans that are developed in consultation with the community. They set out the direction for the local area that reflects community aspirations and priorities. The plans guide the local boards in:
· decisions on local activities, projects, and facilities
· input into the council's regional strategies and plans, including the Auckland Plan
· how local boards will work with other agencies including community groups, central government agencies and council-controlled organisations that play key roles in the area
· funding and investment decisions.
Local board plans are inclusive and connected; they don’t operate in isolation. They support the following:
· the Auckland Plan 2050 – the 30-year vision for Auckland
· the council’s 10-year budget (Long-term Plan) – planned spending and future investment priorities over the longer term, including local boards
· the council’s annual budget (annual plan) – funding for the coming financial year of the 10-year budget, including local boards.
Local Board Agreements form the basis for each local board to develop its annual work programme and set out local funding priorities and budgets, levels of service, performance measures and targets by activity for each financial year.
Detail of our projects, budgets and timelines are outlined in our annual work programmes. Progress is reported quarterly and communicated to our communities.
Working with Māori
Te Tiriti o Waitangi recognises the rangatiratanga of Auckland's hapū and iwi, and the inseparable bond between Tāmaki Makaurau the people and Tāmaki Makaurau the place.
Local boards play a vital role in representing the interests of all Aucklanders. We are committed to our Treaty-based obligations and to Māori participation and development.
We have worked with Māori to develop initiatives that respond to Māori aspirations.
Te whakawhanake i tā mātou mahere
Developing our plan
Our plan comprises aspirational outcomes, objectives we want to achieve and some of the key initiatives we will carry out to achieve them.
A draft plan was developed using feedback received from public engagement carried out between November 2019 and April 2020. The draft was also developed by considering what we know about our community, having worked closely with you and heard your views on a wide range of topics.
During July and August 2020, we consulted on the draft plan to hear your thoughts. To hear your feedback and ensure we reflected your needs and desires we engaged with our community at a range of events and activities across the board area.
The issues and priorities you raised with us through these interactions helped us finalise this plan.
The social and economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic mean some of our aspirations have been modified. Our response is delivered via the annual budgeting process but the decisions we make will focus on ensuring the benefits for our community.
Te whakatutuki i tā mātou mahere
Carrying out our plan
Turning plans into reality takes many people working together – the community, the local board and the wider council family such as Auckland Transport.
To deliver against the outcomes in the local board plans, we will:
· prioritise budget to focus on the initiatives in the plans
· make the best use of local assets such as community centres and parks
· set direction for the council staff who deliver the projects and services
· work with various community groups and partners to deliver projects and services.
Sometimes, important projects in
local areas are beyond the funding available to local boards or our authority
to make decisions. In those cases, the role of local boards is to advocate to
decision-makers to ensure they are aware of community views and the boards
support for them.
Whakaotinga tahi: He hapori kaha, aumangea, manaaki hoki kei reira te tuakiri ā-rohe, te kanorau, me te auahatanga e atawhaitia ana
Outcome one: Strong, resilient and inclusive communities where local identity, diversity and creativity are nurtured
The Whau is home to creative and caring communities who support each other. Our vision is that everyone is welcome in the Whau and every person who lives, works or plays here has a right to participation and a sense of belonging. Our arts and culture are an intrinsic part of who we are; they reflect our vibrant and diverse communities and help to bring people together.
It is clear that COVID-19 has had, and will continue to affect some of our most vulnerable citizens. Ensuring that we respond adequately to this challenge will be a key priority.
· Established communities with strong connections that celebrate diversity.
· Our newly adopted Pasifika and Ethnic Plans.
· A thriving network of community organisations that understand and can deliver to meet the needs of diverse and changing communities, and strong relationships between the local board and partner organisations.
· Rapid population growth and changing demographics.
· Certain communities that are relatively disconnected and risk isolation or particular needs remaining unmet due to lack of engagement.
· Some of our ethnic minority and immigrant communities do not feel as welcome, or as included, as they should.
· Auckland Council’s own demographics as an organisation are not reflective of the communities it serves.
Our commitment
We are committed to carrying out the following key initiatives to achieve these goals, and will continue to look for other opportunities as they arise.
Outcome one: Strong, resilient and inclusive communities where local identity, diversity and creativity are nurtured |
Objective |
Key initiatives |
Our diverse communities are empowered to promote their cultural traditions and interests, engage with other communities and foster leadership |
Continue to implement the findings of the Whau Pacific Plan, build further on these findings through the community-led Pasifika Komiti, and ensure that Pacific voices are heard in the response to COVID-19 |
Continue to deliver the Whau Ethnic Plan and build on them through the community-led Whau Ethnic Collective, and ensure that ethnic communities’ voices are heard in the response to COVID-19 |
Support services through our libraries, community centres, community groups and other organisations that bring communities together, celebrate our differences and promote tolerance, open-mindedness and respect |
Showcase our communities through events and other initiatives that celebrate diverse cultures, reaffirm identities, promote cross-cultural collaboration and attract people to the Whau |
Partner with Hoani Waititi Marae and other Māori organisations in the community to build relationships between local Māori communities and other ethnically diverse communities and foster a shared understanding |
Our youngest, oldest, and most vulnerable citizens are respected, included, and cared for, particularly in light of the evolving COVID-19 situation |
Invest in initiatives that focus on our growing older communities and respond to their needs, but also provide opportunities to connect young and old |
Develop a strategy for accessibility and inclusion in the Whau that can identify ways to reduce barriers to opportunity or participation due to age, ability, economic status, culture and identity (however defined) |
Keep our events free where possible, and ensure they are inclusive of all ages and cultures and accessible for families with young children |
Identify opportunities to partner with the Whau Youth Board, other youth-focused groups and the education sector to strengthen the local board’s relationships with young people and have more youth involvement in local democratic processes |
Our communities’ voices are heard and responded to, and everyone has an opportunity to participate |
Build on the findings of the Our Future Avondale visioning document and identify ways to support a collaborative and community-led approach in other areas |
Ensure robust mechanisms for community involvement are maintained to support inclusive and community-focused processes in all projects relating to the regeneration of Avondale |
Increase our focus on engagement and activation in those parts of the Whau that are further away from town centres and services or have higher welfare needs to ensure equity across our communities |
Continue to build leadership capacity and empower our local organisations and groups to be resilient and provide effective community representation |
Support opportunities to increase democratic participation, particularly amongst Māori, Pasifika and ethnic minorities |
The Whau is known and loved for its distinctive creative identity |
Build on the success of the Whau Arts Broker programme and look for opportunities to expand and extend this throughout the Whau |
Support creative initiatives that celebrate the Whau River and its wider catchment |
Increase resilience in established arts groups through improved collaboration with neighbouring local boards, Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development, and other organisations. Support identification of funding opportunities recognising that artistic communities are not defined by local board boundaries |
Showcase Whau’s creative scene through events, activations, exhibitions and community murals, and ensure that there are specific opportunities for young people to develop their creative practices and showcase their work |
Develop a strategy around how the arts can enhance the Whau’s brand and identity |
Investigate options to enhance Te Toi Uku so it can realise its potential, attract visitors to the Whau and tell its unique story through a high-quality visitor experience |
Whakaotinga rua: Ka kōkirihia, ka whakaarotautia ngā tūmanako Māori, ā, ka uaratia, ka whakaaturia ki ō tatou wāhi hapori te hītori me te tuakiri Māori
Outcome two: Māori aspirations are advanced and prioritised, and Māori history and identity are valued and reflected in our community spaces
The Whau embraces and celebrates its Māori heritage, culture and people, and supports its Māori communities to thrive and realise their aspirations. Our iwi and hapū are engaged in our governance processes and the principles of te Tiriti o Waitangi are at the forefront of our decision-making.
The impact of COVID-19 on our Māori communities is not yet fully understood, and responding to any specific challenges for Māori in the Whau will be a priority for us to consider over the duration of this plan.
· The establishment of a Kaiwhakaawe (Māori broker) to realise Māori aspirations across the west.
· The established desire of local Māori and mana whenua to have more early involvement and collaboration in council initiatives.
· Increasing visibility of, and interest in, Māori people and Māori culture in our communities and society as a whole.
· Potential for a closer relationship between the local board and Taumata Whau based at the Kelston Hub.
· The need to foster a greater general understanding and appreciation of Te Ao Maori and Mātauranga Māori.
· Maori success is not always communicated, celebrated and understood.
· Over-representation of Māori in social deprivation, household income, home ownership, educational participation, and health.
· Failure of the Crown and government agencies to honour their commitments under te Tiriti o Waitangi over the years.
· Ensuring early and meaningful engagement with both mana whenua and mataawaka across all local board work programmes to ensure that a Māori view is reflected.
Our commitment
We are committed to carrying out the following key initiatives to achieve these goals, and will continue to look for other opportunities as they arise.
Outcome two: Māori aspirations are advanced and prioritised, and Māori history and identity are valued and reflected in our community spaces |
Objective |
Key initiatives |
The distinctive Māori heritage of the Whau area and its mana whenua is visible in key community spaces
Progress te kete rukuruku, the Māori naming of parks and reserves, along with interpretive signage that tells the stories of the history of particular sites and their significance to Māori |
Encourage the use of te reo Māori signage in all our community places, libraries and transport hubs |
Support our libraries to embrace and champion the everyday use of te reo Māori and promote opportunities for learning te reo Māori for people of all ages |
Invest in initiatives to highlight the historic portage route and its key sites through both physical markers and awareness-raising initiatives to celebrate this important part of the Whau’s heritage |
Advocate for the redevelopment of the Ash Street / Rata Street Bridge over the Whau River as one of the many gateways to the west, with a strong Māori focus and design components that can tell the story of the Whau River and celebrate its significance |
Our partnerships with mana whenua are strengthened
Implement a formal relationship agreement with Te Kawerau ā Maki |
Develop and foster sustainable and authentic relationships with all mana whenua entities with an interest in the Whau |
Partner with Te Kawerau ā Maki and the Waitākere Ranges Local Board to address Kauri Dieback Disease in areas that border and cross into the Whau Local Board area, both in local parks and on private land where feasible |
Māori principles and traditions are considered early in our major projects and planning processes
Build our cultural capability and develop protocols to ensure tikanga practices are considered in all local board business and processes |
Encourage locally delivered council initiatives to demonstrate an awareness of mātauranga Māori |
Encourage the increased use of Māori place names across the Whau and consider advocating to formalise these, in partnership with mana whenua |
Advocate for the inclusion of a strong Māori focus in the design and implementation of Te Whau Pathway |
Māori people living in the Whau are empowered to realise their aspirations for their whānau and local communities
Continue to implement the findings of Waitākere ki Tua and Toitū Waitākere, and identify opportunities to empower Māori leaders in the community to build on and expand this work |
Provide engagement and consultation opportunities that are built around Kaupapa Māori and ensure that the voices of rangatahi, as well as koroua and kuia are included in Māori-focused initiatives |
Increase opportunities for rongoa Māori, Te Reo Māori, and other Māori-focused programming in our community places, and ensure that these opportunities are promoted widely |
Support establishment of more pā harakeke and increase opportunities for weaving in the community |
Strengthen our partnership with Hoani Waititi Marae, advocate for its long-term aspirations, and identify ways to increase access to its services and initiatives to residents of the Whau |
Identify ways to further work with and support other marae in west Auckland, develop a closer partnership relationship with Taumata Whau, and build closer relationships with Māori service providers and organisations and informal groups |
Whakaotinga toru: Te whakawhanaketanga ā-tāone me ngā ratonga hapori kounga e hāngai ana ki ngā hiahia o tō tātou taupori e tipu ana, e huri haere ana
Outcome three: Quality urban development and community facilities to meet the needs of our growing and changing population
Quality housing options and world-class infrastructure to meet the needs of our growing and changing communities in the Whau. Our community centres, libraries, parks, sports fields and other facilities are outstanding and have ample capacity to meet future demands, support community groups of various sizes, and recognise diverse communities through design, art and naming. Advocacy at the regional and national levels around housing, roading and stormwater is a priority, along with quality urban design that is resilient to climate events and meaningful, early engagement with mana whenua.
The economic impact of COVID-19 will affect our ability to deliver as much as we planned in the short-to-medium term. Constrained budgets require careful prioritisation of major spending, but there is also an opportunity to identify new ways to use existing assets and find innovative solutions to ensure our communities’ needs are met.
· Panuku Development Auckland’s identification of Avondale as an “Unlock” area for quality development and urban renewal.
· The new Avondale Integrated Library and Community Centre, and other complementary initiatives.
· To see if community gardens could meet a range of needs of populations living in high-density housing.
· Confirmation of the Whau Aquatic and Recreation Facility in the 2018-2028 Long-term Plan.
· Ongoing commercial and residential development in the New Lynn area, and progressing the implementation of the New Lynn Urban Plan.
· Kāinga Ora has significant infrastructure investment and re-development of existing sites planned for Whau and can work with Auckland Council to improve the quality of urban form and enable the development of more warm, dry homes in the Whau.
· Constrained financial environment due to COVID-19.
· Development occurring more slowly than expected in some areas, while proceeding rapidly in others.
· Population growth exceeding earlier projections.
· The need for more social housing, and also the challenges associated with supporting the integration of these new communities.
· Uncertainty around the future of the Avondale Racecourse.
· A perceived lack of usable, high-quality public open space in Avondale and the need to ensure adequate provision of green space alongside intensive residential development.
· Constrained region-wide funding meaning that some community places struggle financially.
Our commitment
We are committed to carrying out the following key initiatives to achieve these goals, and will continue to look for other opportunities as they arise.
Outcome three: Quality urban development and community facilities to meet the needs of our growing and changing population |
Objective |
Key initiatives |
The Whau has community assets and open spaces that can accommodate future growth and increased housing density |
Support initiatives to increase healthy, active lifestyles among our ethnically diverse communities and provide appropriate options for active recreation, particularly for women and girls |
Investigate the feasibility of a permanent pump track facility in the Whau |
Progress upgrades to key parks and reserves, ensure playgrounds are fit for purpose, that our open spaces provide great options for active recreation for children, and that opportunities for the development of mara hupara are considered |
Assess the need for more drinking fountains and toilets in parks and open spaces throughout the Whau |
Look for opportunities to increase basketball facilities and ensure these are accessible to all |
Create safe urban spaces for community interaction and (non-sport) recreation |
Recognise the role of organised sport in our communities and work with our sports clubs to increase participation, build connections and create leadership opportunities, particularly for our children and young people |
Ensure that our community centres, hubs and houses, are adequately resourced and prepared to meet the needs of growing populations |
Continue to support the delivery of the Avondale Multipurpose Community Facility with a high level of ongoing community and mana whenua engagement |
Continue to advocate strongly for the site identification and delivery of the Whau Aquatic and Recreation Facility |
Opportunities for growth and regeneration consider the needs of all affected communities |
Continue activations and temporary improvements to urban spaces where development is underway |
Develop a high-quality urban park to support the Crown Lynn housing development |
Work with Panuku Development Auckland to ensure the continued implementation of the Unlock Avondale Programme, bringing high-quality improvements to the Avondale town centre in consultation with the community |
Champion an integrated, multi-agency approach to leverage any additional opportunities associated with the Unlock Avondale Programme |
Advocate for the increased provision of accessible green space in Avondale in the context of rapidly increasing population density |
Critical infrastructure is designed and upgraded to meet not only the challenge of growth, but also climate change |
Ensure that any investment in our coastal parks, reserves and boardwalks considers the reality of rising sea levels |
Investigate possible initiatives and / or advocacy to incentivise sustainable building initiatives such as rainwater storage and stormwater detention tanks, rain gardens, solar panels and other innovative solutions to reduce the environmental impact of development |
Develop a plan for Avondale (including the Rosebank Peninsula) that considers the provision of accessible open space to support growth, alongside ecological and climate change considerations. This plan can support the development of new recreational open space and the protection of existing natural areas |
Advocate to the Governing Body to retrofit all community buildings to meet the New Zealand Green Building Council’s maximum green star rating |
Everyone in the Whau has opportunities for active and passive recreation in our parks and open spaces |
Increase opportunities for safe outdoor recreation for older people and ensure our parks are accessible to all |
Deliver the Open Space Network Plan to increase tree cover in parks and spaces |
Increase shade and shelter in our parks and open spaces, including shade sails in playgrounds and wet weather shelter near our most popular barbecue areas |
Support the establishment of pou, kaitiaki and interpretive signage in parks to increase awareness of local Māori history |
Advocate for a review of how space is currently assigned to community groups and existing usage of council property reflects Auckland’s increasing diversity and the needs of our younger citizens |
Whakaotinga whā: He āheinga pai ake, whānui ake mō te hīkoi, te eke pahikara me te ikiiki tūmatanui
Outcome four: Improved and expanded opportunities for walking, cycling and public transport
Connections between our neighbourhoods, town centres, parks, open space and facilities are safe and accessible to all members of our communities. Walking and cycling infrastructure is expanded and improved. All transport initiatives in the Whau are focused on safety, multi-modal connectivity, and the reduction of carbon emissions. Transport planning takes into account increasing population density and contributes to high-quality urban design.
The more restrictive COVID-19 alert levels saw unmistakable change to peoples’ transport choices, with few cars on the road and a big uptake in walking and cycling. While getting people moving more freely will be a key part of our economic recovery, we also see an opportunity to encourage people to make some of the changes made during these times permanent: more use of active modes, shopping locally and supporting local businesses. We will be looking to identify ways to support this change while also supporting economic recovery more broadly.
· Excellent existing public transport links to the city centre from New Lynn and Avondale.
· The forthcoming City Rail Link and New Lynn to Avondale Shared Path.
· Emerging and disruptive technologies including micro-mobility, openness to trialling innovative solutions.
· Recommendations of the New Lynn Urban Plan.
· Central government’s commitment to funding a large section of Te Whau Pathway (mainly in the Henderson-Massey Local Board area).
· Climate change and the urgent need to reduce the carbon emissions from our transport network.
· A high rate of deaths and serious injuries across our transport network.
· Demand for both commuter and short-term parking in New Lynn is exceeding supply, compounded by a lack of frequent, reliable feeder-bus options.
· Lack of accessibility to and from the Rosebank Peninsula impacting on the ability of the industrial precinct to grow and improve its productivity.
· Relative lack of public transport options and accessibility in some parts of the Whau.
· Poor footpath quality, particularly in areas with higher numbers of older residents.
· Sections of Te Whau Pathway that remain unfunded sit mainly in the Whau Local Board area.
· Increasing congestion and lack of resilience of the public transport network.
Our commitment
We are committed to carrying out the following key initiatives to achieve these goals, and will continue to look for other opportunities as they arise.
Outcome four: Improved and expanded opportunities for walking, cycling and public transport |
Objective |
Key initiatives |
More safe, attractive and high-quality walking and cycling connections are developed and carbon emissions from our transport system are reduced
Build on the positive changes associated with COVID-19 alert level restrictions around walking and cycling. Find low-costs improvements to enhance opportunities for active transport and make it a safe and enjoyable option |
Investigate opportunities to develop better walking and cycling connections for Kelston |
Progress the review and implementation of the Whau Neighbourhood Greenways Plan and prioritise walking and cycling connections between parks and open spaces |
Work with the Waitākere Ranges and Henderson-Massey local boards to investigate options for possible continuation of the New Lynn to Avondale Shared Path further along the rail line towards Henderson |
Continue to advocate strongly for funding of the remaining parts of Te Whau Pathway, identify ways to support delivery and ensure it meets local needs |
Advocate for safe, separated cycleways between our town centres, and between existing cycleways, shared paths and parks, and to other key destinations |
Our roads and footpaths are safe and accessible for all
Give a higher priority to accessibility of our roads, footpaths and open spaces to ensure the needs of all members of our communities are considered |
Actively support the government’s Road to Zero strategy and increase public safety initiatives around road safety and lower speeds, particularly around our schools and aged care facilities |
Advocate to Auckland Transport to improve the required standards for maintenance, renewal and construction of footpaths, particularly in areas where significant numbers of older people live |
Our town centres and major employment areas are accessible by multiple transport modes
Investigate any potential low-cost improvements to safety and accessibility for people traveling to and from our town centres and the Rosebank Peninsula using active modes |
Advocate for the construction of a new multi-story park-and-ride in New Lynn to realise the recommendations of the New Lynn Urban Plan |
Advocate to Auckland Transport for a review of the current bus network and opportunity for more feeder bus services to New Lynn for those parts of the Whau currently not easily accessible by public transport, with a particular focus on areas with higher deprivation |
Continue working with Auckland Transport and Panuku Development Auckland to investigate the possibility of extending Memorial Drive, New Lynn, further to the south to create better connectivity between the town centre and future developments on the Crown Lynn site |
Advocate for improvements to vehicular access to the Rosebank Peninsula including changes to the existing road layout to improve efficiency of vehicle movements, and for a significant increase in bus services |
Innovation and disruptive technologies are embraced where they can provide safe, low-carbon alternatives to private vehicle use |
Welcome innovative transport solutions, including trials of new technology, including ride-share, carpooling and micro-mobility initiatives |
Support initiatives that can reduce barriers to active transport, including access to bike repair support and learn-to-ride services |
Investigate and work with the private sector to promote low-cost ways to reduce demand for vehicular travel during peak times (for example flexible working) |
Support public awareness and education about the benefits and risks of micro-mobility and promote responsible use to ensure safety for all |
Whakaotinga rima: Ka tiakina tō tātou taiao, ā, ka whakahaumakotia
Outcome five: Our natural environment is protected and enhanced
Our natural environment is a precious taonga and will be at the forefront of all local board decision-making. Given the challenges associated with climate change, we support and empower local communities to uphold the principle of kaitiakitanga (guardianship) and to take local action to ensure that our coastlines, streams, waterways, flora and fauna are preserved protected, restored and regenerated. Environmental sustainability is considered in all our local decisions, and innovative ways to reduce carbon emissions are prioritised, and communities are prepared for future change.
During the COVID-19 Alert Level 4 lockdown of March-April 2020, people responded positively to anecdotal evidence of increased biodiversity and reduced levels of pollution. While economic recovery is the main priority, we also see an opportunity to learn from local and international lockdown experiences, and encourage a stronger focus on sustainability and wider public participation in environmental initiatives.
· Resilient communities who care about and support each other.
· Increasing public awareness of the risks associated with climate change; improving environmental outcomes; the benefits of reducing carbon emissions; and the opportunity to further increase this awareness through educational initiatives,
· Our unique biodiversity and ecology, including our proximity to the Waitākere Ranges.
· A strong existing network of environmental organisations.
· Our partnerships with local environmental trusts.
· Climate change and extreme weather events.
· Water quality of the Manukau Harbour and Whau River remain low.
· Limitations around what can be done to protect trees.
· The spread of Kauri Dieback Disease.
· Increased intensification and the need to retain green space as our population grows.
· Illegal dumping.
Our commitment
We are committed to carrying out the following key initiatives to achieve these goals and will continue to look for other opportunities as they arise.
Outcome five: Our natural environment is protected and enhanced |
Objective |
Key initiatives |
Prepare communities for the impacts of climate change by building community resilience and reducing carbon emissions
Identify ways to expand the Whau Low Carbon Network; progress priority outcomes in the Whau Local Low Carbon Plan |
Invest in wider-scale awareness and education about reducing carbon emissions and home water use |
Advocate to relevant agencies to ensure infrastructure can cope with increasing extreme weather events |
Our streams, waterways and harbours are protected, and their mauri is restored |
Continue to partner with the Whau River Catchment Trust and other local community organisations to improve water quality of the Whau River |
Broaden our focus on the Whau River to include the catchment as a whole and the communities that link to it, and encourage community action to help restore it |
Support creative initiatives that celebrate and encourage community action to restore the Whau River and its wider catchment |
Build on the success of the Industrial Pollution Prevention Programme by focusing on identifying and fixing some of the more passive sources of water contamination |
Explore options to expand and enhance Auckland Council’s current initiatives around the health of the Manukau and Waitematā harbours |
Continue to work with other local boards as a member of the Manukau Harbour Forum to support a long-term management programme for the harbour as a significant cultural, ecological, social and economic taonga |
More trees and native plants are planted in the Whau, alongside strengthened advocacy to protect existing significant trees
Advocate to the Governing Body and central government to strengthen tree protection and prevent further loss of canopy cover |
Continue to support the Urban Ngahere Strategy and consider other initiatives to increase our tree canopy |
Support and encourage landowners to provide permanent tree protection for significant trees on their properties |
Work with ethnically diverse and migrant communities to promote the benefits of planting trees, nurturing native flora and fauna, and carrying out pest control |
Support education and advocacy around the importance of tree cover both locally and regionally |
Support the Waitākere Ranges Local Board in its work to prevent the spread of Kauri Dieback Disease |
Investigate ways to identify and celebrate our significant trees and tell their stories |
Our communities are supported to exercise the principle of kaitiakitanga in their local areas |
Pilot more small-scale and community-led environmental and sustainability initiatives that improve our environment and also provide opportunities for local leadership and community-building |
Raise awareness and education people about recycling, waste minimisation, composting and water usage in multiple languages, particularly with signage |
Develop a pest free vision for the Whau to support our commitment to the eradication of predators and develop more ambitious targets for the Whau area |
Facilitate and expand Māori-led environmental initiatives based on whānau, kaitiakitanga and other traditional Māori principles |
Continue to invest in community gardens and urban agriculture with more focus on food resilience in the context of climate change and COVID-19 |
Identify ways to increase visibility of local groups engaged in environmental restoration initiatives |
Whakaotinga ono: He pokapū tāone taurikura, he ohaoha ā-rohe kaha, he takiwā noho e manaaki ana, e honohono ana
Outcome six: Thriving town centres a strong local economy and neighbourhoods that are supportive and connected
Our communities, businesses and, in particular, our young people, are empowered and supported to be competitive, innovative, agile and connected. Our town centres are thriving and growing, as are our industrial precincts, and local communities have neighbourhood retail centres that they support and are proud of.
The full economic effects of COVID-19 on Aotearoa / New Zealand aren’t yet known, but as they become clearer, we will work with our communities, business associations and other stakeholders to respond to the challenges that arise.
· Avondale Unlock Programme and the significant economic development opportunities this brings.
· Population growth and changing demographics.
· Increasing connectivity associated with high-speed broadband and constantly improving transport options.
· An increasingly globalised and connected world, enabling people to work remotely in a wider range of industries.
· Increasing frequency of extreme weather events, affecting public and commercial infrastructure.
· Housing shortages and the slow pace of residential development.
· Slow economic and employment growth in the Whau, relative to the country as a whole, in recent years.
· Transport and access issues on the Rosebank Peninsula.
· Slow progress on implementation of the New Lynn Urban Plan.
· Accessibility of town centres.
· Lower incomes and a lower rate of GDP growth than Auckland as a whole.
Our commitment
We are committed to carrying out the following key initiatives to achieve these goals, and will continue to look for other opportunities as they arise.
Outcome six: Thriving town centres, a strong local economy and neighbourhoods that are supportive and connected |
Objective |
Key initiatives |
Our town centres and neighbourhoods are clean, busy, safe, attractive, connected and meet the needs of local communities |
Partner with our business associations to realise shared aspirations around town centre improvement, and support those associations seeking to expand Business Improvement Districts |
Progress the remaining recommendations of the New Lynn Urban Plan |
Increase activities in our town centres, and investigate placemaking opportunities that make connections between our town centres, neighbourhoods and the Whau River |
Continue placemaking and community-building initiatives in local neighbourhoods, focusing more on the parts of the Whau that have historically received less targeted support, particularly New Windsor |
Partner with the Glen Avon Hub to continue its work building community connections and resilience |
Ensure that the Whau’s unique Māori heritage and identity is reflected in our town centres, neighbourhoods and in local placemaking initiatives |
Support initiatives that create safe urban spaces for interaction and informal recreation for young people, including those from diverse backgrounds and LGBTQI |
Partner with other agencies and community organisations to improve lighting, increase CCTV and continue to support community patrols |
Develop a better understanding of the role played by our smaller neighbourhood centres and the challenges and opportunities they face |
Advocate for regional funding for new public art and support opportunities for local artists to promote their work in our town centres |
More local people are able to access employment, education and training opportunities in the Whau |
Continue to fund youth employment initiatives and look for opportunities to connect employers across west Auckland to organisations supporting youth employment |
Work with The Western Initiative and other key partners to grow local skills and employment |
Continue activities such as the Pop-up Business School with ATEED, and look for opportunities to work with neighbouring local boards and other organisations in this space |
Explore opportunities to increase local procurement for council contracts and advocate for a living wage across the Whau |
Support and encourage social enterprise initiatives in our local communities |
Support Māori and Pasifika businesses to pilot local workforce development initiatives |
Our businesses are more sustainable |
Identify and support opportunities to promote a circular or regenerative economy |
Work with businesses to minimise waste in the most cost-effective way |
Work with local organisations to expand opportunities for resource recovery in the Whau and do more to promote these initiatives and increase participation |
Our built heritage is valued, and opportunities to restore and re-purpose heritage buildings are encouraged
Continue to support initiatives that tell the stories of the Whau’s unique heritage, including its buildings |
Support libraries in providing opportunities for people to learn about the Whau |
Increase promotion of Te Toi Uku and support its potential to tell the stories of New Lynn’s built heritage, and increase the potential of New Lynn as a destination |
Advocate for the protection and restoration of our heritage buildings |
He kōrero take pūtea
Financial information
The local board funding policy sets out how local boards are funded to meet the costs of providing local activities and administration support.
Local board funding is approved through the council’s budget-setting process. This involves the council’s Governing Body adopting a 10-year budget (Long-term Plan) every three years and an annual budget every year. Local board agreements, in which the local board and the Governing Body agree the local board budget for each year, make up part of the annual budget.
The council’s budget-setting process involves allocating funding gathered through revenue sources such as rates and user charges. It also involves setting levels of service for council activities and corresponding performance targets.
The financial and levels of service statements in this plan are based on the information included in the 2018-28 Long-term Plan and updated through subsequent annual plans (including the Emergency Budget 2020/2021). Updated financial information and levels of service will be adopted as part of the Long-Term Plan which is due to be adopted in June 2021. The Long-Term Plan 2021-2031 will be informed by the local board plans, and may impact the initiatives in this local board plan.
Kaupapa ā-rohe me ngā paerewa ā-mahi
Local activities and levels of service
The budget-setting process sets levels of service for local activities and corresponding performance targets. The table below describes the local activities and default level of service statements set out in the 2018-28 Long-term Plan. These level of service statements may change when they are reviewed as part of the Long-term Plan 2021-2031.
More information on local board budgets can be found in the Albert-Eden Local Board Agreement and Auckland Council’s local board funding policy, which are available on the council website.
Local activities |
Levels of service statements |
Local community services This is a broad activity area, which includes: · supporting local arts, culture, events, sport and recreation · providing grants and partnering with local organisations to deliver community services · maintaining facilities, including local parks, libraries and halls. |
We provide library services and programmes that support Aucklanders with reading and literacy, and opportunities to participate in community and civic life. We fund, enable and deliver community events and experiences that enhance identity and connect people. We fund, enable and deliver arts and culture experiences that enhance identity and connect people. Utilising the Empowered Communities Approach, we support Aucklanders to create thriving, connected and inclusive communities. Provide safe, reliable and accessible social infrastructure for Aucklanders that contributes to placemaking and thriving communities. We provide art facilities, community centres and hire venues that enable Aucklanders to run locally responsive activities, promoting participation, inclusion and connection. We provide recreation programmes, opportunities and facilities to get Aucklanders more active, more often. We provide safe and accessible parks, reserves and beaches. We showcase Auckland’s Māori identity and vibrant Māori culture. |
Local planning and development This group of activities covers improvements to town centres, the local street environment as well as local environment and heritage protection. These activities also include working with business and community associations to improve local economic development and employment initiatives. |
We help attract investment, businesses and a skilled workforce to Auckland.
Local environmental management Local boards work in partnership with local communities and iwi to deliver projects and programmes to improve local environments. Our focus is on indigenous biodiversity, healthy waterways and sustainable living. These activities include stream restoration, waste minimisation programmes, supporting environmental volunteers and partnering with schools to provide a range of environmental initiatives. |
We manage Auckland’s natural environment.
Local governance Activities in this group support our 21 local boards to engage with and represent their communities, and make decisions on local activities. This support includes providing strategic advice, leadership of the preparation of local board plans, support in developing the Local Board Agreements, community engagement including relationships with mana whenua and Māori communities, and democracy and administrative support. |
The measures for this group of activities are covered under the Regional Governance group of activities in the Long-term Plan 2018-2028 which determine participation with Auckland Council decision-making in general. This includes local decision-making.
Revenue, expenditure and capital investment by local activities for the Whau Local Board |
for the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021. |
Annual Budget financials |
2020/2021 |
$(000) |
Operating Revenue |
Local community services |
288 |
Local planning and development |
- |
Local environmental services |
- |
Local governance |
- |
Total Operating Revenue |
288 |
Operating Expenditure |
Local community services |
12,830 |
Local planning and economic development |
961 |
Local environmental services |
251 |
Local governance |
1,042 |
Total Operating Expenditure |
15,084 |
Net Operating Expenditure |
14,796 |
Capital Expenditure |
Local community services |
2,747 |
Local planning and development |
- |
Local environmental services |
- |
Local governance |
- |
Total Capital Expenditure |
2,747 |
Ngā Mema o tō Poari ā-Rohe o Whau
Your Whau Local Board members
Members’ details |
Kay Thomas – Chairperson Phone: 021 198 0280 kay.thomas@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Susan Zhu – Deputy Chairperson Phone: 021 546 880 susan.zhu@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Fasitua Amosa Phone: 021 194 4539 fasitua.amosa@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Catherine Farmer Phone: 021 284 2842 catherine.farmer@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Te’eva Matafai Phone: 021 730 182 teeva.matafai@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Warren Piper Phone: 021 198 1389 warren.piper@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz
Jessica Rose Phone: 0274 773 455 jessica.rose@aucklandcouncil.govt.nz