Kōmiti Ārai Tūmatanui me Te Toko Raru Ohorere /Civil Defence and Emergency Management Committee
Minutes of a meeting of the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Committee held on Tuesday, 23 February 2021 at 10.00am via electronic link. A copy of the recording is available on the Auckland Council website at https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/about-auckland-council/how-auckland-council-works/meetings-council-bodies/Pages/webcasts-council-meetings.aspx
Chairperson |
Cr Sharon Stewart, QSM |
Deputy Chairperson |
Cr Wayne Walker |
Members |
Cr Fa’anana Efeso Collins |
Cr Tracy Mulholland |
From 10.01am, Item 5 |
Cr John Watson |
IMSB Member |
Glenn Wilcox |
Ex-officio |
Mayor Hon Phil Goff, CNZM, JP |
Deputy Mayor Cr Bill Cashmore |
Antonia Butler |
Fire Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) |
John Cavanagh |
Ministry of Social Development |
Shameema Malik |
Ministry of Social Development |
Geoff Purcell |
Fire Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) |
Jane Rollin |
National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) |
Michael Quinn |
Auckland Regional Leadership Group |
Civil Defence and Emergency Management Committee 23 February 2021 |
1 Apologies
Resolution number CIV/2021/18 MOVED by Chairperson S Stewart, seconded by Deputy Chairperson W Walker: That the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Committee: a) accept the apology from Mayor P Goff for absence on council business. .CARRIED |
There were no declarations of interest.
Resolution number CIV/2021/19 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson W Walker, seconded by Chairperson S Stewart: That the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Committee: a) confirm the ordinary minutes of its meeting, held on Tuesday, 10 November 2020, as a true and correct record. |
There were no petitions.
There was no public input.
Cr T Mulholland entered the meeting 10.01am.
There was no local board input.
There was no extraordinary business.
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Angela Doherty, Principal Science Advisor, was in attendance. |
Resolution number CIV/2021/20 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson W Walker, seconded by Cr J Watson: That the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Committee: a) receive the report on the status of the Tsunami Work Programme. b) approve the revisions to the Tsunami Work Programme. |
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Greg Morgan, Group Welfare Manager provided a presentation. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number CIV/2021/21 MOVED by Chairperson S Stewart, seconded by Cr E Collins: That the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Committee: a) receive the report on the priorities of the National Disaster Resilience Strategy b) note the whole-of-community focus of the strategy c) endorse the incorporation of the vision, goals and priorities of the National Disaster Resilience Strategy outcome into the review of the Auckland CDEM Group Plan. |
a 23 February 2021, Civil Defence and Emergency Management Committee, Item 9 - Alignment with the National Disaster Resilience Strategy, presentation |
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Greg Morgan, Group Welfare Manager was in attendance. |
Resolution number CIV/2021/22 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson W Walker, seconded by Chairperson S Stewart: That the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Committee: a) receive this report on forward work programmes and engagement with Māori b) agree to the approach suggested to lift engagement with Māori over the 4R’s of emergency management and disaster resilience. |
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Wayne Brown - Principal Recovery Advisor was in attendance. |
Resolution number CIV/2021/23 MOVED by Cr E Collins, seconded by Cr J Watson: That the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Committee: a) approves the development of the recovery work programme for 2021-22 in preparation for, and the management of, recovery in Auckland under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 which: i) provides a framework for effective recovery that is practicable, deliverable, mandated and supported ii) informs the review of the Auckland Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan and Auckland Emergency Management’s outputs iii) is based on engagement, through the review of the Auckland Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Plan where possible with A) local boards B) mana whenua and mataawaka C) Pasifika, seniors, rainbow and disabled communities D) partner agencies and stakeholders E) business units across Auckland Council Group F) demographic advisory panels. |
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Greg Morgan, Group Welfare Manager was in attendance. |
Resolution number CIV/2021/24 MOVED by Cr T Mulholland, seconded by Cr E Collins: That the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Committee: a) receive the verbal update on the CEG priorities for action workshop. |
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Kate Crawford, General Manager, Auckland Emergency Management provided a presentation. A copy has been placed on the official minutes and is available on the Auckland Council website as a minutes attachment. |
Resolution number CIV/2021/25 MOVED by Deputy Chairperson W Walker, seconded by Cr J Watson: That the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Committee: a) receive the Auckland Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Manager’s update. |
a 23 February 2021, Civil Defence and Emergency Management Committee, Item 13 - Auckland CDEM Group Manager Update, presentation |
14 Consideration of Extraordinary Items
There was no consideration of extraordinary items.
11.07 am The Chairperson thanked Members for their attendance and attention to business and declared the meeting closed.