Kōmiti Aromātai Whakahaere Kaupapa Kei Raro I Te Maru O te Kaunihera / Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee
Minutes of a meeting of the Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee held in the Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland on Tuesday, 23 February 2021 at 2.00pm.
Chairperson |
Deputy Mayor Cr Bill Cashmore |
Deputy Chairperson |
Cr Angela Dalton |
Members |
Cr Josephine Bartley |
Cr Dr Cathy Casey |
Cr Fa’anana Efeso Collins |
via electronic link |
Cr Pippa Coom |
Cr Linda Cooper, JP |
Cr Chris Darby |
via electronic link, Until 3.02pm, Item 10 |
Cr Alf Filipaina |
Mayor Hon Phil Goff, CNZM, JP |
IMSB Member Hon Tau Henare |
Cr Shane Henderson |
Cr Richard Hills |
Cr Tracy Mulholland |
Cr Daniel Newman, JP |
Cr Greg Sayers |
via electronic link, From 2.03pm, Item 3 |
Cr Desley Simpson, JP |
Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM |
IMSB Chair David Taipari |
Cr Wayne Walker |
From 2.32pm, Item 10 |
Cr John Watson |
via electronic link |
Cr Paul Young |
Cr Christine Fletcher |
Cath Handley, Chair |
Waiheke Local Board via electronic link |
Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee 23 February 2021 |
Resolution number CCO/2021/1 MOVED by Deputy Mayor BC Cashmore, seconded by Cr A Filipaina: That the Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee: a) accept the apologies from Cr C Fletcher for absence on council business, Cr R Hills for early departure on council business, and Cr E Collins, Cr T Mulholland for early departure. |
Electronic Attendance |
Resolution number CCO/2021/2 MOVED by Deputy Mayor BC Cashmore, seconded by Cr P Coom: That the Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee: a) approve the electronic attendance of: · Cr E Collins · Cr C Darby · Cr G Sayers · Cr J Watson |
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number CCO/2021/3 MOVED by Cr C Casey, seconded by Cr D Simpson: That the Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 8 December 2020, as a true and correct record. |
There were no petitions.
There was no public input.
There was no local board input.
There was no extraordinary business.
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Summary of Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee information memoranda and briefings (including the forward work programme) - 23 February 2021 |
Cr G Sayers joined the meeting at 2.10pm. |
Resolution number CCO/2021/4 MOVED by Deputy Mayor BC Cashmore, seconded by Cr A Dalton: That the Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee: a) note the progress on the forward work programme appended as Attachment A of the agenda report b) receive the Summary of Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee information memoranda and briefings – 23 February 2021. |
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Extension of Te Puru Community Charitable Trust Organisation Exemption |
Resolution number CCO/2021/5 MOVED by Cr T Mulholland, seconded by Cr S Stewart: That the Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee: a) approve an exemption from council-controlled organisation requirements for Te Puru Community Charitable Trust until 2024. |
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Note: changes to the original recommendation, adding new clause b), were made with the agreement of the meeting. |
Cr W
Walker joined the meeting at 2.32pm. |
Resolution number CCO/2021/6 MOVED by IMSB Chair D Taipari, seconded by Cr D Simpson: That the Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee: a) receive the update on the implementation programme for the Council-controlled Organisations Review b) agree that the Council-controlled Organisations Review implementation programme lead engagement with the Independent Māori Statutory Board Chief Executive to discuss the work programme’s approach to implementing approved recommendations numbers 35 to 40. |
11 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
3.15pm The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.
CONFIRMED AS A TRUE AND CORRECT RECORD AT A MEETING OF THE Council Controlled Organisation Oversight Committee HELD ON