Franklin Local Board
Minutes of a meeting of the Franklin Local Board held in the Local Board Chambers, Pukekohe Service Centre, 82 Manukau Road, Pukekohe and via videoconference on Tuesday, 8 December 2020 at 9.30am.
Either a recording or transcript will be published to the Auckland Council website.
Chairperson |
Andrew Baker |
Deputy Chairperson |
Angela Fulljames |
Members |
Malcolm Bell |
Alan Cole |
Sharlene Druyven |
Lance Gedge |
Amanda Kinzett |
via video conference |
Matthew Murphy |
Logan Soole |
Franklin Local Board 08 December 2020 |
The Chair opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present.
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number FR/2020/126 MOVED by Member L Soole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames: That the Franklin Local Board: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 1 December 2020 as true and correct. |
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Resolution number FR/2020/127 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member S Druyven: That the Franklin Local Board: a) approve a leave of absence for Member Baker (Chair) for 2-15 February 2021. |
There were no acknowledgements.
There were no petitions.
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A powerpoint presentation was given. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment.
Resolution number FR/2020/128 MOVED by Member S Druyven, seconded by Member M Murphy: That the Franklin Local Board: a) thank Donna Goettler, Peter Fuller, Tim King and Oliver Scott for their attendance and presentation on a proposed private plan change for 92 Constable Road, Waiuku. |
a 8 December 2020 Franklin Local Board: Private Plan Change presentation for 92 Constable Road Waiuku |
There was no public forum.
There was no extraordinary business.
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Auckland Transport monthly report to the Franklin Local Board - December 2020 |
Kenneth Tuia was in attendance via videoconference for this item.
Resolution number FR/2020/129 MOVED by Member M Murphy, seconded by Member A Cole: That the Franklin Local Board: a) receive the Auckland Transport report for December 2020. b) request that Auckland Transport assess the road safety of the public road section of the Hūnua Trail with a focus on Otau Mountain Road, McNicol Road and Clevedon-Kawakawa Bay Road, noting an anticipated increase in use by vulnerable users from February 2021, and return to the board with options for immediate and longer term safety improvements c) provide the following feedback on the proposed Unsealed Road Improvement Framework: i) support in principle a new approach to improving the unsealed road network whereby different treatment options aligned to the specific problems with unsealed roads will be progressed with a view to improving the performance of the road, impact on the environment and reducing long-term operational maintenance costs ii) support in principle the new proposed two step assessment and response prioritisation methodology iii) note that it is critical that local board priorities, policies and projects are actively sought and referenced in the assessment process ,noting that Auckland Transport does not always have oversight of relevant local factors that may inform an optimum outcome e.g. environmental or tourism priorities and projects that may affect or be affected by road use and function iv) support the allocation of funding to each treatment type on the basis that this will enable a range of issues to be addressed v) note and support the range of specific treatment options proposed, specifically: A) road widening B) safety improvements C) pavement strengthening D) surface improvements E) seal extension F) dust suppressant G) maintenance seal H) environment seal I) blended materials J) grading, active speed management and maintenance improvements vi) note that the unsealed road assessment process should prioritise roads that are or will cater to vulnerable users, including cyclists and pedestrians, e.g. roads leading to popular parks and beaches. |
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Approval for four new public road names at 24 & 36A Kingseat Road, Pukekohe |
Resolution number FR/2020/130 MOVED by Member A Cole, seconded by Member S Druyven: That the Franklin Local Board: a) approve the following names for the four new public roads within the ‘Patumahoe Hill’ development at 24 & 36A Kingseat Road, Pukekohe, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 (resource consent references BUN60076512 and SUB60229444): i) Public Road 1: Trevor McMiken Drive (alternative name) ii) Public Road 2: Membery Lane (applicant’s preferred name) iii) Public Road 3: Kerr Crescent (applicant’s preferred name) iv) Public Road 4: Syme Rise (assessed as most suitable name). |
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Approval for five new road names at 35 Opouatu Avenue, Glenbrook |
Resolution number FR/2020/131 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member L Soole: That the Franklin Local Board: a) approve the name Opouatu Avenue for the new extension (‘Road A’) to an existing public road at 35 Opouatu Avenue, Glenbrook, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 (resource consent reference BUN60351775 and SUB60351777) b) approve the following names for the new public roads at 35 Opouatu Avenue, Glenbrook, in accordance with section 319(1)(j) of the Local Government Act 1974 (resource consent references BUN60351775 and SUB60351777): i) Road 1: Orawahi Road (applicant preferred name) ii) Road 2: Omahuru Road (applicant preferred name) iii) Road 3: Papaka Avenue (applicant preferred name) iv) Road 4: Nola Avenue (applicant preferred name). |
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Auckland Council's performance report: Franklin Local Board for July to October |
Orrin Kapua Advisor, Faithe Smith LFA and Carol McKenzie-Rex Local Area Manager were in attendance to speak to this item.
Resolution number FR/2020/132 MOVED by Chairperson A Baker, seconded by Member L Gedge: That the Franklin Local Board: a) receive the performance report for July to October 2020. b) allocate an additional $2,500 toward the Movies in Halls project (work programme ID 606) from the Community Led Placemaking and Safety (work programme ID 594). |
Resolution number FR/2020/133 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames, seconded by Member L Soole: That the Franklin Local Board: c) approve $3000 to be allocated from the existing Māori Responsiveness budget line (work programme ID 593) for the board’s Tuia rangatahi mentoring programme, to support rangatahi travel arrangements to attend Tuia wānanga on marae at different locations throughout New Zealand. |
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Resolution number FR/2020/134 MOVED by Member L Soole, seconded by Deputy Chairperson A Fulljames: That the Franklin Local Board: a) receive the Franklin Local Board workshop records for 3, 10, 17 and 24 November 2020. |
16 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
10.24am The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.