Whau Local Board
Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Whau Local Board held in the Whau Local Board Office, 31 Totara Avenue, New Lynn on Wednesday, 2 December 2020 at 11.00am.
As required under the COVID-19 Response (Urgent Management Measures) Legislation Act 2020, either a recording of the meeting or a written summary will be published on the Auckland Council website.
Chairperson |
Kay Thomas |
Deputy Chairperson |
Susan Zhu |
Via Skype for Business |
Members |
Fasitua Amosa |
Via Skype for Business |
Catherine Farmer |
Warren Piper |
Jessica Rose |
Member |
Ulalemamae Te'eva Matafai |
Whau Local Board 02 December 2020 |
Chair K Thomas led the meeting in a karakia.
Resolution number WH/2020/149 MOVED by Chairperson K Thomas, seconded by Member J Rose:
That the Whau Local Board: a) accept the apology from Member T Matafai for absence.
There were no declarations of interest.
Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have.
Specifically, members are asked to identify any new interests they have not previously disclosed, an interest that might be considered as a conflict of interest with a matter on the agenda.
The following are declared interests of the Whau Local Board:
Member |
Organisation |
Kay Thomas
· New Lynn Citizens Advice Bureau · Friends of Arataki · Western Quilters · Citizens Advice Bureau Waitākere Board |
Volunteer Committee member Member
Chair |
Susan Zhu
· Chinese Oral History Foundation · The Chinese Garden Steering Committee of Auckland · Sport Waitākere |
Committee member Board Member
Member of Tu Manawa Active Aotearoa Advisory Group Panel |
Fasitua Amosa
· Equity NZ · Massive Theatre Company · Avondale Business Association |
Vice President Board member A family member is the Chair |
Catherine Farmer
· Avondale-Waterview Historical Society · Blockhouse Bay Historical Society · Portage Licensing Trust · Blockhouse Bay Bowls · Forest and Bird organisation · Grey Power |
Patron Member
Member |
Te’eva Matafai
· Pacific Events and Entertainment Trust · Miss Samoa NZ · Malu Measina Samoan Dance Group · Pasifika Festival Village Coordinators Trust ATEED · Aspire Events |
Director Director/Founder
Director |
Warren Piper
· New Lynn RSA · New Lynn Business Association |
Associate Member Member |
Jessica Rose
· Women in Urbanism-Aotearoa, Auckland Branch · Forest & Bird · Big Feels Club · Frocks on Bikes · Bike Auckland · Department of Conservation |
Committee member
Member Patron Former co-chair Former committee member Employee |
Member appointments
Board members are appointed to the following bodies. In these appointments the board members represent Auckland Council.
External organisation
Leads |
Alternate |
Aircraft Noise Community Consultative Group |
Warren Piper |
Catherine Farmer |
Avondale Business Association |
Kay Thomas |
Warren Piper |
Blockhouse Bay Business Association |
Warren Piper |
Fasitua Amosa |
New Lynn Business Association |
Susan Zhu |
Kay Thomas |
Rosebank Business Association |
Fasitua Amosa |
Warren Piper |
Whau Coastal Walkway Environmental Trust |
Fasitua Amosa |
Jessica Rose |
There were no leaves of absence.
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Resolution number WH/2020/150 MOVED by Chairperson K Thomas, seconded by Member C Farmer: That the Whau Local Board: a) approve local consultation document content (Attachment A) and local supporting information content (Attachment B) for inclusion in the 10-year Budget 2021-2031 consultation material. b) delegate authority to the local board Chair to approve any changes required to finalise the local consultation document and supporting information content for the Whau Local Board for the 10-year Budget 2021-2031. c) agree to hold one Have your Say event on Tuesday, 9 March 2021 at 6.30pm at the Bay Olympic Football Club and one drop-in event on Saturday, 27 February 2021 at 10am at Archibald Park. d) delegate authority to the local board Chair to approve any changes required to the Have Your Say event. e) delegate to the following elected members and staff the power and responsibility to hear from the public through “spoken (or New Zealand sign language) interaction” in relation to the local board agreement at the council’s public engagement events during the consultation period for the 10-year Budget 2021-2031: i) local board members and chairperson ii) General Manager Local Board Services, Local Area Manager, Local Board Senior Advisor, Local Board Advisor, Local Board Engagement Advisor iii) any additional staff approved by the General Manager Local Board Services or the Group Chief Financial Officer. f) welcome the opportunity to provide the following feedback on the Mayoral proposal (included in the Minutes Attachments) and potential regional consultation topics for the 10-year Budget 2021-2031. g) note the recommendation in Mayoral proposal for a one-off 5 per cent increase to general rates for the 2021/2022 financial year, and support public consultation on this proposal. h) reiterate its feedback as resolved in relation to the 2020/2021 Emergency budget regarding the financial levers available to Auckland Council, noting in particular: i) the local board supports increasing debt given low interest rates and Auckland Council’s currently high credit rating ii) the local board views capital expenditure deferrals as its second-most preferred lever iii) cuts to operational budgets are not preferred as a lever for the local board and only minimal reductions would be tolerated, noting that such cuts would have the most visible impact on communities and in particular the most vulnerable iv) sale of assets is the least preferred lever for the local board, noting significant concerns around privatisation and selling income-generating assets. i) support the extension of the Natural Environment Targeted rate and Water Quality Targeted rate, noting that both preventing the spread of Kauri Dieback Disease and improving water quality of the Whau River and Manukau Harbour are among the issues of highest concern to our communities. j) support the retention in the 2021-2031 Long-term Plan of the Whau Aquatic and Recreation Facility (the Whau Local Board’s One Local Initiative) and note that there are relatively few community assets and no under-performing assets in the Whau Local Board area which could be sold or optimized to offset the cost of this project. k) support the climate change component of the Mayoral proposal, noting that significant investment to accelerate action against climate change has been identified as a key issue for our communities. l) support water strategy reform, as this is becoming an increasingly urgent issue in the face of both climate change and population growth and intensification, noting in particular: i) support for the recommended option for investment in Healthy Waters that would see continuation of the status quo for investment levels, noting the lack of available funding for new capital projects, but enabling new / growth projects from 2025 and support to Kāinga Ora areas provided that Kāinga Ora are willing to contribute to community outcomes to support growth and intensification ii) support the WaterCare Board recommended investment scenario if feasible, noting that it is not yet clear how this will be funded, as this is the best option for growth readiness, certainty of supply and clean beaches and waterways. m) express significant concern around the proposals set out in respect of community investment and support the alternative option for significant additional investment to keep the asset portfolio the same size and keep service levels the same, noting: i) the board’s view as stated above that cutting operational expenditure, including local community services and the maintenance, operations and renewals of our community assets, will have the most significant and most visible impact on those who are the most vulnerable. ii) the Whau Local Board area has relatively few community assets and relatively high levels of deprivation, and it would be devastating for our communities if assets were lost, or services reduced or fundamentally changed, particularly in the context of COVID-19 and its economic and social impacts. iii) the local board sees the retention of a permanent, fixed physical presence for our community services (including local board offices) as critical to maintain a high level of service and retain the trust and confidence of the community iv) Auckland has an aging population and the local board supports reducing barriers to participation for our older residents and for those with disabilities, and is concerned that possible changes associated with this proposal, which might include replacing asset-based services with “pop- up” or online/technology-based initiatives will have the opposite effect. n) note the recommendations around Panuku’s funding model and support a more focused role for Panuku with a shift away from asset disposals in favour of rates and debt funding, noting in particular its concern around the lack of progress in implementing the New Lynn Urban Plan, the Crown Lynn development and the Merchant Quarter and requesting that staff investigate the options around delivery of a New Lynn multi-storey park-and-ride, including whether Panuku could consider this as an optimisation activity. o) support increased investment in Māori outcomes and note that Auckland Council will not be able to deliver on its stated commitments to Māori without significant investment.
a 2 December 2020, Whau Local Board: Item 10 - 10-year Budget 2021-2031 consultation - Mayoral Proposal |
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Resolution number WH/2020/151 MOVED by Chairperson K Thomas, seconded by Member J Rose: That the Whau Local Board: a) endorse the proposed approach to the long-term plan consultation. b) welcome the opportunity to give the following feedback on the allocations and delegations in the decision-making policy. c) request that any changes to the decision-making policy be integrated with the implementation of findings of the Governance Framework Review, noting in particular: i) that an equity funding model for local boards that acknowledges deprivation be implemented as soon as possible in the Long-term Plan ii) that a regional network planning focus on assets will negatively impact local board areas with few assets because of the legacy nature of such assets and would reinforce current discrepancies and that multi-board funding would have a similar impact, although on a smaller scale iii) that strong feedback has been received from our creative sector noting that the local vs regional split does not work for the arts, which is by nature sub-regional or multi-board focused, though also noting the need for a cautious approach to ensure that any Multi-board funding occurs only in consideration of accurate data on how many people from each local board area use an asset / facility iv) that the movement of projects from the Joint Governance Working Party to the Council Controlled Organisations Review because of overlap could result in these projects receiving less consideration. d) request further clarity on those responsibilities delegated by the Governing Body to Council-controlled organisations to ensure that the public understands who is responsible for what, and that expectations around communication and accountability of CCOs to local boards are met. e) request that a simple process for disputes resolutions around delegations and allocations be developed and clearly communicated to local boards. f) note that Auckland Council’s commitments to Māori under Te Tiriti o Waitangi are not visible in these allocations and support further consideration being given to how Māori (whether via the Independent Māori Statutory Board or through formal relationships with mana whenua entities) can be involved in Auckland Council’s decision-making. g) support consideration of increased delegations to local boards around the development of area plans, noting in particular the Whau Local Board’s concern to see more spatial planning in the Avondale area to ensure that intense growth currently underway achieves good community outcomes and that essential infrastructure, community assets, accessible green space, canopy cover, and the need to mitigate against the impacts of climate change and reduce carbon emissions are given adequate consideration. h) support consideration of increased support and empowerment for local boards around local economic development, noting that this has always been a high priority for local boards but that organizational support and resourcing has been lacking in this area for a long time and that now in the context of COVID-19 recovery this has become critical. |
11.39am The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.