Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum
Minutes of a meeting of the Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum held in the Whenuapai Village Hall, 41 Waimarie Road, Whenuapai, on Thursday, 3 December 2020 at 6.34pm
Chairperson |
Margaret Miles, QSM, JP |
Deputy Chairperson |
Lisa Whyte |
Members |
Anna Atkinson |
Uzra Casuri Balouch, JP |
Nicholas Mayne |
Member |
Brian Neeson, JP |
Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum 03 December 2020 |
The Chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed those present.
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number UHCF/2020/33 MOVED by Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Member N Mayne: That the Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Thursday, 5 November 2020, as true and correct. |
There were no leaves of absence.
There were no acknowledgements.
There were no petitions.
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A PowerPoint presentation was provided. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number UHCF/2020/34 MOVED by Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Member A Atkinson: That the Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum: a) receive the deputation from Mike Stanley and Stuart Wills, representing the Hobsonville Point Marine Sports Recreation Centre Charitable Trust, and thank them for their attendance and presentation. |
a 3 December 2020 Upper Harbour Local Board community forum: Item 8.1 Upper Harbour Regional Marine Centre update - presentation |
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Annette Mitchell was in attendance to discuss the Te Tupu Ngatahi plan and submissions process. A map was provided – a copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number UHCF/2020/35 MOVED by Member N Mayne, seconded by Member U Casuri Balouch: That the Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum: a) receive the public forum item from Annette Mitchell and thank her for her attendance. |
a 3 December 2020 Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum: Item 9.1 Annette Mitchell - Improving transport connections to Whenuapai map |
There was no extraordinary business.
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Resolution number UHCF/2020/36 MOVED by Member N Mayne, seconded by Member A Atkinson: That the Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum: a) provide the following feedback on the review of the decision-making policy: i) include any guidance or principles on how to interpret the allocation table within the same document rather than as a separate document ii) provide guidance in the policy for local board views to be sought on all decisions regardless of funding source as per the requirements of the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 iii) the policy should specify that the allocation of decision-making for a non-regulatory activity should be based on the nature of the activity, as per section 17 (2) of the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009, not on an asset ownership basis, for example: A) in the case of drainage reserves, strategic and policy decisions are appropriate to be allocated to the Governing Body for decision-making as such decisions have an impact that extends beyond the borders of one local board; however, decisions on implementation of works on such reserves that have a local impact should be allocated to local boards iv) include the principle that where possible, projects should be broken down into decisions that allow for maximum allocation of decisions to local board as per the principle of subsidiarity. b) support the Joint Governance Working Party continuous review of the allocations in order to provide advice and interpretation to council staff, local boards and the Governing Body. c) endorse the proposed approach to the long-term plan consultation. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY |
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Additional documents were provided. Copies have been placed on the official minutes and are available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number UHCF/2020/37 MOVED by Chairperson M Miles, seconded by Member U Casuri Balouch: That the Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum: a) approve local consultation document content (refer to Attachment A to the agenda report) and local supporting information content (refer to Attachment B to the agenda report) for inclusion in the 10-year Budget 2021-2031 consultation material. b) delegate authority to the local board chairperson to approve any changes required to finalise the local consultation document and supporting information content for the Upper Harbour Local Board for the 10-year Budget 2021-2031. c) note the change to the 10-year Budget 2021-2031 consultation period from 15 February and 15 March 2020 to 22 February to 22 March 2020. d) approve the following Have Your Say event in the local board area during the 10‑year Budget 2021-2031 consultation period: i) Hearing style Have Your Say event on Thursday 4 March 2020, 5.30pm – 6.30pm in Hobsonville Point. d) delegate authority to the local board chairperson to approve any changes required to the Have Your Say event. f) delegate to the following elected members and staff the power and responsibility to hear from the public through ‘spoken (or New Zealand sign language) interaction’ in relation to the local board agreement at the council’s public engagement events during the consultation period for the 10-year Budget 2021-2031: i) local board members and chairperson ii) General Manager Local Board Services, Local Area Manager, Local Board Senior Advisor, Local Board Advisor, Local Board Engagement Advisor iii) any additional staff approved by the General Manager Local Board Services or the Group Chief Financial Officer. g) provide the following feedback on the Mayoral proposal and potential regional consultation topics for the 10-year Budget 2021-2031: Asset recycling i) restate clause k) of the Upper Harbour Local Board resolution number UH/2020/66, through which the local board: A) do not support the potential sale of the Wasp Hangar building and land located within the Hobsonville Point precinct, as both the land and the facility have been identified by both the local board and council staff as fulfilling a service need (development of an indoor court facility) ii) restate clause e) of the Upper Harbour Local Board resolution number UH/2020/128, through which the local board: A) recognise that the 2016 proposal to sell the land identified within the Hobsonville Point precinct was for an integrated development for the entire precinct and that the board is of the view that the 2016 resolution number FIN2016/43 does not reflect the current service requirements for recreational facilities in this area iii) recommend that the Wasp Hangar building be recognised as an in-service council asset in light of the extensive council work previously completed that identified a significant gap in the network for indoor sports facilities iv) support the concept of asset recycling and the sale of council assets / holdings as a means of increasing revenue to fund council initiatives, but only if those assets proposed for recycling or divestment have been identified as not serving any current or future service requirement v) do not support the divestment or sale of park/reserve land, marinas or other open space that currently fulfils a service requirement, or any other land that has been identified as needed to respond to future growth / demand vi) support local board views and preferences being sought formally as part of any future decisions made regarding the recycling or sale of assets in the local board area, which will ensure community views are considered as part of the process Albany library services Locally driven initiatives capital funding viii) request reinstatement of the local board locally driven initiatives capital funding to levels comparable to those planned prior to the Emergency Budget to enable local boards to progress local shovel-ready priority projects not funded by renewals or growth budgets New Zealand Transport Agency compensation funding ix) seek the release of the New Zealand Transport Agency compensation funding in the first year of the Long-Term Plan 2021-2031 to fund the park improvement projects already underway and outlined in the Finance and Performance Committee decision (resolution number FIN/2019/77), in particular Caribbean Drive sports field and Scott Point Sustainable Sports Park Transport x) request reinstatement of the Local Board Transport Capital Fund and Community Safety Fund at levels comparable with those planned prior to the Emergency Budget h) reserve the right to provide further local board feedback on the proposal for the Long-term Plan 2021-2031, including the topics in clauses g) i – x above and other regional topics once submissions from the community have been received through the consultation process and have been considered by the local board. |
a 3 December 2020 Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum: Item 12 10-year Budget 2021-2031 consultation - Draft Long-term Plan budget for consultation b 3 December 2020 Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum: Item 12 10-year Budget 2021-2031 consultation - Budget Report: Budget update process and results c 3 December 2020 Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum: Item 12 10-year Budget 2021-2031 consultation - Budget Report: Risk-based prioritisation framework d 3 December 2020 Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum: Item 12 10-year Budget 2021-2031 consultation - Budget Report: Scenario modelling e 3 December 2020 Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum: Item 12 10-year Budget 2021-2031 consultation - Budget Report: Highly constrained scenario f 3 December 2020 Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum: Item 12 10-year Budget 2021-2031 consultation - Budget Report: Asset recycling g 3 December 2020 Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum: Item 12 10-year Budget 2021-2031 consultation - Lane 1: Climate action investment options h 3 December 2020 Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum: Item 12 10-year Budget 2021-2031 consultation - Lane 2: Housing and growth infrastructure i 3 December 2020 Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum: Item 12 10-year Budget 2021-2031 consultation - Lane 3: Community investments j 3 December 2020 Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum: Item 12 10-year Budget 2021-2031 consultation - Natural environment targeted rate proposal k 3 December 2020 Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum: Item 12 10-year Budget 2021-2031 consultation - Water quality targeted rate extension proposal l 3 December 2020 Upper Harbour Local Board Community Forum: Item 12 10-year Budget 2021-2031 consultation - 10-year Budget 2021-2031 Mayoral Proposal |
13 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
7.40pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.